Esempio n. 1
function classData(ReflectionClass $class)
    $details = "";
    $name = $class->getName();
    if ($class->isUserDefined()) {
        $details .= "{$name} is user defined \n";
    if ($class->isInternal()) {
        $details .= "{$name} is built-in\n";
    if ($class->isInternal()) {
        $details .= "{$name} is interface \n";
    if ($class->isAbstract()) {
        $details .= "{$name} is a final class\n";
    if ($class->isFinal()) {
        $details .= "{$name} is a final class\n";
    if ($class->isInstantiable()) {
        $details .= "{$name} can be instantiated\n";
    } else {
        $details .= "{$name} can not be instantiated\n";
    return $details;
Esempio n. 2
  * @param $rpcRequest \RpcGateway\Request
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function throwErrorIfRpcRequestIsInvalid($rpcRequest)
     $serviceMethodName = $rpcRequest->getMethodName();
     // create a PHP compatible version of the requested service class
     $serviceClassName = $this->getServiceClassNamespace() . str_replace(Request::METHOD_DELIMITER, '_', $rpcRequest->getClassName());
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid rpc.method [" . $rpcRequest->getMethod() . "] (not found) at " . __METHOD__);
     $serviceClassReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
     if ($serviceClassReflection->isAbstract() || $serviceClassReflection->isInterface() || $serviceClassReflection->isInternal()) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid rpc.class [" . $rpcRequest->getMethod() . "] at " . __METHOD__);
     if ($serviceClassReflection->hasMethod($serviceMethodName) !== true) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid rpc.method [" . $rpcRequest->getMethod() . "] (not found) at " . __METHOD__);
     $serviceMethodReflection = $serviceClassReflection->getMethod($serviceMethodName);
     if ($serviceMethodReflection->isAbstract() || $serviceMethodReflection->isConstructor() || $serviceMethodReflection->isStatic() || !$serviceMethodReflection->isPublic()) {
         throw new \Exception("Invalid rpc.method [" . $rpcRequest->getMethod() . "] (not invokable) at " . __METHOD__);
     $argsExpectedMin = $serviceMethodReflection->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
     $argsExpectedMax = $serviceMethodReflection->getNumberOfParameters();
     $argsOptional = $argsExpectedMax - $argsExpectedMin;
     $argsGiven = count($rpcRequest->getParams());
     if ($argsGiven < $argsExpectedMin || $argsGiven > $argsExpectedMax) {
         $msg = 'Invalid rpc.method [' . $rpcRequest->getMethod() . ']' . " Wrong number of parameters:" . " " . $argsGiven . " given" . " (required: " . $argsExpectedMin . " optional: " . $argsOptional . ")" . " expectedMin: " . $argsExpectedMin . " expectedMax: " . $argsExpectedMax;
         throw new Exception($msg);
Esempio n. 3
 public function isPhpClass()
     try {
         $r = new \ReflectionClass($this->name);
         return $r->isInternal();
     } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
         return false;
 private function isPhpClass(Link $link)
     $className = $link->getDestination();
     if (!class_exists($className, false)) {
         return false;
     $classReflection = new \ReflectionClass($link->getDestination());
     return $classReflection->isInternal();
  * @return string[] internal symbols
 public function internalSymbolsProvider()
     $allSymbols = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
     $indexedSymbols = array_combine($allSymbols, $allSymbols);
     return array_map(function ($symbol) {
         return [$symbol];
     }, array_filter($indexedSymbols, function ($symbol) {
         $reflection = new PhpReflectionClass($symbol);
         return $reflection->isInternal();
 protected function _fillClassPathInfo($serialized)
     $classes = self::extractSerializedClasses($serialized);
     $this->class_paths = array();
     foreach ($classes as $class) {
         $reflect = new ReflectionClass($class);
         if ($reflect->isInternal()) {
             throw new lmbException("Class '{$class}' can't be serialized since it's an iternal PHP class, consider omitting object of this class by providing custom __sleep, __wakeup handlers");
         $this->class_paths[] = self::getClassPath($reflect);
  * @param Identifier $identifier
  * @return null|string
 private function getInternalReflectionClassName(Identifier $identifier)
     if (!$identifier->isClass()) {
         return null;
     $name = $identifier->getName();
     if (!(class_exists($name, false) || interface_exists($name, false) || trait_exists($name, false))) {
         return null;
         // not an available internal class
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($name);
     return $reflection->isInternal() ? $reflection->getName() : null;
  * Checks if the given class is located in the vendor directory.
