Esempio n. 1
 public function applyProfileToItem($profile, $item, $update_title = true)
     global $wpdb;
     // get item data
     $id = $item['id'];
     $post_id = $item['post_id'];
     $status = WPLE_ListingQueryHelper::getStatus($id);
     $ebay_id = self::getEbayIDFromID($id);
     $post_title = get_the_title($item['post_id']);
     WPLE()->logger->info("applyProfileToItem() - listing_id: {$id} / post_id: {$post_id}");
     // WPLE()->logger->callStack( debug_backtrace() );
     // skip ended auctions - or not, if you want to relist them...
     // if ( $status == 'ended' ) return;
     // use parent title for single (split) variation
     if (ProductWrapper::isSingleVariation($post_id)) {
         $parent_id = ProductWrapper::getVariationParent($post_id);
         $post_title = get_the_title($parent_id);
         // check if parent product has a custom eBay title set
         if (get_post_meta($parent_id, '_ebay_title', true)) {
             $post_title = trim(get_post_meta($parent_id, '_ebay_title', true));
         // get variations
         $variations = ProductWrapper::getVariations($parent_id);
         // find this variation in all variations of this parent
         foreach ($variations as $var) {
             if ($var['post_id'] == $post_id) {
                 // append attribute values to title
                 $post_title = self::processSingleVariationTitle($post_title, $var['variation_attributes']);
     // gather profile data
     $data = array();
     $data['profile_id'] = $profile['profile_id'];
     $data['account_id'] = $profile['account_id'];
     $data['site_id'] = $profile['site_id'];
     $data['auction_type'] = $profile['type'];
     $data['listing_duration'] = $profile['listing_duration'];
     $data['template'] = $profile['details']['template'];
     $data['quantity'] = $profile['details']['quantity'];
     $data['date_created'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
     $data['profile_data'] = self::encodeObject($profile);
     // echo "<pre>";print_r($data);echo"</pre>";die();
     // add prefix and suffix to product title
     if ($update_title) {
         // append space to prefix, prepend space to suffix
         // TODO: make this an option
         $title_prefix = trim($profile['details']['title_prefix']) . ' ';
         $title_suffix = ' ' . trim($profile['details']['title_suffix']);
         // custom post meta fields override profile values
         if (get_post_meta($post_id, 'ebay_title_prefix', true)) {
             $title_prefix = trim(get_post_meta($post_id, 'ebay_title_prefix', true)) . ' ';
         if (get_post_meta($post_id, 'ebay_title_suffix', true)) {
             $title_prefix = trim(get_post_meta($post_id, 'ebay_title_suffix', true)) . ' ';
         $data['auction_title'] = trim($title_prefix . $post_title . $title_suffix);
         // custom post meta title override
         if (get_post_meta($post_id, '_ebay_title', true)) {
             $data['auction_title'] = trim(get_post_meta($post_id, '_ebay_title', true));
         } elseif (get_post_meta($post_id, 'ebay_title', true)) {
             $data['auction_title'] = trim(get_post_meta($post_id, 'ebay_title', true));
         // process attribute shortcodes in title - like [[attribute_Brand]]
         if (strpos($data['auction_title'], ']]') > 0) {
             $templatesModel = new TemplatesModel();
             WPLE()->logger->info('auction_title before processing: ' . $data['auction_title'] . '');
             $data['auction_title'] = $templatesModel->processAllTextShortcodes($item['post_id'], $data['auction_title'], 80);
         WPLE()->logger->info('auction_title after processing : ' . $data['auction_title'] . '');
         // trim title to 255 characters - longer titles will break $wpdb->update()
         if (strlen($data['auction_title']) > 255) {
             $data['auction_title'] = self::mb_substr($data['auction_title'], 0, 80);
             // eBay titles can not be longer than 80 characters
     // apply profile price
     $data['price'] = ProductWrapper::getPrice($post_id);
     $data['price'] = self::applyProfilePrice($data['price'], $profile['details']['start_price']);
     // fetch product stock if no quantity set in profile - and apply max_quantity limit
     if (intval($data['quantity']) == 0) {
         $max = isset($profile['details']['max_quantity']) && intval($profile['details']['max_quantity']) > 0 ? $profile['details']['max_quantity'] : PHP_INT_MAX;
         $data['quantity'] = min($max, intval(ProductWrapper::getStock($post_id)));
         // update listing quantity properly - using setListingQuantity() which regards current quantity_sold
