  * topdf returns the protocol as pdf
  * @param int $pid entry-id for protocol
  * @return string pdf of the protocol
 private function topdf($pid)
     // pagecaption
     $this->tpl->assign('pagecaption', parent::lang('class.ProtocolView#page#caption#topdf'));
     // get protocol
     $protocol = new Protocol($pid);
     // get status
     $correctable = $protocol->get_correctable(false);
     // check rights
     if (Rights::check_rights($pid, 'protocol', true) && ($correctable['status'] == 2 || $_SESSION['user']->get_userinfo('name') == $protocol->get_owner())) {
         // smarty
         $sP = new JudoIntranetSmarty();
         // prepare marker-array
         $infos = array('version' => date('dmy'));
         // add calendar-fields to array
         $protocol->addMarks($infos, false);
         // add tmce-css
         $fh = fopen('templates/protocols/tmce_' . $protocol->get_preset()->get_path() . '.css', 'r');
         $css = fread($fh, filesize('templates/protocols/tmce_' . $protocol->get_preset()->get_path() . '.css'));
         $infos['tmceStyles'] = $css;
         // smarty
         $sP->assign('p', $infos);
         // check marks in values
         foreach ($infos as $k => $v) {
             if (preg_match('/\\{\\$p\\..*\\}/U', $v)) {
                 $infos[$k] = $sP->fetch('string:' . $v);
         // smarty
         $sP->assign('p', $infos);
         $pdf_out = $sP->fetch('templates/protocols/' . $protocol->get_preset()->get_path() . '.tpl');
         // replace <p></p> to <div></div> for css use with HTML2PDF
         $pdf_out = preg_replace('/<p class="tmceItem">(.*)<\\/p>/U', '<div class="tmceItem">$1</div>', $pdf_out);
         $pdf_out = preg_replace('/<p class="tmceDecision">(.*)<\\/p>/U', '<div class="tmceDecision">$1</div>', $pdf_out);
         // get HTML2PDF-object
         $pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'de', true, 'UTF-8', array(0, 0, 0, 0));
         // convert
         $pdf->writeHTML($pdf_out, false);
         // output
         $pdf_filename = $this->replace_umlaute(html_entity_decode($sP->fetch('string:' . $protocol->get_preset()->get_filename()), ENT_XHTML, 'ISO-8859-1'));
         $pdf->Output($pdf_filename, 'D');
     } else {
         // error
         $errno = $GLOBALS['Error']->error_raised('NotAuthorized', 'entry:' . $this->get('id'), $this->get('id'));
         return $GLOBALS['Error']->to_html($errno);