Esempio n. 1
    public function testMarshalling()
        $expectedXml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<purchase-order xmlns="">
    <name>Gladys Kravitz</name>
    <address>Anytown, PA</address>
    <description>Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Vol 1</description>
    <description>Burnham's Celestial Handbook, Vol 2</description>
        $filepath = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../_files/EasyPO/';
        $binding = new PiBX_Runtime_Binding($filepath . '/binding.xml');
        $marshaller = new PiBX_Runtime_Marshaller($binding);
        $po = new PurchaseOrder();
        $customer = new Customer();
        $customer->setName('Gladys Kravitz');
        $customer->setAddress('Anytown, PA');
        $lineItem1 = new LineItem();
        $lineItem1->setDescription('Burnham\'s Celestial Handbook, Vol 1');
        $lineItem2 = new LineItem();
        $lineItem2->setDescription('Burnham\'s Celestial Handbook, Vol 2');
        $shipper = new Shipper();
        $po->setLineItems(array($lineItem1, $lineItem2));
        $xml = $marshaller->marshal($po);
        $this->assertEquals($expectedXml, $xml);
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        $this->assertTrue($dom->schemaValidate($filepath . '/easypo.xsd'));
 public function index()
     App::import('Model', 'QuoteManager.Quote');
     $quoteModel = new Quote();
     $quoteDataList = $quoteModel->find('all', array('fields' => array('quote_number', 'status'), 'conditions' => array('Quote.vid' => null, 'Quote.created_by' => $this->loginUser['id'])));
     App::import('Model', 'WorkOrderManager.WorkOrder');
     $workOrderModel = new WorkOrder();
     $workOrderDataList = $workOrderModel->find('all', array('fields' => array('work_order_number', 'status'), 'conditions' => array('WorkOrder.created_by' => $this->loginUser['id'])));
     App::import('Model', 'PurchaseOrderManager.PurchaseOrder');
     $purchaseOrderModel = new PurchaseOrder();
     $purchaseOrderDataList = $purchaseOrderModel->find('all', array('fields' => array('purchase_order_num', 'received'), 'conditions' => array('PurchaseOrder.created_by' => $this->loginUser['id'])));
     $this->set(compact('quoteDataList', 'workOrderDataList', 'purchaseOrderDataList'));
Esempio n. 3
function processFile($filename)
    //extract the filename to get the exact filename on the folder
    $newFile = substr($filename, 3);
    $dirname = substr($filename, 0, 2);
    $fs = new Filesystem();
    if ($fs->exists('../Repo/' . $dirname . '/' . $newFile)) {
        $xml = simplexml_load_file('../Repo/' . $dirname . '/' . $newFile, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
        $newXML = json_decode(json_encode($xml), true);
        $data = formulateData($newXML, $dirname);
        //checks if the record is already processed before
        $hasRecord = PurchaseOrderQuery::create()->filterByNumber($data['number'])->find();
        if ($hasRecord->count() === 0) {
            logMessage("No duplicate data: processFile " . date('m/d/Y h:i:s') . ".\n");
            //log something
            //insert data to db
            $po = new PurchaseOrder();
            $po_id = $po->getId();
            //insert all items
            foreach ($data['items'] as $key => $value) {
                $items = new Item();
            $formulated_data = formulateData($newXML, $dirname);
            $formulated_data['id'] = $po_id;
            logMessage("Return data in JSON: processFile " . date('m/d/Y h:i:s') . ".\n");
            //log something
            return $formulated_data;
        } else {
            logMessage("This file(" . $newFile . ") with store(" . $dirname . ") is already processed before: processFile " . date('m/d/Y h:i:s') . ".\n");
            //log something
    } else {
        logMessage("Return no such file: processFile " . date('m/d/Y h:i:s') . ".\n");
        //log something
        return "No such file!";
Esempio n. 4
function processFile($filename)
    //extract the filename to get the exact filename on the folder
    $newFile = substr($filename, 3);
    $dirname = substr($filename, 0, 2);
    $fs = new Filesystem();
    if ($fs->exists('../Repo/' . $dirname . '/' . $newFile)) {
        $xml = simplexml_load_file('../Repo/' . $dirname . '/' . $newFile, null, LIBXML_NOCDATA);
        $newXML = json_decode(json_encode($xml), true);
        $data = formulateData($newXML, $dirname);
        //insert data to db
        $po = new PurchaseOrder();
        $po_id = $po->getId();
        //insert all items
        foreach ($data['items'] as $key => $value) {
            $items = new Item();
        $formulated_data = formulateData($newXML, $dirname);
        $formulated_data['id'] = $po_id;
        return $formulated_data;
Esempio n. 5
  * saveOrder
  * @param unknown $sender
  * @param unknown $param
  * @throws Exception
 public function saveOrder($sender, $param)
     $results = $errors = array();
     $daoStart = false;
     try {
         $daoStart = true;
         $supplier = Supplier::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->supplier->id));
         if (!$supplier instanceof Supplier) {
             throw new Exception('Invalid Supplier passed in!');
         $supplierContactName = trim($param->CallbackParameter->supplier->contactName);
         $supplierContactNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->supplier->contactNo);
         $supplierEmail = trim($param->CallbackParameter->supplier->email);
         if (!empty($supplierContactName) && $supplierContactName !== $supplier->getContactName()) {
         if (!empty($supplierContactNo) && $supplierContactNo !== $supplier->getContactNo()) {
         if (!empty($supplierEmail) && $supplierEmail !== $supplier->getEmail()) {
         $purchaseOrder = PurchaseOrder::create($supplier, trim($param->CallbackParameter->supplierRefNum), $supplierContactName, $supplierContactNo, StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency(trim($param->CallbackParameter->shippingCost)), StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency(trim($param->CallbackParameter->handlingCost)))->setTotalAmount(StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency(trim($param->CallbackParameter->totalPaymentDue)))->setEta(trim($param->CallbackParameter->eta))->setStatus(PurchaseOrder::STATUS_NEW)->save()->addComment(trim($param->CallbackParameter->comments), Comments::TYPE_PURCHASING);
         foreach ($param->CallbackParameter->items as $item) {
             if (!($product = Product::get(trim($item->productId))) instanceof Product) {
                 throw new Exception('Invalid Product passed in!');
             $purchaseOrder->addItem($product, StringUtilsAbstract::getValueFromCurrency(trim($item->unitPrice)), 0 - abs(intval(trim($item->qtyOrdered))));
         if ($param->CallbackParameter->submitToSupplier === true) {
         // For credit PO
         if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->type) && trim($param->CallbackParameter->type) === 'CREDIT') {
             if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->po) && ($fromPO = PurchaseOrder::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->po->id))) instanceof PurchaseOrder) {
         $daoStart = false;
         $results['item'] = $purchaseOrder->getJson();
         if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->confirmEmail) && trim($confirmEmail = trim($param->CallbackParameter->confirmEmail)) !== '') {
             $pdfFile = EntityToPDF::getPDF($purchaseOrder);
             $asset = Asset::registerAsset($purchaseOrder->getPurchaseOrderNo() . '.pdf', file_get_contents($pdfFile), Asset::TYPE_TMP);
             EmailSender::addEmail('*****@*****.**', $confirmEmail, 'BudgetPC Purchase Order:' . $purchaseOrder->getPurchaseOrderNo(), 'Please Find the attached PurchaseOrder(' . $purchaseOrder->getPurchaseOrderNo() . ') from BudgetPC.', array($asset));
             EmailSender::addEmail('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**', 'BudgetPC Purchase Order:' . $purchaseOrder->getPurchaseOrderNo(), 'Please Find the attached PurchaseOrder(' . $purchaseOrder->getPurchaseOrderNo() . ') from BudgetPC.', array($asset));
             $purchaseOrder->addComment('An email sent to "' . $confirmEmail . '" with the attachment: ' . $asset->getAssetId(), Comments::TYPE_SYSTEM);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         if ($daoStart === true) {
         $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
     $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
  * add method
  * @return void
 public function add($id = null, $type = null)
     $data = array();
     $itemData = array();
     if ($type == 'Purchase Order') {
         App::import('Model', 'PurchaseOrderManager.PurchaseOrder');
         $purchaseOrder = new PurchaseOrder();
         $purchaseOrder->recursive = 0;
         $data = $purchaseOrder->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $id)));
         $itemData = $this->QuoteItem->listOfPoItem(null, $id);
     } elseif ($type == 'Quote') {
         App::import('Model', 'QuoteManager.Quote');
         $quote = new Quote();
         $quote->recursive = 1;
         $data = $quote->find('first', array('conditions' => array('' => $id)));
         $itemData = $this->QuoteItem->ListQuoteItems($id);
         //      debug($itemData);
         $itemData = $this->QuoteItem->AdjustPOItem($itemData);
         $itemData['main_list'] = $itemData['name_list'];
         $itemData['qty_list'] = $itemData['quantity_list'];
         //      debug($data);
         //      debug($itemData);
         //      exit;
     $invoice_no = $this->QuoteItem->auto_generate_number('Invoice');
     $invoiceFormatData = $this->InvoiceItem->formatInvoiceData($invoice_no, $type, $id, $data, $itemData);
     $invoiceCreate = $this->InvoiceItem->createInvoice($invoiceFormatData);
     if ($invoiceCreate) {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('The invoice has been saved'));
         $this->redirect(array('action' => 'detail', $invoiceCreate['Invoice']['id']));
     } else {
         $this->Session->setFlash(__('The invoice could not be saved. Please, try again.'));
     $this->set(compact('invoiceStatuses', 'type'));
Esempio n. 7
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see BPCPageAbstract::onLoad()
 public function onLoad($param)
     if (!$this->isPostBack) {
         $this->order = PurchaseOrder::get($this->Request['POId']);
         if (!$this->order instanceof PurchaseOrder) {
             die('Invalid Purchase Order!');
         if (isset($_REQUEST['pdf']) && intval($_REQUEST['pdf']) === 1) {
             $file = EntityToPDF::getPDF($this->order);
             header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
             // The PDF source is in original.pdf
Esempio n. 8
     * Getting the items
     * @param unknown $sender
     * @param unknown $param
     * @throws Exception
    public function getItems($sender, $param)
        $results = $errors = array();
        try {
            if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->supplierId) || !($supplier = Supplier::get(trim($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->supplierId))) instanceof Supplier) {
                throw new Exception('Invalid Supplier provided');
            if (!isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->invoiceNo) || ($invoiceNo = trim($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria->invoiceNo)) === '') {
                throw new Exception('Invalid Invoice number provided');
            ReceivingItem::getQuery()->eagerLoad('ReceivingItem.purchaseOrder', 'inner join', 'rec_item_po', ' = rec_item.purchaseOrderId');
            if (ReceivingItem::countByCriteria('rec_item_po.supplierId = ? and rec_item.invoiceNo = ?', array($supplier->getId(), $invoiceNo)) === 0) {
                throw new Exception('There is no such a invoice(invoice No=' . $invoiceNo . ') for supplier:' . $supplier->getName());
            $sql = 'select ri.productId,
						ri.unitPrice `unitPrice`,
						sum(ri.qty) `qty`,
						group_concat(distinct `itemIds`,
						group_concat(distinct `poIds`
					from receivingitem ri
					inner join purchaseorder po on ( = ri.purchaseOrderId)
					where = 1 and ri.invoiceNo = ? and po.supplierId = ?
