public function updateMusicInfo($artist, $album, $year) { $db = new DB(); $gen = new Genres(); $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $mus = array(); $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($artist . " - " . $album); if (!$amaz) { return false; } //load genres $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(Genres::MUSIC_TYPE); $genreassoc = array(); foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) { $genreassoc[$dg['ID']] = strtolower($dg['title']); } // // get album properties // $mus['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->MediumImage->URL; if ($mus['coverurl'] != "") { $mus['cover'] = 1; } else { $mus['cover'] = 0; } $mus['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title; if (empty($mus['title'])) { $mus['title'] = $album; } $mus['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN; $mus['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL; $mus['url'] = str_replace("%26tag%3Dws", "%26tag%3Dopensourceins%2D21", $mus['url']); $mus['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank; if ($mus['salesrank'] == "") { $mus['salesrank'] = 'null'; } $mus['artist'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Artist; if (empty($mus['artist'])) { $mus['artist'] = $artist; } $mus['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher; $mus['releasedate'] = $db->escapeString((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate); if ($mus['releasedate'] == "''") { $mus['releasedate'] = 'null'; } $mus['review'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) { $mus['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)); } $mus['year'] = $year; if ($mus['year'] == "") { $mus['year'] = $mus['releasedate'] != 'null' ? substr($mus['releasedate'], 1, 4) : date("Y"); } $mus['tracks'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->Tracks)) { $tmpTracks = (array) $amaz->Items->Item->Tracks->Disc; $tracks = $tmpTracks['Track']; $mus['tracks'] = is_array($tracks) && !empty($tracks) ? implode('|', $tracks) : ''; } //This is to verify the result back from amazon was at least somewhat related to what was intended. //If you are debugging releases comment out the following code to show all info $match = similar_text($artist, $mus['artist'], $artistpercent); //echo("Matched: Artist Percentage: $artistpercent%"); $match = similar_text($album, $mus['title'], $albumpercent); //echo("Matched: Album Percentage: $albumpercent%"); //If the artist is Various Artists, assume artist is 100% if (preg_match('/various/i', $artist)) { $artistpercent = '100'; } //If the Artist is less than 80% album must be 100% if ($artistpercent < '80') { if ($albumpercent != '100') { return false; } } //If the album is ever under 30%, it's probably not a match. if ($albumpercent < '30') { return false; } //This is the end of the recheck code. Comment out to this point to show all info. $genreKey = -1; $genreName = ''; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes)) { //had issues getting this out of the browsenodes obj //workaround is to get the xml and load that into its own obj $amazGenresXml = $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->asXml(); $amazGenresObj = simplexml_load_string($amazGenresXml); $amazGenres = $amazGenresObj->xpath("//BrowseNodeId"); foreach ($amazGenres as $amazGenre) { $currNode = trim($amazGenre[0]); if (empty($genreName)) { $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode($currNode); if ($genreMatch !== false) { $genreName = $genreMatch; break; } } } if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) { $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc); } else { $genreKey = $db->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO genres (`title`, `type`) VALUES (%s, %d)", $db->escapeString($genreName), Genres::MUSIC_TYPE)); } } $mus['musicgenre'] = $genreName; $mus['musicgenreID'] = $genreKey; $query = sprintf("\n\t\tINSERT INTO musicinfo (`title`, `asin`, `url`, `salesrank`, `artist`, `publisher`, `releasedate`, `review`, `year`, `genreID`, `tracks`, `cover`, `createddate`, `updateddate`)\n\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `title` = %s, `asin` = %s, `url` = %s, `salesrank` = %s, `artist` = %s, `publisher` = %s, `releasedate` = %s, `review` = %s, `year` = %s, `genreID` = %s, `tracks` = %s, `cover` = %d, createddate = now(), updateddate = now()", $db->escapeString($mus['title']), $db->escapeString($mus['asin']), $db->escapeString($mus['url']), $mus['salesrank'], $db->escapeString($mus['artist']), $db->escapeString($mus['publisher']), $mus['releasedate'], $db->escapeString($mus['review']), $db->escapeString($mus['year']), $mus['musicgenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $mus['musicgenreID'], $db->escapeString($mus['tracks']), $mus['cover'], $db->escapeString($mus['title']), $db->escapeString($mus['asin']), $db->escapeString($mus['url']), $mus['salesrank'], $db->escapeString($mus['artist']), $db->escapeString($mus['publisher']), $mus['releasedate'], $db->escapeString($mus['review']), $db->escapeString($mus['year']), $mus['musicgenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $mus['musicgenreID'], $db->escapeString($mus['tracks']), $mus['cover']); $musicId = $db->queryInsert($query); if ($musicId) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "added/updated album: " . $mus['title'] . " (" . $mus['year'] . ")\n"; } $mus['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($musicId, $mus['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } else { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "nothing to update: " . $mus['title'] . " (" . $mus['year'] . ")\n"; } } return $musicId; }
/** * Try to get a preview image from a video file. * * @param string $fileLocation * * @return bool */ protected function _getSample($fileLocation) { if (!$this->_processThumbnails) { return false; } if (is_file($fileLocation)) { // Create path to temp file. $fileName = $this->tmpPath . 'zzzz' . mt_rand(5, 12) . mt_rand(5, 12) . '.jpg'; $time = $this->getVideoTime($fileLocation); // Create the image. Utility::runCmd($this->_killString . $this->pdo->getSetting('ffmpegpath') . '" -i "' . $fileLocation . '" -ss ' . ($time === '' ? '00:00:03.00' : $time) . ' -vframes 1 -loglevel quiet -y "' . $fileName . '"'); // Check if the file exists. if (is_file($fileName)) { // Try to resize/move the image. $saved = $this->_releaseImage->saveImage($this->_release['guid'] . '_thumb', $fileName, $this->_releaseImage->imgSavePath, 800, 600); // Delete the temp file we created. @unlink($fileName); // Check if it saved. if ($saved === 1) { if ($this->_echoCLI) { $this->_echo('s', 'primaryOver', false); } return true; } } } return false; }
public function getAniDBInfo($exitcount) { // Declare and set main variables $pdo = $this->pdo; $ri = new ReleaseImage($this->pdo); $apicount = 0; $this->c->doEcho($this->c->header("Start getAniDBInfo at " . date('D M d, Y G:i a'))); $notinani = sprintf("SELECT animetitles.anidbid FROM animetitles\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN anidb ON animetitles.anidbid = anidb.anidbid"); // Used for information purposes in main echo $animetitles = $pdo->query('SELECT DISTINCT anidbid FROM animetitles'); $anidbtitles = $pdo->query('SELECT DISTINCT anidbid FROM anidb'); $anidbjointitles = $pdo->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM animetitles\n\t\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN anidb ON animetitles.anidbid = anidb.anidbid")); $anidbmissingtitles = $pdo->query(sprintf("SELECT * FROM animetitles\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE anidbid NOT IN (%s)", $notinani)); // Stage declarations $aniremovedstage0 = $pdo->query(sprintf("SELECT anidbid FROM anidb WHERE anidbid NOT IN (%s)", $notinani)); $animissstage1 = $pdo->query(sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT anidbid FROM animetitles WHERE anidbid NOT IN (%s)", $notinani)); $anirunnstage2 = $pdo->query('SELECT anidbid FROM anidb WHERE (startdate < CURDATE() AND (enddate > CURDATE() OR enddate IS NULL)) AND (unixtime < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()- INTERVAL 7 DAY)) ORDER BY unixtime'); $anioldstage3 = $pdo->query('SELECT anidbid FROM anidb WHERE (unixtime < UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()- INTERVAL 90 DAY)) ORDER BY unixtime'); echo $this->c->header("Total of " . count($animetitles) . " distinct titles present in animetitles.\n" . "Total of " . count($anidbtitles) . " distinct titles present in anidb.\n" . "Total of " . count($anidbjointitles) . " titles in both anidb and animetitles.\n" . "Total of " . count($anidbmissingtitles) . " missing titles in anidb table.\n" . "Total of " . count($animissstage1) . " missing distinct titles in anidb table.\n" . "Total of " . count($aniremovedstage0) . " orphaned anime titles no longer in animetitles to be removed from anidb table.\n" . "Total of " . count($anirunnstage2) . " running anime titles in anidb table not updated for 7 days.\n" . "Total of " . count($anioldstage3) . " anime titles in anidb table not updated for 90 days.\n"); if ($this->APIKEY == '') { echo $this->c->error("Error: You need an API key from to use this. Try adding \"nzedb\" in Site Edit.\n"); return; } // Show the data for 10 sec before starting echo $this->c->info("Starting in 10 sec...\n"); sleep(10); // end debug // now do this list: // 0) remove removed anidbid's from anidb nnot in animetitles, as these can't be updated // 1) insert missing titles until exitcount reached // 2) update running shows until exitcount reached // 3) update show data older than xxx day's until exitcount reached // todo: what to do with anidb.anidbid no longer available in animetitles.anidbid?? ( I have 6 so far) // running series: // anidb.startdate NULL AND enddate NULL =>> ignore?? (why?) Can only be updated in stage 3!!!! // anidb.startdate > CURDATE(); // start date in the future thus it is not in progress as it has not started yet ==> ignore // anidb.startdate < CURDATE() AND (enddate IS NULL OR enddate > CURDATE()) => running show without enddate or date in future // Begin Stage 0: Remove Orphaned AniDB entries from anidb table if no longer in animetitles table $this->c->doEcho($this->c->header("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Stage 0 -> Remove deleted anidbid.")); foreach ($aniremovedstage0 as $value) { $anidbid = (int) $value['anidbid']; if ($this->echooutput) { // Remove AniDB ID from anidb echo 'Removing AniDB ID ' . $anidbid . "\n"; } $this->deleteTitle($anidbid); $image_file = $this->imgSavePath . $anidbid; // Remove AniDB image if exists //if (!file_exists($image_file) { //} } // Begin Stage 1: Insert Missing AniDB entries into AniDB table from animetitles table $this->c->doEcho($this->c->header("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Stage 1 -> Insert missing anidbid into anidb table.")); foreach ($animissstage1 as $value) { $anidbid = (int) $value['anidbid']; if ($this->echooutput) { echo 'Adding AniDB ID ' . $anidbid . "\n"; } // Pull information from AniDB for this ID and increment API counter -- if false (banned) exit $AniDBAPIArray = $this->AniDBAPI($anidbid); $apicount++; if ($AniDBAPIArray['banned']) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "AniDB Banned, import will fail, please wait 24 hours before retrying\n"; } return; } $this->addTitle($AniDBAPIArray); // Save the image to covers directory if ($AniDBAPIArray['picture']) { $ri->saveImage($AniDBAPIArray['anidbid'], '' . $AniDBAPIArray['picture'], $this->imgSavePath); } // Print total count added if ($apicount != 0 && $this->echooutput) { echo $this->c->header("Processed " . $apicount . " anidb entries of a total possible of " . $exitcount . " for this session\n"); } // Sleep 4 Minutes for Every 10 Records if ($apicount % 10 == 0 && $apicount != 0) { $sleeptime = 180 + rand(30, 90); if ($this->echooutput) { $this->c->doEcho($this->c->primary("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Start waitloop for " . $sleeptime . " seconds to prevent banning.