public function formAction() { $this->_withoutView(); $bookingref = RM_Reservation_Manager::getInstance()->getReservationID(); $billingModel = new RM_Billing(); $billingRow = $billingModel->createRow(); $billingRow->reservation_id = $bookingref; $billingRow->total_paid = '0.00'; $billingRow->save(); RM_Reservation_Manager::getInstance()->setPaymentTotal('0.00')->setPaymentStatus(RM_Payments_Status::TRANSACTION_END_SUCCESSFULLY); $this->_forward('success', 'Payments'); }
/** * Method for manual adding payment from the Admin end. * All params are from request. * * @param reservation_id * @param transaction_id - default 'ADMIN' * @param provider - default curent server date * @param total - default 0 * @return array */ public function addpaymentJsonAction() { $reservationID = $this->_getParam('reservation_id'); if ($reservationID == null) { return array('data' => array('success' => false, 'error' => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_ERRORS)->_('Admin.Reservation.Edit', 'ReservationIDMissed'))); } $model = new RM_Reservations(); $reservation = $model->find($reservationID)->current(); if ($reservation == null) { return array('data' => array('success' => false, 'error' => RM_Environment::getInstance()->getTranslation(RM_Environment::TRANSLATE_ERRORS)->_('Admin.Reservation.Edit', 'WrongReservationID'))); } $transactionDate = $this->_getParam('transaction_date'); $transactionID = $this->_getParam('transaction_id', ''); if ($transactionID == '') { $transactionID = 0; } $providerName = $this->_getParam('provider', ''); if ($providerName == '') { $providerName = 'Administrator'; } $totalPaid = $this->_getParam('total'); $billingModel = new RM_Billing(); $billingRow = $billingModel->createRow(); $billingRow->reservation_id = $reservationID; $billingRow->total_paid = $totalPaid; $billingID = $billingRow->save(); $billingPaymentsModel = new RM_BillingPayments(); $billingPaymentRow = $billingPaymentsModel->createRow(); $billingPaymentRow->id = $billingID; $billingPaymentRow->provider = $providerName; $billingPaymentRow->transaction_id = $transactionID; $billingPaymentRow->status = 'SUCCESS'; $billingPaymentRow->total = $totalPaid; $billingPaymentRow->transaction_date = $transactionDate; $billingPaymentRow->save(); return array('data' => array('success' => true)); }
public function ipnAction() { $this->_withoutView(); $provider = new RM_Plugin_PayPal(); $provider->validateIPN(); RM_Log::toLog("PayPal ipnAction Called"); if ($provider->ipnData['payment_status'] == "Completed" || $provider->ipnData['payment_status'] == "Pending") { RM_Log::toLog("PayPal payment status: " . $provider->ipnData['payment_status']); if (str_word_count($provider->ipnData['invoice'], 0, "RM-") > 0) { $bookingref = ltrim($provider->ipnData['invoice'], "RM-"); } else { $bookingref = $provider->ipnData['invoice']; } RM_Log::toLog("Booking ref passed back from PayPal: " . $bookingref); $model = new RM_Reservations(); $reservation = $model->find($bookingref)->current(); RM_Log::toLog("Reservation Record ID: " . $reservation->id); $model->confirm($reservation); RM_Log::toLog("Confirmed Updated"); $model->inProgressComplete($reservation); RM_Log::toLog("InProgress Marker Updated"); // save the total // we have a problem here, when this action is called it is called // from the server. The session is not the same so saving to it // is impossible. I think we need to pass to PayPal the 'custom' parameter // this could contain something like the session id, however I am not // sure if it's possible to update the data in a session with a session // id? //$manager = RM_Reservation_Manager::getInstance(); $total_paid = $provider->ipnData['mc_gross']; RM_Log::toLog("Total Passed back from PayPal: " . $total_paid); //$manager->setPaymentTotal($total_paid); // save the total incase we need it later. //if (!$total_paid) $this->_redirect('Reservations', 'notcomplete'); // this handles if the total amount is null'd $billingModel = new RM_Billing(); $billingRow = $billingModel->createRow(); $billingRow->reservation_id = $bookingref; $billingRow->total_paid = $total_paid; $billingID = $billingRow->save(); RM_Log::toLog("Billing Updated"); // TODO: I can't get thsi working.. // save the payment information $billingPaymentsModel = new RM_BillingPayments(); $billingPaymentRow = $billingPaymentsModel->createRow(); $billingPaymentRow->id = $billingID; $billingPaymentRow->provider = "PayPal"; $billingPaymentRow->transaction_id = $provider->ipnData['txn_id']; $billingPaymentRow->status = $provider->ipnData['payment_status']; $billingPaymentRow->total = $provider->ipnData['mc_gross']; $billingPaymentRow->transaction_date = Date("Y-m-d"); $billingPaymentRow->save(); RM_Log::toLog("Billing Payments Updated"); // TODO: if the IPN is successful then we need to set the in_progress flag to 0 // this is also done in the reservation controller on success we have to do it here also // as it is possible the customer may not return to the site via the payment provider // return URL in this case the in_progress flag will never be updated that's why we // need to do this here also // I need to ask Valentin about a standard method for this. // TODO: we should also record other information such as the transaction id // however this can be added later. } }
function markPaid(RM_Reservation_Row $reservation) { $totalPrice = $reservation->getTotalPrice(); $billingModel = new RM_Billing(); $totalPaid = $billingModel->getPaymentsTotal($reservation); $total = $totalPrice - $totalPaid; $billingID = $billingModel->createRow(array('reservation_id' => $reservation->id, 'total_paid' => $total))->save(); $billingPaymentsModel = new RM_BillingPayments(); $billingPaymentsModel->createRow(array('id' => $billingID, 'provider' => 'Administrator', 'transaction_id' => '0', 'status' => 'success', 'total' => $total, 'transaction_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')))->save(); $this->confirm($reservation); }