//$startyear=$year-2; $startyear = $year - 1; $endyear = $year; $mode = GETPOST('mode'); /* * View */ $form = new Form($db); $formpropal = new FormPropal($db); $langs->load('propal'); $langs->load('other'); llxHeader('', $langs->trans("ProposalsStatistics")); print load_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ProposalsStatistics"), '', 'title_commercial.png'); $dir = $conf->propal->dir_temp; dol_mkdir($dir); $stats = new PropaleStats($db, $socid, $userid > 0 ? $userid : 0); if ($object_statut != '' && $object_statut >= 0) { $stats->where .= ' AND p.fk_statut IN (' . $object_statut . ')'; } // Build graphic number of object $data = $stats->getNbByMonthWithPrevYear($endyear, $startyear); // $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir || $user->societe_id) { $filenamenb = $dir . '/proposalsnbinyear-' . $user->id . '-' . $year . '.png'; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=proposalsnbinyear-' . $user->id . '-' . $year . '.png'; } else { $filenamenb = $dir . '/proposalsnbinyear-' . $year . '.png'; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=proposalsnbinyear-' . $year . '.png'; } $px1 = new DolGraph(); $mesg = $px1->isGraphKo();
/** * Load data into info_box_contents array to show array later. * * @param int $max Maximum number of records to load * @return void */ function loadBox($max = 5) { global $conf, $user, $langs, $db; $this->max = $max; $refreshaction = 'refresh_' . $this->boxcode; //include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT.'/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php'; //$propalstatic=new Propal($db); $text = $langs->trans("BoxProposalsPerMonth", $max); $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $text, 'limit' => dol_strlen($text), 'graph' => 1, 'sublink' => '', 'subtext' => $langs->trans("Filter"), 'subpicto' => 'filter.png', 'subclass' => 'linkobject', 'target' => 'none'); $dir = ''; // We don't need a path because image file will not be saved into disk $prefix = ''; $socid = 0; if ($user->societe_id) { $socid = $user->societe_id; } if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir || $socid) { $prefix .= 'private-' . $user->id . '-'; } // If user has no permission to see all, output dir is specific to user if ($user->rights->propal->lire) { $param_year = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_year'; $param_shownb = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_shownb'; $param_showtot = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_showtot'; include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/dolgraph.class.php'; include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/comm/propal/class/propalestats.class.php'; $autosetarray = preg_split("/[,;:]+/", GETPOST('DOL_AUTOSET_COOKIE')); if (in_array('DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode, $autosetarray)) { $endyear = GETPOST($param_year, 'int'); $shownb = GETPOST($param_shownb, 'alpha'); $showtot = GETPOST($param_showtot, 'alpha'); } else { $tmparray = json_decode($_COOKIE['DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode], true); $endyear = $tmparray['year']; $shownb = $tmparray['shownb']; $showtot = $tmparray['showtot']; } if (empty($shownb) && empty($showtot)) { $showtot = 1; } $nowarray = dol_getdate(dol_now(), true); if (empty($endyear)) { $endyear = $nowarray['year']; } $startyear = $endyear - 1; $WIDTH = $shownb && $showtot || !empty($conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen) ? '256' : '320'; $HEIGHT = '192'; $stats = new PropaleStats($this->db, $socid, 0); // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if ($shownb) { $data1 = $stats->getNbByMonthWithPrevYear($endyear, $startyear, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24); $datatype1 = array_pad(array(), $endyear - $startyear + 1, 'bars'); $filenamenb = $dir . "/" . $prefix . "propalsnbinyear-" . $endyear . ".png"; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=propalsnbinyear-' . $endyear . '.png'; $px1 = new DolGraph(); $mesg = $px1->isGraphKo(); if (!