Esempio n. 1
 function getnext($recurrence, $last_xref, JRegistry $params = null)
     $rule = RedeventHelperRecurrence::getRule($recurrence);
     if ($params === null) {
         $params =& JComponentHelper::getParams('com_redevent');
     $week_start = $params->get('week_start', 'SU');
     //     echo '<pre>';print_r($rule); echo '</pre>';exit;
     //    print_r($last_xref);
     $new = false;
     // check the count
     if ($rule->until_type == 'count' && $last_xref->count >= $rule->count) {
         return false;
     $days_name = array('SU' => 'sunday', 'MO' => 'monday', 'TU' => 'tuesday', 'WE' => 'wednesday', 'TH' => 'thursday', 'FR' => 'friday', 'SA' => 'saturday');
     $days_number = array('SU' => 0, 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6, 'SU' => 7);
     $xref_start = strtotime($last_xref->dates);
     // get the next start timestamp
     switch ($rule->type) {
         case 'DAILY':
             $next_start = strtotime($last_xref->dates . " +" . $rule->interval . " day");
         case 'WEEKLY':
             // calculate next dates for all set weekdays
             $next = array();
             if (!$rule->weekdays || !count($rule->weekdays)) {
                 // force to the day of previous session
                 $rule->weekdays = array(array_search(date('N', strtotime($last_xref->dates)), $days_number));
             foreach ($rule->weekdays as $d) {
                 if ($week_start == 'SU') {
                     $current = strftime('%w', $xref_start);
                 } else {
                     $current = strftime('%u', $xref_start);
                 if ($days_number[$d] > $current) {
                     $next[] = strtotime('+1 ' . $days_name[$d], strtotime($last_xref->dates));
                 } else {
                     if ($days_number[$d] == $current) {
                         // same day, look in next intervall, after this day
                         $next[] = strtotime('+' . $rule->interval . ' ' . $days_name[$d], strtotime($last_xref->dates) + 3600 * 24);
                     } else {
                         // in next intervall
                         $next[] = strtotime('+' . $rule->interval . ' ' . $days_name[$d], strtotime($last_xref->dates));
             // the next one is the lowest value
             $next_start = min($next);
         case 'MONTHLY':
             if ($rule->monthtype == 'byday') {
                 // first day of this month
                 $first_this = mktime(0, 0, 0, strftime('%m', $xref_start), 1, strftime('%Y', $xref_start));
                 // last day of this month
                 $last_this = mktime(0, 0, 0, strftime('%m', $xref_start) + 1, 0, strftime('%Y', $xref_start));
                 // first day of +interval month
                 $first_next_interval = mktime(0, 0, 0, strftime('%m', $xref_start) + $rule->interval, 1, strftime('%Y', $xref_start));
                 // last day of this month
                 $last_next_interval = mktime(0, 0, 0, strftime('%m', $xref_start) + 1 + $rule->interval, 0, strftime('%Y', $xref_start));
                 $days = array();
                 //          print_r($rule);
                 foreach ($rule->weeks as $week) {
                     foreach ($rule->weekdays as $day) {
                         $int_day = strtotime($week . ' ' . $days_name[$day], $first_this);
                         if ($int_day > $xref_start && $int_day <= $last_this) {
                             $days[] = $int_day;
                         $int_day = strtotime($week . ' ' . $days_name[$day], $first_next_interval);
                         if ($int_day > $xref_start && $int_day <= $last_next_interval) {
                             $days[] = $int_day;
                 foreach ($rule->rweeks as $week) {
                     foreach ($rule->rweekdays as $day) {
                         $int_day = strtotime('-' . $week . ' ' . $days_name[$day], $last_this + 24 * 3600);
                         if ($int_day > $xref_start && $int_day >= $first_this) {
                             $days[] = $int_day;
                         $int_day = strtotime('-' . $week . ' ' . $days_name[$day], $last_next_interval + 24 * 3600);
                         if ($int_day > $xref_start && $int_day >= $first_next_interval) {
                             $days[] = $int_day;
                 $next_start = min($days);
             } else {
                 $current = strftime('%d', strtotime($last_xref->dates));
                 if (!$rule->bydays || !count($rule->bydays)) {
                     // force to the day of previous session
                     $rule->bydays = array(date('d', strtotime($last_xref->dates)));
                 if (!$rule->reverse_bydays) {
                     $next_day = null;
                     foreach ($rule->bydays as $day) {
                         if ($day > $current) {
                             $next_day = $day;
                     if ($next_day == null) {
                         $year_month = strftime('%Y-%m', strtotime(date("Y-m-1", strtotime($last_xref->dates)) . ' + ' . $rule->interval . " months"));
                         $next_start = strtotime($year_month . '-' . $rule->bydays[0]);
                     } else {
                         $year_month = strftime('%Y-%m', strtotime($last_xref->dates));
                         $next_start = strtotime($year_month . '-' . $next_day);
                 } else {
                     $current_sec = strtotime($last_xref->dates);
                     $next = array();
                     foreach ($rule->bydays as $day) {
                         // we need to check the dates for this month, and the +interval month
                         $dd = strtotime(date("Y-m-1", strtotime($last_xref->dates)) . ' + 1 months -' . $day . ' day');
                         if ($dd > $current_sec) {
                             $next[] = $dd;
                         $dd = strtotime(date("Y-m-1", strtotime($last_xref->dates)) . ' +' . (1 + $rule->interval) . ' months -' . $day . ' days', strtotime($last_xref->dates));
                         if ($dd > $current_sec) {
