Esempio n. 1
	static function translate($locale_code, $module_name, $key, $replace = null, $do_translation = true) {

// ob_clean();
// can be useful for debugging since using dd() will dump out into the existing markup and be hard to see
// but this clears out all the other markup so the debug data can be seen clearly

		$translation = $key;
		if ($do_translation) {
			if (RivetyCore_Registry::get('enable_localization') == '1'
			 && !is_null($module_name) && trim($module_name) != ""
			 && !is_null($key) && trim($key) != "") {
				$locale_code = RivetyCore_Translate::cleanZendLocaleCode($locale_code);

				// TODO: account for core rivety module
				$path_to_csv = RivetyCore_Registry::get('basepath')."/modules/".$module_name."/languages/".$locale_code.".csv";

				if (file_exists($path_to_csv)) {
					try {
						$translate = new Zend_Translate("csv", $path_to_csv, $locale_code, array('delimiter' => ","));
						$translation = $translate->_($key);
						// this next bit will populate the locale file with untranslated terms
						// so it's easier for someone to go through and translate them
						if (RivetyCore_Registry::get('auto_populate_language_files') == '1') {
							if (!$translate->isTranslated($key, true, $locale_code)) {
								$key_no_quotes = str_replace('"', '"', $key);
								$str = '"'.$key_no_quotes.'","'.$key_no_quotes.'"'."\n";
								file_put_contents($path_to_csv, $str, FILE_APPEND);
					} catch (Exception $e) {
						$translation = $key;
				} else {
					// create the file
					file_put_contents($path_to_csv, $key.','.$key);
		$output = "";
		if (is_null($replace)) {
			// no replace, no sprintf
			$output = $translation;
		} else {
			if (is_array($replace)) {
				if (count($replace) > 1) {
					// there are multiple indices, use vsprintf
					$output = vsprintf($translation, $replace);
				} else {
					// there's only one index, use the cheaper sprintf instead
					$output = sprintf($translation, $replace[0]);
			} else {
				// $replace is not an array, so try using it straight
				$output = sprintf($translation, $replace);
		return $output;
Esempio n. 2
	public function stripssl($out_url, array $params = null) {
		if (stripos($out_url, "/") === 0) {
			if ($params) {
				$out_url = $this->filter($out_url,$params);
			$out_url = str_replace('https://', 'http://', RivetyCore_Registry::get('site_url').$out_url);
		} else {
			// TODO - add other cases, such as absolute and relative URLs
		return $out_url;
Esempio n. 3
function smarty_block_t($params, $content, $smarty, $repeat) {
	$tpl_vars = $smarty->_tpl_vars;
    // only output on the closing tag
    if (!$repeat) {
        if (isset($content)) {
			$do_translation = true;
			if ($smarty->_tpl_vars['isAdminController'] && RivetyCore_Registry::get('enable_admin_localization') == '0') {
				$do_translation = false;
			if ($params['replace']) {
				return RivetyCore_Translate::translate($tpl_vars['locale_code'], "default", $content, $params['replace'], $do_translation);
			} else {
				return RivetyCore_Translate::translate($tpl_vars['locale_code'], "default", $content, null, $do_translation);
Esempio n. 4
	function extract($source) {
		// TODO - should remove this default value
		$rivety_id = RivetyCore_Registry::get('yahoo_api_rivety_id');
		$curl_handle = curl_init();
		$keywords = null;
		$all_keywords = null;
		$filter = new RivetyCore_FilterTags();
		$noisewords = RivetyCore_NoiseWords::getAll();
		$url = "";
		curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
		curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 2);
		curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
		curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "appid=".$rivety_id."&output=php&context=".urlencode($source));
		$buffer = curl_exec($curl_handle);
		$results= unserialize($buffer);
		if (is_array($results['ResultSet'])) {
			if (!is_array($results['ResultSet']['Result'])) {
				$all_keywords = array($results['ResultSet']['Result']);
			} else {
				$all_keywords = $results['ResultSet']['Result'];
		$keywords = array();
		if (is_array($all_keywords)) {
			foreach ($all_keywords as $keyword) {
				// this is probably overkill, but in case I ever need to check for other things, I'm okay.
				$errors = 0;
				if (in_array($keyword, $noisewords)) {
				if ($errors == 0) {
					$keywords[] = $filter->filter($keyword);
		return $keywords;
Esempio n. 5
	function indexAction()
		$params = array(
			'locale_code' => $this->locale_code,
			'request' => $this->getRequest(),
		if ($this->_auth->hasIdentity()) {
			$params['is_admin'] = $this->_identity->isAdmin;
		} else {
			$params['is_admin'] = false;
		$additional = $this->_rivety_plugin->doFilter($this->_mca, $params); // FILTER HOOK
		foreach($additional as $key => $value) {
			$this->view->$key = $value;