					group by ri.productId,  ri.unitPrice';
            $params = array($invoiceNo, $supplier->getId());
            $rows = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params);
            $results['supplier'] = $supplier->getJson();
            $results['items'] = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $items = count($itemIds = explode(',', $row['itemIds'])) === 0 ? array() : ReceivingItem::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($itemIds), '?')) . ')', $itemIds);
                $pos = count($poIds = explode(',', $row['poIds'])) === 0 ? array() : PurchaseOrder::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($poIds), '?')) . ')', $poIds);
                $results['items'][] = array('product' => Product::get($row['productId'])->getJson(), 'totalQty' => $row['qty'], 'totalPrice' => $row['unitPrice'] * $row['qty'], 'items' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $items), 'purchaseOrders' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $pos));
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
        $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
Esempio n. 9
  * (non-PHPdoc)
  * @see CRUDPageAbstract::_getEndJs()
 protected function _getEndJs()
     $js = parent::_getEndJs();
     $js .= "pageJs.setCallbackId('deleteItem', '" . $this->deleteItemBtn->getUniqueID() . "');";
     if (isset($_REQUEST['productid']) || isset($_REQUEST['purchaseorderid'])) {
         if (isset($_REQUEST['productid'])) {
             if (!($product = Product::get(trim($_REQUEST['productid']))) instanceof Product) {
                 die('Invalid Product Provided');
             $js .= "\$('searchBtn').up('.panel').down('.panel-body').insert({'bottom': new Element('input', {'type': 'hidden', 'search_field': 'productid', 'value': '" . $product->getId() . "'}) });";
             $js .= "\$('searchBtn').up('.panel').hide();";
         if (isset($_REQUEST['purchaseorderid'])) {
             if (!($purchaseOrder = PurchaseOrder::get(trim($_REQUEST['purchaseorderid']))) instanceof PurchaseOrder) {
                 die('Invalid PurchaseOrder Provided');
             $js .= "\$('searchBtn').up('.panel').down('.panel-body').insert({'bottom': new Element('input', {'type': 'hidden', 'search_field': 'purchaseorderid', 'value': '" . $purchaseOrder->getId() . "'}) });";
             $js .= "\$('searchBtn').up('.panel').hide();";
         $js .= "\$('searchBtn').click();";
     $js .= "pageJs._bindSearchKey();";
     return $js;
$form = $this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array('id' => 'item-on-order-form', 'enableAjaxValidation' => false));

$purchase_id = $_GET['po_id'];
$item_id = $_GET['item_id'];
$model->purchase_order_id = $purchase_id;
$model->items_id = $item_id;
$model->item_status = 1;
/*THIS IS FOR THE CURRENT ITEMS Which is being added*/
$itemModel = Items::model()->findByPk($item_id);
$purchaseModel = PurchaseOrder::model()->findByPk($purchase_id);
/*THIS IS To get the items which are already orrderd**/
$items_on_order_model = PurchaseOrder::model()->getItemsOnOrder($purchase_id);
$model->suppliers_id = $purchaseModel->suppliers_id;
$model->unit_price = $itemModel->sale_price;

	<p class="note">Fields with <span class="required">*</span> are required.</p>

echo $form->errorSummary($model);

	<div class="row">
 protected function afterSave()
     $vat_percentage = Yii::app()->params['vat_in_percentage'];
     $purchaseOrderQueryModel = PurchaseOrder::model()->findByPk($this->purchase_order_id);
     $total_cost = $purchaseOrderQueryModel->total_cost + $this->total_price;
     $vat_amount = $total_cost * $vat_percentage / 100;
     $net_cost = $total_cost + $vat_amount;
     //echo $total_cost;
     $purchaseOrderUpdateModel = PurchaseOrder::model()->updateByPk($this->purchase_order_id, array('total_cost' => $total_cost, 'vat' => $vat_amount, 'net_cost' => $net_cost));
                            <td colspan="3"><button id="btnFind" onclick="submit()" >Find</button></td>
                    <table border="1" cellspacing="0" width="850" align="center">
                        <tr class="ui-widget-header">
                            <th style="width: 5%">&nbsp;</th>
                            <th style="width: 30%">Item</th>
                            <th>Real purchase qty</th>
                            <th style="width: 20%">Vendor</th>
                            <th>Purchase price</th>
                            <th>Order #</th>
include_once "../model/PurchaseOrder.php";
$porder = new PurchaseOrder();
$items = $porder->getSavedItems($_POST['txtDate1'], $_POST['txtDate2'], $_POST["cmbVendor"]);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($items); $i++) {
    $item = $items[$i];
    $_GET["idvendor"] = $item["idvendor"];
    $_GET["i"] = $i;
                                <tr id="row<?php 
    echo $i;
" class="ui-widget-content">
                                        <img alt="+" id="add<?php 
    echo $i;
" src="../images/plus.png" onclick="addItem(<?php 
Esempio n. 13
 public static function RaiseOrderPurchase($supplierid, $invno, $date, $items)
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $ords[$item['order']] = 1;
     $orders = [];
     foreach ($ords as $key => $oid) {
         $orders[] = $key;
         $order = PurchaseOrder::GetOrder($key);
     $porders = implode(",", $orders);
     $descr = "Ordered Purchases. Order No(s): " . $porders;
     $supplier = Supplier::GetSupplier($supplierid);
     $pid = 0;
     $invoice = PurchaseInvoice::CreateInvoice($supplier, $pid, $porders, $invno, $descr, $date);
     foreach ($items as $item) {
         $invoice->addToInvoice(PurchaseInvoiceLine::Create($invoice->id, $item['item'], $item['qty'], $item['price'], $item['tax'], $item['disc'], $item['ledger']));
     if ($invoice->generate()) {
         return new PurchaseTX($invoice, 'Purchase Order Invoice');
     } else {
         Logger::Log('PurchaseTX', 'Failed', 'Ordered purchase invoice transaction with id:' . $invoice->id . ' and tx id:' . $this->transactionId . ' could not be completed');
         return false;
Esempio n. 14

namespace Afosto\ActiveAnts;

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
//Include our configs
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php';
//Make sure this directory is writable
$cacheDirectory = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../cache/';
App::start($url, $user, $password, $cacheDirectory);
$product = Product::model()->setName('testProduct')->setSku('testSku');
if (!$product->save()) {
    echo $product->getMessage();
$item = OrderItem::model()->setSku('testSku', false)->setGrossPrice(1.21)->setName('testProduct')->setTaxRate(21);
$address = Address::model()->setName('Afosto SaaS BV')->setAddress('Protonstraat', 9, 'a')->setCity('Groningen')->setCountry('NL')->setPostalcode('9743AL');
$order = Order::model()->setEmail('*****@*****.**')->setOrderId('#' . rand(100, 999))->setPhoneNumber('test')->addOrderItem($item)->setBillingAddress($address)->setShippingAddress();
//$order->setPickupPoint('NL-111101', '1111AA', 'Straatnaam 10a' , 'Groningen');
if (!$order->save()) {
    echo $order->getMessage();
$purchase = PurchaseOrder::model()->addItem('testSku', 1)->addReference('testPurchaseOrder');
if (!$purchase->save()) {
    echo $purchase->getMessage();
foreach (Stock::model()->findAll() as $stock) {
    echo $stock->sku . ': ' . $stock->stock . "\n";
Esempio n. 15
  * creating a PO Item
  * @param PurchaseOrder $po
  * @param Product       $product
  * @param double        $unitPrice
  * @param int           $qty
  * @param string        $supplierItemCode
  * @param string        $supplierId
  * @param string        $description
  * @param double        $totalPrice
  * @return PurchaseOrderItem
 public static function create(PurchaseOrder $po, Product $product, $unitPrice = '0.0000', $qty = 1, $totalPrice = null, $receivedQty = 0)
     $entity = new PurchaseOrderItem();
     $msg = 'created POI for PO(' . $po->getPurchaseOrderNo() . ') with Product(SKU=' . $product->getSku() . ') unitPrice=' . $unitPrice . ', qty=' . $qty;
     $entity->setPurchaseOrder($po)->setProduct($product)->setUnitPrice($unitPrice)->setQty($qty)->setReceivedQty($receivedQty)->setTotalPrice(trim($totalPrice) !== '' ? $totalPrice : $unitPrice * $qty)->save()->addLog($msg, Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'Auto Log', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     $po->addLog($msg, Log::TYPE_SYSTEM, 'Auto Log', __CLASS__ . '::' . __FUNCTION__);
     return $entity;
Esempio n. 16
     * Getting the items
     * @param unknown $sender
     * @param unknown $param
     * @throws Exception
    public function getItems($sender, $param)
        $results = $errors = array();
        try {
            $class = trim($this->_focusEntity);
            $pageNo = 1;
            $pageSize = DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE;
