Esempio n. 1
 public function after()
     $firebugEnabled = ProfilerToolbar::cfg('firebug.enabled');
     $firebugShowEverywhere = ProfilerToolbar::cfg('firebug.showEverywhere');
     if ($this->request->is_initial() && $firebugEnabled && $firebugShowEverywhere) {
Esempio n. 2
    echo View::factory('PTB/items/sql')->render();
if (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('html.showCache')) {
    echo View::factory('PTB/items/cache')->render();
if (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('html.showVars')) {
    echo View::factory('PTB/items/vars')->render();
if (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('html.showRoutes')) {
    echo View::factory('PTB/items/route')->render();
if (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('html.showIncFiles')) {
    echo View::factory('PTB/items/files')->render();
if (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('html.showCustom')) {
    echo View::factory('PTB/items/custom')->render();
<!-- ============================= /PROFILER TOOLBAR ============================= -->
Esempio n. 3
  * Set a value to cache with id and lifetime
  *     $data = 'bar';
  *     // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in default group, using default expiry
  *     Cache::instance()->set('foo', $data);
  *     // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in default group for 30 seconds
  *     Cache::instance()->set('foo', $data, 30);
  *     // Set 'bar' to 'foo' in memcache group for 10 minutes
  *     if (Cache::instance('memcache')->set('foo', $data, 600))
  *     {
  *          // Cache was set successfully
  *          return
  *     }
  * @param   string   id of cache entry
  * @param   string   data to set to cache
  * @param   integer  lifetime in seconds
  * @return  boolean
 public function set($id, $data, $lifetime = 3600)
     // for ProfilerToolbar
     ProfilerToolbar::cacheLog('set', array_search($this, Cache::$instances), $id, $lifetime);
     // /for ProfilerToolbar
     return $this->memcached_instance->set($id, $data, $lifetime);
Esempio n. 4
	<div class="wrapper">
		<div class="header"><?php 
echo $header;
		<div class="middle">
			<div class="container">
				<div class="content"><?php 
echo $content;
			<div class="right-sidebar"><?php 
echo $sidebar;
	<div class="footer"><?php 
echo $footer;
Esempio n. 5
  * Delete a cache entry based on id
  * @param   string   id 
  * @param   integer  timeout [Optional]
  * @return  boolean
  * @throws  Cache_Exception
 public function delete($id)
     // for ProfilerToolbar
     ProfilerToolbar::cacheLog('del', array_search($this, Cache::$instances), $id);
     // /for ProfilerToolbar
     // Prepare statement
     $statement = $this->_db->prepare('DELETE FROM caches WHERE id = :id');
     // Remove the entry
     try {
         $statement->execute(array(':id' => $this->_sanitize_id($id)));
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         throw new Cache_Exception('There was a problem querying the local SQLite3 cache. :error', array(':error' => $e->getMessage()));
     return (bool) $statement->rowCount();
 private static function appendIncFiles()
     self::$_fb->group('Files (' . self::$DATA_INC_FILES['total']['count'] . ')', ['Collapsed' => true]);
     $tbl = [0 => ['№', 'file', 'size', 'lines', 'last modified']];
     $num = 0;
     foreach (self::$DATA_INC_FILES['data'] as $file) {
         $tbl[] = [++$num, $file['name'], ProfilerToolbar::formatMemory($file['size']), number_format($file['lines']), date("Y.m.d H:i:s", $file['lastModified'])];
     self::$_fb->table('Files', $tbl);
Esempio n. 7
					<tr class="total">
						<td>total <?php 
        echo $group['total']['count'];
						<td class="tRight"><?php 
        echo ProfilerToolbar::formatTime($group['total']['time']);
						<td class="tRight"><?php 
        echo ProfilerToolbar::formatMemory($group['total']['memory']);
Esempio n. 8
 public function query($type, $sql, $as_object = FALSE, array $params = NULL)
     // Make sure the database is connected
     $this->_connection or $this->connect();
     if (Kohana::$profiling && stripos($sql, 'explain') !== 0) {
         // Benchmark this query for the current instance
         $benchmark = Profiler::start("Database ({$this->_instance})", $sql);
     if (!empty($this->_config['connection']['persistent']) and $this->_config['connection']['database'] !== Database_MySQL::$_current_databases[$this->_connection_id]) {
         // Select database on persistent connections
     // Execute the query
     if (($result = mysql_query($sql, $this->_connection)) === FALSE) {
         if (isset($benchmark)) {
