Esempio n. 1
  * @return self
 public static function from($from) : self
     if (is_string($from) && strpos($from, '::')) {
         $from = new \ReflectionMethod($from);
     } elseif (is_array($from)) {
         $from = new \ReflectionMethod($from[0], $from[1]);
     } elseif (!$from instanceof \ReflectionFunctionAbstract) {
         $from = new \ReflectionFunction($from);
     $method = new static();
     $method->name = $from->isClosure() ? NULL : $from->getName();
     foreach ($from->getParameters() as $param) {
         $method->parameters[$param->getName()] = Parameter::from($param);
     if ($from instanceof \ReflectionMethod) {
         $method->static = $from->isStatic();
         $method->visibility = $from->isPrivate() ? 'private' : ($from->isProtected() ? 'protected' : NULL);
         $method->final = $from->isFinal();
         $method->abstract = $from->isAbstract() && !$from->getDeclaringClass()->isInterface();
         $method->body = $from->isAbstract() ? FALSE : '';
     $method->returnReference = $from->returnsReference();
     $method->variadic = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50600 && $from->isVariadic();
     $method->comment = $from->getDocComment() ? preg_replace('#^\\s*\\* ?#m', '', trim($from->getDocComment(), "/* \r\n\t")) : NULL;
     if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 && $from->hasReturnType()) {
         $returnType = $from->getReturnType();
         $method->returnType = $returnType->isBuiltin() ? (string) $returnType : '\\' . $returnType;
     return $method;
Esempio n. 2
  * @return IAnnotationReflection
 public function getAnnotationReflection()
     if ($this->annotationReflection === null) {
         $this->annotationReflection = AnnotationReflection::build($this->reflectionFunction->getDocComment());
     return $this->annotationReflection;
Esempio n. 3
 public function testParse()
     $fn = function ($param1 = true, $param2 = 'bho') {
         // function body
     $reflector = new \ReflectionFunction($fn);
     $comment = $reflector->getDocComment();
     $parser = new DocBlockParser($comment);
     $this->assertEquals('Anonymous function description splitted in two lines', $parser->getDescription());
     $param1 = $parser->getParam('param1');
     $this->assertEquals('param1', $param1['name']);
     $this->assertEquals('bool', $param1['type']);
     $this->assertEquals('parameter1 description', $param1['description']);
     $this->assertEquals('parameter1 description', $parser->getParamDescription('param1'));
     $this->assertEquals('', $parser->getParamDescription('param4'));
     $params = $parser->getParams();
     $this->assertEquals(3, count($params));
     $this->assertEquals('param1', $params['param1']['name']);
     $this->assertEquals('bool', $params['param1']['type']);
     $this->assertEquals('parameter1 description', $params['param1']['description']);
     $this->assertEquals('param3', $params['param3']['name']);
     $this->assertEquals('string', $params['param3']['type']);
     $this->assertEquals('', $params['param3']['description']);
Esempio n. 4
  * Show page documenting all routes available in this app.
  * @param \Silex\Application $app
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response
 public function routesAction(\Silex\Application $app)
      * @var \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection $routes
     $routes = $app['routes'];
     $routes = self::pullRoutesFromCollection($routes);
     $docs = array();
     foreach ($routes as $route) {
          * @var \Silex\Route $route
         $controller = $route->getDefault('_controller');
         $docKey = $route->getPattern();
         if (is_array($controller)) {
             $method = new \ReflectionMethod($controller[0], $controller[1]);
         } elseif ($controller instanceof \Closure) {
             $method = new \ReflectionFunction($controller);
         } else {
             $docs[$docKey] = '';
         $docs[$docKey] = self::parseSummaryFromDocComment($method->getDocComment());
     $bootstrap = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'];
     return $app['twig']->render('list-routes.html.twig', array('routes' => $routes, 'docs' => $docs, 'bootstrap' => $bootstrap));
Esempio n. 5
  * Returns the doc comment for this function
  * @return string Doc comment for this function
  * @since PHP 5.1.0
 public function getDocComment()
     if ($this->reflectionSource instanceof ReflectionFunction) {
         return $this->reflectionSource->getDocComment();
     } else {
         return parent::getDocComment();
Esempio n. 6
function update_script_selection_form()
    $form = array();
    $count = 0;
    $form['start'] = array('#tree' => TRUE, '#type' => 'fieldset', '#collapsed' => TRUE, '#collapsible' => TRUE);
    // Ensure system.module's updates appear first
    $form['start']['system'] = array();
    $modules = drupal_get_installed_schema_version(NULL, FALSE, TRUE);
    foreach ($modules as $module => $schema_version) {
        $pending = array();
        $updates = drupal_get_schema_versions($module);
        // Skip incompatible module updates completely, otherwise test schema versions.
        if (!update_check_incompatibility($module) && $updates !== FALSE && $schema_version >= 0) {
            // module_invoke returns NULL for nonexisting hooks, so if no updates
            // are removed, it will == 0.
            $last_removed = module_invoke($module, 'update_last_removed');
            if ($schema_version < $last_removed) {
                $form['start'][$module] = array('#title' => $module, '#item' => '<em>' . $module . '</em> module can not be updated. Its schema version is ' . $schema_version . '. Updates up to and including ' . $last_removed . ' have been removed in this release. In order to update <em>' . $module . '</em> module, you will first <a href="">need to upgrade</a> to the last version in which these updates were available.', '#prefix' => '<div class="warning">', '#suffix' => '</div>');
            $updates = drupal_map_assoc($updates);
            foreach (array_keys($updates) as $update) {
                if ($update > $schema_version) {
                    // The description for an update comes from its Doxygen.
                    $func = new ReflectionFunction($module . '_update_' . $update);
                    $description = str_replace(array("\n", '*', '/'), '', $func->getDocComment());
                    $pending[] = "{$update} - {$description}";
                    if (!isset($default)) {
                        $default = $update;
            if (!empty($pending)) {
                if (!isset($default)) {
                    $default = $schema_version;
                $form['start'][$module] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#value' => $default);
                $form['start'][$module . '_updates'] = array('#markup' => theme('item_list', $pending, $module . ' module'));
        $count = $count + count($pending);
    if (empty($count)) {
        drupal_set_message(t('No pending updates.'));
        $form['links'] = array('#markup' => theme('item_list', update_helpful_links()));
    } else {
        $form['help'] = array('#markup' => '<p>The version of Drupal you are updating from has been automatically detected.</p>', '#weight' => -5);
        $form['start']['#title'] = strtr('!num pending updates', array('!num' => $count));
        $form['has_js'] = array('#type' => 'hidden', '#default_value' => FALSE);
        $form['submit'] = array('#type' => 'submit', '#value' => 'Apply pending updates');
    return $form;
Esempio n. 7
  * Test a function or method for a given class
  * @dataProvider dataReflectionTestFunctions
  * @param string|array $function The function name, or array of class name and method name.