\n")); } sleep($sleeptime); } } // using exitcount if this number of API calls is reached exit if ($apicount >= $exitcount) { return; } // Begin Stage 2: Update running series in anidb table -- we only update series already existing in db $this->c->doEcho($this->c->header("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Stage 2 -> Update running series.")); foreach ($anirunnstage2 as $value) { $anidbid = (int) $value['anidbid']; if ($this->echooutput) { echo 'Updating AniDB ID ' . $anidbid . "\n"; } // actually get the information on this anime from anidb $AniDBAPIArrayNew = $this->AniDBAPI($anidbid); // if it is false we can simply exit if ($AniDBAPIArrayNew['banned']) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo $this->c->error("AniDB Banned, import will fail, please wait 24 hours before retrying.\n"); } return; } // increment apicount on API access $apicount++; // update the stored information with updated data $this->updateTitle($AniDBAPIArrayNew['anidbid'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['title'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['type'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['startdate'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['enddate'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['related'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['creators'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['description'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['rating'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['categories'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['characters'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['epnos'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['airdates'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['episodetitles']); $image_file = $this->imgSavePath . $anidbid; // if the image is present we do not need to replace it if (!file_exists($image_file)) { if ($AniDBAPIArrayNew['picture']) { // save the image to the covers page $ri->saveImage($AniDBAPIArrayNew['anidbid'], '' . $AniDBAPIArrayNew['picture'], $this->imgSavePath); } } // update how many we have done of the total to do in this session if ($apicount != 0 && $this->echooutput) { echo 'Processed ' . $apicount . " anidb entries of a total possible of " . $exitcount . " for this session.\n"; } // every 10 records sleep for 4 minutes before continuing if ($apicount % 10 == 0 && $apicount != 0) { $sleeptime = 180 + rand(30, 90); } if ($this->echooutput) { $this->c->doEcho($this->c->primary("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Start waitloop for " . $sleeptime . " sec to prevent banning.")); } sleep($sleeptime); // using exitcount if this number of API calls is reached exit if ($apicount >= $exitcount) { return; } } // now for stage 3: update rest of records not updated for a loooooong time // same as step2: but other for loop (so we need to make a proper function out of this?!) $this->c->doEcho($this->c->header("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Stage 3 -> Update 90+ day old series.")); foreach ($anidboldtitles as $value) { $anidbid = (int) $value['anidbid']; if ($this->echooutput) { echo 'Updating AniDB ID ' . $anidbid . "\n"; } // actually get the information on this anime from anidb $AniDBAPIArrayNew = $this->AniDBAPI($anidbid); if ($AniDBAPIArrayNew['banned']) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "AniDB Banned, import will fail, please wait 24 hours before retrying\n"; } return; } // increment apicount on API access $apicount++; // update the stored information with updated data $this->updateTitle($AniDBAPIArrayNew['anidbid'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['title'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['type'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['startdate'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['enddate'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['related'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['creators'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['description'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['rating'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['categories'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['characters'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['epnos'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['airdates'], $AniDBAPIArrayNew['episodetitles']); $image_file = $this->imgSavePath . $anidbid; // if the image is present we do not need to replace it if (!file_exists($image_file)) { if ($AniDBAPIArrayNew['picture']) { // save the image to the covers page $ri->saveImage($AniDBAPIArrayNew['anidbid'], '' . $AniDBAPIArrayNew['picture'], $this->imgSavePath); } } // update how many we have done of the total to do in this session if ($apicount != 0 && $this->echooutput) { echo 'Processed ' . $apicount . " anidb entries of a total possible of " . $exitcount . " for this session\n"; } // every 10 records sleep for 4 minutes before continuing if ($apicount % 10 == 0 && $apicount != 0) { $sleeptime = 180 + rand(30, 90); if ($this->echooutput) { $this->c->doEcho($this->c->primary("[" . date('d-m-Y G:i') . "] Start waitloop for " . $sleeptime . " sec to prevent banning")); } sleep($sleeptime); } // using exitcount if this number of API calls is reached exit if ($apicount >= $exitcount) { return; } } }
/** * Process each game, updating game information from Giantbomb * * @param $gameInfo * * @return bool */ public function updateGamesInfo($gameInfo) { $gen = new \Genres(['Settings' => $this->pdo]); $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo); $con = array(); // Process Steam first before giantbomb // Steam has more details $this->_gameResults = []; $this->_getGame = new \Steam(); $this->_classUsed = "steam"; $this->_getGame->cookie = $this->cookie; $this->_getGame->searchTerm = $gameInfo['title']; if ($this->_getGame->search() !== false) { $this->_gameResults = $this->_getGame->getAll(); } if (count($this->_gameResults) < 1) { $this->_getGame = new \Desura(); $this->_classUsed = "desura"; $this->_getGame->cookie = $this->cookie; $this->_getGame->searchTerm = $gameInfo['title']; if ($this->_getGame->search() !== false) { $this->_gameResults = $this->_getGame->getAll(); } } if (count($this->_gameResults) < 1) { $this->_getGame = new \Greenlight(); $this->_classUsed = "gl"; $this->_getGame->cookie = $this->cookie; $this->_getGame->searchTerm = $gameInfo['title']; if ($this->_getGame->search() !== false) { $this->_gameResults = $this->_getGame->getAll(); } } if (count($this->_gameResults) < 1) { $this->_gameResults = (array) $this->fetchGiantBombID($gameInfo['title']); if ($this->maxHitRequest === true) { return false; } } if (empty($this->_gameResults['title'])) { return false; } if (!is_array($this->_gameResults)) { return false; } if (count($this->_gameResults) > 1) { $genreName = ''; switch ($this->_classUsed) { case "desura": if (isset($this->_gameResults['cover'])) { $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['cover']; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['backdrop'])) { $con['backdropurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['backdrop']; } $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['title']; $con['asin'] = $this->_gameResults['desuragameid']; $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['directurl']; if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher'])) { $con['publisher'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher']; } else { $con['publisher'] = "Unknown"; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['rating'])) { $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['rating']; } else { $con['esrb'] = "Not Rated"; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) { $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description'])); } if (isset($this->_gameResults['trailer'])) { $con['trailer'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['trailer']; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'])) { $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre']; $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres); } break; case "gb": $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['image']['super_url']; $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['name']; $con['asin'] = $this->_gameID; $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['site_detail_url']; if (is_array($this->_gameResults['publishers'])) { while (list($key) = each($this->_gameResults['publishers'])) { if ($key == 0) { $con['publisher'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['publishers'][$key]['name']; } } } else { $con['publisher'] = "Unknown"; } if (is_array($this->_gameResults['original_game_rating'])) { $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['original_game_rating'][0]['name']; } else { $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['original_game_rating']['name']; } $con['releasedate'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['original_release_date']; if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) { $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description'])); } if (isset($this->_gameResults['genres'][0]['name'])) { $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['genres'][0]['name']; $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres); } break; case "gl": if (isset($this->_gameResults['cover'])) { $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['cover']; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['backdrop'])) { $con['backdropurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['backdrop']; } $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['title']; $con['asin'] = $this->_gameResults['greenlightgameid']; $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['directurl']; $con['publisher'] = "Unknown"; $con['esrb'] = "Not Rated"; if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) { $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description'])); } if (isset($this->_gameResults['trailer'])) { $con['trailer'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['trailer']; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'])) { $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre']; $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres); } break; case "steam": if (isset($this->_gameResults['cover'])) { $con['coverurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['cover']; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['backdrop'])) { $con['backdropurl'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['backdrop']; } $con['title'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['title']; $con['asin'] = $this->_gameResults['steamgameid']; $con['url'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['directurl']; if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher'])) { $con['publisher'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Publisher']; } else { $con['publisher'] = "Unknown"; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['rating'])) { $con['esrb'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['rating']; } else { $con['esrb'] = "Not Rated"; } if (!empty($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Release Date'])) { $dateReleased = $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Release Date']; if (!preg_match('#^\\s*(?P<month>\\w+)\\s+(?P<day>\\d{1,2}),?