Esempio n. 1
  * insert
  * @access public
  * @return boolean
 public function insert()
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('rateit_log'));
     $this->newfields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     // Make sure the id is set in the comment object to match the row id
     $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $this->newfields);
     $this->newfields = array();
     return $result;
Esempio n. 2
  * Save a new UserGroup to the UserGroup table
 public function insert()
     $exists = DB::get_value('SELECT count(1) FROM {groups} WHERE name = ?', array($this->name));
     if ($exists) {
         return false;
     $allow = true;
     // plugins have the opportunity to prevent insertion
     $allow = Plugins::filter('usergroup_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
         return false;
     Plugins::act('usergroup_insert_before', $this);
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('groups'));
     $this->fields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('New group created: %s'), $this->name), 'info', 'default', 'habari');
     Plugins::act('usergroup_insert_after', $this);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 3
  * function insert
  * Saves a new tag into the tags table
 public function insert()
     $allow = true;
     $allow = Plugins::filter('tag_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
     Plugins::act('tag_insert_before', $this);
     // Invoke plugins for all fields, since they're all "changed" when inserted
     foreach ($this->fields as $fieldname => $value) {
         Plugins::act('tag_update_' . $fieldname, $this, $this->id == 0 ? null : $value, $this->{$fieldname});
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('tags'));
     $this->newfields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     // Make sure the id is set in the Tag object to match the row id
     $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $this->newfields);
     $this->newfields = array();
     EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('New tag %1$s (%2$s);  Slug: %3$s'), $this->id, $this->tag_text, $this->tag_slug), 'info', 'content', 'habari');
     Plugins::act('tag_insert_after', $this);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 4
	 * function insert
	 * Saves a new post to the posts table
	public function insert()
		$this->newfields['updated'] = HabariDateTime::date_create();
		$this->newfields['modified'] = $this->newfields['updated'];
		if ( $this->pubdate->int > HabariDateTime::date_create()->int && $this->status == Post::status( 'published' ) ) {
			$this->status = Post::status( 'scheduled' );

		$allow = true;
		$allow = Plugins::filter( 'post_insert_allow', $allow, $this );
		if ( ! $allow ) {
		Plugins::act( 'post_insert_before', $this );

		// Invoke plugins for all fields, since they're all "changed" when inserted
		foreach ( $this->fields as $fieldname => $value ) {
			Plugins::act( 'post_update_' . $fieldname, $this, ( $this->id == 0 ) ? null : $value, $this->$fieldname );
		// invoke plugins for status changes
		Plugins::act( 'post_status_' . self::status_name( $this->status ), $this, null );

		$result = parent::insertRecord( DB::table( 'posts' ) );
		$this->newfields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id(); // Make sure the id is set in the post object to match the row id
		$this->fields = array_merge( $this->fields, $this->newfields );
		$this->newfields = array();
		$this->info->commit( DB::last_insert_id() );
		EventLog::log( sprintf( _t( 'New post %1$s (%2$s);  Type: %3$s; Status: %4$s' ), $this->id, $this->slug, Post::type_name( $this->content_type ), $this->statusname ), 'info', 'content', 'habari' );
		Plugins::act( 'post_insert_after', $this );

		//scheduled post
		if ( $this->status == Post::status( 'scheduled' ) ) {

		return $result;
Esempio n. 5
  * Saves a new comment to the comments table
  * @return integer|boolean The inserted record id on success, false if not
 public function insert()
     $allow = true;
     $allow = Plugins::filter('comment_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
         return false;
     Plugins::act('comment_insert_before', $this);
     // Invoke plugins for all fields, since they're all "changed" when inserted
     foreach ($this->fields as $fieldname => $value) {
         Plugins::act('comment_update_' . $fieldname, $this, $this->{$fieldname}, $value);
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('comments'));
     $this->newfields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     // Make sure the id is set in the comment object to match the row id
     $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $this->newfields);
     $this->newfields = array();
     Plugins::act('comment_insert_after', $this);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 6
  * Saves a new rewrite rule to the rewrite_rules table
 public function insert()
     return parent::insertRecord(DB::table('rewrite_rules'));
Esempio n. 7
  * Saves a new cron job to the crontab table.
  * @see QueryRecord::insertRecord()
  * @return CronJob The newly inserted cron job, or false if failed.
 public function insert()
     return parent::insertRecord(DB::table('crontab'));
Esempio n. 8
	 * function insert
	 * Saves a new term to the terms table
	public function insert()

