Esempio n. 1
  * Excecute web request
  * @method execute
  * @static
 static function execute()
     // Fixes for different platforms:
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'])) {
         // ISAPI 3.0
     // Get the base URL
     $base_url = Q_Request::baseUrl();
     if (Q::$controller === 'Q_ActionController') {
         // we detected action.php in the URL, but
         // a misconfigured web server executed index.php instead
         return Q_ActionController::execute();
     // Set the controller that is being used
     if (!isset(Q::$controller)) {
         Q::$controller = 'Q_WebController';
     try {
         $slots = Q_Request::slotNames(false);
         $slots = $slots ? ' slots: (' . implode(',', $slots) . ') from' : '';
         $method = Q_Request::method();
         Q::log("{$method}{$slots} url: " . Q_Request::url(true), null, null, array('maxLength' => 10000));
         $dispatchResult = Q_Dispatcher::result();
         if (!isset($dispatchResult)) {
             $dispatchResult = 'Ran dispatcher';
         $uri = Q_Request::uri();
         $module = $uri->module;
         $action = $uri->action;
         if ($module and $action) {
             $slotNames = Q_Request::slotNames();
             $returned_slots = empty($slotNames) ? '' : implode(',', $slotNames);
             Q::log("~" . ceil(Q::milliseconds()) . 'ms+' . ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000) . 'kb.' . " {$dispatchResult} for {$module}/{$action}" . " ({$returned_slots})", null, null, array('maxLength' => 10000));
         } else {
             Q::log("~" . ceil(Q::milliseconds()) . 'ms+' . ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000) . 'kb.' . " {$dispatchResult} No route for " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], null, null, array('maxLength' => 10000));
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
          * @event Q/exception
          * @param {Exception} exception
         Q::event('Q/exception', compact('exception'));
Esempio n. 2
  * The standard action front controller
  * @method execute
  * @static
  * @throws {Q_Exception_BadUrl}
  * @throws {Q_Exception}
  * @throws {Q_Exception_MissingConfig}
 static function execute($url = null)
     // Fixes for different platforms:
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_REWRITE_URL'])) {
         // ISAPI 3.0
     // Set the controller that is being used
     if (!isset(Q::$controller)) {
         Q::$controller = 'Q_ActionController';
     try {
         $slots = Q_Request::slotNames(false);
         $slots = $slots ? ' slots: (' . implode(',', $slots) . ') from' : '';
         $method = Q_Request::method();
         Q::log("{$method}{$slots} url: " . Q_Request::url(true));
         $tail = Q_Request::tail($url);
         if (!isset($tail)) {
             // Bad url was requested somehow
             $url = Q_Request::url(true);
             $base_url = Q_Request::baseUrl(true);
             throw new Q_Exception_BadUrl(compact('base_url', 'url'));
         $parts = explode('/', $tail);
         $parts_len = count($parts);
         if ($parts_len >= 1) {
             $module = $parts[0];
         if ($parts_len >= 2) {
             $action = $parts[1];
         if (empty($module) or empty($action)) {
             throw new Q_Exception("Not implemented");
         // Make sure the 'Q'/'web' config fields are set,
         // otherwise URLs will be formed pointing to the wrong
         // controller script.