\\s+(?P<year>\\d{4})\\s*$#', $dateReleased)) { if (preg_match('#^\\s*(?P<month>\\w+)\\s+(?P<year>\\d{4})\\s*$#', $dateReleased, $matches)) { $dateReleased = "{$matches['month']} 1, {$matches['year']}"; } } $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('M/j/Y', $dateReleased); if ($date instanceof \DateTime) { $con['releasedate'] = (string) $date->format('Y-m-d'); } } if (isset($this->_gameResults['description'])) { $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $this->_gameResults['description'])); } if (isset($this->_gameResults['trailer'])) { $con['trailer'] = (string) $this->_gameResults['trailer']; } if (isset($this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre'])) { $genres = (string) $this->_gameResults['gamedetails']['Genre']; $genreName = $this->_matchGenre($genres); } break; default: return false; } } else { return false; } // Load genres. $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(\Genres::GAME_TYPE); $genreassoc = array(); foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) { $genreassoc[$dg['id']] = strtolower($dg['title']); } // Prepare database values. if (isset($con['coverurl'])) { $con['cover'] = 1; } else { $con['cover'] = 0; } if (isset($con['backdropurl'])) { $con['backdrop'] = 1; } else { $con['backdrop'] = 0; } if (!isset($con['trailer'])) { $con['trailer'] = 0; } if (empty($con['title'])) { $con['title'] = $gameInfo['title']; } if (!isset($con['releasedate'])) { $con['releasedate'] = ""; } if ($con['releasedate'] == "''") { $con['releasedate'] = ""; } if (!isset($con['review'])) { $con['review'] = 'No Review'; } $con['classused'] = $this->_classUsed; if (empty($genreName)) { $genreName = 'Unknown'; } if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) { $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc); } else { $genreKey = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO genres (title, type)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genreName), \Genres::GAME_TYPE)); } $con['gamesgenre'] = $genreName; $con['gamesgenreID'] = $genreKey; $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf(' SELECT id FROM gamesinfo WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']))); if ($check === false) { $gamesId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO gamesinfo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(title, asin, url, publisher, genre_id, esrb, releasedate, review, cover, backdrop, trailer, classused, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %s, %s, NOW(), NOW())", $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['gamesgenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['gamesgenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'] != "" ? $this->pdo->escapeString($con['releasedate']) : "null", $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($con['review'], 0, 3000)), $con['cover'], $con['backdrop'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['trailer']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['classused']))); } else { $gamesId = $check['id']; $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf(' UPDATE gamesinfo SET title = %s, asin = %s, url = %s, publisher = %s, genre_id = %s, esrb = %s, releasedate = %s, review = %s, cover = %d, backdrop = %d, trailer = %s, classused = %s, updateddate = NOW() WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['gamesgenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['gamesgenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'] != "" ? $this->pdo->escapeString($con['releasedate']) : "null", $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($con['review'], 0, 3000)), $con['cover'], $con['backdrop'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['trailer']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['classused']), $gamesId)); } if ($gamesId) { if ($this->echoOutput) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Added/updated game: ") . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Title: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($con['title'])); } if ($con['cover'] === 1) { $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($gamesId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } if ($con['backdrop'] === 1) { $con['backdrop'] = $ri->saveImage($gamesId . '-backdrop', $con['backdropurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024); } } else { if ($this->echoOutput) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver("Nothing to update: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($con['title'] . ' (PC)')); } } return $gamesId; }
public function updateMovieInfo($imdbId) { $ri = new ReleaseImage(); if ($this->echooutput) { echo "fetching imdb info from tmdb - " . $imdbId . "\n"; } //check themoviedb for imdb info $tmdb = $this->fetchTmdbProperties($imdbId); if (!$tmdb) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "not found in tmdb\n"; } } //check imdb for movie info $imdb = $this->fetchImdbProperties($imdbId); if (!$imdb) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "unable to get movie info from imdb - " . $imdbId . "\n"; } } if (!$imdb && !$tmdb) { return false; } $mov = array(); $mov['imdb_id'] = $imdbId; $mov['tmdb_id'] = !isset($tmdb['tmdb_id']) || $tmdb['tmdb_id'] == '' ? "NULL" : $tmdb['tmdb_id']; //prefer tmdb cover over imdb cover $mov['cover'] = 0; if (isset($tmdb['cover']) && $tmdb['cover'] != '') { $mov['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $tmdb['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } elseif (isset($imdb['cover']) && $imdb['cover'] != '') { $mov['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $imdb['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } $mov['backdrop'] = 0; if (isset($tmdb['backdrop']) && $tmdb['backdrop'] != '') { $mov['backdrop'] = $ri->saveImage($imdbId . '-backdrop', $tmdb['backdrop'], $this->imgSavePath, 1024, 768); } $mov['title'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['title']) && $imdb['title'] != '') { $mov['title'] = $imdb['title']; } elseif (isset($tmdb['title']) && $tmdb['title'] != '') { $mov['title'] = $tmdb['title']; } $mov['title'] = html_entity_decode($mov['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['rating'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['rating']) && $imdb['rating'] != '') { $mov['rating'] = $imdb['rating']; } elseif (isset($tmdb['rating']) && $tmdb['rating'] != '') { $mov['rating'] = $tmdb['rating']; } $mov['tagline'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['tagline']) && $imdb['tagline'] != '') { $mov['tagline'] = html_entity_decode($imdb['tagline'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); } $mov['plot'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['plot']) && $imdb['plot'] != '') { $mov['plot'] = $imdb['plot']; } elseif (isset($tmdb['plot']) && $tmdb['plot'] != '') { $mov['plot'] = $tmdb['plot']; } $mov['plot'] = html_entity_decode($mov['plot'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['year'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['year']) && $imdb['year'] != '') { $mov['year'] = $imdb['year']; } elseif (isset($tmdb['year']) && $tmdb['year'] != '') { $mov['year'] = $tmdb['year']; } $mov['genre'] = ''; if (isset($tmdb['genre']) && $tmdb['genre'] != '') { $mov['genre'] = $tmdb['genre']; } elseif (isset($imdb['genre']) && $imdb['genre'] != '') { $mov['genre'] = $imdb['genre']; } if (is_array($mov['genre'])) { $mov['genre'] = implode(', ', array_unique($mov['genre'])); } $mov['genre'] = html_entity_decode($mov['genre'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['director'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['director']) && $imdb['director'] != '') { $mov['director'] = is_array($imdb['director']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['director'])) : $imdb['director']; } $mov['director'] = html_entity_decode($mov['director'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['actors'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['actors']) && $imdb['actors'] != '') { $mov['actors'] = is_array($imdb['actors']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['actors'])) : $imdb['actors']; } $mov['actors'] = html_entity_decode($mov['actors'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['language'] = ''; if (isset($imdb['language']) && $imdb['language'] != '') { $mov['language'] = is_array($imdb['language']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['language'])) : $imdb['language']; } $mov['language'] = html_entity_decode($mov['language'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $db = new DB(); $query = sprintf("\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO movieinfo \n\t\t\t\t(imdbID, tmdbID, title, rating, tagline, plot, year, genre, director, actors, language, cover, backdrop, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\tVALUES \n\t\t\t\t(%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, NOW(), NOW())\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n\t\t\t\timdbID=%d, tmdbID=%s, title=%s, rating=%s, tagline=%s, plot=%s, year=%s, genre=%s, director=%s, actors=%s, language=%s, cover=%d, backdrop=%d, updateddate=NOW()", $mov['imdb_id'], $mov['tmdb_id'], $db->escapeString($mov['title']), $db->escapeString($mov['rating']), $db->escapeString($mov['tagline']), $db->escapeString($mov['plot']), $db->escapeString($mov['year']), $db->escapeString($mov['genre']), $db->escapeString($mov['director']), $db->escapeString($mov['actors']), $db->escapeString($mov['language']), $mov['cover'], $mov['backdrop'], $mov['imdb_id'], $mov['tmdb_id'], $db->escapeString($mov['title']), $db->escapeString($mov['rating']), $db->escapeString($mov['tagline']), $db->escapeString($mov['plot']), $db->escapeString($mov['year']), $db->escapeString($mov['genre']), $db->escapeString($mov['director']), $db->escapeString($mov['actors']), $db->escapeString($mov['language']), $mov['cover'], $mov['backdrop']); $movieId = $db->queryInsert($query); if ($movieId) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "added/updated movie: " . $mov['title'] . " (" . $mov['year'] . ") - " . $mov['imdb_id'] . "\n"; } } else { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "nothing to update for movie: " . $mov['title'] . " (" . $mov['year'] . ") - " . $mov['imdb_id'] . "\n"; } } return $movieId; }
