Esempio n. 1
  * Constructor
  * @access public
 public function __construct()
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     // Call parent constructor
     // Fetch Record
     $config = getExtraConfigArray('MetaLib');
     $metalib = new MetaLib();
     $this->record = $metalib->getRecord($_REQUEST['id']);
     if (PEAR::isError($this->record)) {
     // Get record driver
     $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($this->record);
     // Set Proxy URL
     $interface->assign('proxy', isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host']) ? $configArray['EZproxy']['host'] : false);
     // Whether RSI is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) {
         $interface->assign('rsi', true);
     // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
         $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
     // Send record ID to template
     $interface->assign('id', $_REQUEST['id']);
     // Send down legal export formats (if any):
     $interface->assign('exportFormats', array('RefWorks', 'EndNote'));
     // Set AddThis User
     $interface->assign('addThis', isset($configArray['AddThis']['key']) ? $configArray['AddThis']['key'] : false);
     // Get core metadata
     $interface->assign('coreMetadata', $this->recordDriver->getCoreMetadata());
Esempio n. 2
 function launch()
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     global $configArray;
     $suggestions = Suggestions::getSuggestions();
     // Setup Search Engine Connection
     $class = $configArray['Index']['engine'];
     $url = $configArray['Index']['url'];
     /** @var SearchObject_Solr $solrDb */
     $solrDb = new $class($url);
     $resourceList = array();
     $curIndex = 0;
     if (is_array($suggestions)) {
         foreach ($suggestions as $suggestion) {
             $interface->assign('resultIndex', ++$curIndex);
             $record = $solrDb->getRecord($suggestion['titleInfo']['id']);
             /** @var IndexRecord $recordDriver */
             $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
             $resourceEntry = $interface->fetch($recordDriver->getSearchResult());
             $resourceList[] = $resourceEntry;
     $interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);
     //Check to see if the user has rated any titles
     $interface->assign('hasRatings', $user->hasRatings());
     $interface->setPageTitle('Recommended for you');
     $interface->assign('sidebar', 'MyAccount/account-sidebar.tpl');
Esempio n. 3
  * Process incoming parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $configArray, $interface;
     // Execute Default Tab
     $defaultTab = isset($configArray['Site']['defaultRecordTab']) ? $configArray['Site']['defaultRecordTab'] : 'Holdings';
     // Don't let bots crawl holdings
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         $defaultTab = 'Description';
     } else {
         // We need to do a whole bunch of extra work to determine the default
         // tab if we have the hideHoldingsTabWhenEmpty setting turned on; only
         // do this work if we absolutely have to!
         if (isset($configArray['Site']['hideHoldingsTabWhenEmpty']) && $configArray['Site']['hideHoldingsTabWhenEmpty'] && $defaultTab == "Holdings") {
             $db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
             if (!($record = $db->getRecord($_REQUEST['id']))) {
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
             $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
             $showHoldingsTab = $recordDriver->hasHoldings();
             $defaultTab = $showHoldingsTab ? 'Holdings' : 'Description';
     include_once $defaultTab . '.php';
     $service = new $defaultTab();
Esempio n. 4
  * Process parameters and display the page.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     // Get My Transactions
     if ($patron = UserAccount::catalogLogin()) {
         if (PEAR::isError($patron)) {
         } else {
             // Renew Items
             if (isset($_POST['renewAll']) || isset($_POST['renewSelected'])) {
                 $renewResult = $this->_renewItems($patron);
             $result = $this->catalog->getMyTransactions($patron);
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
             $transList = array();
             foreach ($result as $data) {
                 $current = array('ils_details' => $data);
                 if ($record = $this->db->getRecord($data['id'])) {
                     $formats = isset($record['format']) ? $record['format'] : '';
                     if (!is_array($formats)) {
                         $formats = array($formats);
                     foreach ($formats as &$format) {
                         $format = preg_replace('/^\\d\\//', '', $format);
                         $format = rtrim($format, "/");
                     $driver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
                     if (!empty($data['title'])) {
                         $title = $data['title'];
                     } else {
                         $title = isset($record['title']) ? $record['title'] : null;
                     $current += array('id' => $record['id'], 'isbn' => isset($record['isbn']) ? $record['isbn'] : null, 'author' => isset($record['author']) ? $record['author'] : null, 'title' => $title, 'format' => $formats, 'summImages' => $driver ? $driver->getAllImages() : null, 'summThumb' => $driver ? $driver->getThumbnail() : null);
                 $transList[] = $current;
             if ($this->checkRenew) {
                 $transList = $this->_addRenewDetails($transList);
             $interface->assign('transList', $transList);
             $profile = $this->catalog->getMyProfile($patron);
             if (!PEAR::isError($profile)) {
                 $interface->assign('profile', $profile);
     $interface->setPageTitle('Checked Out Items');
Esempio n. 5
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     //Build the actual view
     $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord();
     $id = strip_tags($_REQUEST['id']);
     $eContentRecord->id = $id;
     require_once 'Enrichment.php';
     $enrichment = new EcontentRecord_Enrichment();
     $enrichmentData = $enrichment->loadEnrichment($eContentRecord->getIsbn());
     $seriesTitle = '';
     $seriesAuthors = array();
     $seriesTitles = array();
     $resourceList = array();
     if (isset($enrichmentData['novelist']) && isset($enrichmentData['novelist']['series'])) {
         $seriesTitles = $enrichmentData['novelist']['series'];
         //Loading the series title is not reliable.  Do not try to load it.
         if (isset($seriesTitles) && is_array($seriesTitles)) {
             foreach ($seriesTitles as $title) {
                 if (isset($title['series']) && strlen($title['series']) > 0 && !isset($seriesTitle)) {
                     $seriesTitle = $title['series'];
                     $interface->assign('seriesTitle', $seriesTitle);
                 if (isset($title['author'])) {
                     $seriesAuthors[$title['author']] = $title['author'];
                 if ($title['libraryOwned']) {
                     $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($title);
                     $resourceList[] = $interface->fetch($record->getSearchResult($user, null, false));
                 } else {
                     $interface->assign('record', $title);
                     $resourceList[] = $interface->fetch('RecordDrivers/Index/nonowned_result.tpl');
     $interface->assign('seriesAuthors', $seriesAuthors);
     $interface->assign('recordSet', $seriesTitles);
     $interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', 1);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', count($seriesTitles));
     $interface->assign('recordCount', count($seriesTitles));
     // Display Page
Esempio n. 6
  * Get similar items and return html snippet
  * @return void
 public function launch()
     global $interface;
     if (!isset($_REQUEST['id'])) {
     $this->db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     // Retrieve the record from the index
     if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($_REQUEST['id']))) {
         PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
Esempio n. 7
  * Get description and return html snippet
  * @return void
 public function launch()
     global $configArray;
     if (!isset($_GET['id']) || !$_GET['id']) {
     $id = $_GET['id'];
     $localFile = 'interface/cache/description_' . urlencode($id) . '.txt';
     $maxAge = isset($configArray['Content']['summarycachetime']) ? $configArray['Content']['summarycachetime'] : 1440;
     if (is_readable($localFile) && time() - filemtime($localFile) < $maxAge * 60) {
         // Load local cache if available
         header('Content-type: text/plain');
         echo file_get_contents($localFile);
     } else {
         // Get URL
         $db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
         if (!($record = $db->getRecord($id))) {
         $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
         $url = $recordDriver->getDescriptionURL();
         // Get, manipulate, save and display content if available
         if ($url) {
             if ($content = @file_get_contents($url)) {
                 $content = preg_replace('/.*<.B>(.*)/', '\\1', $content);
                 $content = strip_tags($content);
                 // Replace line breaks with <br>
                 $content = preg_replace('/(\\r\\n|\\n|\\r){3,}/', "<br><br>", $content);
                 $content = utf8_encode($content);
                 file_put_contents($localFile, $content);
                 echo $content;
         if ($summary = $recordDriver->getSummary()) {
             echo implode('<br><br>', $summary);
Esempio n. 8
 function __construct($subAction = false, $record_id = null)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     global $timer;
     global $logger;
     $interface->assign('page_body_style', 'sidebar_left');
     $interface->assign('libraryThingUrl', $configArray['LibraryThing']['url']);
     //Determine whether or not materials request functionality should be enabled
     $interface->assign('enableMaterialsRequest', MaterialsRequest::enableMaterialsRequest());
     //Load basic information needed in subclasses
     if ($record_id == null || !isset($record_id)) {
         $this->id = $_GET['id'];
     } else {
         $this->id = $record_id;
     //Check to see if the record exists within the resources table
     $resource = new Resource();
     $resource->record_id = $this->id;
     $resource->source = 'VuFind';
     $resource->deleted = 0;
     if (!$resource->find()) {
         //Check to see if the record has been converted to an eContent record
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php';
         $econtentRecord = new EContentRecord();
         $econtentRecord->ilsId = $this->id;
         $econtentRecord->status = 'active';
         if ($econtentRecord->find(true)) {
             header("Location: /EcontentRecord/{$econtentRecord->id}/Home");
         $logger->log("Did not find a record for id {$this->id} in resources table.", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     if ($configArray['Catalog']['ils'] == 'Millennium') {
         $interface->assign('classicId', substr($this->id, 1, strlen($this->id) - 2));
         $interface->assign('classicUrl', $configArray['Catalog']['linking_url']);
     // Setup Search Engine Connection
     $class = $configArray['Index']['engine'];
     $url = $configArray['Index']['url'];
     $this->db = new $class($url);
     // Retrieve Full Marc Record
     if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($this->id))) {
         $logger->log("Did not find a record for id {$this->id} in solr.", PEAR_LOG_DEBUG);
     $this->record = $record;
     $interface->assign('record', $record);
     $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
     $timer->logTime('Initialized the Record Driver');
     $interface->assign('coreMetadata', $this->recordDriver->getCoreMetadata());
     // Process MARC Data
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/MarcLoader.php';
     $marcRecord = MarcLoader::loadMarcRecordFromRecord($record);
     if ($marcRecord) {
         $this->marcRecord = $marcRecord;
         $interface->assign('marc', $marcRecord);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('error', 'Cannot Process MARC Record');
     $timer->logTime('Processed the marc record');
     //Load information for display in the template rather than processing specific fields in the template
     $marcField = $marcRecord->getField('245');
     $recordTitle = $this->getSubfieldData($marcField, 'a');
     $interface->assign('recordTitle', $recordTitle);
     $recordTitleSubtitle = trim($this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'h', 'n', 'p')));
     $recordTitleSubtitle = preg_replace('~\\s+[\\/:]$~', '', $recordTitleSubtitle);
     $interface->assign('recordTitleSubtitle', $recordTitleSubtitle);
     $recordTitleWithAuth = trim($this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'h', 'n', 'p', 'c')));
     $interface->assign('recordTitleWithAuth', $recordTitleWithAuth);
     $marcField = $marcRecord->getField('100');
     if ($marcField) {
         $mainAuthor = $this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
         $interface->assign('mainAuthor', $mainAuthor);
     $marcField = $marcRecord->getField('110');
     if ($marcField) {
         $corporateAuthor = $this->getSubfieldData($marcField, 'a');
         $interface->assign('corporateAuthor', $corporateAuthor);
     $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields('700');
     if ($marcFields) {
         $contributors = array();
         foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) {
             $contributors[] = $this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd'));
         $interface->assign('contributors', $contributors);
     $published = $this->recordDriver->getPublicationDetails();
     $interface->assign('published', $published);
     $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields('250');
     if ($marcFields) {
         $editionsThis = array();
         foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) {
             $editionsThis[] = $this->getSubfieldData($marcField, 'a');
         $interface->assign('editionsThis', $editionsThis);
     $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields('300');
     if ($marcFields) {
         $physicalDescriptions = array();
         foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) {
             $description = $this->concatenateSubfieldData($marcField, array('a', 'b', 'c', 'e', 'f', 'g'));
             if ($description != 'p. cm.') {
                 $description = preg_replace("/[\\/|;:]\$/", '', $description);
                 $description = preg_replace("/p\\./", 'pages', $description);
                 $physicalDescriptions[] = $description;
         $interface->assign('physicalDescriptions', $physicalDescriptions);
     // Get ISBN for cover and review use
     $mainIsbnSet = false;
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $isbnFields */
     if ($isbnFields = $this->marcRecord->getFields('020')) {
         $isbns = array();
         //Use the first good ISBN we find.