         self::setListingQuantity($post_id, $data['quantity']);
     // default new status is 'prepared'
     $data['status'] = 'prepared';
     // except for already published items where it is 'changed'
     if (intval($ebay_id) > 0) {
         $data['status'] = 'changed';
     // ended items stay 'ended' and sold items stay sold
     if ($status == 'ended') {
         $data['status'] = 'ended';
     if ($status == 'sold') {
         $data['status'] = 'sold';
     if ($status == 'archived') {
         $data['status'] = 'archived';
     // locked items simply keep their status
     if (@$item['locked']) {
         $data['status'] = $status;
     // but if apply_changes_to_all_locked checkbox is ticked, even locked published items will be marked as 'changed'
     if (@$item['locked'] && $status == 'published' && isset($_POST['wpl_e2e_apply_changes_to_all_locked'])) {
         $data['status'] = 'changed';
     // except for selected items which shouldn't be locked in the first place
     if ($status == 'selected') {
         $data['status'] = 'prepared';
     // and reselected items which have already been 'ended'
     if ($status == 'reselected') {
         $data['status'] = 'ended';
     // and items which have already been 'changed' and now had a new profile applied
     if ($status == 'changed_profile') {
         $data['status'] = 'changed';
     // debug
     if ($status != $data['status']) {
         WPLE()->logger->info('applyProfileToItem(' . $id . ') old status: ' . $status);
         WPLE()->logger->info('applyProfileToItem(' . $id . ') new status: ' . $data['status']);
     // update auctions table
     $wpdb->update($this->tablename, $data, array('id' => $id));
     // WPLE()->logger->info('updating listing ID '.$id);
     // WPLE()->logger->info('data: '.print_r($data,1));
     // WPLE()->logger->info('sql: '.$wpdb->last_query);
     // WPLE()->logger->info('error: '.$wpdb->last_error);
Esempio n. 2
 public function checkProductInventory($mode = 'published', $compare_prices = false, $step = 0)
     $batch_size = get_option('wplister_inventory_check_batch_size', 200);
     $limit = $batch_size;
     $offset = $batch_size * $step;
     // get listings - or return false
     $lm = new ListingsModel();
     $listings = $mode == 'published' ? WPLE_ListingQueryHelper::getAllPublished($limit, $offset) : WPLE_ListingQueryHelper::getAllEnded($limit, $offset);
     if (empty($listings)) {
         return false;
     // restore previous data
     $tmp_result = get_option('wple_inventory_check_queue_data', false);
     if ($tmp_result) {
         $out_of_sync_products = $tmp_result['out_of_sync_products'];
         $published_count = $tmp_result['published_count'];
     } else {
         $out_of_sync_products = array();
         $published_count = 0;
     // process published listings
     foreach ($listings as $item) {
         // check wc product
         $post_id = $item['post_id'];
         $_product = ProductWrapper::getProduct($post_id);
         // echo "<pre>";print_r($_product);echo"</pre>";die();
         // get stock level and price
         $stock = ProductWrapper::getStock($item['post_id']);
         $price = ProductWrapper::getPrice($item['post_id']);
         // $item['price_max'] = $price;
         // echo "<pre>";print_r($price);echo"</pre>";#die();
         // echo "<pre>";print_r($item);echo"</pre>";die();
         // apply profile settings to stock level
         $profile_data = ListingsModel::decodeObject($item['profile_data'], true);
         $profile_details = $profile_data['details'];
         $item['qty'] = $item['quantity'] - $item['quantity_sold'];
         // echo "<pre>";print_r($profile_details);echo"</pre>";#die();
         // apply max_quantity from profile
         $max_quantity = isset($profile_details['max_quantity']) && intval($profile_details['max_quantity']) > 0 ? $profile_details['max_quantity'] : false;
         if ($max_quantity) {
             $stock = min($max_quantity, intval($stock));
         // apply price modified from profile
         $profile_start_price = isset($profile_details['start_price']) && !empty($profile_details['start_price']) ? $profile_details['start_price'] : false;
         if ($profile_start_price) {
             // echo "<pre>price: ";print_r($profile_start_price);echo"</pre>";#die();
         // check if product has variations
         if ($_product) {
             $variations = $_product->product_type == 'variable' ? ProductWrapper::getVariations($item['post_id']) : array();
         } else {
             $variations = array();
         // get total stock for all variations
         if (!empty($variations)) {
             // reset prices and stock
             $stock = 0;