            if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->pagination)) {
                $pageNo = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageNo;
                $pageSize = $param->CallbackParameter->pagination->pageSize;
            $where = array(' = :active');
            $params = array('active' => 1);
            if (isset($param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria)) {
                $criteria = $param->CallbackParameter->searchCriteria;
                if (isset($criteria->invoiceNo) && ($invNo = trim($criteria->invoiceNo)) !== '') {
                    $where[] = 'ri.invoiceNo like :invNo';
                    $params['invNo'] = '%' . $invNo . '%';
                if (isset($criteria->purchaseOrderIds) && count($purchaseOrderIds = array_filter(explode(',', trim($criteria->purchaseOrderIds)))) > 0) {
                    $poWhere = array();
                    foreach ($purchaseOrderIds as $index => $purchaseOrderId) {
                        $key = 'purchaseOrderId' . $index;
                        $poWhere[] = ':' . $key;
                        $params[$key] = $purchaseOrderId;
                    $where[] = 'ri.purchaseOrderId in(' . implode(', ', $poWhere) . ')';
                if (isset($criteria->supplierIds) && count($supplierIds = array_filter(explode(',', trim($criteria->supplierIds)))) > 0) {
                    $suppWhere = array();
                    foreach ($supplierIds as $index => $supplierId) {
                        $key = 'supplierId' . $index;
                        $suppWhere[] = ':' . $key;
                        $params[$key] = $supplierId;
                    $where[] = 'po.supplierId in(' . implode(', ', $suppWhere) . ')';
            $sql = 'select sql_calc_found_rows ri.invoiceNo,
						sum(ri.qty) `qty`,
						sum(ri.unitPrice * ri.qty) `price`,
						group_concat(distinct `poIds`,
						group_concat(distinct `itemIds`,
						min(ri.created) `created`
					from receivingitem ri
					inner join purchaseorder po on ( = ri.purchaseOrderId)
					where ' . implode(' AND ', $where) . '
					group by po.supplierId,  ri.invoiceNo
					order by desc
					limit ' . ($pageNo - 1) * $pageSize . ', ' . $pageSize;
            $rows = Dao::getResultsNative($sql, $params);
            $stats = array();
            $statsResult = Dao::getSingleResultNative('select found_rows()', array(), PDO::FETCH_NUM);
            $stats['totalRows'] = intval($statsResult[0]);
            $stats['pageSize'] = $pageSize;
            $stats['pageNumber'] = $pageNo;
            $stats['totalPages'] = intval(ceil($stats['totalRows'] / $stats['pageSize']));
            $results['items'] = array();
            foreach ($rows as $row) {
                $pos = count($poIds = explode(',', $row['poIds'])) === 0 ? array() : PurchaseOrder::getAllByCriteria('id in (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, count($poIds), '?')) . ')', $poIds);
                $results['items'][] = array('invoiceNo' => $row['invoiceNo'], 'supplier' => Supplier::get($row['supplierId'])->getJson(), 'created' => $row['created'], 'totalQty' => $row['qty'], 'totalPrice' => $row['price'], 'purchaseOrders' => array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $pos), 'poIds' => explode(',', $row['poIds']), 'itemIds' => explode(',', $row['itemIds']));
            $results['pageStats'] = $stats;
        } catch (Exception $ex) {
            $errors[] = $ex->getMessage();
        $param->ResponseData = StringUtilsAbstract::getJson($results, $errors);
 function auto_generate_number($type)
     $value = "";
     if ($type == "Quote") {
         App::uses('Quote', 'QuoteManager.Model');
         $quoteModel = new Quote();
         $quotes = $quoteModel->find('all', array('fields' => array(',Quote.quote_number')));
         if ($quotes) {
             $quote_number = (int) $quotes[count($quotes) - 1]['Quote']['quote_number'];
             $cnt = count($quotes);
             $max = 0;
             for ($i = 1; $i <= $cnt; $i++) {
                 $num = (int) $quotes[$i - 1]['Quote']['quote_number'];
                 if ($max < $num) {
                     $max = $num;
             $quote_number = explode("-", $quote_number);
             $length = strlen($quote_number[0] + 1) == strlen($quote_number[0]) ? strlen($quote_number[0]) : strlen($quote_number[0] + 1);
             for ($i = $length; $i < 6; $i++) {
                 $value .= '0';
             //$value.=$quote_number[0] + 1;
             $value .= $max + 1;
         } else {
             $value = "000001";
     } elseif ($type == "Work Order") {
         App::uses('WorkOrder', 'WorkOrderManager.Model');
         $woModel = new WorkOrder();
         $wos = $woModel->find('all', array('fields' => array(',work_order_number')));
         if ($wos) {
             $wo_number = (int) $wos[count($wos) - 1]['WorkOrder']['work_order_number'];
             $length = strlen($wo_number + 1) == strlen($wo_number) ? strlen($wo_number) : strlen($wo_number + 1);
             for ($i = $length; $i < 6; $i++) {
                 $value .= '0';
             $value .= $wo_number + 1;
         } else {
             $value = "000001";
     } elseif ($type == "Purchase Order") {
         App::uses('PurchaseOrder', 'PurchaseOrderManager.Model');
         $poModel = new PurchaseOrder();
         $pos = $poModel->find('all', array('fields' => array(',purchase_order_num')));
         if ($pos) {
             $po_number = (int) $pos[count($pos) - 1]['PurchaseOrder']['purchase_order_num'];
             $length = strlen($po_number + 1) == strlen($po_number) ? strlen($po_number) : strlen($po_number + 1);
             for ($i = $length; $i < 6; $i++) {
                 $value .= '0';
             $value .= $po_number + 1;
         } else {
             $value = "000001";
     } elseif ($type == "Invoice") {
         App::uses('Invoice', 'Invoice.Model');
         $invoiceModel = new Invoice();
         $invoice = $invoiceModel->find('all', array('fields' => array(',invoice_no')));
         if ($invoice) {
             $invoice_number = (int) $invoice[count($invoice) - 1]['Invoice']['invoice_no'];
             $length = strlen($invoice_number + 1) == strlen($invoice_number) ? strlen($invoice_number) : strlen($invoice_number + 1);
             for ($i = $length; $i < 6; $i++) {
                 $value .= '0';
             $value .= $invoice_number + 1;
         } else {
             $value = "000001";
     return $value;
Esempio n. 18

if (!isset($system) || $system != 'yes') {
    die("<H2>You are not allowed to view this resource</H2>");
//fetch purchase_order_details
require_once "./classes/class.purchaseorder.php";
$purchaseorder = new PurchaseOrder();
$purchase_order_details = $purchaseorder->purchase_order_details();
//$purchase_order_details=$db->get_results("SELECT * FROM purchase_order WHERE po_s_id='$a_s_id' AND po_status='1'");
Esempio n. 19
  * creating a PO
  * @param Supplier $supplier
  * @param string   $supplierRefNo
  * @param string   $supplierContact
  * @param string   $supplierContactNumber
  * @param string   $shippingCost
  * @param string   $handlingCost
  * @param bool	   $isCredit
  * @return PurchaseOrder
 public static function create(Supplier $supplier, $supplierRefNo = '', $supplierContact = '', $supplierContactNumber = '', $shippingCost = 0, $handlingCost = 0, $isCredit = false, PurchaseOrder $fromPO = null)
     $entity = new PurchaseOrder();
     return $entity->setSupplier($supplier)->setSupplierRefNo(trim($supplierRefNo))->setSupplierContact($supplierContact)->setSupplierContactNumber($supplierContactNumber)->setshippingCost($shippingCost)->sethandlingCost($handlingCost)->setIsCredit($isCredit)->setFromPO($fromPO)->save();
Esempio n. 20
require_once 'Smarty_setup.php';
require_once "data/Tracker.php";
require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrder.php';
require_once 'include/logging.php';
require_once 'include/ListView/ListView.php';
require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require_once 'modules/CustomView/CustomView.php';
require_once 'include/database/Postgres8.php';
global $app_strings, $list_max_entries_per_page, $currentModule, $theme;
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger('order_list');
if (!isset($where)) {
    $where = "";
$url_string = '&smodule=PO';
$focus = new PurchaseOrder();
// Initialize sort by fields
// END
$smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty();
$other_text = array();
if (!$_SESSION['lvs'][$currentModule]) {
    $modObj = new ListViewSession();
    $modObj->sorder = $sorder;
    $modObj->sortby = $order_by;
    $_SESSION['lvs'][$currentModule] = get_object_vars($modObj);
if ($_REQUEST['errormsg'] != '') {
    $errormsg = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['errormsg']);
    $smarty->assign("ERROR", "The User does not have permission to Change/Delete " . $errormsg . " " . $currentModule);
Esempio n. 21
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is C3CRM Team.