             // This benchmark is worthless
         throw new Database_Exception(':error [ :query ]', array(':error' => mysql_error($this->_connection), ':query' => $sql), mysql_errno($this->_connection));
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
     // Set the last query
     $this->last_query = $sql;
     if ($type === Database::SELECT) {
         // Return an iterator of results
         $res = new Database_MySQL_Result($result, $sql, $as_object, $params);
         if (stripos($sql, 'explain') !== 0) {
             ProfilerToolbar::setSqlData($this->_instance, $sql, $res->count());
         return $res;
     } elseif ($type === Database::INSERT) {
         // Return a list of insert id and rows created
         $res = array(mysql_insert_id($this->_connection), mysql_affected_rows($this->_connection));
         ProfilerToolbar::setSqlData($this->_instance, $sql, $res[1]);
         return $res;
     } else {
         // Return the number of rows affected
         $res = mysql_affected_rows($this->_connection);
         ProfilerToolbar::setSqlData($this->_instance, $sql, $res);
         return $res;
Esempio n. 9
 public function after()
     if ($this->request->is_initial() && ProfilerToolbar::cfg('firebug.enabled') && ProfilerToolbar::cfg('firebug.showEverywhere')) {
Esempio n. 10
          <th style="width: 1px;">key</th>
$i = 0;
foreach (ProfilerToolbar::$DATA_SERVER as $k => $v) {
        <td class="num"><?php 
    echo ++$i;
    echo $k;
    echo ProfilerToolbar::varDump($v);
Esempio n. 11
 public function query($type, $sql, $as_object = FALSE, array $params = NULL)
     // Make sure the database is connected
     $this->_connection or $this->connect();
     if (Kohana::$profiling) {
         // Benchmark this query for the current instance
         $benchmark = Profiler::start("Database ({$this->_instance})", $sql);
     try {
         $result = $this->_connection->query($sql);
         // add query to PTB
         ProfilerToolbar::setSqlData($this->_instance, $sql, $result->rowCount());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (isset($benchmark)) {
             // This benchmark is worthless
         // Convert the exception in a database exception
         throw new Database_Exception(':error [ :query ]', array(':error' => $e->getMessage(), ':query' => $sql), $e->getCode());
     if (isset($benchmark)) {
     // Set the last query
     $this->last_query = $sql;
     if ($type === Database::SELECT) {
         // Convert the result into an array, as PDOStatement::rowCount is not reliable
         if ($as_object === FALSE) {
         } elseif (is_string($as_object)) {
             $result->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $as_object, $params);
         } else {
             $result->setFetchMode(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, 'stdClass');
         $result = $result->fetchAll();
         // Return an iterator of results
         return new Database_Result_Cached($result, $sql, $as_object, $params);
     } elseif ($type === Database::INSERT) {
         // Return a list of insert id and rows created
         return array($this->_connection->lastInsertId(), $result->rowCount());
     } else {
         // Return the number of rows affected
         return $result->rowCount();
Esempio n. 12
function var_echo($var, $tab = 'default')
    ProfilerToolbar::addData($var, $tab);
Esempio n. 13
    echo date("Y.m.d", $file['lastModified']);
    echo date("H:i:s", $file['lastModified']);
			<tr class="total">
				<th>total <?php 
echo ProfilerToolbar::$DATA_INC_FILES['total']['count'];
				<th class="tRight"><?php 
echo ProfilerToolbar::formatMemory(ProfilerToolbar::$DATA_INC_FILES['total']['size']);
				<th class="tRight"><?php 
echo number_format(ProfilerToolbar::$DATA_INC_FILES['total']['lines']);
Esempio n. 14
  * @param string $method method of PDOStatement to be called
  * @param mixed $mode    parameters to be passed to the method
  * @param array $params  input parameters (name=>value) for the SQL execution. This is an alternative
  *                       to {@link bindParam} and {@link bindValue}. If you have multiple input parameters, passing
  *                       them in this way can improve the performance. Note that if you pass parameters in this way,
  *                       you cannot bind parameters or values using {@link bindParam} or {@link bindValue}, and vice versa.
  *                       Please also note that all values are treated as strings in this case, if you need them to be handled as
  *                       their real data types, you have to use {@link bindParam} or {@link bindValue} instead.