public function processAnimeReleases() { $db = new DB(); $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $results = $db->queryDirect(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID FROM releases WHERE anidbID is NULL AND categoryID IN ( SELECT ID FROM category WHERE categoryID = %d )", Category::CAT_TV_ANIME)); if (mysql_num_rows($results) > 0) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "Processing " . mysql_num_rows($results) . " anime releases\n"; } while ($arr = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $cleanFilename = $this->cleanFilename($arr['searchname']); $anidbID = $this->getanidbID($cleanFilename['title']); if (!$anidbID) { $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET anidbID = %d, rageID = %d WHERE ID = %d", -1, -2, $arr["ID"])); continue; } if ($this->echooutput) { echo 'Looking up: ' . $arr['searchname'] . "\n"; } $AniDBAPIArray = $this->getAnimeInfo($anidbID); $lastUpdate = isset($AniDBAPIArray['unixtime']) && time() - $AniDBAPIArray['unixtime'] > 604800; if (!$AniDBAPIArray || $lastUpdate) { $AniDBAPIArray = $this->AniDBAPI($anidbID); if (!$lastUpdate) { $this->addTitle($AniDBAPIArray); } else { $this->updateTitle($AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'], $AniDBAPIArray['title'], $AniDBAPIArray['type'], $AniDBAPIArray['startdate'], $AniDBAPIArray['enddate'], $AniDBAPIArray['related'], $AniDBAPIArray['creators'], $AniDBAPIArray['description'], $AniDBAPIArray['rating'], $AniDBAPIArray['categories'], $AniDBAPIArray['characters'], $AniDBAPIArray['epnos'], $AniDBAPIArray['airdates'], $AniDBAPIArray['episodetitles']); } if ($AniDBAPIArray['picture']) { $ri->saveImage($AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'], '' . $AniDBAPIArray['picture'], $this->imgSavePath); } } if ($AniDBAPIArray['anidbID']) { $epno = explode('|', $AniDBAPIArray['epnos']); $airdate = explode('|', $AniDBAPIArray['airdates']); $episodetitle = explode('|', $AniDBAPIArray['episodetitles']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($epno); $i++) { if ($cleanFilename['epno'] == $epno[$i]) { $offset = $i; break; } else { $offset = -1; } } $airdate = isset($airdate[$offset]) ? $airdate[$offset] : $AniDBAPIArray['startdate']; $episodetitle = isset($episodetitle[$offset]) ? $episodetitle[$offset] : $cleanFilename['epno']; $tvtitle = $episodetitle !== 'Complete Movie' && $episodetitle !== $cleanFilename['epno'] ? $cleanFilename['epno'] . " - " . $episodetitle : $episodetitle; if ($this->echooutput) { echo '- found ' . $AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'] . "\n"; } $db->query(sprintf("UPDATE releases SET episode=%s, tvtitle=%s, tvairdate=%s, anidbID=%d, rageID=%d WHERE ID = %d", $db->escapeString($cleanFilename['epno']), $db->escapeString($tvtitle), $db->escapeString($airdate), $AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'], -2, $arr["ID"])); } } if ($this->echooutput) { echo "Processed " . mysql_num_rows($results) . " anime releases.\n"; } } }
protected function _updateConsoleTable($con = []) { $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo); $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf(' SELECT id FROM consoleinfo WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']))); if ($check === false) { $consoleId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO consoleinfo (title, asin, url, salesrank, platform, publisher, genreid, esrb, releasedate, review, cover, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, NOW(), NOW())", $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $con['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['platform']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['consolegenreid'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['consolegenreid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'] != "" ? $this->pdo->escapeString($con['releasedate']) : "null", $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($con['review'], 0, 3000)), $con['cover'])); if ($con['cover'] === 1) { $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($consoleId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } } else { $consoleId = $check['id']; if ($con['cover'] === 1) { $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($consoleId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } $this->update($consoleId, $con['title'], $con['asin'], $con['url'], $con['salesrank'], $con['platform'], $con['publisher'], isset($con['releasedate']) ? $con['releasedate'] : null, $con['esrb'], $con['cover'], $con['consolegenreid'], isset($con['review']) ? $con['review'] : null); } return $consoleId; }
/** * Fetch xxx info for the movie. * * @param $xxxmovie * * @return bool */ public function updateXXXInfo($xxxmovie) { $res = false; $this->whichclass = ''; $iafd = new IAFD(); $iafd->searchTerm = $xxxmovie; if ($iafd->findme() !== false) { switch ($iafd->classUsed) { case "ade": $mov = new ADE(); $mov->directLink = (string) $iafd->directUrl; $res = $mov->getDirect(); $res['title'] = $iafd->title; $res['directurl'] = (string) $iafd->directUrl; $this->whichclass = $iafd->classUsed; $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary("Fetching XXX info from IAFD -> Adult DVD Empire")); break; case "hm": $mov = new Hotmovies(); $mov->directLink = (string) $iafd->directUrl; $res = $mov->getDirect(); $res['title'] = $iafd->title; $res['directurl'] = (string) $iafd->directUrl; $this->whichclass = $iafd->classUsed; $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary("Fetching XXX info from IAFD -> Hot Movies")); } } if ($res === false) { $this->whichclass = "aebn"; $mov = new AEBN(); $mov->cookie = $this->cookie; $mov->searchTerm = $xxxmovie; $res = $mov->search(); if ($res === false) { $this->whichclass = "ade"; $mov = new ADE(); $mov->searchTerm = $xxxmovie; $res = $mov->search(); } if ($res === false) { $this->whichclass = "hm"; $mov = new Hotmovies(); $mov->cookie = $this->cookie; $mov->searchTerm = $xxxmovie; $res = $mov->search(); } if ($res === false) { $this->whichclass = "pop"; $mov = new Popporn(); $mov->cookie = $this->cookie; $mov->searchTerm = $xxxmovie; $res = $mov->search(); } // If a result is true getall information. if ($res !== false) { if ($this->echooutput) { switch ($this->whichclass) { case "aebn": $fromstr = "Adult Entertainment Broadcast Network"; break; case "ade": $fromstr = "Adult DVD Empire"; break; case "pop": $fromstr = "PopPorn"; break; case "hm": $fromstr = "Hot Movies"; break; default: $fromstr = null; } $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary("Fetching XXX info from: " . $fromstr)); } $res = $mov->getAll(); } else { // Nothing was found, go ahead and set to -2 return -2; } } $mov = array(); $mov['trailers'] = isset($res['trailers']) ? serialize($res['trailers']) : ''; $mov['extras'] = isset($res['extras']) ? serialize($res['extras']) : ''; $mov['productinfo'] = isset($res['productinfo']) ? serialize($res['productinfo']) : ''; $mov['backdrop'] = isset($res['backcover']) ? $res['backcover'] : ''; $mov['cover'] = isset($res['boxcover']) ? $res['boxcover'] : ''; $res['cast'] = isset($res['cast']) ? join(",", $res['cast']) : ''; $res['genres'] = isset($res['genres']) ? $this->getgenreid($res['genres']) : ''; $mov['title'] = html_entity_decode($res['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['plot'] = isset($res['sypnosis']) ? html_entity_decode($res['sypnosis'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : ''; $mov['tagline'] = isset($res['tagline']) ? html_entity_decode($res['tagline'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : ''; $mov['genre'] = html_entity_decode($res['genres'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['director'] = isset($res['director']) ? html_entity_decode($res['director'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') : ''; $mov['actors'] = html_entity_decode($res['cast'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['directurl'] = html_entity_decode($res['directurl'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['classused'] = $this->whichclass; $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM xxxinfo WHERE title = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['title']))); $xxxID = null; if ($check === false) { $xxxID = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO xxxinfo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(title, tagline, plot, genre, director, actors, extras, productinfo, trailers, directurl, classused, cover, backdrop, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(%s, %s, COMPRESS(%s), %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, 0, 0, NOW(), NOW())", $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['tagline']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['plot']), $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($mov['genre'], 0, 64)), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['director']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['actors']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['extras']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['productinfo']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['trailers']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['directurl']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['classused']))); if ($xxxID !== false) { // BoxCover. if (isset($mov['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($xxxID . '-cover', $mov['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } // BackCover. if (isset($mov['backdrop'])) { $mov['backdrop'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($xxxID . '-backdrop', $mov['backdrop'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024); } $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE xxxinfo SET cover = %d, backdrop = %d WHERE id = %d', $mov['cover'], $mov['backdrop'], $xxxID)); } } else { // If xxxinfo title is found, update release with the current xxxinfo id because it was nulled before.. $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE releases SET xxxinfo_id = %d WHERE id = %d', $check['id'], $this->currentRelID)); $xxxID = $check['id']; } if ($this->echooutput) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver($xxxID !== false ? 'Added/updated movie: ' : 'Nothing to update for xxx movie: ') . $this->pdo->log->primary($mov['title'])); } return $xxxID; }
