header($e->getMessage(), true, 500); echo json_encode(array('error' => $e->getMessage())); } }); $f3->route(array('GET /ajuda'), function ($f3, $params) { global $Smarty; $Smarty->assign('alert', array('message' => 'WIP', 'type' => 'info')); $Smarty->assign('actualPage', 'ajuda'); $Smarty->assign('pageTitle', 'Ajuda | Zeus Monitor'); $Smarty->display("alert.tpl"); }); $f3->route(array('GET /', 'GET /inicio'), function ($f3, $params) { global $Smarty; try { $jobs = new \Ramos\Zeus\Job(); $run = new \Ramos\Zeus\Run(); $returnInfo = $jobs->showJobs($params); if (empty($returnInfo['jobs'])) { throw new \Exception(__("Not found any job matching this parameters.")); } $alert = new \Ramos\Zeus\Alert(); foreach ($returnInfo['jobs'] as $key => $job) { $returnInfo['jobs'][$key]['lastRunning'] = $run->latestJobRun($job['job_id']); $returnInfo['jobs'][$key]['alerts'] = $alert->viewAlertsByJob($job['job_id']); } $javascriptHeaderCodes = array(); $javascriptHeaderCodes[] = "\$(\"#showJobInfo\").on(\"click\", function(){\$(\"#infoJobs\").toggle();});"; $javascriptHeaderCodes[] = "\$(\"#popAlert\").on(\"click\", function(){popupModalMonitor('Sucesso!', 'Essa é uma mensagem de sucesso', 'success');});"; $javascriptHeaderCodes[] = "\$(window).on('resize', centerModals);"; $javascriptHeaderCodes[] = "var refresh_rate = Cookies.get('refresh_rate');"; $javascriptHeaderCodes[] = "if(!refresh_rate){Cookies.set('refresh_rate', 35);}";
<?php require_once "config.php"; /** Instancia a classe de Runs **/ $runClass = new \Ramos\Zeus\Run(); /** Instancia a classe de Blocks **/ $blockClass = new \Ramos\Zeus\Block(); /** Instancia a classe de Alerts **/ $alertsClass = new \Ramos\Zeus\Alert(); /** Instancia a classe de Jobs **/ $jobClass = new \Ramos\Zeus\Job(); try { $startingScript = time(); $jobID = PHP_SAPI === 'cli' ? $argv[1] : $_GET['job_id']; if (empty($jobID) or !is_numeric($jobID)) { $logger->addError(__("Please, fill job ID parameter with a numeric string")); throw new Exception(__("Please, fill job ID parameter with a numeric string")); } $job = $connectDB->prepare("SELECT `j`.* FROM `jobs` AS `j` WHERE `j`.`job_id`=:jobID AND `j`.`job_type`='internal' AND `j`.`is_running`=0"); $job->bindValue(":jobID", $jobID, PDO::PARAM_INT); $job->execute(); if ($job->rowCount() == 0) { define('CURRENT_JOB', $jobID); $logger->addWarning(sprintf(__("Job %d cannot be called at this time."), $jobID)); throw new \Exception(sprintf(__("Job %d cannot be called at this time."), $jobID)); } $JobProperties = $job->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); if ($JobProperties['job_status'] == false) { define('CURRENT_JOB', $jobID); $logger->addError(sprintf(__("Job %s (%d) has been disabled!"), $jobName, $jobID)); throw new Exception(sprintf(__("Job %s (%d) has been disabled!"), $jobName, $jobID));