         $ar = Q_Config::get('Q', 'web', 'appRootUrl', null);
         if (!isset($ar)) {
             throw new Q_Exception_MissingConfig(array('fieldpath' => 'Q/web/appRootUrl'));
         // Dispatch the request
         $uri = Q_Uri::from(compact('module', 'action'));
         $dispatchResult = Q_Dispatcher::result();
         if (!isset($dispatchResult)) {
             $dispatchResult = 'Ran dispatcher';
         if ($module and $action) {
             $slotNames = Q_Request::slotNames();
             $requestedSlots = empty($slotNames) ? '' : implode(',', $slotNames);
             Q::log("~" . ceil(Q::milliseconds()) . 'ms+' . ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000) . 'kb.' . " {$dispatchResult} for {$module}/{$action}" . " ({$requestedSlots})");
         } else {
             Q::log("~" . ceil(Q::milliseconds()) . 'ms+' . ceil(memory_get_peak_usage() / 1000) . 'kb.' . " No route for " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     } catch (Exception $exception) {
          * @event Q/exception
          * @param {Exception} exception
         Q::event('Q/exception', compact('exception'));
Esempio n. 3
function Streams_related_response()
    if (!Q_Request::slotName('relations') and !Q_Request::slotName('streams')) {
    $user = Users::loggedInUser();
    $asUserId = $user ? $user->id : '';
    $publisherId = Streams::requestedPublisherId(true);
    $streamName = Streams::requestedName(true, 'original');
    $isCategory = !empty($_REQUEST['isCategory']);
    $slotNames = Q_Request::slotNames();
    $streams_requested = in_array('relatedStreams', $slotNames);
    $options = array('relationsOnly' => !$streams_requested, 'orderBy' => !empty($_REQUEST['ascending']));
    if (isset($_REQUEST['limit'])) {
        $options['limit'] = $_REQUEST['limit'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['offset'])) {
        $options['offset'] = $_REQUEST['offset'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['min'])) {
        $options['min'] = $_REQUEST['min'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['max'])) {
        $options['max'] = $_REQUEST['max'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['type'])) {
        $options['type'] = $_REQUEST['type'];
    if (isset($_REQUEST['prefix'])) {
        $options['prefix'] = $_REQUEST['prefix'];
    $result = Streams::related($asUserId, $publisherId, $streamName, $isCategory, $options);
    if ($streams_requested) {
        $rel = Db::exportArray($result[0], array('numeric' => true));
    } else {
        $rel = Db::exportArray($result, array('numeric' => true));
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['omitRedundantInfo'])) {
        if ($isCategory) {
            foreach ($rel as &$r) {
        } else {
            foreach ($rel as &$r) {
    Q_Response::setSlot('relations', $rel);
    if (!$streams_requested) {
    $streams = $result[1];
    $arr = Db::exportArray($streams, array('numeric' => true));
    foreach ($arr as $k => $stream) {
        if (!$stream) {
        $s = $streams[$stream['name']];
        $arr[$k]['access'] = array('readLevel' => $s->get('readLevel', $s->readLevel), 'writeLevel' => $s->get('writeLevel', $s->writeLevel), 'adminLevel' => $s->get('adminLevel', $s->adminLevel));
    Q_Response::setSlot('relatedStreams', $arr);
    $stream = $result[2];
    if (is_array($stream)) {
        Q_Response::setSlot('streams', Db::exportArray($stream));
    } else {
        if (is_object($stream)) {
            Q_Response::setSlot('stream', $stream->exportArray());
        } else {
            Q_Response::setSlot('stream', false);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['messages'])) {
        $max = -1;
        $limit = $_REQUEST['messages'];
        $messages = false;
        $type = isset($_REQUEST['messageType']) ? $_REQUEST['messageType'] : null;
        if ($stream->testReadLevel('messages')) {
            $messages = Db::exportArray($stream->getMessages(compact('type', 'max', 'limit')));
        Q_Response::setSlot('messages', $messages);
    if (!empty($_REQUEST['participants'])) {
        $limit = $_REQUEST['participants'];
        $offset = -1;
        $participants = false;
        if ($stream->testReadLevel('participants')) {
            $participants = Db::exportArray($stream->getParticipants(compact('limit', 'offset')));
        Q_Response::setSlot('participants', $participants);
Esempio n. 4
 protected static function handleForwardException($e)
     $slotNames = Q_Request::slotNames(true);
     foreach ($slotNames as $slotName) {
     // Go again, this time with a different URI.