/** * Check whether a title is available at Amazon and store its metadata. */ public function updateConsoleInfo($gameInfo) { $gen = new Genres(); $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $con = []; $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($gameInfo['title'], $gameInfo['node']); if (!$amaz) { return false; } //load genres $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(Genres::CONSOLE_TYPE); $genreassoc = []; foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) { $genreassoc[$dg['id']] = strtolower($dg['title']); } // // get game properties // $con['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL; if ($con['coverurl'] != "") { $con['cover'] = 1; } else { $con['cover'] = 0; } $con['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title; if (empty($con['title'])) { $con['title'] = $gameInfo['title']; } $con['platform'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Platform; if (empty($con['platform'])) { $con['platform'] = $gameInfo['platform']; } //Beginning of Recheck Code //This is to verify the result back from amazon was at least somewhat related to what was intended. //Some of the Platforms don't match Amazon's exactly. This code is needed to facilitate rechecking. if (preg_match('/^X360$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('X360', 'Xbox 360', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^XBOX360$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('XBOX360', 'Xbox 360', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^NDS$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('NDS', 'Nintendo DS', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^PS3$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('PS3', 'PlayStation 3', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^PSP$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('PSP', 'Sony PSP', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^Wii$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('Wii', 'Nintendo Wii', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('WII', 'Nintendo Wii', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^N64$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('N64', 'Nintendo 64', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/^NES$/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['platform'] = str_replace('NES', 'Nintendo NES', $gameInfo['platform']); // baseline single quote } if (preg_match('/Super/i', $con['platform'])) { $con['platform'] = str_replace('Super Nintendo', 'SNES', $con['platform']); // baseline single quote $con['platform'] = str_replace('Nintendo Super NES', 'SNES', $con['platform']); // baseline single quote } //Remove Online Game Code So Titles Match Properly. if (preg_match('/\\[Online Game Code\\]/i', $con['title'])) { $con['title'] = str_replace(' [Online Game Code]', '', $con['title']); // baseline single quote } //Basically the XBLA names contain crap, this is to reduce the title down far enough to be usable if (preg_match('/xbla/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { $gameInfo['title'] = substr($gameInfo['title'], 0, 10); $con['substr'] = $gameInfo['title']; } //This actual compares the two strings and outputs a percentage value. $titlepercent = ''; $platformpercent = ''; similar_text(strtolower($gameInfo['title']), strtolower($con['title']), $titlepercent); similar_text(strtolower($gameInfo['platform']), strtolower($con['platform']), $platformpercent); //Since Wii Ware games and XBLA have inconsistent original platforms, as long as title is 50% its ok. if (preg_match('/(wiiware|xbla)/i', $gameInfo['platform'])) { if ($titlepercent >= 50) { $platformpercent = 100; } } //If the release is DLC matching sucks, so assume anything over 50% is legit. if (isset($gameInfo['dlc']) && $gameInfo['dlc'] == 1) { if ($titlepercent >= 50) { $titlepercent = 100; $platformpercent = 100; } } //Show the Percentages //echo("Matched: Title Percentage: $titlepercent%"); //echo("Matched: Platform Percentage: $platformpercent%"); //If the Title is less than 80% Platform must be 100% unless it is XBLA if ($titlepercent < 70) { if ($platformpercent != 100) { return false; } } //If title is less than 80% then its most likely not a match if ($titlepercent < 70) { return false; } //Platform must equal 100% if ($platformpercent != 100) { return false; } $con['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN; $con['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL; $con['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank; if ($con['salesrank'] == "") { $con['salesrank'] = 'null'; } $con['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher; $con['esrb'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ESRBAgeRating; $con['releasedate'] = $this->pdo->escapeString((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate); if ($con['releasedate'] == "''") { $con['releasedate'] = 'null'; } $con['review'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) { $con['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)); } $genreKey = -1; $genreName = ''; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes) || isset($amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Genre)) { if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes)) { //had issues getting this out of the browsenodes obj //workaround is to get the xml and load that into its own obj $amazGenresXml = $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->asXml(); $amazGenresObj = simplexml_load_string($amazGenresXml); $amazGenres = $amazGenresObj->xpath("//Name"); foreach ($amazGenres as $amazGenre) { $currName = trim($amazGenre[0]); if (empty($genreName)) { $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode($currName); if ($genreMatch !== false) { $genreName = $genreMatch; break; } } } } if (empty($genreName) && isset($amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Genre)) { $tmpGenre = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Genre; $tmpGenre = str_replace('-', ' ', $tmpGenre); $tmpGenre = explode(' ', $tmpGenre); foreach ($tmpGenre as $tg) { $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode(ucwords($tg)); if ($genreMatch !== false) { $genreName = $genreMatch; break; } } } } if (empty($genreName)) { $genreName = 'Unknown'; } if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) { $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc); } else { $genreKey = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO genres (`title`, `type`) VALUES (%s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genreName), Genres::CONSOLE_TYPE)); } $con['consolegenre'] = $genreName; $con['consolegenreID'] = $genreKey; $query = sprintf("\n\t\tINSERT INTO consoleinfo (`title`, `asin`, `url`, `salesrank`, `platform`, `publisher`, `genreid`, `esrb`, `releasedate`, `review`, `cover`, `createddate`, `updateddate`)\n\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())\n\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `title` = %s, `asin` = %s, `url` = %s, `salesrank` = %s, `platform` = %s, `publisher` = %s, `genreid` = %s, `esrb` = %s, `releasedate` = %s, `review` = %s, `cover` = %d, createddate = now(), updateddate = now()", $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $con['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['platform']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['consolegenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['consolegenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['review']), $con['cover'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['url']), $con['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['platform']), $this->pdo->escapeString($con['publisher']), $con['consolegenreID'] == -1 ? "null" : $con['consolegenreID'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['esrb']), $con['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($con['review']), $con['cover']); $consoleId = $this->pdo->queryInsert($query); if ($consoleId) { $con['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($consoleId, $con['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } return $consoleId; }
public function updateBookInfo($bookInfo = '', $amazdata = null) { $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo); $book = []; $amaz = false; if ($bookInfo != '') { $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($bookInfo); } else { if ($amazdata != null) { $amaz = $amazdata; } } if (!$amaz) { return false; } $book['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title; $book['author'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Author; $book['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN; $book['isbn'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ISBN; if ($book['isbn'] == '') { $book['isbn'] = 'null'; } $book['ean'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->EAN; if ($book['ean'] == '') { $book['ean'] = 'null'; } $book['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL; $book['url'] = str_replace("%26tag%3Dws", "%26tag%3Dopensourceins%2D21", $book['url']); $book['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank; if ($book['salesrank'] == '') { $book['salesrank'] = 'null'; } $book['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher; if ($book['publisher'] == '') { $book['publisher'] = 'null'; } $book['publishdate'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->PublicationDate)); if ($book['publishdate'] == '') { $book['publishdate'] = 'null'; } $book['pages'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->NumberOfPages; if ($book['pages'] == '') { $book['pages'] = 'null'; } if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)) { $book['overview'] = strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content); if ($book['overview'] == '') { $book['overview'] = 'null'; } } else { $book['overview'] = 'null'; } if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode->Name)) { $book['genre'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->BrowseNode->Name; if ($book['genre'] == '') { $book['genre'] = 'null'; } } else { $book['genre'] = 'null'; } $book['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL; if ($book['coverurl'] != '') { $book['cover'] = 1; } else { $book['cover'] = 0; } $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM bookinfo WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($book['asin']))); if ($check === false) { $bookId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO bookinfo\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(title, author, asin, isbn, ean, url, salesrank, publisher, publishdate, pages,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\toverview, genre, cover, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())", $this->pdo->escapeString($book['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['author']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['isbn']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['ean']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['url']), $book['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publisher']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publishdate']), $book['pages'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['overview']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['genre']), $book['cover'])); } else { $bookId = $check['id']; $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf(' UPDATE bookinfo SET title = %s, author = %s, asin = %s, isbn = %s, ean = %s, url = %s, salesrank = %s, publisher = %s, publishdate = %s, pages = %s, overview = %s, genre = %s, cover = %d, updateddate = NOW() WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->escapeString($book['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['author']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['isbn']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['ean']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['url']), $book['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publisher']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['publishdate']), $book['pages'], $this->pdo->escapeString($book['overview']), $this->pdo->escapeString($book['genre']), $book['cover'], $bookId)); } if ($bookId) { if ($this->echooutput) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("Added/updated book: ")); if ($book['author'] !== '') { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Author: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($book['author'])); } echo $this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Title: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary(" " . $book['title']); if ($book['genre'] !== 'null') { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Genre: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary(" " . $book['genre'])); } } $book['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($bookId, $book['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } else { if ($this->echooutput) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header('Nothing to update: ') . $this->pdo->log->header($book['author'] . ' - ' . $book['title'])); } } return $bookId; }