             $price_min = PHP_INT_MAX;
             $price_max = 0;
             $ebay_stock = 0;
             $ebay_price_min = PHP_INT_MAX;
             $ebay_price_max = 0;
             // check WooCommerce variations
             foreach ($variations as $var) {
                 // total stock
                 if ($max_quantity) {
                     $stock += min($max_quantity, intval($var['stock']));
                 } else {
                     $stock += $var['stock'];
                 // min / max prices
                 $price_min = min($price_min, $var['price']);
                 $price_max = max($price_max, $var['price']);
             // check eBay variations
             $cached_variations = maybe_unserialize($item['variations']);
             if (is_array($cached_variations)) {
                 foreach ($cached_variations as $var) {
                     $ebay_stock += $var['stock'];
                     $ebay_price_min = min($ebay_price_min, $var['price']);
                     $ebay_price_max = max($ebay_price_max, $var['price']);
             // set default values
             $item['qty'] = $ebay_stock;
             $item['price'] = $ebay_price_min != PHP_INT_MAX ? $ebay_price_min : 0;
             $item['price_max'] = $ebay_price_max;
             // echo "<pre>";print_r($cached_variations);echo"</pre>";die();
         } else {
             $price_min = false;
             $price_max = false;
             $ebay_price_min = false;
             $ebay_price_max = false;
         // check if product and ebay listing are in sync
         $in_sync = true;
         // check stock level
         if ($stock != $item['qty']) {
             $in_sync = false;
         // check price
         if ($compare_prices) {
             $price_to_compare = $price;
             if ($profile_start_price) {
                 $price_to_compare = ListingsModel::applyProfilePrice($price, $profile_start_price);
             if (round($price_to_compare, 2) != round($item['price'], 2)) {
                 $in_sync = false;
             // check max price
             if (isset($price_max) && isset($item['price_max']) && round($price_max, 2) != round($item['price_max'], 2)) {
                 $in_sync = false;
         // if in sync, continue with next item
         if ($in_sync) {
         // mark listing as changed
         if (isset($_REQUEST['mark_as_changed']) && $_REQUEST['mark_as_changed'] == 'yes') {
             if ($_product) {
                 // only existing products can have a profile re-applied
             // in case the product is locked or missing, force the listing to be changed
             ListingsModel::updateListing($item['id'], array('status' => 'changed'));
             $item['status'] = 'changed';
         // remove unneccessary data to consume less memory - doesn't seem to work...
         // unset( $item['profile_data'] );
         // unset( $item['post_content'] );
         // unset( $item['details'] );
         // unset( $item['variations'] );
         // unset( $item['last_errors'] );
         // unset( $item['history'] );
         // unset( $item['eps'] );
         // unset( $item['template'] );
         // add to list of out of sync products
         $item['price_woo'] = $price;
         $item['price_woo_max'] = isset($price_max) ? $price_max : false;
         $item['stock'] = $stock;
         $item['exists'] = $_product ? true : false;
         $item['type'] = $_product ? $_product->product_type : 'missing';
         $item['profile_start_price'] = $profile_start_price;
         $out_of_sync_products[] = $item;
         // count products which have not yet been marked as changed
         if ($item['status'] == 'published') {
             $published_count += 1;
     // store result so far
     $tmp_result = array('mode' => $mode, 'compare_prices' => $compare_prices, 'out_of_sync_products' => $out_of_sync_products, 'published_count' => $published_count);
     update_option('wple_inventory_check_queue_data', $tmp_result, 'no');
     // true means we processed more items
     return true;
Esempio n. 3
 function buildItem($id, $session, $reviseItem = false, $preview = false)
     // fetch record from db
     $listing = ListingsModel::getItem($id);
     $post_id = $listing['post_id'];
     $profile_details = $listing['profile_data']['details'];
     $hasVariations = ProductWrapper::hasVariations($post_id);
     $isVariation = ProductWrapper::isSingleVariation($post_id);
     // remember listing id and account id for checkItem() and buildPayment()
     $this->listing_id = $id;
     $this->account_id = $listing['account_id'];
     // adjust profile details from product level options
