Esempio n. 1
  * Save all custom field values meta values for the post, this function assumes that 
  * $_POST['rc_cwp_meta_keys'] contains the names of the fields, while $_POST[{FIELD_NAME}]
  * contains the value of the field named {FIELD_NAME}
  * @param integer $postId
  * @return void
 function SetMetaValues($postId)
     global $wpdb;
     $customWritePanelId = $_POST['rc-cwp-custom-write-panel-id'];
     $customFieldKeys = $_POST['rc_cwp_meta_keys'];
     if (!empty($customWritePanelId) && !empty($customFieldKeys)) {
         // --- Delete old values
         foreach ($customFieldKeys as $key) {
             if (!empty($key)) {
                 list($customFieldId, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter, $groupId, $rawCustomFieldName) = split("_", $key, 5);
                 $customFieldName = $wpdb->escape(stripslashes(trim(RC_Format::GetFieldName($rawCustomFieldName))));
                 delete_post_meta($postId, $customFieldName);
         if ($the_post = wp_is_post_revision($postId)) {
             $postId = $the_post;
         $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_POST_META . " WHERE post_id={$postId}");
         $arr = array();
         foreach ($customFieldKeys as $key => $value) {
             list($customFieldId, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter, $groupId, $rawCustomFieldName) = split("_", $value, 5);
             $arr[$key]->id = $customFieldId;
             $arr[$key]->gc = $groupCounter;
             $arr[$key]->fc = $fieldCounter;
             $arr[$key]->gi = $groupId;
             $arr[$key]->fn = $rawCustomFieldName;
             $arr[$key]->ov = $value;
         // --- Add new meta data
         foreach ($arr as $key) {
             if (!empty($key)) {
                 if ($key->gi == 1) {
                     $order = 1;
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($_POST['order_' . $key->gi . '_' . $key->gc])) {
                         $order = $_POST['order_' . $key->gi . '_' . $key->gc];
                     } else {
                         $order = 1;
                 $customFieldValue = $_POST[$key->ov];
                 $customFieldName = $wpdb->escape(stripslashes(trim(RC_Format::GetFieldName($key->fn))));
                 // Prepare field value
                 if (is_array($customFieldValue)) {
                     $finalValue = array();
                     foreach ($customFieldValue as $value) {
                         $value = stripslashes(trim($value));
                         array_push($finalValue, $value);
                 } else {
                     $finalValue = stripslashes(trim($customFieldValue));
                 // Add field value meta data
                 add_post_meta($postId, $customFieldName, $finalValue);
                 // make sure meta is added to the post, not a revision
                 if ($the_post = wp_is_post_revision($postId)) {
                     $postId = $the_post;
                 $fieldMetaID = $wpdb->insert_id;
                 // Add field extended properties
                 $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO " . MF_TABLE_POST_META . " (id, field_name, group_count, field_count, post_id,order_id) " . " VALUES ({$fieldMetaID}, '{$customFieldName}', " . $key->gc . ", " . $key->fc . ", {$postId},{$order})");
  * Updates the basic information of a module
  * @param integer $customWriteModuleId the id of the module that will be updated
  * @param string $name new name
  * @param string $description new description
  * @return the id of the module or -1 if the module name already exist
 function Update($customWriteModuleId, $name, $description)
     require_once 'RC_Format.php';
     global $wpdb;
     //$capabilityName = RCCWP_CustomWriteModule::GetCapabilityName($name);
     $special_chars = array(' ', '`', '"', '\'', '\\', '/', " ", "#", "\$", "%", "^", "&", "*", "!", "~", "‘", "\"", "’", "'", "=", "?", "/", "[", "]", "(", ")", "|", "<", ">", ";", "\\", ",");
     $name = str_replace($special_chars, '', $name);
     //Make sure the module doesn't already exist
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . RC_CWP_TABLE_MODULES . " WHERE name = '" . $name . "' AND id <> {$customWriteModuleId}";
     if ($wpdb->get_row($sql)) {
         return -1;
     //Get old name
     $sql = "SELECT name FROM " . RC_CWP_TABLE_MODULES . " WHERE id = {$customWriteModuleId}";
     $originalModName = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
     $oldModuleTemplateFolder = FLUTTER_MODULES_DIR . $originalModName;
     // Update name
     $sql = sprintf("UPDATE " . RC_CWP_TABLE_MODULES . " SET name = %s," . "     description = %s" . " where id = %d", RC_Format::TextToSql($name), RC_Format::TextToSql($description), $customWriteModuleId);
     //Rename module folder
     $newModuleTemplateFolder = FLUTTER_MODULES_DIR . $name;
     rename($oldModuleTemplateFolder, $newModuleTemplateFolder);
     return $customWriteModuleId;
Esempio n. 3
  * Update the group
  * @param unknown_type $customWritePanelId
  * @param unknown_type $name group name
  * @param unknown_type $duplicate a boolean indicating whether the group can be duplicated
  * @param unknown_type $at_right a boolean indicating whether the group should be placed at right side. 