  * @throws Exception if CDbCommand failed to execute the SQL statement
  * @return mixed the method execution result
 private function queryInternal($method, $mode, $params = [])
     $params = array_merge($this->params, $params);
     if ($this->_connection->enableParamLogging && ($pars = array_merge($this->_paramLog, $params)) !== []) {
         $p = [];
         foreach ($pars as $name => $value) {
             $p[$name] = $name . '=' . var_export($value, true);
         $par = '. Bound with ' . implode(', ', $p);
     } else {
         $par = '';
     //var_echo('Querying SQL: ' . $this->getText() . $par, 'system.db.CDbCommand');
     if ($this->_connection->queryCachingCount > 0 && $method !== '' && $this->_connection->queryCachingDuration > 0 && $this->_connection->queryCacheID !== false) {
         #TODO Сделать систему кеширования Sql запросов
         			var_echo('Query result found in cache','system.db.CDbCommand');
         			return $result[0];
     try {
         if (\Kohana::$profiling and $this->_connection->enableProfiling) {
             // Benchmark this query for the current instance
             foreach ($params as $item) {
             $benchmark = \Profiler::start("Database ('default')", $this->Debug($this->getText(), $this->_paramLog) . $par);
         if ($params === []) {
         } else {
         if ($method === '') {
             $result = new DataReader($this);
         } else {
             $mode = (array) $mode;
             call_user_func_array([$this->_statement, 'setFetchMode'], $mode);
             $result = $this->_statement->{$method}();
         if (\Kohana::$profiling and $this->_connection->enableProfiling) {
             \ProfilerToolbar::setSqlData('default', $this->Debug($this->getText(), $this->_paramLog), sizeof($result));
         if (isset($cache, $cacheKey)) {
             \Cache::instance('database')->set($this->getText(), $result, $this->_connection->caching);
         return $result;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         if (isset($benchmark)) {
             // This benchmark is worthless
         $errorInfo = $e instanceof \PDOException ? $e->errorInfo : null;
         $message = $e->getMessage();
         \Kohana::$log->add(\Log::EMERGENCY, '\\Database\\Command::' . $method . ' failed ' . $message . '. The SQL statement executed was: ' . $this->getText() . $par);
         if (\Kohana::DEVELOPMENT) {
             $message .= '. The SQL statement executed was: ' . $this->getText() . $par;
         throw new Exception('\\Database\\Command failed to execute the SQL statement: ' . $message, (int) $e->getCode(), $errorInfo);
Esempio n. 15
  * Delete a cache entry based on id
  *     // Delete the 'foo' cache entry immediately
  *     Cache::instance('memcache')->delete('foo');
  *     // Delete the 'bar' cache entry after 30 seconds
  *     Cache::instance('memcache')->delete('bar', 30);
  * @param   string $id       id of entry to delete
  * @param   integer $timeout timeout of entry, if zero item is deleted immediately, otherwise the item will delete after the specified value in seconds
  * @return  boolean
 public function delete($id, $timeout = 0)
     // for ProfilerToolbar
     ProfilerToolbar::cacheLog('del', array_search($this, Cache::$instances), $id);
     // /for ProfilerToolbar
     // Delete the id
     return $this->_memcache->delete($this->_sanitize_id($id), $timeout);
Esempio n. 16

defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.');
// include vendor FireBug
if (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('firebug.enabled') && !class_exists('FirePHP')) {
    require_once Kohana::find_file('vendor/FirePHPCore', 'FirePHP.class', 'php');
// include vendor GeShi for code highlight
if (!class_exists('GeSHi') && (ProfilerToolbar::cfg('html.highlightSQL') || ProfilerToolbar::cfg('errorPage.highlightSQL') || ProfilerToolbar::cfg('errorPage.highlightPHP'))) {
    require_once Kohana::find_file('vendor/geshi', 'geshi', 'php');
Esempio n. 17
  * Delete a cache entry based on id
  *     // Delete 'foo' entry from the apc group
  *     Cache::instance('apc')->delete('foo');
  * @param   string $id id to remove from cache
  * @return  boolean
 public function delete($id)
     // for ProfilerToolbar
     ProfilerToolbar::cacheLog('del', array_search($this, Cache::$instances), $id);
     // /for ProfilerToolbar
     return apc_delete($this->_sanitize_id($id));
Esempio n. 18
  * Delete a cache entry based on id
  *     // Delete 'foo' entry from the file group
  *     Cache::instance('file')->delete('foo');
  * @param   string   id to remove from cache
  * @return  boolean
 public function delete($id)
     // for ProfilerToolbar
     ProfilerToolbar::cacheLog('del', array_search($this, Cache::$instances), $id);
     // /for ProfilerToolbar
     $filename = Cache_File::filename($this->_sanitize_id($id));
     $directory = $this->_resolve_directory($filename);
     return $this->_delete_file(new SplFileInfo($directory . $filename), NULL, TRUE);
Esempio n. 19
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($v as $item) {
							<td class="num"><?php 
            echo ++$i;
            echo ProfilerToolbar::varDump($item);


Esempio n. 20
" class="collapsed">
			<table cellspacing="0">
    foreach ($GLOBALS[$var] as $key => $value) {
        echo htmlspecialchars((string) $key, ENT_QUOTES, Kohana::$charset, TRUE);
        echo Debug::dump($value);

if (Kohana::$profiling and Kohana::$environment == Kohana::DEVELOPMENT or true) {
    echo ProfilerToolbar::render();