		// Let plugins disallow and act before we write to the database
		$allow = true;
		$allow = Plugins::filter( 'term_insert_allow', $allow, $this );
		if ( !$allow ) {
			return false;
		Plugins::act( 'term_insert_before', $this );

		$result = parent::insertRecord( DB::table( 'terms' ) );

		// Make sure the id is set in the term object to match the row id
		$this->newfields[ 'id' ] = DB::last_insert_id();

		// Update the term's fields with anything that changed
		$this->fields = array_merge( $this->fields, $this->newfields );

		// We've inserted the term, reset newfields
		$this->newfields = array();

		// Commit the info records
		$this->info->commit( $this->fields['id'] );
		EventLog::log( _t( 'New term %1$s: %2$s', array( $this->id, $this->term_display ) ), 'info', 'content', 'habari' );

		// Let plugins act after we write to the database
		Plugins::act( 'term_insert_after', $this );

		return $result;
Esempio n. 9
  * Insert this block into the database
  * @return boolean True on success
 public function insert()
     // Let plugins disallow and act before we write to the database
     $allow = true;
     $allow = Plugins::filter('block_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
     Plugins::act('block_insert_before', $this);
     $this->data = serialize($this->data_values);
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('blocks'));
     // Make sure the id is set in the block object to match the row id
     $this->newfields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     // Update the block's fields with anything that changed
     $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $this->newfields);
     // We've inserted the block, reset newfields
     $this->newfields = array();
     EventLog::log(_t('New block %1$s: %2$s', array($this->id, $this->title)), 'info', 'content', 'habari');
     // Let plugins act after we write to the database
     Plugins::act('block_insert_after', $this);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 10
  * Saves a new post to the posts table
  * @return int|null The new post id on success, or false on failure
 public function insert()
     // echo "<script>alert('我被执行了')</script>";
     $this->newfields['updated'] = HabariDateTime::date_create();
     $this->newfields['modified'] = $this->newfields['updated'];
     if ($this->pubdate->int > HabariDateTime::date_create()->int && $this->status == Post::status('published')) {
         $this->status = Post::status('scheduled');
     $allow = true;
     $allow = Plugins::filter('post_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
         return false;
     Plugins::act('post_insert_before', $this);
     // Invoke plugins for all fields, since they're all "changed" when inserted
     foreach ($this->fields as $fieldname => $value) {
         $fieldvalue = isset($this->newfields[$fieldname]) ? $this->newfields[$fieldname] : $this->fields[$fieldname];
         Plugins::act('post_update_' . $fieldname, $this, $this->id == 0 ? null : $value, $fieldvalue);
     // invoke plugins for status changes
     Plugins::act('post_status_' . self::status_name($this->status), $this, null);
     // var_dump($this->get_schema_map());
     // exit;
     $result = parent::insertRecord('posts', $this->get_schema_map());
     $this->newfields['id'] = $result;
     // Make sure the id is set in the post object to match the row id
     $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $this->newfields);
     $this->newfields = array();
     // This fires __call() which dispatches to any plugins on action_post_call_create_default_permissions()
     EventLog::log(_t('New post %1$s (%2$s);  Type: %3$s; Status: %4$s', array($this->id, $this->slug, Post::type_name($this->content_type), $this->statusname)), 'info', 'content', 'habari');
     Plugins::act('post_insert_after', $this);
     //scheduled post
     if ($this->status == Post::status('scheduled')) {
     return $result;
Esempio n. 11
  * Save a new user to the users table
 public function insert()
     $allow = true;
     $allow = Plugins::filter('user_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