         foreach ($isbnFields as $isbnField) {
             /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $isbnSubfieldA */
             if ($isbnSubfieldA = $isbnField->getSubfield('a')) {
                 $tmpIsbn = trim($isbnSubfieldA->getData());
                 if (strlen($tmpIsbn) > 0) {
                     $isbns[] = $isbnSubfieldA->getData();
                     $pos = strpos($tmpIsbn, ' ');
                     if ($pos > 0) {
                         $tmpIsbn = substr($tmpIsbn, 0, $pos);
                     $tmpIsbn = trim($tmpIsbn);
                     if (strlen($tmpIsbn) > 0) {
                         if (strlen($tmpIsbn) < 10) {
                             $tmpIsbn = str_pad($tmpIsbn, 10, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
                         if (!$mainIsbnSet) {
                             $this->isbn = $tmpIsbn;
                             $interface->assign('isbn', $tmpIsbn);
                             $mainIsbnSet = true;
         if (isset($this->isbn)) {
             if (strlen($this->isbn) == 13) {
                 require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/ISBNConverter.php';
                 $this->isbn10 = ISBNConverter::convertISBN13to10($this->isbn);
             } else {
                 $this->isbn10 = $this->isbn;
             $interface->assign('isbn10', $this->isbn10);
         $interface->assign('isbns', $isbns);
     if ($upcField = $this->marcRecord->getField('024')) {
         /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field $upcField */
         if ($upcSubField = $upcField->getSubfield('a')) {
             $this->upc = trim($upcSubField->getData());
             $interface->assign('upc', $this->upc);
     if ($issnField = $this->marcRecord->getField('022')) {
         /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field $issnField */
         if ($issnSubField = $issnField->getSubfield('a')) {
             $this->issn = trim($issnSubField->getData());
             if ($pos = strpos($this->issn, ' ')) {
                 $this->issn = substr($this->issn, 0, $pos);
             $interface->assign('issn', $this->issn);
             //Also setup GoldRush link
             if (isset($library) && strlen($library->goldRushCode) > 0) {
                 $interface->assign('goldRushLink', ";inst_code={$library->goldRushCode}&amp;search_type=ISSN&amp;search_term={$this->issn}");
     $timer->logTime("Got basic data from Marc Record subaction = {$subAction}, record_id = {$record_id}");
     //stop if this is not the main action.
     if ($subAction == true) {
     //Get street date
     if ($streetDateField = $this->marcRecord->getField('263')) {
         $streetDate = $this->getSubfieldData($streetDateField, 'a');
         if ($streetDate != '') {
             $interface->assign('streetDate', $streetDate);
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcField440 */
     $marcField440 = $marcRecord->getFields('440');
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcField490 */
     $marcField490 = $marcRecord->getFields('490');
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcField830 */
     $marcField830 = $marcRecord->getFields('830');
     if ($marcField440 || $marcField490 || $marcField830) {
         $series = array();
         foreach ($marcField440 as $field) {
             $series[] = $this->getSubfieldData($field, 'a');
         foreach ($marcField490 as $field) {
             if ($field->getIndicator(1) == 0) {
                 $series[] = $this->getSubfieldData($field, 'a');
         foreach ($marcField830 as $field) {
             $series[] = $this->getSubfieldData($field, 'a');
         $interface->assign('series', $series);
     //Load description from Syndetics
     $useMarcSummary = true;
     if ($this->isbn || $this->upc) {
         if ($library && $library->preferSyndeticsSummary == 1) {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/GoDeeperData.php';
             $summaryInfo = GoDeeperData::getSummary($this->isbn, $this->upc);
             if (isset($summaryInfo['summary'])) {
                 $interface->assign('summaryTeaser', $summaryInfo['summary']);
                 $interface->assign('summary', $summaryInfo['summary']);
                 $useMarcSummary = false;
     if ($useMarcSummary) {
         if ($summaryField = $this->marcRecord->getField('520')) {
             $interface->assign('summary', $this->getSubfieldData($summaryField, 'a'));
             $interface->assign('summaryTeaser', $this->getSubfieldData($summaryField, 'a'));
         } elseif ($library && $library->preferSyndeticsSummary == 0) {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/marmot_inc/GoDeeperData.php';
             $summaryInfo = GoDeeperData::getSummary($this->isbn, $this->upc);
             if (isset($summaryInfo['summary'])) {
                 $interface->assign('summaryTeaser', $summaryInfo['summary']);
                 $interface->assign('summary', $summaryInfo['summary']);
                 $useMarcSummary = false;
     if ($mpaaField = $this->marcRecord->getField('521')) {
         $interface->assign('mpaaRating', $this->getSubfieldData($mpaaField, 'a'));
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['subjectFieldsToShow'])) {
         $subjectFieldsToShow = $configArray['Content']['subjectFieldsToShow'];
         $subjectFields = explode(',', $subjectFieldsToShow);
         $subjects = array();
         foreach ($subjectFields as $subjectField) {
             /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $marcFields */
             $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields($subjectField);
             if ($marcFields) {
                 foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) {
                     $searchSubject = "";
                     $subject = array();
                     foreach ($marcField->getSubFields() as $subField) {
                         /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $subField */
                         if ($subField->getCode() != 2) {
                             $searchSubject .= " " . $subField->getData();
                             $subject[] = array('search' => trim($searchSubject), 'title' => $subField->getData());
                     $subjects[] = $subject;
             $interface->assign('subjects', $subjects);
     $format = $record['format'];
     $interface->assign('recordFormat', $record['format']);
     $format_category = isset($record['format_category'][0]) ? $record['format_category'][0] : '';
     $interface->assign('format_category', $format_category);
     $interface->assign('recordLanguage', isset($record['language']) ? $record['language'] : null);
     $timer->logTime('Got detailed data from Marc Record');
     $tableOfContents = array();
     $marcFields505 = $marcRecord->getFields('505');
     if ($marcFields505) {
         $tableOfContents = $this->processTableOfContentsFields($marcFields505);
     $notes = array();
     $marcFields500 = $marcRecord->getFields('500');
     $marcFields504 = $marcRecord->getFields('504');
     $marcFields511 = $marcRecord->getFields('511');
     $marcFields518 = $marcRecord->getFields('518');
     $marcFields520 = $marcRecord->getFields('520');
     if ($marcFields500 || $marcFields504 || $marcFields505 || $marcFields511 || $marcFields518 || $marcFields520) {
         $allFields = array_merge($marcFields500, $marcFields504, $marcFields511, $marcFields518, $marcFields520);
         $notes = $this->processNoteFields($allFields);
     if (isset($library) && $library->showTableOfContentsTab == 0 || count($tableOfContents) == 0) {
         $notes = array_merge($notes, $tableOfContents);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('tableOfContents', $tableOfContents);
     if (isset($library) && strlen($library->notesTabName) > 0) {
         $interface->assign('notesTabName', $library->notesTabName);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('notesTabName', 'Notes');
     $additionalNotesFields = array('310' => 'Current Publication Frequency', '321' => 'Former Publication Frequency', '351' => 'Organization & arrangement of materials', '362' => 'Dates of publication and/or sequential designation', '501' => '"With"', '502' => 'Dissertation', '506' => 'Restrictions on Access', '507' => 'Scale for Graphic Material', '508' => 'Creation/Production Credits', '510' => 'Citation/References', '511' => 'Participant or Performer', '513' => 'Type of Report an Period Covered', '515' => 'Numbering Peculiarities', '518' => 'Date/Time and Place of Event', '521' => 'Target Audience', '522' => 'Geographic Coverage', '525' => 'Supplement', '526' => 'Study Program Information', '530' => 'Additional Physical Form', '533' => 'Reproduction', '534' => 'Original Version', '536' => 'Funding Information', '538' => 'System Details', '545' => 'Biographical or Historical Data', '546' => 'Language', '547' => 'Former Title Complexity', '550' => 'Issuing Body', '555' => 'Cumulative Index/Finding Aids', '556' => 'Information About Documentation', '561' => 'Ownership and Custodial History', '563' => 'Binding Information', '580' => 'Linking Entry Complexity', '581' => 'Publications About Described Materials', '586' => 'Awards', '590' => 'Local note', '599' => 'Differentiable Local note');
     foreach ($additionalNotesFields as $tag => $label) {
         $marcFields = $marcRecord->getFields($tag);
         foreach ($marcFields as $marcField) {
             $noteText = array();
             foreach ($marcField->getSubFields() as $subfield) {
                 /** @var File_MARC_Subfield $subfield */
                 $noteText[] = $subfield->getData();
             $note = implode(',', $noteText);
             if (strlen($note) > 0) {
                 $notes[] = "<b>{$label}</b>: " . $note;
     if (count($notes) > 0) {
         $interface->assign('notes', $notes);
     /** @var File_MARC_Data_Field[] $linkFields */
     $linkFields = $marcRecord->getFields('856');
     if ($linkFields) {
         $internetLinks = array();
         $purchaseLinks = array();
         $field856Index = 0;
         foreach ($linkFields as $marcField) {
             //Get the link
             if ($marcField->getSubfield('u')) {
                 $link = $marcField->getSubfield('u')->getData();
                 if ($marcField->getSubfield('3')) {
                     $linkText = $marcField->getSubfield('3')->getData();
                 } elseif ($marcField->getSubfield('y')) {
                     $linkText = $marcField->getSubfield('y')->getData();
                 } elseif ($marcField->getSubfield('z')) {
                     $linkText = $marcField->getSubfield('z')->getData();
                 } else {
                     $linkText = $link;
                 $showLink = true;
                 //Process some links differently so we can either hide them
                 //or show them in different areas of the catalog.
