function migrate_single_media($result)
     global $wpdb;
     $rtmedia_model = new RTMediaModel();
     $attached_file = get_attached_file($result->media_id);
     $return = true;
     if (file_exists($attached_file)) {
         $file_size = filesize($attached_file);
     } else {
         $file_size = '0';
         error_log('rtMedia size importer: file not exist. Media ID: ' . $result->id . ', File: ' . $attached_file);
         $return = false;
         return false;
     $post = get_post($result->media_id);
     $post_date = $post->post_date;
     $rtmedia_model->update(array('upload_date' => $post_date, 'file_size' => $file_size), array('id' => $result->id));
     return $return;
Esempio n. 2
 function save_video_thumbnail($post, $attachment)
     if (isset($post['rtmedia-thumbnail'])) {
         $rtmedia_model = new RTMediaModel();
         $model = new RTMediaModel();
         $media = $model->get(array('media_id' => $post['ID']));
         $media_id = $media[0]->id;
         $rtmedia_model->update(array('cover_art' => $post['rtmedia-thumbnail']), array('media_id' => $post['ID']));
     return $post;
Esempio n. 3
 public function add_media_thumbnails($post_id)
     //global $rtmedia_ffmpeg;
     $post_info = get_post($post_id);
     $post_date_string = new DateTime($post_info->post_date);
     $post_date = $post_date_string->format('Y-m-d G:i:s');
     $post_date_thumb_string = new DateTime($post_info->post_date);
     $post_date_thumb = $post_date_thumb_string->format('Y/m/');
     $post_thumbs = get_post_meta($post_id, 'rtmedia_encode_response', TRUE);
     $post_thumbs_array = maybe_unserialize($post_thumbs);
     $largest_thumb_size = 0;
     $model = new RTMediaModel();
     $media = $model->get(array("media_id" => $post_id));
     $media_id = $media[0]->id;
     $largest_thumb = false;
     $upload_thumbnail_array = array();
     foreach ($post_thumbs_array['thumbs'] as $thumbs => $thumbnail) {
         //	    error_log("Thumb:" + var_export($post_thumbs_array['thumbs'][$thumbnail]));
         //	}
         //        for ($i = 1; $i <= sizeof($post_thumbs_array['thumbs']); $i++) {
         //            $thumbnail = 'thumb_' . $i;
         //            if (isset($post_thumbs_array['thumbs'][$thumbnail])) {
         $thumbnail_ids = get_rtmedia_meta($post_id, 'rtmedia-thumbnail-ids', true);
         $thumbresource = wp_remote_get($thumbnail);
         $thumbinfo = pathinfo($thumbnail);
         $temp_name = $thumbinfo['basename'];
         $temp_name = urldecode($temp_name);
         $temp_name_array = explode("/", $temp_name);
         $temp_name = $temp_name_array[sizeof($temp_name_array) - 1];
         $thumbinfo['basename'] = $temp_name;
         $thumb_upload_info = wp_upload_bits($thumbinfo['basename'], null, $thumbresource['body']);
         $upload_thumbnail_array[] = $thumb_upload_info['url'];
         //                $thumb_attachment = array(
         //                    'guid' => $thumb_upload_info['url'],
         //                    'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg',
         //                    'post_title' => basename($thumbinfo['basename'], '.jpg'),
         //                    'post_content' => '',
         //                    'post_status' => 'inherit',
         //                    'post_date' => $post_date
         //                );
         //                //var_dump($thumb_attachment);
         //                $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir($post_date_thumb);
         //                //insert into attachment
         //                $attach_id = wp_insert_attachment($thumb_attachment, trailingslashit($upload_dir['path']) . $thumbinfo['basename'], 0);
         //                if (!is_wp_error($attach_id) && $attach_id) {
         //                    $attach_data = wp_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $thumb_upload_info['file']);
         //                    if (wp_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data)) {
         //                        $thumbnail_ids[] = $attach_id;
         //                        update_rtmedia_meta($post_id, 'rtmedia-thumbnail-ids', $thumbnail_ids);
         //                    }
         //                    else
