/** * Sets up loop and server manually to allow periodic timer calls. */ private function setupServer() { $this->setupApp(); /** @var $loop \React\EventLoop\LoopInterface */ $this->loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); // Enable ZMQ Listener. // Requires , "react/zmq" package. $zmq = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('jdare_clank.zmq_configuration'); if ($zmq['enabled']) { if (!class_exists('\\ZMQContext')) { throw new \Exception("Could not find ZMQContext, did you install the zmq bindings for PHP?"); } // Listen for the web server to make a ZeroMQ push after an ajax request $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($this->loop); $pull = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $bind = "tcp://{$zmq['port']}"; echo "\nListening to ZMQ messages on {$bind}\n"; $pull->bind($bind); // Binding to means the only client that can connect is itself $pull->on('message', array($this->getContainer()->get("jdare_clank.clank_app"), 'onZMQMessage')); } $this->socket = new \React\Socket\Server($this->loop); if ($this->host) { $this->socket->listen($this->port, $this->host); } else { $this->socket->listen($this->port); } $this->setupPeriodicServices(); $this->server = new \Ratchet\Server\IoServer($this->app, $this->socket, $this->loop); }
public function __construct(LoopInterface $loop) { $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pusher = new Pusher(); $workers = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); $workers->bind("tcp://"); // Listen for work from the web $receiver = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $receiver->bind("tcp://"); $receiver->on('message', function ($msg) use($workers) { // Create echo "Received: " . $msg . "\n"; $workers->send($msg); }); $control = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $control->bind('tcp://'); $control->on('message', function ($msg) use($pusher) { echo "CONTROL MESSAGE\n"; $arr = json_decode($msg, true); $slug = $arr['slug']; $req = $arr['req']; $pusher->send($slug, $arr['req']); }); $listener = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $listener->bind('tcp://'); $listener->on('message', function ($msg) use($pusher) { echo " + - - - - - - - - - + \n"; echo " RESULTS \n"; print_r($msg); $message = json_decode($msg, true); if ($message['command'] == 'client.gotRequest') { $pusher->onClientGotRequest($message['slug']); } else { if ($message['command'] == 'client.gotPayment') { $pusher->onClientGotPayment($message['slug']); } else { if ($message['command'] == 'tx.complete') { try { $request = Request::find(['slug' => $message['slug']]); $transaction = TransactionFactory::fromHex($message['tx']); Transaction::create(['transaction' => $message['tx'], 'request_id' => $request->id, 'txid' => $transaction->getTransactionId()]); $pusher->onCompleteTx($message['slug'], $message['tx']); } catch (\Exception $e) { return; } } else { if ($message['command'] == 'tx.partial') { $pusher->onCompleteTx($message['slug'], $message['tx']); } } } } echo "\n + - - - - - - - - - + \n\n"; }); // Set up our WebSocket server for clients wanting real-time updates $webSock = new \React\Socket\Server($loop); $webSock->listen(8080, ''); // Binding to means remotes can connect $webServer = new \Ratchet\Server\IoServer(new \Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(new \Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(new \Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer($pusher))), $webSock); }
function pull_routine() { $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $socket->bind('ipc://test.ipc'); $socket->on('message', function () { echo "-"; }); $loop->run(); }
/** * @param InputInterface $input * @param OutputInterface $output * @return int */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $push = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); $push->connect('tcp://'); $push->on('message', function ($message = '') use($loop) { echo $message . PHP_EOL; $loop->stop(); }); $push->send(json_encode(['cmd' => 'stop'])); $loop->run(); }
/** * @param InputInterface $input * @param OutputInterface $output * @return int */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $push = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); $push->connect('tcp://'); $push->on('message', function ($message = '') use($loop) { if ($message == 'shutdown') { echo "Shutdown successfully\n"; } $loop->stop(); }); $push->send('shutdown'); $loop->run(); }
function push_routine() { $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); $socket->connect('ipc://test2.ipc'); $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use($socket) { for ($n = 0; $n < rand(1, 30000); $n++) { if (rand(0, 100) >= 50) { echo "s"; $socket->send('bogus-' . $n); } else { echo "m"; $socket->send(array("bogus{$n}-1", "bogus{$n}-2", "bogus{$n}-3")); } } }); $loop->run(); }