$mesg) { $px1->SetType($datatype1); $px1->SetData($data1); unset($data1); $px1->SetPrecisionY(0); $i = $startyear; $legend = array(); while ($i <= $endyear) { $legend[] = $i; $i++; } $px1->SetLegend($legend); $px1->SetMaxValue($px1->GetCeilMaxValue()); $px1->SetWidth($WIDTH); $px1->SetHeight($HEIGHT); $px1->SetYLabel($langs->trans("NumberOfProposals")); $px1->SetShading(3); $px1->SetHorizTickIncrement(1); $px1->SetPrecisionY(0); $px1->SetCssPrefix("cssboxes"); $px1->mode = 'depth'; $px1->SetTitle($langs->trans("NumberOfProposalsByMonth")); $px1->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb); } } // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if ($showtot) { $data2 = $stats->getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear($endyear, $startyear, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24); $datatype2 = array_pad(array(), $endyear - $startyear + 1, 'bars'); //$datatype2 = array('lines','bars'); $filenamenb = $dir . "/" . $prefix . "propalsamountinyear-" . $endyear . ".png"; if ($mode == 'customer') { $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=propalsamountinyear-' . $endyear . '.png'; } if ($mode == 'supplier') { $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstatssupplier&file=propalsamountinyear-' . $endyear . '.png'; } $px2 = new DolGraph(); $mesg = $px2->isGraphKo(); if (!$mesg) { $px2->SetType($datatype2); $px2->SetData($data2); unset($data2); $px2->SetPrecisionY(0); $i = $startyear; $legend = array(); while ($i <= $endyear) { $legend[] = $i; $i++; } $px2->SetLegend($legend); $px2->SetMaxValue($px2->GetCeilMaxValue()); $px2->SetWidth($WIDTH); $px2->SetHeight($HEIGHT); $px2->SetYLabel($langs->trans("AmountOfProposalsHT")); $px2->SetShading(3); $px2->SetHorizTickIncrement(1); $px2->SetPrecisionY(0); $px2->SetCssPrefix("cssboxes"); $px2->mode = 'depth'; $px2->SetTitle($langs->trans("AmountOfProposalsByMonthHT")); $px2->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb); } } if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) { $langs->load("errors"); $mesg = $langs->trans("WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs"); } if (!$mesg) { $stringtoshow = ''; $stringtoshow .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#idsubimg' . $this->boxcode . '").click(function() { jQuery("#idfilter' . $this->boxcode . '").toggle(); }); }); </script>'; $stringtoshow .= '<div class="center hideobject divboxfilter" id="idfilter' . $this->boxcode . '">'; // hideobject is to start hidden $stringtoshow .= '<form class="flat formboxfilter" method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $refreshaction . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="hidden" name="DOL_AUTOSET_COOKIE" value="DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . ':year,shownb,showtot">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_shownb . '"' . ($shownb ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("NumberOfProposalsByMonth"); $stringtoshow .= ' '; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_showtot . '"' . ($showtot ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("AmountOfProposalsByMonthHT"); $stringtoshow .= '<br>'; $stringtoshow .= $langs->trans("Year") . ' <input class="flat" size="4" type="text" name="' . $param_year . '" value="' . $endyear . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="image" alt="' . $langs->trans("Refresh") . '" src="' . img_picto($langs->trans("Refresh"), 'refresh.png', '', '', 1) . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '</form>'; $stringtoshow .= '</div>'; if ($shownb && $showtot) { $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichecenter">'; $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichehalfleft">'; } if ($shownb) { $stringtoshow .= $px1->show(); } if ($shownb && $showtot) { $stringtoshow .= '</div>'; $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichehalfright">'; } if ($showtot) { $stringtoshow .= $px2->show(); } if ($shownb && $showtot) { $stringtoshow .= '</div>'; $stringtoshow .= '</div>'; } $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="center" class="nohover"', 'textnoformat' => $stringtoshow); } else { $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" class="nohover"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $mesg); } } else { $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("ReadPermissionNotAllowed")); } }
