Esempio n. 1
$intStartTime = microtime();
$intStartTime = explode(' ', $intStartTime);
$intStartTime = $intStartTime[1] + $intStartTime[0];
// Setup the Parameters for codegen
$objParameters = new QCliParameterProcessor('codegen', 'Qcodo Code Generator v' . QCODO_VERSION);
// Optional Parameters for Path to Codegen Settings
$strDefaultPath = __DEVTOOLS_CLI__ . '/settings/codegen.xml';
// Small cleanup on the text
$strDefaultPath = str_replace('/html/../', '/', $strDefaultPath);
$strDefaultPath = str_replace('/docroot/../', '/', $strDefaultPath);
$strDefaultPath = str_replace('/wwwroot/../', '/', $strDefaultPath);
$strDefaultPath = str_replace('/www/../', '/', $strDefaultPath);
$objParameters->AddNamedParameter('s', 'settings-path', QCliParameterType::Path, $strDefaultPath, 'path to the Codegen Settings XML file; defaults to ' . $strDefaultPath);
// Pull the Parameter Values
$strSettingsXmlPath = $objParameters->GetValue('s');
try {
    // Run Code Gen
    if ($strErrors = QCodeGen::$RootErrors) {
        printf("The following ROOT ERRORS were reported:\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $strErrors);
    } else {
        printf("CodeGen settings (as evaluted from %s):\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", $_SERVER['argv'][1], QCodeGen::GetSettingsXml());
    foreach (QCodeGen::$CodeGenArray as $objCodeGen) {
        printf("%s\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n", $objCodeGen->GetTitle());
        printf("%s\r\n", $objCodeGen->GetReportLabel());
        printf("%s\r\n", $objCodeGen->GenerateAll());
        if ($strErrors = $objCodeGen->Errors) {
Esempio n. 2

 * Codegen Qcodo CLI file
 * Part of the Qcodo Development Framework
 * Copyright (c) 2005-2011, Quasidea Development, LLC
// Setup the Parameters for qpm-download
$objParameters = new QCliParameterProcessor('qpm-download', 'Qcodo Package Manager (QPM) Download and Install Tool v' . QCODO_VERSION);
// Package Name is always required
$objParameters->AddDefaultParameter('username/package_name', QCliParameterType::String, 'the username/package name pair of the QPM package you are wanting to download and install');
// Optional Parameters include Username, Password, "Live" mode, and "Force" upload
$objParameters->AddFlagParameter('l', 'live', 'actually perform the live download and install; by default, calling qpm-download will only *report* to you files that will be downloaded and installed; specify the "live" flag to actually perform the download and install');
$objParameters->AddFlagParameter('f', 'force', 'force the download, even if the version of Qcodo used by the QPM author is different than what is currently installed here');
// Pull the Parameter Values
$strPackageName = $objParameters->GetDefaultValue('username/package_name');
$strUsername = null;
if (($intPosition = strpos($strPackageName, '/')) !== false) {
    $strUsername = substr($strPackageName, 0, $intPosition);
    $strPackageName = substr($strPackageName, $intPosition + 1);
$blnLive = $objParameters->GetValue('l');
$blnForce = $objParameters->GetValue('f');
try {
    $objQpm = new QPackageManagerDownload($strPackageName, $strUsername, $blnLive, $blnForce);
} catch (Exception $objExc) {
    print 'error: ' . trim($objExc->getMessage()) . "\r\n";
Esempio n. 3
$objParameters = new QCliParameterProcessor('qpm-upload', 'Qcodo Package Manager (QPM) Uploader Tool v' . QCODO_VERSION);
// Package Name is always required
$objParameters->AddDefaultParameter('username/package_name', QCliParameterType::String, 'your username and the name of the QPM package you are wanting to upload');
// Optional Parameters include Username, Password, "Live" mode, and "Force" upload
$objParameters->AddNamedParameter('p', 'password', QCliParameterType::String, null, 'the password to use, or if not specified, it will use the information stored in the QPM Settings file');
$objParameters->AddFlagParameter('l', 'live', 'actually perform the live upload; by default, calling qpm-upload will only *report* to you files that will be uploaded; specify the "live" flag to actually perform the upload');
$objParameters->AddFlagParameter('f', 'force', 'force the upload, even if the most recent Qcodo version is more recent than what is currently installed here');
$objParameters->AddNamedParameter('s', 'settings-path', QCliParameterType::Path, null, 'path to the QPM Settings XML file; defaults to ' . __DEVTOOLS_CLI__ . '/settings_qpm.xml');
$objParameters->AddNamedParameter('n', 'notes', QCliParameterType::String, null, 'text of any notes to include with this QPM package');
$objParameters->AddNamedParameter('N', 'notes-path', QCliParameterType::Path, null, 'path to textfile containing any notes to include with this QPM package; if both notes and notes-path are set, only the contents from notes-path will be included in the QPM package');
// Pull the Parameter Values
$strPackageName = $objParameters->GetDefaultValue('username/package_name');
$strUsername = null;
if (($intPosition = strpos($strPackageName, '/')) !== false) {
    $strUsername = substr($strPackageName, 0, $intPosition);
    $strPackageName = substr($strPackageName, $intPosition + 1);
$blnLive = $objParameters->GetValue('l');
$blnForce = $objParameters->GetValue('f');
$strPassword = $objParameters->GetValue('p');
$strSettingsFilePath = $objParameters->GetValue('s');
$strNotes = $objParameters->GetValue('n');
$strNotesPath = $objParameters->GetValue('N');
try {
    $objQpm = new QPackageManagerUpload($strPackageName, $strUsername, $strPassword, $blnLive, $blnForce, $strSettingsFilePath, $strNotes, $strNotesPath);
} catch (Exception $objExc) {
    print 'error: ' . trim($objExc->getMessage()) . "\r\n";