# limitations under the License. require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; # Provide the path to a local testfile, that can be uploaded via RASS define('LOCAL_FILE', '/path/to/local/file'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN # Provide your own RASS credentials here define('USER', 'xxx'); # your user account name define('PWD', 'xxx'); # your user account pwd define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdn0x.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) # all RASS API methods (except HEAD) will raise an exception if they don't return an HTTP SUCCESS CODE (200,201,204) try { # Instantiate an object that manages the RASS connection, passing it your login credentials and the base service uri $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); # Creates a "tutorial2" directory below your root dir $dir = $rass->createDir("tutorial2"); # Retrieve the entry's "path" param echo "Created directory with path: " . $dir->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; # Note: the URL for accessing this new dir resource is available as the entry's id echo "New dir resource can be accessed at the URL: " . $dir->entry->id . "\n"; # Uploads the local file as 'taste.mp4' to the "tutorial2" directory on the CDN $item = $rass->createItem($dir->entry->content->params->path, "taste.mp4", LOCAL_FILE); # Retrieve the entry's "path" attribute echo "\nCreated file with path: " . $item->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; # Retrieve the filename on the CDN echo "Filename: " . $item->entry->content->params->filename . "\n"; # Get the location of the file on the CDN from the entry's 'enclosure' link echo "Public download location of the uploaded file: " . $rass->getEnclosureLink($item) . "\n"; # Note: the URL for accessing this new item resource is available as the entry's id
# limitations under the License. # To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx"); # password of your Rambla user account define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdnXX.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) define('LOCAL_PATH', '/path/to/local/file.mp4'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN require_once 'raws_json/meta.php'; require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/meta_service.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; try { $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); $meta = new MetaService(USER, PWD); # upload file to CDN (RASS PUT item) $item1 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "myfile_one.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); $item2 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "myfile_two.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); # create content instance for item1 $f = array(); $f[] = new FileObj($item1->entry->content->params->path); $m = array(); $m[] = new MetaObj("Title", "rss", "My first file", "en"); $m[] = new MetaObj("Description", "rss", "Description of my first file", "en"); $content_obj1 = new MetaContent("myfile_one", $f, null, $m); $content = $meta->createContent($content_obj1->to_entry()); $content_obj1->from_entry($content); echo "\nCreated new content instance with name = " . $content_obj1->name . "\n"; # create content instance for item2
# limitations under the License. require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; # Provide the path to a local testfile, that can be uploaded via RASS define('LOCAL_FILE', '/path/to/local/file'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN # Provide your own RASS credentials here define('USER', 'xxx'); # your user account name define('PWD', 'xxx'); # your user account pwd define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdn0x.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) # all RASS API methods (except HEAD) will raise an exception if they don't return an HTTP SUCCESS CODE (200,201,204) try { # Instantiate an object that manages the RASS connection, passing it your login credentials and the base service uri $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); ## TUTORIAL PRE-CONFIG: FIRST CREATE DIRECTORY + UPLOAD FILES TO HAVE SOME TEST-DATA # Create a "tutorial6" directory under the root-directory $item = null; $dir = $rass->createDir("tutorial6", True); echo "Created directory with path: " . $dir->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; $ctr = 1; # Upload the local file 15 times as 'testXX.mp4' to the "tutorial6" directory (creating some test data) while ($ctr < 16) { $item = $rass->createItem($dir->entry->content->params->path, "test{$ctr}.mp4", LOCAL_FILE); echo "Created file with path: " . $item->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; $ctr += 1; } ## GETTING LINK ELEMENTS FOR AN ENTRY # Directly getting at an item entry's link elements echo "\nGetting all link elements for entry with path: " . $item->entry->content->params->path . "\n";
# To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx"); # password of your Rambla user account define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdnXX.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) define('LOCAL_PATH', '/path/to/local/file.mp4'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN require_once 'raws_json/meta.php'; require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/meta_service.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; try { $meta = new MetaService(USER, PWD); $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); # upload files to CDN (RASS PUT item) $item1 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "big_buck_bunny.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); $item1b = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "big_buck_bunny.jpg", LOCAL_PATH, True); $item2 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "sintel.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); # create vocabs if (!$meta->vocabExists("media")) { $meta->createVocab("media", "http://search.yahoo.com/mrss/"); } if (!$meta->vocabExists("myvocab")) { $meta->createVocab("myvocab", "http://myvocab.org/ns/"); } # Create content instance with multiple languages for "/test/content/big_buck_bunny.mp4" $content_obj1 = new MetaContent("big_buck_bunny"); $content_obj1->add_file_obj($item1->entry->content->params->path); $content_obj1->add_file_obj($item1b->entry->content->params->path);
# To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx"); # password of your Rambla user account define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdnXX.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) define('LOCAL_PATH', '/path/to/local/file.mp4'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN require_once 'raws_json/meta.php'; require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/meta_service.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; try { $meta = new MetaService(USER, PWD); $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); # upload file to CDN (RASS PUT item) $item = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "big_buck_bunny.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); # create content instance without metadata $content_obj = new MetaContent("big_buck_bunny"); $content_obj->add_file_obj($item->entry->content->params->path); $content = $meta->createContent($content_obj->to_entry()); echo "\nCreated new content instance with name = " . $content->entry->content->params->name . "\n"; # add tags to the content instance $content_obj->from_entry($content); $content_obj->set_tags(array("bunny", "animation", "Blender")); $content = $meta->updateContent($content_obj->to_entry()); echo "\nAdded tags to content instance with name = " . $content_obj->name . "\n"; # get content instance $content = $meta->getContentInstance($content_obj->name); $content_obj->from_entry($content);
# limitations under the License. require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; # To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdnXX.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) $local_path = "/path/to/local/file"; # path to the file that will be published $filename = "myfilename.mp4"; # name to be given to the file on the CDN $publish_dir = "mydir"; # directory on the CDN in which to publish the file (leave empty to publish in root-directory) $secret = "xxx"; # the secret from the RASS user settings, should not be made public !! $seconds_valid = 30; # the number of seconds this request will remain valid try { # no pwd needed, since rass->doFileUpload() sends a HMAC based on the $secret $rass = new RassService(USER, null, RASS_SERVER); # RASS PUT file_upload echo "\nUploading file to CDN, please wait.."; $res = $rass->doFileUpload($filename, $local_path, $secret, $seconds_valid, $publish_dir); foreach ($resp->href as $href) { echo "\nFile published on CDN: " . $href; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\nAn exception occurred with code = " . $e->getCode(); echo "\nError msg = " . $e->getMessage(); }
# limitations under the License. require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; # Provide the path to a local testfile, that can be uploaded via RASS define('LOCAL_FILE', '/path/to/local/file'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN # Provide your own RASS credentials here define('USER', 'xxx'); # your user account name define('PWD', 'xxx'); # your user account pwd define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdn0x.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) # all RASS API methods (except HEAD) will raise an exception if they don't return an HTTP SUCCESS CODE (200,201,204) try { # Instantiate an object that manages the RASS connection, passing it your login credentials and the base service uri $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); # Upload the local file as 'testX.mp4' to the CDN (= account's root-directory) $items = array(); $ctr = 1; while ($ctr < 3) { $items[] = $item = $rass->createItem("/", "test{$ctr}.mp4", LOCAL_FILE); echo "Created file with path: " . $item->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; $ctr += 1; } # Create a "bucks" directory under the root-directory $dir = $rass->createDir("bucks", True); echo "Created directory with path: " . $dir->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; $ctr = 1; # Upload the local file as 'bunnyX.mp4' to the "bucks" directory while ($ctr < 3) { $item = $rass->createItem($dir->entry->content->params->path, "bunny{$ctr}.mp4", LOCAL_FILE);
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx;;"); # password of your Rambla user account define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdnXX.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; try { $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); # create dir on CDN $dir = $rass->createDir("/test/sample/dir", True); echo "\nCreated dir: " . $dir->entry->id . "\n"; # retrieve feed of dirs echo "\nGetting dir list..."; $feed = $rass->getDirList("/test/"); foreach ($feed->feed->entry as $e) { echo "\n* retrieved dir: " . $e->id . " with size = " . $e->content->params->size; } echo "\n... finished retrieving dir instances.\n"; # delete file from cdn $rass->deleteDir($dir->entry->content->params->path); echo "\nDeleted dir with path = " . $dir->entry->content->params->path . "\n"; } catch (Exception $e) { echo "\nAn exception occurred with code = " . $e->getCode();
# limitations under the License. # To run this sample, define these variables first define('USER', "xxx"); # name of your Rambla user account define('PWD', "xxx"); # password of your Rambla user account define('RASS_SERVER', 'rass.cdnXX.rambla.be'); # either 'rass.cdn01.rambla.be' or 'rass.cdn02.rambla.be' (depending on the subCDN on which your account is located) define('LOCAL_PATH', '/path/to/local/file.mp4'); # add path to local (video) file, to be uploaded to the CDN require_once 'raws_json/meta.php'; require_once 'raws_json/json_client.php'; require_once 'raws_json/meta_service.php'; require_once 'raws_json/rass_service.php'; try { $rass = new RassService(USER, PWD, RASS_SERVER); $meta = new MetaService(USER, PWD); # upload file to CDN (RASS PUT item) $item1 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "myfile_with_meta.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); $item2 = $rass->createItem("/test/content/", "myfile_no_meta.mp4", LOCAL_PATH, True); # create content instance $f = array(); $f[] = new FileObj($path = $item1->entry->content->params->path, $media_type = "video"); $content = new MetaContent($name = "myfile_with_meta", $file_objs = $f); $content->tags = array("een", "twee", "drie"); $content_obj = $meta->createContent($content->to_entry()); $content->from_entry($content_obj); echo "\nCreated new content instance with name = " . $content->name . "\n"; # get contentdir feed echo "\n\nGetting contentdir list..."; $feed = $meta->getContentdirList("/");