     Q::$toolWasRendered = array();
     self::$uri = Q_Uri::from($e->uri);
     if (is_array($e->skip)) {
         self::$skip = $e->skip;
     } else {
         // Don't process any non-GET methods this time around,
         // Do not collect any analytics
         // And also ignore any accumulated errors
         self::$skip = array('Q/method' => true, 'Q/analytics' => true, 'Q/errors' => true);
     // We'll be handling errors anew
     self::$handling_errors = false;
Esempio n. 5
  * Returns array of all the slots that have been filled
  * @method slots
  * @static
  * @param {boolean} [$requestedOnesOnly=true] Set to true in order to return only the slots that were requested
  * @return {array}
 static function slots($requestedOnesOnly = true)
     if (!$requestedOnesOnly) {
         return self::$slots;
     $result = array();
     $slotNames = Q_Request::slotNames(true);
     foreach ($slotNames as $sn) {
         $result[$sn] = isset(self::$slots[$sn]) ? self::$slots[$sn] : null;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 6
function Streams_message_response()
    foreach (Q_Request::slotNames() as $sn) {
        Q_Response::setSlot($sn, Q::event("Streams/message/response/{$sn}"));
Esempio n. 7
function Streams_participant_response()
    foreach (Q_Request::slotNames() as $sn) {
        Q_Response::setSlot($sn, Q::event("Streams/participant/response/{$sn}"));
Esempio n. 8
  * Returns whether a given slot name was requested.
  * @method slotNames
  * @static
  * @param {string} $slotName The name of the slot
  * @return {boolean}
 static function slotName($slotName)
     return in_array($slotName, Q_Request::slotNames(true));
Esempio n. 9
 * Default Q/response handler.
 * 1. Gets some slots, depending on what was requested.
 * 2. Renders them in a layout
 *    The layout expects "title", "dashboard" and "contents" slots to be filled.
function Q_response($params)
     * @var Exception $exception
     * @var array $errors
    if (empty($errors)) {
        $errors = Q_Response::getErrors();
    if (!empty($_GET['Q_ct'])) {
        Q_Response::setCookie('Q_ct', $_GET['Q_ct']);
    // If output is set, use that
    $output = Q_Response::output();
    if (isset($output)) {
        if ($output === true) {
        if (is_string($output)) {
            echo $output;
    // Redirect to success page, if requested.
    $isAjax = Q_Request::isAjax();
    if (empty($errors) and empty($exception)) {
        if (!$isAjax and null !== Q_Request::special('onSuccess', null)) {
            $onSuccess = Q_Request::special('onSuccess', null);
            if (Q_Config::get('Q', 'response', 'onSuccessShowFrom', true)) {
                $onSuccess = Q_Uri::url($onSuccess . '?Q.fromSuccess=' . Q_Dispatcher::uri());
    // Get the requested module
    $uri = Q_Dispatcher::uri();
    if (!isset($module)) {
        $module = $uri->module;
        if (!isset($module)) {
            $module = 'Q';
            Q_Dispatcher::uri()->module = 'Q';
    if (!$isAjax || Q_Request::isLoadExtras()) {
        Q::event('Q/responseExtras', array(), 'before');
    // Get the main module (the app)
    $app = Q_Config::expect('Q', 'app');
    $action = $uri->action;
    if (Q::canHandle("{$module}/{$action}/response")) {
        if (false === Q::event("{$module}/{$action}/response") and !$isAjax) {
    $slotNames = Q_Request::slotNames(true);
    $idPrefixes = array();
    if ($temp = Q_Request::special('idPrefixes', null)) {
        foreach (explode(',', $temp) as $i => $prefix) {
            if (!isset($slotNames[$i])) {
                throw new Q_Exception("More id prefixes than slot names", "Q.idPrefixes");
            $idPrefixes[$slotNames[$i]] = $prefix;
    // What to do if this is an AJAX request
    if ($isAjax) {
        $to_encode = array();
        if (Q_Response::$redirected) {
            // We already called Q_Response::redirect
            $to_encode['redirect']['url'] = Q_Uri::url(Q_Response::$redirected);
            try {
                $to_encode['redirect']['uri'] = Q_Uri::from(Q_Response::$redirected)->toArray();
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                // couldn't get internal URI
        } else {
            if (is_array($slotNames)) {
                foreach ($slotNames as $slotName) {
                    Q_Response::fillSlot($slotName, 'default', Q::ifset($idPrefixes, $slotName, null));
                // Go through the slots again, because other handlers may have overwritten
                // their contents using Q_Response::setSlot()
                foreach ($slotNames as $sn) {
