public static function growTree(Level $level, Vector3 $pos, Random $random, $type = 0) { switch ($type & 0x3) { case SaplingBlock::SPRUCE: if ($random->nextRange(0, 1) === 1) { $tree = new SpruceTreeObject(); } else { $tree = new PineTreeObject(); } break; case SaplingBlock::BIRCH: $tree = new SmallTreeObject(); $tree->type = SaplingBlock::BIRCH; break; case SaplingBlock::JUNGLE: $tree = new SmallTreeObject(); $tree->type = SaplingBlock::JUNGLE; break; default: case SaplingBlock::OAK: /*if($random->nextRange(0, 9) === 0){ $tree = new BigTreeObject(); }else{*/ $tree = new SmallTreeObject(); //} break; } if ($tree->canPlaceObject($level, $pos, $random)) { $tree->placeObject($level, $pos, $random); } }
public function random(array $generators, callable $assertion) { $shrinker = new Random($generators, $assertion); if ($this->options['timeLimit'] !== null) { $shrinker->setTimeLimit(FixedTimeLimit::realTime($this->options['timeLimit'])); } return $shrinker; }
/** * Generates a random number and returns a boolean representing whether it is within a given percentile. * For example: inPercentile(0.1) is equivalent to rand(1, 1000) == 1. * * @param float $perc The percentile to evaluate, can also be < 1. * @return boolean */ public function inPercentile($perc) { if ($this->nextRandomNumber >= 0 && $this->nextRandomNumber <= 100 && $perc >= 0 && $perc <= 100) { $rand = $this->nextRandomNumber; $this->nextRandomNumber = -1; return $rand <= $perc; } return $this->realRandom->inPercentile($perc); }
public function populate(Level $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random) { if ($random->nextRange(0, $this->waterOdd) === 0) { $v = new Vector3($random->nextRange($chunkX << 4, ($chunkX << 4) + 16), $random->nextRange(0, 128), $random->nextRange($chunkZ << 4, ($chunkZ << 4) + 16)); $pond = new PondObject($random, new WaterBlock()); if ($pond->canPlaceObject($level, $v)) { $pond->placeObject($level, $v); } } }
public static function growGrass(Level $level, Vector3 $pos, Random $random, $count = 15, $radius = 10) { $arr = array(BlockAPI::get(DANDELION, 0), BlockAPI::get(CYAN_FLOWER, 0), BlockAPI::get(TALL_GRASS, 1), BlockAPI::get(TALL_GRASS, 1), BlockAPI::get(TALL_GRASS, 1), BlockAPI::get(TALL_GRASS, 1)); $arrC = count($arr) - 1; for ($c = 0; $c < $count; ++$c) { $x = $random->nextRange($pos->x - $radius, $pos->x + $radius); $z = $random->nextRange($pos->z - $radius, $pos->z + $radius); if ($level->level->getBlockID($x, $pos->y + 1, $z) === AIR and $level->level->getBlockID($x, $pos->y, $z) === GRASS) { $t = $arr[$random->nextRange(0, $arrC)]; $level->setBlockRaw(new Vector3($x, $pos->y + 1, $z), $t); } } }
public function populate(Level $level, $chunkX, $chunkZ, Random $random) { foreach ($this->oreTypes as $type) { $ore = new OreObject($random, $type); for ($i = 0; $i < $ore->type->clusterCount; ++$i) { $x = $random->nextRange($chunkX << 4, ($chunkX << 4) + 16); $y = $random->nextRange($ore->type->minHeight, $ore->type->maxHeight); $z = $random->nextRange($chunkZ << 4, ($chunkZ << 4) + 16); if ($ore->canPlaceObject($level, $x, $y, $z)) { $ore->placeObject($level, new Vector3($x, $y, $z)); } } } }
public function executeDelete_confirm() { $token = Random::string(32); mfwSession::set(self::SESKEY_TOKEN, $token); $parma = array('token' => $token); return $this->build($parma); }
public function actionIndex() { $newsList = array(); $newsList = Random::getRandList(); require_once ROOT . '/views/news/index.php'; return true; }
/** * @interface ContextService **/ public function getContext($model){ $conn = $model['conn']; $stgname = $conn->escape($model['stgname']); $filename = $conn->escape($model['filename']); $mime = $conn->escape($model['mime']); $owner = $model['owner']; $access = $model['access']; $group = $model['group']; $dirid = $conn->escape($model['dirid']); $stgid = Random::getString(128); $ts = Time::getTime(); $query = "insert into storages (stgid, stgname, filename, mime, owner, access, group, ctime, atime, mtime, dirid) values ('$stgid', '$stgname', '$filename', '$mime', $owner, $access, $group, $ts, $ts, $ts, '$dirid')"; $result = $conn->getResult($query); if($result === false){ $model['valid'] = false; $model['msg'] = 'Error in Database @getContext/storage.create'; return $model; } $model['valid'] = true; $model['stgid'] = $stgid; return $model; }