 * Portions created by C3CRM are Copyright (C) 2005 C3CRM
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributors: Goodwill Consulting
require_once 'XTemplate/xtpl.php';
require_once 'data/Tracker.php';
require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrders/PurchaseOrder.php';
require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrders/Forms.php';
require_once 'include/JSON.php';
global $app_strings;
global $app_list_strings;
global $mod_strings;
global $current_user;
$focus = new PurchaseOrder();
if (isset($_REQUEST['record'])) {
if (isset($_REQUEST['isDuplicate']) && $_REQUEST['isDuplicate'] == 'true') {
    $focus->id = "";
echo "\n<p>\n";
echo get_module_title($mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'], $mod_strings['LBL_MODULE_NAME'] . ": " . $focus->name, true);
echo "\n</p>\n";
global $theme;
$theme_path = "themes/" . $theme . "/";
$image_path = $theme_path . "images/";
require_once $theme_path . 'layout_utils.php';
$log->info("PurchaseOrder detail view");
$xtpl = new XTemplate('modules/PurchaseOrders/EditView.html');
Esempio n. 22
function createpdffile($idnumber, $purpose = '', $path = '', $current_id = '')
    require_once 'include/tcpdf/tcpdf.php';
    require_once 'include/tcpdf/config/tcpdf_config.php';
    require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrder.php';
    require_once 'include/database/PearDatabase.php';
    require_once 'include/utils/InventoryUtils.php';
    require_once 'include/utils/PDFutils.php';
    require_once 'test/contact/bank.php';
    global $FOOTER_PAGE, $default_font, $font_size_footer, $NUM_FACTURE_NAME, $pdf_strings, $PurchaseOrder_no, $footer_margin;
    global $org_name, $org_address, $org_city, $org_code, $org_country, $org_irs, $org_taxid, $org_phone, $org_fax, $org_website;
    //bank information - content
    global $bank_name, $bank_street, $bank_city, $bank_zip, $bank_country, $bank_account, $bank_routing, $bank_iban, $bank_swift;
    //bank information - labels from language files
    global $columns, $logoradio, $logo_name, $footerradio, $pageradio;
    global $adb, $app_strings, $focus, $current_user;
    $module = 'PurchaseOrder';
    //get bank information
    $bank_name = $bank_array['bank_name'];
    $bank_street = $bank_array['bank_street'];
    $bank_city = $bank_array['bank_city'];
    $bank_zip = $bank_array['bank_zip'];
    $bank_country = $bank_array['bank_country'];
    $bank_account = $bank_array['bank_account'];
    $bank_routing = $bank_array['bank_routing'];
    $bank_iban = $bank_array['bank_iban'];
    $bank_swift = $bank_array['bank_swift'];
    //get tax information
    $org_taxid = $tax_array['org_taxid'];
    $org_irs = $tax_array['org_irs'];
    //get the stored configuration values
    $pdf_config_details = getAllPDFDetails('PurchaseOrder');
    //set font
    $default_font = getTCPDFFontsname($pdf_config_details[fontid]);
    if ($default_font == '') {
        $default_font = 'freesans';
    $font_size_header = $pdf_config_details[fontsizeheader];
    $font_size_address = $pdf_config_details[fontsizeaddress];
    $font_size_body = $pdf_config_details[fontsizebody];
    $font_size_footer = $pdf_config_details[fontsizefooter];
    //select comma or dot as numberformat
    //European Format
    $decimal_precision = 2;
    $decimals_separator = ',';
    $thousands_separator = '.';
    //US Format
    //$decimal_precision = 2;
    //$decimals_separator = '.';
    //$thousands_separator = ',';
    //get users data
    //select language file
    if (file_exists("modules/PurchaseOrder/language/" . $pdf_config_details[pdflang] . ".lang.pdf.php")) {
        include "modules/PurchaseOrder/language/" . $pdf_config_details[pdflang] . ".lang.pdf.php";
        $language = strtoupper(substr($pdf_config_details[pdflang], -2, 2));
    } else {
        include "modules/PurchaseOrder/language/en_us.lang.pdf.php";
        $language = "EN";
    //internal number
    $id = $idnumber;
    //retreiving the PO info
    $focus = new PurchaseOrder();
    $focus->retrieve_entity_info($id, 'PurchaseOrder');
    $vendor_name = getVendorName($focus->column_fields['vendor_id']);
    //get vendors No
    $sql = "SELECT vendor_no FROM vtiger_vendor where vendorid = '" . $focus->column_fields['vendor_id'] . "'";
    $result = $adb->query($sql);
    $vendor_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'vendor_no');
    $carriername = $focus->column_fields['carrier'];
    $PurchaseOrder_no = $focus->column_fields['purchaseorder_no'];
    $sql = "select vtiger_currency_info.currency_symbol from vtiger_currency_info where " . $focus->column_fields['currency_id'];
    $currency_symbol = $adb->query_result($adb->query($sql), 0, 'currency_symbol');
    //get the PO date set
    $date_to_display_array = array(str_replace("-", ".", getDisplayDate(date("Y-m-d"))));
    $date_created = getDisplayDate($focus->column_fields['createdtime']);
    $date_array = explode(" ", $date_created);
    $date_to_display_array[1] = str_replace("-", ".", $date_array[0]);
    $date_modified = getDisplayDate($focus->column_fields['modifiedtime']);
    $date_array = explode(" ", $date_modified);
    $date_to_display_array[2] = str_replace("-", ".", $date_array[0]);
    $date_to_display = $date_to_display_array[$pdf_config_details['dateused']];
    //number of lines after headline
    $space_headline = $pdf_config_details['space_headline'];
    //display logo?
    $logoradio = $pdf_config_details['logoradio'];
    //display summary?
    $summaryradio = $pdf_config_details['summaryradio'];
    //display footer?
    $footerradio = $pdf_config_details['footerradio'];
    //display footer page number?
    $pageradio = $pdf_config_details['pageradio'];
    //display requisition #?
    $req = $pdf_config_details['poname'];
    //display vendor id?
    $carrier = $pdf_config_details['carrier'];
    //display vendor id?
    $vendor = $pdf_config_details['clientid'];
    // get company information from settings
    $add_query = "select * from vtiger_organizationdetails";
    $result = $adb->query($add_query);
    $num_rows = $adb->num_rows($result);
    if ($num_rows > 0) {
        $org_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "organizationname");
        $org_address = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "address");
        $org_city = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "city");
        $org_state = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "state");
        $org_country = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "country");
        $org_code = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "code");
        $org_phone = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "phone");
        $org_fax = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "fax");
        $org_website = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "website");
        $logo_name = $adb->query_result($result, 0, "logoname");
    // get owner information
    $recordOwnerArr = getRecordOwnerId($_REQUEST['record']);
    foreach ($recordOwnerArr as $type => $id) {
        $ownertype = $type;
        $ownerid = $id;
    if ($ownertype == 'Users') {
        // get owner information for user
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_users,vtiger_crmentity WHERE = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid AND vtiger_crmentity.crmid = '" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "'";
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $owner_lastname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'last_name');
        $owner_firstname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'first_name');
        $owner_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'smownerid');
        $owner_phone = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'phone_work');
        $owner_title = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, 'title')));
    } else {
        // get owner information for Groups
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM vtiger_groups,vtiger_crmentity WHERE vtiger_groups.groupid  = vtiger_crmentity.smownerid AND vtiger_crmentity.crmid = '" . $_REQUEST['record'] . "'";
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $owner_lastname = '';
        $owner_firstname = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'groupname');
        $owner_id = $adb->query_result($result, 0, 'smownerid');
        $owner_phone = $org_phone;
        $owner_title = '';
    //display owner?
