Esempio n. 1
  * Store a newly created stock in storage.
  * @return Response
 public function store()
     $stock = new Purchase();
     $stock->item = Input::get('item');
     $stock->selling_price = Input::get('selling_price');
     $stock->price = Input::get('purchase_price');
     $stock->quantity = Input::get('quantity');
     $stock->status = Input::get('status');
     $stock->account = Input::get('account');
     return Redirect::route('purchases.index');
Esempio n. 2
  * Creates a new model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new Purchase();
     // Uncomment the following line if AJAX validation is needed
     // $this->performAjaxValidation($model);
     if (isset($_POST['Purchase'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Purchase'];
         if ($model->save()) {
             $this->redirect(array('view', 'id' => $model->id));
     $this->render('create', array('model' => $model));
Esempio n. 3
 private function saveInPurchaseTable()
     try {
         $input = Input::all();
         $purchaseTable = new Purchase();
         $purchaseTable->user_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $purchaseTable->branch_id = $input['branch_id'];
         $purchaseTable->comments = $input['comments'];
         $purchaseTable->status = 'pendiente';
         return $purchaseTable;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         die('No se pudo guardar el registro en compras.');
  * Orders admin flow handlers
 function orders_list()
     global $Shopp, $Orders;
     $db = DB::get();
     $defaults = array('page' => false, 'deleting' => false, 'selected' => false, 'update' => false, 'newstatus' => false, 'pagenum' => 1, 'per_page' => false, 'start' => '', 'end' => '', 'status' => false, 's' => '', 'range' => '', 'startdate' => '', 'enddate' => '');
     $args = array_merge($defaults, $_GET);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     if (!current_user_can(SHOPP_USERLEVEL)) {
         wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.', 'Shopp'));
     if ($page == "shopp-orders" && !empty($deleting) && !empty($selected) && is_array($selected)) {
         foreach ($selected as $selection) {
             $Purchase = new Purchase($selection);
             foreach ($Purchase->purchased as $purchased) {
                 $Purchased = new Purchased($purchased->id);
     $statusLabels = $this->Settings->get('order_status');
     if (empty($statusLabels)) {
         $statusLabels = array('');
     $txnStatusLabels = array('PENDING' => __('Pending', 'Shopp'), 'CHARGED' => __('Charged', 'Shopp'), 'REFUNDED' => __('Refunded', 'Shopp'), 'VOID' => __('Void', 'Shopp'));
     if ($update == "order" && !empty($selected) && is_array($selected)) {
         foreach ($selected as $selection) {
             $Purchase = new Purchase($selection);
             $Purchase->status = $newstatus;
     $Purchase = new Purchase();
     if (!empty($start)) {
         $startdate = $start;
         list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $startdate);
         $starts = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
     if (!empty($end)) {
         $enddate = $end;
         list($month, $day, $year) = explode("/", $enddate);
         $ends = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $day, $year);
     $pagenum = absint($pagenum);
     if (empty($pagenum)) {
         $pagenum = 1;
     if (!$per_page || $per_page < 0) {
         $per_page = 20;
     $start = $per_page * ($pagenum - 1);
     $where = '';
     if (!empty($status) || $status === '0') {
         $where = "WHERE status='{$status}'";
     if (!empty($s)) {
         $s = stripslashes($s);
         if (preg_match_all('/(\\w+?)\\:(?="(.+?)"|(.+?)\\b)/', $s, $props, PREG_SET_ORDER) > 0) {
             foreach ($props as $search) {
                 $keyword = !empty($search[2]) ? $search[2] : $search[3];
                 switch (strtolower($search[1])) {
                     case "txn":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "transactionid='{$keyword}'";
                     case "gateway":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "gateway LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "cardtype":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "cardtype LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "address":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "(address LIKE '%{$keyword}%' OR xaddress='%{$keyword}%')";
                     case "city":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "city LIKE '%{$keyword}%'";
                     case "province":
                     case "state":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "state='{$keyword}'";
                     case "zip":
                     case "zipcode":
                     case "postcode":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "postcode='{$keyword}'";
                     case "country":
                         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . "country='{$keyword}'";
             if (empty($where)) {
                 $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . " (id='{$s}' OR CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) LIKE '%{$s}%')";
         } elseif (strpos($s, '@') !== false) {
             $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . " email='{$s}'";
         } else {
             $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . " (id='{$s}' OR CONCAT(firstname,' ',lastname) LIKE '%{$s}%')";
     if (!empty($starts) && !empty($ends)) {
         $where .= (empty($where) ? "WHERE " : " AND ") . ' (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) >= ' . $starts . ' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created) <= ' . $ends . ')';
     $ordercount = $db->query("SELECT count(*) as total,SUM(total) AS sales,AVG(total) AS avgsale FROM {$Purchase->_table} {$where} ORDER BY created DESC");
     $query = "SELECT * FROM {$Purchase->_table} {$where} ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT {$start},{$per_page}";
     $Orders = $db->query($query, AS_ARRAY);
     $num_pages = ceil($ordercount->total / $per_page);
     $page_links = paginate_links(array('base' => add_query_arg('pagenum', '%#%'), 'format' => '', 'total' => $num_pages, 'current' => $pagenum));
     $ranges = array('all' => __('Show All Orders', 'Shopp'), 'today' => __('Today', 'Shopp'), 'week' => __('This Week', 'Shopp'), 'month' => __('This Month', 'Shopp'), 'quarter' => __('This Quarter', 'Shopp'), 'year' => __('This Year', 'Shopp'), 'yesterday' => __('Yesterday', 'Shopp'), 'lastweek' => __('Last Week', 'Shopp'), 'last30' => __('Last 30 Days', 'Shopp'), 'last90' => __('Last 3 Months', 'Shopp'), 'lastmonth' => __('Last Month', 'Shopp'), 'lastquarter' => __('Last Quarter', 'Shopp'), 'lastyear' => __('Last Year', 'Shopp'), 'lastexport' => __('Last Export', 'Shopp'), 'custom' => __('Custom Dates', 'Shopp'));
     $exports = array('tab' => __('Tab-separated.txt', 'Shopp'), 'csv' => __('Comma-separated.csv', 'Shopp'), 'xls' => __('Microsoft&reg; Excel.xls', 'Shopp'), 'iif' => __('Intuit&reg; QuickBooks.iif', 'Shopp'));
     $formatPref = $Shopp->Settings->get('purchaselog_format');
     if (!$formatPref) {
         $formatPref = 'tab';
     $columns = array_merge(Purchase::exportcolumns(), Purchased::exportcolumns());
     $selected = $Shopp->Settings->get('purchaselog_columns');
     if (empty($selected)) {
         $selected = array_keys($columns);
     include "{$this->basepath}/core/ui/orders/orders.php";
 function process()
     global $Shopp;
     if (empty($_POST)) {
         new ShoppError(__('Payment could not be confirmed, this order cannot be processed.', 'Shopp'), '2co_transaction_error', SHOPP_COMM_ERR);
     // Load the cart for the correct order
     $Shopp->Cart = new Cart();
     $Shopp->Cart->session = $_POST['vendor_order_id'];
     if ($this->settings['verify'] == "on" && !$this->validate($_POST['key'])) {
         new ShoppError(__('The order submitted to 2Checkout could not be verified.', 'Shopp'), '2co_validation_error', SHOPP_TRXN_ERR);
     if ($_POST['credit_card_processed'] == "N") {
         new ShoppError(__('The payment failed. Please try your order again with a different payment method.', 'Shopp'), '2co_processing_error', SHOPP_TRXN_ERR);
     if (!$Shopp->Cart->validorder()) {
         new ShoppError(__('There is not enough customer information to process the order.', 'Shopp'), 'invalid_order', SHOPP_TRXN_ERR);
     $Order = $Shopp->Cart->data->Order;
     $Order->Totals = $Shopp->Cart->data->Totals;
     $Order->Items = $Shopp->Cart->contents;
     $Order->Cart = $Shopp->Cart->session;
     $Order->Billing->customer = $Order->Customer->id;
     $Order->Billing->cardtype = "2Checkout";
     $Order->Shipping->customer = $Order->Customer->id;
     $Purchase = new Purchase();
     $Purchase->customer = $Order->Customer->id;
     $Purchase->billing = $Order->Billing->id;
     $Purchase->shipping = $Order->Shipping->id;
     $Purchase->copydata($Order->Shipping, 'ship');
     $Purchase->freight = $Order->Totals->shipping;
     $Purchase->gateway = "2Checkout";
     $Purchase->transtatus = "CHARGED";
     $Purchase->transactionid = $_POST['order_number'];
     $Purchase->ip = $Shopp->Cart->ip;
     foreach ($Shopp->Cart->contents as $Item) {
         $Purchased = new Purchased();
         $Purchased->purchase = $Purchase->id;
         if (!empty($Purchased->download)) {
         if ($Item->inventory) {
     return $Purchase;
Esempio n. 6
  * Post manual additions transacton form
 static function addManually($params)
     $ipn_url = Config::get('project.paypal_ipn_url');
     $params = array('first_name' => Input::get('first_name'), 'last_name' => Input::get('last_name'), 'email' => Input::get('email'), 'password' => Input::get('password'), 'product_id' => Input::get('product_id'), 'plan_id' => Input::get('plan_id'), 'pay_id' => Input::get('pay_id'), 'stripe_token' => Input::get('stripe_token'), 'paypal_sub_id' => Input::get('paypal_sub_id'), 'amount' => Input::get('amount'), 'affiliate_id' => Input::get('affiliate_id'));
     $members[] = array('email' => $email, 'fname' => $first_name, 'lname' => $last_name);
     $data = array();
     if ($members) {
         foreach ($members as $member) {
             // Add or get buyer
             if ($buyer = Buyer::getOrCreate($member)) {
                 // Get Plan
                 $plan = Plan::find($plan_id);
                 if ($plan and !$plan->is_oto) {
                     // Add purchase for the buyer
                     $purchase = new Purchase();
                     $purchase->buyer_id = $buyer->id;
                     $purchase->product_id = $product_id;
                     $purchase->plan_id = $plan_id;
                     $purchase->stripe_token = $stripe_token ? $stripe_token : NULL;
                     $purchase->paypal_sub_id = $paypal_sub_id ? $paypal_sub_id : NULL;
                     $purchase->pay_method = 2;
