Esempio n. 1
 protected function getBarcodeId()
     $result = Productprice::model()->findAll();
     if ( count( $result ) > 0 )
         $listdata = CHtml::listData( $result, 'id', 'sku' );
         $listdata = CHtml::listData( array ( ), 'id', 'sku' );
     return $listdata;
Esempio n. 2
     public function actionGetAllProducts()
        $json = new CArJSON;
        $criteria=new CDbCriteria;
        $criteria->order='id asc';
        $criteria->addCondition('parent_id = 0 and status=1');
        $catwithproducts = Category::model()->findAll($criteria);
        $prdcondition = array('condition'=>'t.status = 1 AND product.status = 1');
        $products = Subproductprice::model()->with('product')
        $prdcondition_non_mngd = array('condition'=>'t.status = 1 
            AND product.status = 1 AND t.dontsyncwithstock = 1');
        $non_mngd_products = Productprice::model()->with('product')
            && !empty($products)
            //$relations = array(array('categories'=>array(array('products'=>array('taxrate')))));
            $relations = array(array('categories'=>array('subproductprices')));
            $attributes = array(
                'root' => array(),//null,//array of attribute names
                'categories' => array(),
                'subproductprices' => $this->prdcolumns,
            $isarray = true;
            $iskeybasedarray = true;
            $sec_cat_products = $json->toJSON($catwithproducts, 
                    $relations, $attributes, $isarray, $iskeybasedarray);

            $relations = array();
            $attributes = array(
                'root' => $this->prdcolumns,                
            $isarray = true;
            $iskeybasedarray = true;
            $non_mngd_products = $json->toJSON($non_mngd_products, 
                    $relations, $attributes, $isarray, $iskeybasedarray);
            $relations = array();
            $attributes = array(
                'root' => array('value','label'),
            $isarray = true;
            $iskeybasedarray = false;
            $allproducts_short = $json->toJSON($products, 
                    $relations, $attributes, $isarray, $iskeybasedarray);

            $customercondition = array();
            $customers = $this->getAllPeopleNoRestriction(Helper::CONST_Customer);            
            $allcustomers = CHtml::listData($customers, 'id', 'name');
            $dfltcustomerid = $this->getPersonByName(Helper::CONST_Walk_in_Customer);
            $data = array(
                //Helper::CONST_prdskuToIdMap => $prdskuToIdMap,
                Helper::CONST_allproducts_short => $allproducts_short,
                Helper::CONST_non_mngd_products => $non_mngd_products,
                Helper::CONST_sec_cat_products => $sec_cat_products,
                Helper::CONST_allcustomers => $allcustomers,
                Helper::CONST_default_customer_id => $dfltcustomerid
            $rtnCode = Helper::CONST_Error_None;
            $message = Helper::CONST_POS_Masters;
            $data = array(
                        Helper::CONST_allproducts_short => array(),
                        Helper::CONST_non_mngd_products => array(),
                        Helper::CONST_sec_cat_products => array(),
                        Helper::CONST_allcustomers => array(),
                        Helper::CONST_default_customer_id => -1
            $rtnCode = Helper::CONST_Error_None; 
            $message = Helper::CONST_NotFound_Message;
//        $edata = $this->getJsonOfData($rtnCode, $data, $message);
//        $this->writeToCookie(Helper::CONST_sec_cat_products, $edata);        
        $this->returnJsonResponse($rtnCode, $data, $message);
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel( $id )
     $model = Productprice::model()->findByPk( $id );
     if ( $model === null )
         throw new CHttpException( 404, 'The requested page does not exist.' );
     return $model;
    public function actionGetPricesForAProduct()
   $postedData = $this->getPostedData();
   $id = $postedData['Productprice_id'];       
   $rowsql = "select invno from productprices where id=$id";
   $invno = Yii::app()->db->createCommand( $rowsql )->queryScalar();
   $rowsql ='select pp.code,pp.sku,pp.invno,pp.invdate from products p JOIN productprices pp on  where  pp.invno="inv001"';
   $result = Yii::app()->db->createCommand( $rowsql )->queryAll();
   $record =  Product::model()
                                'productprices' => array('condition'=>'productprices.invno='.'"'.$invno.'"'),                            
						  // return $record;
	 $condition = 'invno='.'"'.$invno.'"'.' AND product_id= '.$postedData['Product_id'];
         $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
         $criteria->condition = $condition;   
         $record = Productprice::model()->findAll( $criteria ); 
         $json = new CArJSON;					   
         $relations = array();
            $attributes = array(              			
            $isarray = true;			
              $product = $json->toJSON($record, $relations, $attributes, $isarray);
			 // return true;
			return false;
			$RetCode ='success';
			return $this->returnJsonResponse($RetCode , $record , 'Success');			
//         $criteria->with =array();
        $postedData = $this->getPostedData();
        $product_id = $postedData['product_id'];
        $criteria=new CDbCriteria;
        $criteria->addCondition('status = 1');
        $data = Product::model()->findByPk($product_id, $criteria);        
            $json = new CArJSON;
            $relations = array(array('productprices'=>array('supplier')));
            // array('product') or array(array('product'=>array('taxrate')))            
            $attributes = array(
                'root' => array('id','name'),//null,//array of attribute names
                'productprices'=> array(),
                'supplier' => array('id','lookupDisplay'),//null,//array of attribute names
            $isarray = true;
            $data = $json->toJSON($data, $relations, $attributes, $isarray);
            $rtnCode = Helper::CONST_Error_None;
            $message = Helper::CONST_PRDPRICES_LIST;
            $rtnCode = Helper::CONST_Error_None;
            $message = Helper::CONST_NotFound_Message;
             $rtnCode = Helper::CONST_Error_None;
             $message = Helper::CONST_NotFound_Message;
         $this->returnJsonResponse($rtnCode, $data, $message);