/** * Get a sample from a release using ffmpeg */ public function getSample($ramdrive, $ffmpeginfo, $releaseguid) { $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $retval = false; $samplefiles = glob($ramdrive . '*.*'); if (is_array($samplefiles)) { foreach ($samplefiles as $samplefile) { if (preg_match("/\\.(" . $this->mediafileregex . ")\$/i", $samplefile)) { //1.0 //$execstring = '"'.$ffmpeginfo.'" -sameq -i "'.$samplefile.'" -vframes 300 "'.$ramdrive.'zzzz%03d.jpg"'; //1.1 //$execstring = '"'.$ffmpeginfo.'" -i "'.$samplefile.'" -qscale:v 1 -vframes 300 "'.$ramdrive.'zzzz%03d.jpg"'; //2.0 //$execstring = '"'.$ffmpeginfo.'" -i "'.$samplefile.'" -vframes 300 "'.$ramdrive.'zzzz%03d.jpg"'; //1.x $execstring = '"' . $ffmpeginfo . '" -q:v 0 -i "' . $samplefile . '" -vframes 300 "' . $ramdrive . 'zzzz%03d.jpg"'; Utility::runCmd($execstring, false, true); $all_files = scandir($ramdrive, 1); if (preg_match("/zzzz\\d{3}\\.jpg/", $all_files[1])) { $ri->saveImage($releaseguid . '_thumb', $ramdrive . $all_files[1], $ri->imgSavePath, 800, 600); $retval = true; } //clean up all files foreach (glob($ramdrive . '*.jpg') as $v) { unlink($v); } } } } else { echo "PostPrc: Couldn't open temp drive " . $ramdrive . "\n"; } return $retval; }
/** * Process all untagged releases in the anime category. */ public function processAnimeReleases() { $numtoProcess = 100; $db = new DB(); $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $s = new Sites(); $site = $s->get(); /** * Grab a batch of 1000 releases and process until we have finished them, or hit the max configured * API requests in an attempt to avoid flooding AniDB and then getting throttled. * * Most requests will be hitting our local DB, so we want to go through those as quick as possible. */ $numApiRequests = 0; $maxApiRequests = 5; $numSuccess = 0; $totalProcessed = 0; $results = $db->query(sprintf("SELECT searchname, ID FROM releases WHERE anidbID IS NULL AND categoryID IN ( SELECT ID FROM category WHERE categoryID = %d ) ORDER BY postdate DESC limit %d ", Category::CAT_TV_ANIME, $numtoProcess)); $numResults = count($results); if (count($results) > 0) { if ($this->echooutput) { echo "AniDB : Processing " . $numResults . " anime releases\n"; } foreach ($results as $arr) { if ($numApiRequests >= $maxApiRequests) { break; } $totalProcessed++; /** * Anime NZB filenames during imports get their [] brackets stripped from around the release group name. * This causes problems with the regexes finding the real anime title. * This section uses the NFO file, if it exists, to look up the "Complete name" field to use instead of the filename. */ if ($site->lookupnfo == 1) { // Look up the nfo file for this release. $nfoRes = $db->queryOneRow(sprintf("select uncompress(nfo) as nfo from releasenfo where releaseID = %d", $arr['ID'])); // If there is one, then check if there is a "Complete name : <name>" entry. if (!empty($nfoRes)) { preg_match("/Complete name[ ]*:[ ]*(?P<completeName>.+)/i", $nfoRes['nfo'], $matches); $completeName = array_key_exists('completeName', $matches) ? $matches['completeName'] : ""; if (!empty($completeName)) { // Found a complete name, use this instead of the searchname. $arr['searchname'] = $completeName; } } } $cleanFilename = $this->cleanFilename($arr['searchname']); $anidbID = $this->getanidbID($cleanFilename['title']); if (!$anidbID) { $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET anidbID = %d, tvinfoID = %d WHERE ID = %d", -1, -2, $arr["ID"])); continue; } if ($this->echooutput) { echo 'AniDB : Looking up: ' . htmlentities($arr['searchname']) . "\n"; } $AniDBAPIArray = $this->getAnimeInfo($anidbID); $lastUpdate = isset($AniDBAPIArray['createddate']) && time() - strtotime($AniDBAPIArray['createddate']) > 604800; if (!$AniDBAPIArray || $lastUpdate) { $numApiRequests++; $AniDBAPIArray = $this->AniDBAPI($anidbID); if (!$lastUpdate) { $this->addTitle($AniDBAPIArray); } else { $this->updateTitle($AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'], $AniDBAPIArray['title'], $AniDBAPIArray['type'], $AniDBAPIArray['startdate'], $AniDBAPIArray['enddate'], $AniDBAPIArray['related'], $AniDBAPIArray['creators'], $AniDBAPIArray['description'], $AniDBAPIArray['rating'], $AniDBAPIArray['categories'], $AniDBAPIArray['characters'], $AniDBAPIArray['epnos'], $AniDBAPIArray['airdates'], $AniDBAPIArray['episodetitles']); } if ($AniDBAPIArray['picture']) { $ri->saveImage($AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'], '' . $AniDBAPIArray['picture'], $this->imgSavePath); } } if ($AniDBAPIArray['anidbID']) { $epno = explode('|', $AniDBAPIArray['epnos']); $airdate = explode('|', $AniDBAPIArray['airdates']); $episodetitle = explode('|', $AniDBAPIArray['episodetitles']); $offset = -1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($epno); $i++) { if ($cleanFilename['epno'] == $epno[$i]) { $offset = $i; break; } } $airdate = isset($airdate[$offset]) ? $airdate[$offset] : $AniDBAPIArray['startdate']; $episodetitle = isset($episodetitle[$offset]) ? $episodetitle[$offset] : $cleanFilename['epno']; $tvtitle = $episodetitle !== 'Complete Movie' && $episodetitle !== $cleanFilename['epno'] ? $cleanFilename['epno'] . " - " . $episodetitle : $episodetitle; if ($this->echooutput) { echo 'AniDB : Found ' . $AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'] . " - " . $AniDBAPIArray['title'] . "\n"; } $db->exec(sprintf("update releases SET episode=%s, tvtitle=%s, tvairdate=%s, anidbID=%d, tvinfoID=%d WHERE ID = %d", $db->escapeString($cleanFilename['epno']), $db->escapeString($tvtitle), $db->escapeString($airdate), $AniDBAPIArray['anidbID'], -2, $arr["ID"])); $numSuccess++; } } if ($this->echooutput) { echo "AniDB : " . $numApiRequests . " AniDB API requests performed.\n"; echo "AniDB : " . $numSuccess . " anidbIDs parsed successfully.\n"; echo "AniDB : " . $totalProcessed . " anime releases processed.\n"; } } }
/** * Determine if a bookinfo can be found locally, if not query amazon, strip out it * properties and update the database. */ public function updateBookInfo($author, $title) { $db = new DB(); $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $mus = array(); $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($author . " " . $title); if (!$amaz) { //echo "tried to lookup ".$author." ".$title; return false; } sleep(1); // // get album properties // $item = array(); $item["asin"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN; $item["url"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL; $item["coverurl"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL; if ($item['coverurl'] != "") { $item['cover'] = 1; } else { $item['cover'] = 0; } $item["author"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Author; $item["dewey"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->DeweyDecimalNumber; $item["ean"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->EAN; $item["isbn"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ISBN; $item["publisher"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher; $item["publishdate"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->PublicationDate; $item["pages"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->NumberOfPages; $item["title"] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title; $item["review"] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) { $item["review"] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)); } //This is to verify the result back from amazon was at least somewhat related to what was intended. //If you are debugging releases comment out the following code to show all info $match = similar_text($author, $item["author"], $authorpercent); $match = similar_text($title, $item['title'], $titlepercent); //If the author is less than 80% album must be 100% if ($authorpercent < '60') { if ($titlepercent != '100') { //echo "\nAuthor Under 80 Title Under 100 \n".$author." - ".$item['author']." - ".$authorpercent."\n"; $temptitle = $title; $tempauthor = $author; $title = $tempauthor; $author = $temptitle; $match = similar_text($author, $item['author'], $authorpercent); $match = similar_text($title, $item['title'], $titlepercent); if ($authorpercent < '60') { if ($titlepercent != '100') { //echo "\nAuthor Under 80 Title Under 100 second check\n".$author." - ".$item['author']." - ".$authorpercent."\n"; //echo $title." - ".$item['title']." - ".$titlepercent."\n"; return false; } } } } //If the title is ever under 30%, it's probably not a match. if ($titlepercent < '30') { //echo "Title Under 30 ".$title." - ".$item['title']." - ".$titlepercent; return false; } $bookId = $this->addUpdateBookInfo($item['title'], $item['asin'], $item['url'], $item['author'], $item['publisher'], $item['publishdate'], $item['review'], $item['cover'], $item['dewey'], $item['ean'], $item['isbn'], $item['pages']); if ($bookId) { $item['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($bookId, $item['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } return $bookId; }