         //                        wp_delete_attachment($attach_id, true);
         //                }
         $current_thumb_size = @filesize($thumb_upload_info['url']);
         if ($current_thumb_size >= $largest_thumb_size) {
             $largest_thumb_size = $current_thumb_size;
             $largest_thumb = $thumb_upload_info['url'];
             $model->update(array('cover_art' => $thumb_upload_info['url']), array('media_id' => $post_id));
     update_post_meta($post_id, 'rtmedia_media_thumbnails', $upload_thumbnail_array);
     return $largest_thumb;
function set_video_thumbnail($id)
    $media_type = rtmedia_type($id);
    if ('video' == $media_type && isset($_POST['rtmedia-thumbnail'])) {
        $model = new RTMediaModel();
        $model->update(array('cover_art' => $_POST['rtmedia-thumbnail']), array('id' => $id));
        // code to update activity
 function importmedia($id, $prefix)
     $delete = false;
     $attached_file = get_attached_file($id);
     $attached_file_option = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attached_file', true);
     $basename = wp_basename($attached_file);
     $file_folder_path = trailingslashit(str_replace($basename, '', $attached_file));
     $siteurl = get_option('siteurl');
     $upload_path = trim(get_option('upload_path'));
     if (empty($upload_path) || 'wp-content/uploads' == $upload_path) {
         $dir = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/uploads';
     } elseif (0 !== strpos($upload_path, ABSPATH)) {
         // $dir is absolute, $upload_path is (maybe) relative to ABSPATH
         $dir = path_join(ABSPATH, $upload_path);
     } else {
         $dir = $upload_path;
     if (!($url = get_option('upload_url_path'))) {
         if (empty($upload_path) || 'wp-content/uploads' == $upload_path || $upload_path == $dir) {
             $url = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/uploads';
         } else {
             $url = trailingslashit($siteurl) . $upload_path;
     // Obey the value of UPLOADS. This happens as long as ms-files rewriting is disabled.
     // We also sometimes obey UPLOADS when rewriting is enabled -- see the next block.
     if (defined('UPLOADS') && !(is_multisite() && rtmedia_get_site_option('ms_files_rewriting'))) {
         $dir = ABSPATH . UPLOADS;
         $url = trailingslashit($siteurl) . UPLOADS;
     // If multisite (and if not the main site in a post-MU network)
     if (is_multisite() && !(is_main_site() && defined('MULTISITE'))) {
         if (!rtmedia_get_site_option('ms_files_rewriting')) {
             // If ms-files rewriting is disabled (networks created post-3.5), it is fairly straightforward:
             // Append sites/%d if we're not on the main site (for post-MU networks). (The extra directory
             // prevents a four-digit ID from conflicting with a year-based directory for the main site.
             // But if a MU-era network has disabled ms-files rewriting manually, they don't need the extra
             // directory, as they never had wp-content/uploads for the main site.)
             if (defined('MULTISITE')) {
                 $ms_dir = '/sites/' . get_current_blog_id();
             } else {
                 $ms_dir = '/' . get_current_blog_id();
             $dir .= $ms_dir;
             $url .= $ms_dir;
         } elseif (defined('UPLOADS') && !ms_is_switched()) {
             // Handle the old-form ms-files.php rewriting if the network still has that enabled.
             // When ms-files rewriting is enabled, then we only listen to UPLOADS when:
             //   1) we are not on the main site in a post-MU network,
             //      as wp-content/uploads is used there, and
             //   2) we are not switched, as ms_upload_constants() hardcodes
             //      these constants to reflect the original blog ID.
             // Rather than UPLOADS, we actually use BLOGUPLOADDIR if it is set, as it is absolute.
             // (And it will be set, see ms_upload_constants().) Otherwise, UPLOADS can be used, as
             // as it is relative to ABSPATH. For the final piece: when UPLOADS is used with ms-files
             // rewriting in multisite, the resulting URL is /files. (#WP22702 for background.)