 function Update($customGroupId, $name, $duplicate, $at_right)
     require_once 'RC_Format.php';
     global $wpdb;
     //$capabilityName = RCCWP_CustomWriteModule::GetCapabilityName($name);
     $sql = sprintf("UPDATE " . RC_CWP_TABLE_PANEL_GROUPS . " SET name = %s , duplicate = %d, at_right = %d" . " where id = %d", RC_Format::TextToSql($name), $duplicate, $at_right, $customGroupId);
Esempio n. 4
  * Update the group
  * @param unknown_type $customWritePanelId
  * @param unknown_type $name group name
  * @param unknown_type $duplicate a boolean indicating whether the group can be duplicated
  * @param unknown_type $at_right a boolean indicating whether the group should be placed at right side. 
 function Update($customGroupId, $name, $duplicate, $expanded, $at_right)
     require_once 'RC_Format.php';
     global $wpdb;
     $sql = sprintf("UPDATE " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_GROUPS . " SET name = %s , duplicate = %d, expanded = %d, at_right = %d" . " where id = %d", RC_Format::TextToSql($name), $duplicate, $expanded, $at_right, $customGroupId);
Esempio n. 5
  * Updates the properties of a custom field.
  * @param integer $customFieldId the id of the field to be updated
  * @param string $name the name of the field, the name is used to uniquely identify the field
  * 							when retrieving its value.
  * @param string $label the label of the field, the label is displayed beside the field
  * 							in Write tab. 
  * @param integer $order the order of the field when it is displayed in 
  * 							the Write tab.
  * @param integer $required_field whether this field is a required field. Required fields
  * 							doesn't allow users to save a post if they are null. 
  * @param integer $type the type of the field. Use $FIELD_TYPES defined in RCCWP_Constant.php
  * @param array $options array of strings that represent the list of the field if
  * 							its type is list.
  * @param array $default_value array of strings that represent default value(s) of
  * 							of the field if	its type is list.
  * @param array $properties an array containing extra properties of the field.