     $profile_details = $this->adjustProfileDetails($id, $post_id, $profile_details);
     // create Item
     $item = new ItemType();
     // set quantity
     // $item->Quantity = $listing['quantity'];
     // get current quantity from WooCommerce
     $woocom_stock = ProductWrapper::getStock($post_id);
     // get max_quantity from profile
     $max_quantity = isset($profile_details['max_quantity']) && intval($profile_details['max_quantity']) > 0 ? $profile_details['max_quantity'] : PHP_INT_MAX;
     $item->Quantity = min($max_quantity, intval($woocom_stock));
     // handle fixed quantity
     if (intval($profile_details['quantity']) > 0) {
         $item->Quantity = $profile_details['quantity'];
     if ($item->Quantity < 0) {
         $item->Quantity = 0;
     // prevent error for negative qty
     // set listing title
     $item->Title = $this->prepareTitle($listing['auction_title']);
     // set listing duration
     $product_listing_duration = get_post_meta($post_id, '_ebay_listing_duration', true);
     $item->ListingDuration = $product_listing_duration ? $product_listing_duration : $listing['listing_duration'];
     // omit ListingType when revising item
     if (!$reviseItem) {
         $product_listing_type = get_post_meta($post_id, '_ebay_auction_type', true);
         $ListingType = $product_listing_type ? $product_listing_type : $listing['auction_type'];
         // handle classified ads
         if ($ListingType == 'ClassifiedAd') {
             $ListingType = 'LeadGeneration';
     // set eBay Site
     $item = $this->setEbaySite($item, $session);
     // add prices
     $item = $this->buildPrices($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $listing);
     // add images
     $item = $this->buildImages($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $session);
     // if this is a split variation, use parent post_id for all further processing
     if ($isVariation) {
         // prepare item specifics / variation attributes
         $this->prepareSplitVariation($id, $post_id, $listing);
         // use parent post_id for all further processing
         $post_id = ProductWrapper::getVariationParent($post_id);
     // add various options from $profile_details
     $item = $this->buildProfileOptions($item, $profile_details);
     // add various options that depend on $profile_details and $post_id
     $item = $this->buildProductOptions($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $listing, $hasVariations, $isVariation);
     // add payment and return options
     $item = $this->buildPayment($item, $profile_details);
     // add shipping services and options
     $item = $this->buildShipping($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details, $listing, $isVariation);
     // add seller profiles
     $item = $this->buildSellerProfiles($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details);
     // add ebay categories and store categories
     $item = $this->buildCategories($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details);
     // add variations
     if ($hasVariations) {
         if (@$profile_details['variations_mode'] == 'flat') {
             // don't build variations - list as flat item
             $item = $this->flattenVariations($id, $item, $post_id, $profile_details);
         } else {
             // default: list as variations
             $item = $this->buildVariations($id, $item, $profile_details, $listing, $session);
     // add item specifics (attributes) - after variations
     $item = $this->buildItemSpecifics($id, $item, $listing, $post_id);
     // add part compatibility list
     $item = $this->buildCompatibilityList($id, $item, $listing, $post_id);
     // set listing description - after $item has been built
     $item->Description = $this->getFinalHTML($id, $item, $preview);
     // adjust item if this is a ReviseItem request
     if ($reviseItem) {
         $item = $this->adjustItemForRevision($id, $item, $profile_details, $listing);
     } else {
         $item = $this->buildSchedule($item, $profile_details);
     // add UUID to prevent duplicate AddItem or RelistItem calls
     if (!$reviseItem) {
         // build UUID from listing Title, product_id, previous ItemID and today's date and hour
         $uuid_src = $item->Title . $post_id . $listing['ebay_id'] . date('Y-m-d h');
         WPLE()->logger->info('UUID src: ' . $uuid_src);
     // filter final item object before it's sent to eBay
     $item = apply_filters('wplister_filter_listing_item', $item, $listing, $profile_details, $post_id);
     $item = apply_filters('wple_filter_listing_item', $item, $listing, $profile_details, $post_id, $reviseItem);
     return $item;