                    Q_Response::fillSlot($sn, 'default', Q::ifset($idPrefixes, $slotName, null));
                if (Q_Response::$redirected) {
                    // While rendering the slots we called Q_Redirect
                    $to_encode['redirect']['url'] = Q_Uri::url(Q_Response::$redirected);
                    try {
                        $to_encode['redirect']['uri'] = Q_Uri::from(Q_Response::$redirected)->toArray();
                    } catch (Exception $e) {
                        // couldn't get internal URI
                } else {
                    if (Q_Request::isLoadExtras()) {
                        $to_encode['slots'] = Q_Response::slots(true);
                        // add stylesheets, stylesinline, scripts, scriptlines, scriptdata, templates
                        foreach (array_merge(array(''), $slotNames) as $slotName) {
                            $temp = Q_Response::stylesheetsArray($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['stylesheets'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::stylesInline($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['stylesInline'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::scriptsArray($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['scripts'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::scriptLines($slotName, true, "\n", false);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['scriptLines'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::scriptData($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['scriptData'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::templateData($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['templates'][$slotName] = $temp;
                    } else {
                        $to_encode['slots'] = Q_Response::slots(true);
                        // add stylesinline, scriptlines, scriptdata, templates
                        foreach (array_merge(array(''), $slotNames) as $slotName) {
                            $temp = Q_Response::stylesInline($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['stylesInline'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::scriptData($slotName);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['scriptData'][$slotName] = $temp;
                            $temp = Q_Response::scriptLines($slotName, true, "\n", false);
                            if ($temp) {
                                $to_encode['scriptLines'][$slotName] = $temp;
        $to_encode['timestamp'] = microtime(true);
        $echo = Q_Request::contentToEcho();
        if (isset($echo)) {
            $to_encode['echo'] = $echo;
        $json = Q::json_encode(Q::cutoff($to_encode));
        $callback = Q_Request::callback();
        switch (strtolower($isAjax)) {
            case 'iframe':
                if (!Q_Response::$batch) {
                    header("Content-type: text/html");
                echo <<<EOT
<!doctype html><html lang=en>
<head><meta charset=utf-8><title>Q Result</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
window.result = function () { return {$json} };
            case 'json':
                if (!Q_Response::$batch) {
                    header("Content-type: " . ($callback ? "application/javascript" : "application/json"));
                echo $callback ? "{$callback}({$json})" : $json;
    // If this is a request for a regular webpage,
    // fill the usual slots and render a layout.
    if (Q_Response::$redirected) {
        // If already set a redirect header, simply return -- no reason to output all this HTML
    static $added_Q_init = false;
    if (!$added_Q_init) {
        Q_Response::addScriptLine("\n// Now, initialize Q\nQ.init();\n", null, 'Q');
        $added_Q_init = true;
    // Get all the usual slots for a webpage
    $slots = array();
    foreach ($slotNames as $sn) {
        Q_Response::fillSlot($sn, 'default', Q::ifset($idPrefixes, $sn, null));
    // Go through the slots again, because other handlers may have overwritten
    // their contents using Q_Response::setSlot()
    foreach ($slotNames as $sn) {
        Q_Response::fillSlot($sn, 'default', Q::ifset($idPrefixes, $sn, null));
    $output = Q_Response::output();
    if (isset($output)) {
        if ($output === true) {
        if (is_string($output)) {
            echo $output;
    if (!$isAjax or Q_Request::isLoadExtras()) {
        Q::event('Q/responseExtras', array(), 'after');
    $slots = Q_Response::slots(false);
    // Render a full HTML layout
    $layout_view = Q_Response::layoutView();
    echo Q::view($layout_view, $slots);