/** * 通过邮箱找回密码 * @method POST_emailAction * @author NewFuture */ public function POST_emailAction() { $response['status'] = 0; if (!Input::post('email', $email, 'email')) { $response['info'] = '邮箱格式有误或者不支持!'; } elseif (!Input::post('number', $number, 'card')) { $response['info'] = '学号格式有误!'; } elseif (!Safe::checkTry('pwd_email_' . $number)) { $response['info'] = '尝试次数过多,临时封禁!'; } elseif (!($user = UserModel::where('number', $number)->field('id,name,email')->find())) { $response['info'] = '尚未注册,或者学号错误'; } elseif (empty($user['email'])) { $response['info'] = '未绑定邮箱,或者学号错误'; } elseif (Encrypt::decryptEmail($user['email']) != $email) { $response['info'] = '绑定邮箱不一致,或者邮箱错误'; } elseif (!Mail::findPwd($email, $code = Random::code(6), $user['name'])) { $response['info'] = '邮件发送出错,请联系我们!'; } else { /*发送成功*/ $findPwd = ['id' => $user['id'], 'number' => $number, 'code' => strtoupper($code)]; Session::set('find_info', $findPwd); Safe::del('pwd_email_' . $number); $response['status'] = 1; $response['info'] = '找回验证码已发送到' . $email; } $this->response = $response; }
public function addSession($mysql, $uid) { $time = Time::getTime(); $session= new Session; $random = Random::getString(32); $expiry = $time + 30*24*60*60; $session->read($uid,$time,$expiry); switch($session->insert($mysql, $random)) { case Session::DATABASE_ERROR : { echo "<p>A Database error has occured.</p>"; return; } case Session::INVALID_DATA : { echo "<p>Invalid operation requested.</p>"; return; } case Session::INSERT_SUCCESS : { return $random; } default : break; } }
/** * @interface ContextService **/ public function getContext($model){ $conn = $model['conn']; $uid = $model['uid']; $interval = $model['interval']; $sessionid = Random::getString(32); $ts = Time::getTime(); $ts_exp = $ts + $interval; $query = "delete from sessions where expiry < $ts;"; $conn->getResult($query, true); $query = "insert into sessions values('$sessionid', $uid, $ts, $ts_exp);"; $result = $conn->getResult($query, true); if($result === false){ $model['valid'] = false; $model['msg'] = 'Error in Database @getContext/session.create'; return $model; } $model['valid'] = true; $model['sessionid'] = $sessionid; return $model; }
/** * Generates an RFC 4122-compliant version 4 UUID. * * @return string The string representation of an RFC 4122-compliant, version 4 UUID. * @link RFC 4122: UUID URN Namespace */ public static function generate() { $uuid = Random::GenerateBytes(16); $uuid[6] = chr(ord($uuid[6]) & static::UUID_CLEAR_VER | static::UUID_VERSION_4); $uuid[8] = chr(ord($uuid[8]) & static::UUID_CLEAR_VAR | static::UUID_VAR_RFC); return join('-', array(bin2hex(substr($uuid, 0, 4)), bin2hex(substr($uuid, 4, 2)), bin2hex(substr($uuid, 6, 2)), bin2hex(substr($uuid, 8, 2)), bin2hex(substr($uuid, 10, 6)))); }
public function getContext($model){ $conn = $model['conn']; $username = $conn->escape($model['username']); $email = $conn->escape($model['email']); $subject = $model['subject']; $message = $model['message']; //$newusername = Random::getString(8); $password = Random::getString(16); $result = $conn->getResult("update users set password=MD5('$username$password') where username='******' and email='$email';", true); if($result === false || $result != 1){ $model['valid'] = false; $model['msg'] = 'Error in Database'; return $model; } $message = str_replace('{username}', $username, $message); $message = str_replace('{password}', $password, $message); $sent = Mail::send($email, $subject, $message); if($sent === false){ $model['valid'] = false; $model['msg'] = 'Error in Sending Mail'; return $model; } $model['valid'] = true; $model['sent'] = $sent; return $model; }