/** * Fetch IMDB/TMDB/TRAKT info for the movie. * * @param $imdbId * * @return bool */ public function updateMovieInfo($imdbId) { if ($this->echooutput && $this->service !== '') { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary("Fetching IMDB info from TMDB and/or Trakt using IMDB id: " . $imdbId)); } // Check TMDB for IMDB info. $tmdb = $this->fetchTMDBProperties($imdbId); // Check IMDB for movie info. $imdb = $this->fetchIMDBProperties($imdbId); // Check TRAKT for movie info $trakt = $this->fetchTraktTVProperties($imdbId); if (!$imdb && !$tmdb && !$trakt) { return false; } // Check for cover nad background images. $fanart = $this->fetchFanartTVProperties($imdbId); $mov = []; $mov['cover'] = $mov['backdrop'] = $mov['banner'] = $movieID = 0; $mov['type'] = $mov['director'] = $mov['actors'] = $mov['language'] = ''; $mov['imdbid'] = $imdbId; $mov['tmdbid'] = !isset($tmdb['tmdbid']) || $tmdb['tmdbid'] == '' ? 0 : $tmdb['tmdbid']; $mov['traktid'] = $trakt['id']; // Prefer cover over TRAKT, TRAKT over TMDB and TMDB over IMDB. if ($this->checkVariable($fanart['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $fanart['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($trakt['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $trakt['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($tmdb['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $tmdb['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $imdb['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } } } } // Backdrops. if ($this->checkVariable($fanart['backdrop'])) { $mov['backdrop'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-backdrop', $fanart['backdrop'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($tmdb['backdrop'])) { $mov['backdrop'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-backdrop', $tmdb['backdrop'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024); } } // Banner if ($this->checkVariable($fanart['banner'])) { $mov['banner'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-banner', $fanart['banner'], $this->imgSavePath); } $mov['title'] = $this->setTmdbImdbTraktVar($imdb['title'], $tmdb['title'], $trakt['title']); $mov['rating'] = $this->setTmdbImdbTraktVar($imdb['rating'], $tmdb['rating'], $trakt['rating']); $mov['plot'] = $this->setTmdbImdbTraktVar($imdb['plot'], $tmdb['plot'], $trakt['overview']); $mov['tagline'] = $this->setTmdbImdbTraktVar($imdb['tagline'], $tmdb['tagline'], $trakt['tagline']); $mov['year'] = $this->setTmdbImdbTraktVar($imdb['year'], $tmdb['year'], $trakt['year']); $mov['genre'] = $this->setTmdbImdbTraktVar($imdb['genre'], $tmdb['genre'], $trakt['genres']); if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['type'])) { $mov['type'] = $imdb['type']; } if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['director'])) { $mov['director'] = is_array($imdb['director']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['director'])) : $imdb['director']; } if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['actors'])) { $mov['actors'] = is_array($imdb['actors']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['actors'])) : $imdb['actors']; } if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['language'])) { $mov['language'] = is_array($imdb['language']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['language'])) : $imdb['language']; } if (is_array($mov['genre'])) { $mov['genre'] = implode(', ', array_unique($mov['genre'])); } if (is_array($mov['type'])) { $mov['type'] = implode(', ', array_unique($mov['type'])); } $mov['title'] = html_entity_decode($mov['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['title'] = str_replace(['/', '\\'], '', $mov['title']); $movieID = $this->update(['actors' => html_entity_decode($mov['actors'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'backdrop' => $mov['backdrop'], 'cover' => $mov['cover'], 'director' => html_entity_decode($mov['director'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'genre' => html_entity_decode($mov['genre'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'imdbid' => $mov['imdbid'], 'language' => html_entity_decode($mov['language'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'plot' => html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/\\s+See full summary »/', ' ', $mov['plot']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'rating' => round($mov['rating'], 1), 'tagline' => html_entity_decode($mov['tagline'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'title' => $mov['title'], 'tmdbid' => $mov['tmdbid'], 'type' => html_entity_decode(ucwords(preg_replace('/[\\.\\_]/', ' ', $mov['type'])), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'year' => $mov['year'], 'traktid' => $mov['traktid']]); if ($this->echooutput && $this->service !== '') { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver($movieID !== 0 ? 'Added/updated movie: ' : 'Nothing to update for movie: ') . $this->pdo->log->primary($mov['title'] . ' (' . $mov['year'] . ') - ' . $mov['imdbid'])); } return $movieID === 0 ? false : true; }
/** * Update musicinfo from external source */ public function updateMusicInfo($artist, $album, $year) { $db = new DB(); $gen = new Genres(); $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $mus = array(); $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($artist . " " . $album); if (!$amaz) { return false; } sleep(1); //load genres $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(Genres::MUSIC_TYPE); $genreassoc = array(); foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) { $genreassoc[$dg['ID']] = strtolower($dg['title']); } // // get album properties // $mus['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL; if ($mus['coverurl'] != "") { $mus['cover'] = 1; } else { $mus['cover'] = 0; } $mus['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title; if (empty($mus['title'])) { $mus['title'] = $album; } $mus['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN; $mus['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL; $mus['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank; if ($mus['salesrank'] == "") { $mus['salesrank'] = 'null'; } $mus['artist'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Artist; if (empty($mus['artist'])) { $mus['artist'] = $artist; } $mus['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher; $mus['releasedate'] = $db->escapeString((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate); if ($mus['releasedate'] == "''") { $mus['releasedate'] = 'null'; } $mus['review'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) { $mus['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)); } $mus['year'] = $year; if ($mus['year'] == "") { $mus['year'] = $mus['releasedate'] != 'null' ? substr($mus['releasedate'], 1, 4) : date("Y"); } $mus['tracks'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->Tracks)) { $tmpTracks = (array) $amaz->Items->Item->Tracks->Disc; $tracks = $tmpTracks['Track']; $mus['tracks'] = is_array($tracks) && !empty($tracks) ? implode('|', $tracks) : ''; } //This is to verify the result back from amazon was at least somewhat related to what was intended. //If you are debugging releases comment out the following code to show all info $match = similar_text($artist, $mus['artist'], $artistpercent); //echo("Matched: Artist Percentage: $artistpercent%"); $match = similar_text($album, $mus['title'], $albumpercent); //echo("Matched: Album Percentage: $albumpercent%"); //If the artist is Various Artists, assume artist is 100% if (preg_match('/various/i', $artist)) { $artistpercent = '100'; } //If the Artist is less than 80% album must be 100% if ($artistpercent < '80') { if ($albumpercent != '100') { return false; } } //If the album is ever under 30%, it's probably not a match. if ($albumpercent < '30') { return false; } //This is the end of the recheck code. Comment out to this point to show all info. $genreKey = -1; $genreName = ''; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes)) { //had issues getting this out of the browsenodes obj //workaround is to get the xml and load that into its own obj $amazGenresXml = $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->asXml(); $amazGenresObj = simplexml_load_string($amazGenresXml); $amazGenres = $amazGenresObj->xpath("//BrowseNodeId"); foreach ($amazGenres as $amazGenre) { $currNode = trim($amazGenre[0]); if (empty($genreName)) { $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode($currNode); if ($genreMatch !== false) { $genreName = $genreMatch; break; } } } $genreKey = $gen->getOrAddGenreKey($genreName, $genreassoc); } $mus['musicgenreID'] = $genreKey; $musicId = $this->addUpdateMusicInfo($mus['title'], $mus['asin'], $mus['url'], $mus['salesrank'], $mus['artist'], $mus['publisher'], $mus['releasedate'], $mus['review'], $mus['year'], $mus['musicgenreID'], $mus['tracks'], $mus['cover']); if ($musicId) { //if ($this->echooutput) // echo "added/updated album: ".$mus['title']." (".$mus['year'].")\n"; $mus['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($musicId, $mus['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } return $musicId; }
/** * @param $title * @param $year * @param null $amazdata * * @return bool */ public function updateMusicInfo($title, $year, $amazdata = null) { $gen = new \Genres(['Settings' => $this->pdo]); $ri = new \ReleaseImage($this->pdo); $titlepercent = 0; $mus = []; if ($title != '') { $amaz = $this->fetchAmazonProperties($title); } else { if ($amazdata != null) { $amaz = $amazdata; } else { $amaz = false; } } if (!$amaz) { return false; } if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title)) { $mus['title'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Title; if (empty($mus['title'])) { return false; } } else { return false; } // Load genres. $defaultGenres = $gen->getGenres(\Genres::MUSIC_TYPE); $genreassoc = []; foreach ($defaultGenres as $dg) { $genreassoc[$dg['id']] = strtolower($dg['title']); } // Get album properties. $mus['coverurl'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->LargeImage->URL; if ($mus['coverurl'] != "") { $mus['cover'] = 1; } else { $mus['cover'] = 0; } $mus['asin'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ASIN; $mus['url'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->DetailPageURL; $mus['url'] = str_replace("%26tag%3Dws", "%26tag%3Dopensourceins%2D21", $mus['url']); $mus['salesrank'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->SalesRank; if ($mus['salesrank'] == "") { $mus['salesrank'] = 'null'; } $mus['artist'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Artist; if (empty($mus['artist'])) { $mus['artist'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Creator; if (empty($mus['artist'])) { $mus['artist'] = ""; } } $mus['publisher'] = (string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->Publisher; $mus['releasedate'] = $this->pdo->escapeString((string) $amaz->Items->Item->ItemAttributes->ReleaseDate); if ($mus['releasedate'] == "''") { $mus['releasedate'] = 'null'; } $mus['review'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews)) { $mus['review'] = trim(strip_tags((string) $amaz->Items->Item->EditorialReviews->EditorialReview->Content)); } $mus['year'] = $year; if ($mus['year'] == "") { $mus['year'] = $mus['releasedate'] != 'null' ? substr($mus['releasedate'], 1, 4) : date("Y"); } $mus['tracks'] = ""; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->Tracks)) { $tmpTracks = (array) $amaz->Items->Item->Tracks->Disc; $tracks = $tmpTracks['Track']; $mus['tracks'] = is_array($tracks) && !empty($tracks) ? implode('|', $tracks) : ''; } similar_text($mus['artist'] . " " . $mus['title'], $title, $titlepercent); if ($titlepercent < 60) { return false; } $genreKey = -1; $genreName = ''; if (isset($amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes)) { // Had issues getting this out of the browsenodes obj. // Workaround is to get the xml and load that into its own obj. $amazGenresXml = $amaz->Items->Item->BrowseNodes->asXml(); $amazGenresObj = simplexml_load_string($amazGenresXml); $amazGenres = $amazGenresObj->xpath("//BrowseNodeId"); foreach ($amazGenres as $amazGenre) { $currNode = trim($amazGenre[0]); if (empty($genreName)) { $genreMatch = $this->matchBrowseNode($currNode); if ($genreMatch !