public function __construct($caption, $name, $selected = 0) { $this->setName($name); $this->setCaption($caption); $this->selected = $selected; RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('teams_field.js', 'match'); }
/** * Este archivo permite controlar el bloque o los bloques * Bloques Existentes: * * 1. Publicaciones Recientes * 2. Publicaciones Populares (Mas Leídas) * 3. Publicaciones Mejor Votadas */ function rd_block_resources($options) { global $xoopsModule; include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/docs/class/rdresource.class.php'; $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); $mc = RMUtilities::module_config('docs'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("rd_resources") . ' WHERE public=1 AND approved=1'; switch ($options[0]) { case 'recents': $sql .= " ORDER BY created DESC"; break; case 'popular': $sql .= " ORDER BY `reads` DESC"; break; } $sql .= " LIMIT 0, " . ($options[1] > 0 ? $options[1] : 5); $result = $db->query($sql); $block = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $res = new RDResource(); $res->assignVars($row); $ret = array(); $ret['id'] = $res->id(); $ret['title'] = $res->getVar('title'); if ($options[2]) { $ret['desc'] = $options[3] == 0 ? $res->getVar('description') : TextCleaner::truncate($res->getVar('description'), $options[3]); } $ret['link'] = $res->permalink(); $ret['author'] = sprintf(__('Created by %s', 'docs'), '<strong>' . $res->getVar('owname') . '</strong>'); $ret['reads'] = sprintf(__('Viewed %s times', 'docs'), '<strong>' . $res->getVar('reads') . '</strong>'); $block['resources'][] = $ret; } RMTemplate::get()->add_style('blocks.css', 'docs'); return $block; }
function showForm() { global $db, $xoopsOption, $xoopsUser, $mc, $tpl, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModuleConfig, $user, $xoopsSecurity; $xoopsOption['template_main'] = "gs_submit.html"; $xoopsOption['module_subpage'] = 'submit'; include 'header.php'; GSFunctions::makeHeader(); $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig; $tpl->assign('lang_uploadyour', __('Upload your Pictures', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_step1', __('Step 1:', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_step2', __('Step 2:', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_step3', __('Step 3:', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_step4', __('Step 4:', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_choose', __('Select Files', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_privacy', __('Set Privacy', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_privateme', __('Private (<em>Only you will seee these pictures</em>)', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_privatef', __('For Friends (<em>Only you and your friends will see these pictures</em>)', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_public', __('Public (<em>Pictures will visible for all</em>)')); $tpl->assign('lang_upload', __('Upload Files', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_clicktou', __('Click to Upload', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_tagsesp', __('Specify tags to use', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_tagsdesc', __('Separate each tag with a comma (,).', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_maxsize', sprintf(__('The maximum file size allowed is <strong>%s</strong>.', 'galleries'), RMUtilities::formatBytesSize($mc['size_image'] * 1024))); $tpl->assign('used_graph', GSFunctions::makeQuota($user, false)); $tpl->assign('form_action', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'submit/' : '?submit=submit')); $tpl->assign('token', $xoopsSecurity->getTokenHTML()); $used = round($user->usedQuota() / $user->quota() * 100) . '%'; $tpl->assign('lang_used', sprintf(__('You have used <strong>%s</strong> of <strong>%s</strong> available. You left <strong>%s</strong>', 'galleries'), $used, RMUtilities::formatBytesSize($user->quota()), RMUtilities::formatBytesSize($user->usedQuota() >= $user->quota() ? 0 : $user->quota() - $user->usedQuota()))); RMTemplate::get()->add_xoops_style('submit.css', 'galleries'); include 'footer.php'; }
/** * @desc Muestra el formulario para agregar un nuevo sitio */ function edit_bookmark() { global $xoopsModule, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsSecurity; $id = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'id', 0); if ($id <= 0) { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php', __('Site ID not provided!', 'mywords'), 1); die; } $book = new MWBookmark($id); if ($book->isNew()) { redirectMsg('bookmarks.php', __('Social site not exists!', 'mywords'), 1); die; } $temp = XoopsLists::getImgListAsArray(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/mywords/images/icons'); foreach ($temp as $icon) { $icons[] = array('url' => XOOPS_URL . "/modules/mywords/images/icons/{$icon}", 'name' => $icon); } MWFunctions::include_required_files(); xoops_cp_location('<a href="./">' . $xoopsModule->name() . '</a> » <a href="bookmarks.php">' . __('Social Sites', 