$params['sender_address'] = array('first_name' => $line[5], 'last_name' => $line[6], 'post_code' => $line[7], 'town' => $line[8], 'street' => $line[9]); } if ($num >= 11) { $params['sender_address']['company_name'] = $line[10]; } if ($num >= 12) { $params['sender_address']['building_number'] = $line[11]; } if ($num == 13) { $params['sender_address']['flat_number'] = $line[12]; } //echo print_r($params) . '<br>'; $ret = new RestApi($params); $info_arr = $ret->getInfo(); if ($info_arr['http_code'] != 201) { $err = $ret->getResponse(); $message[] = "Parcel Create failed for line {$row} <br>Error Code: " . $info_arr["http_code"] . " " . $err; $error_rows++; $row++; continue; } $response = json_decode($ret->getResponse()); $parcel_id = $response->id; // Add the parcel to the log table. $params['parcel_id'] = $parcel_id; add_parcel($params, $num); $processed_rows++; $row++; } fclose($file); // Set up the message to tell the user various statistics.
function print_many_labels(&$params, &$parcels, $username) { require "config.php"; $return = array(); $zipname = "test_" . $username . '_' . session_id() . ".zip"; $zip = new ZipArchive(); $res = $zip->open($zipname, ZipArchive::CREATE); if ($res === TRUE) { $timestamp = date('dmy_His', time()); foreach ($parcels as $key => $parcel) { $params['url'] = $base_url . 'reverselogistics/' . $parcel . '/label.json'; //echo json_encode($params); $restApi2 = new RestApi($params); $file_name = "InPost_Return_Label" . $timestamp . $key . ".pdf"; $pdf = $restApi2->getResponse(); $info = $restApi2->getInfo(); if ($info['http_code'] != 200) { $_SESSION['error_message'] = 'Failed to create your labels ' . $info["http_code"]; continue; } $binary = base64_decode($pdf); // Add to the list of parcels that need their status // updated. $return[] = $parcel; // Add the PDF to the main ZIP file. $zip->addFromString($file_name, $binary); } $zip->close(); } else { $_SESSION['error_message'] = 'Failed to create ZIP file for your labels.'; header("Location: r_orders.php"); return $return; } return $return; }
$params['params']['date_before'] = date('Y-m-d'); $params['params']['date_after'] = date('Y-m-d'); $rest_api = new RestApi($params); $reply = $rest_api->getResponse(); $returns_today = json_decode($reply); // Get the count for the previous month $params['params']['date_after'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m') - 1, date('d'), date('Y'))); $params['params']['date_before'] = date('Y-m-d'); $rest_api = new RestApi($params); $reply = $rest_api->getResponse(); $returns_month = json_decode($reply); // Get the count for the previous year $params['params']['date_after'] = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y') - 1)); $params['params']['date_before'] = date('Y-m-d'); $rest_api = new RestApi($params); $reply = $rest_api->getResponse(); $returns_year = json_decode($reply); ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head profile="http://www.w3.org/2005/10/profile"> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/favicon.ico" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="author" content="InPost UK Ltd"> <meta name="dcterms.rightsHolder" content="InPost UK Ltd"> <meta name="dcterms.dateCopyrighted" content="2014"> <title>InPost 24/7 - User Portal</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/main_ss.css"> </head> <body>
// Get the ID of the latest inserted row. $new_id = tep_db_insert_id(); // create the parcel $params = array('url' => $base_url . 'parcels', 'token' => $api_key, 'methodType' => 'POST', 'params' => array('description' => $refe, 'receiver' => array('phone' => $mobile, 'email' => $email), 'size' => $size, 'tmp_id' => $temp_parcel_id, 'target_machine' => $locker)); $restApi1 = new RestApi($params); //echo '<pre>'; //print_r($restApi1->getInfo()); //echo '</pre><br>'; //echo '<pre>'; //print_r($restApi1->getResponse()); //echo '</pre>'; //returned header info $info_arr1 = $restApi1->getInfo(); //if parcel creation successful if ($info_arr1["http_code"] == 201) { $response = json_decode($restApi1->getResponse()); $parcel_id = $response->id; //pay for the parcel $restApi2 = new RestApi(array('url' => $base_url . 'parcels/' . $parcel_id . '/pay', 'token' => $api_key, 'methodType' => 'POST', 'params' => array())); //returned header info $info_arr2 = $restApi2->getInfo(); // if payment successful if ($info_arr2["http_code"] == 204) { //update payment status in db $creation_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $query = tep_db_query("UPDATE " . $table_prefix . $parcel_table . " SET status='PAID', rl_code='{$rl_code}', parcel_id='{$parcel_id}', creation_date='{$creation_date}' WHERE id={$new_id}"); echo "<td><div style='text-align: center'>CREATED & PAID</div></td>"; echo "<td><div style='text-align: center'>NONE</div></td>"; //header("Location: u_orders.php"); } else { //if not, display the error code, error description