                 if (preg_match('/purchase|buy/i', $linkText) || preg_match('/barnesandnoble|tatteredcover|amazon|smashwords\\.com/i', $link)) {
                     $showLink = false;
                 $isBookLink = preg_match('/acs\\.dcl\\.lan|vufind\\.douglascountylibraries\\.org|catalog\\.douglascountylibraries\\.org/i', $link);
                 if ($isBookLink == 1) {
                     //e-book link, don't show
                     $showLink = false;
                 if ($showLink) {
                     //Rewrite the link so we can track usage
                     $link = $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/Record/' . $this->id . '/Link?index=' . $field856Index;
                     $internetLinks[] = array('link' => $link, 'linkText' => $linkText);
         if (count($internetLinks) > 0) {
             $interface->assign('internetLinks', $internetLinks);
     if (isset($purchaseLinks) && count($purchaseLinks) > 0) {
         $interface->assign('purchaseLinks', $purchaseLinks);
     //Determine the cover to use
     $bookCoverUrl = $configArray['Site']['coverUrl'] . "/bookcover.php?id={$this->id}&amp;isn={$this->isbn}&amp;issn={$this->issn}&amp;size=large&amp;upc={$this->upc}&amp;category=" . urlencode($format_category) . "&amp;format=" . urlencode(isset($format[0]) ? $format[0] : '');
     $interface->assign('bookCoverUrl', $bookCoverUrl);
     //Load accelerated reader data
     if (isset($record['accelerated_reader_interest_level'])) {
         $arData = array('interestLevel' => $record['accelerated_reader_interest_level'], 'pointValue' => $record['accelerated_reader_point_value'], 'readingLevel' => $record['accelerated_reader_reading_level']);
         $interface->assign('arData', $arData);
     if (isset($record['lexile_score']) && $record['lexile_score'] > -1) {
         $lexileScore = $record['lexile_score'];
         if (isset($record['lexile_code'])) {
             $lexileScore = $record['lexile_code'] . $lexileScore;
         $interface->assign('lexileScore', $lexileScore . 'L');
     //Do actions needed if this is the main action.
     //$interface->caching = 1;
     $interface->assign('id', $this->id);
     if (substr($this->id, 0, 1) == '.') {
         $interface->assign('shortId', substr($this->id, 1));
     } else {
         $interface->assign('shortId', $this->id);
     $interface->assign('addHeader', '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" title="RDF Representation" href="' . $configArray['Site']['path'] . '/Record/' . urlencode($this->id) . '/RDF" />');
     // Define Default Tab
     $tab = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'Description';
     $interface->assign('tab', $tab);
     if (isset($_REQUEST['detail'])) {
         $detail = strip_tags($_REQUEST['detail']);
         $interface->assign('defaultDetailsTab', $detail);
     // Define External Content Provider
     if ($this->marcRecord->getField('020')) {
         if (isset($configArray['Content']['reviews'])) {
             $interface->assign('hasReviews', true);
         if (isset($configArray['Content']['excerpts'])) {
             $interface->assign('hasExcerpt', true);
     // Retrieve User Search History
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     // Retrieve tags associated with the record
     $limit = 5;
     $resource = new Resource();
     $resource->record_id = $_GET['id'];
     $resource->source = 'VuFind';
     $tags = $resource->getTags($limit);
     $interface->assign('tagList', $tags);
     $timer->logTime('Got tag list');
     $this->cacheId = 'Record|' . $_GET['id'] . '|' . get_class($this);
     // Find Similar Records
     /** @var Memcache $memCache */
     global $memCache;
     $similar = $memCache->get('similar_titles_' . $this->id);
     if ($similar == false) {
         $similar = $this->db->getMoreLikeThis($this->id);
         // Send the similar items to the template; if there is only one, we need
         // to force it to be an array or things will not display correctly.
         if (isset($similar) && count($similar['response']['docs']) > 0) {
             $similar = $similar['response']['docs'];
         } else {
             $similar = array();
             $timer->logTime("Did not find any similar records");
         $memCache->set('similar_titles_' . $this->id, $similar, 0, $configArray['Caching']['similar_titles']);
     $this->similarTitles = $similar;
     $interface->assign('similarRecords', $similar);
     $timer->logTime('Loaded similar titles');
     // Find Other Editions
     if ($configArray['Content']['showOtherEditionsPopup'] == false) {
         $editions = OtherEditionHandler::getEditions($this->id, $this->isbn, isset($this->record['issn']) ? $this->record['issn'] : null);
         if (!PEAR_Singleton::isError($editions)) {
             $interface->assign('editions', $editions);
         } else {
             $timer->logTime("Did not find any other editions");
         $timer->logTime('Got Other editions');
     $interface->assign('showStrands', isset($configArray['Strands']['APID']) && strlen($configArray['Strands']['APID']) > 0);
     // Send down text for inclusion in breadcrumbs
     $interface->assign('breadcrumbText', $this->recordDriver->getBreadcrumb());
     // Send down OpenURL for COinS use:
     $interface->assign('openURL', $this->recordDriver->getOpenURL());
     // Send down legal export formats (if any):
     $interface->assign('exportFormats', $this->recordDriver->getExportFormats());
     // Set AddThis User
     $interface->assign('addThis', isset($configArray['AddThis']['key']) ? $configArray['AddThis']['key'] : false);
     // Set Proxy URL
     if (isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host'])) {
         $interface->assign('proxy', $configArray['EZproxy']['host']);
     //setup 5 star ratings
     global $user;
     $ratingData = $resource->getRatingData($user);
     $interface->assign('ratingData', $ratingData);
     $timer->logTime('Got 5 star data');
     //Get Next/Previous Links
     $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local';
     $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
     //Load Staff Details
     $interface->assign('staffDetails', $this->recordDriver->getStaffView());
Esempio n. 9
  * Respond to a ListMetadataFormats request.
  * @return void
  * @access protected
 protected function listMetadataFormats()
     global $interface;
     // If a specific ID was provided, try to load the related record; otherwise,
     // set $recordDriver to false so we know it is a generic request.
     if (isset($this->params['identifier'])) {
         if (!($record = $this->loadRecord($this->params['identifier']))) {
             return $this->showError('idDoesNotExist', 'Unknown Record');
         $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
     } else {
         $recordDriver = false;
     // Loop through all available metadata formats and see if they apply in
     // the current context (all apply if $recordDriver is false, since that
     // means that no specific record ID was requested; otherwise, they only
     // apply if the current record driver supports them):
     $supported = array();
     foreach ($this->metadataFormats as $prefix => $details) {
         if ($recordDriver === false || $recordDriver->getXML($prefix) !== false) {
             $supported[$prefix] = $details;
     // Display the response:
     $interface->assign('supported', $supported);
Esempio n. 10
  * Returns a record driver for handling the pseudo-record. 
  * In a separate method so the static call can be mocked.