 function Update($customFieldId, $name, $label, $order = 1, $required_field = 0, $type, $options = null, $default_value = null, $properties = null, $duplicate)
     global $wpdb;
     $oldCustomField = RCCWP_CustomField::Get($customFieldId);
     if ($oldCustomField->name != $name) {
         $sql = sprintf("UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta}" . " SET meta_key = %s" . " WHERE meta_key = %s", RC_Format::TextToSql($name), RC_Format::TextToSql($oldCustomField->name));
     $sql = sprintf("UPDATE " . RC_CWP_TABLE_GROUP_FIELDS . " SET name = %s" . " , description = %s" . " , display_order = %d" . " , required_field = %d" . " , type = %d" . " , CSS = '%s'" . " , duplicate = %d" . " WHERE id = %d", RC_Format::TextToSql($name), RC_Format::TextToSql($label), $order, $required_field, $type, $_POST['custom-field-css'], $duplicate, $customFieldId);
     $field_type = RCCWP_CustomField::GetCustomFieldTypes($type);
     if ($field_type->has_options == "true") {
         if (!is_array($options)) {
             $options = stripslashes($options);
             $options = explode("\n", $options);
         array_walk($options, array(RC_Format, TrimArrayValues));
         $options = addslashes(serialize($options));
         if (!is_array($default_value)) {
             $default_value = stripslashes($default_value);
             $default_value = explode("\n", $default_value);
         array_walk($default_value, array(RC_Format, TrimArrayValues));
         $default_value = addslashes(serialize($default_value));
         $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO " . RC_CWP_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTIONS . " (custom_field_id, options, default_option) values (%d, %s, %s)" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE options = %s, default_option = %s", $customFieldId, RC_Format::TextToSql($options), RC_Format::TextToSql($default_value), RC_Format::TextToSql($options), RC_Format::TextToSql($default_value));
     } else {
         $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM " . RC_CWP_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTIONS . " WHERE custom_field_id = %d", $customFieldId);
     if ($field_type->has_properties == "true") {
         $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO " . RC_CWP_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_PROPERTIES . " (custom_field_id, properties) values (%d, %s)" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE properties = %s", $customFieldId, RC_Format::TextToSql(serialize($properties)), RC_Format::TextToSql(serialize($properties)));
     } else {
         $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM " . RC_CWP_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_PROPERTIES . " WHERE custom_field_id = %d", $customFieldId);
  * Updates the properties of a write panel
  * @param integer $customWritePanelId panel id
  * @param string $name write panel name
  * @param string $description write panel description
  * @param array $standardFields a list of standard fields ids that are to be displayed in 
  * 							in the panel. Use $STANDARD_FIELDS defined in RCCWP_Constant.php
  * @param array $categories array of category ids that are checked by default when the user
  * 							opens Write tab for that panel.
  * @param integer $display_order the order of the panel in Magic Fields > Write Panels tab
  * @param string $type 'post' or 'page'
 function Update($customWritePanelId, $name, $description = '', $standardFields = array(), $categories = array(), $display_order = 1, $type = FALSE, $createDefaultGroup = true, $single_post = 0, $default_theme_page = NULL, $default_parent_page = NULL)
     include_once 'RC_Format.php';
     global $wpdb;
     $capabilityName = RCCWP_CustomWritePanel::GetCapabilityName($name);
     $sql = sprintf("UPDATE " . MF_TABLE_PANELS . " SET name = %s" . " , description = %s" . " , display_order = %d" . " , capability_name = %s" . " , type = %s" . " , single = %s" . " where id = %d", RC_Format::TextToSql($name), RC_Format::TextToSql($description), $display_order, RC_Format::TextToSql($capabilityName), RC_Format::TextToSql($_POST['radPostPage']), $single_post, $customWritePanelId);
     if (!isset($categories) || empty($categories)) {
         $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_CATEGORY . " WHERE panel_id = %d", $customWritePanelId);
     } else {
         $currentCategoryIds = array();
         $currentCategoryIds = RCCWP_CustomWritePanel::GetAssignedCategoryIds($customWritePanelId);
         $keepCategoryIds = array_intersect($currentCategoryIds, $categories);
         $deleteCategoryIds = array_diff($currentCategoryIds, $keepCategoryIds);
         $insertCategoryIds = array_diff($categories, $keepCategoryIds);
         foreach ($insertCategoryIds as $cat_id) {
             $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_CATEGORY . " (panel_id, cat_id)" . " values (%d, %d)", $customWritePanelId, $cat_id);
         if (!empty($deleteCategoryIds)) {
             $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_CATEGORY . " WHERE panel_id = %d" . " AND cat_id IN (%s)", $customWritePanelId, implode(',', $deleteCategoryIds));
     if (!isset($standardFields) || empty($standardFields)) {
         $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_STANDARD_FIELD . " WHERE panel_id = %d", $customWritePanelId);