public function create_user($userdata) { $password = \Arr::get($userdata, 'password', null); $email = \Arr::get($userdata, 'email', null); if (is_null($password) || is_null($email)) { Logger::instance()->log_log_in_attempt(Model_Log_In_Attempt::$ATTEMPT_BAD_CRIDENTIALS, $email); throw new LogInFailed(\Lang::get('ethanol.errors.loginInvalid')); } $user = Auth_Driver::get_core_user($email); $security = new Model_User_Security(); //Generate a salt $security->salt = Hasher::instance()->hash(\Date::time(), Random::instance()->random()); $security->password = Hasher::instance()->hash($password, $security->salt); if (\Config::get('ethanol.activate_emails', false)) { $keyLength = \Config::get('ethanol.activation_key_length'); $security->activation_hash = Random::instance()->random($keyLength); $user->activated = 0; //Send email \Package::load('email'); //Build an array of data that can be passed to the email template $emailData = array('email' => $user->email, 'activation_path' => \Str::tr(\Config::get('ethanol.activation_path'), array('key' => $security->activation_hash))); $email = \Email::forge()->from(\Config::get('ethanol.activation_email_from'))->to($user->email, $user->username)->subject(\Config::get('ethanol.activation_email_subject'))->html_body(\View::forge('ethanol/activation_email', $emailData))->send(); } else { $user->activated = 1; $security->activation_hash = ''; } $user->security = $security; $user->save(); $user->clean_security(); return $user; }
/** * 通过邮箱找回密码 * @method POST_emailAction * @author NewFuture */ public function POST_emailAction() { $response['status'] = 0; if (!Input::post('email', $email, 'email')) { $response['info'] = '邮箱格式有误或者不支持!'; } elseif (!Input::post('account', $account, Config::get('regex.account'))) { $response['info'] = '学号格式有误!'; } elseif (!Safe::checkTry('pwd_email_' . $account)) { $response['info'] = '尝试次数过多,临时封禁!'; } elseif (!($Printer = PrinterModel::where('account', $account)->field('id,email')->find())) { $response['info'] = '尚未注册,或者账号错误'; } elseif (empty($Printer['email'])) { $response['info'] = '未绑定邮箱,或邮箱不存在'; } elseif ($Printer['email'] != $email) { $response['info'] = '绑定邮箱不一致,或者邮箱错误'; } elseif (!Mail::findPwd($email, $code = Random::code(6))) { $response['info'] = '邮件发送出错,请联系我们!'; } else { /*发送成功*/ $find = ['id' => $user['id'], 'account' => $account, 'code' => strtoupper($code)]; Session::set('find_info_p', $find); Safe::del('pwd_email_' . $account); $response['status'] = 1; $response['info'] = '验证邮件已发送!'; } $this->response = $response; }
public static function get() { if (!isset(self::$rand_seeder)) { //if ((PHP_SAPI == 'cli') or defined('STDIN')) { if (IS_CLI) { // CodeIgniter specific implementation. self::$rand_seeder = Random::int(0, 2147483647); } else { //if (function_exists('get_instance')) { // CodeIgniter specific implementation. $ci = get_instance(); $ci->load->library('session'); $session_data = $ci->session->userdata('rand_seeder'); if (!is_null($session_data)) { self::$rand_seeder = $session_data; } else { self::$rand_seeder = Random::int(0, 2147483647); $ci->session->set_userdata('rand_seeder', self::$rand_seeder); } //} else { // if (isset($_SESSION['rand_seeder'])) { // self::$rand_seeder = $_SESSION['rand_seeder']; // } else { // self::$rand_seeder = rand(); // $_SESSION['rand_seeder'] = self::$rand_seeder; // } //} } } return self::$rand_seeder; }
function add_to_gallery() { $gallery_peer = new GalleryPeer(); $gallery = $gallery_peer->find_by_id(Params::get("id_gallery")); $collection_peer = new GalleryCollectionPeer(); $gallery_collection = $collection_peer->find_by_id($gallery->id_gallery_collection); $full_folder_path = GalleryCollectionController::GALLERY_COLLECTION_ROOT_DIR . $gallery_collection->folder . "/" . $gallery->folder; if (Upload::isUploadSuccessful("file")) { $filename = Random::newHexString() . "_" . Upload::getRealFilename("file"); $gallery_dir = new Dir($full_folder_path); $uploaded_img = Upload::saveTo("file", $gallery_dir, $filename); if (isset(Config::instance()->GALLERY_RESIZE_BY_WIDTH)) { image_w($uploaded_img->getPath(), Config::instance()->GALLERY_RESIZE_BY_WIDTH); } else { if (isset(Config::instance()->GALLERY_RESIZE_BY_HEIGHT)) { image_h($uploaded_img->getPath(), Config::instance()->GALLERY_RESIZE_BY_HEIGHT); } } $peer = new GalleryImagePeer(); $do = $peer->new_do(); $peer->setupByParams($do); $do->image_name = $filename; $peer->save($do); return Redirect::success(); } else { Flash::error(Upload::getUploadError("file")); return Redirect::failure(); } }
/** * Random strings should be different */ public function testUniqueString() { $value1 = Random::getUniqueString(); $value2 = Random::getUniqueString(); $this->assertInternalType('string', $value1); $this->assertInternalType('string', $value2); $this->assertNotEquals($value1, $value2); }