                     $purchase->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
                     // If method is Stripe
                     if ($pay_id and DKHelpers::GetPayMethod($pay_id) == 'Stripe') {
                         $purchase->pay_method = 1;
                 // Push to PayPal IPN of DK
                 $ipn_data = array('plan_id' => $plan_id, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'email' => $buyer->email, 'first_name' => $buyer->first_name, 'last_name' => $buyer->last_name, 'password' => $password, 'transaction_id' => $pay_id ? $pay_id : 'MNL-' . time(), 'amount' => $amount, 'manual_transaction' => TRUE);
                 if ($password) {
                     $ipn_data['dk_new_user'] = TRUE;
                 } else {
                     $ipn_data['dk_new_charge'] = TRUE;
                     $ipn_data['buyer_id'] = $buyer->id;
                 // Add Curl library
                 require_once app_path() . "/libraries/Curl/Curl.php";
                 // Post data to IPN
                 $curl = new Curl();
                 $curl->simple_post($ipn_url, $ipn_data, array(CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE => 10));
     return TRUE;
Esempio n. 7
 public function checkoutAction()
     //check if there is a logged in user
     if (!$this->session->get("auth")) {
         $this->flash->notice('Please login first');
     //get logged in user instance and a list of the ids of the products in his cart
     $user = User::findFirst($this->session->get("auth")['id']);
     $products_ids = explode(", ", $user->cart);
     //check if cart is empty
     if (strlen($user->cart) < 1) {
         return $this->flash->notice("Cart is empty!");
     //check if someone bought an item he already had in his cart
     foreach ($products_ids as $id) {
         $temp = Product::findFirst($id);
         if ($temp->stock <= 0) {
             $this->flash->notice("Error, please re-add items to your cart!");
             $user->cart = '';
             return $this->response->redirect("Index");
     $products = array();
     $purchase = new Purchase();
     $purchase->user_id = $user->id;
     $purchase->time = new Phalcon\Db\RawValue('now()');
     //decrement each product's stock, and add purchase record data
     foreach ($products_ids as $id) {
         $temp = Product::findFirst($id);
         //added more items to cart than in stock, so only purchase available ones
         if ($temp->stock <= 0) {
             $this->flash->notice("Error, some items in your cart were not successfully purchased, please check your history");
             $user->cart = '';
             return $this->response->redirect("Index");
         if (strlen($purchase->products) == 0 or is_null($purchase->products)) {
             $purchase->products = $id;
         } else {
             $purchase->products = $purchase->products . ', ' . $id;
         $purchase->price += $temp->price;
     //check if there is an error with saving the record
     if (!$purchase->save()) {
         foreach ($purchase->getMessages() as $message) {
     } else {
         //empty cart and save
         $user->cart = '';
     $this->flash->success("Checkout successful!");
  * Process payment using Stripe
  * @return Void
 public function postStripe()
     // Add third party libraries
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/Curl/Curl.php";
     // Add Curl library
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/stripe-php-1.9.0/lib/Stripe.php";
     // Add Stripe library
     require_once app_path() . "/libraries/infusionsoft/isdk.php";
     // Add InfusionSoft Library
     // Get Affiliate ID from Cookie
     $affiliate_id = Cookie::get('_dks_isa');
     // Get Product and Plan Data
     $product = Input::get("product");
     $plan = Input::get("plan");
     $email = Input::get("email");
     $first_name = Input::get("first_name");
     $last_name = Input::get("last_name");
     $password = Input::get("password");
     $ccNum = Input::get('ccNum');
     $ccExpire = Input::get('ccExpire');
     $ccCSV = Input::get('ccCSV');
     $is_split_pay = Input::get("pay_option") == "split" ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $existing_customer = Input::get('existing_customer');
     // Put every detail in Flash session to show again,
     // if an error occurs
     Session::flash('email', $email);
     Session::flash('first_name', $first_name);
     Session::flash('last_name', $last_name);
     Session::flash('password', $password);
     Session::flash('ccNum', $ccNum);
     Session::flash('ccExpire', $ccExpire);
     Session::flash('ccCSV', $ccCSV);
     // Get product data
     if (!($product = Product::where('code', '=', $product)->first())) {
         // Invalid product, Redirect to website
         Session::flash('error', "Product was not found");
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => "Product was not found"));
     // Get plan data
     if (!($plan = Plan::where('code', '=', $plan)->where('product_id', '=', $product->id)->first())) {
         // Invalid plan, Redirect to website
         Session::flash('error', "Plan was not found");
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => "Plan was not found"));
     // 0. Check if user entered valid email address and password
     $rules = array('first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'password' => 'required|min:6', 'retype_password' => 'required|same:password', 'ccNum' => 'required', 'ccExpire' => 'required', 'ccCSV' => 'required');
     if ($existing_customer) {
     $custom_messages = array('ccNum.required' => 'Credit Card number is required', 'ccExpire.required' => 'Credit Card expiry date is required', 'ccCSV.required' => 'Credit Card CSV number is required');
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $custom_messages);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $messages = $validator->messages();
         $messages_txt = '';
         foreach ($messages->all() as $message) {
             $messages_txt .= "<p>{$message}</p>";
         // Error
         Session::flash('error', $messages_txt);
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => $messages_txt));
     // 1. Check if email already exists in app (Nm etc) DB
     // Yes, Error - Stop further process
     if (!$existing_customer) {
         $curl = new Curl();
         $api_url = $product->api_url . "?email={$email}";
         $reponse = json_decode($curl->simple_get($api_url));
         if (!empty($reponse->user_exists) and $reponse->user_exists == true) {
             // Error
             Session::flash('error', "User with this email already exists");
             return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => "User with this email already exists"));
     // 2. Charge Stripe Card
     // Error - Stop
     $ccExpire = explode("/", $ccExpire);
     $card = array("number" => $ccNum, "exp_month" => !empty($ccExpire[0]) ? trim($ccExpire[0]) : NULL, "exp_year" => !empty($ccExpire[1]) ? trim($ccExpire[1]) : NULL, "cvc" => $ccCSV);
     $affiliate_id = Cookie::get('_dks_isa');
     $data = array("description" => "{$product->name} - {$plan->name}", "card" => $card, "email" => $email, "metadata" => array("email" => $email, "first_name" => $first_name, "last_name" => $last_name, "password" => $password, "affiliate_id" => $affiliate_id, "product_id" => $product->id, "plan_id" => $plan->id));
     // If plan is recurring
     if ($plan->is_recurring) {
         $data['plan'] = $plan->stripe_id;
         $data['account_balance'] = $plan->setup_fee * 100;
     // If plan is split payment
     if ($is_split_pay) {
         $data['plan'] = $plan->stripe_id . "_split";
         $data['account_balance'] = $plan->setup_fee * 100;
     try {
         $customer = Stripe_Customer::create($data);
         // If plan is not recurring
         if (!$plan->is_recurring and !$is_split_pay) {
             Stripe_Charge::create(array("amount" => $plan->price * 100, "currency" => "usd", "customer" => $customer->id, "description" => "Charge for {$plan->name} ({$email})", "metadata" => array("plan_id" => $plan->id)));
     } catch (Stripe_Error $e) {
         // Error
         Session::flash('error', $e->getMessage());
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Something else happened, completely unrelated to Stripe
         Session::flash('error', $e->getMessage());
         return json_encode(array("error" => true, "message" => $e->getMessage()));
     // No error happened, and we charged user card
     // Create Buyer Account
     $buyer = Buyer::where('email', '=', $email)->first();
     // Add new buyer in DK System
     if (!$buyer) {
         $buyer = new Buyer();
         $buyer->email = $email;
         $buyer->first_name = $first_name;
         $buyer->last_name = $last_name;
         $buyer->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
         // Add user into Aweber account
         $this->_add_to_aweber($buyer, $product->aweber_list_id);
     } else {
         if ($affiliate_id and $affiliate_id != $buyer->affiliate_id) {
             // Update new Affiliate ID
             $buyer->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
         } elseif (!$affiliate_id) {
             $affiliate_id = $buyer->affiliate_id;
     // Update Buyer IP
     // Create Purchase in DB
     $purchase = new Purchase();
     $purchase->buyer_id = $buyer->id;
     $purchase->product_id = $product->id;
     $purchase->plan_id = $plan->id;
     $purchase->stripe_token = $customer->id;
     $purchase->pay_method = 1;
     $purchase->affiliate_id = $affiliate_id;
     // If plan is recurring
     // if($plan->is_recurring)
     // {
     // 	$purchase->stripe_sub_token = $customer->id;
     // }
     // Everything is ok, now remove session data
     // for security purpose
     Session::flash('ccNum', NULL);
     Session::flash('ccExpire', NULL);
     Session::flash('ccCSV', NULL);
     // Create a cookie with email
     // Cookie Name should have product code
     $cookieName = "_" . $product->code . "_email";
     $cookie = Cookie::forever($cookieName, $email);
     // ->withCookie($cookie)
     return Response::make(json_encode(array("success" => true)))->withCookie($cookie);
     //return json_encode(array("success"=>true));
     // 3. Check if email exists in InfusionSoft
     // Yes - Get contactId
     // No - Create new contact and get contactId
     // 4. Create Blank Invoice in InfusionSoft
     // 5. Add selected productId (InfusionSoft), order item
     // 6. Get affiliate ID from cookies
     // If Cookie not exists - Get old affiliate ID from DB
     // 7. Add manual amount with affiliate id (if exists)
     // 8. Check if buyer email exists in DK DB
     // Yes - update affiliate ID
     // No - Add user in DB with Affiliate ID
     // 9. Record purchase and transaction with Stripe token ($customer->id)
     //    and Infusion Invoice ID ($newOrder)
     // 10. Ping product IPN URL with this new purchase
Esempio n. 9
	function updates () {
		global $Ecart;