'mywords') . '</a> » ' . __('Editing Social Site', 'mywords')); xoops_cp_header(); $show_edit = true; include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/mywords_bookmarks.php', 'module', 'mywords'); RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', __('Bookmarks Management', 'mywords')); RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery.checkboxes.js'); RMTemplate::get()->add_script('../include/js/scripts.php?file=bookmarks.js'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * @desc Muestra todos los equipos registrados */ function showTeams() { global $db, $tpl, $xoopsModule, $xoopsConfig, $adminTemplate; $tpl->assign('lang_existing', _AS_TC_EXISTING); $tpl->assign('lang_id', _AS_TC_ID); $tpl->assign('lang_image', _AS_TC_IMAGE); $tpl->assign('lang_name', _AS_TC_NAME); $tpl->assign('lang_catego', _AS_TC_CATEGO); $tpl->assign('lang_coachs', _AS_TC_COACHS); $tpl->assign('lang_options', _OPTIONS); $tpl->assign('lang_edit', _EDIT); $tpl->assign('lang_delete', _DELETE); $tpl->assign('lang_confirmm', _AS_TC_CONFM); $tpl->assign('lang_confirm', _AS_TC_CONFDEL); $tpl->assign('lang_date', _AS_TC_DATE); $tpl->assign('lang_players', _AS_TC_PLAYERS); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("coach_teams") . " ORDER BY name"); $teams = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $team = new TCTeam(); $team->assignVars($row); $cat = new TCCategory($team->category()); $coachs = ''; foreach ($team->coachs(true) as $coach) { $coachs .= $coachs == '' ? $coach->name() : '<br />' . $coach->name(); } $teams[] = array('id' => $team->id(), 'name' => $team->name(), 'image' => $team->image(), 'catego' => $cat->name(), 'coachs' => $coachs, 'date' => formatTimestamp($team->created(), 'c')); } xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . _AS_TC_TEAMSLOC); xoops_cp_header(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template("admin/coach_teams.php", 'module', 'team'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * Muestra una lista de las categorías existentes */ function showCategos() { global $xoopsModule, $xoopsSecurity; $row = array(); qpArrayCategos($row); $categories = array(); $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); foreach ($row as $k) { $catego = new QPCategory($k['id_cat']); $catego->update(); list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("qpages_pages") . " WHERE cat='{$k['id_cat']}'")); $k['posts'] = $num; $k['nombre'] = str_repeat("—", $k['saltos']) . ' ' . $k['nombre']; $categories[] = $k; } // Event $categories = RMEvents::get()->run_event('qpages.categories.list', $categories); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('admin.css', 'qpages'); RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery.checkboxes.js'); RMTemplate::get()->add_script('../include/js/qpages.js'); RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', __('Categories management', 'qpages')); xoops_cp_location('<a href="./">' . $xoopsModule->name() . '</a> » ' . __('Categories', 'qpages')); xoops_cp_header(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template("admin/qp_categos.php", 'module', 'qpages'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * @desc Visualiza todas las licencias existentes **/ function showLicences() { global $xoopsModule, $xoopsSecurity; $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix('dtrans_licences'); $result = $db->queryF($sql); $licences = array(); while ($rows = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $lc = new DTLicense(); $lc->assignVars($rows); $licences[] = array('id' => $lc->id(), 'name' => $lc->name(), 'url' => $lc->link(), 'type' => $lc->type()); } RMTemplate::get()->add_xoops_style('admin.css', 'dtransport'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.validate.min.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.checkboxes.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('admin.js', 'dtransport'); RMTemplate::get()->add_head('<script type="text/javascript"> var dt_message = "' . __('Do you really want to delete selected licenses', 'dtransport') . '"; var dt_select_message = "' . __('Select at least one licence to delete!', 'dtransport') . '"; </script>'); DTFunctions::toolbar(); xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . __('Licences Management', 'dtransport')); xoops_cp_header(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/dtrans_licenses.php', 'module', 'dtransport'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * Mostramos las categor?as */ function rmmfShow() { global $db; define('RMCLOCATION', 'categories'); MFFunctions::toolbar(); RMTemplate::get()->add_head("<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t<!