protected function makeToken() { $pkg_id = $this->package->getId(); $token = Random::string(32); // tokenは60秒有効 mfwMemcache::set(self::TOKEN_KEY_PREFIX . $token, $pkg_id, 60); return $token; }
public function __construct($node, $parent) { parent::__construct($node, $parent); self::$possible_attributes = array_merge(parent::$possible_attributes, self::$possible_attributes); self::$required_attributes = array_merge(parent::$required_attributes, self::$required_attributes); self::$possible_children = array_merge(parent::$possible_children, self::$possible_children); self::$required_children = array_merge(parent::$required_children, self::$required_children); }
public function toString() { $address = NetAddress::getLocalHost(); $this->valueBeforeMD5 = $address->toString() . ':' . System::currentTimeMills() . ':' . Random::nextLong(); $this->valueAfterMD5 = md5($this->valueBeforeMD5); $raw = strtoupper($this->valueAfterMD5); return substr($raw, 0, 8) . '-' . substr($raw, 8, 4) . '-' . substr($raw, 16, 4) . '-' . substr($raw, 20); }
public static function generate($seed, $count = 500, $min = 0, $max = 100) { $sequence = []; self::$seed = abs(crc32($seed)) % 999999 + 1; for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) { $sequence[] = self::numgen($min, $max); } return $sequence; }
/** * Generates a facebook login page using the facebook template * * @return string */ public function get_form() { $csrf_key = Random::instance()->random(); Session::instance()->get_instance()->set('ethanol.driver.facebook.csrf', $csrf_key); $redirect_url = urlencode(parent::get_login_controller_path('facebook')); $app_id = \Config::get('ethanol.facebook.app_id'); $login_url = "{$app_id}&redirect_uri={$redirect_url}&state={$csrf_key}&scope=email"; return \View::forge('ethanol/driver/facebook_login')->set('login_url', $login_url)->render(); }
public static function generateRandomWithPotential($first, $second) { $max = $first + $second; $random = rand(0, $max); if ($first > $second) { return Random::getWinner($second, $first, $random); } else { return Random::getWinner($first, $second, $random); } }
public function placeObject(Level $level, Vector3 $pos, Random $random) { // The base dirt block $dirtpos = new Vector3($pos->x, $pos->y - 1, $pos->z); $level->setBlockRaw($dirtpos, new DirtBlock()); // Adjust the tree trunk's height randomly // plot [-14:11] int( x / 8 ) + 5 // - min=4 (all leaves are 4 tall, some trunk must show) // - max=6 (top leaves are within ground-level whacking range // on all small trees) $heightPre = $random->nextRange(-14, 11); $this->trunkHeight = intval($heightPre / 8) + 5; // Adjust the starting leaf density using the trunk height as a // starting position (tall trees with skimpy leaves don't look // too good) $leafPre = $random->nextRange($this->trunkHeight, 10) / 20; // (TODO: seed may apply) // Now build the tree (from the top down) $leaflevel = 0; for ($yy = $this->trunkHeight + 1; $yy >= 0; --$yy) { if ($leaflevel < self::$leavesHeight) { // The size is a slight variation on the trunkheight $radius = self::$leafRadii[$leaflevel] + $leafPre; $bRadius = 3; for ($xx = -$bRadius; $xx <= $bRadius; ++$xx) { for ($zz = -$bRadius; $zz <= $bRadius; ++$zz) { if (sqrt($xx * $xx + $zz * $zz) <= $radius) { $leafpos = new Vector3($pos->x + $xx, $pos->y + $yy, $pos->z + $zz); $level->setBlockRaw($leafpos, new LeavesBlock($this->type)); } } } $leaflevel++; } // Place the trunk last if ($leaflevel > 1) { $trunkpos = new Vector3($pos->x, $pos->y + $yy, $pos->z); $level->setBlockRaw($trunkpos, new WoodBlock($this->type)); } } }