  * @param array $record The index fields to read from
  * @return Record driver instance
 protected function getDriver($record)
     return RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
Esempio n. 11
  * Get data and output in JSON
  * @param array $fields Fields to process
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function getVisData($fields = array('publishDate'))
     global $interface;
     if (is_a($this->_searchObject, 'SearchObject_Solr')) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['collection'])) {
             //ID of the collection
             $collection = $_REQUEST['collection'];
             // Retrieve the record for this collection from the index
             $this->db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
             if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($collection))) {
                 PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
             $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
             //get the collection identefier for this record
             $this->collectionIdentifier = $this->recordDriver->getCollectionRecordIdentifier();
             // Set the searchobjects collection id to the collection id
         $filters = $this->_searchObject->getFilters();
         $fields = $this->_processDateFacets($filters);
         $facets = $this->_processFacetValues($fields);
         foreach ($fields as $field => $val) {
             $facets[$field]['min'] = $val[0] > 0 ? $val[0] : 0;
             $facets[$field]['max'] = $val[1] > 0 ? $val[1] : 0;
             $facets[$field]['removalURL'] = $this->_searchObject->renderLinkWithoutFilter(isset($filters[$field][0]) ? $field . ':' . $filters[$field][0] : null);
             if (isset($_REQUEST['collection'])) {
                 $collection = $_REQUEST['collection'];
                 $facets[$field]['removalURL'] = str_replace('Search/Results', 'Collection/' . $collection . '/' . $_REQUEST['collectionAction'], $facets[$field]['removalURL']);
         $this->output($facets, JSON::STATUS_OK);
     } else {
         $this->output("", JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
Esempio n. 12
 function __construct($subAction = false, $record_id = null)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $library;
     global $timer;
     global $user;
     //Check to see if a user is logged in with admin permissions
     if ($user && $user->hasRole('genealogyContributor')) {
         $interface->assign('userIsAdmin', true);
     } else {
         $interface->assign('userIsAdmin', false);
     $searchSource = isset($_REQUEST['searchSource']) ? $_REQUEST['searchSource'] : 'local';
     //Load basic information needed in subclasses
     if ($record_id == null || !isset($record_id)) {
         $this->id = $_GET['id'];
     } else {
         $this->id = $record_id;
     // Setup Search Engine Connection
     // Include Search Engine Class
     require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/' . $configArray['Genealogy']['engine'] . '.php';
     $timer->logTime('Include search engine');
     // Initialise from the current search globals
     $this->db = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject($configArray['Genealogy']['searchObject']);
     // Retrieve Full Marc Record
     if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord('person' . $this->id))) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     $this->record = $record;
     //Load person from the database to get additional information
     $person = Person::staticGet('personId', $this->id);
     $record['picture'] = $person->picture;
     $interface->assign('record', $record);
     $interface->assign('person', $person);
     $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
     $timer->logTime('Initialized the Record Driver');
     $marriages = array();
     $personMarriages = $person->marriages;
     if (isset($personMarriages)) {
         foreach ($personMarriages as $marriage) {
             $marriageArray = (array) $marriage;
             $marriageArray['formattedMarriageDate'] = $person->formatPartialDate($marriage->marriageDateDay, $marriage->marriageDateMonth, $marriage->marriageDateYear);
             $marriages[] = $marriageArray;
     $interface->assign('marriages', $marriages);
     $obituaries = array();
     $personObituaries = $person->obituaries;
     if (isset($personObituaries)) {
         foreach ($personObituaries as $obit) {
             $obitArray = (array) $obit;
             $obitArray['formattedObitDate'] = $person->formatPartialDate($obit->dateDay, $obit->dateMonth, $obit->dateYear);
             $obituaries[] = $obitArray;
     $interface->assign('obituaries', $obituaries);
     //Do actions needed if this is the main action.
     $interface->assign('id', $this->id);
     // Retrieve User Search History
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false);
     $this->cacheId = 'Person|' . $_GET['id'] . '|' . get_class($this);
     // Send down text for inclusion in breadcrumbs
     $interface->assign('breadcrumbText', $this->recordDriver->getBreadcrumb());
     $formattedBirthdate = $person->formatPartialDate($person->birthDateDay, $person->birthDateMonth, $person->birthDateYear);
     $interface->assign('birthDate', $formattedBirthdate);
     $formattedDeathdate = $person->formatPartialDate($person->deathDateDay, $person->deathDateMonth, $person->deathDateYear);
     $interface->assign('deathDate', $formattedDeathdate);
     //Setup next and previous links based on the search results.
     if (isset($_REQUEST['searchId'])) {
         //rerun the search
         $s = new SearchEntry();
         $s->id = $_REQUEST['searchId'];
         $interface->assign('searchId', $_REQUEST['searchId']);
         $currentPage = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
         $interface->assign('page', $currentPage);
         if ($s->N > 0) {
             $minSO = unserialize($s->search_object);
             $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::deminify($minSO);
             //Run the search
             $result = $searchObject->processSearch(true, false, false);
             //Check to see if we need to run a search for the next or previous page
             $currentResultIndex = $_REQUEST['recordIndex'] - 1;
             $recordsPerPage = $searchObject->getLimit();
             if ($currentResultIndex % $recordsPerPage == 0 && $currentResultIndex > 0) {
                 //Need to run a search for the previous page
                 $interface->assign('previousPage', $currentPage - 1);
                 $previousSearchObject = clone $searchObject;
                 $previousSearchObject->setPage($currentPage - 1);
                 $previousSearchObject->processSearch(true, false, false);
                 $previousResults = $previousSearchObject->getResultRecordSet();
             } else {
                 if (($currentResultIndex + 1) % $recordsPerPage == 0 && $currentResultIndex + 1 < $searchObject->getResultTotal()) {
                     //Need to run a search for the next page
                     $nextSearchObject = clone $searchObject;
                     $interface->assign('nextPage', $currentPage + 1);
                     $nextSearchObject->setPage($currentPage + 1);
                     $nextSearchObject->processSearch(true, false, false);
                     $nextResults = $nextSearchObject->getResultRecordSet();
             if (PEAR_Singleton::isError($result)) {
                 //If we get an error excuting the search, just eat it for now.
             } else {
                 if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
                     //No results found
                 } else {
                     $recordSet = $searchObject->getResultRecordSet();
                     //Record set is 0 based, but we are passed a 1 based index
                     if ($currentResultIndex > 0) {
                         if (isset($previousResults)) {
                             $previousRecord = $previousResults[count($previousResults) - 1];
                         } else {
                             $previousRecord = $recordSet[$currentResultIndex - 1 - ($currentPage - 1) * $recordsPerPage];
                         $interface->assign('previousId', $previousRecord['id']);
                         //Convert back to 1 based index
                         $interface->assign('previousIndex', $currentResultIndex - 1 + 1);
                         $interface->assign('previousTitle', $previousRecord['title']);
                     if ($currentResultIndex + 1 < $searchObject->getResultTotal()) {
                         if (isset($nextResults)) {
                             $nextRecord = $nextResults[0];
                         } else {
                             $nextRecord = $recordSet[$currentResultIndex + 1 - ($currentPage - 1) * $recordsPerPage];
                         $interface->assign('nextId', $nextRecord['id']);
                         //Convert back to 1 based index
                         $interface->assign('nextIndex', $currentResultIndex + 1 + 1);
                         $interface->assign('nextTitle', $nextRecord['title']);
         $timer->logTime('Got next/previous links');
Esempio n. 13
  * Use the record driver to build an array of HTML displays from the search
  * results.
  * @access  public
  * @return  array   Array of HTML chunks for individual records.
 public function getResultRecordHTML()
     global $interface;
     $html = array();
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->indexResult['response']['docs']); $x++) {
         $current =& $this->indexResult['response']['docs'][$x];
         $interface->assign('recordIndex', $x + 1);
         $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($current);
         $html[] = $interface->fetch($record->getSearchResult());
     return $html;
Esempio n. 14
  * Initialize the record
  * @param string $id     Record ID
  * @param array  $record Record data
  * @return void
 protected function setRecord($id, $record)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     global $user;
     // Store ID of current record (this is needed to generate appropriate
     // links, and it is independent of which record driver gets used).
     $interface->assign('id', $_REQUEST['id']);
     $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
     // Define Default Tab
     $defaultTab = isset($configArray['Site']['defaultRecordTab']) ? $configArray['Site']['defaultRecordTab'] : 'Holdings';
     // Don't let bots crawl holdings
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match('/bot|crawl|slurp|spider/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         $this->hasHoldings = false;
         $interface->assign('hasHoldings', false);
         $defaultTab = 'Description';
     } else {
         if (isset($configArray['Site']['hideHoldingsTabWhenEmpty']) && $configArray['Site']['hideHoldingsTabWhenEmpty']) {
             $showHoldingsTab = $this->recordDriver->hasHoldings();
             $interface->assign('hasHoldings', $showHoldingsTab);
             $defaultTab = !$showHoldingsTab && $defaultTab == "Holdings" ? "Description" : $defaultTab;
         } else {
             $interface->assign('hasHoldings', true);
     $tab = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : $defaultTab;
     $interface->assign('tab', $tab);
     // Check if ajax tabs are active
     if (isset($configArray['Site']['ajaxRecordTabs']) && $configArray['Site']['ajaxRecordTabs']) {
         $interface->assign('dynamicTabs', true);
     if ($this->recordDriver->hasRDF()) {
         $interface->assign('addHeader', '<link rel="alternate" type="application/rdf+xml" ' . 'title="RDF Representation" href="' . $configArray['Site']['url'] . '/Record/' . urlencode($_REQUEST['id']) . '/RDF" />' . "\n");
     $interface->assign('coreMetadata', $this->recordDriver->getCoreMetadata());
     // Determine whether to display book previews
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['previews'])) {
     // Determine whether comments or reviews are enabled
     if (isset($configArray['Site']['userComments']) && $configArray['Site']['userComments']) {
         $interface->assign('userCommentsEnabled', true);
     // Ratings for libraries, comments for museums and archives
     if ($this->recordDriver->getSector() == 'lib') {
         $interface->assign('ratings', true);
     if (isset($configArray['Site']['userComments']) && $configArray['Site']['userComments']) {
         // Get number of comments for this record
         include_once 'services/MyResearch/lib/Comments.php';
         $comments = new Comments();
         $commentCount = $comments->getCommentCount($_REQUEST['id']);
         $recordRating = $comments->getAverageRating($_REQUEST['id']);
     // Determine whether to include script tag for syndetics plus
     if (isset($configArray['Syndetics']['plus']) && $configArray['Syndetics']['plus'] && isset($configArray['Syndetics']['plus_id'])) {
         $interface->assign('syndetics_plus_js', "" . $configArray['Syndetics']['plus_id']);
     // Set flags that control which tabs are displayed:
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['reviews'])) {
         $interface->assign('hasReviews', $this->recordDriver->hasReviews());
     if (isset($configArray['Content']['excerpts'])) {
         $interface->assign('hasExcerpt', $this->recordDriver->hasExcerpt());
     //Hierarchy Tree
     $interface->assign('hasHierarchyTree', $this->recordDriver->hasHierarchyTree());
     $interface->assign('hasTOC', $this->recordDriver->hasTOC());
     $interface->assign('hasMap', $this->recordDriver->hasMap());
     $interface->assign('extendedMetadata', $this->recordDriver->getExtendedMetadata());
     // Assign the next/previous record data:
     $scroller = new ResultScroller();
     $scrollData = $scroller->getScrollData($_REQUEST['id']);
     $interface->assign('previousRecord', $scrollData['previousRecord']);
     $interface->assign('nextRecord', $scrollData['nextRecord']);
     $interface->assign('currentRecordPosition', $scrollData['currentPosition']);
     $interface->assign('resultTotal', $scrollData['resultTotal']);
     // Retrieve User Search History
     $lastsearch = isset($_SESSION['lastSearchURL']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchURL'] : false;
     $interface->assign('lastsearch', $lastsearch);
     if ($lastsearch) {
         // Retrieve active filters and assign them to searchbox template.