--\n\t\t\t\tfunction decision(message, url){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(confirm(message)) location.href = url;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t-->\n\t\t </script>"); $result = array(); MFFunctions::get_categories($result); include_once '../class/table.class.php'; $table = new MFTable(true); $table->setCellStyle("padding: 0px; padding-left: 10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #0066CC; border-right: 1px solid #0066CC; background: url(../images/bgth.jpg) repeat-x; height: 20px; color: #FFFFFF;"); $table->openTbl('100%', '', 1); $table->openRow('left'); $table->addCell(_MA_RMMF_CATEGOS, 1, 3); $table->closeRow(); $table->setRowClass('head'); $table->setCellStyle("padding: 0px; padding-left: 3px; padding-right: 3px; border-bottom: 1px solid #DBE691; border-right: 1px solid #DBE691; background: url(../images/bghead.jpg) repeat-x; height: 20px; color: #000000;"); $table->openRow('center'); $table->addCell(_MA_RMMF_NAME, 0, '', 'center'); $table->addCell(_MA_RMMF_ORDER, 0, '', 'center'); $table->addCell(_MA_RMMF_OPTIONS, 0, '', 'center'); $table->closeRow(); $table->setRowClass('odd,even', true); $table->setCellStyle(''); foreach ($result as $k => $v) { $table->openRow(); $table->addCell(($v['saltos'] <= 0 ? "<img src='../images/plus.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' />" : str_repeat(" ", $v['saltos']) . "<img src='../images/root.gif' border='0' align='absmiddle' />") . " <strong>{$v['nombre']}</strong>", 0, '', 'left'); $table->addCell($v['orden'], 0, '', 'center'); $table->addCell("<a href='?op=edit&id={$v['id_cat']}'>" . _MA_RMMF_EDIT . "</a> | \n\t\t\t\t\t<a href=\"javascript:decision('" . sprintf(_MA_RMMF_CONFIRM, $v['nombre']) . "','?op=del&id={$v['id_cat']}');\">" . _MA_RMMF_DELETE . "</a>", 0, '', 'center'); $table->closeRow(); } $table->closeTbl(); xoops_cp_header(); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function cache_view_files() { global $xoopsSecurity; RMTemplate::get()->set_help(''); RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', __('Booster Zone', 'booster')); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('cache.css', 'rmcommon', 'plugins/booster'); RMFunctions::create_toolbar(); xoops_cp_header(); $plugin = RMFunctions::get()->load_plugin('booster'); // Get files $items = XoopsLists::getFileListAsArray(XOOPS_CACHE_PATH . '/booster/files'); $files = array(); $count_expired = 0; foreach ($items as $file) { $tmp = explode('.', $file); if ($tmp[1] != 'meta') { continue; } $content = json_decode(file_get_contents(XOOPS_CACHE_PATH . '/booster/files/' . $file), true); $files[] = array('id' => $tmp[0], 'url' => $content['uri'], 'date' => formatTimestamp($content['created'], 'l'), 'time' => $content['created'], 'lang' => $content['language'], 'size' => filesize(XOOPS_CACHE_PATH . '/booster/files/' . $tmp[0] . '.html')); $count_expired = time() - $content['created'] >= $plugin->get_config('time') ? $count_expired + 1 : $count_expired; } include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('cache_files.php', 'plugin', 'rmcommon', 'booster'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function xt_menu_options() { RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Dashboard', 'xthemes'), 'index.php', 'images/dashboard.png', 'dashboard'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Theme Settings', 'xthemes'), 'index.php?op=config', 'images/settings.png', 'settings'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Catalog', 'xthemes'), 'index.php?op=catalog', 'images/catalog.png', 'catalog'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('About', 'xthemes'), 'index.php?op=about', 'images/about.png', 'about'); }
function showPlayers() { global $xoopsModule, $mc, $adminTemplate, $tpl, $db; $gteam = TCFunctions::get('team'); $team = new TCTeam($gteam); // Equipos $tpl->assign('team', $team->isNew() ? 0 : $team->id()); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("coach_teams") . " ORDER BY name"); $teams = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $ct = new TCTeam(); $ct->assignVars($row); $cat =& $ct->category(true); $teams[] = array('id' => $ct->id(), 'name' => $ct->name() . " (" . $cat->name() . ")"); } // Entrenadores $coachs = array(); if (!$team->isNew()) { foreach ($team->coachs(true) as $coach) { $coachs[] = array('id' => $coach->id(), 'name' => $coach->name(), 'image' => $coach->image()); } } // Jugadores $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("coach_players") . " WHERE team='" . $team->id() . "'"); $players = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $player = new TCPlayer(); $player->assignVars($row); $players[] = array('id' => $player->id(), 'name' => $player->name(), 'image' => $player->image(), 'number' => $player->number(), 'age' => $player->age(), 'date' => formatTimestamp($player->date(), 'c')); } xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . __('Jugadores', 'admin_team')); xoops_cp_header(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template("admin/coach_players.php", 'module', 'team'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function rmmfShow() { global $db; define('RMCLOCATION', 'index'); MFFunctions::toolbar(); xoops_cp_header(); RMTemplate::get()->add_head("<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\t<!