public function showRenewalscost() { $json = stripcslashes($this->_GET['cost']); $data = json_decode($json, TRUE); $CustomersProjectID = $data['CustoProID']; $versiontime = $data['version']; unset($data['CustoProID']); unset($data['version']); $where = "where CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID}"; //获取风信项目id $ProjectId = FENGXIN_ID; $where .= " and ProjectID={$ProjectId} and AgentID={$_SESSION['AgentID']}"; $AgentModule = new AgentModule(); $CustFuwuModule = new CustFuwuModule(); $FuWuModule = new FuWuModule(); //获取当前代理的等级 $Agentinfo = $AgentModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($_SESSION['AgentID']); $LevelID['AgentPriceID'] = $Agentinfo['FengXinAgentPriceID']; //获取该等级的折扣 $AgentPriceModule = new AgentPriceModule(); $CustProModule = new CustProModule(); $AgentPriceinfo = $AgentPriceModule->GetOneInfoByArrayKeys($LevelID); $AgenDiscount = $AgentPriceinfo['AgenDiscount']; $CustProInfo = $CustProModule->GetInfoByWhere($where); if (!empty($CustProInfo)) { $cost = 0; $Endtime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($CustProInfo['EndTime'])); $PropertyModule = new PropertyModule(); $PropertyInfo = $PropertyModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($CustProInfo['GongNeng']); $MarketPrice = $PropertyInfo['MarketPrice']; if (strtotime($Endtime) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) { $cost = (strtotime($versiontime) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) / (3600 * 24) * $MarketPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365; } else { $cost = (strtotime($versiontime) - strtotime($Endtime)) / (3600 * 24) * $MarketPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365; } foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $FuWuInfo = $FuWuModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($k); $FuWuPrice = $FuWuInfo['FuWuPrice']; $sql = "where CustomersProjectID={$CustomersProjectID} and FuWuID={$k}"; $CustFuwuInfo = $CustFuwuModule->GetInfoByWhere($sql); //dd($CustFuwuInfo); $FuwuEndTime = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($CustFuwuInfo['EndTime'])); if (strtotime($FuwuEndTime) < strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) { $cost += (strtotime($v) - strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) / (3600 * 24) * $FuWuPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365; } else { $cost += (strtotime($v) - strtotime($FuwuEndTime)) / (3600 * 24) * $FuWuPrice * $AgenDiscount / 365; } } } echo '此次续费将消费金额<span class="red font22">¥:' . round($cost) . '</span>'; exit; }
public function Lists() { if ($this->_GET) { $ProjectID = _intval($this->_GET['ProjectID']); $this->ProjectID = $ProjectID; $PropertyModule = new PropertyModule(); $ProjectModule = new ProjectModule(); //产品下属性列表 if ($ProjectID == 1) { $ModelClass = new ModelClassModule(); $ModelClassLists = $ModelClass->GetListsAll(); $this->ModelClassLists = $ModelClassLists; $this->Data = array_merge($PropertyModule->GetAllModelLists(), $PropertyModule->GetAllModelLists('tb_model_packages')); $ProjectInfo = $ProjectModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($ProjectID); $this->ProjectInfo = $ProjectInfo; $NO = $this->_GET['NO']; if ($NO) { $Model = $PropertyModule->GetOneInfoByNO($NO); if (!$Model) { $Model = $PropertyModule->GetOneInfoByNO($NO, 'PackagesNum', 'tb_model_packages'); } $this->Model = $Model; } if ($this->_GET['State']) { $this->State = $this->_GET['State']; } else { $this->State = 0; } } else { $MysqlWhere = ' where ProjectID=' . $ProjectID . ' and ProjectPropertyParentID=0'; $Data = $PropertyModule->GetProjectPropertyLists($MysqlWhere, 0, 100); foreach ($Data as $Key => $Value) { $MysqlWhereTwo = ' where ProjectPropertyParentID=' . $Value['ProjectPropertyID']; $Data[$Key]['Two'] = $PropertyModule->GetProjectPropertyLists($MysqlWhereTwo, 0, 100); } $this->Data = $Data; //一级产品属性 $ParentMysqlWhere = ' where ProjectID=' . $ProjectID . ' and ProjectPropertyParentID=0'; $ParentData = $PropertyModule->GetProjectPropertyLists($ParentMysqlWhere, 0, 100); $this->ParentData = $ParentData; //产品信息 $ProjectInfo = $ProjectModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($ProjectID); $this->ProjectInfo = $ProjectInfo; //产品属性信息 $ProjectPropertyID = _intval($this->_GET['ProjectPropertyID']); if ($ProjectPropertyID > 0) { $ProjectPropertyInfo = $PropertyModule->GetOneInfoByKeyID($ProjectPropertyID); $this->MyFuWuString = ',' . $ProjectPropertyInfo['MyFuWu'] . ','; $this->OtherFuWuString = ',' . $ProjectPropertyInfo['OtherFuWu'] . ','; $this->ProjectPropertyInfo = $ProjectPropertyInfo; } //服务 $FuWuModule = new FuWuModule(); $this->FuWuList = $FuWuModule->SelectLists(); } } }