/** * @param InputInterface $input * @param OutputInterface $output * * @return int|null|void */ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { //Init rena $app = MiraApp::getInstance(); // Setup the react event loop and call up the pusher class $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $pusher = new Pusher(); $stomper = new stompSend(); // ZeroMQ server $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pull = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $pull->bind("tcp://"); $pull->on("message", array($pusher, "onMessage")); $pull->on("message", array($stomper, "onMessage")); // Websocket server $webSock = new \React\Socket\Server($loop); $webSock->listen(8800, ""); $webServer = new \Ratchet\Server\IoServer(new \Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(new \Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(new \Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer($pusher))), $webSock); $loop->run(); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $pusher = new LowEndPing\Pusher(); $zmq_host = Config::get('lowendping.websocket.zeromq.host', '') . ':' . Config::get('lowendping.websocket.zeromq.port', 5555); // Listen for the web server to make a ZeroMQ push after a response $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pull = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $this->info('Binding ZMQ to ' . $zmq_host); $pull->bind('tcp://' . $zmq_host); // Binding to means the only client that can connect is itself $pull->on('message', array($pusher, 'onServerResponse')); $this->info('Binding Ratchet Websocket to' . Config::get('lowendping.websocket.port', 8080)); // Set up our WebSocket server for clients wanting real-time updates $webSock = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $webSock->listen(Config::get('lowendping.websocket.port', 8080), ''); // Binding to means remotes can connect $webServer = new Ratchet\Server\IoServer(new Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(new Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(new Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer($pusher))), $webSock); $loop->run(); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; use ShortFlake\IdGenerator; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $id_generator = new IdGenerator($loop); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $socket->bind('tcp://'); $socket->on('message', function ($message) use($id_generator, $socket) { if ('id' == $message) { $id_generator->computeId()->then(function ($uuid) use($socket) { $socket->send($uuid); }); } }); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pub = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); $pub->bind('tcp://'); $i = 0; $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use(&$i, $pub) { $i++; switch (mt_rand(1, 3)) { case 1: $subject = 'Автомобили'; break; case 2: $subject = 'Электроника'; break; case 3: $subject = 'Спорт'; break; } printf('Отправил сообщение [%d] | Тема сообщения [%s]' . PHP_EOL, $i, $subject); $pub->send(sprintf('%s %d', $subject, $i)); }); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $receiver = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $receiver->connect('tcp://'); $sender = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); $sender->connect('tcp://'); $receiver->on('message', function ($msg) use($loop, $sender) { echo "Получил сообщение [{$msg}]", PHP_EOL; // задержка ответа 2-4 сек $loop->addTimer(rand(2, 4), function () use($sender, $msg) { // отправляем ответ клиенту printf("Отправил результат [%s]" . PHP_EOL, $msg); $sender->send(sprintf("%s", $msg)); }); }); $loop->run();
/** * Get the WampServer driver. * * @param [type] $ratchetServer [description] * * @return [type] [description] */ private function startWampServer() { $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $class = $this->option('class'); $ratchetServer = new $class($this); $this->info(sprintf('Starting ZMQ server on: %s:%s', config('ratchet.zmq.host'), config('ratchet.zmq.port'))); $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pull = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $pull->bind(sprintf('tcp://%s:%d', config('ratchet.zmq.host'), config('ratchet.zmq.port'))); $pull->on('message', function ($message) use($ratchetServer) { $ratchetServer->onEntry($message); }); $webSock = new \React\Socket\Server($loop); $webSock->listen($this->port, $this->host); $webServer = new \Ratchet\Server\IoServer(new \Ratchet\Http\HttpServer(new \Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(new \Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer($ratchetServer))), $webSock); return $loop; }
} chdir(dirname($config)); $config = json_decode(file_get_contents($config)); if ($config->debug) { $logLevel = \Monolog\Logger::DEBUG; } else { $logLevel = \Monolog\Logger::WARNING; } // Set up logging to file $log = new \Monolog\Logger('xmr'); $log->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler('log.txt', $logLevel)); $log->pushHandler(new \Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler(STDOUT, $logLevel)); $log->info(sprintf('Starting up - listening for CMS on %s.', $config->listenOn)); try { $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); // Reply socket for requests from CMS $responder = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $responder->bind($config->listenOn); // Pub socket for messages to Players (subs) $publisher = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); foreach ($config->pubOn as $pubOn) { $log->info(sprintf('Bind to %s for Publish.', $pubOn)); $publisher->bind($pubOn); } // REP $responder->on('error', function ($e) use($log) { $log->error($e->getMessage()); }); $responder->on('message', function ($msg) use($log, $responder, $publisher) { try {