         // Since SearchObjects use $_REQUEST to init filters, we stash the current $_REQUEST
         // and fill it temporarily with URL parameters from last search.
         $query = parse_url($lastsearch, PHP_URL_QUERY);
         parse_str($query, $vars);
         $oldReq = $_REQUEST;
         $_REQUEST = $vars;
         $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
         // This is needed for facet labels
         $filterList = $searchObject->getFilterList();
         $filterListOthers = $searchObject->getFilterListOthers();
         $checkboxFilters = $searchObject->getCheckboxFacets();
         $filterUrlParams = $searchObject->getfilterUrlParams();
         if (isset($vars['lookfor'])) {
             $interface->assign('lookfor', $vars['lookfor']);
         $interface->assign('filterUrlParam', $filterUrlParams[0]);
         $interface->assign('checkboxFilters', $checkboxFilters);
         if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
             // Set followup module & action for next search
             $parts = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
             $pathParts = explode('/', $parts['path']);
             $refAction = array_pop($pathParts);
             $refModule = array_pop($pathParts);
             $interface->assign('followupSearchModule', $refModule);
             $interface->assign('followupSearchAction', $refAction);
         $_REQUEST = $oldReq;
     $interface->assign('lastsearchdisplayquery', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchDisplayQuery'] : false);
     $interface->assign('searchId', isset($_SESSION['lastSearchID']) ? $_SESSION['lastSearchID'] : false);
     $interface->assign('searchType', isset($_SESSION['searchType']) ? $_SESSION['searchType'] : false);
     // Send down text for inclusion in breadcrumbs
     $interface->assign('breadcrumbText', $this->recordDriver->getBreadcrumb());
     // Send down OpenURL for COinS use:
     $interface->assign('openURL', $this->recordDriver->getOpenURL());
     // Whether RSI is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['use_rsi']) {
         $interface->assign('rsi', true);
     // Whether embedded openurl autocheck is enabled
     if (isset($configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) && $configArray['OpenURL']['autocheck']) {
         $interface->assign('openUrlAutoCheck', true);
     // Send down legal export formats (if any):
     $interface->assign('exportFormats', $this->recordDriver->getExportFormats());
     if ($this->recordDriver->allowSocialMediaSharing()) {
         // Set AddThis User
         $interface->assign('addThis', isset($configArray['AddThis']['key']) ? $configArray['AddThis']['key'] : false);
     // Set Proxy URL
     if (isset($configArray['EZproxy']['host'])) {
         $interface->assign('proxy', $configArray['EZproxy']['host']);
     // Get Messages
     $this->infoMsg = isset($_GET['infoMsg']) ? $_GET['infoMsg'] : false;
     $this->errorMsg = isset($_GET['errorMsg']) ? $_GET['errorMsg'] : false;
     // Set bX flag
     $interface->assign('bXEnabled', isset($configArray['bX']['token']) ? true : false);
     // Get Record source driver
     $catalog = $this->catalog;
     $driver = is_callable(array($catalog, 'getSourceDriver')) ? $this->catalog->getSourceDriver($_REQUEST['id']) : '';
     $interface->assign('driver', $driver);
Esempio n. 15
  * Process the "jumpto" parameter.
  * @param array $result Solr result returned by SearchObject
  * @return void
  * @access private
 private function _processJumpto($result)
     if (isset($_REQUEST['jumpto']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['jumpto'])) {
         $i = intval($_REQUEST['jumpto'] - 1);
         if (isset($result['response']['docs'][$i])) {
             $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($result['response']['docs'][$i]);
             $jumpUrl = '../Record/' . urlencode($record->getUniqueID());
             header('Location: ' . $jumpUrl);
Esempio n. 16
 public function getSupplementalResultRecordHTML($mainResults, $maxResultsToShow, $startIndex = 0)
     global $interface;
     $html = array();
     $numResultsShown = 0;
     for ($x = 0; $x < count($this->indexResult['response']['docs']); $x++) {
         $current =& $this->indexResult['response']['docs'][$x];
         //Check to make sure this id is not in the main results
         $supplementalInMainResults = false;
         foreach ($mainResults as $mainResult) {
             if ($mainResult['id'] == $current['id']) {
                 $supplementalInMainResults = true;
         if ($supplementalInMainResults) {
         $interface->assign('recordIndex', $numResultsShown + 1);
         $interface->assign('resultIndex', $numResultsShown + 1 + ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit + $startIndex);
         /** @var IndexRecord|MarcRecord|EcontentRecordDriver $record */
         $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($current);
         $html[] = $interface->fetch($record->getSearchResult('list', true));
         if ($numResultsShown >= $maxResultsToShow) {
     return $html;
Esempio n. 17
  * Get record and export data
  * Display error message on terminal error or email details page on success
  * @param string $format The desired export format
  * @param array  $ids    A list of bib IDs
  * @return array Record data for each ID, plus an list of IDs without results
  * @access public
 public function exportAll($format, $ids)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $exportDetails = array();
     $errorMsgDetails = array();
     // MARC-XML needs a container at the start:
     if ($format == 'MARCXML') {
         $exportDetails[] = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . '<collection xmlns="">';
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         // Retrieve the record from the index
         list($index, $recId) = explode('.', $id, 2);
         $current = null;
         if ($index === 'pci' || $index === 'metalib') {
             $format = strtolower($format);
             if ($index === 'pci') {
                 $db = new SearchObject_PCI();
                 if ($rec = $db->getRecord($id)) {
                     $pci = new PCI();
                     $current = $interface->fetch($pci->export($rec, $format));
             } else {
                 if ($index === 'metalib') {
                     $db = new MetaLib();
                     if ($rec = $db->getRecord($id)) {
                         $current = $interface->fetch($db->export($rec, $format));
             if ($current) {
                 $exportDetails[] = $current;
             } else {
                 $errorMsgDetails[] = $id;
         } else {
             if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($id))) {
                 $errorMsgDetails[] = $id;
             } else {
                 $recordDetails = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
                 // Assign core metadata to be sure export has all necessary values
                 // available:
                 $result = $recordDetails->getExport($format);
                 if (!empty($result)) {
                     $interface->assign('id', $id);
                     $current = $interface->fetch($result);
                     // For MARC-XML, extract <record> from <collection>:
                     if ($format == 'MARCXML') {
                         $current = $this->extractXMLRecord($current);
                     if (!empty($current)) {
                         $exportDetails[] = $current;
                 } else {
                     $errorMsgDetails[] = $id;
     // MARC-XML needs a container close at the end:
     if ($format == 'MARCXML') {
         $exportDetails[] = '</collection>';
     $results = array('exportDetails' => $exportDetails, 'errorDetails' => $errorMsgDetails);
     return $results;
Esempio n. 18
 function launch()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $user;
     //Enable and disable functionality based on library settings
     global $library;
     global $locationSingleton;
     $location = $locationSingleton->getActiveLocation();
     if (isset($library)) {
         if ($location != null) {
             $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $location->showHoldButton == 1 && $library->showHoldButton == 1 ? 1 : 0);
         } else {
             $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $library->showHoldButton);
         $interface->assign('showTagging', $library->showTagging);
         $interface->assign('showRatings', $library->showRatings);
         $interface->assign('showComments', $library->showComments);
         $interface->assign('showFavorites', $library->showFavorites);
     } else {
         if ($location != null) {
             $interface->assign('showHoldButton', $location->showHoldButton);
         } else {
             $interface->assign('showHoldButton', 1);
         $interface->assign('showTagging', 1);
         $interface->assign('showRatings', 1);
         $interface->assign('showComments', 1);
         $interface->assign('showFavorites', 1);
     //Build the actual view
     $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord();
     $this->id = strip_tags($_REQUEST['id']);
     $eContentRecord->id = $this->id;
     require_once 'Enrichment.php';
     $enrichment = new EcontentRecord_Enrichment();
     $enrichmentData = $enrichment->loadEnrichment($eContentRecord->getIsbn());
     $seriesTitle = '';
     $seriesAuthors = array();
     $seriesTitles = array();
     $resourceList = array();
     if (isset($enrichmentData['novelist'])) {
         $seriesTitles = $enrichmentData['novelist']['series'];
         //Loading the series title is not reliable.  Do not try to load it.