     Plugins::act('user_insert_before', $this);
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('users'));
     $this->fields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     // Make sure the id is set in the user object to match the row id
     /* If a new user is being created and inserted into the db, info is only safe to use _after_ this set_key call. */
     // $this->info->option_default = "saved";
     // Set the default timezone, date format, and time format
     $this->info->locale_tz = Options::get('timezone');
     $this->info->locale_date_format = Options::get('dateformat');
     $this->info->locale_time_format = Options::get('timeformat');
     if ($result) {
         // Add the user to the default authenticated group if it exists
         if (UserGroup::exists('authenticated')) {
     EventLog::log(sprintf(_t('New user created: %s'), $this->username), 'info', 'default', 'habari');
     Plugins::act('user_insert_after', $this);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 12
  * function insert
  * Saves a new vocabulary to the vocabularies table
 public function insert()
     // Don't allow duplicate vocabularies
     if (Vocabulary::exists($this->fields['name'])) {
         return false;
     // Let plugins disallow and act before we write to the database
     $allow = true;
     $allow = Plugins::filter('vocabulary_insert_allow', $allow, $this);
     if (!$allow) {
         return false;
     Plugins::act('vocabulary_insert_before', $this);
     // Serialize features before they are stored
     if (isset($this->newfields['features'])) {
         $this->newfields['features'] = serialize($this->newfields['features']);
     if (isset($this->fields['features'])) {
         $this->fields['features'] = serialize($this->fields['features']);
     $result = parent::insertRecord(DB::table('vocabularies'));
     // Make sure the id is set in the vocabulary object to match the row id
     $this->newfields['id'] = DB::last_insert_id();
     // Update the vocabulary's fields with anything that changed
     $this->fields = array_merge($this->fields, $this->newfields);
     // And unserialize the features
     if (isset($this->fields['features'])) {
         $this->fields['features'] = unserialize($this->fields['features']);
     // We've inserted the vocabulary, reset newfields
     $this->newfields = array();
     EventLog::log(_t('New vocabulary %1$s (%2$s)', array($this->id, $this->name)), 'info', 'content', 'habari');
     // Let plugins act after we write to the database
     Plugins::act('vocabulary_insert_after', $this);
     return $result;
Esempio n. 13
	 * Insert this LogEntry data into the database
	public function insert()
		if ( isset( $this->fields['severity'] ) ) {
			$this->severity_id = LogEntry::severity( $this->fields['severity'] );
			unset( $this->fields['severity'] );
		if ( isset( $this->fields['module'] ) && isset( $this->fields['type'] ) ) {
			$this->type_id = LogEntry::type( $this->fields['module'], $this->fields['type'] );
			unset( $this->fields['module'] );
			unset( $this->fields['type'] );
		// if we're set to only log entries greater than a sertain level, make sure we're that level or higher
		if ( $this->fields['severity_id'] < Options::get( 'log_min_severity' ) ) {
		// make sure data is a string and can be stored. lots of times it's convenient to hand in an array of data values
		if ( is_array( $this->fields['data'] ) || is_object( $this->fields['data'] ) ) {
			$this->fields['data'] = serialize( $this->fields['data'] );

		Plugins::filter( 'insert_logentry', $this );
		parent::insertRecord( DB::table( 'log' ) );
		$this->id = DB::last_insert_id();
Esempio n. 14
  * Insert this LogEntry data into the database
 public function insert()
     if (isset($this->fields['severity'])) {
         $this->severity_id = LogEntry::severity($this->fields['severity']);
     if (isset($this->fields['module']) && isset($this->fields['type'])) {
         $this->type_id = LogEntry::type($this->fields['module'], $this->fields['type']);
     Plugins::filter('insert_logentry', $this);
     $this->id = DB::last_insert_id();