  * Associates two Beans. This method will associate two beans with eachother.
  * You can then get one of the beans by using the related() function and
  * providing the other bean. You can also provide a base bean in the extra
  * parameter. This base bean allows you to add extra information to the association
  * record. Note that this is for advanced use only and the information will not
  * be added to one of the beans, just to the association record.
  * It's also possible to provide an array or JSON string as base bean. If you
  * pass a scalar this function will interpret the base bean as having one
  * property called 'extra' with the value of the scalar.
  * @todo extract from facade
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean1            bean that will be part of the association
  * @param RedBean_OODBBean $bean2            bean that will be part of the association
  * @param mixed            $extra            bean, scalar, array or JSON providing extra data.
  * @return mixed
 public function associate($beans1, $beans2, $extra = NULL)
     if (!$extra) {
         return $this->associationManager->associate($beans1, $beans2);
     } else {
         return $this->extAssocManager->extAssociateSimple($beans1, $beans2, $extra);
Esempio n. 2
  * Test extended associations.
  * @return void
 public function testExtAssoc()
     $toolbox = R::$toolbox;
     $adapter = $toolbox->getDatabaseAdapter();
     $writer = $toolbox->getWriter();
     $redbean = $toolbox->getRedBean();
     $pdo = $adapter->getDatabase();
     $webpage = $redbean->dispense("webpage");
     $webpage->title = "page with ads";
     $ad = $redbean->dispense("ad");
     $ad->title = "buy this!";
     $top = $redbean->dispense("placement");
     $top->position = "top";
     $bottom = $redbean->dispense("placement");
     $bottom->position = "bottom";
     $ea = new RedBean_AssociationManager_ExtAssociationManager($toolbox);
     $ea->extAssociate($ad, $webpage, $top);
     $ads = $redbean->batch("ad", $ea->related($webpage, "ad"));
     $adsPos = $redbean->batch("ad_webpage", $ea->related($webpage, "ad", TRUE));
     asrt(count($ads), 1);
     asrt(count($adsPos), 1);
     $theAd = array_pop($ads);
     $theAdPos = array_pop($adsPos);
     asrt($theAd->title, $ad->title);
     asrt($theAdPos->position, $top->position);
     $ad2 = $redbean->dispense("ad");
     $ad2->title = "buy this too!";
     $ea->extAssociate($ad2, $webpage, $bottom);
     $ads = $redbean->batch("ad", $ea->related($webpage, "ad", TRUE));
     asrt(count($ads), 2);