         if (isset($seriesTitles) && is_array($seriesTitles)) {
             foreach ($seriesTitles as $key => $title) {
                 if (isset($title['series']) && strlen($title['series']) > 0 && !isset($seriesTitle)) {
                     $seriesTitle = $title['series'];
                     $interface->assign('seriesTitle', $seriesTitle);
                 if (isset($title['author'])) {
                     $seriesAuthors[$title['author']] = $title['author'];
                 if ($title['libraryOwned']) {
                     $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($title);
                     $resourceList[] = $interface->fetch($record->getSearchResult($user, null, false));
                 } else {
                     $interface->assign('record', $title);
                     $resourceList[] = $interface->fetch('RecordDrivers/Index/nonowned_result.tpl');
     $interface->assign('seriesAuthors', $seriesAuthors);
     $interface->assign('recordSet', $seriesTitles);
     $interface->assign('resourceList', $resourceList);
     $interface->assign('recordStart', 1);
     $interface->assign('recordEnd', count($seriesTitles));
     $interface->assign('recordCount', count($seriesTitles));
     // Display Page
Esempio n. 19
 function getItemAvailability()
     global $timer;
     global $configArray;
     $itemData = array();
     //Load basic information
     $this->id = $_GET['id'];
     $itemData['id'] = $this->id;
     // Setup Search Engine Connection
     $class = $configArray['Index']['engine'];
     $url = $configArray['Index']['url'];
     $this->db = new $class($url);
     if ($configArray['System']['debugSolr']) {
         $this->db->debug = true;
     // Retrieve Full Marc Record
     if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($this->id))) {
         PEAR_Singleton::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     $this->record = $record;
     if ($record['recordtype'] == 'econtentRecord') {
         require_once ROOT_DIR . '/sys/eContent/EContentRecord.php';
         $eContentRecord = new EContentRecord();
         $eContentRecord->id = substr($record['id'], strlen('econtentRecord'));
         if (!$eContentRecord->find(true)) {
             $itemData['error'] = 'Cannot load eContent Record for id ' . $record['id'];
         } else {
             require_once ROOT_DIR . '/Drivers/EContentDriver.php';
             $driver = new EContentDriver();
             $itemData['holdings'] = $driver->getHolding($eContentRecord->id);
     } else {
         $this->recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
         $timer->logTime('Initialized the Record Driver');
         //Load Holdings
         $itemData['holdings'] = Record_Holdings::loadHoldings($this->id);
         $timer->logTime('Loaded Holdings');
     return $itemData;
Esempio n. 20
  * Support method -- get details about records based on an array of IDs.
  * @param array $ids IDs to look up.
  * @return array
  * @access protected
 protected function getRecordDetails($ids)
     global $interface;
     $recordList = array();
     $metalib = null;
     $pci = null;
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if (strncmp($id, 'metalib.', 8) == 0) {
             if (!isset($metalib)) {
                 $metalib = new MetaLib();
             $record = $metalib->getRecord($id);
             $record['id'] = $id;
             $interface->assign('record', $record);
             $email = $interface->fetch('MetaLib/result-email.tpl');
             $recordList[] = array('id' => $id, 'isbn' => isset($record['ISBN'][0]) ? $record['ISBN'][0] : '', 'author' => isset($record['Author'][0]) ? $record['Author'][0] : '', 'title' => isset($record['Title'][0]) ? $record['Title'][0] : '', 'format' => isset($record['format'][0]) ? $record['format'][0] : '', 'email' => $email);
         } elseif (strncmp($id, 'pci.', 4) == 0) {
             if (!isset($pci)) {
                 $pci = new PCI();
             $record = $pci->getRecord($id);
             $interface->assign('record', $record);
             $email = $interface->fetch('PCI/result-email.tpl');
             $recordList[] = array('id' => $id, 'isbn' => '', 'author' => isset($record['author'][0]) ? $record['author'][0] : '', 'title' => isset($record['title']) ? $record['title'] : '', 'format' => isset($record['format']) ? $record['format'] : '', 'email' => $email);
         } else {
             $record = $this->db->getRecord($id);
             $driver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
             $email = $interface->fetch($driver->getSearchResult('email'));
             $recordList[] = array('id' => $id, 'isbn' => isset($record['isbn']) ? $record['isbn'] : '', 'author' => isset($record['author']) ? $record['author'] : '', 'title' => $driver->getTitle(), 'format' => $record['format'], 'email' => $email);
     return $recordList;
Esempio n. 21
  * Support method for getItemStatuses() -- Get Axiell Full Item Status
  * @param array  $holdings Holdings for the record
  * @param object $catalog  Catalog connection
  * @param array  $patron   Patron
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @author Erik Henriksson <*****@*****.**>
  * @author Ere Maijala <*****@*****.**>
 protected function getAxiellItemStatusFull($holdings, $catalog, $patron)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $itemCount = 0;
     $requestCount = 0;
     $locationCount = 0;
     $branchCount = 0;
     $availableLocationCount = 0;
     $availableCount = 0;
     $itemStatusText = '';
     $closestDueDate = '';
     $closestDueDateStamp = 0;
     $journal = false;
     $itemStatusText = '';
     $isHoldable = false;
     foreach ($holdings as &$location) {
         if (is_array($location)) {
             $journal = isset($location['journal']) && $location['journal'];
             if (is_array($location['holdings'])) {
                 foreach ($location['holdings'] as $holding) {
                     if (isset($holding['total'])) {
                         $itemCount += $holding['total'];
                     if (isset($holding['status']) && trim($holding['status']) === JSON::REFERENCE_DESK_STATUS) {
             if (isset($location['status'])) {
                 if (isset($location['status']['reservations']) && $location['status']['reservations'] > $requestCount) {
                     $requestCount = $location['status']['reservations'];
                 if (isset($location['status']['available']) && $location['status']['available']) {
                 if (isset($location['status']['availableCount']) && $location['status']['availableCount'] > 0) {
                     $availableCount += $location['status']['availableCount'];
                 if (isset($location['status']['text']) && $location['status']['text'] != '' && $closestDueDate == '') {
                     $itemStatusText = $location['status']['text'];
                 if (isset($location['status']['dueDateStamp']) && $location['status']['dueDateStamp'] != '' && isset($location['status']['closestDueDate']) && $location['status']['closestDueDate'] != '') {
                     $dueDate = $location['status']['dueDateStamp'];
                     if ($closestDueDateStamp < $dueDate) {
                         $closestDueDate = $location['status']['closestDueDate'];
                         if (isset($location['status']['text']) && $location['status']['text'] != '') {
                             $itemStatusText = $location['status']['text'];
             if (isset($location['is_holdable']) && $location['is_holdable']) {
                 $isHoldable = true;
     $id = $holdings[0]['id'];
     $interface->assign('id', $id);
     $interface->assign('holdings', $holdings);
     $locationThreshold = isset($configArray['Site']['locationThreshold']) ? $configArray['Site']['locationThreshold'] : 5;
     $branchThreshold = isset($configArray['Site']['branchThreshold']) ? $configArray['Site']['branchThreshold'] : 15;
     $interface->assign('itemCount', $itemCount);
     $interface->assign('requestCount', $requestCount);
     $interface->assign('branchCount', $branchCount);
     $interface->assign('locationCount', $locationCount);
     $interface->assign('availableLocationCount', $availableLocationCount);
     $interface->assign('availableCount', $availableCount);
     $interface->assign('closestDueDate', $closestDueDate);
     $interface->assign('itemStatusText', $itemStatusText);
     $interface->assign('isHoldable', $isHoldable);
     $interface->assign('locationThreshold', $locationThreshold);
     $interface->assign('branchThreshold', $branchThreshold);
     $interface->assign('journal', $journal);
     $interface->assign('referenceDeskStatus', JSON::REFERENCE_DESK_STATUS);
     $db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     if (!($record = $db->getRecord($id))) {
         PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
     $interface->assign('patronFunctions', $recordDriver->hasPatronFunctions());
     if ("driver" == CatalogConnection::getHoldsMode()) {
         $interface->assign('driverMode', true);
     if ("driver" == CatalogConnection::getTitleHoldsMode()) {
         $interface->assign('titleDriverMode', true);
     if (!PEAR::isError($patron)) {
         $holdLogic = new HoldLogicTitle($catalog);
         $holdingTitleHold = $holdLogic->getHold($id, $patron);
         $interface->assign('holdingTitleHold', $holdingTitleHold);
     return $interface->fetch('AJAX/holdings-axiell.tpl');
Esempio n. 22
  * Perform a bulk export operation.
  * @param string $format Format to export (should be a valid value for the
  * getExport method of the record driver)
  * @param array  $ids    IDs to export
  * @return array         Exported documents
  * @access public
 public function exportAll($format, $ids)
     global $interface;
     global $configArray;
     $exportDetails = array();
     $errorMsgDetails = array();
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         // Retrieve the record from the index
         if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($id))) {
             $errorMsgDetails[] = $id;
         } else {
             $recordDetails = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
             // Assign core metadata to be sure export has all necessary values
             // available:
             $result = $recordDetails->getExport($format);
             if (!empty($result)) {
                 $exportDetails[] = $interface->fetch($result);
             } else {
                 $errorMsgDetails[] = $id;
     $results = array('exportDetails' => $exportDetails, 'errorDetails' => $errorMsgDetails);
     return $results;
Esempio n. 23
  * Send scheduled alerts
  * @return void
 public function send()
     global $configArray;
     global $interface;
     global $translator;
     $iso8601 = 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z';
     ini_set('display_errors', true);
     $configArray = $mainConfig = readConfig();
     $datasourceConfig = getExtraConfigArray('datasources');
     $siteLocal = $configArray['Site']['local'];
     // Set up time zone. N.B. Don't use msg() or other functions requiring date before this.