  * For convenience, it is also possible to pass an object whose
  * class is then checked.
  * @param string|object $classNameOrObject
  * @return boolean
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If no valid class name or object is passed.
 public static function isVendorClass($classNameOrObject)
     $className = is_object($classNameOrObject) ? get_class($classNameOrObject) : $classNameOrObject;
     if (!class_exists($className)) {
         $message = '"' . $className . '" is not the name of a loadable class.';
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($message);
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($className);
     if ($reflection->isInternal()) {
         return false;
     return static::isVendorFile($reflection->getFileName());
Esempio n. 9
 protected function processElementsItems()
     $items = [];
     foreach (array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits()) as $name) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($name);
         if ($reflection->isInternal() || mb_substr($name, 0, 11) === 'FixinTools\\') {
         $items[$reflection->name] = new Item($this, $reflection);
     $this->items = $items;
  * @param array $data
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Exception
  * @todo refactor this out somewhere once we start implementing in new formats
 protected function arrayToObject(array $data)
     $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($data['className']);
     if (false === $reflection->isInternal()) {
         $object = $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
     } else {
         $object = $reflection->newInstance();
     $breadth = array();
     $object = $this->extractAndSetSingleDepthProperties($data, $breadth, $reflection, $object);
     $object = $this->extractAndSetMultipleDepthProperties($breadth, $reflection, $object);
     return $object;
Esempio n. 11
 function addClasses($parent, array $classes)
     foreach ($classes as $rc) {
         if (is_string($rc)) {
             $rc = new \ReflectionClass($rc);
         if (!$rc->isInternal()) {
         $class = $this->append($parent, array($rc->getName(), $rc));
         $this->addFunctions($class, $rc->getMethods());
Esempio n. 12
 public function getParentClass()
     if (!$this->getParent()) {
     // Return internal objects Reflection
     if (class_exists($this->getParent(), false)) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($this->getParent());
         if ($reflection->isInternal()) {
             return $reflection;
     return $this->index->getClass($this->getParent());
Esempio n. 13
 private function isCloneable($class)
     if (!is_string($class) || in_array($class, self::$nonCloneableClasses) || false !== strpos($class, '[')) {
         // partial mock
         return false;
     $rClass = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     // native php objects may not be cloneable, and we cannot rely on any
     // custom __clone implementation (ex: Symfony's Request object)
     if ($rClass->isInternal() || $rClass->hasMethod('__clone')) {
         self::$nonCloneableClasses[] = $class;
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 14
File: Test.php Progetto: phpj/phpj
 public function testLoad()
     $name = $this->getClassName();
     $r = new \ReflectionClass($name);
     if ($r->isInstantiable() && !$r->isInternal()) {
         try {
             $class = $r->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
             $this->assertInstanceOf($name, $class);
             $this->assertInstanceOf('PHPJ\\Lang\\Object', $class);
         } catch (\ReflectionException $e) {
Esempio n. 15
 protected function load($dir, $name = '')
     $old_classes = array_flip(get_declared_classes());
     $this->load_dir($dir, $name);
     $new_classes = get_declared_classes();
     foreach ($new_classes as $class) {
         // check if this is an abstract class, or bultin class
         $ref_class = new ReflectionClass($class);
         if ($ref_class->isAbstract()) {
         if ($ref_class->isInternal()) {
         if (!isset($old_classes[$class])) {
  * Execute the command
  * @param  array  $args Arguments gived to the command
  * @return array Response
 public function execute($args = array())
     $class = $args[0];
     $internal = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : false;
     try {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return array('error' => $e->getMessage());
     if ($internal && !$reflection->isInternal()) {
         return array();
     $ctor = $reflection->getConstructor();
     $args = array();
     if (!is_null($ctor)) {
         $args = $this->getMethodArguments($ctor);
     return array('methods' => array('constructor' => array('has' => !is_null($ctor), 'args' => $args)));
Esempio n. 17
 public function generate()
     $formatter = $this->formatter;
     $allFunctions = get_defined_functions();
     foreach ($allFunctions['internal'] as $functionName) {
         $function = new \ReflectionFunction($functionName);
         $this->notifyGenerateFunction($function, $this->formatter->formatFunction($function));
