function testFind() { //Arrange $description = "Average Joe"; $name = "Human"; $id = 1; $test_race = new Race($description, $name, $id); $test_race->save(); $description2 = "Cool Dude"; $name2 = "Elf"; $id2 = 2; $test_race2 = new Race($description2, $name2, $id2); $test_race2->save(); //Act $result = Race::find($test_race->getId()); //Assert $this->assertEquals($test_race, $result); }
$app->post('/class', function () use($app) { $_SESSION['race'] = $_POST['race_id']; return $app['twig']->render('class.html.twig', array('classes' => CharClass::getAll())); }); //class page //carry race id and class id to background page $app->post('/background', function () use($app) { $_SESSION['class'] = $_POST['class_id']; return $app['twig']->render('background.html.twig', array('backgrounds' => Background::getAll())); }); //background page //carry race id, class id, background id to stats page $app->post('/stats', function () use($app) { $_SESSION['background'] = $_POST['background_id']; $race_id = $_SESSION['race']; $race_find = Race::find($race_id); $race = getName($race_find); $class_id = $_SESSION['class']; $class_find = CharClass::find($class_id); $classname = getName($class_find); $stats = statRoll(); $assigned_stats = assignRolls($six_rolls, $classname, $race); return $app['twig']->render('stats.html.twig', array('stat' => Stat::getAll())); }); //stats page //carry race id, class id, background id, stats id to skills page $app->post('/bio', function () use($app) { $_SESSION['str'] = $_POST['str_id']; $_SESSION['dex'] = $_POST['dex_id']; $_SESSION['con'] = $_POST['con_id']; $_SESSION['int'] = $_POST['int_id'];
$_SESSION['eye_color'] = $_POST['eye_color']; $_SESSION['hair_color'] = $_POST['hair_color']; $_SESSION['skin_tone'] = $_POST['skin_tone']; $_SESSION['alignment'] = $_POST['alignment']; $_SESSION['other'] = $_POST['other']; $found_race = Race::find($_SESSION['race']); $found_race->getName(); $found_class = CharClass::find($_SESSION['class']); $found_class->getName(); $found_background = Background::find($_SESSION['background']); $found_background->getName(); return $app['twig']->render('summary.html.twig', array('race' => $found_race, 'class' => $found_class, 'background' => $found_background, 'str' => $_SESSION['str'], 'dex' => $_SESSION['dex'], 'con' => $_SESSION['con'], 'wis' => $_SESSION['wis'], 'int' => $_SESSION['int'], 'cha' => $_SESSION['cha'], 'skills' => $_SESSION['skill'], 'name' => $_SESSION['name'], 'age' => $_SESSION['age'], 'gender' => $_SESSION['gender'], 'height' => $_SESSION['height'], 'eye_color' => $_SESSION['eye_color'], 'hair_color' => $_SESSION['hair_color'], 'skin_tone' => $_SESSION['skin_tone'], 'alignment' => $_SESSION['alignment'], 'other' => $_SESSION['other'], 'races' => Race::getAll(), 'classes' => CharClass::getAll(), 'backgrounds' => Background::getAll())); }); //return to race page and save to database $app->get('/summary', function () use($app) { Finalize::run(); return $app['twig']->render('race.html.twig'); }); //print page //render print page $app->get('/print', function () use($app) { $character = Finalize::run(); $found_race = Race::find($_SESSION['race']); $found_race->getName(); $found_class = CharClass::find($_SESSION['class']); $found_class->getName(); $found_background = Background::find($_SESSION['background']); $found_background->getName(); return $app['twig']->render('print.html.twig', array("character" => $character, 'race' => $found_race, 'class' => $found_class, 'background' => $found_background, 'str' => $_SESSION['str'], 'dex' => $_SESSION['dex'], 'con' => $_SESSION['con'], 'wis' => $_SESSION['wis'], 'int' => $_SESSION['int'], 'cha' => $_SESSION['cha'], 'skills' => $_SESSION['skill'], 'name' => $_SESSION['name'], 'age' => $_SESSION['age'], 'gender' => $_SESSION['gender'], 'height' => $_SESSION['height'], 'eye_color' => $_SESSION['eye_color'], 'hair_color' => $_SESSION['hair_color'], 'skin_tone' => $_SESSION['skin_tone'], 'alignment' => $_SESSION['alignment'], 'other' => $_SESSION['other'], 'races' => Race::getAll(), 'classes' => CharClass::getAll(), 'backgrounds' => Background::getAll())); }); return $app;