 public function testFunction($function)
     // We can't pass Reflector objects in here because they get printed out as the
     // data set when a test fails
     if (is_array($function)) {
         $ref = new \ReflectionMethod($function[0], $function[1]);
         $name = $function[0] . '::' . $function[1] . '()';
     } else {
         $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($function);
         $name = $function . '()';
     $docblock = new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock($ref);
     $doc_comment = $ref->getDocComment();
     $method_params = $ref->getParameters();
     $doc_params = $docblock->getTagsByName('param');
     $this->assertNotFalse($doc_comment, sprintf('The docblock for `%s` should not be missing.', $name));
     $this->assertNotEmpty($docblock->getShortDescription(), sprintf('The docblock description for `%s` should not be empty.', $name));
     $this->assertSame(count($method_params), count($doc_params), sprintf('The number of @param docs for `%s` should match its number of parameters.', $name));
     // @TODO check description ends in full stop
     foreach ($method_params as $i => $param) {
         $param_doc = $doc_params[$i];
         $description = $param_doc->getDescription();
         $content = $param_doc->getContent();
         // @TODO decide how to handle variadic functions
         // ReflectionParameter::isVariadic — Checks if the parameter is variadic
         $is_hash = 0 === strpos($description, '{') && strlen($description) - 1 === strrpos($description, '}');
         if ($is_hash) {
             $lines = explode("\n", $description);
             $description = $lines[1];
         $this->assertNotEmpty($description, sprintf('The @param description for the `%s` parameter of `%s` should not be empty.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         list($param_doc_type, $param_doc_name) = preg_split('#\\s+#', $param_doc->getContent());
         $this->assertSame('$' . $param->getName(), $param_doc_name, sprintf('The @param name for the `%s` parameter of `%s` is incorrect.', '$' . $param->getName(), $name));
         if ($param->isArray()) {
             $this->assertNotFalse(strpos($param_doc_type, 'array'), sprintf('The @param type hint for the `%s` parameter of `%s` should state that it accepts an array.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         if (($param_class = $param->getClass()) && 'stdClass' !== $param_class->getName()) {
             $this->assertNotFalse(strpos($param_doc_type, $param_class->getName()), sprintf('The @param type hint for the `%s` parameter of `%s` should state that it accepts an object of type `%s`.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name, $param_class->getName()));
         $this->assertFalse(strpos($param_doc_type, 'callback'), sprintf('`callback` is not a valid type. `callable` should be used in the @param type hint for the `%s` parameter of `%s` instead.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         if ($param->isCallable()) {
             $this->assertNotFalse(strpos($param_doc_type, 'callable'), sprintf('The @param type hint for the `%s` parameter of `%s` should state that it accepts a callable.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         if ($param->isOptional()) {
             $this->assertNotFalse(strpos($description, 'Optional.'), sprintf('The @param description for the optional `%s` parameter of `%s` should state that it is optional.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         } else {
             $this->assertFalse(strpos($description, 'Optional.'), sprintf('The @param description for the required `%s` parameter of `%s` should not state that it is optional.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         if ($param->isDefaultValueAvailable() && array() !== $param->getDefaultValue()) {
             $this->assertNotFalse(strpos($description, 'Default '), sprintf('The @param description for the `%s` parameter of `%s` should state its default value.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
         } else {
             $this->assertFalse(strpos($description, 'Default '), sprintf('The @param description for the `%s` parameter of `%s` should not state a default value.', $param_doc->getVariableName(), $name));
Esempio n. 8
 public static function docBlock($function)
     if (preg_match('/^(.*)::(.*)$/', $function, $matches)) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionMethod($matches[1], $matches[2]);
     } elseif (preg_match('/([A-Z]+[\\w\\-\\d]+)$/', $function, $matches)) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass('\\' . $function);
     } else {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionFunction($function);
     return "<h3>{$function}</h3><br>" . preg_replace('/\\n/', ' <br>', $reflection->getDocComment());
Esempio n. 9
  * @param callable $code
 public function buildFromCode($code)
     $reflector = new \ReflectionFunction($code);
     $parser = new DocBlockParser($reflector->getDocComment());
     foreach ($reflector->getParameters() as $parameter) {
         $description = $parser->getParamDescription($parameter->getName());
         $this->addParameter($parameter, $description);
Esempio n. 10
 protected function setupFunction($function)
     if (is_array($function)) {
         $ref = new \ReflectionMethod($function[0], $function[1]);
         $this->function_name = $function[0] . '::' . $function[1] . '()';
     } else {
         $ref = new \ReflectionFunction($function);
         $this->function_name = $function . '()';
     $this->docblock = new \phpDocumentor\Reflection\DocBlock($ref);
     $this->doc_comment = $ref->getDocComment();
     $this->method_params = $ref->getParameters();
     $this->doc_params = $this->docblock->getTagsByName('param');
Esempio n. 11
  * Fetches all the annotations for a given suite and test block.
  * @note repeated names are sorted with deepest first
  * @param Spec\TestSuite $suite
  * @param Closure $cb
  * @return array
 protected function getAnnotations(Spec\TestSuite $suite, $cb)
     $anns = array();
     // Get annotations from the callback function first
     $reflFn = new \ReflectionFunction($cb);
     $docblock = $reflFn->getDocComment();
     if (preg_match_all('/@(?P<name>[A-Za-z_-]+)(?:[ \\t]+(?P<value>.*?))?(\\*\\/|$)/m', $docblock, $matches)) {
         $numMatches = count($matches[0]);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numMatches; ++$i) {
             $anns[$matches['name'][$i]][] = trim($matches['value'][$i]);
     // Fetch annotations from parent suites (deepest first)
     do {
         $anns = array_merge_recursive($anns, $suite->getAnnotations());
     } while ($suite = $suite->getParent());
     return $anns;
Esempio n. 12
 public static function fromReflection(\ReflectionFunction $ref)
     $function = new static();
     if (false === ($pos = strrpos($ref->name, '\\'))) {
         $function->setName(substr($ref->name, $pos + 1));
         $function->setNamespace(substr($ref->name, $pos));
     } else {
     $function->referenceReturned = $ref->returnsReference();
     $function->docblock = ReflectionUtils::getUnindentedDocComment($ref->getDocComment());
     foreach ($ref->getParameters() as $refParam) {
         assert($refParam instanceof \ReflectionParameter);
         $param = PhpParameter::fromReflection($refParam);
     return $function;
Esempio n. 13
  * DocCommentを取得する
  * @param mixed $object
  * @return string 
 public static function getDocCommentRaw($object)
     if ($object instanceof ReflectionMethod || $object instanceof ReflectionClass || $object instanceof ReflectionFunction || $object instanceof Injection\Spec) {
         return $object->getDocComment();
     // オブジェクトを判定
     if (is_callable($object) && is_array($object)) {
         $rs = new ReflectionMethod($object[0], $object[1]);
         return $rs->getDocComment();
     if ($object instanceof Closure) {
         $rs = new ReflectionFunction($object);
         return $rs->getDocComment();
     if (is_array($object) && is_callable($object[count($object) - 1])) {
         return self::getDocCommentRaw($object[count($object) - 1]);
     if (is_object($object)) {
         $rs = new ReflectionClass($object);
         return $rs->getDocComment();
     throw new Exception\CantRetriveDocComment($object);
Esempio n. 14
  * Introspect a php callable and its phpdoc block and extract information about its signature
  * @param callable $callable
  * @param string $plainFuncName
  * @return array|false
 protected function introspectFunction($callable, $plainFuncName)
     // start to introspect PHP code
     if (is_array($callable)) {
         $func = new \ReflectionMethod($callable[0], $callable[1]);
         if ($func->isPrivate()) {
             error_log('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': method to be wrapped is private: ' . $plainFuncName);
             return false;
         if ($func->isProtected()) {
             error_log('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': method to be wrapped is protected: ' . $plainFuncName);
             return false;
         if ($func->isConstructor()) {
             error_log('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': method to be wrapped is the constructor: ' . $plainFuncName);
             return false;
         if ($func->isDestructor()) {
             error_log('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': method to be wrapped is the destructor: ' . $plainFuncName);
             return false;
         if ($func->isAbstract()) {
             error_log('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': method to be wrapped is abstract: ' . $plainFuncName);
             return false;
         /// @todo add more checks for static vs. nonstatic?
     } else {
         $func = new \ReflectionFunction($callable);
     if ($func->isInternal()) {
         // Note: from PHP 5.1.0 onward, we will possibly be able to use invokeargs
         // instead of getparameters to fully reflect internal php functions ?
         error_log('XML-RPC: ' . __METHOD__ . ': function to be wrapped is internal: ' . $plainFuncName);
         return false;
     // retrieve parameter names, types and description from javadoc comments
     // function description
     $desc = '';
     // type of return val: by default 'any'
     $returns = Value::$xmlrpcValue;
     // desc of return val
     $returnsDocs = '';
     // type + name of function parameters
     $paramDocs = array();
     $docs = $func->getDocComment();
     if ($docs != '') {
         $docs = explode("\n", $docs);
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($docs as $doc) {
             $doc = trim($doc, " \r\t/*");
             if (strlen($doc) && strpos($doc, '@') !== 0 && !$i) {
                 if ($desc) {
                     $desc .= "\n";
                 $desc .= $doc;
             } elseif (strpos($doc, '@param') === 0) {
                 // syntax: @param type $name [desc]
                 if (preg_match('/@param\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(\\$\\S+)\\s*(.+)?/', $doc, $matches)) {
                     $name = strtolower(trim($matches[2]));
                     //$paramDocs[$name]['name'] = trim($matches[2]);
                     $paramDocs[$name]['doc'] = isset($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : '';
                     $paramDocs[$name]['type'] = $matches[1];
             } elseif (strpos($doc, '@return') === 0) {
                 // syntax: @return type [desc]
                 if (preg_match('/@return\\s+(\\S+)(\\s+.+)?/', $doc, $matches)) {
                     $returns = $matches[1];
                     if (isset($matches[2])) {
                         $returnsDocs = trim($matches[2]);
     // execute introspection of actual function prototype
     $params = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($func->getParameters() as $paramObj) {
         $params[$i] = array();
         $params[$i]['name'] = '$' . $paramObj->getName();
         $params[$i]['isoptional'] = $paramObj->isOptional();
     return array('desc' => $desc, 'docs' => $docs, 'params' => $params, 'paramDocs' => $paramDocs, 'returns' => $returns, 'returnsDocs' => $returnsDocs);
  * Logs a call to a deprecated function.
  * The log message will be taken from the annotation.