             if (defined('BLOGUPLOADDIR')) {
                 $dir = untrailingslashit(BLOGUPLOADDIR);
             } else {
                 $dir = ABSPATH . UPLOADS;
             $url = trailingslashit($siteurl) . 'files';
     $basedir = trailingslashit($dir);
     $baseurl = trailingslashit($url);
     $new_file_folder_path = trailingslashit(str_replace($basedir, $basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/", $file_folder_path));
     $year_month = untrailingslashit(str_replace($basedir, '', $file_folder_path));
     $metadata = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
     $backup_metadata = get_post_meta($id, '_wp_attachment_backup_sizes', true);
     $instagram_thumbs = get_post_meta($id, '_instagram_thumbs', true);
     $instagram_full_images = get_post_meta($id, '_instagram_full_images', true);
     $instagram_metadata = get_post_meta($id, '_instagram_metadata', true);
     $encoding_job_id = get_post_meta($id, 'bp-media-encoding-job-id', true);
     $ffmpeg_thumbnail_ids = get_post_meta($id, 'bp_media_thumbnail_ids', true);
     $ffmpeg_thumbnail = get_post_meta($id, 'bp_media_thumbnail', true);
     $ffmpeg_remote_id = get_post_meta($id, 'bp_media_ffmpeg_remote_id', true);
     $kaltura_remote_id = get_post_meta($id, 'bp_media_kaltura_remote_id', true);
     if (wp_mkdir_p($basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $year_month)) {
         if (copy($attached_file, str_replace($basedir, $basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/", $attached_file))) {
             $delete = true;
             if (isset($metadata['sizes'])) {
                 foreach ($metadata['sizes'] as $size) {
                     if (!copy($file_folder_path . $size['file'], $new_file_folder_path . $size['file'])) {
                         $delete = false;
                     } else {
                         $delete_sizes[] = $file_folder_path . $size['file'];
                         $this->search_and_replace(trailingslashit($baseurl . $year_month) . $size['file'], trailingslashit($baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $year_month) . $size['file']);
             if ($backup_metadata) {
                 foreach ($backup_metadata as $backup_images) {
                     if (!copy($file_folder_path . $backup_images['file'], $new_file_folder_path . $backup_images['file'])) {
                         $delete = false;
                     } else {
                         $delete_sizes[] = $file_folder_path . $backup_images['file'];
                         $this->search_and_replace(trailingslashit($baseurl . $year_month) . $backup_images['file'], trailingslashit($baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $year_month) . $backup_images['file']);
             if ($instagram_thumbs) {
                 foreach ($instagram_thumbs as $key => $insta_thumb) {
                     try {
                         if (!copy(str_replace($baseurl, $basedir, $insta_thumb), str_replace($baseurl, $basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/", $insta_thumb))) {
                             $delete = false;
                         } else {
                             $delete_sizes[] = str_replace($baseurl, $basedir, $insta_thumb);
                             $instagram_thumbs_new[$key] = str_replace($baseurl, $baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/", $insta_thumb);
                             $this->search_and_replace(trailingslashit($baseurl . $year_month) . $insta_thumb, trailingslashit($baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $year_month) . $insta_thumb);
                     } catch (Exceptio $e) {
                         $delete = false;
             if ($instagram_full_images) {
                 foreach ($instagram_full_images as $key => $insta_full_image) {
                     if (!copy($insta_full_image, str_replace($basedir, $basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/", $insta_full_image))) {
                         $delete = false;
                     } else {
                         $delete_sizes[] = $insta_full_image;
                         $instagram_full_images_new[$key] = str_replace($basedir, $basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}", $insta_full_image);
                         $this->search_and_replace(trailingslashit($baseurl . $year_month) . $insta_full_image, trailingslashit($baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $year_month) . $insta_full_image);
             if ($instagram_metadata) {
                 $instagram_metadata_new = $instagram_metadata;
                 foreach ($instagram_metadata as $wp_size => $insta_metadata) {
                     if (isset($insta_metadata['file'])) {
                         if (!copy($basedir . $insta_metadata['file'], $basedir . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $insta_metadata['file'])) {
                             $delete = false;
                         } else {
                             $delete_sizes[] = $basedir . $insta_metadata['file'];
                             $instagram_metadata_new[$wp_size]['file'] = "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $insta_metadata['file'];
                             if (isset($insta_metadata['sizes'])) {
                                 foreach ($insta_metadata['sizes'] as $key => $insta_size) {
                                     if (!copy($file_folder_path . $insta_size['file'], $new_file_folder_path . $insta_size['file'])) {
                                         $delete = false;
                                     } else {
                                         $delete_sizes[] = $file_folder_path . $insta_size['file'];
                                         $this->search_and_replace(trailingslashit($baseurl . $year_month) . $insta_size['file'], trailingslashit($baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $year_month) . $insta_size['file']);
             if ($delete) {
                 if (file_exists($attached_file)) {
                 if (isset($delete_sizes)) {
                     foreach ($delete_sizes as $delete_size) {