--\n\t\t\t\tfunction decision(message, url){\n\t\t\t\t\tif(confirm(message)) location.href = url;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t-->\n\t\t </script>"); /** * @todo Create pagination */ $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("rmmf_works") . " ORDER BY titulo"); include_once '../class/catego.class.php'; $items = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $catego = new MFCategory($row['catego']); $items[] = array('title' => $row['titulo'], 'category' => $catego->getVar('nombre'), 'featured' => $row['resaltado'], 'id' => $row['id_w']); } /* $table->setRowClass('odd,even', true); $table->setCellStyle(''); $table->closeTbl(); rmmf_make_footer();*/ include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/mf-index.php', 'module', 'myfolder'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * @desc Visualiza la lista de amigos del usuario **/ function showFriends() { global $xoopsOption, $tpl, $db, $xoopsUser, $xoopsModuleConfig, $pag, $xoopsConfig; $xoopsOption['template_main'] = 'gs_panel_friends.html'; include 'header.php'; $mc =& $xoopsModuleConfig; GSFunctions::makeHeader(); //Barra de Navegación $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_friends') . " WHERE gsuser='******'"; $page = isset($pag) ? $pag : ''; $limit = 30; list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql)); if ($page > 0) { $page -= 1; } $start = $page * $limit; $tpages = (int) ($num / $limit); if ($num % $limit > 0) { $tpages++; } $pactual = $page + 1; if ($pactual > $tpages) { $rest = $pactual - $tpages; $pactual = $pactual - $rest + 1; $start = ($pactual - 1) * $limit; } if ($tpages > 1) { if ($mc['urlmode']) { $urlnav = 'cpanel/friends'; } else { $urlnav = 'cpanel.php?by=cpanel/friends'; } $nav = new GsPageNav($num, $limit, $start, 'pag', $urlnav, 0); $tpl->assign('friendsNavPage', $nav->renderNav(4, 1)); } $showmax = $start + $limit; $showmax = $showmax > $num ? $num : $showmax; $tpl->assign('lang_showing', sprintf(__('Sowing friends %u to %u from %u.', 'galleries'), $start + 1, $showmax, $num)); $tpl->assign('limit', $limit); $tpl->assign('pag', $pactual); //Fin de barra de navegación $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_friends') . " WHERE gsuser='******'"; $sql .= " LIMIT {$start},{$limit}"; $result = $db->query($sql); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $xu = new XoopsUser($row['uid']); $tpl->append('users', array('uid' => $xu->uid(), 'uname' => $xu->uname(), 'link' => XOOPS_URL . "/modules/galleries/" . ($mc['urlmode'] ? "usr/" . $xu->uname() . "/" : "user.php?id=usr/" . $xu->uname()), 'avatar' => RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.get.avatar', $xu->email(), 0, $xu->user_avatar() != '' ? XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/avatars/' . $xu->user_avatar() : GS_URL . '/images/avatar.png'))); } $tpl->assign('lang_uname', __('User name', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_newfriend', __('New Friend', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_del', __('Delete', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_confirm', __('Do you really wish to delete specified friend?', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('lang_confirms', __('Do you really wish to delete selected friends?', 'galleries')); $tpl->assign('form_action_add', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'cp/add/' : '?cp=add')); $tpl->assign('form_action_del', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'cp/delete/' : '?cp=delete')); $tpl->assign('delete_link', GSFunctions::get_url() . ($mc['urlmode'] ? 'cp/deletefriend/pag/' . $pactual . '/id/' : '?cp=deletefriend&page=' . $pactual . '&id=')); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('panel.css', 'galleries'); createLinks(); include 'footer.php'; }
/** * @desc Visualiza todas las categorías existentes **/ function showCategories() { global $xoopsModule, $xoopsSecurity; $categos = array(); DTFunctions::getCategos($categos); $categories = array(); foreach ($categos as $row) { $cat = new DTCategory(); $cat->assignVars($row); $categories[] = array('id' => $cat->id(), 'name' => $cat->name(), 'parent' => $cat->parent(), 'active' => $cat->active(), 'description' => $cat->desc(), 'indent' => $row['jumps']); } unset($categos); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.checkboxes.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.validate.min.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('admin.js', 'dtransport'); RMTemplate::get()->add_head('<script type="text/javascript"> var dt_message = "' . __('Do you really want to delete selected categories', 'dtransport') . '"; var dt_select_message = "' . __('Select at least one category to delete!', 'dtransport') . '"; </script>'); RMTemplate::get()->add_xoops_style('admin.css', 'dtransport'); DTFunctions::toolbar(); xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . __('Categories', 'dtransport')); xoops_cp_header(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/dtrans_categos.php', 'module', 'dtransport'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