  * @return void
 public static function logDeprecatedFunction()
     if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['enableDeprecationLog']) {
     // This require_once is needed for deprecation calls
     // thrown early during bootstrap, if the autoloader is
     // not instantiated yet. This can happen for example if
     // ext_localconf triggers a deprecation.
     require_once 'utility/class.t3lib_utility_debug.php';
     $trail = debug_backtrace();
     if ($trail[1]['type']) {
         $function = new ReflectionMethod($trail[1]['class'], $trail[1]['function']);
     } else {
         $function = new ReflectionFunction($trail[1]['function']);
     $msg = '';
     if (preg_match('/@deprecated\\s+(.*)/', $function->getDocComment(), $match)) {
         $msg = $match[1];
     // trigger PHP error with a short message: <function> is deprecated (called from <source>, defined in <source>)
     $errorMsg = 'Function ' . $trail[1]['function'];
     if ($trail[1]['class']) {
         $errorMsg .= ' of class ' . $trail[1]['class'];
     $errorMsg .= ' is deprecated (called from ' . $trail[1]['file'] . '#' . $trail[1]['line'] . ', defined in ' . $function->getFileName() . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
     // write a longer message to the deprecation log: <function> <annotion> - <trace> (<source>)
     $logMsg = $trail[1]['class'] . $trail[1]['type'] . $trail[1]['function'];
     $logMsg .= '() - ' . $msg . ' - ' . t3lib_utility_Debug::debugTrail();
     $logMsg .= ' (' . substr($function->getFileName(), strlen(PATH_site)) . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
Esempio n. 16
  * Returns a list of all the pending updates.
  * @return array[]
  *   An associative array keyed by module name which contains all information
  *   about database updates that need to be run, and any updates that are not
  *   going to proceed due to missing requirements.
  *   The subarray for each module can contain the following keys:
  *   - start: The starting update that is to be processed. If this does not
  *       exist then do not process any updates for this module as there are
  *       other requirements that need to be resolved.
  *   - pending: An array of all the pending updates for the module including
  *       the description from source code comment for each update function.
  *       This array is keyed by the update name.
 public function getPendingUpdateInformation()
     $functions = $this->getPendingUpdateFunctions();
     $ret = [];
     foreach ($functions as $function) {
         list($module, $update) = explode("_{$this->updateType}_", $function);
         // The description for an update comes from its Doxygen.
         $func = new \ReflectionFunction($function);
         $description = trim(str_replace(array("\n", '*', '/'), '', $func->getDocComment()), ' ');
         $ret[$module]['pending'][$update] = $description;
         if (!isset($ret[$module]['start'])) {
             $ret[$module]['start'] = $update;
     return $ret;
Esempio n. 17
	 * cfdump-style debugging output
	 * @param $var    The variable to output.
	 * @param $limit  Maximum recursion depth for arrays (default 0 = all)
	 * @param $label  text to display in complex data type header
	 * @param $depth  Current depth (default 0)
	public function dump(&$var, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0) {
		if (!is_int($depth))
			$depth = 0;
		if (!is_int($limit))
			$limit = 0;
		if (($limit > 0) && ($depth >= $limit))
		static $seen = array();
		$he = function ($s) { return htmlentities($s); };
		$tabs = "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $depth);
		$printCount = 0;
		$self = $this;
		$echoFunction = function($var, $tabs, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0) use ($self) {
			if (!is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract')) {
				$var = new \ReflectionFunction($var);
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump function depth${depth}\">$tabs<thead><tr><th>" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . (is_callable(array($var, 'getModifiers')) ? htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($var->getModifiers()))) : '') . " function " . htmlentities($var->getName()) . "</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
			echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"value\">$tabs<table class=\"dump layout\">$tabs<tr><th>Parameters:</th><td>";
			$params = $var->getParameters();
			if (count($params) > 0) {
				echo "</td></tr>$tabs<tr><td colspan=\"2\">$tabs<table class=\"dump param\">$tabs<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Array/Ref</th><th>Required</th><th>Default</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
				foreach ($params as $param) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td>" . htmlentities($param->getName()) . "</td><td>" . ($param->isArray() ? "Array " : "") . ($param->isPassedByReference() ? "Reference" : "") . "</td><td>" . ($param->isOptional() ? "Optional" : "Required") . "</td><td>";
					if ($param->isOptional() && $param->isDefaultValueAvailable()) {
						$self->dump($param->getDefaultValue(), $limit, $label, $depth);
					echo "</td></tr>";
				echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
			} else {
				echo "none</td></tr>";
			$comment = trim($var->getDocComment());
			if (($comment !== NULL) && ($comment !== '')) {
				echo "$tabs<tr><th>Doc Comment:</th><td><kbd>" . str_replace("\n", "<br/>", htmlentities($comment)) . "</kbd></td></tr>";
			echo "</table>$tabs</td></tr>";
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
		if (!array_key_exists('fw1dumpstarted', $_REQUEST)) {
			$_REQUEST['fw1dumpstarted'] = TRUE;
<style type="text/css">/* fw/1 dump */
table.dump { color: black; background-color: white; font-size: xx-small; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
table.dump th { text-indent: -2em; padding: 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em 2.25em; color: #fff; }
table.dump td { padding: 0.25em; }
table.dump .key { cursor: pointer; }
table.dump td.shh { background-color: #ddd; }
table.dump td.shh div { display: none; }
table.dump td.shh:before { content: "..."; }
table.dump th, table.dump td { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-spacing: 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; }
table.dump.object, table.dump.object > * > tr > td, table.dump.object > thead > tr > th { border-color: #f00; }
table.dump.object > thead > tr > th { background-color: #f44; }
table.dump.object > tbody > tr > .key { background-color: #fcc; }
table.dump.array, table.dump.array > * > tr > td, table.dump.array > thead > tr > th { border-color: #060; }
table.dump.array > thead > tr > th { background-color: #090; }
table.dump.array > tbody > tr > .key { background-color: #cfc; }
table.dump.struct, table.dump.struct > * > tr > td, table.dump.struct > thead > tr > th { border-color: #00c; }
table.dump.struct > thead > tr > th { background-color: #44c; }
table.dump.struct > tbody > tr > .key { background-color: #cdf; }
table.dump.function, table.dump.function > * > tr > td, table.dump.function > thead > tr > th { border-color: #a40; }
table.dump.function > thead > tr > th { background-color: #c60; }
table.dump.layout, table.dump.layout > * > tr > td, table.dump.layout > thead > tr > th { border-color: #fff; }
table.dump.layout > * > tr > th { font-style: italic; background-color: #fff; color: #000; font-weight: normal; border: none; }
table.dump.param, table.dump.param > * > tr > td, table.dump.param > thead > tr > th { border-color: #ddd; }
table.dump.param > thead > tr > th  { background-color: #eee; color: black; font-weight: bold; }
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
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		if (is_array($var)) {
			// It turns out that identity (===) in PHP isn't actually identity.  It's more like "do you look similar enough to fool an untrained observer?".  Lame!
			// $label = $label === '' ? (($var === $_POST) ? '$_POST' : (($var === $_GET) ? '$_GET' : (($var === $_COOKIE) ? '$_COOKIE' : (($var === $_ENV) ? '$_ENV' : (($var === $_FILES) ? '$_FILES' : (($var === $_REQUEST) ? '$_REQUEST' : (($var === $_SERVER) ? '$_SERVER' : (isset($_SESSION) && ($var === $_SESSION) ? '$_SESSION' : '')))))))) : $label;      
			$c = count($var);
			if(isset($var['fw1recursionsentinel'])) {
				echo "(Recursion)";
			$aclass = (($c > 0) && array_key_exists(0, $var) && array_key_exists($c - 1, $var)) ? 'array' : 'struct';
			$var['fw1recursionsentinel'] = TRUE;
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump ${aclass} depth${depth}\">$tabs<thead><tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "array" . ($c > 0 ? "" : " [empty]") . "</th></tr></thead>$tabs<tbody>";
			foreach ($var as $index => $aval) {
				if ($index === 'fw1recursionsentinel')
				echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . $he($index) . "</td><td class=\"value\"><div>";
				$this->dump($aval, $limit, '', $depth);
				echo "</div></td></tr>";
				if (($limit > 0) && ($printCount >= $limit) && ($aclass === 'array'))
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
			// unset($var['fw1recursionsentinel']);
		} elseif (is_string($var)) {
			echo $var === '' ? '[EMPTY STRING]' : htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_bool($var)) {
			echo $var ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
		} elseif (is_callable($var) || (is_object($var) && is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract'))) {
			$echoFunction($var, $tabs, $limit, $label, $depth);
		} elseif (is_float($var)) {
			echo "(float) " . htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_int($var)) {
			echo "(int) " . htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_null($var)) {
			echo "NULL";
		} elseif (is_object($var)) {
			$ref = new \ReflectionObject($var);
			$parent = $ref->getParentClass();
			$interfaces = implode("<br/>implements ", $ref->getInterfaceNames());
			try {
				$serial = serialize($var);
			} catch (\Exception $e) {
				$serial = 'hasclosure' . $ref->getName();
			$objHash = 'o' . md5($serial);
			$objHash = spl_object_hash($var);
			$refHash = 'r' . md5($ref);
			echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump object depth${depth}\"" . (isset($seen[$refHash]) ? "" : "id=\"$refHash\"") . ">$tabs<thead>$tabs<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "object " . htmlentities($ref->getName()) . ($parent ? "<br/>extends " .$parent->getName() : "") . ($interfaces !== '' ? "<br/>implements " . $interfaces : "") . "</th></tr>$tabs<tbody>";
			if (isset($seen[$objHash])) {
				echo "$tabs<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"#$refHash\">[see above for details]</a></td></tr>";
			} else {
				$seen[$objHash] = TRUE;
				$constants = $ref->getConstants();