		// Cancel processing if this is not a PayPal Website Payments Standard/Express Checkout IPN
		if (isset($_POST['txn_type']) && $_POST['txn_type'] != "cart") return false;

		$target = false;
		if (isset($_POST['txn_id']) && !isset($_POST['parent_txn_id']))
			$target = $_POST['txn_id'];
		elseif (!empty($_POST['parent_txn_id'])) $target = $_POST['parent_txn_id'];

		// No transaction target: invalid IPN, silently ignore the message
		if (!$target) return;

		// Validate the order notification
		if ($this->verifyipn() != "VERIFIED") {
			new EcartError(sprintf(__('An unverifiable order update notification was received from PayPal for transaction: %s. Possible fraudulent notification!  The order will not be updated.  IPN message: %s','Ecart'),$target,_object_r($_POST)),'paypal_txn_verification',ECART_TRXN_ERR);
			return false;

		$Purchase = new Purchase($target,'txnid');

		// Purchase record exists, update it
		if ($Purchase->txnid == $target && !empty($Purchase->id)) {
			if ($Purchase->gateway != $this->name) return; // Not a PPS order, don't touch it
			$txnstatus = isset($this->status[$_POST['payment_status']])?

			$Purchase->txnstatus = $txnstatus;

			$Ecart->Purchase = &$Purchase;
			$Ecart->Order->purchase = $Purchase->id;

			die('PayPal IPN update processed.');

		if (!isset($_POST['custom'])) {
			new EcartError(sprintf(__('No reference to the pending order was available in the PayPal IPN message. Purchase creation failed for transaction %s.'),$target),'paypalstandard_process_neworder',ECART_TRXN_ERR);
			die('PayPal IPN failed.');

		$Ecart->Order = Ecart_buyObject::__new('Order',$Ecart->Order);

		$Shopping = &$Ecart->Shopping;
		// Couldn't load the session data
		if ($Shopping->session != $_POST['custom'])
			return new EcartError("Session could not be loaded: {$_POST['custom']}",false,ECART_DEBUG_ERR);
		else new EcartError("PayPal successfully loaded session: {$_POST['custom']}",false,ECART_DEBUG_ERR);


		do_action('ecart_process_order'); // New order
		die('PayPal IPN processed.');
Esempio n. 10
	function updates () {
		global $Ecart;

		// Cancel processing if this is not a PayPal Website Payments Standard/Express Checkout IPN
		if (isset($_POST['txn_type']) && $_POST['txn_type'] != "cart") return false;

		$target = isset($_POST['parent_txn_id'])?$_POST['parent_txn_id']:$_POST['txn_id'];

		$Purchase = new Purchase($target,'txnid');
		if ($Purchase->txn != $target || empty($Purchase->id)) return; // No Purchase found to update
		if ($Purchase->gateway != $this->module) return; // Not a PPE order, don't touch it

		// Validate the order notification
		if ($this->verifyipn() != "VERIFIED") {
			new EcartError(sprintf(__('An unverifiable order update notification was received from PayPal for transaction: %s. Possible fraudulent notification!  The order will not be updated.  IPN message: %s','Ecart'),$target,_object_r($_POST)),'paypal_txn_verification',ECART_TRXN_ERR);
			return false;

		if (!$txnstatus) $txnstatus = $this->status[$_POST['payment_status']];

		$Purchase->txnstatus = $txnstatus;

		$Ecart->Purchase = &$Purchase;
		$Ecart->Order->purchase = $Purchase->id;


		if (ECART_DEBUG) new EcartError('PayPal IPN update processed for transaction: '.$target,false,ECART_DEBUG_ERR);

