
require_once '../QuickBooks.php';
$Customer = new QuickBooks_QBXML_Object_Customer();
$Customer->setName('Child Derpé Customer Name');
// Set the parent of the customer
$Customer->setParentFullName('Parent & Customer Name');
// You could also set the parent customer by ListID too
Esempio n. 2
 function _quickbooks_customer_add_request($requestID, $user, $action, $ID, $extra, &$err, $last_action_time, $last_actionident_time, $version, $locale)
     //Fetch the customer using ORM with the unique ID
     $mycustomer = ORM::factory('customer', $ID);
     //Fetch all your customer details using the ID passed back up to this function
     $firstname = $mycustomer->firstname;
     $lastname = $mycustomer->lastname;
     $fullname = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname;
     //Generate a QBXML object
     $Customer = new QuickBooks_QBXML_Object_Customer();
     //Format the proper QBXML to return to the web connector
     $qbxml = $Customer->asQBXML('CustomerAddRq');
     $qbxml = $this->formatForOutput($qbxml);
     //Log that the customer has been generated
     Kohana::$log->add(Log::NOTICE, "\nCustomer QBXML:\n" . $qbxml);
     //send down to web connector
     return $qbxml;