				if (count($constants) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">CONSTANTS</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
					foreach ($constants as $constant => $cval) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($constant) . "</td><td class=\"value constant\"><div>";
						$this->dump($cval, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
						echo "</div></td></tr>";
					echo "$tabs</table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
				$properties = $ref->getProperties();
				if (count($properties) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">PROPERTIES</td><td class=\"values\"><div>$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
					foreach ($properties as $property) {
						echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers()))) . " " . $he($property->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value property\"><div>";
						$wasHidden = $property->isPrivate() || $property->isProtected();
						$propertyValue = $property->getValue($var);
						$this->dump($propertyValue, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
						if ($wasHidden) { $property->setAccessible(FALSE); }
						echo "</div></td></tr>";
					echo "$tabs</table>$tabs</div></td></tr>";
				$methods = $ref->getMethods();
				if (count($methods) > 0) {
					echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">METHODS</td><td class=\"values shh\"><div>";
					if (isset($seen[$refHash])) {
						echo "<a href=\"#$refHash\">[see above for details]</a>";
					} else {
						$seen[$refHash] = TRUE;
						echo "$tabs<table class=\"dump object\">";
						foreach ($methods as $method) {
							echo "$tabs<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($method->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value function\"><div>";
							$echoFunction($method, $tabs, $limit, '', $depth + 1);
							echo "</div></td></tr>";
						echo "$tabs</table>";
					echo "$tabs</div></td></tr>";
			echo "$tabs</tbody>$tabs</table>";
		} elseif (is_resource($var)) {
			echo "(Resource)";
		} elseif (is_numeric($var)) {
			echo  htmlentities($var);
		} elseif (is_scalar($var)) {
			echo htmlentities($var);
		} else {
			echo gettype($var);
	} // dump
Esempio n. 18
function ws_generate_wsdl($wsdata)
    require_once "wsdl/WS_WSDL_Creator.php";
    require_once "wsdl/WS_WSDL_Consts.php";
    require_once 'dynamic_invocation/wsf_wsdl_consts.php';
    $service_name = $wsdata->serviceName;
    $fn_arry = $wsdata->WSDLGEN_Functions;
    $class_arry = $wsdata->WSDLGEN_Svcinfo_Classmap;
    $binding_style = $wsdata->WSDLGen_binding;
    $wsdl_version = $wsdata->WSDLGen_wsdlversion;
    $request_uri = $wsdata->WSDLGen_path;
    $op_arry = $wsdata->WSDLGen_operations;
    $classmap = $wsdata->WSDLGen_Classmap;
    $annotations = $wsdata->WSDLGen_annotations;
    $actions = $wsdata->WSDLGen_actions;
    $use_wsa = $wsdata->WSDLGen_usewsa;
    require_once "wsdl/WS_WSDL_Creator.php";
    require_once "wsdl/WS_WSDL_Consts.php";
    require_once 'dynamic_invocation/wsf_wsdl_consts.php';
    $r_actions = NULL;
    if ($actions) {
        foreach ($actions as $act => $op) {
            $r_actions[$op] = $act;
    if ($binding_style == WS_WSDL_Const::WSF_WSDL_RPC_ENCODED) {
        $binding_style = WS_WSDL_Const::WSF_WSDL_RPC;
    } else {
        if ($binding_style == NULL) {
            $binding_style = WS_WSDL_Const::WSF_WSDL_DOCLIT;
    if ($binding_style != WS_WSDL_Const::WSF_WSDL_RPC && $binding_style != WS_WSDL_Const::WSF_WSDL_DOCLIT) {
        ws_log_write(__FILE__, __LINE__, WSF_LOG_ERROR, "Wrong binding style {$binding_style}");
        echo "Error in generating the WSDL\n";
    $namespace = WS_WSDL_Const::WS_WSDL_DEFAULT_NS;
    $first_class_name = "";
    $first_op_name = "";
    if ($class_arry && is_array($class_arry)) {
        foreach ($class_arry as $class_name => $value) {
            $first_class_name = $class_name;
    } else {
        foreach ($op_arry as $svc_op_name => $op_name) {
            $first_op_name = $op_name;
    if ($first_class_name) {
        try {
            $class = new ReflectionClass($first_class_name);
            $class_comment = $class->getDocComment();
            if (preg_match_all('|@namespace\\s+([^\\s]+).*|', $class_comment, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                $namespace = $matches[0][1];
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            //if the class doesn't exist, we just continue to use the default namespace
    } else {
        if ($first_op_name) {
            try {
                $op = new ReflectionFunction($first_op_name);
                $op_comment = $op->getDocComment();
                if (preg_match_all('|@namespace\\s+([^\\s]+).*|', $op_comment, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
                    $namespace = $matches[0][1];
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                //if the class doesn't exist, we just continue to use the default namespace
    $wsdl = new WS_WSDL_Creator($fn_arry, $class_arry, $service_name, $request_uri, $binding_style, $namespace, $wsdl_version, $op_arry, $classmap, $annotations, $r_actions, $use_wsa);
    $wsdl_out = $wsdl->WS_WSDL_Out();
    if (strcmp($wsdl_version, WS_WSDL_Const::WSF_WSDL_VERSION2_0) == 0) {
        $converted_wsdl = ws_convert_to_wsdl20($wsdl_out);
        return $converted_wsdl;
    } else {
        return $wsdl_out;
Esempio n. 19

/** test */
namespace foo;

function test()
$x = new \ReflectionFunction('foo\\test');
/** test1 */
class bar
/** test2 */
class foo extends namespace\bar
$x = new \ReflectionClass('foo\\bar');
$x = new \ReflectionClass('foo\\foo');
Esempio n. 20
  * handle the '?' commands
  * With the help of the Reflection Class we extract the DocComments and display them
  * For internal Functions we extract the prototype from the php source.
  * ? Class::method()
  * ? $obj->method()
  * ? Class::property
  * ? $obj::property
  * ? Class
  * ? $obj
  * ? function()
  * The license of the PHP_Shell class
  * ? license
  * @return string the help text
 public function cmdHelp($l)
     if ("? " == substr($l, 0, strlen("? "))) {
         $str = substr($l, 2);
         $cmd = '';
         if (preg_match('#^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)::([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\(\\s*\\)\\s*#', $str, $a)) {
             /* ? Class::method() */
             $class = $a[1];
             $method = $a[2];
             if (false !== ($proto = PHP_ShellPrototypes::getInstance()->get($class . '::' . $method))) {
                 $cmd = sprintf("/**\n* %s\n\n* @params %s\n* @return %s\n*/\n", $proto['description'], $proto['params'], $proto['return']);
             } else {
                 if (class_exists($class, false)) {
                     $c = new ReflectionClass($class);
                     if ($c->hasMethod($method)) {
                         $cmd = $c->getMethod($method)->getDocComment();
         } else {
             if (preg_match('#^\\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)->([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\(\\s*\\)\\s*#', $str, $a)) {
                 /* ? $obj->method() */
                 if (isset($GLOBALS[$a[1]]) && is_object($GLOBALS[$a[1]])) {
                     $class = get_class($GLOBALS[$a[1]]);
                     $method = $a[2];
                     $c = new ReflectionClass($class);
                     if ($c->hasMethod($method)) {
                         $cmd = $c->getMethod($method)->getDocComment();
             } else {
                 if (preg_match('#^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)::([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\s*$#', $str, $a)) {
                     /* ? Class::property */
                     $class = $a[1];
                     $property = $a[2];
                     if (class_exists($class, false)) {
                         $c = new ReflectionClass($class);
                         if ($c->hasProperty($property)) {
                             $cmd = $c->getProperty($property)->getDocComment();
                 } else {
                     if (preg_match('#^\\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)->([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\\s*$#', $str, $a)) {
                         /* ? $obj->property */
                         if (isset($GLOBALS[$a[1]]) && is_object($GLOBALS[$a[1]])) {
                             $class = get_class($GLOBALS[$a[1]]);
                             $method = $a[2];
                             $c = new ReflectionClass($class);
                             if ($c->hasProperty($property)) {
                                 $cmd = $c->getProperty($property)->getDocComment();
                     } else {
                         if (preg_match('#^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$#', $str, $a)) {
                             /* ? Class */
                             if (class_exists($a[1], false)) {
                                 $c = new ReflectionClass($a[1]);
                                 $cmd = $c->getDocComment();
                         } else {
                             if (preg_match('#^\\$([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$#', $str, $a)) {
                                 /* ? $object */
                                 $obj = $a[1];
                                 if (isset($GLOBALS[$obj]) && is_object($GLOBALS[$obj])) {
                                     $class = get_class($GLOBALS[$obj]);
                                     $c = new ReflectionClass($class);
                                     $cmd = $c->getDocComment();
                             } else {
                                 if (preg_match('#^([A-Za-z0-9_]+)\\(\\s*\\)$#', $str, $a)) {
                                     /* ? function() */
                                     $func = $a[1];
                                     if (false !== ($proto = PHP_ShellPrototypes::getInstance()->get($func))) {
                                         $cmd = sprintf("/**\n* %s\n*\n* @params %s\n* @return %s\n*/\n", $proto['description'], $proto['params'], $proto['return']);
                                     } else {
                                         if (function_exists($func)) {
                                             $c = new ReflectionFunction($func);
                                             $cmd = $c->getDocComment();
         if ($cmd == '') {
             $cmd = var_export(sprintf('no help found for \'%s\'', $str), 1);
         } else {
             $cmd = var_export($cmd, 1);
     } else {
         if ("?" == $l) {
             $cmd = $this->getHelp();
             $cmd = var_export($cmd, 1);
     return $cmd;
Esempio n. 21
  * Logs a call to a deprecated function.