     } else {
         $currentStandardFieldIds = array();
         $currentStandardFieldIds = RCCWP_CustomWritePanel::GetStandardFields($customWritePanelId);
         $keepStandardFieldIds = array_intersect($currentStandardFieldIds, $standardFields);
         $deleteStandardFieldIds = array_diff($currentStandardFieldIds, $keepStandardFieldIds);
         $insertStandardFieldIds = array_diff($standardFields, $keepStandardFieldIds);
         foreach ($insertStandardFieldIds as $standard_field_id) {
             $sql = sprintf("INSERT INTO " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_STANDARD_FIELD . " (panel_id, standard_field_id)" . " values (%d, %d)", $customWritePanelId, $standard_field_id);
         if (!empty($deleteStandardFieldIds)) {
             $sql = sprintf("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_PANEL_STANDARD_FIELD . " WHERE panel_id = %d" . " AND standard_field_id IN (%s)", $customWritePanelId, implode(',', $deleteStandardFieldIds));
     if ($default_theme_page) {
         $theme_key = "t_" . $name;
         //check if exist template in postmeta
         $check_template = "SELECT meta_id FROM " . $wpdb->postmeta . " WHERE meta_key='" . $theme_key . "' ";
         $query_template = $wpdb->query($check_template);
         if ($query_template) {
             $sql = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->postmeta . " SET meta_value = '" . $default_theme_page . "' " . " WHERE meta_key = '" . $theme_key . "' AND post_id = '0' ";
         } else {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpdb->postmeta . " (meta_key, meta_value) " . " VALUES ('" . $theme_key . "', '" . $default_theme_page . "')";
     if ($default_parent_page && $default_parent_page >= 0) {
         $parent_key = "p_" . $name;
         //check if exist parent in postmeta
         $check_parent = "SELECT meta_id FROM " . $wpdb->postmeta . " WHERE meta_key='" . $parent_key . "' ";
         $query_parent = $wpdb->query($check_parent);
         if ($query_parent) {
             $sql = "UPDATE " . $wpdb->postmeta . " SET meta_value = '" . $default_parent_page . "' " . " WHERE meta_key = '" . $parent_key . "' AND post_id = '0' ";
         } else {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $wpdb->postmeta . " (meta_key, meta_value) " . " VALUES ('" . $parent_key . "', '" . $default_parent_page . "')";
     } elseif ($default_parent_page == -1) {
         delete_post_meta(0, "p_" . $name, $value);
Esempio n. 7
     * @todo Add documentation
    function CustomFieldInterface($customFieldId, $groupCounter = 1, $fieldCounter = 1, $customGroup_id = 0)
        global $mf_domain;
        require_once "RC_Format.php";
        $customField = RCCWP_CustomField::Get($customFieldId);
        $customFieldName = RC_Format::GetInputName(attribute_escape($customField->name));
        $customFieldTitle = attribute_escape($customField->description);
        $customFieldHelp = htmlentities2($customField->help_text);
        $groupId = $customGroup_id;
        $inputName = $customFieldId . "_" . $groupCounter . "_" . $fieldCounter . "_" . $groupId . "_" . $customFieldName;
        // Create input tag name
        if ($fieldCounter > 1 && $customField->duplicate == 0) {
        if ($fieldCounter > 1) {
            $titleCounter = " ({$fieldCounter})";
        $field_group = RCCWP_CustomGroup::Get($customField->group_id);
		<div class="mf-field <?php 
        echo str_replace(" ", "_", $customField->type);
" id="row_<?php 
        echo $inputName;
			<label for="<?php 
        echo $inputName;
        if (empty($titleCounter)) {
            $titleCounter = "";
        echo $customFieldTitle . $titleCounter;
        if (!empty($customFieldHelp)) {
					<small class="tip">(what's this?)<span class="field_help"><?php 
            echo $customFieldHelp;
				<p class="error_msg_txt" id="fieldcellerror_<?php 
        echo $inputName;
" style="display:none"></p>
        switch ($customField->type) {
            case 'Textbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::TextboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Multiline Textbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::MultilineTextboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Checkbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::CheckboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Checkbox List':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::CheckboxListInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Radiobutton List':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::RadiobuttonListInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Dropdown List':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::DropdownListInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Listbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::ListboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'File':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::FileInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Image':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::PhotoInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Date':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::DateInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Audio':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::AudioInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Color Picker':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::ColorPickerInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Slider':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::SliderInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Related Type':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::RelatedTypeInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