     # Mix classes/interfaces/etc.
     $classes = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     foreach ($classes as $name) {
         $class = new \ReflectionClass($name);
         if (!$class->isInternal()) {
         $this->notifyGenerateClass($class, $formatter->formatClass($class));
Esempio n. 18
function initLogger()
    $loggerName = "log";
    // Iterate over all declared classes
    $classes = get_declared_classes();
    foreach ($classes as $class) {
        $reflection = new ReflectionClass($class);
        // If the class is internally defined by PHP or has no property called "logger", skip it.
        if ($reflection->isInternal() || !$reflection->hasProperty($loggerName)) {
        // Get information regarding the "logger" property of this class.
        $property = new ReflectionProperty($class, $loggerName);
        // If the "logger" property is not static or not public, then it is not the one we are interested in. Skip this class.
        if (!$property->isStatic() || !$property->isPublic()) {
        // Initialize the logger for this class.
        $reflection->setStaticPropertyValue($loggerName, getLogger());
Esempio n. 19
 public final function createTestDoubleFor($class_name, array $interfaces = array(), array $traits = array(), $method_checker = null)
     if (!class_exists($class_name) && !interface_exists($class_name)) {
         throw new FBMock_TestDoubleException("Attempting to mock {$class_name} but {$class_name} isn't loaded.");
     $mock_class_name = FBMock_Utils::mockClassNameFor($class_name, $interfaces, $traits);
     $ref_class = new ReflectionClass($class_name);
     if ($ref_class->isInternal() && !FBMock_Utils::isHHVM()) {
         throw new FBMock_TestDoubleException("Trying to mock PHP internal class {$class_name}. Mocking of internal " . "classes is only supported in HHVM.");
     if (!class_exists($mock_class_name, $autoload = false)) {
         $class_generator_class = FBMock_Config::get()->getClassGenerator();
         $class_generator = new $class_generator_class();
         $code = $class_generator->generateCode($ref_class, $mock_class_name, $interfaces, $traits, $method_checker);
     $mock_object = (new ReflectionClass($mock_class_name))->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
     return $mock_object;
Esempio n. 20
 protected function loadReflectables()
     $data = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     foreach ($data as $class) {
         $r = new \ReflectionClass($class);
         if (!$r->isInternal()) {
         $name = strtolower($r->name);
         if (!isset($this->methods[$name])) {
             $this->methods[$name] = ['extends' => [], 'methods' => []];
             // TODO: load methods
         do {
             $this->methods[$name]['extends'][] = strtolower($r->name);
             foreach ($r->getInterfaceNames() as $iname) {
                 $this->methods[$name]['extends'][] = strtolower($iname);
         } while ($r = $r->getParentClass());
         $this->methods[$name]['extends'] = array_unique($this->methods[$name]['extends']);
Esempio n. 21
  * Check whether it is allowed to clean given class static variables
  * @param ReflectionClass $reflectionClass
  * @return bool
 protected static function _isClassCleanable(ReflectionClass $reflectionClass)
     // 1. do not process php internal classes
     if ($reflectionClass->isInternal()) {
         return false;
     // 2. do not process blacklisted classes from integration framework
     foreach (self::$_classesToSkip as $notCleanableClass) {
         if ($reflectionClass->getName() == $notCleanableClass || is_subclass_of($reflectionClass->getName(), $notCleanableClass)) {
             return false;
     // 3. process only files from specific folders
     $fileName = $reflectionClass->getFileName();
     if ($fileName) {
         $fileName = str_replace('\\', '/', $fileName);
         foreach (self::$_cleanableFolders as $directory) {
             if (stripos($fileName, $directory) !== false) {
                 return true;
     return false;
  * creates a link to a type (class, interface or trait)
  * @param ClassDoc|InterfaceDoc|TraitDoc|ClassDoc[]|InterfaceDoc[]|TraitDoc[]|string|string[] $types
  * @param string $title a title to be used for the link TODO check whether [[yii\...|Class]] is supported
  * @param BaseDoc $context
  * @param array $options additional HTML attributes for the link.