function search_resources() { global $xoopsConfig, $xoopsUser, $page, $xoopsTpl; $keyword = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'keyword', ''); $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix("rd_resources") . " WHERE (title LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR description LIKE '%{$keyword}%') AND public=1 AND approved=1"; list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql)); $page = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'page', 1); $limit = 15; $tpages = ceil($num / $limit); $page = $page > $tpages ? $tpages : $page; $start = $num <= 0 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $limit; $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $page, 5); $nav->target_url(RDFunctions::make_link('search') . '?keyword=' . $keyword . '&page={PAGE_NUM}'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("rd_resources") . " WHERE (title LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR description LIKE '%{$keyword}%') AND public=1 AND approved=1 LIMIT {$start}, {$limit}"; $result = $db->query($sql); $resources = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $res = new RDResource(); $res->assignVars($row); $resources[] = array('id' => $res->id(), 'title' => $res->getVar('title'), 'desc' => TextCleaner::truncate($res->getVar('description'), 100), 'link' => $res->permalink(), 'created' => $res->getVar('created'), 'owner' => $res->getVar('owner'), 'uname' => $res->getVar('owname'), 'reads' => $res->getVar('reads')); } RDFunctions::breadcrumb(); RMBreadCrumb::get()->add_crumb(__('Browsing recent Documents', 'docs')); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('docs.css', 'docs'); include 'header.php'; $xoopsTpl->assign('xoops_pagetitle', sprintf(__('Search results for "%s"', 'docs'), $keyword)); include RMEvents::get()->run_event('', RMTemplate::get()->get_template('rd_search.php', 'module', 'docs')); include 'footer.php'; }
public function render() { global $exmConfig; /*$rtn = ''; $rtn .= '<div class="exmDateField"> <div id="txt_'.$this->getName().'" class="exmTextDate">'.($this->_date===null ? _RMS_CFD_SDTXT : date($this->_showtime ? $exmConfig['datestring'] : $exmConfig['dateshort'], $this->_date)).'</div>'; $rtn .= '<img title="'._RMS_CFD_CLICKTOSEL.'" src="'.ABSURL.'/rmcommon/images/calendar.png" alt="" class="exmfield_date_show_date" onclick="showEXMDates(\''.$this->getName().'\','.$this->_showtime.','.($this->_date===null ? "'time'" : $this->_date).');" style="cursor: pointer;" />'; $rtn .= '<img title="'._RMS_CFD_CLICKTOCLEAR.'" src="'.ABSURL.'/rmcommon/images/calendardel.png" alt="" onclick="clearEXMDates(\''.$this->getName().'\');" style="cursor: pointer;" />'; $rtn .= '<input type="hidden" name="'.$this->getName().'" id="'.$this->getName().'" value="'.($this->_date===null ? '' : $this->_date).'" /></div>'; if (!defined('RM_FRAME_DATETIME_DIVOK')){ $rtn .= "<div id='exmDatesContainer' class='exmDates'></div>"; define('RM_FRAME_DATETIME_DIVOK', 1); }*/ if ($this->time == 1) { RMTemplate::get()->add_head("\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n \nvar " . $this->getName() . "_time = 1;\n \n\$(function(){\n \n\$(\"#exmdate-" . $this->getName() . "\").datetimepicker({changeMonth: true,changeYear: true, yearRange: '" . $this->year_range . "'" . ($this->options != '' ? "," . $this->options : "") . "});\n \n});\n</script>\n \n"); $date = ''; if ($this->_date > 0) { $date = date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $this->_date); } } elseif ($this->time == 0) { RMTemplate::get()->add_head("\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n \nvar " . $this->getName() . "_time = 0;\n \n\$(function(){\n \n\$(\"#exmdate-" . $this->getName() . "\").datepicker({changeMonth: true,changeYear: true, yearRange: '" . $this->year_range . "'" . ($this->options != '' ? "," . $this->options : "") . "});\n \n});\n</script>\n \n"); if ($this->_date > 0) { $date = date('m/d/Y', $this->_date); } } elseif ($this->time == 2) { RMTemplate::get()->add_head("\n<script type='text/javascript'>\n \nvar " . $this->getName() . "_time = 2;\n \n\$(function(){\n \n\$(\"#exmdate-" . $this->getName() . "\").timepicker({changeMonth: true,changeYear: true, yearRange: '" . $this->year_range . "'" . ($this->options != '' ? "," . $this->options : "") . ", timeOnlyTitle: '" . __('Choose Time', 'rmcommon') . "'});\n \n});\n</script>\n \n"); if ($this->_date != '') { $date = $this->_date; } } $rtn = "<input type='text' class='exmdates_field' name='text_" . $this->getName() . "' id=\"exmdate-" . $this->getName() . "\"' size='20' maxlength='19' value='" . $date . "' />\n <input type='hidden' name='" . $this->getName() . "' id='" . $this->getName() . "' value='" . $date . "' />"; return $rtn; }