        if ($fieldCounter == 1) {
            if ($customField->duplicate != 0) {
					<br />
					 <a class ="typeHandler" href="javascript:void(0);" id="type_handler-<?php 
                echo $inputName;
" > 
						<img class="duplicate_image"  src="<?php 
                echo MF_URI;
images/duplicate.png" alt="<?php 
                _e('Add field duplicate', $mf_domain);
"/>  <?php 
                _e('Duplicate', $mf_domain);
        } else {
					<br />
					<a class ="delete_duplicate_field" href="javascript:void(0)" id="delete_field_repeat-<?php 
            echo $inputName;
						<img class="duplicate_image"  src="<?php 
            echo MF_URI;
images/delete.png" alt="<?php 
            _e('Remove field duplicate', $mf_domain);
 "/> <?php 
            _e('Remove', $mf_domain);
				<input type="hidden" name="rc_cwp_meta_keys[]" value="<?php 
        echo $inputName;
" />
Esempio n. 8
    function CustomFieldInterface($customFieldId, $groupCounter = 1, $fieldCounter = 1, $customGroup_id = 0)
        global $flutter_domain;
        require_once "RC_Format.php";
        $customField = RCCWP_CustomField::Get($customFieldId);
        $customFieldName = RC_Format::GetInputName(attribute_escape($customField->name));
        $customFieldTitle = attribute_escape($customField->description);
        $groupId = $customGroup_id;
        $inputName = $customFieldId . "_" . $groupCounter . "_" . $fieldCounter . "_" . $groupId . "_" . $customFieldName;
        // Create input tag name
        if ($fieldCounter > 1 && $customField->duplicate == 0) {
        if ($fieldCounter > 1) {
            $titleCounter = " ({$fieldCounter})";
        $field_group = RCCWP_CustomGroup::Get($customField->group_id);
		<tr class="form-field" id="row_<?php 
        echo $inputName;
        // If the field is at right, put the header over the field
        if ($field_group->at_right) {
				<label style="font-weight:bold" for="<?php 
            echo $inputName;
            echo $customFieldTitle . $titleCounter;
				<br />
        } else {
			<th valign="top" scope="row">
				<label for="<?php 
            echo $inputName;
            echo $customFieldTitle . $titleCounter;
				<p class="error_msg_txt" id="fieldcellerror_<?php 
        echo $inputName;
" style="display:none"></p>
        switch ($customField->type) {
            case 'Textbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::TextboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Multiline Textbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::MultilineTextboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Checkbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::CheckboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Checkbox List':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::CheckboxListInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Radiobutton List':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::RadiobuttonListInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Dropdown List':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::DropdownListInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Listbox':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::ListboxInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'File':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::FileInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Image':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::PhotoInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Date':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::DateInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Audio':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::AudioInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Color Picker':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::ColorPickerInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
            case 'Slider':
                RCCWP_WritePostPage::SliderInterface($customField, $inputName, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter);
        if ($fieldCounter == 1) {
            if ($customField->duplicate != 0) {
					<br />
					 <a class ="typeHandler" href="javascript:void(0);" id="type_handler-<?php 
                echo $inputName;
" > 
						<img class="duplicate_image"  src="<?php 
                echo FLUTTER_URI;
images/duplicate.png" alt="<?php 
                _e('Add field duplicate', $flutter_domain);
"/>  <?php 
                _e('Duplicate', $flutter_domain);
        } else {
					<br />
					<a class ="delete_duplicate_field" href="javascript:void(0)" id="delete_field_repeat-<?php 
            echo $inputName;
						<img class="duplicate_image"  src="<?php 
            echo FLUTTER_URI;
images/delete.png" alt="<?php 
            _e('Remove field duplicate', $flutter_domain);
 "/> <?php 
            _e('Remove', $flutter_domain);
				<input type="hidden" name="rc_cwp_meta_keys[]" value="<?php 
        echo $inputName;
" />
Esempio n. 9
  * Updates the properties of a custom field.