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $router = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER); $router->bind('tcp://'); $dealer = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER); $dealer->bind('tcp://'); $router->on('messages', function ($msg) use($dealer) { printf('Получил запрос "%s". Переправил' . PHP_EOL, $msg[2]); $dealer->send($msg); }); $dealer->on('messages', function ($msg) use($router) { printf('Получил ответ "%s". Переправил' . PHP_EOL, $msg[2]); $router->send($msg); }); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $requester = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); $requester->on('message', function ($reply) { printf('Получил ответ [%s]' . PHP_EOL, $reply); }); $requester->connect('tcp://'); $i = 0; $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use(&$i, $requester) { printf('Отправил запрос [%d]' . PHP_EOL, $i); $requester->send($i); $i++; }); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pull = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $pull->bind('tcp://'); $pull->on('error', function ($e) { var_dump($e->getMessage()); }); $pull->on('message', function ($msg) { echo "Received: {$msg}\n"; }); $loop->run();
/** * @param LoopInterface $loop */ public function initZmq(LoopInterface $loop) { /** @var \ZMQContext $context */ $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $this->listener = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); $this->listener->connect('tcp://'); $this->receiver = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $this->receiver->connect('tcp://'); $this->receiver->on('message', function ($msg) { $message = json_decode($msg, true); if (is_array($message) && isset($message['outputs']) && is_array($message['outputs'])) { $cumulative = array(); foreach ($message['outputs'] as $output) { $script = pack("H*", $output['script']); if (!isset($cumulative[$script])) { $cumulative[$script] = $output['value']; } else { $cumulative[$script] += $output['value']; } } $message['requirements'] = $cumulative; $this->contracts[$message['slug']] = $message; echo "New contract: " . $msg . "\n"; } }); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $responder = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $timestamp = new ZeroReactExamples\Utilits\Timestamp(); $responder->on('message', function ($request) use($loop, $responder, $timestamp) { printf("Получил запрос [%s]" . PHP_EOL, $request); $receiveTime = $timestamp->getTime(); // задержка ответа 2-4 сек $loop->addTimer(rand(2, 4), function () use($responder, $request, $receiveTime, $timestamp) { // отправляем ответ клиенту printf("Отправил ответ [%s]" . PHP_EOL, $request); $responder->send(sprintf("%s | Получил: %s | Ответил: %s", $request, $receiveTime, $timestamp->getTime())); }); }); $responder->bind('tcp://'); $loop->run();
<?php error_reporting(E_ERROR); require __DIR__ . "/vendor/autoload.php"; require __DIR__ . "/event_handler.php"; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $evHndler = new event_handler(); $zctx = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $rcvr = $zctx->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $rcvr->bind("tcp://"); $rcvr->on('message', array($evHndler, 'onPush')); $app = new Ratchet\App('gamecon-shirofuji.c9.io', 8081, '', $loop); $app->route('/game', $evHndler); $app->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $sub = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB); $sub->connect('tcp://'); $sub->subscribe('sub'); $sub->on('messages', function ($msg) { echo "Received: " . $msg[1] . " on channel: " . $msg[0] . "\n"; }); $bus = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB); $bus->connect('tcp://'); $bus->subscribe('bus'); $bus->on('messages', function ($msg) { echo $msg[0] . " :lennahc no " . $msg[1] . " :devieceR\n"; }); $pub = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); $pub->bind('tcp://'); $i = 0; $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use(&$i, $pub) { $i++; echo "publishing {$i}\n"; $pub->sendmulti(array('sub', $i)); // you get this one in the sub socket $pub->sendmulti(array('bus', $i)); // you don't get this one }); $loop->run();
<?php require "../vendor/autoload.php"; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $push = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); $push->connect('tcp://'); $push->send(json_encode(["command" => "new"])); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $sub = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_SUB); $sub->connect('tcp://'); $sub->subscribe(''); echo 'Подписался на все темы', PHP_EOL; $sub->on('message', function ($msg) { printf('Получил сообщение [%s]' . PHP_EOL, $msg); }); $loop->run();