  * The log message will be taken from the annotation.
  * @return void
 public static function logDeprecatedFunction()
     if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['enableDeprecationLog']) {
     $trail = debug_backtrace();
     if ($trail[1]['type']) {
         $function = new \ReflectionMethod($trail[1]['class'], $trail[1]['function']);
     } else {
         $function = new \ReflectionFunction($trail[1]['function']);
     $msg = '';
     if (preg_match('/@deprecated\\s+(.*)/', $function->getDocComment(), $match)) {
         $msg = $match[1];
     // Trigger PHP error with a short message: <function> is deprecated (called from <source>, defined in <source>)
     $errorMsg = 'Function ' . $trail[1]['function'];
     if ($trail[1]['class']) {
         $errorMsg .= ' of class ' . $trail[1]['class'];
     $errorMsg .= ' is deprecated (called from ' . $trail[1]['file'] . '#' . $trail[1]['line'] . ', defined in ' . $function->getFileName() . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
     // Write a longer message to the deprecation log: <function> <annotion> - <trace> (<source>)
     $logMsg = $trail[1]['class'] . $trail[1]['type'] . $trail[1]['function'];
     $logMsg .= '() - ' . $msg . ' - ' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DebugUtility::debugTrail();
     $logMsg .= ' (' . substr($function->getFileName(), strlen(PATH_site)) . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
Esempio n. 22
  * Show reflection
  * Show reflection
  * <code>
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('BEAR_Form');  // Class
  * Panda_Debug::reflect($obj);        // Objecy
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('p');         // Function
  * </code>
  * @param string $target      target
  * @param boll   $cehckParent check parent class
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($target, $cehckParent = false)
     if (is_object($target)) {
         $target = get_class($target);
     switch (true) {
         case function_exists($target):
             $ref = new ReflectionFunction($target);
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $statics = $ref->getStaticVariables();
             if ($statics) {
                 $info['Static variables'] = $statics;
             $type = 'function';
         case class_exists($target, false):
             $ref = new ReflectionClass($target);
             $type = 'class';
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isAbstract() ? ' abstract ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isFinal() ? ' final ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isInterface() ? 'interface ' : 'class ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['modifiers'] = Reflection::getModifierNames($ref->getModifiers());
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $info['Implements'] = $ref->getInterfaces();
             $info['Constants'] = $ref->getConstants();
             foreach ($ref->getProperties() as $prop) {
                 // ReflectionProperty クラスのインスタンスを生成する
                 $propRef = new ReflectionProperty($targetName, $prop->name);
                 if ($propRef->isPublic()) {
                     $porps[] = $prop->name;
             //            $info['Public Properties'] = $porps;
             foreach ($ref->getMethods() as $method) {
                 $methodRef = new ReflectionMethod($targetName, $method->name);
                 if ($methodRef->isPublic() || $method->isStatic()) {
                     $final = $method->isFinal() ? 'final ' : '';
                     $pubic = $method->isPublic() ? 'public ' : '';
                     $static = $method->isStatic() ? ' static ' : '';
                     $methods[] = sprintf("%s%s%s %s", $final, $pubic, $static, $method->name);
             $info['Public Methods'] = $methods;
             if ($ref->isInstantiable() && is_object($target)) {
                 $info['isInstance ?'] = $ref->isInstance($target) ? 'yes' : 'no';
             if ($parent) {
                 $info['parent'] .= $ref->getParentClass();
             $type = 'Invalid Object/Class';
             $targetName = $target;
             $info = null;
     print_a($info, "show_objects:1;label: Reflection of {$type} '{$targetName}'");
Esempio n. 23
 * Given a user-defined PHP function, create a PHP 'wrapper' function that can
 * be exposed as xmlrpc method from an xmlrpc_server object and called from remote
 * clients (as well as its corresponding signature info).
 * Since php is a typeless language, to infer types of input and output parameters,
 * it relies on parsing the javadoc-style comment block associated with the given
 * function. Usage of xmlrpc native types (such as datetime.dateTime.iso8601 and base64)
 * in the @param tag is also allowed, if you need the php function to receive/send
 * data in that particular format (note that base64 encoding/decoding is transparently
 * carried out by the lib, while datetime vals are passed around as strings)
 * Known limitations:
 * - requires PHP 5.0.3 +
 * - only works for user-defined functions, not for PHP internal functions
 *   (reflection does not support retrieving number/type of params for those)
 * - functions returning php objects will generate special xmlrpc responses:
 *   when the xmlrpc decoding of those responses is carried out by this same lib, using
 *   the appropriate param in php_xmlrpc_decode, the php objects will be rebuilt.
 *   In short: php objects can be serialized, too (except for their resource members),
 *   using this function.
 *   Other libs might choke on the very same xml that will be generated in this case
 *   (i.e. it has a nonstandard attribute on struct element tags)
 * - usage of javadoc @param tags using param names in a different order from the
 *   function prototype is not considered valid (to be fixed?)
 * Note that since rel. 2.0RC3 the preferred method to have the server call 'standard'
 * php functions (ie. functions not expecting a single xmlrpcmsg obj as parameter)
 * is by making use of the functions_parameters_type class member.
 * @param string $funcname the name of the PHP user function to be exposed as xmlrpc method; array($obj, 'methodname') and array('class', 'methodname') are ok too
 * @param string $newfuncname (optional) name for function to be created
 * @param array $extra_options (optional) array of options for conversion. valid values include:
 *        bool  return_source when true, php code w. function definition will be returned, not evaluated
 *        bool  encode_php_objs let php objects be sent to server using the 'improved' xmlrpc notation, so server can deserialize them as php objects
 *        bool  decode_php_objs --- WARNING !!! possible security hazard. only use it with trusted servers ---
 *        bool  suppress_warnings  remove from produced xml any runtime warnings due to the php function being invoked
 * @return false on error, or an array containing the name of the new php function,
 *         its signature and docs, to be used in the server dispatch map
 * @todo decide how to deal with params passed by ref: bomb out or allow?
 * @todo finish using javadoc info to build method sig if all params are named but out of order
 * @todo add a check for params of 'resource' type
 * @todo add some trigger_errors / error_log when returning false?
 * @todo what to do when the PHP function returns NULL? we are currently returning an empty string value...
 * @todo add an option to suppress php warnings in invocation of user function, similar to server debug level 3?
 * @todo if $newfuncname is empty, we could use create_user_func instead of eval, as it is possibly faster
 * @todo add a verbatim_object_copy parameter to allow avoiding the same obj instance?
function wrap_php_function($funcname, $newfuncname = '', $extra_options = array())
    $buildit = isset($extra_options['return_source']) ? !$extra_options['return_source'] : true;
    $prefix = isset($extra_options['prefix']) ? $extra_options['prefix'] : 'xmlrpc';
    $encode_php_objects = isset($extra_options['encode_php_objs']) ? (bool) $extra_options['encode_php_objs'] : false;
    $decode_php_objects = isset($extra_options['decode_php_objs']) ? (bool) $extra_options['decode_php_objs'] : false;
    $catch_warnings = isset($extra_options['suppress_warnings']) && $extra_options['suppress_warnings'] ? '@' : '';
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.3') == -1) {
        // up to php 5.0.3 some useful reflection methods were missing
        error_log('XML-RPC: cannot not wrap php functions unless running php version bigger than 5.0.3');
        return false;
    $exists = false;
    if (is_string($funcname) && strpos($funcname, '::') !== false) {
        $funcname = explode('::', $funcname);
    if (is_array($funcname)) {
        if (count($funcname) < 2 || !is_string($funcname[0]) && !is_object($funcname[0])) {
            error_log('XML-RPC: syntax for function to be wrapped is wrong');
            return false;
        if (is_string($funcname[0])) {
            $plainfuncname = implode('::', $funcname);
        } elseif (is_object($funcname[0])) {
            $plainfuncname = get_class($funcname[0]) . '->' . $funcname[1];
        $exists = method_exists($funcname[0], $funcname[1]);
        if (!$exists && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.1') < 0) {
            // workaround for php 5.0: static class methods are not seen by method_exists
            $exists = is_callable($funcname);
    } else {
        $plainfuncname = $funcname;
        $exists = function_exists($funcname);
    if (!$exists) {
        error_log('XML-RPC: function to be wrapped is not defined: ' . $plainfuncname);
        return false;
    } else {
        // determine name of new php function
        if ($newfuncname == '') {
            if (is_array($funcname)) {
                if (is_string($funcname[0])) {
                    $xmlrpcfuncname = "{$prefix}_" . implode('_', $funcname);
                } else {
                    $xmlrpcfuncname = "{$prefix}_" . get_class($funcname[0]) . '_' . $funcname[1];
            } else {
                $xmlrpcfuncname = "{$prefix}_{$funcname}";
        } else {
            $xmlrpcfuncname = $newfuncname;
        while ($buildit && function_exists($xmlrpcfuncname)) {
            $xmlrpcfuncname .= 'x';
        // start to introspect PHP code
        if (is_array($funcname)) {
            $func = new ReflectionMethod($funcname[0], $funcname[1]);
            if ($func->isPrivate()) {
                error_log('XML-RPC: method to be wrapped is private: ' . $plainfuncname);
                return false;
            if ($func->isProtected()) {
                error_log('XML-RPC: method to be wrapped is protected: ' . $plainfuncname);
                return false;
            if ($func->isConstructor()) {
                error_log('XML-RPC: method to be wrapped is the constructor: ' . $plainfuncname);
                return false;
            // php 503 always says isdestructor = true...