== false) { $genreName = $genreMatch; break; } } } if (in_array(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc)) { $genreKey = array_search(strtolower($genreName), $genreassoc); } else { $genreKey = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO genres (title, type)\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (%s, %d)", $this->pdo->escapeString($genreName), \Genres::MUSIC_TYPE)); } } $mus['musicgenre'] = $genreName; $mus['musicgenreid'] = $genreKey; $check = $this->pdo->queryOneRow(sprintf('SELECT id FROM musicinfo WHERE asin = %s', $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['asin']))); if ($check === false) { $musicId = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("INSERT INTO musicinfo (title, asin, url, salesrank, artist, publisher, " . "releasedate, review, year, genreID, tracks, cover, createddate, updateddate) VALUES " . "(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, now(), now())", $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['url']), $mus['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['artist']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['publisher']), $mus['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['review']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['year']), $mus['musicgenreid'] == -1 ? "null" : $mus['musicgenreid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['tracks']), $mus['cover'])); } else { $musicId = $check['id']; $this->pdo->queryExec(sprintf('UPDATE musicinfo SET title = %s, asin = %s, url = %s, salesrank = %s, artist = %s, ' . 'publisher = %s, releasedate = %s, review = %s, year = %s, genreID = %s, tracks = %s, cover = %s, ' . 'updateddate = NOW() WHERE id = %d', $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['asin']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['url']), $mus['salesrank'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['artist']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['publisher']), $mus['releasedate'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['review']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['year']), $mus['musicgenreid'] == -1 ? "null" : $mus['musicgenreid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mus['tracks']), $mus['cover'], $musicId)); } if ($musicId) { if ($this->echooutput) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header("\nAdded/updated album: ") . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Artist: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($mus['artist']) . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Title: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($mus['title']) . $this->pdo->log->alternateOver(" Year: ") . $this->pdo->log->primary($mus['year'])); } $mus['cover'] = $ri->saveImage($musicId, $mus['coverurl'], $this->imgSavePath, 250, 250); } else { if ($this->echooutput) { if ($mus["artist"] == "") { $artist = ""; } else { $artist = "Artist: " . $mus['artist'] . ", Album: "; } $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver("Nothing to update: ") . $this->pdo->log->primaryOver($artist . $mus['title'] . " (" . $mus['year'] . ")")); } } return $musicId; }
/** * Fetch IMDB/TMDB info for the movie. * * @param $imdbId * * @return bool */ public function updateMovieInfo($imdbId) { if ($this->echooutput && $this->service !== '') { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary("Fetching IMDB info from TMDB using IMDB id: " . $imdbId)); } // Check TMDB for IMDB info. $tmdb = $this->fetchTMDBProperties($imdbId); // Check IMDB for movie info. $imdb = $this->fetchIMDBProperties($imdbId); if (!$imdb && !$tmdb) { return false; } // Check for background images. $fanart = $this->fetchFanartTVProperties($imdbId); $mov = []; $mov['cover'] = $mov['backdrop'] = $mov['banner'] = $movieID = 0; $mov['type'] = $mov['director'] = $mov['actors'] = $mov['language'] = ''; $mov['imdbid'] = $imdbId; $mov['tmdbid'] = !isset($tmdb['tmdbid']) || $tmdb['tmdbid'] == '' ? 'NULL' : $tmdb['tmdbid']; // Prefer cover over TMDB. And TMDB over IMDB. if ($this->checkVariable($fanart['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $fanart['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($tmdb['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $tmdb['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['cover'])) { $mov['cover'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-cover', $imdb['cover'], $this->imgSavePath); } } } // Backdrops. if ($this->checkVariable($fanart['backdrop'])) { $mov['backdrop'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-backdrop', $fanart['backdrop'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024); } else { if ($this->checkVariable($tmdb['backdrop'])) { $mov['backdrop'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-backdrop', $tmdb['backdrop'], $this->imgSavePath, 1920, 1024); } } // Banner if ($this->checkVariable($fanart['banner'])) { $mov['banner'] = $this->releaseImage->saveImage($imdbId . '-banner', $fanart['banner'], $this->imgSavePath); } $mov['title'] = $this->setTmdbImdbVar($imdb['title'], $tmdb['title']); $mov['rating'] = $this->setTmdbImdbVar($imdb['rating'], $tmdb['rating']); $mov['plot'] = $this->setTmdbImdbVar($imdb['plot'], $tmdb['plot']); $mov['tagline'] = $this->setTmdbImdbVar($imdb['tagline'], $tmdb['tagline']); $mov['year'] = $this->setTmdbImdbVar($imdb['year'], $tmdb['year']); $mov['genre'] = $this->setTmdbImdbVar($imdb['genre'], $tmdb['genre']); if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['type'])) { $mov['type'] = $imdb['type']; } if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['director'])) { $mov['director'] = is_array($imdb['director']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['director'])) : $imdb['director']; } if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['actors'])) { $mov['actors'] = is_array($imdb['actors']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['actors'])) : $imdb['actors']; } if ($this->checkVariable($imdb['language'])) { $mov['language'] = is_array($imdb['language']) ? implode(', ', array_unique($imdb['language'])) : $imdb['language']; } if (is_array($mov['genre'])) { $mov['genre'] = implode(', ', array_unique($mov['genre'])); } if (is_array($mov['type'])) { $mov['type'] = implode(', ', array_unique($mov['type'])); } $mov['title'] = html_entity_decode($mov['title'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['plot'] = html_entity_decode(preg_replace('/\\s+See full summary »/', ' ', $mov['plot']), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['tagline'] = html_entity_decode($mov['tagline'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['genre'] = html_entity_decode($mov['genre'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['director'] = html_entity_decode($mov['director'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['actors'] = html_entity_decode($mov['actors'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['language'] = html_entity_decode($mov['language'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['type'] = html_entity_decode(ucwords(preg_replace('/[\\.\\_]/', ' ', $mov['type'])), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); $mov['title'] = str_replace(array('/', '\\'), '', $mov['title']); $movieID = $this->pdo->queryInsert(sprintf("\n\t\t\t\tINSERT INTO movieinfo\n\t\t\t\t\t(imdbid, tmdbID, title, rating, tagline, plot, year, genre, type,\n\t\t\t\t\tdirector, actors, language, cover, backdrop, banner, createddate, updateddate)\n\t\t\t\tVALUES\n\t\t\t\t\t(%d, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %d, %d, %d, NOW(), NOW())\n\t\t\t\tON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE\n\t\t\t\t\timdbid = %d, tmdbID = %s, title = %s, rating = %s, tagline = %s, plot = %s, year = %s, genre = %s,\n\t\t\t\t\ttype = %s, director = %s, actors = %s, language = %s, cover = %d, backdrop = %d, banner = %d, updateddate = NOW()", $mov['imdbid'], $mov['tmdbid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['rating']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['tagline']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['plot']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['year']), $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($mov['genre'], 0, 64)), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['type']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['director']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['actors']), $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($mov['language'], 0, 64)), $mov['cover'], $mov['backdrop'], $mov['banner'], $mov['imdbid'], $mov['tmdbid'], $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['title']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['rating']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['tagline']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['plot']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['year']), $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($mov['genre'], 0, 64)), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['type']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['director']), $this->pdo->escapeString($mov['actors']), $this->pdo->escapeString(substr($mov['language'], 0, 64)), $mov['cover'], $mov['backdrop'], $mov['banner'])); if ($this->echooutput && $this->service !== '') { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->headerOver($movieID !== 0 ? 'Added/updated movie: ' : 'Nothing to update for movie: ') . $this->pdo->log->primary($mov['title'] . ' (' . $mov['year'] . ') - ' . $mov['imdbid'])); } return $movieID === 0 ? false : true; }
public function getSample($ramdrive, $ffmpeginfo, $releaseguid) { $ri = new ReleaseImage(); $retval = false; $samplefiles = glob($ramdrive . '*.*'); if (is_array($samplefiles)) { foreach ($samplefiles as $samplefile) { if (preg_match("/\\.(" . $this->mediafileregex . ")\$/i", $samplefile)) { echo "Getting Sample for {$samplefile}\n"; $execstring = '"' . $ffmpeginfo . '" -loglevel quiet -vframes 300 -sameq -i "' . $samplefile . '" "' . $ramdrive . 'zzzz%03d.jpg"'; $output = runCmd($execstring); $all_files = scandir($ramdrive, 1); if (preg_match("/zzzz\\d{3}\\.jpg/", $all_files[1])) { echo "-Using {$all_files[1]}\n"; $ri->saveImage($releaseguid . '_thumb', $ramdrive . $all_files[1], $ri->imgSavePath, 800, 600); $retval = true; } else { echo "-Failed\n"; } //clean up all files foreach (glob($ramdrive . '*.jpg') as $v) { unlink($v); } } } } else { echo "Couldn't open temp drive " . $ramdrive; } return $retval; }