		die('PayPal IPN update processed.');
 public function create_submit()
     //Image Upload
     $users = DB::table('users')->get();
     $purchasecheck = DB::table('purchase_request')->count();
     if ($purchasecheck != 0) {
         $purchase = Purchase::orderby('id', 'DESC')->first();
         $docs = Document::orderby('id', 'DESC')->first();
         $pr_id = $purchase->id + 1;
         $doc_id = $docs->id + 1;
     } else {
         $pr_id = 1;
         $doc_id = 1;
     foreach (Input::file('file') as $file) {
         $rules = array('file' => 'required|mimes:png,gif,jpeg,jpg|max:900000000000000000000');
         $validator = \Validator::make(array('file' => $file), $rules);
         $destine = public_path() . "/uploads";
         if ($validator->passes()) {
             $ext = $file->guessClientExtension();
             // (Based on mime type)
             $ext = $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
             // (Based on filename)
             $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
             $archivo = value(function () use($file) {
                 $filename = str_random(10) . '.' . $file->getClientOriginalExtension();
                 return strtolower($filename);
             $archivo = value(function () use($file) {
                 $date = date('m-d-Y-h-i-s', time());
                 $filename = $date . "-" . $file->getClientOriginalName();
                 return strtolower($filename);
             $attach = new Attachments();
             $attach->doc_id = $doc_id;
             $attach->data = $archivo;
             $filename = $doc_id . "_" . $attach->id;
             $file->move($destine, $archivo);
             $target_folder = $destine;
             $upload_image = $target_folder . "/" . $archivo;
             $thumbnail = $target_folder . "/resize" . $archivo;
             $actual = $target_folder . "/" . $archivo;
             // THUMBNAIL SIZE
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize($upload_image);
             $newwidth = $width;
             $newheight = $height;
             while ($newheight > 525) {
                 $newheight = $newheight * 0.8;
                 $newwidth = $newwidth * 0.8;
             $source = $upload_image;
             $ext = strtolower($ext);
             $thumb = imagecreatetruecolor($newwidth, $newheight);
             if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg") {
                 $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($upload_image);
             } elseif ($ext == "png") {
                 $source = imagecreatefrompng($upload_image);
             } elseif ($ext == "gif") {
                 $source = imagecreatefromgif($upload_image);
             } else {
             // RESIZE
             imagecopyresized($thumb, $source, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newwidth, $newheight, $width, $height);
             // MAKE NEW FILES
             if ($ext == "jpg" || $ext == "jpeg") {
                 imagejpeg($thumb, $thumbnail, 100);
             } elseif ($ext == "png") {
                 imagepng($thumb, $thumbnail, 9);
             } elseif ($ext == "gif") {
                 imagegif($thumb, $thumbnail, 100);
             } else {
                 echo "An invalid image";
             // FILE RENAMES
             rename($thumbnail, $actual);
         } else {
             $errors = $validator->errors();
             Session::put('imgerror', 'Invalid file.');
     //End Image Upload
     $purchase = new Purchase();
     $document = new Document();
     $purchase->projectPurpose = strip_tags(Input::get('projectPurpose'));
     $purchase->sourceOfFund = strip_tags(Input::get('sourceOfFund'));
     $purchase->amount = Input::get('amount');
     $purchase->office = Input::get('office');
     $purchase->requisitioner = Input::get('requisitioner');
     if (!Input::get('dateRequested') == '') {
         $purchase->dateRequested = Input::get('dateRequested');
     $purchase->dateReceived = Input::get('dateReceived');
     $purchase->status = 'Active';
     $purchase->otherType = Input::get('otherType');
     // Get latest control number
     $cn = Input::get('controlNo');
     $checkUniqueControlNo = Purchase::where('controlNo', '=', "{$cn}")->count();
     if ($checkUniqueControlNo != 0) {
         $purchase->controlNo = '';
     } else {
         $purchase->controlNo = Input::get('controlNo');
     if (Input::get('otherType') == 'Pakyaw') {
         $purchase->projectType = "None";
     } else {
         $purchase->projectType = Input::get('projectType');
     // Set creator id
     $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
     $purchase->created_by = $user_id;
     $purchase_save = $purchase->save();
     if ($purchase_save && (Session::get('imgerror') == NULL || !Input::hasfile('file'))) {
         $document->pr_id = $purchase->id;
         $document->work_id = Input::get('hide_modeOfProcurement');
         $document_save = $document->save();
         if ($document_save) {
             $doc_id = $document->id;
             $workflow = Workflow::find($document->work_id);
             $section = Section::where('workflow_id', $document->work_id)->orderBy('section_order_id', 'ASC')->get();
             $firstnew = 0;
             // Set due date;
             $new_purchase = Purchase::find($purchase->id);
             $workflow_id = Input::get('hide_modeOfProcurement');
             $workflow = Workflow::find($workflow_id);
             $addToDate = $workflow->totalDays;
             $dueDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+{$addToDate} days"));
             $new_purchase->dueDate = $dueDate;
             $tasks = Task::where('wf_id', $document->work_id)->orderBy('section_id', 'ASC')->orderBy('order_id', 'ASC')->get();
             foreach ($tasks as $task) {
                 $task_details = new TaskDetails();
                 $task_details->task_id = $task->id;
                 $stringamount = $new_purchase->amount;
                 $stringamount = str_replace(str_split(','), '', $stringamount);
                 $amount = (double) $stringamount;
                 if ($firstnew == 0) {
                     $task_details->status = "New";
                 } else {
                     $task_details->status = "Pending";
                 //Project Type
                 if ($task->taskName == "PRE-PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE" || $task->taskName == "ADVERTISEMENT" || $task->taskName == "PRE-BID CONFERENCE") {
                     $task_details->status = "Lock";
                     if ($new_purchase->projectType == "Goods/Services") {
                         if ($task->taskName == "PRE-PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE" || $task->taskName == "ADVERTISEMENT") {
                             if ($amount > 2000000) {
                                 $task_details->status = "Pending";
                         } else {
                             if ($task->taskName == "PRE-BID CONFERENCE") {
                                 if ($amount > 1000000) {
                                     $task_details->status = "Pending";
                     } elseif ($new_purchase->projectType == "Infrastructure") {
                         if ($task->taskName == "PRE-PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE" || $task->taskName == "ADVERTISEMENT") {
                             if ($amount > 5000000) {
                                 $task_details->status = "Pending";
                         } else {
                             if ($task->taskName == "PRE-BID CONFERENCE") {
                                 if ($amount > 1000000) {
                                     $task_details->status = "Pending";
                     } elseif ($new_purchase->projectType == "Consulting Services") {
                         if ($amount > 1000000) {
                             $task_details->status = "Pending";
                 //End Project Type
                 $firstnew = 1;
                 $task_details->doc_id = $document->id;
             $users = User::all();
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 $count = new Count();
                 $count->user_id = $user->id;
                 $count->doc_id = $doc_id;
             $pr_id = Session::get('pr_id');
             DB::table('attachments')->where('doc_id', $doc_id)->update(array('saved' => 1));