  * @param integer $customFieldId the id of the field to be updated
  * @param string $name the name of the field, the name is used to uniquely identify the field
  * 							when retrieving its value.
  * @param string $label the label of the field, the label is displayed beside the field
  * 							in Write tab. 
  * @param integer $order the order of the field when it is displayed in 
  * 							the Write tab.
  * @param integer $required_field whether this field is a required field. Required fields
  * 							doesn't allow users to save a post if they are null. 
  * @param integer $type the type of the field. Use $FIELD_TYPES defined in MF_Constant.php
  * @param array $options array of strings that represent the list of the field if
  * 							its type is list.
  * @param array $default_value array of strings that represent default value(s) of
  * 							of the field if	its type is list.
  * @param array $properties an array containing extra properties of the field.
 public static function Update($customFieldId, $name, $label, $order = 1, $required_field = 0, $type, $options = null, $default_value = null, $properties = null, $duplicate, $helptext = null)
     global $wpdb;
     $oldCustomField = RCCWP_CustomField::Get($customFieldId);
     $name = htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     $name = str_replace(" ", "_", $name);
     $label = htmlspecialchars($label, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     $helptext = htmlspecialchars($helptext, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
     if ($oldCustomField->name != $name) {
         $sql = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE {$wpdb->postmeta} SET meta_key = %s WHERE meta_key = %s", array($name, $oldCustomField->name));
     $css = NULL;
     if (isset($_POST['custom-field-css'])) {
         $css = $_POST['custom-field-css'];
     $sql = $wpdb->prepare("UPDATE " . MF_TABLE_GROUP_FIELDS . " SET name = %s" . " , description = %s" . " , display_order = %d" . " , required_field = %d" . " , type = %d" . " , CSS = '%s'" . " , duplicate = %d" . " , help_text = %s" . " WHERE id = %d", array(RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($name), RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($label), $order, $required_field, $type, $css, $duplicate, RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($helptext), $customFieldId));
     $field_type = RCCWP_CustomField::GetCustomFieldTypes($type);
     if ($field_type->has_options == "true") {
         if (!is_array($options)) {
             $options = stripslashes($options);
             $options = explode("\n", $options);
         array_walk($options, array("RC_Format", "TrimArrayValues"));
         $options = addslashes(serialize($options));
         if (!is_array($default_value)) {
             $default_value = stripslashes($default_value);
             $default_value = explode("\n", $default_value);
         array_walk($default_value, array("RC_Format", "TrimArrayValues"));
         $default_value = addslashes(serialize($default_value));
         $sql = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . MF_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTIONS . " (custom_field_id, options, default_option) values (%d, %s, %s)" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE options = %s, default_option = %s", array($customFieldId, RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($options), RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($default_value), RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($options), RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt($default_value)));
     } else {
         $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_OPTIONS . " WHERE custom_field_id = %d", array($customFieldId));
     if ($field_type->has_properties == "true") {
         $sql = $wpdb->prepare("INSERT INTO " . MF_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_PROPERTIES . " (custom_field_id, properties) values (%d, %s)" . " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE properties = %s", array($customFieldId, RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt(serialize($properties)), RC_Format::TextToSqlAlt(serialize($properties))));
     } else {
         $sql = $wpdb->prepare("DELETE FROM " . MF_TABLE_CUSTOM_FIELD_PROPERTIES . " WHERE custom_field_id = %d", array($customFieldId));
Esempio n. 10