                             $next[] = $dd;
                     // the next is the closest, lower value
                     $next_start = min($next);
         case 'YEARLY':
             $current = strtotime($last_xref->dates);
             if (empty($rule->bydays)) {
                 $next_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, strftime('%m', $current), strftime('%d', $current), strftime('%Y', $current) + $rule->interval);
             } else {
                 if (!$rule->reverse_bydays) {
                     $next_day = $rule->bydays[0];
                     foreach ($rule->bydays as $day) {
                         if ($day > $current) {
                             $next_day = $day;
                     if ($next_day == $rule->bydays[0]) {
                         $next_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $next_day, strftime('%Y', strtotime($last_xref->dates)) + 1);
                     } else {
                         $next_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $next_day, strftime('%Y', strtotime($last_xref->dates)));
                 } else {
                     // total days in this year
                     $total = strftime('%j', mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, strftime('%Y', strtotime($last_xref->dates)) + 1));
                     $rev_days = array();
                     // get number in proper order
                     foreach ($rule->bydays as $day) {
                         $rev_days[] = $total - $day + 1;
                     $next_day = null;
                     foreach ($rev_days as $day) {
                         if ($day > $current) {
                             $next_day = $day;
                     if ($next_day == null) {
                         $next_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, -$rule->bydays[0], strftime('%Y', strtotime($last_xref->dates)) + 1 + $rule->interval);
                     } else {
                         $next_start = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $next_day, strftime('%Y', strtotime($last_xref->dates)));
         case 'NONE':
     if (!isset($next_start) || !$next_start) {
         return false;
     // check the until rule
     if ($rule->until_type == 'until' && strtotime(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $next_start) . ' ' . $last_xref->times) > strtotime($rule->until)) {
         return false;
     $delta = $next_start - strtotime($last_xref->dates);
     if (!$delta) {
         // no delta, so same session...
         return false;
     // return the new occurence
     $new = clone $last_xref;
     $new->dates = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', $next_start);
     if (strtotime($last_xref->enddates)) {
         $new->enddates = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($last_xref->enddates) + $delta);
     if (strtotime($last_xref->registrationend)) {
         $new->registrationend = strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($last_xref->registrationend) + $delta);
     //     echo '<pre>';print_r($new); echo '</pre>';exit;
     //    print_r($new);
     //    exit;
     return $new;
Esempio n. 2
  * return details about session
  * @param bool $no_check set true to skip acl check
  * @return multitype:
 function getSessionDetails($no_check = false)
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     if (empty($this->_xrefdata)) {
         $acl =& UserAcl::getInstance();
         if ($this->_xref) {
             if (!$no_check && !$acl->canEditXref($this->_xref)) {
                 JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_NOT_ALLOWED'));
             $this->_xrefdata = $this->_getXrefData($this->_xref);
         } else {
             if (!$no_check && !$acl->canAddXref()) {
                 JError::raiseError(403, JText::_('COM_REDEVENT_NOT_ALLOWED'));
             $template_xref = $app->getParams()->get('event_template', 0);
             if ($template_xref) {
                 $obj = $this->_getXrefData($template_xref);
             } else {
                 $obj = new stdclass();
                 $obj->groupid = 0;
                 $obj->external_registration_url = null;
                 $obj->details = null;
                 $obj->maxattendees = 0;
                 $obj->maxwaitinglist = 0;
                 $obj->course_credit = 0;
                 $obj->published = 1;
             $obj->id = null;
             $obj->eventid = 0;
             $obj->title = null;
             $obj->venueid = 0;
             $obj->dates = null;
             $obj->enddates = null;
             $obj->times = null;
             $obj->endtimes = null;
             $obj->registrationend = null;
             $obj->recurrence_id = 0;
             $obj->count = 0;
             $obj->rrule = null;
             $this->_xrefdata = $obj;
     $this->_xrefdata->rrules = RedeventHelperRecurrence::getRule($this->_xrefdata->rrule);
     return $this->_xrefdata;
Esempio n. 3
  * return xref from request
  * @return unknown
 function getXref()
     $xref = $this->_id;
     if ($xref) {
         $customs = $this->_getXCustomFields();
         $query = ' SELECT x.*, v.venue, as recurrence_id, r.rrule, rp.count ';
         // add the custom fields
         foreach ((array) $customs as $c) {
             $query .= ', x.custom' . $c->id;
         $query .= ' FROM #__redevent_event_venue_xref AS x ' . ' LEFT JOIN #__redevent_venues AS v on = x.venueid ' . ' LEFT JOIN #__redevent_repeats AS rp on rp.xref_id = ' . ' LEFT JOIN #__redevent_recurrences AS r on = rp.recurrence_id ';
         $query .= ' WHERE = ' . $this->_db->Quote($xref);
         $object = $this->_db->loadObject();
         $object->rrules = RedeventHelperRecurrence::getRule($object->rrule);
     } else {
         $object = JTable::getInstance('RedEvent_eventvenuexref', '');
         $object->id = null;
         $object->venue = 0;
         $object->recurrence_id = 0;
         $object->rrule = '';
         $object->count = 0;
         $object->rrules = RedeventHelperRecurrence::getRule();
     return $object;