             DB::table('attachments')->where('saved', '=', 0)->delete();
             if (!Input::hasfile('file')) {
             $connected = @fsockopen("", 80);
             //website, port  (try 80 or 443)
             if ($connected) {
                 $sendee = DB::table('users')->where('id', $purchase->requisitioner)->first();
                 $email = $sendee->email;
                 $fname = $sendee->firstname;
                 $data = ['id' => $purchase->id];
                 Mail::send('emails.template', $data, function ($message) use($email, $fname) {
                     $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Procurement Tracking System Tarlac');
                     $message->to($email, $fname)->subject('Tarlac Procurement Tracking System: New Purchase Request Created');
                 $notice = "Purchase request created successfully. ";
             } else {
                 $notice = "Purchase request created successfully. Email notice was not sent. ";
             // Insert data to reports table
             $date_received = Input::get('dateReceived');
             $date_received = substr($date_received, 0, strrpos($date_received, ' '));
             $reports = Reports::whereDate($date_received)->first();
             if ($reports == null) {
                 $reports = new Reports();
                 $reports->date = $date_received;
                 $reports->pRequestCount = 1;
             } else {
                 $reports->pRequestCount = $reports->pRequestCount + 1;
             //End Reports
             Session::put('notice', $notice);
             $office = Office::all();
             $users = User::all();
             $workflow = Workflow::all();
             return Redirect::to('purchaseRequest/view');
             Session::put('imgsuccess', 'Files uploaded.');
         } else {
             $message = "Failed to create purchase request.";
             Session::put('main_error', $message);
             // Get Other Error Messages
             $error_projectPurpose = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectPurpose');
             $error_projectType = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectType');
             $error_sourceOfFund = $purchase->validationErrors->first('sourceOfFund');
             $error_amount = $purchase->validationErrors->first('amount');
             $error_office = $purchase->validationErrors->first('office');
             $error_requisitioner = $purchase->validationErrors->first('requisitioner');
             $error_dateRequested = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateRequested');
             $error_dateReceived = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateReceived');
             $error_controlNo = $purchase->validationErrors->first('controlNo');
             // Inserting Error Message To a Session
             Session::put('error_projectPurpose', $error_projectPurpose);
             Session::put('error_sourceOfFund', $error_sourceOfFund);
             Session::put('error_amount', $error_amount);
             Session::put('error_office', $error_office);
             Session::put('error_requisitioner', $error_requisitioner);
             Session::put('error_dateRequested', $error_dateRequested);
             Session::put('error_dateReceived', $error_dateReceived);
             Session::put('error_projectType', $error_projectType);
             Session::put('error_controlNo', $error_controlNo);
             if ($checkUniqueControlNo != 0) {
                 Session::put('error_controlNo', 'This control no. already exists. Please enter a new one.');
             if (Input::get('hide_modeOfProcurement') == "") {
                 Session::put('m6', 'required');
             Session::put('imgsuccess', 'Files uploaded.');
             return Redirect::back()->withInput();
     } else {
         // Set Main Error
         $message = "Failed to create purchase request.";
         Session::put('main_error', $message);
         if (!Input::hasfile('file')) {
         // Get Other Error Messages
         $error_projectPurpose = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectPurpose');
         $error_projectType = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectType');
         $error_sourceOfFund = $purchase->validationErrors->first('sourceOfFund');
         $error_amount = $purchase->validationErrors->first('amount');
         $error_office = $purchase->validationErrors->first('office');
         $error_requisitioner = $purchase->validationErrors->first('requisitioner');
         $error_dateRequested = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateRequested');
         $error_dateReceived = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateReceived');
         $error_controlNo = $purchase->validationErrors->first('controlNo');
         // Inserting Error Message To a Session
         Session::put('error_projectPurpose', $error_projectPurpose);
         Session::put('error_sourceOfFund', $error_sourceOfFund);
         Session::put('error_amount', $error_amount);
         Session::put('error_office', $error_office);
         Session::put('error_requisitioner', $error_requisitioner);
         Session::put('error_dateRequested', $error_dateRequested);
         Session::put('error_dateReceived', $error_dateReceived);
         Session::put('error_projectType', $error_projectType);
         Session::put('error_controlNo', $error_controlNo);
         if ($checkUniqueControlNo != 0) {
             Session::put('error_controlNo', 'This control no. already exists. Please enter a new one.');
         if (Input::get('hide_modeOfProcurement') == "") {
             Session::put('error_modeOfProcurement', 'required');
         if (Session::get('imgerror') && Input::hasfile('file')) {
             $failedpurchasecount = Purchase::where('id', $purchase->id)->count();
             if ($failedpurchasecount != 0) {
                 $failedpurchase = Purchase::find($purchase->id);
             //Image Error Return
             $task_details = TaskDetails::where('doc_id', $document->id)->delete();
             $message = "Failed to create purchase request.";
             // Set Main Error
             $message = "Failed to save purchase request.";
             Session::put('main_error', $message);
             // Get Other Error Messages
             $error_projectPurpose = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectPurpose');
             $error_projectType = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectType');
             $error_sourceOfFund = $purchase->validationErrors->first('sourceOfFund');
             $error_amount = $purchase->validationErrors->first('amount');
             $error_office = $purchase->validationErrors->first('office');
             $error_requisitioner = $purchase->validationErrors->first('requisitioner');
             $error_dateRequested = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateRequested');
             $error_dateReceived = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateReceived');
             $error_controlNo = $purchase->validationErrors->first('controlNo');
             // Inserting Error Message To a Session
             Session::put('error_projectPurpose', $error_projectPurpose);
             Session::put('error_sourceOfFund', $error_sourceOfFund);
             Session::put('error_amount', $error_amount);
             Session::put('error_office', $error_office);
             Session::put('error_requisitioner', $error_requisitioner);
             Session::put('error_dateRequested', $error_dateRequested);
             Session::put('error_dateReceived', $error_dateReceived);
             Session::put('error_projectType', $error_projectType);
             Session::put('error_controlNo', $error_controlNo);
             if ($checkUniqueControlNo != 0) {
                 Session::put('error_controlNo', 'This control no. already exists. Please enter a new one.');
         return Redirect::back()->withInput();
Esempio n. 12
	 * refund
	 * Currently only sets the transaction status to refunded
	 * @since 1.1
	 * @param string $XML The XML request from google
	 * @return void
	function refund($XML) {
		$summary = $XML->tag('order-summary');
 		$id = $summary->content('google-order-number');
		$refund = $summary->content('total-refund-amount');