    $owner = $pdf_config_details['owner'];
    //display owner phone#?
    $ownerphone = $pdf_config_details['ownerphone'];
    //to display at product description based on tax type
    $gproddetailarray = array($pdf_config_details[gprodname], $pdf_config_details[gproddes], $pdf_config_details[gprodcom]);
    $gproddetails = 0;
    foreach ($gproddetailarray as $key => $value) {
        if ($value == 'true') {
            if ($key == 0) {
                $gproddetails = $gproddetails + 1;
            } else {
                $gproddetails = $gproddetails + $key * 2;
    $iproddetails = 0;
    $iproddetailarray = array($pdf_config_details[iprodname], $pdf_config_details[iproddes], $pdf_config_details[iprodcom]);
    foreach ($iproddetailarray as $key => $value) {
        if ($value == 'true') {
            if ($key == 0) {
                $iproddetails = $iproddetails + 1;
            } else {
                $iproddetails = $iproddetails + $key * 2;
    // PO Requisition Nummer
    $subject = $focus->column_fields[requisition_no];
    if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
        $product_taxes = 'true';
    } else {
        $product_taxes = 'false';
    // **************** BEGIN POPULATE DATA ********************
    $requisition_no = $focus->column_fields["requisition_no"];
    $customermark = $focus->column_fields["tracking_no"];
    $valid_till = $focus->column_fields["duedate"];
    $valid_till = str_replace("-", ".", getDisplayDate($valid_till));
    $bill_street = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_street"]);
    $bill_city = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_city"]);
    $bill_state = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_state"]);
    $bill_code = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_code"]);
    $bill_country = decode_html($focus->column_fields["bill_country"]);
    //format contact name
    $contact_name = decode_html(getContactforPDF($focus->column_fields["contact_id"]));
    //get department of contact or account, contact wins
    $contact_department = '';
    //get contact department
    if (trim($focus->column_fields["contact_id"]) != '') {
        $sql = "select * from vtiger_contactdetails where contactid=" . $focus->column_fields["contact_id"];
        $result = $adb->query($sql);
        $contact_department = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "department")));
        $contact_firstname = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "firstname")));
        $contact_lastname = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "lastname")));
        $contact_salutation = decode_html(trim($adb->query_result($result, 0, "salutation")));
    $ship_street = $focus->column_fields["ship_street"];
    $ship_city = $focus->column_fields["ship_city"];
    $ship_state = $focus->column_fields["ship_state"];
    $ship_code = $focus->column_fields["ship_code"];
    $ship_country = $focus->column_fields["ship_country"];
    // condition field for last page
    $conditions = decode_html($focus->column_fields["terms_conditions"]);
    // description field for first page
    $description = decode_html($focus->column_fields["description"]);
    // ************************ BEGIN POPULATE DATA ***************************
    //get the Associated Products for this Purchase Order
    $focus->id = $focus->column_fields["record_id"];
    $associated_products = getAssociatedProducts("PurchaseOrder", $focus);
    $num_products = count($associated_products);
    //This $final_details array will contain the final total, discount, Group Tax, S&H charge, S&H taxes and adjustment
    $final_details = $associated_products[1]['final_details'];
    //getting the Net Total
    $price_subtotal = $final_details["hdnSubTotal"];
    $price_subtotal_formated = number_format($price_subtotal, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //Final discount amount/percentage
    $discount_amount = $final_details["discount_amount_final"];
    $discount_percent = $final_details["discount_percentage_final"];
    if ($discount_amount != "") {
        $price_discount = $discount_amount;
        $price_discount_formated = number_format($price_discount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    } else {
        if ($discount_percent != "") {
            //This will be displayed near Discount label
            $final_price_discount_percent = "(" . number_format($discount_percent, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator) . " %)";
            $price_discount = $discount_percent * $final_details["hdnSubTotal"] / 100;
            $price_discount_formated = number_format($price_discount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        } else {
            $price_discount = "0.00";
    $price_adjustment = $final_details["adjustment"];
    $price_adjustment_formated = number_format($price_adjustment, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //Grand Total
    $price_total = $final_details["grandTotal"];
    $price_total_formated = number_format($price_total, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //To calculate the group tax amount
    if ($final_details['taxtype'] == 'group') {
        $group_tax_total = $final_details['tax_totalamount'];
        $price_salestax = $group_tax_total;
        $price_salestax_formated = number_format($price_salestax, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $group_total_tax_percent = '0.00';
        $group_tax_details = $final_details['taxes'];
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($group_tax_details); $i++) {
            $group_total_tax_percent = $group_total_tax_percent + $group_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];
    //S&H amount
    $sh_amount = $final_details['shipping_handling_charge'];
    $price_shipping_formated = number_format($sh_amount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //S&H taxes
    $sh_tax_details = $final_details['sh_taxes'];
    $sh_tax_percent = '0.00';
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($sh_tax_details); $i++) {
        $sh_tax_percent = $sh_tax_percent + $sh_tax_details[$i]['percentage'];
    $sh_tax_amount = $final_details['shtax_totalamount'];
    $price_shipping_tax = number_format($sh_tax_amount, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
    //to calculate the individuel tax amounts included we should get all available taxes and then retrieve the corresponding tax values
    $tax_details = getAllTaxes('available');
    $numer_of_tax_types = count($tax_details);
    for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($tax_details); $tax_count++) {
        $taxtype_listings[taxname . $tax_count] = $tax_details[$tax_count]['taxname'];
        $taxtype_listings[percentage . $tax_count] = $tax_details[$tax_count]['percentage'];
        $taxtype_listings[value . $tax_count] = '0';
    //This is to get all prodcut details as row basis
    for ($i = 1, $j = $i - 1; $i <= $num_products; $i++, $j++) {
        $product_code[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['hdnProductcode' . $i];
        $product_name[$i] = decode_html($associated_products[$i]['productName' . $i]);
        $prod_description[$i] = decode_html($associated_products[$i]['productDescription' . $i]);
        $qty[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['qty' . $i];
        $qty_formated[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['qty' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $comment[$i] = decode_html($associated_products[$i]['comment' . $i]);
        $unit_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['unitPrice' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $list_price[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['listPrice' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $list_pricet[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['listPrice' . $i];
        $discount_total[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['discountTotal' . $i];
        $discount_totalformated[$i] = number_format($associated_products[$i]['discountTotal' . $i], $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        //added by crm-now
        $usageunit[$i] = $associated_products[$i]['usageunit' . $i];
        //look whether the entry already exists, if the translated string is available then the translated string other wise original string will be returned
        $usageunit[$i] = getTranslatedString($usageunit[$i], 'Products');
        $taxable_total = $qty[$i] * $list_pricet[$i] - $discount_total[$i];
        $producttotal = $taxable_total;
        $total_taxes = '0.00';
        if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
            $total_tax_percent = '0.00';
            //This loop is to get all tax percentage and then calculate the total of all taxes
            for ($tax_count = 0; $tax_count < count($associated_products[$i]['taxes']); $tax_count++) {
                $tax_percent = $associated_products[$i]['taxes'][$tax_count]['percentage'];
                $total_tax_percent = $total_tax_percent + $tax_percent;
                $tax_amount = $taxable_total * $tax_percent / 100;
                //calculate the tax amount for any available tax percentage
                $detected_tax = substr(array_search($total_tax_percent, $taxtype_listings), -1);
                $taxtype_listings[value . $detected_tax] = $taxtype_listings[value . $detected_tax] + $tax_amount;
                $total_taxes = $total_taxes + $tax_amount;
            $producttotal = $taxable_total + $total_taxes;
            $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Tax']] = " ({$total_tax_percent} %) " . number_format($total_taxes, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
            // combine product name, description and comment to one field based on settings
        // combine product name, description and comment to one field based on settings
        if ($focus->column_fields["hdnTaxType"] == "individual") {
            $product_selection = $iproddetails;
        } else {
            $product_selection = $gproddetails;
        switch ($product_selection) {
            case 1:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i];
            case 2:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $prod_description[$i];
            case 3:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $prod_description[$i];
