public function expAction() { $orderid = reqstr('orderid', ''); $username = reqstr('username', ''); $id = reqstr('id', ''); $where = '1=1 and flag=1'; if (!empty($orderid)) { $where .= " and orderid='" . $orderid . "'"; } if (!empty($username)) { $where .= ' and username='******','); $where .= " and id in (" . $id . ")"; } $page = reqnum("page", 1); $pagesize = reqnum("pagesize", 1000); $m = new Psys_UserModel(); $list = $m->GetList($where, '', $page, $pagesize, "id,username,mark,goodsid,num,ctime", 'rhi_mallorder'); global $G_X; $filestr = 'charge' . date('YmdHis') . uniqid() . '.csv'; $filename = PUBLIC_PATH . $G_X['prjstr'] . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filestr; //设置文件名 if (!file_exists($filename)) { touch($filename); chmod($filename, 0777); } $fp = fopen($filename, 'w'); $title = array("序号", "电话号码", '发放号码', '商品id', '数目', '兑换时间'); foreach ($title as &$value) { $value = iconv('utf-8', 'gb2312', $value); } fputcsv($fp, $title); if ($list['allrow']) { foreach ($list['allrow'] as &$row) { $row['ctime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['ctime']); if (fputcsv($fp, $row)) { $m->UpdateOne(array('ifuse' => 1), array('id' => $row['id']), 'rhi_mallorder'); } } } fclose($fp); // header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream'); // header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filestr); // header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); // header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($fileName)); // readfile($filename); return array('status' => 1, 'filename' => $filestr); }
public function tasksAction() { $appkey = reqstr('appkey', ''); $username = reqstr('username', ''); $taskid = reqstr('taskid', ''); $indate = reqstr('indate', 0); $todate = reqstr('todate', 0); $where = '1=1 '; if (!empty($appkey)) { $where .= " and appkey='" . $appkey . "'"; } if (!empty($taskid)) { $where .= ' and taskid=' . $taskid; } if (!empty($username)) { $where .= " and username='******'"; } if ($todate > 0) { $where .= ' and ctime > ' . strtotime($indate); } if ($indate > 0) { $where .= ' and ctime <= ' . strtotime($todate); } $page = reqnum("page", 1); $pagesize = reqnum("pagesize", 10); $applist = array('61' => '开心消消乐', '49' => '消灭星星2015', '47' => '萌宠泡泡龙', '68' => '凤凰视频', '69' => '哪吒看书', '70' => '微看点'); $m = new Psys_UserModel(); $list = $m->GetList($where, 'id DESC', $page, $pagesize, "*", 'rhi_usertask'); foreach ($list['allrow'] as $key => &$var) { MsgInfoConst::GetAppKey($var['appkey'], $err); $var['appkey'] = $err['msg']; $var['taskid'] = $applist[$var['taskid']]; } $s_arr = $arr_xip_fw[$appkey]; self::inidate($list['allnum'], $page, $pagesize, count($list['allrow'])); $this->smarty->assign('appkeys', MsgInfoConst::$appkey_arr); //站点列表 $this->smarty->assign('tasks', $applist); //站点列表 $this->smarty->assign('list', $list['allrow']); $this->smarty->assign('psys_base_url', PSYS_BASE_URL); $this->forward = "tasks"; }