		// $this->view->welcome = $this->_T("Welcome!");
		// TODO - find out if there is a valid cookie
		// then redirect to that locale
		// or redirect to the default locale
		// ONLY if localization is enabled

		// if localization is enabled and the URI does not contain a locale code
		// and there is not a valid locale cookie
		// redirect to a URI that contains the default locale code
		if (RivetyCore_Registry::get('enable_localization') == '1') {
			$locales_table = new Locales();
			$locale_codes = $locales_table->getLocaleCodes(true);
			$uri_parts = explode("/", trim($this->_uri, "/"));
			if (count($uri_parts) > 0 && !in_array($uri_parts[0], $locale_codes)) {
				// redirect method will automatically add the correct locale code to the URI

// $nav_items
Esempio n. 6
	function init()
		$this->view->isAdminController = true;

		$template_path = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['path'] . "/tpl_controllers/" . $this->getRequest()->getModuleName();


		$this->view->base_path = substr($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'], "/"));

		$this->view->admin_theme_path                     = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['path'];
		$this->view->admin_theme_url                      = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['url'];
		$this->view->admin_theme_global_path              = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['path']."/tpl_common";
		$this->view->admin_theme_controller_path          = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['path'].'/tpl_controllers/'.$this->getRequest()->getControllerName();
		$this->view->admin_theme_module_path              = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['path'].'/tpl_controllers';

		$this->view->default_admin_theme_path             = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['default_theme']['path'];
		$this->view->default_admin_theme_url              = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['default_theme']['url'];
		$this->view->default_admin_theme_global_path      = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['default_theme']['path']."/tpl_common";
		$this->view->default_admin_theme_controller_path  = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['default_theme']['path'].'/tpl_controllers/'.$this->getRequest()->getControllerName();
		$this->view->default_admin_theme_module_path      = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['default_theme']['path'].'/tpl_controllers';

		$request = $this->getRequest();

		if ($request->has('dev') && $request->dev == true) $this->view->isDeveloper = true;

		$this->view->current_path = $this->_theme_locations['admin']['current_theme']['path'] . "/tpl_controllers/" . $this->getRequest()->getControllerName();

		$roles_table = new Roles();
		$locale_table = new Locales();

		if ($this->_identity->isAdmin)
			$bypass = array();
			$globalRoles = explode(",", RivetyCore_Registry::get('global_role_shortnames'));
			$inherited_roles = array();
			foreach ($this->my_roles as $role => $value) {
				$ids = $roles_table->getAllAncestors($value['id']);
				$inherited_roles = array_merge($inherited_roles, $ids, array($value['id']));
				$all_shortnames = array(array("id" => $value['id'], "shortname" => $value['shortname']));
				foreach ($ids as $bp) {
					$all_shortnames[] = array("id" => $bp, "shortname" => $roles_table->getShortnameById($bp));

				$all_locales = $locale_table->getLocaleCodesArray(true);

				foreach ($all_shortnames as $sn) {
					if (array_key_exists(strtolower(substr($sn['shortname'], -5)),$all_locales) && strtolower(substr($sn['shortname'], -5)) == strtolower($this->locale_code)) {
						$bypass[] = $sn['id']; // if current locale, get other locale restricted roles for that locale for navigation
					if (strtolower(substr($sn['shortname'], -6)) == "global" || in_array($sn['shortname'],$globalRoles) || in_array($sn['id'],$globalRoles)) {
						$bypass[] = $sn['id'];

			$inherited_roles = array_unique($inherited_roles);
			$this->view->all_roles = array_unique($inherited_roles);
			$bypass = array_unique($bypass);
			$this->view->bypass = $bypass;
			if (@RivetyCore_ResourceCheck::isAllowed("locale_specific_admin_role", "default", $this->_identity->username)) {

			// This variable is set in $this->_bumpRegionalAccess()
			if (isset($this->restricted_role_id) && count($this->restricted_role_id) > 0) {
				$restr = array();
				foreach ($this->restricted_role_id as $role ) {
					$restr[] = $role['id'];
				$tmp_ids = array_unique($restr);
				$nav_parent_role_ids = array();
				foreach($tmp_ids as $nav_role){
					$nav_parent_role_ids = array_merge($nav_parent_role_ids, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($nav_role));
				$nav_role_ids = array_merge($nav_parent_role_ids, $tmp_ids, $bypass);
				$unique_ids = array_unique($nav_role_ids);

