public function searchAction() { $title = 'Search results'; if (sizeof(Input::get()) == 1) { if (Input::hasGet('provider_id')) { $e = Provider::fetchOne(Input::get('provider_id')); $title = "Search results for internet provider <strong>{$e->name}</strong>"; } else { if (Input::hasGet('brand_id')) { $e = Brand::fetchOne(Input::get('brand_id')); $title = "Search results for brand <strong>{$e->name}</strong>"; } else { if (Input::hasGet('package_id')) { $e = Package::fetchOne(Input::get('package_id')); $title = "Search results for package <strong>{$e->name}</strong>"; } else { if (Input::hasGet('package_version_id')) { $e = Package\Version::fetchOne(Input::get('package_version_id')); $p = Package::fetchOne($e->package_id); $title = "Search results for <strong>{$p->name}</strong> version {$e->value}"; } } } } } $packageId = (int) Input::get('package_id'); $packageVersionId = (int) Input::get('package_version_id'); $brandId = (int) Input::get('brand_id'); $osVersionId = (int) Input::get('os_version_id'); $countryId = (int) Input::get('country_id'); $providerId = (int) Input::get('provider_id'); $productId = (int) Input::get('product_id'); $modelId = (int) Input::get('model_id'); $dateFrom = Input::get('date_from'); $dateTo = Input::get('date_to'); $stackTraceId = (int) Input::get('stack_trace_id'); $table = BootstrapUI::tableRemote()->title($title)->extraParams(array('package_id' => $packageId, 'package_version_id' => $packageVersionId, 'brand_id' => $brandId, 'os_version_id' => $osVersionId, 'country_id' => $countryId, 'provider_id' => $providerId, 'product_id' => $productId, 'model_id' => $modelId, 'date_from' => $dateFrom, 'date_to' => $dateTo, 'stack_trace_id' => $stackTraceId))->column('country_name', '', 20)->column('created_at', 'time', 85)->column('package_name', 'package')->column('package_version', 'version')->column('brand_name', 'brand')->column('os_version_name', 'OS version', 105)->column('country', '')->column('action', '', 30)->sortableColumns(array('created_at', 'package_name', 'package_version', 'brand_name', 'os_version_name', 'cnt'))->sortField('created_at', 'desc'); $table->panel()->addHeaderElement(Bootstrap::button('Back')->color('red')->size('xs')->setAttribute('onclick', 'window.history.back()')); return View::create('base')->with('title', $title)->with('content', Bootstrap::row()->add(12, $table)); }
public function viewAction() { $id = Url::getVar(1); // todo: ubaciti ovo u cache i odatle cupat van $cacheKey = "report-{$id}"; $crash = CrashArchive::fetchOne($id); if ($crash === false) { Application::throwError(404, 'Can not find crash report ' . $id); } $title = "Crash Report #{$id}"; $content = array(); $panel = Bootstrap::panel($title)->color('blue')->addHeaderElement(Bootstrap::button('Back')->setAttribute('onclick', 'window.history.back()')->color('red')->size('xs')); $table = Bootstrap::table(); $table->column('id', '')->column('value', ''); // time $table->row(array('id' => 'time', 'value' => Misc::userDate('Y-m-d H:i:s', $crash->created_at) . ' (' . $this->user['timezone'] . ')')); // package $e = $crash->getPackage(); $v = $crash->getPackageVersion(); $table->row(array('id' => 'package and version', 'value' => implode(' ', array($e !== null ? "{$this->getSearchLink('package_id', $e->id, $e->name)} {$this->getLabel($e->total)}" : 'unknown', $v !== null ? "{$this->getSearchLink('package_version_id', $v->id, $v->value)} {$this->getLabel($v->total)}" : 'unknown')))); // device $value = ''; $e = $crash->getBrand(); if ($e === null) { $value .= 'unknown brand<br/>'; } else { $value .= "{$this->getSearchLink('brand_id', $e->id, $e->name)} {$this->getLabel($e->total)}<br/>"; } $e = $crash->getPhoneModel(); if ($e === null) { $value .= 'unknown phone model<br/>'; } else { $value .= "{$this->getSearchLink('model_id', $e->id, $e->name)} {$this->getLabel($e->total)}<br/>"; } $table->row(array('id' => 'device', 'value' => substr($value, 0, -5))); // product $e = $crash->getProduct(); if ($e !