/** * Load data into info_box_contents array to show array later. * * @param int $max Maximum number of records to load * @return void */ function loadBox($max = 5) { global $conf, $user, $langs, $db; $this->max = $max; $refreshaction = 'refresh_' . $this->boxcode; include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/facture/class/facture.class.php'; include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php'; include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/commande/class/commande.class.php'; $text = $langs->trans("BoxProductDistribution", $max); $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $text, 'limit' => dol_strlen($text), 'graph' => 1, 'sublink' => '', 'subtext' => $langs->trans("Filter"), 'subpicto' => 'filter.png', 'subclass' => 'linkobject', 'target' => 'none'); $param_year = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_year'; $param_showinvoicenb = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_showinvoicenb'; $param_showpropalnb = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_showpropalnb'; $param_showordernb = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_showordernb'; $autosetarray = preg_split("/[,;:]+/", GETPOST('DOL_AUTOSET_COOKIE')); if (in_array('DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode, $autosetarray)) { $year = GETPOST($param_year, 'int'); $showinvoicenb = GETPOST($param_showinvoicenb, 'alpha'); $showpropalnb = GETPOST($param_showpropalnb, 'alpha'); $showordernb = GETPOST($param_showordernb, 'alpha'); } else { $tmparray = json_decode($_COOKIE['DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode], true); $year = $tmparray['year']; $showinvoicenb = $tmparray['showinvoicenb']; $showpropalnb = $tmparray['showpropalnb']; $showordernb = $tmparray['showordernb']; } if (empty($showinvoicenb) && empty($showpropalnb) && empty($showordernb)) { $showpropalnb = 1; $showinvoicenb = 1; $showordernb = 1; } if (empty($conf->facture->enabled) || empty($user->rights->facture->lire)) { $showinvoicenb = 0; } if (empty($conf->propal->enabled) || empty($user->rights->propal->lire)) { $showpropalnb = 0; } if (empty($conf->commande->enabled) || empty($user->rights->commande->lire)) { $showordernb = 0; } $nowarray = dol_getdate(dol_now(), true); if (empty($year)) { $year = $nowarray['year']; } $nbofgraph = 0; if ($showinvoicenb) { $nbofgraph++; } if ($showpropalnb) { $nbofgraph++; } if ($showordernb) { $nbofgraph++; } $paramtitle = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Products") . '/' . $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Services"); if (empty($conf->produit->enabled)) { $paramtitle = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Services"); } if (empty($conf->service->enabled)) { $paramtitle = $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Products"); } $socid = empty($user->societe_id) ? 0 : $user->societe_id; $userid = 0; // No filter on user creation $WIDTH = $nbofgraph >= 2 || !empty($conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen) ? '160' : '320'; $HEIGHT = '192'; if (!empty($conf->facture->enabled) && !empty($user->rights->facture->lire)) { // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if ($showinvoicenb) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/facture/class/facturestats.class.php'; $showpointvalue = 1; $nocolor = 0; $mode = 'customer'; $stats_invoice = new FactureStats($this->db, $socid, $mode, $userid > 0 ? $userid : 0); $data1 = $stats_invoice->getAllByProductEntry($year, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24); if (empty($data1)) { $showpointvalue = 0; $nocolor = 1; $data1 = array(array(0 => $langs->trans("None"), 1 => 1)); } $filenamenb = $dir . "/prodserforinvoice-" . $year . ".png"; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=productstats&file=prodserforinvoice-' . $year . '.png'; $px1 = new DolGraph(); $mesg = $px1->isGraphKo(); if (!$mesg) { $i = 0; $tot = count($data1); $legend = array(); while ($i <= $tot) { $data1[$i][0] = dol_trunc($data1[$i][0], 5); // Required to avoid error "Could not draw pie with labels contained inside canvas" $legend[] = $data1[$i][0]; $i++; } $px1->SetData($data1); unset($data1); if ($nocolor) { $px1->SetDataColor(array(array(220, 220, 220))); } $px1->SetPrecisionY(0); $px1->SetLegend($legend); $px1->setShowLegend(0); $px1->setShowPointValue($showpointvalue); $px1->setShowPercent(0); $px1->SetMaxValue($px1->GetCeilMaxValue()); $px1->SetWidth($WIDTH); $px1->SetHeight($HEIGHT); //$px1->SetYLabel($langs->trans("NumberOfBills")); $px1->SetShading(3); $px1->SetHorizTickIncrement(1); $px1->SetPrecisionY(0); $px1->SetCssPrefix("cssboxes"); //$px1->mode='depth'; $px1->SetType(array('pie')); $px1->SetTitle($langs->trans("BoxProductDistributionFor", $paramtitle, $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Invoices"))); $px1->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb); } } } if (!empty($conf->propal->enabled) && !empty($user->rights->propal->lire)) { // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if ($showpropalnb) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/comm/propal/class/propalestats.class.php'; $showpointvalue = 1; $nocolor = 0; $stats_proposal = new PropaleStats($this->db, $socid, $userid > 0 ? $userid : 0); $data2 = $stats_proposal->getAllByProductEntry($year, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24); if (empty($data2)) { $showpointvalue = 0; $nocolor = 1; $data2 = array(array(0 => $langs->trans("None"), 1 => 1)); } $filenamenb = $dir . "/prodserforpropal-" . $year . ".png"; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=proposalstats&file=prodserforpropal-' . $year . '.png'; $px2 = new DolGraph(); $mesg = $px2->isGraphKo(); if (!$mesg) { $i = 0; $tot = count($data2); $legend = array(); while ($i <= $tot) { $data2[$i][0] = dol_trunc($data2[$i][0], 5); // Required to avoid error "Could not draw pie with labels contained inside canvas" $legend[] = $data2[$i][0]; $i++; } $px2->SetData($data2); unset($data2); if ($nocolor) { $px2->SetDataColor(array(array(220, 220, 220))); } $px2->SetPrecisionY(0); $px2->SetLegend($legend); $px2->setShowLegend(0); $px2->setShowPointValue($showpointvalue); $px2->setShowPercent(0); $px2->SetMaxValue($px2->GetCeilMaxValue()); $px2->SetWidth($WIDTH); $px2->SetHeight($HEIGHT); //$px2->SetYLabel($langs->trans("AmountOfBillsHT")); $px2->SetShading(3); $px2->SetHorizTickIncrement(1); $px2->SetPrecisionY(0); $px2->SetCssPrefix("cssboxes"); //$px2->mode='depth'; $px2->SetType(array('pie')); $px2->SetTitle($langs->trans("BoxProductDistributionFor", $paramtitle, $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Proposals"))); $px2->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb); } } } if (!empty($conf->commande->enabled) && !empty($user->rights->commande->lire)) { // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if ($showordernb) { include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/commande/class/commandestats.class.php'; $showpointvalue = 1; $nocolor = 0; $mode = 'customer'; $stats_order = new CommandeStats($this->db, $socid, $mode, $userid > 0 ? $userid : 0); $data3 = $stats_order->getAllByProductEntry($year, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24); if (empty($data3)) { $showpointvalue = 0; $nocolor = 1; $data3 = array(array(0 => $langs->trans("None"), 1 => 1)); } $filenamenb = $dir . "/prodserfororder-" . $year . ".png"; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=orderstats&file=prodserfororder-' . $year . '.png'; $px3 = new DolGraph(); $mesg = $px3->isGraphKo(); if (!$mesg) { $i = 0; $tot = count($data3); $legend = array(); while ($i <= $tot) { $data3[$i][0] = dol_trunc($data3[$i][0], 5); // Required to avoid error "Could not draw pie with labels contained inside canvas" $legend[] = $data3[$i][0]; $i++; } $px3->SetData($data3); unset($data3); if ($nocolor) { $px3->SetDataColor(array(array(220, 220, 220))); } $px3->SetPrecisionY(0); $px3->SetLegend($legend); $px3->setShowLegend(0); $px3->setShowPointValue($showpointvalue); $px3->setShowPercent(0); $px3->SetMaxValue($px3->GetCeilMaxValue()); $px3->SetWidth($WIDTH); $px3->SetHeight($HEIGHT); //$px3->SetYLabel($langs->trans("AmountOfBillsHT")); $px3->SetShading(3); $px3->SetHorizTickIncrement(1); $px3->SetPrecisionY(0); $px3->SetCssPrefix("cssboxes"); //$px3->mode='depth'; $px3->SetType(array('pie')); $px3->SetTitle($langs->trans("BoxProductDistributionFor", $paramtitle, $langs->transnoentitiesnoconv("Orders"))); $px3->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb); } } } if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) { $langs->load("errors"); $mesg = $langs->trans("WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs"); } if (!$mesg) { $stringtoshow = ''; $stringtoshow .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> jQuery(document).ready(function() { jQuery("#idsubimg' . $this->boxcode . '").click(function() { jQuery("#idfilter' . $this->boxcode . '").toggle(); }); }); </script>'; $stringtoshow .= '<div class="center hideobject" id="idfilter' . $this->boxcode . '">'; // hideobject is to start hidden $stringtoshow .