  * Save all custom field values meta values for the post, this function assumes that 
  * $_POST['rc_cwp_meta_keys'] contains the names of the fields, while $_POST[{FIELD_NAME}]
  * contains the value of the field named {FIELD_NAME}
  * @param unknown_type $postId
  * @return unknown
 function SetMetaValues($postId)
     global $wpdb;
     $customWritePanelId = $_POST['rc-cwp-custom-write-panel-id'];
     $customFieldKeys = $_POST['rc_cwp_meta_keys'];
     if (!empty($customWritePanelId) && !empty($customFieldKeys)) {
         // --- Delete old values
         foreach ($customFieldKeys as $key) {
             if (!empty($key)) {
                 list($customFieldId, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter, $groupId, $rawCustomFieldName) = split("_", $key, 5);
                 $customFieldName = $wpdb->escape(stripslashes(trim(RC_Format::GetFieldName($rawCustomFieldName))));
                 delete_post_meta($postId, $customFieldName);
         if ($the_post = wp_is_post_revision($postId)) {
             $postId = $the_post;
         $wpdb->query("DELETE FROM " . RC_CWP_TABLE_POST_META . " WHERE post_id={$postId}");
         // --- Make sure all groups/fields duplicates are in sequence,
         //		i.e. there is no gap due to removing items
         $arr = array();
         foreach ($customFieldKeys as $key => $value) {
             list($customFieldId, $groupCounter, $fieldCounter, $groupId, $rawCustomFieldName) = split("_", $value, 5);
             $arr[$key]->id = $customFieldId;
             $arr[$key]->gc = $groupCounter;
             $arr[$key]->fc = $fieldCounter;
             $arr[$key]->gi = $groupId;
             $arr[$key]->fn = $rawCustomFieldName;
             $arr[$key]->ov = $value;
         					if( $arr[$i]->id == $arr[$j]->id )
         						if( $arr[$i]->gc == $arr[$j]->gc )
         							if( $arr[$i]->fc < $arr[$j]->fc )
         								$t = $arr[$i] ;
         								$arr[$i] = $arr[$j] ;
         								$arr[$j] = $t ;
         						else if( $arr[$i]->gc < $arr[$j]->gc )
         							$t = $arr[$i] ;
         							$arr[$i] = $arr[$j] ;
         							$arr[$j] = $t ;
         					else if( $arr[$i]->id < $arr[$j]->id )
         						$t = $arr[$i] ;
         						$arr[$i] = $arr[$j] ;
         						$arr[$j] = $t ;
         				if( $arr[$i]->id != $currentFieldID )
         					$currentFieldID = $arr[$i]->id ;
         					$currentG = $arr[$i]->gc ;
         					$GC = 1 ;
         					$FC = 1 ;
         				else if( $arr[$i]->gc != $currentG )
         					$GC ++ ;
         					$FC = 1 ;
         					$currentG = $arr[$i]->gc ;
         				else $FC ++ ;
         				$arr[$i]->fc = $FC ;
         				$arr[$i]->gc = $GC ;
         // --- Add new meta data
         foreach ($arr as $key) {
             if (!empty($key)) {
                 if ($key->gi == 1) {
                     $order = 1;
                 } else {
                     if (!empty($_POST['order_' . $key->gi . '_' . $key->gc])) {
                         $order = $_POST['order_' . $key->gi . '_' . $key->gc];
                     } else {
                         $order = 1;
                 $customFieldValue = $_POST[$key->ov];
                 $customFieldName = $wpdb->escape(stripslashes(trim(RC_Format::GetFieldName($key->fn))));
                 // Prepare field value
                 if (is_array($customFieldValue)) {
                     $finalValue = array();
                     foreach ($customFieldValue as $value) {
                         $value = stripslashes(trim($value));
                         array_push($finalValue, $value);
                         //add_post_meta($postId, $customFieldName, $value);
                 } else {
                     $finalValue = stripslashes(trim($customFieldValue));
                 // Add field value meta data
                 add_post_meta($postId, $customFieldName, $finalValue);
                 // make sure meta is added to the post, not a revision
                 if ($the_post = wp_is_post_revision($postId)) {
                     $postId = $the_post;
                 $fieldMetaID = $wpdb->insert_id;
                 // Add field extended properties
                 $wpdb->query("INSERT INTO " . RC_CWP_TABLE_POST_META . " (id, field_name, group_count, field_count, post_id,order_id) " . " VALUES ({$fieldMetaID}, '{$customFieldName}', " . $key->gc . ", " . $key->fc . ", {$postId},{$order})");