  * @return string
 public function createTypeLink($types, $context = null, $title = null, $options = [])
     if (!is_array($types)) {
         $types = [$types];
     if (count($types) > 1) {
         $title = null;
     $links = [];
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $postfix = '';
         if (is_string($type)) {
             if (!empty($type) && substr_compare($type, '[]', -2, 2) === 0) {
                 $postfix = '[]';
                 $type = substr($type, 0, -2);
             if ($type === '$this' && $context instanceof TypeDoc) {
                 $title = '$this';
                 $type = $context;
             } elseif (($t = $this->apiContext->getType(ltrim($type, '\\'))) !== null) {
                 $type = $t;
             } elseif ($type[0] !== '\\' && ($t = $this->apiContext->getType($this->resolveNamespace($context) . '\\' . ltrim($type, '\\'))) !== null) {
                 $type = $t;
             } else {
                 ltrim($type, '\\');
         if (is_string($type)) {
             $linkText = ltrim($type, '\\');
             if ($title !== null) {
                 $linkText = $title;
                 $title = null;
             $phpTypes = ['callable', 'array', 'string', 'boolean', 'integer', 'float', 'object', 'resource', 'null', 'false', 'true'];
             $phpTypeAliases = ['true' => 'boolean', 'false' => 'boolean'];
             // check if it is PHP internal class
             if ((class_exists($type, false) || interface_exists($type, false) || trait_exists($type, false)) && ($reflection = new \ReflectionClass($type)) && $reflection->isInternal()) {
                 $links[] = $this->generateLink($linkText, '' . strtolower(ltrim($type, '\\')), $options) . $postfix;
             } elseif (in_array($type, $phpTypes)) {
                 if (isset($phpTypeAliases[$type])) {
                     $type = $phpTypeAliases[$type];
                 $links[] = $this->generateLink($linkText, '' . strtolower(ltrim($type, '\\')), $options) . $postfix;
             } else {
                 $links[] = $type;
         } elseif ($type instanceof BaseDoc) {
             $linkText = $type->name;
             if ($title !== null) {
                 $linkText = $title;
                 $title = null;
             $links[] = $this->generateLink($linkText, $this->generateApiUrl($type->name), $options) . $postfix;
     return implode('|', $links);
Esempio n. 23
 protected function _getInstance($mockName, $constructorArgs = null)
     $r = new \ReflectionClass($mockName);
     if (null === $r->getConstructor()) {
         $return = new $mockName();
         return $return;
     if ($constructorArgs !== null) {
         return $r->newInstanceArgs($constructorArgs);
     $isInternal = $r->isInternal();
     $child = $r;
     while (!$isInternal && ($parent = $child->getParentClass())) {
         $isInternal = $parent->isInternal();
         $child = $parent;
     try {
         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4') < 0 || $isInternal) {
             $return = unserialize(sprintf('%s:%d:"%s":0:{}', version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '>') && $r->implementsInterface('Serializable') ? 'C' : 'O', strlen($mockName), $mockName));
         } else {
             $return = $r->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
     } catch (\Exception $ex) {
         $internalMockName = $mockName . '_Internal';
         if (!class_exists($internalMockName)) {
             eval("class {$internalMockName} extends {$mockName} {" . 'public function __construct() {}' . '}');
         $return = new $internalMockName();
     return $return;
    const START = 0;
    private static $c = Counter::START;
     * Invoke counter
     * @access public
     * @return int
    public function count()
        return self::$c++;
$class = new ReflectionClass('Counter');
printf("===> The %s%s%s %s '%s' [extends %s]" . " declared in %s" . " lines %d to %d" . " having the modifiers %d [%s]<br/>", $class->isInternal() ? 'internal' : 'user-defined', $class->isAbstract() ? ' abstract' : '', $class->isFinal() ? ' final' : '', $class->isInterface() ? 'interface' : 'class', $class->getName(), var_export($class->getParentClass(), 1), $class->getFileName(), $class->getStartLine(), $class->getEndline(), $class->getModifiers(), implode(' ', Reflection::getModifierNames($class->getModifiers())));