= '<form class="flat formboxfilter" method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $refreshaction . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="hidden" name="DOL_AUTOSET_COOKIE" value="DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . ':year,showinvoicenb,showpropalnb,showordernb">'; if (!empty($conf->facture->enabled) || !empty($user->rights->facture->lire)) { $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_showinvoicenb . '"' . ($showinvoicenb ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("ForCustomersInvoices"); $stringtoshow .= ' '; } if (!empty($conf->propal->enabled) || !empty($user->rights->propal->lire)) { $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_showpropalnb . '"' . ($showpropalnb ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("ForProposals"); $stringtoshow .= ' '; } if (!empty($conf->commande->enabled) || !empty($user->rights->commande->lire)) { $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_showordernb . '"' . ($showordernb ? ' checked="true"' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("ForCustomersOrders"); } $stringtoshow .= '<br>'; $stringtoshow .= $langs->trans("Year") . ' <input class="flat" size="4" type="text" name="' . $param_year . '" value="' . $year . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '<input type="image" alt="' . $langs->trans("Refresh") . '" src="' . img_picto('', 'refresh.png', '', '', 1) . '">'; $stringtoshow .= '</form>'; $stringtoshow .= '</div>'; if ($nbofgraph == 1) { if ($showinvoicenb) { $stringtoshow .= $px1->show(); } else { if ($showpropalnb) { $stringtoshow .= $px2->show(); } else { $stringtoshow .= $px3->show(); } } } if ($nbofgraph == 2) { $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichecenter"><div class="containercenter"><div class="fichehalfleft">'; if ($showinvoicenb) { $stringtoshow .= $px1->show(); } else { if ($showpropalnb) { $stringtoshow .= $px2->show(); } } $stringtoshow .= '</div><div class="fichehalfright">'; if ($showordernb) { $stringtoshow .= $px3->show(); } else { if ($showpropalnb) { $stringtoshow .= $px2->show(); } } $stringtoshow .= '</div></div></div>'; } if ($nbofgraph == 3) { $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichecenter"><div class="containercenter"><div class="fichehalfleft">'; $stringtoshow .= $px1->show(); $stringtoshow .= '</div><div class="fichehalfright">'; $stringtoshow .= $px2->show(); $stringtoshow .= '</div></div></div>'; $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichecenter"><div class="containercenter">'; $stringtoshow .= $px3->show(); $stringtoshow .= '</div></div>'; } $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="center" class="nohover"', 'textnoformat' => $stringtoshow); } else { $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" class="nohover"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $mesg); } }
* View */ $form=new Form($db); $langs->load("propal"); llxHeader(); print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ProposalsStatistics"), $mesg); $dir=$conf->propale->dir_temp; create_exdir($dir); $stats = new PropaleStats($db, $socid, $userid); // Build graphic number of object $data = $stats->getNbByMonthWithPrevYear($endyear,$startyear); //var_dump($data); // $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...) if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir || $user->societe_id) { $filenamenb = $dir.'/proposalsnbinyear-'.$user->id.'-'.$year.'.png'; $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=proposalsnbinyear-'.$user->id.'-'.$year.'.png'; } else { $filenamenb = $dir.'/proposalsnbinyear-'.$year.'.png';
/* * View */ llxHeader(); $dir=$conf->propale->dir_temp; $mesg = '<a href="month.php?year='.($year - 1).'">'.img_previous().'</a> '; $mesg.= $langs->trans("Year")." $year"; $mesg.= ' <a href="month.php?year='.($year + 1).'">'.img_next().'</a>'; print_fiche_titre($langs->trans("ProposalsStatistics"), $mesg); create_exdir($dir); $stats = new PropaleStats($db, $socid); $data = $stats->getNbByMonth($year); if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir || $user->societe_id) { $filename = $dir.'/proposalsnb-'.$user->id.'-'.$year.'.png'; $fileurl = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=proposalsnb-'.$user->id.'-'.$year.'.png'; } else { $filename = $dir.'/proposalsnb-'.$year.'.png'; $fileurl = DOL_URL_ROOT.'/viewimage.php?modulepart=propalstats&file=proposalsnb-'.$year.'.png'; }