function show_rss_content() { global $xoopsConfig; include_once $GLOBALS['xoops']->path('class/template.php'); $tpl = new XoopsTpl(); $module = rmc_server_var($_GET, 'mod', ''); if ($module == '') { redirect_header('backend.php', 1, __('Choose an option to see its feed', 'rmcommon')); die; } if (!file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $module . '/rss.php')) { redirect_header('backend.php', 1, __('This module does not support rss feeds', 'rmcommon')); die; } $GLOBALS['xoopsLogger']->activated = false; if (function_exists('mb_http_output')) { mb_http_output('pass'); } header('Content-Type:text/xml; charset=utf-8'); include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $module . '/rss.php'; if (!isset($rss_channel['image'])) { $rmc_config = RMFunctions::configs(); $rss_channel['image']['url'] = $rmc_config['rssimage']; $dimention = getimagesize(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/images/logo.png'); $rss_channel['image']['width'] = $dimention[0] > 144 ? 144 : $dimention[0]; $rss_channel['image']['height'] = $dimention[1] > 400 ? 400 : $dimention[1]; } include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('rmc_rss.php', 'module', 'rmcommon'); }
/** * Modify the page output to include some new features * * @param mixed $output * @return string */ function cu_render_output($output) { global $xoTheme, $xoopsTpl; if (function_exists('xoops_cp_header')) { return $output; } $page = $output; if ($xoopsTpl) { if (defined('COMMENTS_INCLUDED') && COMMENTS_INCLUDED) { RMTemplate::get()->add_xoops_style('comments.css', 'rmcommon'); } } include_once RMTemplate::get()->tpl_path('rmc_header.php', 'rmcommon'); $rtn .= $scripts; $rtn .= $styles; $rtn .= $heads; $pos = strpos($page, "<!-- RMTemplateHeader -->"); if ($pos !== FALSE) { $page = str_replace('<!-- RMTemplateHeader -->', $rtn, $page); $page = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.end.flush', $page); return $page; } $pos = strpos($page, "</head>"); if ($pos === FALSE) { return $output; } $ret = substr($page, 0, $pos) . "\n"; $ret .= $rtn; $ret .= substr($page, $pos); $ret = RMEvents::get()->run_event('rmcommon.end.flush', $ret); return $ret; }
function show_group_form() { global $xoopsDB, $xoopsSecurity; $ajax = new Rmcommon_Ajax(); $ajax->prepare_ajax_response(); $id = RMHttpRequest::get('id', 'integer', 0); if ($id > 0) { $group = new Rmcommon_Group($id); if ($group->isNew()) { $ajax->ajax_response(__('The specified group does not exists!', 'rmcommon'), 1, 1); } } else { $group = new Rmcommon_Group(); } $result = $xoopsDB->query("SELECT * FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("modules") . " ORDER BY name ASC"); $modules = array(); $admin_rights = $group->load_permissions('module_admin'); $access_rights = $group->load_permissions('module_read'); while ($row = $xoopsDB->fetchArray($result)) { $modules[$row['mid']] = (object) $row; $modules[$row['mid']]->permissions = RMPrivileges::module_permissions($row['dirname']); $modules[$row['mid']]->privileges = RMPrivileges::read_permissions($row['dirname'], $group->id()); $modules[$row['mid']]->admin = isset($admin_rights[$row['mid']]); $modules[$row['mid']]->read = isset($access_rights[$row['mid']]); } ob_start(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('rmc-groups-form.php', 'module', 'rmcommon'); $content = ob_get_clean(); $ajax->ajax_response($group->isNew() ? __('Create new group', 'rmcommon') : sprintf(__('Edit group "%s"', 'rmcommon'), $group->getVar('name')), 0, 1, array('content' => $content, 'width' => 'xlarge', 'color' => 'green', 'windowId' => 'window-form-groups')); }
function show_rm_plugins() { $path = RMCPATH . '/plugins'; $dir_list = XoopsLists::getDirListAsArray($path); $available_plugins = array(); $installed_plugins = array(); foreach ($dir_list as $dir) { if (!file_exists($path . '/' . $dir . '/' . strtolower($dir) . '-plugin.php')) { continue; } $phand = new RMPlugin($dir); // PLugin handler if ($phand->isNew()) { $phand->setVar('dir', $dir); $available_plugins[] = $phand; } else { $installed_plugins[] = $phand; } } rm_reload_plugins(); RMFunctions::create_toolbar(); xoops_cp_header(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('rmc_plugins.php', 'module', 'rmcommon'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * Get the menu for the current module */ public function currentModuleMenu($m = '') { global $xoopsModule, $xoopsUser; if (!is_a($xoopsModule, 'XoopsModule')) { return false; } else { $mod = $xoopsModule; } // Check user if (!is_a($xoopsUser, 'XoopsUser')) { return false; } if (!$xoopsUser->isAdmin($mod->mid())) { return false; } $amenu = $mod->getAdminMenu(); $amenu = RMEvents::get()->run_event('', $amenu); if ($amenu) { foreach ($amenu as $menu) { RMTemplate::get()->add_menu($menu['title'], strpos($menu['link'], 'http://') !== FALSE && strpos($menu['link'], 'ftp://') !== FALSE ? $menu['link'] : XOOPS_URL . '/modules/' . $mod->getVar('dirname', 'n') . '/' . $menu['link'], isset($menu['icon']) ? $menu['icon'] : '', isset($menu['location']) ? $menu['location'] : '', isset($menu['options']) ? $menu['options'] : null); //RMTemplate::get()->add_tool($menu['title'], $menu['link'], isset($menu['icon']) ? $menu['icon'] : ''); } } if ($mod->hasconfig()) { RMTemplate::get()->add_menu(__('Settings', 'rmcommon'), XOOPS_URL . '/modules/system/admin.php?fct=preferences&op=showmod&mod=' . $mod->mid(), RMTHEMEURL . '/images/settings.png', ''); } }
