/** * Action для ajax-подгрузки блока фильтра объектов, соответсвующего типу недвижимости * * @param integer $typeId * @throws CHttpException */ public function actionGetFilter($typeId) { if (!Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) { //throw new CHttpException(403, 'Invalid request'); } $realtyType = RealtyType::model()->published()->with(['category' => ['with' => 'types:published']])->findByPK($typeId); if (is_null($realtyType)) { throw new CHttpException(404); } $model = new RealtyItem('user_search'); $model->unsetAttributes(); $model->attachEavSet($realtyType->eav_set_id); $model->type_id = $realtyType->id; $model->category_id = $realtyType->category_id; $this->renderPartial('catalog/filter/_ajax_advanced_filter', ['category' => $realtyType->category, 'type' => $realtyType, 'model' => $model], false, true); Yii::app()->end(); }
public function actionIndex() { exit; $prefix = $_GET['prefix']; // prepare logger to dump logs every time one comes in Yii::getLogger()->autoFlush = 1; Yii::getLogger()->autoDump = true; function getNewFileName($fileName) { $ext = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $oldName = pathinfo($fileName, PATHINFO_FILENAME); return md5(uniqid($fileName)) . '.' . $ext; } function logParse($message) { Yii::log($message, CLogger::LEVEL_TRACE, 'parse'); Yii::getLogger()->flush(true); } //logParse("Begin"); $begin = getmicrotime(); // Начало $parsePath = Yii::app()->uploadManager->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->module->uploadPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'parse'; $csvFile = $parsePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "realty_{$prefix}.csv"; $csvData = file_get_contents($csvFile); $csvData = mb_convert_encoding($csvData, 'utf-8', 'windows-1251'); $csvData = explode("\r\n", $csvData); //var_dump($csvData); $categoryId = 1; //$typeId = 1; $category = RealtyCategory::model()->findByPK($categoryId); //$type = RealtyType::model()->findByPK($typeId); if (empty($category)) { throw new CHttpException(403, 'Incorrect category'); } $realtyItems = []; $currencies = ['р.' => 1, '$' => 2, '€' => 3]; $itemsCounter = 0; $galleriesList = CHtml::listData(RealtyGallery::model()->findAll(), 'xls_id', 'id'); foreach ($csvData as $key => $row) { //if($key >= 20) // break; $fields = str_getcsv($row, ";", '"'); //$fields = explode(";", $row); //var_dump($fields); // Номер $num = (int) $fields[0]; $imgFolderNum = $fields[1]; if (empty($num)) { continue; } // Сделка $contractField = $fields[3]; switch ($contractField) { case 'Продажа': $contract = self::CONTRACT_SALE; break; case 'Аренда': $contract = self::CONTRACT_RENT; break; default: $contract = self::CONTRACT_SALE; break; } // Тип недвижимости $typeField = $fields[2]; switch ($typeField) { case 'Квартира': $typeId = $contract == self::CONTRACT_RENT ? 4 : 1; break; case 'Новостройка': $typeId = 2; break; default: $typeId = 1; break; } $type = RealtyType::model()->findByPK($typeId); if (empty($type)) { throw new CHttpException(403, 'Incorrect realty type'); } $itemsCounter += 100; $realtyItem = new RealtyItem(); if ($imgFolderNum == '-') { $realtyItem->status = 0; } // Направление недвижимости и тип $realtyItem->category_id = $categoryId; $realtyItem->type_id = $typeId; $realtyItem->attachEavSet($type->eav_set_id); $realtyItem->sort = $itemsCounter; $realtyItem->xls_id = $num; // Тип сделки $realtyItem->contract = $contract; // Район $district = trim($fields[4]); /* $districtVariant = EavVariant::model()->find([ 'condition' => 't.attribute_id = :attribute_id AND LOWER(t.title) LIKE :title', 'params' => [':attribute_id' => 10, ':title' => mb_strtolower($district)] ]); */ if ($district != '') { $district = $district == 'З' ? 