            if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.0.3') != 0 && $func->isDestructor()) {
                error_log('XML-RPC: method to be wrapped is the destructor: ' . $plainfuncname);
                return false;
            if ($func->isAbstract()) {
                error_log('XML-RPC: method to be wrapped is abstract: ' . $plainfuncname);
                return false;
            /// @todo add more checks for static vs. nonstatic?
        } else {
            $func = new ReflectionFunction($funcname);
        if ($func->isInternal()) {
            // Note: from PHP 5.1.0 onward, we will possibly be able to use invokeargs
            // instead of getparameters to fully reflect internal php functions ?
            error_log('XML-RPC: function to be wrapped is internal: ' . $plainfuncname);
            return false;
        // retrieve parameter names, types and description from javadoc comments
        // function description
        $desc = '';
        // type of return val: by default 'any'
        $returns = $GLOBALS['xmlrpcValue'];
        // desc of return val
        $returnsDocs = '';
        // type + name of function parameters
        $paramDocs = array();
        $docs = $func->getDocComment();
        if ($docs != '') {
            $docs = explode("\n", $docs);
            $i = 0;
            foreach ($docs as $doc) {
                $doc = trim($doc, " \r\t/*");
                if (strlen($doc) && strpos($doc, '@') !== 0 && !$i) {
                    if ($desc) {
                        $desc .= "\n";
                    $desc .= $doc;
                } elseif (strpos($doc, '@param') === 0) {
                    // syntax: @param type [$name] desc
                    if (preg_match('/@param\\s+(\\S+)(\\s+\\$\\S+)?\\s+(.+)/', $doc, $matches)) {
                        if (strpos($matches[1], '|')) {
                            //$paramDocs[$i]['type'] = explode('|', $matches[1]);
                            $paramDocs[$i]['type'] = 'mixed';
                        } else {
                            $paramDocs[$i]['type'] = $matches[1];
                        $paramDocs[$i]['name'] = trim($matches[2]);
                        $paramDocs[$i]['doc'] = $matches[3];
                } elseif (strpos($doc, '@return') === 0) {
                    // syntax: @return type desc
                    //$returns = preg_split('/\s+/', $doc);
                    if (preg_match('/@return\\s+(\\S+)\\s+(.+)/', $doc, $matches)) {
                        $returns = php_2_xmlrpc_type($matches[1]);
                        if (isset($matches[2])) {
                            $returnsDocs = $matches[2];
        // execute introspection of actual function prototype
        $params = array();
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($func->getParameters() as $paramobj) {
            $params[$i] = array();
            $params[$i]['name'] = '$' . $paramobj->getName();
            $params[$i]['isoptional'] = $paramobj->isOptional();
        // start  building of PHP code to be eval'd
        $innercode = '';
        $i = 0;
        $parsvariations = array();
        $pars = array();
        $pnum = count($params);
        foreach ($params as $param) {
            if (isset($paramDocs[$i]['name']) && $paramDocs[$i]['name'] && strtolower($paramDocs[$i]['name']) != strtolower($param['name'])) {
                // param name from phpdoc info does not match param definition!
                $paramDocs[$i]['type'] = 'mixed';
            if ($param['isoptional']) {
                // this particular parameter is optional. save as valid previous list of parameters
                $innercode .= "if (\$paramcount > {$i}) {\n";
                $parsvariations[] = $pars;
            $innercode .= "\$p{$i} = \$msg->getParam({$i});\n";
            if ($decode_php_objects) {
                $innercode .= "if (\$p{$i}->kindOf() == 'scalar') \$p{$i} = \$p{$i}->scalarval(); else \$p{$i} = php_{$prefix}_decode(\$p{$i}, array('decode_php_objs'));\n";
            } else {
                $innercode .= "if (\$p{$i}->kindOf() == 'scalar') \$p{$i} = \$p{$i}->scalarval(); else \$p{$i} = php_{$prefix}_decode(\$p{$i});\n";
            $pars[] = "\$p{$i}";
            if ($param['isoptional']) {
                $innercode .= "}\n";
            if ($i == $pnum) {
                // last allowed parameters combination
                $parsvariations[] = $pars;
        $sigs = array();
        $psigs = array();
        if (count($parsvariations) == 0) {
            // only known good synopsis = no parameters
            $parsvariations[] = array();
            $minpars = 0;
        } else {
            $minpars = count($parsvariations[0]);
        if ($minpars) {
            // add to code the check for min params number
            // NB: this check needs to be done BEFORE decoding param values
            $innercode = "\$paramcount = \$msg->getNumParams();\n" . "if (\$paramcount < {$minpars}) return new {$prefix}resp(0, {$GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['incorrect_params']}, '{$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['incorrect_params']}');\n" . $innercode;
        } else {
            $innercode = "\$paramcount = \$msg->getNumParams();\n" . $innercode;
        $innercode .= "\$np = false;\n";
        // since there are no closures in php, if we are given an object instance,
        // we store a pointer to it in a global var...
        if (is_array($funcname) && is_object($funcname[0])) {
            $GLOBALS['xmlrpcWPFObjHolder'][$xmlrpcfuncname] =& $funcname[0];
            $innercode .= "\$obj =& \$GLOBALS['xmlrpcWPFObjHolder']['{$xmlrpcfuncname}'];\n";
            $realfuncname = '$obj->' . $funcname[1];
        } else {
            $realfuncname = $plainfuncname;
        foreach ($parsvariations as $pars) {
            $innercode .= "if (\$paramcount == " . count($pars) . ") \$retval = {$catch_warnings}{$realfuncname}(" . implode(',', $pars) . "); else\n";
            // build a 'generic' signature (only use an appropriate return type)
            $sig = array($returns);
            $psig = array($returnsDocs);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($pars); $i++) {
                if (isset($paramDocs[$i]['type'])) {
                    $sig[] = php_2_xmlrpc_type($paramDocs[$i]['type']);
                } else {
                    $sig[] = $GLOBALS['xmlrpcValue'];
                $psig[] = isset($paramDocs[$i]['doc']) ? $paramDocs[$i]['doc'] : '';
            $sigs[] = $sig;
            $psigs[] = $psig;
        $innercode .= "\$np = true;\n";
        $innercode .= "if (\$np) return new {$prefix}resp(0, {$GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['incorrect_params']}, '{$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['incorrect_params']}'); else {\n";
        //$innercode .= "if (\$_xmlrpcs_error_occurred) return new xmlrpcresp(0, $GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']user, \$_xmlrpcs_error_occurred); else\n";
        $innercode .= "if (is_a(\$retval, '{$prefix}resp')) return \$retval; else\n";
        if ($returns == $GLOBALS['xmlrpcDateTime'] || $returns == $GLOBALS['xmlrpcBase64']) {
            $innercode .= "return new {$prefix}resp(new {$prefix}val(\$retval, '{$returns}'));";
        } else {
            if ($encode_php_objects) {
                $innercode .= "return new {$prefix}resp(php_{$prefix}_encode(\$retval, array('encode_php_objs')));\n";
            } else {
                $innercode .= "return new {$prefix}resp(php_{$prefix}_encode(\$retval));\n";
        // shall we exclude functions returning by ref?
        // if($func->returnsReference())
        // 	return false;
        $code = "function {$xmlrpcfuncname}(\$msg) {\n" . $innercode . "}\n}";
        if ($buildit) {
            $allOK = 0;
            eval($code . '$allOK=1;');
            // alternative
            //$xmlrpcfuncname = create_function('$m', $innercode);
            if (!$allOK) {
                error_log('XML-RPC: could not create function ' . $xmlrpcfuncname . ' to wrap php function ' . $plainfuncname);
                return false;
        /// @todo examine if $paramDocs matches $parsvariations and build array for
        /// usage as method signature, plus put together a nice string for docs
        $ret = array('function' => $xmlrpcfuncname, 'signature' => $sigs, 'docstring' => $desc, 'signature_docs' => $psigs, 'source' => $code);
        return $ret;
Esempio n. 24
function show_info($function, $basic = 0)
    $func = new ReflectionFunction($function);
    $ret = '';
    $ret .= "<pre><strong>Information:</strong>\n" . var_export($func->getDocComment(), 1) . "</pre>\n";
    if ($basic) {
        $ret .= "<pre><pre>===> The " . ($func->isInternal() ? 'internal' : 'user-defined') . " function '" . $func->getName() . "'\n" . "\tdeclared in " . $func->getFileName() . "\n\tlines " . $func->getStartLine() . " to " . $func->getEndline() . "</pre>\n";
    return $ret;
Esempio n. 25
  * Logs a call to a deprecated function.