				$nav_table = new Navigation($unique_ids, $this->locale_code);

				$cache = new RivetyCore_Cache();
				$cache_name = 'navigation_admin_'.$this->locale_code.'-'.md5(implode($unique_ids,"-"));	// MD5 The Unique IDs to shorten the cache name
				$cache_tags = array('navigation', 'admin_navigation', $this->locale_code);

				$nav_items_temp = $cache->load($cache_name);
				if ($nav_items_temp === false || !isset($nav_items_temp)) {
					$nav_items_temp = array();
					foreach ($unique_ids as $nav_role_id) {
						$nav_items_temp = array_merge($nav_items_temp, $nav_table->getNavTree($nav_role_id));
					$cache->save($nav_items_temp, $cache_name, $cache_tags);

				$navparams = array('nav_items' => $nav_items_temp, 'request' => $this->_request, 'locale_code' => $this->locale_code);
				$navparams = $this->_rivety_plugin->doFilter('controller_nav', $navparams); // FILTER HOOK
				$this->view->nav_items = $navparams['nav_items'];
				$this->view->access = $this->restricted_role_id;
			} else {
				$access = array();
				$roles = $inherited_roles;
				foreach ($roles as $role) {
					$in = $this->_checkMatch($role);
					if (count($in) > 0) {
						foreach ($in as $i) {
							$access[] = array("id"=>$i,"shortname"=>$roles_table->getShortnameById($i));
				$this->view->access = $access;



Esempio n. 7
		$front->registerPlugin(new AclPlugin);
		$params = array('front_controller' => $front);
		$RivetyCore_plugin->doAction('bootstrap', $params); // ACTION HOOK
		$front->registerPlugin(new InstallPlugin);

	$router = new Zend_Controller_Router_Rewrite();

	if ($isInstalled)
		if (RivetyCore_Registry::get('enable_localization') == '1')
			$router->addRoute('default', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(":locale/:module/:controller/:action/*", array('locale' => '', 'module' => "default", 'controller' => "index", 'action' => "index",)));
			$router->addRoute('default', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route(":module/:controller/:action/*", array('module' => "default", 'controller' => "index", 'action' => "index",)));
		if (file_exists($routes_file))
			$routes = new Zend_Config_Ini($routes_file, 'default');
			$router->addConfig($routes, 'routes');
		$RivetyCore_plugin->doAction('bootstrap_routes', array('router' => $router)); // ACTION HOOK
Esempio n. 8
	protected function _checkConfirmationUrl($email, $code)
		$salt = RivetyCore_Registry::get('salt');
		$test = $email . $salt;
		return (md5($test) == $code);
Esempio n. 9
	function setcookieAction() {
		// TODO maybe? - prevent people from viewing this page if localization is not enabled
		$request = new RivetyCore_Request($this->getRequest());
		if ($request->has("code") && $request->code != "") {
			$locale_code = $request->code;
			$time = RivetyCore_Registry::get('locale_cache_lifetime');
			if (RivetyCore_Translate::validateLocaleCode($locale_code)) {
				setcookie("locale_code", $locale_code, time() + $time , "/");
				if ($request->has("return_url")) {
					$url_filter = new RivetyCore_Url_Filter();
					header("Location: ".$url_filter->filter($request->return_url, array('locale_code' => $locale_code)));
				} else {
					header("Location: /".$locale_code);
		} else {
Esempio n. 10
	function sendEmail($subject, $to_address, $template, $params = null, $to_name = null, $isHtml = false) {
		$useAuth = RivetyCore_Registry::get('smtp_use_auth');

		if (array_key_exists('from_email', $params)) {
			$site_from_email = $params['from_email'];
		} else {
			$site_from_email = RivetyCore_Registry::get('site_from_email');

		// TODO - shouldn't this be from_name instead of from_email ?
		if (array_key_exists('from_name', $params)) {
			$site_from = $params['from_name'];
		} else {
			$site_from = RivetyCore_Registry::get('site_from');

		$smtp = RivetyCore_Registry::get('smtp_server');
		$username = RivetyCore_Registry::get('smtp_username');
		$password = RivetyCore_Registry::get('smtp_password');
		$ssl = RivetyCore_Registry::get('smtp_ssl_type');  //tls
		$smtp_port = RivetyCore_Registry::get('smtp_port');