<?php require 'vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $socket = new React\Socket\Server($loop); $http = new React\Http\Server($socket); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $dealer = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_DEALER); $dealer->bind('tcp://'); $conns = new ArrayObject(); $dealer->on('message', function ($msg) use($conns) { list($hash, $blank, $data) = $msg; if (!isset($conns[$hash])) { return; } $response = $conns[$hash]; $response->writeHead(); $response->end($data); }); $http->on('request', function ($request, $response) use($dealer, $conns) { $hash = spl_object_hash($request); $conns[$hash] = $response; $request->on('end', function () use($conns, $hash) { unset($conns[$hash]); }); $dealer->send(array($hash, '', $request->getPath())); }); $socket->listen(8080); $loop->run();
$stdin_connection = $connection . $stdin_port; $control_connection = $connection . $control_port; $hb_connection = $connection . $hb_port; $shell_connection = $connection . $shell_port; $iopub_connection = $connection . $iopub_port; $session_id = Uuid::uuid4(); $kernel->setEngineId(Uuid::uuid4()); if (!isset(Kernel::getSignatureSchemes()[$kernel->getSignatureScheme()])) { trigger_error("invalid signature scheme:{$kernel->getSignatureScheme()}\n"); exit; } // Open all needed sockets. $context = new ZMQContext(); $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); /** @var $context \ZMQContext */ $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); /** @var $hb_socket \ZMQSocket */ $hb_socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_REP); $hb_socket->bind($hb_connection); /** @var $iopub_socket \ZMQSocket */ $iopub_socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUB); $iopub_socket->bind($iopub_connection); /** @var $control_socket \ZMQSocket */ $control_socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER); $control_socket->bind($control_connection); /** @var $stdin_socket \ZMQSocket */ $stdin_socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER); $stdin_socket->bind($stdin_connection); /** @var $shell_socket \ZMQSocket */ $shell_socket = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_ROUTER); $shell_socket->bind($shell_connection);
/** * Run WebSocket Server * * Usage (from command line): * * php oil r ratchet:wamp <class_name> * * Note: * http://socketo.me/docs/push * http://socketo.me/docs/wamp */ public static function wamp($class_name = null) { /** * Check class name */ if (!class_exists($class_name)) { static::help(); exit; } $config = \Ratchet::get_config($class_name); /** * Check port */ if (!is_numeric($config['port'])) { static::help(); exit; } /** * Check zmq port */ if (!is_numeric($config['zmq_port'])) { static::help(); exit; } $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $class = new $class_name(); /** * Listen for the web server to make a ZeroMQ push after an ajax request */ $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $pull = $context->getSocket(\ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); // Binding to means the only client that can connect is itself $pull->bind('tcp://' . $config['zmq_port']); $pull->on('message', array($class, 'zmqCallback')); /** * Set up our WebSocket server for clients wanting real-time updates */ $socket = new \React\Socket\Server($loop); // Binding to means remotes can connect $socket->listen($config['port'], ''); $server = new \Ratchet\Server\IoServer(new \Ratchet\WebSocket\WsServer(new \Ratchet\Wamp\WampServer($class)), $socket); $loop->run(); }
<?php require_once "../vendor/autoload.php"; $loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new \React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $listener = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PULL); $listener->bind('tcp://'); $listener->on('message', function ($msg) { echo " + - - - - - - - - - + \n"; echo " RESULTS \n"; print_r($msg); echo "\n + - - - - - - - - - + \n\n"; }); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $req = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_REQ); $req->connect('tcp://'); $i = 0; $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use(&$i, $req) { $i++; switch (mt_rand(1, 3)) { case 1: $subject = 'Автомобили'; break; case 2: $subject = 'Электроника'; break; case 3: $subject = 'Спорт'; break; } printf('Отправил запрос [%d] | Тема сообщения [%s]' . PHP_EOL, $i, $subject); $req->send(sprintf('%s %d', $subject, $i)); }); $req->on('message', function ($msg) use($req) { printf('Получил ответ [%s]' . PHP_EOL, $msg); }); $loop->run();
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../../vendor/autoload.php'; $loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create(); $context = new React\ZMQ\Context($loop); $sender = $context->getSocket(ZMQ::SOCKET_PUSH); $sender->bind('tcp://'); $i = 0; $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1, function () use(&$i, $sender) { $i++; echo "Отправил сообщение [{$i}]", PHP_EOL; $sender->send($i); }); $loop->run();