            case 4:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $comment[$i];
            case 5:
                $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
            case 6:
                if ($prod_description[$i] != '') {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $prod_description[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                } else {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $comment[$i];
            case 7:
                if ($prod_description[$i] != '') {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $prod_description[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                } else {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                if ($prod_description[$i] != '') {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $prod_description[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
                } else {
                    $product_name_long[$i] = $product_name[$i] . "\n" . $comment[$i];
        $prod_total[$i] = number_format($producttotal, $decimal_precision, $decimals_separator, $thousands_separator);
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Position']] = $j + 1;
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['OrderCode']] = $product_code[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Description']] = $product_name_long[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Qty']] = $qty_formated[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Unit']] = $usageunit[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['UnitPrice']] = $list_price[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['Discount']] = $discount_totalformated[$i];
        $product_line[$j][$pdf_strings['LineTotal']] = $prod_total[$i];
    //Population of current date
    $addyear = strtotime("+0 year");
    $dat_fmt = $current_user->date_format == '' ? 'dd-mm-yyyy' : $current_user->date_format;
    $date_issued = $dat_fmt == 'dd-mm-yyyy' ? date('d-m-Y', $addyear) : ($dat_fmt == 'mm-dd-yyyy' ? date('m-d-Y', $addyear) : ($dat_fmt == 'yyyy-mm-dd' ? date('Y-m-d', $addyear) : ''));
    // ************************ END POPULATE DATA ***************************
    //************************BEGIN PDF FORMATING**************************
    // Extend the TCPDF class to create custom Header and Footer
    class MYPDF extends TCPDF
        //modifiy tcpdf class footer
        public function Footer()
            //To make the function Footer() work properly
            if (!isset($this->original_lMargin)) {
                $this->original_lMargin = $this->lMargin;
            if (!isset($this->original_rMargin)) {
                $this->original_rMargin = $this->rMargin;
            include "modules/PurchaseOrder/pdf_templates/footer.php";
    $page_num = '1';
    // create new PDF document
    //$pdf = new PDF( 'P', 'mm', 'A4' );
    // set font
    $pdf->SetFont($default_font, " ", $default_font_size);
    //header switched off permanently
    // auto break on
    // set footer fonts
    //$pdf->setFooterFont(Array(PDF_FONT_NAME_DATA, '', PDF_FONT_SIZE_DATA));
    //set margins
    // set pdf information
    $pdf->SetTitle($pdf_strings['FACTURE'] . ": " . $account_name);
    $pdf->SetAuthor($owner_firstname . " " . $owner_lastname . ", " . $org_name);
    $pdf->SetCreator('CRM PDF Creator from');
    //list product names as keywords
    $productlisting = implode(", ", $product_name);
    //Disable automatic page break
    $pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, PDF_MARGIN_FOOTER);
    //set image scale factor
    //set some language-dependent strings
    //initialize document
    //in reference to body.php -> if a new page must be added if the space available for summary is too small
    $new_page_started = false;
    include "modules/PurchaseOrder/pdf_templates/header.php";
    $pdf->SetFont($default_font, " ", $font_size_body);
    include "modules/PurchaseOrder/pdf_templates/body.php";
    // issue pdf
    if ($purpose == 'print') {
        $pdf->Output($pdf_strings['FACTURE'] . '_' . $date_issued . '.pdf', 'D');
    } elseif ($purpose == 'send') {
        // send pdf with mail
        switch ($language) {
            case "EN":
                $pdf->Output('storage/PurchaseOrder_' . $_REQUEST['record'] . '.pdf', 'F');
                //added file name to make it work in IE, also forces the download giving the user the option to save
            case "DE":
                $pdf->Output('storage/Einkaufsbestellung_' . $_REQUEST['record'] . '.pdf', 'F');
                //added file name to make it work in IE, also forces the download giving the user the option to save
Esempio n. 23

// Copyright SQCRM. For licensing, reuse, modification and distribution see license.txt
* PurchaseOrder detail 
* @author Abhik Chakraborty
$do_crmfields = new CRMFields();
$do_block = new Block();
$module_obj = new PurchaseOrder();
$do_lineitems = new Lineitems();
$do_lineitems->get_line_items($module_id, $sqcrm_record_id);
$lineitems = array();
if ($do_lineitems->getNumRows() > 0) {
    while ($do_lineitems->next()) {
        $lineitems[] = array("idlineitems" => $do_lineitems->idlineitems, "item_type" => $do_lineitems->item_type, "item_name" => $do_lineitems->item_name, "item_value" => $do_lineitems->item_value, "item_description" => $do_lineitems->item_description, "item_quantity" => $do_lineitems->item_quantity, "item_price" => $do_lineitems->item_price, "discount_type" => $do_lineitems->discount_type, "discount_value" => $do_lineitems->discount_value, "discounted_amount" => $do_lineitems->discounted_amount, "tax_values" => $do_lineitems->tax_values, "taxed_amount" => $do_lineitems->taxed_amount, "total_after_discount" => $do_lineitems->total_after_discount, "total_after_tax" => $do_lineitems->total_after_tax, "net_total" => $do_lineitems->net_total);
//updates detail, just add and last updated
$do_crmentity = new CRMEntity();
$update_history = $do_crmentity->get_last_updates($sqcrm_record_id, $module_id, $module_obj);
if (isset($_GET['ajaxreq']) && $_GET['ajaxreq'] == true) {
    require_once 'view/detail_view_entry.php';
} else {
    require_once 'view/detail_view.php';
Esempio n. 24
    $_REQUEST['shipping_handling_charge'] = $shipping_handling_charge = '50';
    $_REQUEST['adjustmenttype'] = '+';
    $_REQUEST['adjustment'] = $adjustment = '100';
    $_REQUEST['total'] = $subtotal - $discount_amount_final + $shipping_handling_charge + $adjustment;
    //Upto this added to set the request values which will be used to save the inventory product details
    //Now call the saveInventoryProductDetails function
    saveInventoryProductDetails($so, 'SalesOrder');
//Populate PurchaseOrder Data
$psubj_array = array("PO_vtiger", "PO_zoho", "PO_vtiger5usrp", "PO_vt100usrpk", "PO_vendtl");
$pstatus_array = array("Created", "Delivered", "Approved", "Cancelled", "Received Shipment");
$carrier_array = array("FedEx", "UPS", "USPS", "DHL", "BlueDart");
$trkno_array = array("po1425", "po2587", "po7974", "po7979", "po6411");
$duedate_array = array("2007-04-21", "2007-05-29", "2007-07-11", "2007-04-09", "2006-08-18");
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $po = new PurchaseOrder();
    $po->column_fields["assigned_user_id"] = $assigned_user_id;
    $vendor_key = array_rand($vendor_ids);
    $po->column_fields["vendor_id"] = $vendor_ids[$vendor_key];
    $contact_key = array_rand($contact_ids);
    $po->column_fields["contact_id"] = $contact_ids[$contact_key];
    $rand = array_rand($num_array);
    $po->column_fields["subject"] = $psubj_array[$i];
    $po->column_fields["postatus"] = $pstatus_array[$i];
    $po->column_fields["carrier"] = $carrier_array[$i];
    $po->column_fields["tracking_no"] = $trkno_array[$i];
    $po->column_fields["duedate"] = $duedate_array[$i];
    $po->column_fields["bill_street"] = $street_address_array[rand(0, $street_address_count - 1)];
    $po->column_fields["bill_city"] = $city_array[rand(0, $city_array_count - 1)];
    $po->column_fields["bill_state"] = "CA";
    $po->column_fields["bill_code"] = rand(10000, 99999);
Esempio n. 25
     * function to generate inventory (quote,invoice,sales order,purchase order) PDF
     * @param integer $idquotes
     * @param boolean $save
     * @see
    public function generate_inventory_pdf($idrecord, $idmodule, $save = false)
        include_once BASE_PATH . THIRD_PARTY_LIB_PATH . "/mpdf/mpdf.php";
        //echo BASE_PATH.THIRD_PARTY_LIB_PATH ;exit;
        $pdf = new \mPDF();
        $crm_global_settings = new \CRMGlobalSettings();
        if ($idmodule == 13) {
            $obj = new \Quotes();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('quote_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('QUOTE');
            $inv = 'q';
            $inv_number_fld = 'quote_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'valid_till';
            $file_name = 'Quote_' . $prefix . $obj->quote_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Quote #');
        } elseif ($idmodule == 14) {
            $obj = new \SalesOrder();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('salesorder_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('SALES ORDER');
            $inv = 'so';
            $inv_number_fld = 'sales_order_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'due_date';
            $file_name = 'SalesOrder_' . $prefix . $obj->sales_order_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Sales Order #');
        } elseif ($idmodule == 15) {
            $obj = new \Invoice();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('invoice_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('INVOICE');
            $inv = 'inv';
            $inv_number_fld = 'invoice_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'due_date';
            $file_name = 'Invoice_' . $prefix . $obj->invoice_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Invoice #');
        } elseif ($idmodule == 16) {
            $obj = new \PurchaseOrder();
            $prefix = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('purchaseorder_num_prefix');
            $inventory_type = _('PURCHASE ORDER');
            $inv = 'po';
            $inv_number_fld = 'po_number';
            $inv_date_fld = 'due_date';
            $file_name = 'PurchaseOrder_' . $prefix . $obj->po_number . '.pdf';
            $inventory_number = _('Purchase Order #');
        $inventory_logo = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('inventory_logo');