     $this->msg('Sending scheduled alerts');
     // Setup Local Database Connection
     // Initialize Mailer
     $mailer = new VuFindMailer();
     // Find all scheduled alerts
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM "search" WHERE "schedule" > 0 ORDER BY user_id';
     $s = new SearchEntry();
     $this->msg('Processing ' . $s->N . ' searches');
     $user = false;
     $interface = false;
     $institution = false;
     $todayTime = new DateTime();
     while ($s->fetch()) {
         $lastTime = new DateTime($s->last_executed);
         if ($s->schedule == 1) {
             // Daily
             if ($todayTime->format('Y-m-d') == $lastTime->format('Y-m-d')) {
                 $this->msg('Bypassing search ' . $s->id . ': previous execution too recent (daily, ' . $lastTime->format($iso8601) . ')');
         } elseif ($s->schedule == 2) {
             // Weekly
             $diff = $todayTime->diff($lastTime);
             if ($diff->days < 6) {
                 $this->msg('Bypassing search ' . $s->id . ': previous execution too recent (weekly, ' . $lastTime->format($iso8601) . ')');
         } else {
             $this->msg('Search ' . $s->id . ': unknown schedule: ' . $s->schedule);
         if ($user === false || $s->user_id != $user->id) {
             $user = User::staticGet($s->user_id);
         if (!$user->email || trim($user->email) == '') {
             $this->msg('User ' . $user->username . ' does not have an email address, bypassing alert ' . $s->id);
         $userInstitution = reset(explode(':', $user->username, 2));
         if (!$institution || $institution != $userInstitution) {
             $institution = $userInstitution;
             if (!isset($datasourceConfig[$institution])) {
                 foreach ($datasourceConfig as $code => $values) {
                     if (isset($values['institution']) && strcasecmp($values['institution'], $institution) == 0) {
                         $institution = $code;
             if (!($configArray = $this->readInstitutionConfig($institution))) {
             $configArray['Site']['url'] = $s->schedule_base_url;
             // Start Interface
             $interface = new UInterface($siteLocal);
             $validLanguages = array_keys($configArray['Languages']);
             $dateFormat = new VuFindDate();
         $language = $user->language;
         if (!in_array($user->language, $validLanguages)) {
             $language = $configArray['Site']['language'];
         $translator = new I18N_Translator(array($configArray['Site']['local'] . '/lang', $configArray['Site']['local'] . '/lang_local'), $language, $configArray['System']['debug']);
         $minSO = unserialize($s->search_object);
         // Check minified search object type
         $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::deminify($minSO);
         if (!$searchObject instanceof SearchObject_Solr) {
             $this->msg('Search ' . $s->id . ': search object type not supported');
         // Create a new search object to avoid cached defaults for e.g.
         // hidden filters.
         $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
         $searchObject->setSort('first_indexed desc');
         $searchTime = time();
         $searchDate = gmdate($iso8601, time());
         $results = $searchObject->processSearch();
         if (PEAR::isError($results)) {
             $this->msg('Search ' . $s->id . ' failed: ' . $results->getMessage());
         if ($searchObject->getResultTotal() < 1) {
             $this->msg('No results found for search ' . $s->id);
         $newestRecordDate = date($iso8601, strtotime($results['response']['docs'][0]['first_indexed']));
         $lastExecutionDate = $lastTime->format($iso8601);
         if ($newestRecordDate < $lastExecutionDate) {
             $this->msg('No new results for search ' . $s->id . ": {$newestRecordDate} < {$lastExecutionDate}");
         } else {
             $this->msg('New results for search ' . $s->id . ": {$newestRecordDate} >= {$lastExecutionDate}");
             $interface->assign('summary', $searchObject->getResultSummary());
             $interface->assign('searchDate', $dateFormat->convertToDisplayDate("U", floor($searchTime)));
             $interface->assign('lastSearchDate', $dateFormat->convertToDisplayDate("U", floor($lastTime->getTimestamp())));
             $records = array();
             foreach ($results['response']['docs'] as &$doc) {
                 $docDate = date($iso8601, strtotime($doc['first_indexed']));
                 if ($docDate < $lastExecutionDate) {
                 $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($doc);
                 $records[] = $interface->fetch($record->getSearchResult('email'));
             $interface->assign('recordSet', $records);
             $key = $this->getSecret($user, $s->id);
             $params = array('id' => $s->id, 'type' => 'alert', 'key' => $key);
             $unsubscribeUrl = $configArray['Site']['url'] . '/MyResearch/Unsubscribe?' . http_build_query($params);
             $interface->assign('info', array('time' => $dateFormat->convertToDisplayDate("U", floor($searchObject->getStartTime())), 'url' => $searchObject->renderSearchUrl(), 'searchId' => $searchObject->getSearchId(), 'description' => $searchObject->displayQuery(), 'filters' => $searchObject->getFilterList(), 'hits' => $searchObject->getResultTotal(), 'speed' => round($searchObject->getQuerySpeed(), 2) . "s", 'schedule' => $s->schedule, 'last_executed' => $s->last_executed, 'recordCount' => count($records), 'unsubscribeUrl' => $unsubscribeUrl));
             // Load template
             $message = $interface->fetch('MyResearch/alert-email.tpl');
             if (strstr($message, 'Warning: Smarty error:')) {
                 $this->msg("Message template processing failed: {$message}");
             $result = $mailer->send($user->email, $configArray['Site']['email'], translate('Scheduled Alert Results'), $message);
             if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
                 $this->msg("Failed to send message to {$user->email}: " . $result->getMessage());
         // Update search date
     $this->msg('Scheduled alerts execution completed');
  * Get XML From Solr
  * Build the XML file from the Solr fields
  * TODO: this should return false if it fails.
  * @param string  $hierarchyTopID hierarchy_top_id form Solr
  * @param boolean $createNew      Bypass cache
  * @return string The XML
  * @access protected
 protected function getXMLFromSolr($hierarchyTopID, $createNew = false)
     global $configArray;
     $top = $this->_db->getRecord($hierarchyTopID);
     $topRecord = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($top);
     $cacheFile = $configArray['Site']['local'] . '/interface/cache/hierarchyTree_' . urlencode($hierarchyTopID) . '.xml';
     // Check if create new is set, if so don't bother looking up the config
     if (!$createNew) {
         $cacheTime = $this->recordDriver->getTreeCacheTime();
     } else {
         $cacheTime = -1;
     if (file_exists($cacheFile) && filemtime($cacheFile) > time() - $cacheTime) {
         $xml = file_get_contents($cacheFile);
     } else {
         $starttime = microtime(true);
         $count = 0;
         $xml = $this->getTree($hierarchyTopID, $count);
         file_put_contents($cacheFile, $xml);
         error_log("Hierarchy of {$count} records built in " . abs(microtime(true) - $starttime));
     return $xml;
Esempio n. 25
  * Gets An individual Collection Record
  * @param string $id The Collection Record ID
  * @return mixed "unknown" if the record doesn't exist, the location of a
  * template file on success
  * @access protected
 public function getRecord($id)
     global $interface;
     // Retrieve the record from the index
     if (!($record = $this->db->getRecord($id))) {
         return "unknown";
     } else {
         $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
         return $recordDriver->getCollectionRecord();
  * Get data and output in JSON
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function getbXRecommendations()
     global $configArray;
     if (!isset($configArray['bX']['token'])) {
         $this->output('bX support not enabled', JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
     $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
     if (strncmp($id, 'metalib.', 8) == 0) {
         include_once 'sys/MetaLib.php';
         $metalib = new MetaLib();
         if (!($record = $metalib->getRecord($id))) {
             $this->output('Record does not exist', JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
         $openUrl = $record['openUrl'];
     } elseif (strncmp($id, 'pci.', 4) == 0) {
         include_once 'sys/PCI.php';
         $pci = new PCI();
         if (!($record = $pci->getRecord($id))) {
             $this->output('Record does not exist', JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
         $openUrl = $record['openUrl'];
     } else {
         $searchObject = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject();
         if (!($record = $searchObject->getIndexEngine()->getRecord($id))) {
             $this->output('Record does not exist', JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
         $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
         $openUrl = $recordDriver->getOpenURL();
     $params = http_build_query(array('token' => $configArray['bX']['token'], 'format' => 'xml', 'source' => isset($configArray['bX']['source']) ? $configArray['bX']['source'] : 'global', 'maxRecords' => isset($configArray['bX']['maxRecords']) ? $configArray['bX']['maxRecords'] : '5', 'threshold' => isset($configArray['bX']['threshold']) ? $configArray['bX']['threshold'] : '50'));
     $openUrl .= '&res_dat=' . urlencode($params);
     $baseUrl = isset($configArray['bX']['baseUrl']) ? $configArray['bX']['baseUrl'] : '';
     $client = new HTTP_Request();
     $client->setURL($baseUrl . "?{$openUrl}");
     $result = $client->sendRequest();
     if (!PEAR::isError($result)) {
         // Even if we get a response, make sure it's a 'good' one.