		$config = array();
		if ($useAuth == 1) {
			$config = array(
				'auth' => 'login',
          		'username' => $username,
          		'password' => $password,
				'ssl' => $ssl,
				'port' => (int)$smtp_port);
		try {
          	$mailTransport = new Zend_Mail_Transport_Smtp($smtp, $config); // defines gmail smtp infrastructure as default for any email message originated by Zend_Mail.
			$mail = new Zend_Mail();
			foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
				$this->_smarty->assign($key, $value);
			$message = $this->_smarty->fetch($template);

			if ($isHtml) {
			} else {

			$mail->setFrom($site_from_email, $site_from);
			if (!is_null($to_name) && trim($to_name) != '') {
				$mail->addTo($to_address, $to_name);
			} else {
			$id_part = substr($site_from_email, strpos('@', $site_from_email));
			$message_id = md5(uniqid()).$id_part;
			//$mail->addHeader('Message-Id', $message_id);


		} catch (Exception $e) {
			RivetyCore_Log::report('email: could not send', $e, Zend_Log::ERR);
Esempio n. 11
	function testdataAction()
		$request = new RivetyCore_Request($this->getRequest());

		if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
			$errors = array();
			$data_path = $request->data_path;
			$data_file = $data_path . "/users.dat";

			$image_dir = $data_path . "/images";
			$users_table = new Users();
			$users_roles_table = new UsersRoles();

				$email_domain = $request->email_domain;
			} else {
				$email_domain = "";

			if (!file_exists($data_file)) {
				$errors[] = $this->_T("Data file missing. Check path.");
			} else {
				$users = unserialize(file_get_contents($data_file));
				if (!is_array($users)) {
					$errors[] = $this->_T("Data file is corrupt or something.");

			if (count($errors) == 0) {

				$old_users = $users_table->fetchAll();

				// foreach ($old_users as $old_user) {
				// 	if ($users_table->getMetaData($old_user->username, "is_test_user") == "true") {
				// 		$where = $users_table->getAdapter()->quoteInto("username = ?", $old_user->username);
				// 		$users_table->delete($where);
				// 		$users_roles_table->delete($where);
				// 	}
				// }

				$count = 0;
				foreach ($users as $user) {
					$tmp_user = array();
					foreach ($user as $key => $value) {
						$tmp_user[$key] = $value;
						// if ($key != "avatar") {
						// }

					$tmp_user['email'] = strtolower($tmp_user['username'] . "@" . $email_domain);
					$tmp_user['password'] = "******";

					// $destination_path = $users_table->getAvatarPath($user['username']);
					// $destination_filename = $users_table->getAvatarPath($user['username'], true);
					// if (!is_dir($destination_path)) {
					// 	mkdir($destination_path, 0777, true);
					// }
					// if (file_exists($destination_filename)) {
					// 	unlink($destination_filename);
					// }
					// $source_image = $image_dir."/".$user['avatar'];
					// copy($source_image, $destination_filename);

					$role_data = array("username" => $tmp_user['username'],"role_id" => $tmp_user['role_id']);
					// $users_table->setMetaData($tmp_user['username'], "is_test_user", "true");
					$save_users[] = $user;
				$this->view->success = "User data loaded. Created ".$count." users.";
				RivetyCore_Registry::set('test_data_path', $request->data_path);
				$this->view->data_path = RivetyCore_Registry::get('test_data_path');
				$this->view->email_domain = $email_domain;
			} else {
				$this->view->errors = $errors;
				$this->view->data_path = Zend_Registry::get('basepath')."/tmp/testdata";
				$this->view->email_domain = $request->email_domain;
		} else {
			$this->view->data_path = Zend_Registry::get('basepath')."/tmp/testdata";
			$this->view->email_domain = "";
			$this->view->notice = $this->_T("Warning: If you are reinstalling the test data, the old test data will be overwritten. Users created outside the test data should not be affected.");
Esempio n. 12
	public function preDispatch(Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract $request)
		$frontController = Zend_Controller_Front :: getInstance();
		$auth = Zend_Auth :: getInstance();
		$roles_table = new Roles();

		$appNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('RivetyCore_Temp');

		if (Zend_Registry :: isRegistered('acl'))
			$acl = Zend_Registry :: get('acl');
			$acl = new RivetyCore_Acl($auth);
			Zend_Registry::set('acl', $acl);