/** * @desc Muestra la lista de categorías existentes */ function showCategories() { global $xoopsModuleConfig, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModule, $xoopsSecurity; $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM " . $db->prefix("bxpress_categories") . " ORDER BY `order`, title"); $categos = array(); while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $catego = new bXCategory(); $catego->assignVars($row); $categos[] = array('id' => $catego->id(), 'title' => $catego->title(), 'desc' => $catego->description(), 'status' => $catego->status()); } bXFunctions::menu_bar(); $form = new RMForm('', '', ''); $groups = new RMFormGroups('', 'groups', 1, 1, 2, array(0)); xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . __('Categories', 'bxpress')); xoops_cp_header(); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.checkboxes.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('admin.js', 'bxpress'); RMTemplate::get()->set_help(''); RMTemplate::get()->add_head('<script type="text/javascript"> var bx_select_message = "' . __('You must select a category at least in order to run this action!', 'bxpress') . '"; var bx_message = "' . __('Do you really want to delete selected categories?\\n\\nAll forums under this category will be deleted also!', 'bxpress') . '"; </script>'); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/forums_categos.php', 'module', 'bxpress'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
/** * Render the current crumbs array * * @return string */ public function render() { RMTemplate::get()->add_style('breadcrumb.css', 'rmcommon'); ob_start(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('rmc_breadcrumb.php', 'module', 'rmcommon'); $ret = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; }
/** * Show the Users field * This field needs that form.css, jquery.css and forms.js would be included. */ public function render() { RMTemplate::get()->add_script('forms.js', 'rmcommon', array('footer' => 1)); RMTemplate::get()->add_script('jquery.validate.min.js', 'rmcommon', array('directory' => 'include', 'footer' => 1)); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('forms.css', 'rmcommon'); if (function_exists("xoops_cp_header")) { RMTemplate::get()->add_style('jquery.css', 'rmcommon'); } else { RMTemplate::get()->add_style('jquery.css', 'rmcommon'); } $rtn = "<div id='" . $this->id() . "-users-container'" . ($this->getExtra() != '' ? " " . $this->getExtra() : '') . " class='form_users_container " . ($this->multi ? 'checkbox' : 'radio') . "'>\n\t\t\t\t<ul id='" . $this->id() . "-users-list'>"; $db = XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection(); if ($this->showall && in_array(0, $this->selected)) { $rtn .= "<li id='" . $this->id() . "-exmuser-0'>\n\n <label>\n <a href='javascript:;' onclick=\"users_field_name='" . $this->id() . "'; usersField.remove(0);\"><span>delete</span></a>\n <input type='" . ($this->multi ? 'checkbox' : 'radio') . "' name='" . ($this->multi ? $this->getName() . '[]' : $this->getName()) . "' id='" . $this->id() . "-0'\n\t\t\t\t \t\tvalue='0' checked='checked' /> " . __('All Users', 'rmcommon') . "\n </label></li>"; } if (is_array($this->selected) && !empty($this->selected) && !(count($this->selected) == 1 && $this->selected[0] == 0)) { $sql = "SELECT uid,uname FROM " . $db->prefix("users") . " WHERE "; $sql1 = ''; if ($this->multi) { foreach ($this->selected as $id) { if ($id != 0) { $sql1 .= $sql1 == '' ? "uid='{$id}'" : " OR uid='{$id}'"; } } } else { if ($this->selected[0] != 0) { $sql1 = "uid='" . $this->selected[0] . "'"; } } $result = $db->query($sql . $sql1); $selected = ''; while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) { $rtn .= "<li id='" . $this->id() . "-exmuser-{$row['uid']}'>\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<label>"; $rtn .= $this->can_change ? " <a href='#' onclick=\"users_field_name='" . $this->id() . "'; usersField.remove({$row['uid']});\"><span>delete</span></a>" : ''; $rtn .= "<input type='" . ($this->multi ? 'checkbox' : 'radio') . "' name='" . ($this->multi ? $this->getName() . '[]' : $this->getName()) . "' id='" . $this->id() . "-" . $row['uid'] . "'\n\t\t\t\t \t\tvalue='{$row['uid']}' checked='checked' /> \n {$row['uname']} "; $rtn .= "</label></li>"; } } $rtn .= "</ul><br />"; if ($this->can_change) { $rtn .= "<button type='button' class='btn btn-info btn-sm' onclick=\"usersField.form_search_users('" . $this->id() . "'," . $this->width . "," . $this->height . "," . $this->limit . "," . intval($this->multi) . ",'" . XOOPS_URL . "');\">" . __('Users...', 'rmcommon') . "</button>"; $rtn .= '<div class="modal fade smartb-form-dialog users-form-selector" id="' . $this->id() . '-dialog-search"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4 class="modal-title">' . __('Select users', 'rmcommon') . '</h4> </div> <div class="modal-body"> </div> </div> </div> </div>'; } $rtn .= '</div>'; return $rtn; }
function shop_widget_image() { global $edit, $id, $product; $widget['title'] = __('Product Image', 'shop'); ob_start(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('widgets/shop_w_image.php', 'module', 'shop'); $widget['content'] = ob_get_clean(); return $widget; }