public static function post() { $page = new Page(); $page->data['title'] = 'Wachtwoord resetten'; $errMsgs = ResetPasswordViewValidator::validate($_POST); if (empty($errMsgs)) { try { //Get the user's password salt and calculate password hash $passwordSalt = UserDB::getPasswordSaltByEmail($_POST['email']); $newPassword = Random::getPassword(); $newPasswordHash = hash_pbkdf2('sha256', $newPassword, $passwordSalt, SecurityConfig::N_PASSWORD_HASH_ITERATIONS); //Get user from database and reset password. $user = UserDB::getBasicUserByEmail($_POST['email']); UserDB::resetPassword($_POST['email'], $newPasswordHash); //Show success message $page->data['ResetSuccessfulView']['redirectUrl'] = 'login'; $page->addView('resetPassword/ResetSuccessfulView'); //Send email with password $failedEmails = Email::sendEmails('ResetPassword.html', 'JH De Stip - Wachtwoord reset', EmailConfig::FROM_ADDRESS, [$user], array($user->userId => array('newPassword' => $newPassword))); //If failedEmails is not empty the mail was not sent if (!empty($failedEmails)) { $page->data['ErrorMessageNoDescriptionNoLinkView']['errorTitle'] = 'Kan e-mail met nieuwe wachtwoord niet verzenden.'; $page->addView('error/ErrorMessageNoDescriptionNoLinkView'); } } catch (UserDBException $ex) { $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['reset_password_formAction'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['email'] = $_POST['email']; $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs'] = ResetPasswordViewValidator::initErrMsgs(); if ($ex->getCode() == UserDBException::NOUSERFOREMAIL) { $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs']['global'] = '<h2 class="error_message" id="reset_password_form_error_message">Er is geen gebruiker met dit e-mailadres.</h2>'; } else { $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs']['global'] = '<h2 class="error_message" id="reset_password_form_error_message">Kan wachtwoord niet resetten, probeer het opnieuw.</h2>'; } $page->addView('resetPassword/ResetPasswordView'); } catch (EmailException $ex) { $page->data['ErrorMessageNoDescriptionNoLinkView']['errorTitle'] = 'Kan e-mail met nieuwe wachtwoord niet verzenden.'; $page->addView('error/ErrorMessageNoDescriptionNoLinkView'); } catch (Exception $ex) { $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['reset_password_formAction'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['email'] = $_POST['email']; $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs']['global'] = '<h2 class="error_message" id="reset_password_form_error_message">Kan wachtwoord niet resetten, probeer het opnieuw.</h2>'; $page->addView('resetPassword/ResetPasswordView'); } } else { $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['reset_password_formAction'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['email'] = $_POST['email']; $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs'] = ResetPasswordViewValidator::initErrMsgs(); $page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs'] = array_merge($page->data['ResetPasswordView']['errMsgs'], $errMsgs); $page->addView('resetPassword/ResetPasswordView'); } $page->showWithMenu(); }
/** * ランダムパスワードを生成する * * @param int * @param array * @return string */ public static function generate($length = 8, $chars = ['-', '_', '.', '$', '#', '%']) { if ($length < 4) { throw new \Exception('パスワードが短すぎます'); } $password = Random::string($length, $chars); // 強度のテスト 大文字,小文字,数字,記号の混在 // 先頭,記号,数字不可 if (preg_match('/[A-Z]/', $password) && preg_match('/[a-z]/', $password) && preg_match('/[0-9]/', $password) && preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]/', $password)) { return $password; } return self::generate($length, $chars = []); }
public function __construct($random = false) { if (!$random instanceof Random) { $random = new Random(); } $this->xCoord = $random->nextFloat() * 256; $this->yCoord = $random->nextFloat() * 256; $this->zCoord = $random->nextFloat() * 256; for ($i = 0; $i < 512; ++$i) { $this->permutations[$i] = 0; } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $this->permutations[$i] = $i; } for ($i = 0; $i < 256; ++$i) { $j = $random->nextRange(0, 256 - $i) + $i; $k = $this->permutations[$i]; $this->permutations[$i] = $this->permutations[$j]; $this->permutations[$j] = $k; $this->permutations[$i + 256] = $this->permutations[$i]; } }
protected static function childIQ($gender, $father, $mother) { // // Son's IQ depends on mother's IQ // if ($gender == Human::MALE) { // $iQ = Random::iQ($mother->getIQ(), self::IQ_INHER_VAR, self::IQ_INHER_SD); // // Daughter's IQ depends on father's and mother's IQ // } else { // $averageIQ = ($father->getIQ() + $mother->getIQ()) / 2; // $iQ = Random::iQ($averageIQ, self::IQ_INHER_VAR, self::IQ_INHER_SD); // } $iQ = Random::iQ($mother->getIQ(), self::IQ_INHER_VAR, self::IQ_INHER_SD); return $iQ; }