		// determine role
		if ($auth->hasIdentity())
			$user = Zend_Auth :: getInstance()->getIdentity();
			$users_roles_table = new UsersRoles();
			$users_roles_db = $users_roles_table->fetchAll($users_roles_table->select()->where("username = ?", $user->username));
			$user_roles = array();
			if (count($users_roles_db) > 0)
				foreach ($users_roles_db as $role)
					$user_roles[] = $role->role_id;
					$user_roles = array_merge($user_roles, $roles_table->getAllAncestors($role->role_id));
			$user_roles = array_unique($user_roles);
			$user_is_guest = false;
            $defaultNamespace = new Zend_Session_Namespace('Zend_Auth');

			$user_roles = array($roles_table->getIdByShortname("guest"));
			$user_is_guest = true;

		$requested = $request->getModuleName() . "-" . ucfirst(strtolower($request->getControllerName())) . "-" . $request->getActionName();
		$url = $frontController->getBaseUrl() . "/";

		if (!$acl->has($requested))
			// this doesn't exist, throw to 404
			$isAllowed = array();
			foreach ($user_roles as $user_role)
				$isAllowed[$user_role] = $acl->isAllowed($user_role, $requested);

				// if ($acl->isAllowed($user_role, $requested))
				// {
				// 	$isAllowed[$user_role] = true;
				// }
				// else
				// {
				// 	$isAllowed[$user_role] = false;
				// }
			if (!in_array(true, $isAllowed))
				if ($user_is_guest)
					$url .= $request->getModuleName() . "/";
					$url .= $request->getControllerName() . "/";
					$url .= $request->getActionName() . "/";

					$params = $request->getParams();

					while ($param = current($params))
				    	if (key($params) != "module" && key($params) != "controller" && key($params) != "action") $url .= key($params) . '/' . $param . "/";
					if (substr($url,strlen($url) - 1, 1) == "/")
						$url = substr($url, 0, strlen($url) - 1);

					// place requested url in the session, unless this is the login controller

					if ($request->getControllerName() != "auth")
						$request->setParam('ourl', base64_encode($url));
						// $appNamespace->requestedUrl = $url;

					$blockedActions = RivetyCore_Registry::get('disable_login_redirect');
					if (!empty($blockedActions)) $blockedActions = explode(',', $blockedActions);
					$mca = $request->getModuleName() . "_" . $request->getControllerName() . "_" . $request->getActionName();
					if (is_array($blockedActions) && in_array($mca, $blockedActions))
						// forward to the 401 Unauthorized page
						// forward to the login script
					$admin = "default-Admin-index";
					$isAdmin = array();
					foreach($user_roles as $user_role)
						$isAdmin[$user_role] = $acl->isAllowed($user_role, $admin);

						// if ($acl->isAllowed($user_role, $admin))
						// {
						// 	$isAdmin[$user_role] = true;
						// }
						// else
						// {
						// 	$isAdmin[$user_role] = false;
						// }
					if (!in_array(true, $isAdmin))
Esempio n. 13
	public function write($id, $value) {
		$sessions_table = new Sessions();
		$lifetime = (int)RivetyCore_Registry::get('session_timeout');
		$expiration = time() + $lifetime;
		$data = array(
			'id' => $id,
			'value' => $value,
			'expiration' => $expiration,
		$where = $sessions_table->getAdapter()->quoteInto('id = ?', $id);
		if($sessions_table->getCountByWhereClause($where) > 0){
			$sessions_table->update($data, $where);
			RivetyCore_Log::info("Session handler: updated session " .$id);
		} else {			
			$id = $sessions_table->insert($data);
			RivetyCore_Log::info("Session handler: updating session " .$id);
Esempio n. 14
	public function listAction()
		$request = new RivetyCore_Request($this->getRequest());
		$base_path = RivetyCore_Registry::get('upload_path') . "/rivetycommon";
		if (!$request->has("folder") || empty($request->folder)) die("error - folder is empty or doesn't exist");
		$photos = array();
		$dir = new DirectoryIterator($base_path . "/" . $request->folder);
		foreach ($dir as $file_info)
			$extension = pathinfo($file_info, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
			if (!$file_info->isDir() && !$file_info->isDot() && in_array(strtolower($extension), $this->_allowed_extensions))
				$photos[] = $file_info->__toString();
		$photos = array_values($photos);
		if ($this->format == 'json') die(Zend_Json::encode($photos));
Esempio n. 15
	function loginredirectAction()
		if ($this->_identity->isAdmin) $this->_redirect(RivetyCore_Registry::get('login_redirect_admins'));
		else                           $this->_redirect(RivetyCore_Registry::get('login_redirect_non_admins'));