// output: ===> The user-defined class 'Counter' [extends ReflectionClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'Object', ))] declared in /home/cg/root/main.php lines 15 to 31 having the modifiers 524288 []
printf("===> Documentation:%s<br/>", var_export($class->getDocComment(), 1));
// output: ===> Documentation:'/** * A counter class */'
printf("===> Implements:%s<br/>", var_export($class->getInterfaces(), 1));
// output: ===> Implements:array ( 'NSerializable' => ReflectionClass::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'NSerializable', )), )
printf("===> Constants: %s<br/>", var_export($class->getConstants(), 1));
// output: ===> Constants: array ( 'START' => 0, )
printf("===> Properties: %s<br/>", var_export($class->getProperties(), 1));
// output: ===> Properties: array ( 0 => ReflectionProperty::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'c', 'class' => 'Counter', )), )
printf("===> Methods: %s<br/>", var_export($class->getMethods(), 1));
// output: ===> Methods: array ( 0 => ReflectionMethod::__set_state(array( 'name' => 'count', 'class' => 'Counter', )), )
if ($class->isInstantiable()) {
    $counter = $class->newInstance();
    echo '===> $counter is instance? ';
    echo $class->isInstance($counter) ? 'yes' : 'no';
Esempio n. 25
  * Returns a proxy class object for the specified original class.
  * If no such proxy class has been created yet by this renderer,
  * this function will create one and register it for later use.
  * If the class is not proxable, FALSE will be returned
  * @param string $fullClassName Name of the original class
  * @return \TYPO3\Flow\Object\Proxy\ProxyClass|boolean
 public function getProxyClass($fullClassName)
     if (interface_exists($fullClassName) || in_array('TYPO3\\Flow\\Tests\\BaseTestCase', class_parents($fullClassName))) {
         return FALSE;
     if (class_exists($fullClassName) === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     $classReflection = new \ReflectionClass($fullClassName);
     if ($classReflection->isInternal() === TRUE) {
         return FALSE;
     $proxyAnnotation = $this->reflectionService->getClassAnnotation($fullClassName, 'TYPO3\\Flow\\Annotations\\Proxy');
     if ($proxyAnnotation !== NULL && $proxyAnnotation->enabled === FALSE) {
         return FALSE;
     if (in_array(substr($fullClassName, 0, 14), $this->blacklistedSubPackages)) {
         return FALSE;
     if (!isset($this->proxyClasses[$fullClassName])) {
         $this->proxyClasses[$fullClassName] = new ProxyClass($fullClassName);
     return $this->proxyClasses[$fullClassName];
Esempio n. 26
print "\n";
print "--- isFinal() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isInstance() ---\n";
var_dump($rb->isInstance(new B()));
var_dump($rb->isInstance(new C()));
print "\n";
print "--- isInstantiable() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isInterface() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isInternal() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isIterateable() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isSubclassOf() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- isUserDefined() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- newInstance() ---\n";
print "\n";
print "--- newInstanceArgs() ---\n";
Esempio n. 27
  * Show reflection
  * Show reflection
  * <code>
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('BEAR_Form');  // Class
  * Panda_Debug::reflect($obj);        // Objecy
  * Panda_Debug::reflect('p');         // Function
  * </code>
  * @param string $target      target
  * @param boll   $cehckParent check parent class
  * @return void
 public static function reflect($target, $cehckParent = false)
     if (is_object($target)) {
         $target = get_class($target);
     switch (true) {
         case function_exists($target):
             $ref = new ReflectionFunction($target);
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $statics = $ref->getStaticVariables();