  * The log message will be taken from the annotation.
  * @return void
 public static function logDeprecatedFunction()
     if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['enableDeprecationLog']) {
     $trail = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2);
     if ($trail[1]['type']) {
         $function = new \ReflectionMethod($trail[1]['class'], $trail[1]['function']);
     } else {
         $function = new \ReflectionFunction($trail[1]['function']);
     $msg = '';
     if (preg_match('/@deprecated\\s+(.*)/', $function->getDocComment(), $match)) {
         $msg = $match[1];
     // Write a longer message to the deprecation log: <function> <annotion> - <trace> (<source>)
     $logMsg = $trail[1]['class'] . $trail[1]['type'] . $trail[1]['function'];
     $logMsg .= '() - ' . $msg . ' - ' . DebugUtility::debugTrail();
     $logMsg .= ' (' . PathUtility::stripPathSitePrefix($function->getFileName()) . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
Esempio n. 26
# ReflectionFunction.
 * This is f's doc comment.
function &f($a, &$b, $c = null, $d = array(1, 2, SOME_CONSTANT))
    static $staticX = 4;
    static $staticY;
    print "In f()\n";
    $x = $staticX;
    return $x;
$rf = new ReflectionFunction("f");
print "--- getDocComment(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getStartLine(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getEndLine(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getFileName(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getName(\"f\") ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- getNumberOfParameters(\"f\") ---\n";
Esempio n. 27
 * Check Nette Framework requirements.
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Web server', 'message' => isset($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'] : 'unknown');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'PHP version', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.1', '>='), 'message' => PHP_VERSION, 'description' => 'Your PHP version is too old. Nette Framework requires at least PHP 5.3.1 or higher.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Memory limit', 'message' => ini_get('memory_limit'));
$tests['hf'] = array('title' => '.htaccess file protection', 'required' => FALSE, 'description' => 'File protection by <code>.htaccess</code> is not present. You must be careful to put files into document_root folder.', 'script' => '<script src="assets/denied/checker.js"></script> <script>displayResult("hf", typeof fileProtectionChecker == "undefined")</script>');
$tests['hr'] = array('title' => '.htaccess mod_rewrite', 'required' => FALSE, 'description' => 'Mod_rewrite is probably not present. You will not be able to use Cool URL.', 'script' => '<script src="assets/rewrite/checker"></script> <script>displayResult("hr", typeof modRewriteChecker == "boolean")</script>');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Function ini_set()', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => function_exists('ini_set'), 'description' => 'Function <code>ini_set()</code> is disabled. Some parts of Nette Framework may not work properly.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Function error_reporting()', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => function_exists('error_reporting'), 'description' => 'Function <code>error_reporting()</code> is disabled. Nette Framework requires this to be enabled.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Function flock()', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => flock(fopen(__FILE__, 'r'), LOCK_SH), 'description' => 'Function <code>flock()</code> is not supported on this filesystem. Nette Framework requires this to process atomic file operations.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Register_globals', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => !iniFlag('register_globals'), 'message' => 'Disabled', 'errorMessage' => 'Enabled', 'description' => 'Configuration directive <code>register_globals</code> is enabled. Nette Framework requires this to be disabled.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Variables_order', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => strpos(ini_get('variables_order'), 'G') !== FALSE && strpos(ini_get('variables_order'), 'P') !== FALSE && strpos(ini_get('variables_order'), 'C') !== FALSE, 'description' => 'Configuration directive <code>variables_order</code> is missing. Nette Framework requires this to be set.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Session auto-start', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => session_id() === '' && !defined('SID'), 'description' => 'Session auto-start is enabled. Nette Framework recommends not to use this directive for security reasons.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'PCRE with UTF-8 support', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => @preg_match('/pcre/u', 'pcre'), 'description' => 'PCRE extension must support UTF-8.');
$reflection = new ReflectionFunction('paint');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Reflection phpDoc', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => strpos($reflection->getDocComment(), 'Paints') !== FALSE, 'description' => 'Reflection phpDoc are not available (probably due to an eAccelerator bug). You cannot use @annotations.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'ICONV extension', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('iconv') && ICONV_IMPL !== 'unknown' && @iconv('UTF-16', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-16//IGNORE', 'test')) === 'test', 'message' => 'Enabled and works properly', 'errorMessage' => 'Disabled or does not work properly', 'description' => 'ICONV extension is required and must work properly.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'JSON extension', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('json'));
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Fileinfo extension', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('fileinfo'), 'description' => 'Fileinfo extension is absent. You will not be able to detect content-type of uploaded files.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'PHP tokenizer', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('tokenizer'), 'description' => 'PHP tokenizer is required.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'PDO extension', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => $pdo = extension_loaded('pdo') && PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), 'message' => $pdo ? 'Available drivers: ' . implode(' ', PDO::getAvailableDrivers()) : NULL, 'description' => 'PDO extension or PDO drivers are absent. You will not be able to use <code>Nette\\Database</code>.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Multibyte String extension', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('mbstring'), 'description' => 'Multibyte String extension is absent. Some internationalization components may not work properly.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Multibyte String function overloading', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => !extension_loaded('mbstring') || !(mb_get_info('func_overload') & 2), 'message' => 'Disabled', 'errorMessage' => 'Enabled', 'description' => 'Multibyte String function overloading is enabled. Nette Framework requires this to be disabled. If it is enabled, some string function may not work properly.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Memcache extension', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('memcache'), 'description' => 'Memcache extension is absent. You will not be able to use <code>Nette\\Caching\\Storages\\MemcachedStorage</code>.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'GD extension', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('gd'), 'description' => 'GD extension is absent. You will not be able to use <code>Nette\\Image</code>.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Bundled GD extension', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('gd') && GD_BUNDLED, 'description' => 'Bundled GD extension is absent. You will not be able to use some functions such as <code>Nette\\Image::filter()</code> or <code>Nette\\Image::rotate()</code>.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'Fileinfo extension or mime_content_type()', 'required' => FALSE, 'passed' => extension_loaded('fileinfo') || function_exists('mime_content_type'), 'description' => 'Fileinfo extension or function <code>mime_content_type()</code> are absent. You will not be able to determine mime type of uploaded files.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) || isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), 'message' => 'Present', 'errorMessage' => 'Absent', 'description' => 'Either <code>$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]</code> or <code>$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]</code> must be available for resolving host name.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'REQUEST_URI or ORIG_PATH_INFO', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || isset($_SERVER['ORIG_PATH_INFO']), 'message' => 'Present', 'errorMessage' => 'Absent', 'description' => 'Either <code>$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]</code> or <code>$_SERVER["ORIG_PATH_INFO"]</code> must be available for resolving request URL.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'SCRIPT_NAME or DOCUMENT_ROOT & SCRIPT_FILENAME', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => isset($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) || isset($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']), 'message' => 'Present', 'errorMessage' => 'Absent', 'description' => '<code>$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"]</code> or <code>$_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]</code> with <code>$_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]</code> must be available for resolving script file path.');
$tests[] = array('title' => 'REMOTE_ADDR or php_uname("n")', 'required' => TRUE, 'passed' => isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) || function_exists('php_uname'), 'message' => 'Present', 'errorMessage' => 'Absent', 'description' => '<code>$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]</code> or <code>php_uname("n")</code> must be available for detecting development / production mode.');
Esempio n. 28

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: oneFORall
 * Date: 22.06.2015
 * Time: 17:41
function func()
$obj = new ReflectionFunction("func");
echo "<pre>" . $obj->getDocComment();
  * Logs a call to a deprecated function.
  * The log message will be taken from the annotation.
  * @return void
 public static function logDeprecatedFunction()
     if (!$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['enableDeprecationLog']) {
     // This require_once is needed for deprecation calls
     // thrown early during bootstrap, if the autoloader is
     // not instantiated yet. This can happen for example if
     // ext_localconf triggers a deprecation.
     require_once 'DebugUtility.php';
     $trail = debug_backtrace();
     if ($trail[1]['type']) {
         $function = new \ReflectionMethod($trail[1]['class'], $trail[1]['function']);
     } else {
         $function = new \ReflectionFunction($trail[1]['function']);
     $msg = '';
     if (preg_match('/@deprecated\\s+(.*)/', $function->getDocComment(), $match)) {
         $msg = $match[1];
     // Write a longer message to the deprecation log: <function> <annotion> - <trace> (<source>)
     $logMsg = $trail[1]['class'] . $trail[1]['type'] . $trail[1]['function'];
     $logMsg .= '() - ' . $msg . ' - ' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\DebugUtility::debugTrail();
     $logMsg .= ' (' . \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\PathUtility::stripPathSitePrefix($function->getFileName()) . '#' . $function->getStartLine() . ')';
Esempio n. 30
     * cfdump-style debugging output
     * @param $var    The variable to output.