        $company_address = $crm_global_settings->get_setting_data_by_name('company_address');
        $do_lineitems = new \Lineitems();
        $do_lineitems->get_line_items($idmodule, $idrecord);
        $lineitems = array();
        if ($do_lineitems->getNumRows() > 0) {
            while ($do_lineitems->next()) {
                $lineitems[] = array("idlineitems" => $do_lineitems->idlineitems, "item_type" => $do_lineitems->item_type, "item_name" => $do_lineitems->item_name, "item_value" => $do_lineitems->item_value, "item_description" => $do_lineitems->item_description, "item_quantity" => $do_lineitems->item_quantity, "item_price" => $do_lineitems->item_price, "discount_type" => $do_lineitems->discount_type, "discount_value" => $do_lineitems->discount_value, "discounted_amount" => $do_lineitems->discounted_amount, "tax_values" => $do_lineitems->tax_values, "taxed_amount" => $do_lineitems->taxed_amount, "total_after_discount" => $do_lineitems->total_after_discount, "total_after_tax" => $do_lineitems->total_after_tax, "net_total" => $do_lineitems->net_total);
        $html = '';
        if (is_array($lineitems) && count($lineitems) > 0) {
            //--load the stylesheet
            $stylesheet = file_get_contents(BASE_PATH . '/themes/custom-css/inventory_export.css');
            $pdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet, 1);
            $html .= '
				<div class="inv_wrapper">
					<h1 class="inv_heading">' . $inventory_type . '</h1>
					<div class="inv_address_wrapper">
						<p class="inv_address_section">
							<span class="inv_address_to_from">FROM:</span><br>
							' . nl2br($company_address) . '
					<div class="inv_company_address_wrapper">
						<img class="inv_company_address_logo" src="' . $GLOBALS['FILE_UPLOAD_DISPLAY_PATH'] . '/' . $inventory_logo . '">
				<div style="clear:both;"></div>
				<div class="inv_wrapper">
				<div class="inv_address_wrapper">
					<p class="inv_address_section">
						<span class="inv_address_to_from">To:</span><br>' . $this->generate_to_address($obj, $inv) . '
				<div class="inv_brief_section">
					<table class="inv_brief_section_table">
							<th class="inv_brief_section_table_heading">
								<span>' . $inventory_number . '</span>
							<td class="inv_brief_section_table_content">
								<span>' . $prefix . $obj->{$inv_number_fld} . '</span>
							<th class="inv_brief_section_table_heading">
							<td class="inv_brief_section_table_content">
								<span>' . \FieldType9::display_value($obj->{$inv_date_fld}) . '</span>
							<th class="inv_brief_section_table_heading">
								<span>Amount Due</span>
							<td class="inv_brief_section_table_content">
								<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->grand_total) . '</span>
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
            $html .= '
			<table class="inv_line_table">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_30">
							<span>Item Name</span>
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_10">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_30">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_15">
						<th class="inv_line_table_header inv_line_table_header_width_15">
							<span>Net Price</span>
            $html .= '<tbody>';
            foreach ($lineitems as $key => $items) {
                $line_discount = '';
                if ($items["discount_type"] == 'direct') {
                    $line_discount = _('Discount') . '-' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["discount_value"]);
                } elseif ($items["discount_type"] == 'percentage') {
                    $line_discount = _('Discount') . '-' . $items["discount_value"] . ' %';
                } else {
                    $line_discount = _('Discount') . '-' . _('no discount');
                $line_tax = '';
                if ($items["tax_values"] != '') {
                    $line_tax = ' - ' . rtrim($items["tax_values"], ',');
                } else {
                    $line_tax = ' - no tax';
                $html .= '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content inv_line_table_content_vertical_top">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . $items["item_name"] . ' <br><br>
							' . nl2br($items["item_description"]) . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content inv_line_table_content_vertical_top">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType16::display_value($items["item_quantity"]) . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["item_price"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . $line_discount . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							<b>Total after discount</b>
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							<b>Tax </b> ' . $line_tax . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content">
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["item_price"] * $items["item_quantity"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["discounted_amount"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["total_after_discount"]) . '
						<div class="inv_line_table_content_block">
							' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["taxed_amount"]) . '
					<td class="inv_line_table_content inv_line_table_content_vertical_top">
						' . \FieldType30::display_value($items["net_total"]) . '
            $html .= '
            $net_discount = '';
            if ($obj->discount_type == 'percentage') {
                $net_discount = $obj->discount_value . ' %';
            } elseif ($obj->discount_type == 'direct') {
                $net_discount = FieldType30::display_value($obj->discount_value);
            } else {
                $net_discount = _('no discount');
            $net_tax = '';
            if ($obj->tax_values != '') {
                $net_tax = rtrim($obj->tax_values, ',');
            $ship_hand_tax = '';
            if ($obj->shipping_handling_tax_values != '') {
                $ship_hand_tax = rtrim($obj->shipping_handling_tax_values, ',');
            $final_adj = '';
            if ($obj->final_adjustment_type == 'add') {
                $final_adj = '(+)';
            } elseif ($obj->final_adjustment_type == 'deduct') {
                $final_adj = '(-)';
            $html .= '
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
			<div class="inv_grand_total_section">
				<table class="inv_grand_total_table">
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Net Total</b></span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->net_total) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Discount -</b> ' . $net_discount . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->discounted_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Tax -</b> ' . $net_tax . ' </span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->taxed_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Shipping/Handling charges</b></span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->shipping_handling_charge) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Shipping/Handling Tax -</b>' . $ship_hand_tax . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->shipping_handling_taxed_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Final Adjustment</b>' . $final_adj . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->final_adjustment_amount) . '</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_header">
							<span><b>Grand Total</span>
						<td class="inv_grand_total_table_content">
							<span>' . \FieldType30::display_value($obj->grand_total) . '</span>
			<div style="clear:both;"></div>
			<h3 class="inv_terms_cond_section">
				<span>Terms & Condition</span>
			<div style="top:2px;">
					' . nl2br($obj->terms_condition) . '
        if (true === $save) {
            $pdf->Output(OUTBOUND_PATH . '/' . $file_name, 'F');
            return $file_name;
        } else {
            $pdf->WriteHTML($html, 2);
            $pdf->Output($file_name, 'D');
 public function quote_approved($id = null)
     $this->autoRender = FALSE;
     App::import('Model', 'QuoteManager.QuoteStatus');
     $QuoteStatus = new QuoteStatus();
     App::import('Model', 'QuoteManager.Quote');
     $Quote = new Quote();
     $Q_model = new Quote();
     $quote['Quote']['id'] = $id;
     $quote['Quote']['status'] = 'Approve';
     $Q_data = $Q_model->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => $id)));
     if (empty($Q_data['Quote']['est_shipping'])) {
         if ($Q_data['Quote']['delivery'] == '4 - 8 Weeks Delivery') {
             $add_days = 56;
             $today = $Q_data['Quote']['quote_created_date'];
             $esd_date = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($today) + 24 * 3600 * $add_days);
         if ($Q_data['Quote']['delivery'] == '5 - 10 Weeks Delivery') {
             $add_days = 70;
             $today = $Q_data['Quote']['quote_created_date'];
             $esd_date = date('d/m/Y', strtotime($today) + 24 * 3600 * $add_days);
         $quote['Quote']['est_shipping'] = $esd_date;
     $quote_status['QuoteStatus']['status'] = 'Approve';
     $quote_status['QuoteStatus']['quote_id'] = $id;
     $quote_info = $Quote->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => $id)));
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['quote_id'] = $quote_info['Quote']['id'];
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['project_id'] = $quote_info['Quote']['project_id'];
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['customer_id'] = $quote_info['Quote']['customer_id'];
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['status'] = 'New';
     $quote_number_explode = explode("-", $quote_info['Quote']['quote_number']);
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['work_order_number'] = $quote_number_explode[0];
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['skid_number'] = $quote_info['Quote']['skid_number'];
     $workorder['WorkOrder']['skid_weight'] = $quote_info['Quote']['skid_weight'];
     App::import("Model", "WorkOrderManager.WorkOrder");
     $wo = new WorkOrder();
     App::import("Model", "PurchaseOrderManager.PurchaseOrder");
     App::import("Model", "PurchaseOrderManager.PurchaseOrderItem");
     App::import("Model", "Inventory.Supplier");
     App::import('Model', 'PurchaseOrderManager.GeneralSetting');
     $supplier = array();
     foreach ($quote_info['CabinetOrderItem'] as $quote_item) {