		if (empty($id)) {
			new EcartError("No transaction ID was provided with an order refund notification sent by Google Checkout",'google_refund_notification_error',ECART_DEBUG_ERR);
		$Purchase = new Purchase($id,'txnid');
		if ( empty($Purchase->id) ) {
			new EcartError('Transaction refund on non-existing order.','google_refund_missing_order',ECART_DEBUG_ERR);

		$Purchase->txnstatus = "REFUNDED";
 function process()
     global $Shopp;
     if (!isset($Shopp->Cart->data->PayPalExpress->token) && !isset($Shopp->Cart->data->PayPalExpress->payerid)) {
         return false;
     $_ = $this->headers();
     $_['METHOD'] = "DoExpressCheckoutPayment";
     $_['PAYMENTACTION'] = "Sale";
     $_['TOKEN'] = $Shopp->Cart->data->PayPalExpress->token;
     $_['PAYERID'] = $Shopp->Cart->data->PayPalExpress->payerid;
     // Transaction
     $_ = array_merge($_, $this->purchase());
     $this->transaction = $this->encode($_);
     $result = $this->send();
     if (!$result) {
         new ShoppError(__('No response was received from PayPal. The order cannot be processed.', 'Shopp'), 'paypalexpress_noresults', SHOPP_COMM_ERR);
     if (!$Shopp->Cart->validorder()) {
         new ShoppError(__('There is not enough customer information to process the order.', 'Shopp'), 'invalid_order', SHOPP_TRXN_ERR);
         return false;
     // If the transaction is a success, get the transaction details,
     // build the purchase receipt, save it and return it
     if (strtolower($result->ack) == "success") {
         $_ = $this->headers();
         $_['METHOD'] = "GetTransactionDetails";
         $_['TRANSACTIONID'] = $this->Response->transactionid;
         $this->transaction = $this->encode($_);
         $result = $this->send();
         if (!$result) {
             new ShoppError(__('Details for the order were not provided by PayPal.', 'Shopp'), 'paypalexpress_notrxn_details', SHOPP_COMM_ERR);
             return false;
         $Order = $Shopp->Cart->data->Order;
         $Order->Totals = $Shopp->Cart->data->Totals;
         $Order->Items = $Shopp->Cart->contents;
         $Order->Cart = $Shopp->Cart->session;
         $authentication = $Shopp->Settings->get('account_system');
         if ($authentication == "wordpress") {
             // Check if they've logged in
             // If the shopper is already logged-in, save their updated customer info
             if ($Shopp->Cart->data->login) {
                 if (SHOPP_DEBUG) {
                     new ShoppError('Customer logged in, linking Shopp customer account to existing WordPress account.', false, SHOPP_DEBUG_ERR);
                 global $user_ID;
                 $Order->Customer->wpuser = $user_ID;
             // Create WordPress account (if necessary)
             if (!$Order->Customer->wpuser) {
                 if (SHOPP_DEBUG) {
                     new ShoppError('Creating a new WordPress account for this customer.', false, SHOPP_DEBUG_ERR);
                 if (!$Order->Customer->new_wpuser()) {
                     new ShoppError(__('Account creation failed on order for customer id:' . $Order->Customer->id, "Shopp"), false, SHOPP_TRXN_ERR);
         // Create a WP-compatible password hash to go in the db
         if (empty($Order->Customer->id)) {
             $Order->Customer->password = wp_hash_password($Order->Customer->password);
         $Order->Billing->customer = $Order->Customer->id;
         $Order->Billing->cardtype = "PayPal";
         $Order->Shipping->customer = $Order->Customer->id;
         $Purchase = new Purchase();
         $Purchase->customer = $Order->Customer->id;
         $Purchase->billing = $Order->Billing->id;
         $Purchase->shipping = $Order->Shipping->id;
         $Purchase->copydata($Order->Shipping, 'ship');
         $Purchase->freight = $Order->Totals->shipping;
         $Purchase->gateway = "PayPal Express";
         $Purchase->transactionid = $this->Response->transactionid;
         $Purchase->transtatus = $this->status[$this->Response->paymentstatus];
         $Purchase->ip = $Shopp->Cart->ip;
         $Purchase->fees = $this->Response->feeamt;
         foreach ($Shopp->Cart->contents as $Item) {
             $Purchased = new Purchased();
             $Purchased->purchase = $Purchase->id;
             if (!empty($Purchased->download)) {
             if ($Item->inventory) {
         return $Purchase;
     // Fail by default
     return false;
 public function janisawesome()
     function generateRandomString($length = 10)
         $characters = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
         $randomString = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
             $randomString .= $characters[rand(0, strlen($characters) - 1)];
         return $randomString;
     function generateRandomAmount()
         $length = rand(4, 8);
         $randomString = '';
         for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
             $randomString .= rand(1, 9);
         return $randomString;
     $numLoop = 1;
     while ($numLoop < 301) {
         $purchase = new Purchase();
         $document = new Document();
         $purchase->projectPurpose = generateRandomString();
         $purchase->sourceOfFund = generateRandomString();
         $controlAmt = generateRandomAmount();
         $controlAmt .= ".00";
         $purchase->amount = number_format($controlAmt);
         $purchase->office = "1";
         $purchase->requisitioner = "1";
         $purchase->dateRequested = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $purchase->dateReceived = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $purchase->status = 'Active';
         $purchase->otherType = " ";
         // Get latest control number
         $cn = 0;
         $purchase_controlNo = Purchase::orderBy('ControlNo', 'DESC')->first();
         if (!$purchase_controlNo == NuLL) {
             $cn = $purchase_controlNo->controlNo;
         $cn += 1;
         $purchase->controlNo = $cn;
         if (Input::get('otherType') == ' ') {
             $purchase->projectType = "None";
         } else {
             $purchase->projectType = "None";
         // Set creator id
         $user_id = Auth::user()->id;
         $purchase->created_by = $user_id;
         $purchase_save = $purchase->save();
         if ($purchase_save) {
             if ($controlAmt < 50000) {
                 $amtControl = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($controlAmt >= 50000 && $controlAmt <= 500000) {
                     $amtControl = 2;
                 } else {
                     if ($controlAmt >= 500000) {
                         $amtControl = 3;
             $document->pr_id = $purchase->id;
             $document->work_id = $amtControl;
             $document_save = $document->save();
             if ($document_save) {
                 $doc_id = $document->id;
                 $workflow = Workflow::find($document->work_id);
                 $section = Section::where('workflow_id', $document->work_id)->orderBy('section_order_id', 'ASC')->get();
                 $firstnew = 0;
                 // Set due date;
                 $new_purchase = Purchase::find($purchase->id);
                 $workflow_id = "1";
                 $workflow = Workflow::find($workflow_id);
                 $addToDate = $workflow->totalDays;
                 $dueDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime("+{$addToDate} days"));
                 $new_purchase->dueDate = $dueDate;
                 $tasks = Task::where('wf_id', $document->work_id)->orderBy('section_id', 'ASC')->orderBy('order_id', 'ASC')->get();
                 foreach ($tasks as $task) {
                     $task_details = new TaskDetails();
                     $task_details->task_id = $task->id;
                     $stringamount = $new_purchase->amount;
                     $stringamount = str_replace(str_split(','), '', $stringamount);
                     $amount = (double) $stringamount;
                     if ($firstnew == 0) {
                         $task_details->status = "New";
                     } else {
                         $task_details->status = "Pending";
                     //Project Type
                     if ($task->taskName == "PRE-PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE" || $task->taskName == "ADVERTISEMENT" || $task->taskName == "PRE-BID CONFERENCE") {
                         $task_details->status = "Lock";
                         if ($new_purchase->projectType == "Goods/Services") {
                             if ($task->taskName == "PRE-PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE" || $task->taskName == "ADVERTISEMENT") {
                                 if ($amount > 2000000) {
                                     $task_details->status = "Pending";
                             } else {
                                 if ($task->taskName == "PRE-BID CONFERENCE") {
                                     if ($amount > 1000000) {
                                         $task_details->status = "Pending";
                         } elseif ($new_purchase->projectType == "Infrastructure") {
                             if ($task->taskName == "PRE-PROCUREMENT CONFERENCE" || $task->taskName == "ADVERTISEMENT") {
                                 if ($amount > 5000000) {
                                     $task_details->status = "Pending";
                             } else {
                                 if ($task->taskName == "PRE-BID CONFERENCE") {
