Esempio n. 1
  * Called at the end of the request
  * Statistics about received/sent data is saved here
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
 public function Save()
     // TODO save other stuff
     // check if previousily ignored messages were synchronized for the current folder
     // on multifolder operations of AS14 this is done by setLatestFolder()
     if ($this->latestFolder !== false) {
     // update the user agent and AS version on the device
     // update data from the OL plugin (if available)
     if (Request::HasKoeStats()) {
     // data to be saved
     $data = $this->device->GetData();
     if ($data && Request::IsValidDeviceID() && $this->saveDevice) {
         ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DeviceManager->Save(): Device data changed");
         try {
             // check if this is the first time the device data is saved and it is authenticated. If so, link the user to the device id
             if ($this->device->IsNewDevice() && RequestProcessor::isUserAuthenticated()) {
                 ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_INFO, sprintf("Linking device ID '%s' to user '%s'", $this->devid, $this->device->GetDeviceUser()));
                 $this->statemachine->LinkUserDevice($this->device->GetDeviceUser(), $this->devid);
             if (RequestProcessor::isUserAuthenticated() || $this->device->GetForceSave()) {
                 $this->statemachine->SetState($data, $this->devid, IStateMachine::DEVICEDATA);
                 ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "DeviceManager->Save(): Device data saved");
         } catch (StateNotFoundException $snfex) {
             ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "DeviceManager->Save(): Exception: " . $snfex->getMessage());
     // remove old search data
     $oldpid = $this->loopdetection->ProcessLoopDetectionGetOutdatedSearchPID();
     if ($oldpid) {
     // we terminated this process
     if ($this->loopdetection) {
     return true;