function actionIndex()
     $page = intval($this->_context->page);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $form = new QForm('article', url('article/update'));
     $agrs = null;
     if (!empty($this->_context->find)) {
         $condition = null;
         $sortId = isset($this->_context->sorts) ? intval($this->_context->sorts) : null;
         $title = isset($this->_context->keywords) ? trim($this->_context->keywords) : null;
         //			$QCon = new QDB_Cond();
         //			if($sortId !=0){
         //				$QCon ->andCond('sort_id =?',$sortId);
         //			}
         //			if(isset($title)){
         //				$QCon ->andCond('title like ?','%'.$title.'%');
         //			}
         if ($sortId != 0) {
             $condition .= "1 AND sort_id ={$sortId}";
         if (!empty($title)) {
             $condition .= '1 AND title like ' . '\'%' . $title . '%\'';
         $select = Articles::find($condition)->order('order_num DESC');
         $agrs = array('sorts' => $sortId, 'keywords' => $title, 'find' => 1);
     } else {
         $select = Articles::find()->order('order_num DESC');
     $select->limitPage($page, 20);
     $pagenation = $select->getPagination();
     $news = $select->query('newsort,user');
     $findForm = new QForm('new_find', url('article/index'));
     $findForm->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'keywords', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '文章的标题'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'sorts', array('_ui' => 'dropdownlist'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'find', array('_ui' => 'hidden', 'value' => '1'));
     $new = new Articles();
     $findForm['sorts']->items = $new->sorts;
     $this->_view['form'] = $form;
     $this->_view['news'] = $news;
     $this->_view['pagination'] = $pagenation;
     $this->_view['findform'] = $findForm;
     $this->_view['agrs'] = $agrs;
  * 茶叶的列表
 function actionIndex()
     $page = intval($this->_context->page);
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     $agrs = null;
     if (!empty($this->_context->find)) {
         $condition = null;
         $type = isset($this->_context->type) ? intval($this->_context->type) : null;
         $name = isset($this->_context->name) ? trim($this->_context->name) : null;
         //			$QCon = new QDB_Cond();
         //			if($sortId !=0){
         //				$QCon ->andCond('sort_id =?',$sortId);
         //			}
         //			if(isset($title)){
         //				$QCon ->andCond('title like ?','%'.$title.'%');
         //			}
         if ($type != -1) {
             $condition .= "1 AND type_id ={$type}";
         if (!empty($name)) {
             $condition .= '1 AND name like ' . '\'%' . $name . '%\'';
         $tea = Tea::find($condition)->order('order_num DESC');
         $agrs = array('type' => $type, 'name' => $name, 'find' => 1);
     } else {
         $tea = Tea::find()->order('order_num DESC');
     $tea->limitPage($page, 20);
     $pagination = $tea->getPagination();
     $teas = $tea->query('teatype');
     $findForm = new QForm('tea_find', url('tea/index'));
     $findForm->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'name', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '茶叶名'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'type', array('_ui' => 'admin_typelist'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'find', array('_ui' => 'hidden', 'value' => '1'));
     $teaType = new TeaType();
     $findForm['type']->items = $teaType->list;
     $this->_view['findform'] = $findForm;
     $this->_view['agrs'] = $agrs;
     $this->_view['pagination'] = $pagination;
     $this->_view['teas'] = $teas;
Esempio n. 3
 function testElements()
     $form = new QForm('form1', self::URL1);
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'username', array('_ui' => 'textbox', 'maxlength' => 15, 'class' => 'input'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'password', array('_ui' => 'password', 'class' => 'input'));
     $this->assertEquals('textbox', $form->element('username')->_ui);
     $this->assertEquals('password', $form->element('password')->_ui);
     $attrs = $form['username']->attrs();
     $this->assertEquals(array('id' => 'username', 'name' => 'username', 'maxlength' => 15, 'class' => 'input'), $attrs);
     $all_attrs = $form['username']->allAttrs();
     $this->assertEquals(array('id' => 'username', 'name' => 'username', 'maxlength' => 15, 'class' => 'input', '_ui' => 'textbox', '_data_binding' => true, '_nested_name' => 'form1'), $all_attrs);
  * 编辑解决方案
 function actionEdit()
     $form = new QForm('solution', url('solutions/edit'));
     $form->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'id', array('_ui' => 'hidden'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'name', array('_ui' => 'textbox', '_label' => '解决方案名'))->add(QForm::ELEMENT, 'content', array('_ui' => 'fckeditor', '_label' => '内容', 'class' => "txt", 'height' => '500px', 'width' => '60%'));
     $solu_id = (int) $this->_context->id;
     $data = Solution::find($solu_id)->query();
     if ($this->_context->isPOST() && $form->invalidate($_POST)) {
         try {
             return $this->_redirectMessage('修改成功', '修改改页面成功', url('solutions/index'));
         } catch (QValidator_ValidateFailedException $ex) {
     $this->_view['form'] = $form;