Esempio n. 1
 public function get_ohlc($pair, $start, $end, $bid_offer, $timeslice, $lag = 0)
     //to seconds factor lookup
     $this->to_seconds_factor['s'] = 1;
     $this->to_seconds_factor['m'] = 60;
     $this->to_seconds_factor['h'] = 60 * 60;
     $this->to_seconds_factor['d'] = 60 * 60 * 24;
     //predis class
     require 'Predis/lib/Predis/Autoloader.php';
     // set some utility variables
     $range = $end - $start;
     $startTime = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $start / 1000);
     $endTime = gmstrftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $end / 1000);
     //set suggested timeslice depending on range
     if (!isset($timeslice)) {
         $stick_threshold = 300;
         //on screen count threshold
         if ($range < $stick_threshold * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '1s';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 5 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '5s';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 10 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '10s';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 20 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '20s';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 30 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '30s';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '1m';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 5 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '5m';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 10 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '10m';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 20 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '20m';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 30 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '30m';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 60 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '1h';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 60 * 2 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '2h';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 60 * 3 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '3h';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 60 * 6 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '6h';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 60 * 24 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '1d';
         } elseif ($range < $stick_threshold * 60 * 60 * 7 * 1000) {
             $timeslice = '1w';
         } else {
             $timeslice = '1M';
     //validate and parse timeslice
     if (!preg_match('/^(?P<dur>\\d+)(?P<len>s|m|h|d|w|M)$/', $timeslice, $matches)) {
         die("Invalid timeslice parameter: {$timeslice}");
     //timeslice duration (1,2,3,4,..)
     $ts_duration = $matches['dur'];
     //timeslice length (s,m,h,d,w,M)
     $ts_len = $matches['len'];
     //check durations modulus of parent
     //60 seconds in a minute and 60 minute in an hour
     if (in_array($ts_len, array('s', 'm'))) {
         if (60 % $ts_duration != 0) {
             //not evenly divisable by 60
             die("Invalid 1timeslice parameter: {$ts_duration}{$ts_len}");
     //24 hours in day
     if (in_array($ts_len, array('h'))) {
         if (24 % $ts_duration != 0) {
             //not evenly divisable by 24
             die("Invalid timeslice parameter: {$ts_duration}{$ts_len}");
     //max 2 day|week|month
     if (in_array($ts_len, array('d', 'w', 'M'))) {
         if ($ts_duration > 2) {
             //not valid duration
             die("Invalid timeslice parameter: {$ts_duration}{$ts_len}");
     //check are not cacheing week and month
     $is_caching = in_array($ts_len, array('w', 'M')) ? false : true;
     //add lag
     if ($lag > 0) {
         if (!in_array($ts_len, array('w', 'M'))) {
             //to sec
             $sec = $this->to_seconds_factor[$ts_len] * $ts_duration;
             //lag start
             $start = (ceil($start / 1000 / $sec) * $sec - $sec * $lag) * 1000;
         } else {
             if ($ts_len == 'w') {
                 $date = date_create_from_format('U', $start);
                 date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("{$lag} weeks"));
             if ($ts_len == 'M') {
                 $date = date_create_from_format('U', $start);
                 date_sub($date, date_interval_create_from_date_string("{$lag} months"));
             //save new start
             $start = date_format($date, 'U') * 1000;
     //if no week or Month, round start/end time to match candle length
     if (!in_array($ts_len, array('w', 'M'))) {
         //to sec
         $sec = $this->to_seconds_factor[$ts_len] * $ts_duration;
         //round up start time, round down end time
         $startTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', ceil($start / 1000 / $sec) * $sec);
         //round down end time
         $endTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', floor($end / 1000 / $sec) * $sec + $sec - 1);
     //init vars
     $time_slices = array();
     $result = array();
     $ranges = array();
     $cache = array();
     $time_slices = array();
     $empty_time_slices = array();
     $is_cache_miss = false;
     $redis = new Predis\Client();
     $redis_zset = "{$pair}:{$bid_offer}:{$timeslice}";
     //query redis cache
     if ($is_caching) {
         //get list of expected time slices
         $time_slices = $this->buildTimeSlices($ts_len, $ts_duration, $start / 1000, $end / 1000);
         //check redis cache
         $return = $redis->zrangebyscore($redis_zset, $start / 1000, $end / 1000, array('withscores' => true));
         //build cache datastructure
         foreach ($return as $row) {
             $cache[$row[1]] = $row[0];
         //get empty timeslices
         $return = $redis->zrangebyscore('empty:' . $redis_zset, $start / 1000, $end / 1000, array('withscores' => true));
         //remove empty timeslices from time_slices
         foreach ($return as $row) {
         //find missing slices
         $cache_miss_slices = array_diff_key($time_slices, $cache);
         //check for cache misses
         if (count($cache_miss_slices) > 0) {
             $is_cache_miss = true;
             //get ranges for missing slices
             $ranges = $this->buildRangeFromMissingTimeSlices($ts_len, $ts_duration, $cache_miss_slices);
         } else {
             $results = $cache;
     } else {
         //build full range
         $ranges[] = array('startTime' => $startTime, 'endTime' => $endTime);
     //hit database if we are not caching or if we have a cache miss
     if (!$is_caching || $is_cache_miss) {
         $return = $this->fetchMySQLAndCache($ts_len, $ts_duration, $is_cache_miss ? $cache_miss_slices : $time_slices, $ranges, $is_caching, $redis, $redis_zset, $pair, $bid_offer);
         //add missing slices to cache obj
         if ($is_cache_miss) {
             foreach ($return as $row) {
                 $cache[$datetime] = "[{$datetime},{$open},{$high},{$low},{$close},{$vol}]";
             //sort by key (timestamp)
             $results = $cache;
         } else {
             //build non cached results results
             foreach ($return as $row) {
                 $results[] = "[{$datetime},{$open},{$high},{$low},{$close},{$vol}]";
     return $results;