/** * Fetch main article images for specified URL */ public function fetchImage($url, $customFilename = '') { $remoteImageUpload = new RemoteImageUpload(); $remoteImageUpload->customFilename = 'youtube_feed_' . $customFilename; $attachmentIdentifier = $remoteImageUpload->processImage($url); if ($attachmentIdentifier) return $attachmentIdentifier; }
/** * Fetch main article images for specified URL */ public function fetchImage($url) { $pageSource = @file_get_contents($url); if ($pageSource !== false) { preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i', $pageSource, $images); foreach ($images[0] as $image) { $xml = @simplexml_load_string($image); if ($xml) { $classes = $xml->xpath("//@class"); $class = $classes ? (string) $classes[0]['class'] : ''; // If the image is the main article image if ($class == 'article_img') { $src = $xml->xpath("//@src"); $src = $src ? (string) $src[0]['src'] : ''; // If the image path doesn't include the domain... if (strpos($src, 'http') === false) { $urlParts = parse_url($url); $src = $urlParts['scheme'] . '://' . $urlParts['host'] . $src; $remoteImageUpload = new RemoteImageUpload(); $attachmentIdentifier = $remoteImageUpload->processImage($src); if ($attachmentIdentifier) { return $attachmentIdentifier; } else return false; } return $src; } } } } return false; }