             if ($statics) {
                 $info['Static variables'] = $statics;
             $type = 'function';
         case class_exists($target, false):
             $ref = new ReflectionClass($target);
             $type = 'class';
             $info['name'] = $ref->isInternal() ? 'The internal ' : 'The user-defined ';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isAbstract() ? ' abstract ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isFinal() ? ' final ' : '';
             $info['name'] .= $ref->isInterface() ? 'interface ' : 'class ';
             $info['name'] .= $targetName = $ref->getName();
             $info['declare in'] = $ref->getFileName() . ' lines ' . $ref->getStartLine() . ' to ' . $ref->getEndline();
             $info['modifiers'] = Reflection::getModifierNames($ref->getModifiers());
             $info['Documentation'] = $ref->getDocComment();
             $info['Implements'] = $ref->getInterfaces();
             $info['Constants'] = $ref->getConstants();
             foreach ($ref->getProperties() as $prop) {
                 // ReflectionProperty クラスのインスタンスを生成する
                 $propRef = new ReflectionProperty($targetName, $prop->name);
                 if ($propRef->isPublic()) {
                     $porps[] = $prop->name;
             //            $info['Public Properties'] = $porps;
             foreach ($ref->getMethods() as $method) {
                 $methodRef = new ReflectionMethod($targetName, $method->name);
                 if ($methodRef->isPublic() || $method->isStatic()) {
                     $final = $method->isFinal() ? 'final ' : '';
                     $pubic = $method->isPublic() ? 'public ' : '';
                     $static = $method->isStatic() ? ' static ' : '';
                     $methods[] = sprintf("%s%s%s %s", $final, $pubic, $static, $method->name);
             $info['Public Methods'] = $methods;
             if ($ref->isInstantiable() && is_object($target)) {
                 $info['isInstance ?'] = $ref->isInstance($target) ? 'yes' : 'no';
             if ($parent) {
                 $info['parent'] .= $ref->getParentClass();
             $type = 'Invalid Object/Class';
             $targetName = $target;
             $info = null;
     print_a($info, "show_objects:1;label: Reflection of {$type} '{$targetName}'");
Esempio n. 28
function generate_class_tests($file, $dest_path, $class)
    global $verbose;
    include_once $file;
    $x = new ReflectionClass("{$class}");
    if ($x->isAbstract() || $x->isInternal() || $x->isInterface()) {
        if ($verbose) {
            echo "Class {$class} is internal, abstract, or an interface ... skipping.\n";
    $class_test_file = true;
    $old_dest_file = path($dest_path, "class.{$class}.phpt");
    $dest_file = path($dest_path, "{$class}.phpt");
    if (file_exists($old_dest_file) && !file_exists($dest_file)) {
        echo "svn mv {$old_dest_file} {$dest_file}\n";
    if (file_exists($dest_file)) {
        if (zesk::getb('force-create') || zesk::getb('force-create-classes')) {
            if ($verbose) {
                echo "Overwriting destination file {$dest_file} due to force flags...\n";
        } else {
            if ($verbose) {
                echo "Skipping because destination file {$dest_file} exists ...\n";
            // Set flag so file is not generated, but static function tests are
            $class_test_file = false;
    $contents = test_file_header($file, $dest_file, false);
    $functions = extract_class_functions($x, $class);
    $exclude_functions = array();
    $has_non_static_methods = false;
    foreach ($functions as $method => $params) {
        if (in_array($method, $exclude_functions)) {
        $param_list = array();
        foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
            $param_list[] = '$' . $k;
            $contents[] = '$' . $k . ' = ' . PHP::dump($v) . ";";
        if (begins($method, "new ")) {
            $prefix = '$testx = ';
            $has_non_static_methods = true;
        } else {
            if (begins($method, "::")) {
                $method_name = str_replace('::', '', $method);
                $method_object = $x->getMethod($method_name);