if ($num >= 15) { $params['params']['additional_description_2'] = $line[14]; } if ($num >= 16) { $params['params']['additional_description_3'] = $line[15]; } if ($num == 17) { $params['params']['company_name'] = $line[16]; } if ($num == 18) { $params['params']['address']['flat_number'] = $line[17]; } //echo print_r($params) . '<br>'; $ret = new RestApi($params); $info_arr = $ret->getInfo(); $response = $ret->getResponse(); if ($info_arr['http_code'] != 200) { $message[] = "Parcel Create failed for line {$row} <br>Error Code: " . $info_arr["http_code"] . " " . $response; $error_rows++; $row++; continue; } $response = json_decode($response, true); //echo "Response = " . print_r($response) . '<br>'; //echo "<br>info = " . print_r($info_arr) . '<br>'; $ex_date = $response['expire_at']; $exp_date = substr($ex_date, 0, 10); //extract expiry date if (array_key_exists("is_active", $response)) { $return_code = $response['code']; if ($response['is_active'] == '1') {
} //echo $count; if (count($to_print_array) == 0) { // Simply return. We have no labels to print header('Location: c_orders.php'); return; } $parcels_st = implode(";", $to_print_array); //echo $parcels_st; // Get the user's label format $ret = tep_db_query("SELECT label_format from " . $table_prefix . "users where username='******'"); $result = tep_db_fetch_array($ret); $label_format = $result['label_format']; $dispatch_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); foreach ($parcels as $pid) { $query = tep_db_query("UPDATE imported_orders SET status='DISPATCHED', dispatch_date='{$dispatch_date}' WHERE parcel_id='{$pid}' AND perm_token='{$api_key}'"); } //retrieve stickers $restApi = new RestApi(array('url' => $base_url . 'stickers/' . $parcels_st, 'token' => $api_key, 'methodType' => 'GET', 'params' => array('format' => $label_format, 'type' => 'normal'))); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); $timestamp = date('dmy_His', time()); if ($label_format == 'Pdf') { $file_name = "InPost_Labels_" . $timestamp . ".pdf"; } else { $file_name = "InPost_Labels_" . $timestamp . ".epl"; } $pdf = $restApi->getResponse(); $binary = base64_decode($pdf); header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header("Content-Disposition:attachment; filename={$file_name}"); echo $binary;
<div class="wrapper"> <?php include_once 'includes/menu.php'; ?> <div align="center" style="position: relative; top:75px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> <?php //Generate an active return code $params = array('url' => $base_url . 'reverselogistics.json', 'token' => $api_key, 'methodType' => 'POST', 'params' => array('rma' => $rma_code, 'parcel_size' => $size, 'expire_at' => $expiry_date, 'sender_phone' => $mobile, 'sender_email' => $email, 'with_label' => 'TRUE', 'additional_description_1' => $add_desc1, 'additional_description_2' => $add_desc2, 'additional_description_3' => $add_desc3, 'address' => array('first_name' => $fname, 'last_name' => $lname, 'company_name' => $cname, 'post_code' => $postcode, 'town' => $town, 'street' => $street, 'building_number' => $building, 'flat_number' => '', 'province' => $county, 'phone' => $rmobile))); //echo 'sent paramsters ' . json_encode($params) . '<br>'; $restApi = new RestApi($params); $request = $restApi->getInfo(); //echo 'request ' . print_r($request) . '<br>'; $response = json_decode($restApi->getResponse(), true); $info_arr = $restApi->getInfo(); //echo '<pre>'; //echo '<br>response ' . print_r($response); //echo '</pre>'; //echo '<pre>'; //echo '<br>info_arr ' . print_r($info_arr); //echo '</pre>'; //echo 'getErrno ' . $restApi->getErrno() . '<br>'; //echo 'getError ' . $restApi->getError() . '<br>'; if ($info_arr["http_code"] == 200) { $ex_date = $response['expire_at']; $exp_date = substr($ex_date, 0, 10); //extract expiry date //a new return code's been created? if (array_key_exists("is_active", $response)) {