     * @param $limit  Maximum recursion depth for arrays (default 0 = all)
     * @param $label  text to display in complex data type header
     * @param $depth  Current depth (default 0)
    public function dump(&$var, $limit = 0, $label = '', $depth = 0)
        if ($limit > 0 && $depth >= $limit) {
        static $seen = array();
        $he = function ($s) {
            return htmlentities($s);
        $self = $this;
        $echoFunction = function ($var, $tabs, $label = '') use($self) {
            if (!is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract')) {
                $var = new \ReflectionFunction($var);
            echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump function\">{$tabs}<thead><tr><th>" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . (is_callable(array($var, 'getModifiers')) ? htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($var->getModifiers()))) : '') . " function " . htmlentities($var->getName()) . "</th></tr></thead>{$tabs}<tbody>";
            echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"value\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump layout\">{$tabs}<tr><th>Parameters:</th><td>";
            $params = $var->getParameters();
            if (count($params) > 0) {
                echo "</td></tr>{$tabs}<tr><td colspan=\"2\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump param\">{$tabs}<thead><tr><th>Name</th><th>Array/Ref</th><th>Required</th><th>Default</th></tr></thead>{$tabs}<tbody>";
                foreach ($params as $param) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td>" . htmlentities($param->getName()) . "</td><td>" . ($param->isArray() ? "Array " : "") . ($param->isPassedByReference() ? "Reference" : "") . "</td><td>" . ($param->isOptional() ? "Optional" : "Required") . "</td><td>";
                    if ($param->isOptional()) {
                    echo "</td></tr>";
                echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
            } else {
                echo "none</td></tr>";
            $comment = trim($var->getDocComment());
            if ($comment !== NULL && $comment !== '') {
                echo "{$tabs}<tr><th>Doc Comment:</th><td><kbd>" . str_replace("\n", "<br/>", htmlentities($comment)) . "</kbd></td></tr>";
            echo "</table>{$tabs}</td></tr>";
            echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
        $tabs = "\n" . str_repeat("\t", $depth);
        $printCount = 0;
        if (!array_key_exists('fw1dumpstarted', $_REQUEST)) {
            $_REQUEST['fw1dumpstarted'] = TRUE;
            echo <<<DUMPCSS
<style type="text/css">/* fw/1 dump */
table.dump { color: black; background-color: white; font-size: xx-small; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif; border-spacing: 0; border-collapse: collapse; }
table.dump th { text-indent: -2em; padding: 0.25em 0.25em 0.25em 2.25em; color: #fff; }
table.dump td { padding: 0.25em; }
table.dump th, table.dump td { border-width: 2px; border-style: solid; border-spacing: 0; vertical-align: top; text-align: left; }
table.dump.object, table.dump.object td, table.dump.object th { border-color: #f00; }
table.dump.object th { background-color: #f44; }
table.dump.object .key { background-color: #fcc; }
table.dump.array, table.dump.array td, table.dump.array th { border-color: #060; }
table.dump.array th { background-color: #090; }
table.dump.array .key { background-color: #cfc; }
table.dump.struct, table.dump.struct td, table.dump.struct th { border-color: #00c; }
table.dump.struct th { background-color: #44c; }
table.dump.struct .key { background-color: #cdf; }
table.dump.function, table.dump.function td, table.dump.function th { border-color: #a40; }
table.dump.function th { background-color: #c60; }
table.dump.layout, table.dump.layout td, table.dump.layout th { border-color: #fff; }
table.dump.layout th { font-style: italic; background-color: #fff; color: #000; font-weight: normal; }
table.dump.param, table.dump.param td, table.dump.param th { border-color: #ddd; }
table.dump.param th { background-color: #eee; color: black; font-weight: bold; }
        if (is_array($var)) {
            $label = $label === '' ? $var === $_POST ? '$_POST' : ($var === $_GET ? '$_GET' : ($var === $_COOKIE ? '$_COOKIE' : ($var === $_ENV ? '$_ENV' : ($var === $_FILES ? '$_FILES' : ($var === $_REQUEST ? '$_REQUEST' : ($var === $_SERVER ? '$_SERVER' : ($var === $_SESSION ? '$_SESSION' : ''))))))) : $label;
            $c = count($var);
            if (isset($var['fw1recursionsentinel'])) {
                echo "(Recursion)";
            $aclass = $c > 0 && array_key_exists(0, $var) && array_key_exists($c - 1, $var) ? 'array' : 'struct';
            $var['fw1recursionsentinel'] = true;
            echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump {$aclass}\">{$tabs}<thead><tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "array" . ($c > 0 ? "" : " [empty]") . "</th></tr></thead>{$tabs}<tbody>";
            foreach ($var as $index => $aval) {
                if ($index === 'fw1recursionsentinel') {
                echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . $he($index) . "</td><td class=\"value\">";
                $this->dump($aval, $limit, '', $depth);
                echo "</td></tr>";
                if ($limit > 0 && $printCount >= $limit && $aclass === 'array') {
            echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
            // unset($var['fw1recursionsentinel']);
        } elseif (is_string($var)) {
            echo $var === '' ? '[EMPTY STRING]' : htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_bool($var)) {
            echo $var ? "TRUE" : "FALSE";
        } elseif (is_callable($var) || is_object($var) && is_subclass_of($var, 'ReflectionFunctionAbstract')) {
            $echoFunction($var, $tabs, $label);
        } elseif (is_float($var)) {
            echo "(float) " . htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_int($var)) {
            echo "(int) " . htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_null($var)) {
            echo "NULL";
        } elseif (is_object($var)) {
            $ref = new \ReflectionObject($var);
            $parent = $ref->getParentClass();
            $interfaces = implode("<br/>implements ", $ref->getInterfaceNames());
            try {
                $serial = serialize($var);
            } catch (\Exception $e) {
                $serial = 'hasclosure' . $ref->getName();
            $objHash = 'o' . md5($serial);
            $refHash = 'r' . md5($ref);
            echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\"" . (isset($seen[$refHash]) ? "" : "id=\"{$refHash}\"") . ">{$tabs}<thead>{$tabs}<tr><th colspan=\"2\">" . ($label != '' ? $label . ' - ' : '') . "object " . htmlentities($ref->getName()) . ($parent ? "<br/>extends " . $parent->getName() : "") . ($interfaces !== '' ? "<br/>implements " . $interfaces : "") . "</th></tr>{$tabs}<tbody>";
            if (isset($seen[$objHash])) {
                echo "{$tabs}<tr><td colspan=\"2\"><a href=\"#{$refHash}\">[see above for details]</a></td></tr>";
            } else {
                $seen[$objHash] = TRUE;
                $constants = $ref->getConstants();
                if (count($constants) > 0) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">CONSTANTS</td><td class=\"values\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\">";
                    foreach ($constants as $constant => $cval) {
                        echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($constant) . "</td><td class=\"value constant\">";
                        $this->dump($cval, $limit, '', $depth);
                        echo "</td></tr>";
                    echo "{$tabs}</table>{$tabs}</td></tr>";
                $properties = $ref->getProperties();
                if (count($properties) > 0) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">PROPERTIES</td><td class=\"values\">{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\">";
                    foreach ($properties as $property) {
                        echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities(implode(' ', \Reflection::getModifierNames($property->getModifiers()))) . " " . $he($property->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value property\">";
                        $wasHidden = $property->isPrivate() || $property->isProtected();
                        $this->dump($property->getValue($var), $limit, '', $depth);
                        if ($wasHidden) {
                        echo "</td></tr>";
                    echo "{$tabs}</table>{$tabs}</td></tr>";
                $methods = $ref->getMethods();
                if (count($methods) > 0) {
                    echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">METHODS</td><td class=\"values\">";
                    if (isset($seen[$refHash])) {
                        echo "<a href=\"#{$refHash}\">[see above for details]</a>";
                    } else {
                        $seen[$refHash] = TRUE;
                        echo "{$tabs}<table class=\"dump object\">";
                        foreach ($methods as $method) {
                            echo "{$tabs}<tr><td class=\"key\">" . htmlentities($method->getName()) . "</td><td class=\"value function\">";
                            $echoFunction($method, $tabs, '');
                            echo "</td></tr>";
                        echo "{$tabs}</table>";
                    echo "{$tabs}</td></tr>";
            echo "{$tabs}</tbody>{$tabs}</table>";
        } elseif (is_resource($var)) {
            echo "(Resource)";
        } elseif (is_numeric($var)) {
            echo htmlentities($var);
        } elseif (is_scalar($var)) {
            echo htmlentities($var);
        } else {
            echo gettype($var);