                                     if ($amount > 1000000) {
                                         $task_details->status = "Pending";
                         } elseif ($new_purchase->projectType == "Consulting Services") {
                             if ($amount > 1000000) {
                                 $task_details->status = "Pending";
                     //End Project Type
                     $firstnew = 1;
                     $task_details->doc_id = $document->id;
                 $users = User::all();
                 foreach ($users as $user) {
                     $count = new Count();
                     $count->user_id = $user->id;
                     $count->doc_id = $doc_id;
                 $pr_id = Session::get('pr_id');
                 DB::table('attachments')->where('doc_id', $doc_id)->update(array('saved' => 1));
                 DB::table('attachments')->where('saved', '=', 0)->delete();
                 $connected = true;
                 // $connected = @fsockopen("", 80);  //website, port  (try 80 or 443)
                 if (!$connected) {
                     $sendee = DB::table('users')->where('id', $purchase->requisitioner)->first();
                     $email = $sendee->email;
                     $fname = $sendee->firstname;
                     $data = ['id' => $purchase->id];
                     Mail::send('emails.template', $data, function ($message) use($email, $fname) {
                         $message->from('*****@*****.**', 'Procurement Tracking System Tarlac');
                         $message->to($email, $fname)->subject('Tarlac Procurement Tracking System: New Purchase Request Created');
                     $notice = "Purchase request created successfully. ";
                     // Insert data to reports table
                     $date_received = Input::get('dateReceived');
                     $date_received = substr($date_received, 0, strrpos($date_received, ' '));
                     $reports = Reports::whereDate($date_received)->first();
                     if ($reports == null) {
                         $reports = new Reports();
                         $reports->date = $date_received;
                         $reports->pRequestCount = 1;
                     } else {
                         $reports->pRequestCount = $reports->pRequestCount + 1;
                     //End Reports
                 } else {
                     // Insert data to reports table
                     $date_received = Input::get('dateReceived');
                     $date_received = substr($date_received, 0, strrpos($date_received, ' '));
                     $reports = Reports::whereDate($date_received)->first();
                     if ($reports == null) {
                         $reports = new Reports();
                         $reports->date = $date_received;
                         $reports->pRequestCount = 1;
                     } else {
                         $reports->pRequestCount = $reports->pRequestCount + 1;
                     //End Reports
                     $notice = "Purchase request created successfully. Email notice was not sent. ";
                 Session::put('notice', $notice);
                 $office = Office::all();
                 $users = User::all();
                 $workflow = Workflow::all();
                 //return Redirect::to('purchaseRequest/view');
                 return Redirect::to('janisawesome');
                 Session::put('imgsuccess', 'Files uploaded.');
             } else {
                 $message = "Failed to create purchase request.";
                 Session::put('main_error', $message);
                 // Get Other Error Messages
                 $error_projectPurpose = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectPurpose');
                 $error_projectType = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectType');
                 $error_sourceOfFund = $purchase->validationErrors->first('sourceOfFund');
                 $error_amount = $purchase->validationErrors->first('amount');
                 $error_office = $purchase->validationErrors->first('office');
                 $error_requisitioner = $purchase->validationErrors->first('requisitioner');
                 $error_dateRequested = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateRequested');
                 $error_dateReceived = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateReceived');
                 // Inserting Error Message To a Session
                 Session::put('error_projectPurpose', $error_projectPurpose);
                 Session::put('error_sourceOfFund', $error_sourceOfFund);
                 Session::put('error_amount', $error_amount);
                 Session::put('error_office', $error_office);
                 Session::put('error_requisitioner', $error_requisitioner);
                 Session::put('error_dateRequested', $error_dateRequested);
                 Session::put('error_dateReceived', $error_dateReceived);
                 Session::put('error_projectType', $error_projectType);
                 if (Input::get('hide_modeOfProcurement') == "") {
                     Session::put('m6', 'required');
                 Session::put('imgsuccess', 'Files uploaded.');
                 return Redirect::back()->withInput();
         } else {
             // Set Main Error
             $message = "Failed to create purchase request.";
             Session::put('main_error', $message);
             // Get Other Error Messages
             $error_projectPurpose = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectPurpose');
             $error_projectType = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectType');
             $error_sourceOfFund = $purchase->validationErrors->first('sourceOfFund');
             $error_amount = $purchase->validationErrors->first('amount');
             $error_office = $purchase->validationErrors->first('office');
             $error_requisitioner = $purchase->validationErrors->first('requisitioner');
             $error_dateRequested = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateRequested');
             $error_dateReceived = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateReceived');
             // Inserting Error Message To a Session
             Session::put('error_projectPurpose', $error_projectPurpose);
             Session::put('error_sourceOfFund', $error_sourceOfFund);
             Session::put('error_amount', $error_amount);
             Session::put('error_office', $error_office);
             Session::put('error_requisitioner', $error_requisitioner);
             Session::put('error_dateRequested', $error_dateRequested);
             Session::put('error_dateReceived', $error_dateReceived);
             Session::put('error_projectType', $error_projectType);
             if (Input::get('hide_modeOfProcurement') == "") {
                 Session::put('error_modeOfProcurement', 'required');
             if (Session::get('imgerror') && Input::hasfile('file')) {
                 $failedpurchasecount = Purchase::where('id', $purchase->id)->count();
                 if ($failedpurchasecount != 0) {
                     $failedpurchase = Purchase::find($purchase->id);
                 //Image Error Return
                 $task_details = TaskDetails::where('doc_id', $document->id)->delete();
                 $message = "Failed to create purchase request.";
                 // Set Main Error
                 $message = "Failed to save purchase request.";
                 Session::put('main_error', $message);
                 // Get Other Error Messages
                 $error_projectPurpose = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectPurpose');
                 $error_projectType = $purchase->validationErrors->first('projectType');
                 $error_sourceOfFund = $purchase->validationErrors->first('sourceOfFund');
                 $error_amount = $purchase->validationErrors->first('amount');
                 $error_office = $purchase->validationErrors->first('office');
                 $error_requisitioner = $purchase->validationErrors->first('requisitioner');
                 $error_dateRequested = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateRequested');
                 $error_dateReceived = $purchase->validationErrors->first('dateReceived');
                 // Inserting Error Message To a Session
                 Session::put('error_projectPurpose', $error_projectPurpose);
                 Session::put('error_sourceOfFund', $error_sourceOfFund);
                 Session::put('error_amount', $error_amount);
                 Session::put('error_office', $error_office);
                 Session::put('error_requisitioner', $error_requisitioner);
                 Session::put('error_dateRequested', $error_dateRequested);
                 Session::put('error_dateReceived', $error_dateReceived);
                 Session::put('error_projectType', $error_projectType);
             return Redirect::back()->withInput();
Esempio n. 15
	 * Sets transaction information to create the purchase record
	 * @since 1.1
	 * @param string $id Transaction ID
	 * @param string $status (optional) Transaction status (PENDING, CHARGED, VOID, etc)
	 * @param float $fees (optional) Transaction fees assesed by the processor
	 * @return true
	function transaction ($id,$status="PENDING",$fees=0) {
		$this->txnid = $id;
		$this->txnstatus = $status;
		$this->fees = $fees;