/** * Render the current crumbs array * * @return string */ public function render() { global $cuIcons; RMTemplate::get()->add_style('breadcrumb.css', 'rmcommon'); ob_start(); include RMTemplate::get()->path('rmc-breadcrumb.php', 'module', 'rmcommon'); $ret = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; }
/** * @desc Visualiza todos los albums **/ function showAlbums() { global $tpl, $xoopsModule, $mc, $xoopsSecurity; define('RMSUBLOCATION', 'sets'); $db = Database::getInstance(); $page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1; $limit = 15; $sort = isset($_REQUEST['sort']) ? $_REQUEST['sort'] : 'id_set'; $mode = isset($_REQUEST['mode']) ? $_REQUEST['mode'] : 1; $search = isset($_REQUEST['search']) ? $_REQUEST['search'] : ''; $query = "search={$search}&page={$page}&sort={$sort}&mode={$mode}"; //Barra de Navegación $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " . $db->prefix('gs_sets'); $sql1 = ''; $words = array(); if ($search) { //Separamos en palabras $words = explode(" ", $search); foreach ($words as $k) { $k = trim($k); if (strlen($k) <= 2) { continue; } $sql1 .= $sql1 == '' ? " WHERE (title LIKE '%{$k}%' OR uname LIKE '%{$k}%')" : " OR (title LIKE '%{$k}%' OR uname LIKE '%{$k}%')"; } } list($num) = $db->fetchRow($db->query($sql . $sql1)); $start = $num <= 0 ? 0 : ($page - 1) * $limit; $tpages = ceil($num / $limit); $nav = new RMPageNav($num, $limit, $page, 5); $nav->target_url("sets.php?page={PAGE_NUM}&sort={$sort}&mode={$mode}&search={$search}"); //Fin de barra de navegación $sql = str_replace('COUNT(*)', '*', $sql); $sql2 = $sort ? " ORDER BY {$sort} " . ($mode ? "DESC" : "ASC ") : ''; $sql2 .= " LIMIT {$start},{$limit}"; $result = $db->query($sql . $sql1 . $sql2); $sets = array(); while ($rows = $db->fetchArray($result)) { foreach ($words as $k) { $rows['title'] = eregi_replace("({$k})", "<span class='searchResalte'>\\1</span>", $rows['title']); $rows['uname'] = eregi_replace("({$k})", "<span class='searchResalte'>\\1</span>", $rows['uname']); } $set = new GSSet(); $set->assignVars($rows); $sets[] = array('id' => $set->id(), 'title' => $set->title(), 'owner' => $set->uname(), 'public' => $set->isPublic(), 'date' => formatTimeStamp($set->date(), 'c'), 'pics' => $set->pics(), 'url' => $set->url()); } GSFunctions::toolbar(); xoops_cp_location("<a href='./'>" . $xoopsModule->name() . "</a> » " . __('Albums Management', 'galleries')); RMTemplate::get()->assign('xoops_pagetitle', 'Albums Management'); RMTemplate::get()->add_script(RMCURL . '/include/js/jquery.checkboxes.js'); RMTemplate::get()->add_head("<script type='text/javascript'>\n\n var delete_warning='" . __('Do you really wish to delete selected albums?', 'galleries') . "';\n\n var delete_formats='" . __('Do you really wish to delete all images formats for this album?\\nOnly deletes formats for albums, search and others, except normal thumbnails.', 'galleries') . "';\n\n </script>"); RMTemplate::get()->add_script('../include/js/gsscripts.php?file=sets'); $cHead = '<link href="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/galleries/styles/admin.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />'; xoops_cp_header($cHead); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('admin/gs_albums.php', 'module', 'galleries'); xoops_cp_footer(); }
public function menu_bar() { RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Dashboard', 'exmbb'), './index.php', '../images/dash.png', 'dashboard'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Categories', 'exmbb'), './categos.php', '../images/categos.png', 'categories'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Forums', 'exmbb'), './forums.php', '../images/forums.png', 'forums'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Announcements', 'exmbb'), './announcements.php', '../images/bell.png', 'messages'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Reports', 'exmbb'), './reports.php', '../images/reports.png', 'reports'); RMTemplate::get()->add_tool(__('Prune', 'exmbb'), './prune.php', '../images/prune.png', 'prune'); }
/** * Shows the initial panel with options to import */ public function panel() { require XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/mywords/include/mw-lang.php'; RMTemplate::getInstance()->add_style('importer.min.css', 'mywords', ['id' => 'importer-css']); RMTemplate::getInstance()->add_script('importer.min.js', 'mywords', ['id' => 'importer-js', 'directory' => 'include', 'footer' => 1]); RMTemplate::getInstance()->header(); RMTemplate::getInstance()->display('admin/mywords-importer.php'); RMTemplate::getInstance()->footer(); }
public function render() { RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('swfobject.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_local_script('jquery.uploadify.js', 'rmcommon', 'include'); RMTemplate::get()->add_style('uploadify.css', 'rmcommon'); ob_start(); include RMTemplate::get()->get_template('uploadify.js.php', 'module', 'rmcommon'); $script = ob_get_clean(); return $script; }