                $methodParams = $method_object->getParameters();
                generate_static_class_method_test($file, $dest_path, $class, $method_name, $methodParams);
            } else {
                if (begins($method, "->")) {
                    $prefix = '$testx';
                    $has_non_static_methods = true;
                } else {
        $contents[] = $prefix . $method . '(' . implode(", ", $param_list) . ');';
        $contents[] = "";
    if (!$class_test_file) {
    if (!$has_non_static_methods) {
    $contents[] = "echo basename(__FILE__) . \": success\\n\";";
    if (!zesk::getb('dry-run')) {
        file_put_contents($dest_file, implode("\n", $contents));
        chmod($dest_file, 0775);
        echo "Wrote {$dest_file} ...\n";
    } else {
        echo "Would write {$dest_file} ...\n";
Esempio n. 29
  * Resolve depend from class
  * @param \ReflectionClass $class
  * @return EntityClass
 private function _resolveDepend(\ReflectionClass $class)
     if ($class->isInternal()) {
         return new EntityClass($class->getName());
     } elseif (isset($this->classes[$class->getName()])) {
         return $this->classes[$class->getName()];
     } else {
         // todo: log the problem
         $file = $this->files[$class->getFileName()] = new EntityFile($class->getFileName(), $this);
 private function getClassInfo($fqcn)
     $classData = $this->getEmptyClassData($fqcn);
     if (empty($fqcn)) {
         return $classData;
     try {
         $reflectionClass = new \ReflectionClass($fqcn);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $classData;
     if ($reflectionClass->isInternal()) {
         $fqcn = $reflectionClass->getName();
         if (array_key_exists($fqcn, $this->coreIndex['classes'])) {
             return $this->coreIndex['classes'][$reflectionClass->getName()];
         } else {
             return $classData;
     $classContent = array();
     $classData['file'] = $reflectionClass->getFileName();
     $classData['startLine'] = $reflectionClass->getStartLine();
     $docComment = $reflectionClass->getDocComment();
     if (!$docComment) {
         $docComment = "";
     preg_match("/(\\\\)?(\\w+)\$/", $reflectionClass->name, $classNameMatches);
     $classData['docComment'] = $this->trimDocComment($docComment);
     $classContent = $this->getClassContent($reflectionClass->getFileName(), $fqcn);
     $classData['namespaces']['file'] = $reflectionClass->getNamespaceName();
     $parsedClassData = $this->parseClass($classData['file']);
     $className = $classNameMatches[2];
     $classData['namespaces'] = $parsedClassData['namespaces'];
     $classData['className'] = $className;
     $this->classes[] = $className;
     if (array_key_exists($className, $this->class_fqcn)) {
         if (is_array($this->class_fqcn[$className]) && !in_array($fqcn, $this->class_fqcn[$className])) {
             $this->class_fqcn[$className][] = $fqcn;
         } elseif (is_string($this->class_fqcn[$className]) && $this->class_fqcn[$className] != $fqcn) {
             $fqcns = array();
             $fqcns[] = $this->class_fqcn[$className];
             $fqcns[] = $fqcn;
             $this->class_fqcn[$className] = $fqcns;
     } else {
         $this->class_fqcn[$className] = $fqcn;
     $this->getConstantData($reflectionClass, $classData);
     $classMethods = $reflectionClass->getMethods();
     foreach ($classMethods as $reflectionMethod) {
         if ($reflectionMethod->class === $fqcn) {
             $this->getMethodData($reflectionMethod, $classContent, $classData);
     $classProperties = $reflectionClass->getProperties();
     foreach ($classProperties as $classProperty) {
         if ($classProperty->class == $fqcn) {
             $this->getPropertyData($classProperty, $classData);
     $classData['parentclass'] = "";
     $parentClass = $reflectionClass->getParentClass();
     //if($parentClass && !$parentClass->isInternal() ){
     if ($parentClass) {
         $classData['parentclass'] = $parentClass->getName();
     $classData['interfaces'] = $reflectionClass->getInterfaceNames();
     $classData['classname'] = $className;
     return $classData;