         $item_info = $this->findQuoteItem($quote_item['item_id']);
         $supplier_required = $this->findQuoteItemDept($item_info['Item']['item_department_id']);
         if ($supplier_required['ItemDepartment']['supplier_required'] == 1) {
             $supplier[$item_info['Item']['supplier_id']][] = $item_info;
     $total_amount = 0;
     foreach ($supplier as $key => $value) {
         if (empty($Q_data['Quote']['est_shipping'])) {
             $est_date_quote = $quote['Quote']['est_shipping'];
         } else {
             $est_date_quote = $quote_info['Quote']['est_shipping'];
         $purchaseorder = new PurchaseOrder();
         $sp_model = new Supplier();
         $sp_data = $sp_model->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => $id)));
         $general_model = new GeneralSetting();
         $location_data = $general_model->find("first", array("conditions" => array("" => 'Default')));
         $po['supplier_id'] = $key;
         $po['work_order_id'] = $wo->id;
         $po_number = explode("-", $quote_info['Quote']['quote_number']);
         $po['purchase_order_num'] = $po_number[0];
         $po['quote_id'] = $quote_info['Quote']['id'];
         $po['shipment_date'] = $est_date_quote;
         $po['payment_type'] = 'On Account';
         $po['issued_on'] = date('d/m/Y');
         $po['issued_by'] = $this->loginUser['id'];
         $po['term'] = $sp_data['Supplier']['terms'];
         $po['location_name'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['name'];
         $po['name_ship_to'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['name_address'];
         $po['address'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['address'];
         $po['city'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['city'];
         $po['province'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['province'];
         $po['postal_code'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['postal_code'];
         $po['country'] = $location_data['GeneralSetting']['country'];
         foreach ($value as $v) {
             foreach ($quote_info['CabinetOrderItem'] as $req_info) {
                 if ($req_info['item_id'] == $v['Item']['id']) {
                     $quantity = $req_info['quantity'];
                     $total_amount = $total_amount + $quantity * $v['Item']['price'];
         App::import("Model", "PurchaseOrderManager.GeneralSetting");
         $g_setting = new GeneralSetting();
         $gst_rate = $g_setting->find("first", array("conditions" => array("GeneralSetting.type" => 'gst')));
         $pst_rate = $g_setting->find("first", array("conditions" => array("GeneralSetting.type" => 'pst')));
         $gst_amount = $gst_rate['GeneralSetting']['value'] / 100 * $total_amount;
         $pst_amount = $pst_rate['GeneralSetting']['value'] / 100 * $total_amount;
         $total_amount = $total_amount + $gst_amount + $pst_amount;
         $po['total_amount'] = $total_amount;
         $index = 0;
         $purchaseorderitem = new PurchaseOrderItem();
         foreach ($value as $v) {
             foreach ($quote_info['CabinetOrderItem'] as $req_info) {
                 if ($req_info['item_id'] == $v['Item']['id']) {
                     $po_item[$index]['quantity'] = $req_info['quantity'];
                     $po_item[$index]['code'] = $req_info['code'];
                     $po_item[$index]['cabinet_id'] = $req_info['cabinet_id'];
                     $po_item[$index]['door_id'] = $req_info['door_id'];
             $po_item[$index]['item_id'] = $v['Item']['id'];
             $po_item[$index]['purchase_order_id'] = $purchaseorder->id;
     //		foreach($quote_info['CabinetOrderItem'] as $quote_item){
     //			$purchaseorder = new PurchaseOrder();
     //			$item_info = $this->findQuoteItem($quote_item['item_id']);
     //			$supplier_required = $this->findQuoteItemDept($item_info['Item']['item_department_id']);
     //			if(!empty($supplier_required['ItemDepartment']['supplier_required'])){
     //				$supplier[$item_info['Item']['supplier_id']][] = $item_info;
     //				$po['supplier_id'] = $item_info['Item']['supplier_id'];
     //				$po['work_order_id'] = $wo->id;
     //				$po['purchase_order_num'] = $quote_info['Quote']['quote_number'];
     //				$po['quote_id'] = $quote_info['Quote']['id'];
     //				$po['shipment_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
     //				$po['expiry_date'] = date("Y-m-d");
     //				$po['cc_num'] = 'Test CC Number';
     //				$po['name_cc'] = 'Test CC Name';
     //				$po['payment_type'] = 'On Account';
     //				//$purchaseorder->save($po);
     //				$index = 0;
     //				foreach($quote_info['CabinetOrderItem'] as $qitem){
     //					$purchaseorderitem = new PurchaseOrderItem();
     //					$item_info = $this->findQuoteItem($qitem['item_id']);
     //					$supplier_required = $this->findQuoteItemDept($item_info['Item']['item_department_id']);
     //					if(!empty($supplier_required['ItemDepartment']['supplier_required'])){
     //						$po_item[$index]['item_id'] = $item_info['Item']['id'];
     //						$po_item[$index]['code'] = $item_info['Item']['id']."|item";
     //						$po_item[$index]['purchase_order_id'] = $purchaseorder->id;
     //						$index++;
     //					}
     //				}
     //				//$purchaseorderitem->saveAll($po_item);
     //			}
     //		}exit;
     if ($QuoteStatus->save($quote_status)) {
Esempio n. 27
 private function _getPurchaseOrders(array $params)
     $searchTxt = trim(isset($params['searchTxt']) ? $params['searchTxt'] : '');
     if ($searchTxt === '') {
         throw new Exception('SearchTxt is needed');
     $pageSize = isset($params['pageSize']) && ($pageSize = trim($params['pageSize'])) !== '' ? $pageSize : DaoQuery::DEFAUTL_PAGE_SIZE;
     $pageNo = isset($params['pageNo']) && ($pageNo = trim($params['pageNo'])) !== '' ? $pageNo : null;
     $orderBy = isset($params['orderBy']) ? $params['orderBy'] : array();
     $where = array('purchaseOrderNo like :searchTxt');
     $sqlParams = array('searchTxt' => '%' . $searchTxt . '%');
     $stats = array();
     $items = PurchaseOrder::getAllByCriteria(implode(' AND ', $where), $sqlParams, true, $pageNo, $pageSize, $orderBy, $stats);
     $results = array();
     $results['items'] = array_map(create_function('$a', 'return $a->getJson();'), $items);
     $results['pageStats'] = $stats;
     return $results;
 function generate_number()
     $return_value = '';
     $number_filed = array('num_suf');
     $rown = '';
     $n = $this->db->getRowCount($result);
     $query = 'SELECT num_suf';
     $query .= ' FROM purchaseorders';
     $query .= " WHERE deleted=0";
     $query .= " AND num_suf IS NOT NULL";
     $query .= " ORDER by num_suf ASC";
     $result = $this->db->query($query, true, " Error filling in additional detail fields: ");
     $n = $this->db->getRowCount($result);
     if ($n > 0) {
         while ($row = $this->db->fetchByAssoc($result)) {
             foreach ($number_filed as $num_field) {
                 for ($i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
                     $rown[$i] = $row[$num_field];
     if ($rown != null) {
         $return_value = $rown;
         $number = PurchaseOrder::pnum_sort($return_value);
         $numb = $number[0] + 1;
     } else {
         $numb = 10000;
     return $numb;
Esempio n. 29
    public static function PurchaseOrders()
        $collection = PurchaseOrder::GetAllOrders($_GET['period'], $_GET['all']);
        echo '
				<div class="logo">
				  <h5 style="margin-bottom:-15px;margin-top:0px;font-size:14px;">Date: ' . date('d/m/Y') . '</h5>
				  <h4>ALL PURCHASE ORDERS</h4>';
        if ($_GET['period'] != '' && $_GET['period']) {
            echo '<h5 style="margin-top:-10px">Period: ' . $_GET['period'] . '</h5>';
        echo '</div>

				<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" style="text-align:center;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;width:760px;font-size:12px;">
			      <thead class="title">
			          <td>ORDER ID</td>
        $total = 0.0;
        $invoiced = 0.0;
        $itms = 0;
        foreach ($collection as $item) {
            echo '<tr>
			      <td>' . $item->date . '</td>
			      <td>' . $item->id . '</td>
			      <td>' . $item->party->name . '</td>';
            $sql = 'SELECT * FROM purchase_orders WHERE id = ' . $item->id;
            $res = DatabaseHandler::GetRow($sql);
            $vc = PurchaseOrderVoucher::initialize($res);
            echo '<td>' . $vc->description . '</td>';
            if ($item->status == 1) {
                echo '<td style="color:#232836">CREATED</td>';
            } else {
                echo '<td style="color:#27c97b">ORDERED</td>';
                $invoiced += $item->total;
            echo '<td class="text-right" style="padding: 0 5px;"><script>document.writeln((' . $item->total . ').formatMoney(2, \'.\', \',\'));</script></td>
            $total += $item->total;
        echo '</tbody>
			    <div class="logo">
			    	<p style="margin: 5px 0 0 5px">Total Quotes: <b>' . $itms . '</b></p>
					<p style="margin: 5px 0 0 5px">Total Quoted: <b>Ksh. <script>document.writeln((' . $total . ').formatMoney(2, \'.\', \',\'));</script></b></p>
					<p style="margin: 5px 0 0 5px">Total Invoiced: <b>Ksh. <script>document.writeln((' . $invoiced . ').formatMoney(2, \'.\', \',\'));</script></b></p>
Esempio n. 30
require_once 'Smarty_setup.php';
require_once "data/Tracker.php";
require_once 'modules/PurchaseOrder/PurchaseOrder.php';
require_once 'include/logging.php';
require_once 'include/ListView/ListView.php';
require_once 'include/utils/utils.php';
require_once 'modules/CustomView/CustomView.php';
require_once 'include/database/Postgres8.php';
global $app_strings, $list_max_entries_per_page, $currentModule, $theme;
$log = LoggerManager::getLogger('order_list');
if (!isset($where)) {
    $where = "";
$url_string = '&smodule=PO';
$focus = new PurchaseOrder();
// Initialize sort by fields
// END
$smarty = new vtigerCRM_Smarty();
$other_text = array();
if (!$_SESSION['lvs'][$currentModule]) {
    $modObj = new ListViewSession();
    $modObj->sorder = $sorder;
    $modObj->sortby = $order_by;
    $_SESSION['lvs'][$currentModule] = get_object_vars($modObj);
if ($_REQUEST['errormsg'] != '') {
    $errormsg = vtlib_purify($_REQUEST['errormsg']);
    $smarty->assign("ERROR", "The User does not have permission to Change/Delete " . $errormsg . " " . $currentModule);