         if ($client->getResponseCode() != 200) {
             $this->output('bX request failed, response code ' . $client->getResponseCode(), JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
     } else {
         $this->_output('bX request failed: ' . $result, JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($client->getResponseBody());
     $data = array();
     $jnl = 'info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:journal';
     $xml->registerXPathNamespace('jnl', $jnl);
     foreach ($xml->xpath('//jnl:journal') as $journal) {
         $item = $this->convertToArray($journal, $jnl);
         if (!isset($item['authors']['author'][0])) {
             $item['authors']['author'] = array($item['authors']['author']);
         $item['openurl'] = $this->createOpenUrl($item);
         $data[] = $item;
     $this->output($data, JSON::STATUS_OK);
Esempio n. 27
 * @author   Lutz Biedinger <*****@*****.**>
 * @license GNU General Public License
 * @link Wiki
require_once '';
require_once 'sys/ConfigArray.php';
require_once 'sys/solr.php';
require_once 'sys/SearchObject/solr.php';
require_once 'sys/SearchObject/Factory.php';
require_once 'RecordDrivers/Factory.php';
require_once 'sys/hierarchy/HierarchyTreeGenerator_JSTree.php';
print "getting config\r\n";
$configArray = readConfig();
print "creating Search Object\r\n";
$solrSearchObject = new SearchObject_Solr();
if (!$solrSearchObject) {
    die("Error: No connection to solr index\n");
print "Getting Full Field Facets\r\n";
$hierarchyTopFacets = $solrSearchObject->getFullFieldFacets(array("hierarchy_top_id"));
$db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
print "Iterate through Values\r\n";
foreach ($hierarchyTopFacets["hierarchy_top_id"]["data"] as $hierarchyTopFacet) {
    $topRecord = $db->getRecord($hierarchyTopFacet[0]);
    $RecDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($topRecord);
    if ($RecDriver->getHierarchyType()) {
        //only do this if the record is actually a hierarchy type record
        $generator = new HierarchyTreeGenerator_JSTree($RecDriver);
Esempio n. 28
  * Get data and output in JSON
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public function getRSIStatuses()
     //<SFX server>:<port>/<sfx_instance>/cgi/core/rsi/rsi.cgi
     global $configArray;
     if (!isset($configArray['OpenURL']['url'])) {
         return $this->output(array(), JSON::STATUS_OK);
     $sfxUrl = $configArray['OpenURL']['url'] . "/cgi/core/rsi/rsi.cgi";
     $metalib = new MetaLib();
     $indexEngine = SearchObjectFactory::initSearchObject()->getIndexEngine();
     $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     // ID REQUEST
     $idReq = $dom->createElement('IDENTIFIER_REQUEST', '');
     $idReq->setAttribute("VERSION", "1.0");
     $idReq->setAttribute("xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation", "ISSNRequest.xsd");
     $idReq->setAttribute("xmlns:xsi", "");
     // Cache values and status in an array
     $rsiResults = array();
     $validRequest = false;
     foreach ($_REQUEST['id'] as $id) {
         if (strncmp($id, 'metalib.', 8) == 0) {
             if (!($record = $metalib->getRecord($id))) {
                 $this->output('Record does not exist', JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
             $values = array('isbn' => !empty($record['ISBN']) ? $record['ISBN'][0] : '', 'issn' => !empty($record['ISSN']) ? $record['ISSN'][0] : '', 'year' => !empty($record['PublicationDate']) ? $record['PublicationDate'][0] : '', 'volume' => !empty($record['Volume']) ? $record['Volume'] : '', 'issue' => !empty($record['Issue']) ? $record['Issue'] : '', 'institute' => isset($configArray['OpenURL']['institute']) ? $configArray['OpenURL']['institute'] : '');
         } else {
             if (!($record = $indexEngine->getRecord($id))) {
                 $this->output('Record does not exist', JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
             $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
             $values = $recordDriver->getRSIValues($recordDriver);
         $result = array('id' => $id, 'status' => 'noInformation');
         // Ignore the record if mandatory elements are not available
         if (empty($values['issn']) && empty($values['isbn'])) {
             // Mark this result invalid so it can be skipped when processing results
             $result['invalid'] = true;
             $rsiResults[] = $result;
         $rsiResults[] = $result;
         $validRequest = true;
         // ID REQUEST ITEM
         $idReqItem = $dom->createElement('IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_ITEM', '');
         // ID
         if (!empty($values['issn'])) {
             $identifier = $dom->createElement('IDENTIFIER', 'issn:' . $values['issn']);
         if (!empty($values['isbn'])) {
             $identifier = $dom->createElement('IDENTIFIER', 'isbn:' . $values['isbn']);
         // Optional elements
         if ($values['year']) {
             $year = $dom->createElement('YEAR', $values['year']);
         if ($values['volume']) {
             $volume = $dom->createElement('VOLUME', $values['volume']);
         if ($values['issue']) {
             $issue = $dom->createElement('ISSUE', $values['issue']);
         if ($values['institute']) {
             $institute = $dom->createElement('INSTITUTE_NAME', $values['institute']);
     if (!$validRequest) {
         return $this->output(array(), JSON::STATUS_OK);
     $xml = $dom->saveXML();
     $req = new Proxy_Request($sfxUrl, array('saveBody' => true));
     $req->addPostData('request_xml', $xml);
     $code = $req->getResponseCode();
     if ($code != 200) {
         $this->output("SFX RSI request failed ({$code})", JSON::STATUS_ERROR);
     $items = $dom->getElementsByTagName('IDENTIFIER_RESPONSE_ITEM');
     $position = -1;
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $requests = $dom->getElementsByTagName('IDENTIFIER_REQUEST_ITEM');
         $request = $requests->item(0);
         // Bypass invalid ID's and stop if at the end of list.
         while (isset($rsiResults[$position]['invalid'])) {
         if (!isset($rsiResults[$position])) {
         $result = $item->getElementsByTagName('RESULT')->item(0)->nodeValue;
         if ($result == 'not found') {
             $rsiResults[$position]['status'] = 'noFullText';
         } elseif ($result == 'maybe') {
             $rsiResults[$position]['status'] = 'maybeFullText';
         } else {
             foreach ($item->getElementsByTagName('AVAILABLE_SERVICES') as $service) {
                 if ($service->nodeValue == 'getFullTxt') {
                     $peerReviewed = false;
                     foreach ($item->getElementsByTagName('PEER_REVIEWED') as $peer) {
                         if ($peer->nodeValue == 'YES') {
                             $peerReviewed = true;
                     $rsiResults[$position]['status'] = $peerReviewed ? 'peerReviewedFullText' : 'fullText';
     $results = array();
     foreach ($rsiResults as $result) {
         $results[] = array('id' => $result['id'], 'status' => $result['status']);
     return $this->output($results, JSON::STATUS_OK);
Esempio n. 29
  * Assign comments for the current resource to the interface.
  * @return void
  * @access public
 public static function assignComments()
     global $interface, $user;
     $comments = new Comments();
     $commentList = $comments->getComments($_GET['id']);
     $interface->assign('commentList', $commentList);
     $reported = isset($_SESSION['reportedComments']) ? $_SESSION['reportedComments'] : array();
     $usersComments = array();
     if (is_object($user)) {
         $commentInapp = new Comments_inappropriate();
         $commentInapp->user_id = $user->id;
         while ($commentInapp->fetch()) {
             $usersComments[] = $commentInapp->comment_id;
         $commentedByUser = false;
         foreach ($commentList as $comment) {
             if ($user->id == $comment->user_id) {
                 $commentedByUser = true;
     include_once 'RecordDrivers/Factory.php';
     $db = ConnectionManager::connectToIndex();
     $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
     if (!($record = $db->getRecord($id))) {
         PEAR::raiseError(new PEAR_Error('Record Does Not Exist'));
     $recordDriver = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($record);
     if ($recordDriver->getSector() == 'lib') {
         $interface->assign('ratings', true);
     $interface->assign('reported', array_merge($reported, $usersComments));
Esempio n. 30
  * Return Solr results in an extended array
  * @param array $result Optional results to process
  * @return array Results
 protected function createResultArray($result = null)
     global $configArray;
     // First, get the search results if none were provided
     if (is_null($result)) {
         // Let's do at most 100 at a time...
         if ($this->limit > 100) {
             $this->limit = 100;
         // Get the results:
         $result = $this->processSearch(false, true);
     if ($this->searchType == 'newitem') {
         $lookfor = translate('New Items');
     } else {
         if ($this->searchType == 'reserves') {
             $lookfor = translate('Course Reserves');
         } else {
             $lookfor = $this->displayQuery();
     $resultHeader = array('searchTerms' => $lookfor, 'searchUrl' => $this->renderSearchUrl());
     $result = array_merge($resultHeader, $result);
     // The marc_error nodes can cause problems, so let's get rid
     //   of them at the same time.
     // We add the record image to the array: for MARC records we
     // use bookcover.php, for everything else thumbnail.php.
     // Finally we remove an extra slash in format values.
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($result['response']['docs']); $i++) {
         if (isset($result['response']['docs'][$i]['marc_error'])) {
         if (isset($result['response']['docs'][$i]['thumbnail'])) {
         $id = isset($result['response']['docs'][$i]['id']) ? $result['response']['docs'][$i]['id'] : false;
         $type = isset($result['response']['docs'][$i]['recordtype']) ? $result['response']['docs'][$i]['recordtype'] : false;
         if ($type === 'marc') {
             if (isset($result['response']['docs'][$i]['fullrecord'])) {
                 $marc = preg_replace('/#31;/', "", $result['response']['docs'][$i]['fullrecord']);
                 $marc = preg_replace('/#30;/', "", $marc);
                 $marc = new File_MARC($marc, File_MARC::SOURCE_STRING);
                 $record = $marc->next();
                 $result['response']['docs'][$i]['fullrecord'] = $record->toXML();
         $result['response']['docs'][$i]['record_link'] = $this->serverUrl . '/Record/' . urlencode($id);
         // Fetch image links and information
         $record = RecordDriverFactory::initRecordDriver($result['response']['docs'][$i]);
         for ($img = 0; $img < count($record->getAllImages()); $img++) {
             $result['response']['docs'][$i]['image_links'][] = $this->serverUrl . '/thumbnail.php?id=' . urlencode($id) . "&index={$img}&size=large";
         $thumbnail = $record->getThumbnail();
         if ($thumbnail) {
             $result['response']['docs'][$i]['thumbnail_link'] = $thumbnail;
         $result['response']['docs'][$i]['parsed_title'] = $record->getTitle();
         $links = $record->getAllRecordLinks();
         if ($links) {
             $result['response']['docs'][$i]['parsed_record_links'] = $links;
         $urls = $record->getOnlineURLs();
         if ($urls) {
             $result['response']['docs'][$i]['parsed_online_urls'] = $urls;
     return $result;