		if (empty($this->txnid)) return new EcartError(sprintf('The payment gateway %s did not provide a transaction id. Purchase records cannot be created without a transaction id.',$this->gateway),'ecart_order_transaction',ECART_DEBUG_ERR);

		$Purchase = new Purchase($this->txnid,'txnid');
		if (!empty($Purchase->id)) $Purchase->save();
		else do_action('ecart_create_purchase');

		return true;
 function state($XML)
     $id = $XML->getElementContent('google-order-number');
     $state = $XML->getElementContent('new-financial-order-state');
     $Purchase = new Purchase($id, 'transactionid');
     $Purchase->transtatus = $state;
     if (strtoupper($state) == "CHARGEABLE" && $this->settings['autocharge'] == "on") {
         $_ = array('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>' . "\n");
         $_[] = '<charge-order xmlns="' . $this->urls['schema'] . '" google-order-number="' . $id . '">';
         $_[] = '<amount currency="' . $this->settings['currency'] . '">' . $Purchase->total . '</amount>';
         $_[] = '</charge-order>';
         $this->transaction = join("\n", $_);
         $Reponse = $this->send($this->urls['order']);
 public function executeGeneratePurchase(sfWebRequest $request)
     $invoice = Doctrine_Query::create()->from('Invoice i')->where(' = ' . $request->getParameter('id'))->fetchOne();
     //create purchase
     $purchase = new Purchase();
     $purchase->setPono(date('h:i:s a'));
     //create purchase details
     foreach ($invoice->getInvoicedetail() as $invdetail) {
         $purchdetail = new PurchaseDetail();
     $this->redirect("purchase/view?id=" . $purchase->getId());
 function updates()
     if (!isset($_POST['parent_txn_id'])) {
         return false;
     // Not a notification request
     $Purchase = new Purchase($_POST['parent_txn_id'], 'transactionid');
     if (empty($Purchase->id)) {
         return false;
     // No order exists, bail out
     if (!$txnstatus) {
         $txnstatus = $this->status[$_POST['payment_status']];
     // Order exists, handle IPN updates
     $Purchase->transtatus = $txnstatus;