                         if (file_exists($delete_size)) {
                 update_post_meta($id, '_wp_attached_file', "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $attached_file_option);
                 if (isset($metadata['file'])) {
                     $metadata['file'] = "rtMedia/{$prefix}/" . $metadata['file'];
                     wp_update_attachment_metadata($id, $metadata);
                 if ($instagram_thumbs) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, '_instagram_thumbs', $instagram_thumbs_new);
                 if ($instagram_full_images) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, '_instagram_full_images', $instagram_full_images_new);
                 if ($instagram_metadata) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, '_instagram_metadata', $instagram_metadata_new);
                 if ($encoding_job_id) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, 'rtmedia-encoding-job-id', $encoding_job_id);
                 if ($ffmpeg_thumbnail_ids) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, 'rtmedia-thumbnail-ids', $ffmpeg_thumbnail_ids);
                 if ($ffmpeg_thumbnail) {
                     $model = new RTMediaModel();
                     $model->update(array('cover_art' => $ffmpeg_thumbnail), array('id' => $id));
                 if ($ffmpeg_remote_id) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, 'rtmedia-ffmpeg-remote-id', $ffmpeg_remote_id);
                 if ($kaltura_remote_id) {
                     update_rtmedia_meta($id, 'rtmedia-kaltura-remote-id', $kaltura_remote_id);
                 $attachment = array();
                 $attachment['ID'] = $id;
                 $old_guid = get_post_field('guid', $id);
                 $attachment['guid'] = str_replace($baseurl, $baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/", $old_guid);
                  * For Activity
                 global $last_baseurl, $last_newurl;
                 $last_baseurl = $baseurl;
                 $last_newurl = $baseurl . "rtMedia/{$prefix}/";
                 $this->search_and_replace($old_guid, $attachment['guid']);
Esempio n. 6
 function rtm_change_activity_privacy()
     $data = $_POST;
     if (wp_verify_nonce($data['nonce'], 'rtmedia_activity_privacy_nonce')) {
         $rtm_activity_model = new RTMediaActivityModel();
         $is_ac_privacy_exist = $rtm_activity_model->check($data['activity_id']);
         $privacy = intval($data['privacy']);
         $activity_id = intval($data['activity_id']);
         if (!$is_ac_privacy_exist) {
             // Very first privacy entry for this activity
             $status = $rtm_activity_model->insert(array('privacy' => $privacy, 'activity_id' => $activity_id, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id()));
         } else {
             // Just update the existing value
             $status = $rtm_activity_model->update(array('privacy' => $privacy), array('activity_id' => $activity_id));
         // update privacy of corresponding media
         $media_model = new RTMediaModel();
         $activity_media = $media_model->get(array('activity_id' => $activity_id));
         if (!empty($activity_media) && is_array($activity_media)) {
             foreach ($activity_media as $single_media) {
                 $where = array('id' => $single_media->id);
                 $columns = array('privacy' => $privacy);
                 // update media privacy
                 $media_model->update($columns, $where);
         if ($status === false) {
             $status = 'false';
         } else {
             $status = 'true';
         echo $status;
Esempio n. 7
  * Method to reassign media to another user while deleting user
  * @param type $user_id, $reassign
 public function reassign_wordpress_user($user_id, $reassign)
     if ($reassign != null || $reassign != '') {
         // Updating media author
         $rtmedia_model = new RTMediaModel();
         $rtmedia_model->update(array('media_author' => $reassign), array('media_author' => $user_id));
         // Updating user id from interaction
         $rtmediainteraction = new RTMediaInteractionModel();
         $rtmediainteraction->update(array('user_id' => $reassign), array('user_id' => $user_id));
Esempio n. 8
 function rtm_change_activity_privacy()
     $nonce = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'nonce', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
     $privacy = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'privacy', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
     $activity_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'activity_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
     if (wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'rtmedia_activity_privacy_nonce')) {
         $rtm_activity_model = new RTMediaActivityModel();
         $is_ac_privacy_exist = $rtm_activity_model->check($activity_id);
         $privacy = intval($privacy);
         $activity_id = intval($activity_id);
         if (!$is_ac_privacy_exist) {
             // Very first privacy entry for this activity
             $status = $rtm_activity_model->insert(array('privacy' => $privacy, 'activity_id' => $activity_id, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id()));
         } else {
             // Just update the existing value
             $status = $rtm_activity_model->update(array('privacy' => $privacy), array('activity_id' => $activity_id));
         // update privacy of corresponding media
         $media_model = new RTMediaModel();
         $activity_media = $media_model->get(array('activity_id' => $activity_id));
         if (!empty($activity_media) && is_array($activity_media)) {
             foreach ($activity_media as $single_media) {
                 $where = array('id' => $single_media->id);
                 $columns = array('privacy' => $privacy);
                 // update media privacy
                 $media_model->update($columns, $where);
         if (false === $status) {
             $status = 'false';
         } else {
             $status = 'true';
         echo esc_html($status);