'Запад' : $district; $districtVariant = EavVariant::model()->findByAttributes(['attribute_id' => 10, 'title' => $district]); $realtyItem->district = $districtVariant !== null ? $districtVariant->id : null; } // Метро $metro = trim($fields[5]); if ($metro != '') { $metro = mb_substr($metro, 2, mb_strlen($metro, 'utf-8') - 1, 'utf-8'); $metro = trim($metro); $metroVariant = EavVariant::model()->findByAttributes(['attribute_id' => 28, 'title' => $metro]); if ($metroVariant !== null) { $metroList = [$metroVariant->id]; } else { $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'attribute_id = :attribute_id AND title LIKE :title'; $criteria->params = [':attribute_id' => 28, ':title' => $metro . ' (%']; $metroVariants = EavVariant::model()->findAll($criteria); $metroList = []; foreach ($metroVariants as $m) { $metroList[] = $m->id; } } $realtyItem->metro = $metroList; } // Адрес $realtyItem->name = trim($fields[6]); $realtyItem->address = trim($fields[6]); $realtyItem->itemAddress = 'Москва, ' . $realtyItem->address; // Жилой комплекс $realtyItem->residential_complex = trim($fields[7]); // Общая площадь $realtyItem->total_area = str_replace(',', '.', trim($fields[8])); // Этаж $storey = trim($fields[9]); $storey = preg_replace('~[^\\d\\-]+~', '', $storey); $realtyItem->storey = explode('-', trim($storey)); // Этажность $storeysNum = preg_replace('~[^\\d]+~', '', $fields[10]); $realtyItem->storeys_number = trim($storeysNum); // Цена $realtyItem->price_per_sq_m = (double) preg_replace('~[^\\d]+~', '', $fields[11]); $realtyItem->price = (double) preg_replace('~[^\\d]+~', '', $fields[12]); $currency = preg_replace('~[\\d ]+~', '', $fields[11]); $realtyItem->currency_id = key_exists($currency, $currencies) ? $currencies[$currency] : reset($currencies); // Пентхаус $realtyItem->penthouse = trim($fields[13]) != '' ? 1 : 0; // Кол-во комнат $realtyItem->rooms_number = (int) trim($fields[14]); // Отделка $realtyItem->decoration = trim($fields[15]) != '' ? 1 : 0; // Паркинг $parkingPlacesNum = trim($fields[16]) != '' ? (int) $fields[16] : 0; $realtyItem->parking_places_num = $parkingPlacesNum; $realtyItem->parking = $parkingPlacesNum > 0 ? 1 : 0; // Описание $realtyItem->full_text = trim($fields[17], '"'); // Изображения if ($imgFolderNum != '') { $imagesPath = $parsePath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $imgFolderNum; if (file_exists($imagesPath)) { $realtyItem->gallery_xls_id = $imgFolderNum; if (key_exists($imgFolderNum, $galleriesList)) { $realtyItem->gallery_id = $galleriesList[$imgFolderNum]; } } } $realtyItems[] = $realtyItem; /* var_dump($realtyItem->lotnum); var_dump($realtyItem->district); echo '<hr>'; * */ } echo 'Объектов: ' . count($realtyItems) . '<br />'; echo '<hr>'; //exit(); // Сохраняем объекты и изображения в БД foreach ($realtyItems as $realtyItem) { //logParse($realtyItem->title); if ($realtyItem->saveWithEavAttributes()) { // Сохраняем номер лота $realtyItem->lotnum = implode('', [$realtyItem->category->id, $realtyItem->id]); $realtyItem->update(['lotnum']); //logParse('success'); } else { //logParse('error'); echo $realtyItem->title . ' - error<br />'; var_dump($realtyItem->getErrors()); } } $end = getmicrotime(); $time = $end - $begin; echo "Время выполнения скрипта: " . $time . "с."; //logParse("Время выполнения скрипта: " . $time . "с."); echo '<hr>'; }