== null) { $table->row(array('id' => 'product name', 'value' => "{$this->getSearchLink('product_id', $e->id, $e->name)} {$this->getLabel($e->total)}")); } // os $e = $crash->getOsVersion(); $table->row(array('id' => 'OS', 'value' => $e === null ? 'unknown' : "{$this->getSearchLink('os_version_id', $e->id, "{$e->os} {$e->name}")} {$this->getLabel($e->total)}")); // user comment if ($crash->user_comment !== null && trim($crash->user_comment) != '') { $table->row(array('id' => 'user comment', 'value' => $crash->user_comment)); } // user email if ($crash->user_email !== null && trim($crash->user_email) != '') { $table->row(array('id' => 'user email', 'value' => $crash->user_email)); } // app lifetime if ($crash->user_app_start_date !== null && $crash->user_crash_date !== null) { $table->row(array('id' => 'app lifetime', 'value' => "{$crash->user_app_start_date}<br/>{$crash->user_crash_date} (duration: {$this->duration($crash->user_app_start_date, $crash->user_crash_date)})")); } // memory usage $table->row(array('id' => 'available / total memory size', 'value' => Convert::bytesToString($crash->available_mem_size) . ' / ' . Convert::bytesToString($crash->total_mem_size))); // country if ($crash->country_id !== null) { $country = Country::fetchOne($crash->country_id); $table->row(array('id' => 'country', 'value' => "<img src=\"" . Url::link("img/flag/{$country->tld}.png") . "\" /> <a href=\"" . Url::href('reports', 'search', array('country_id' => $crash->country_id)) . "\">{$country->country} (" . strtoupper($country->tld) . ")</a> " . Bootstrap::label($country->total)->color('red'))); } // provider if ($crash->provider_id !== null) { $e = Provider::fetchOne($crash->provider_id); $table->row(array('id' => 'internet provider', 'value' => "{$this->getSearchLink('provider_id', $e->id, $e->name)} {$this->getLabel($e->total)}")); } $metas = $crash->getMetas(); $toTabs = array(); foreach ($metas as $key => $value) { if ($key != 'stack_trace') { if (strpos(trim($value), "\n") === false) { $table->row(array('id' => str_replace('_', ' ', $key), 'value' => trim($value) == '' ? '<em>empty</em>' : $value)); } else { $toTabs[] = $key; } } } $toTabsUnknown = array(); $unknownMetas = $crash->getUnknownMetas(); foreach ($unknownMetas as $key => $value) { if (strpos(trim($value), "\n") === false) { $table->row(array('id' => str_replace('_', ' ', $key), 'value' => (trim($value) == '' ? '<em>empty</em>' : $value) . ' ' . Bootstrap::label('unknown meta')->color('lightblue'))); } else { $toTabsUnknown[] = $key; } } if ($crash->stack_trace_id !== null) { $table->row(array('id' => 'find reports with this stack trace', 'value' => Bootstrap::anchor(\Bootstrap::icon('search'), Url::href('reports', 'search', array('stack_trace_id' => $crash->stack_trace_id)))->asButton()->color('red')->size('xs'))); } $panel->content($table); $content[] = Bootstrap::row()->add(12, $panel); $tabs = Bootstrap::nav(); if (isset($metas['stack_trace'])) { $tabs->addLink('stack trace', "<pre class=\"text-danger\">{$metas['stack_trace']}</pre>"); } else { if ($crash->stack_trace_id !== null) { $stackTrace = Stack\Trace::fetchOne($crash->stack_trace_id); $tabs->addLink('stack trace summary', "<pre class=\"text-danger\">{$stackTrace->summary}</pre>"); } } if (sizeof($toTabs) > 0) { foreach ($toTabs as $key) { $tabs->addLink(str_replace('_', ' ', $key), "<pre>{$metas[$key]}</pre>"); } } if (sizeof($toTabsUnknown) > 0) { foreach ($toTabsUnknown as $key) { $tabs->addLink(str_replace('_', ' ', $key) . ' ' . Bootstrap::label('?')->color('lightblue'), "<pre>{$unknownMetas[$key]}</pre>"); } } if ($tabs->count() > 0) { $content[] = Bootstrap::row()->add(12, $tabs); } if ($crash->stack_trace_id !== null) { $content[] = Bootstrap::row()->add(12, Bootstrap::panel('This error count per day', new Chart\StackTracesPerDay($crash->stack_trace_id, 30))->color('red')); } return View::create('base')->with('title', $title)->with('content', $content); }