Esempio n. 1
  * Builds and returns the query string
  * @param mixed $conn Database connection to use
  * @return QueryStatement
 function getQuery(PDO $conn = null)
     if (null === $conn && class_exists('DBManager')) {
         $conn = DBManager::getConnection();
     // the QueryStatement for the Query
     $stmnt = new QueryStatement($conn);
     // the string $statement will use
     $qry_s = '';
     $action = $this->_action;
     switch ($action) {
         case self::ACTION_COUNT:
         case self::ACTION_SELECT:
             $columns_stmnt = $this->getColumnsClause($conn);
             $qry_s .= 'SELECT ' . $columns_stmnt->string . "\nFROM ";
         case self::ACTION_DELETE:
             $qry_s .= "DELETE\nFROM ";
         case self::ACTION_UPDATE:
             $qry_s .= "UPDATE\n";
     $table_stmnt = $this->getTablesClause($conn);
     $qry_s .= $table_stmnt->string;
     if ($this->_joins) {
         foreach ($this->_joins as $join) {
             $join_stmnt = $join->getQueryStatement($conn);
             $qry_s .= "\n\t" . $join_stmnt->string;
     if (self::ACTION_UPDATE === $action) {
         if (empty($this->_updateColumnValues)) {
             throw new RuntimeException('Unable to build UPDATE query without update column values');
         $column_updates = array();
         foreach ($this->_updateColumnValues as $column_name => &$column_value) {
             $column_updates[] = QueryStatement::IDENTIFIER . '=' . QueryStatement::PARAM;
         $qry_s .= "\nSET " . implode(',', $column_updates);
     $where_stmnt = $this->getWhereClause();
     if (null !== $where_stmnt && $where_stmnt->string !== '') {
         $qry_s .= "\nWHERE " . $where_stmnt->string;
     if ($this->_groups) {
         $clause = $this->getGroupByClause();
         $qry_s .= $clause->string;
     if (null !== $this->getHaving()) {
         $having_stmnt = $this->getHaving()->getQueryStatement();
         if (null !== $having_stmnt) {
             $qry_s .= "\nHAVING " . $having_stmnt->string;
     if ($action !== self::ACTION_COUNT && $this->_orders) {
         $clause = $this->getOrderByClause();
         $qry_s .= $clause->string;
     if (null !== $this->_limit) {
         if ($conn) {
             if (class_exists('DBMSSQL') && $conn instanceof DBMSSQL) {
                 $qry_s = QueryStatement::embedIdentifiers($qry_s, $stmnt->getIdentifiers(), $conn);
             $conn->applyLimit($qry_s, $this->_offset, $this->_limit);
         } else {
             $qry_s .= "\nLIMIT " . ($this->_offset ? $this->_offset . ', ' : '') . $this->_limit;
     if (self::ACTION_COUNT === $action && $this->needsComplexCount()) {
         $qry_s = "SELECT count(0)\nFROM ({$qry_s}) a";
     $stmnt->string = $qry_s;
     return $stmnt;
Esempio n. 2
  * @return QueryStatement
 private static function processCondition($left = null, $right = null, $operator = Query::EQUAL, $quote = null)
     if ($left instanceof QueryStatement && 1 === func_num_args()) {
         return $left;
     $statement = new QueryStatement();
     // Left can be a Condition
     if ($left instanceof self) {
         $clause_statement = $left->getQueryStatement();
         if (null === $clause_statement) {
             return null;
         $clause_statement->string = '(' . $clause_statement->string . ')';
         return $clause_statement;
     if (null === $quote) {
         // You can skip $operator and specify $quote with parameter 3
         if (is_int($operator)) {
             $quote = $operator;
             $operator = Query::EQUAL;
         } else {
             $quote = self::QUOTE_RIGHT;
     if (Query::BEGINS_WITH === $operator) {
         $right .= '%';
         $operator = Query::LIKE;
     } elseif (Query::ENDS_WITH === $operator) {
         $right = '%' . $right;
         $operator = Query::LIKE;
     } elseif (Query::CONTAINS === $operator) {
         $right = '%' . $right . '%';
         $operator = Query::LIKE;
     // Escape $left
     if ($quote === self::QUOTE_LEFT || $quote === self::QUOTE_BOTH) {
         $left = QueryStatement::PARAM;
     } else {
         $left = QueryStatement::IDENTIFIER;
     $is_query = $right instanceof Query;
     $is_array = false === $is_query && is_array($right);
     if ($is_array || $is_query) {
         if (false === $is_query || 1 !== $right->getLimit()) {
             // Convert any sort of equality operator to something suitable for arrays
             switch ($operator) {
                 // Various forms of equal
                 case Query::IN:
                 case Query::EQUAL:
                     $operator = Query::IN;
                 case Query::BETWEEN:
                     // Various forms of not equal
                 // Various forms of not equal
                 case Query::NOT_IN:
                 case Query::NOT_EQUAL:
                 case Query::ALT_NOT_EQUAL:
                     $operator = Query::NOT_IN;
                     throw new Exception('Operator "' . $operator . '" cannot be used for comparing an array.');
         // Right can be a Query, if you're trying to nest queries, like "WHERE MyColumn = (SELECT OtherColumn From MyTable LIMIT 1)"
         if ($is_query) {
             if (!$right->getTable()) {
                 throw new Exception('right does not have a table, so it cannot be nested.');
             $clause_statement = $right->getQuery();
             if (null === $clause_statement) {
                 return null;
             $right = '(' . $clause_statement->string . ')';
             if ($quote !== self::QUOTE_LEFT) {
                 $quote = self::QUOTE_NONE;
         } elseif ($is_array) {
             $array_len = count($right);
             // BETWEEN
             if (2 === $array_len && $operator === Query::BETWEEN) {
                 $statement->string = $left . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . QueryStatement::PARAM . ' AND ' . QueryStatement::PARAM;
                 return $statement;
             } elseif (0 === $array_len) {
                 // Handle empty arrays
                 if ($operator === Query::IN) {
                     $statement->string = '(0 = 1)';
                     return $statement;
                 } elseif ($operator === Query::NOT_IN) {
                     return null;
             } elseif ($quote === self::QUOTE_RIGHT || $quote === self::QUOTE_BOTH) {
                 $r_string = '(';
                 for ($x = 0; $x < $array_len; ++$x) {
                     if (0 < $x) {
                         $r_string .= ',';
                     $r_string .= QueryStatement::PARAM;
                 $right = $r_string . ')';
     } else {
         if (null === $right) {
             if ($operator === Query::NOT_EQUAL || $operator === Query::ALT_NOT_EQUAL) {
                 // IS NOT NULL
                 $operator = Query::IS_NOT_NULL;
             } elseif ($operator === Query::EQUAL) {
                 // IS NULL
                 $operator = Query::IS_NULL;
         if ($operator === Query::IS_NULL || $operator === Query::IS_NOT_NULL) {
             $right = null;
         } elseif ($quote === self::QUOTE_RIGHT || $quote == self::QUOTE_BOTH) {
             $right = QueryStatement::PARAM;
     if (!in_array($operator, Query::$operators, true)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('"' . $operator . '" is not a valid SQL operator.');
     $statement->string = $left . ' ' . $operator . ' ' . $right;
     return $statement;