/** * Orders endpoint */ protected function orders($args) { // Manage informations $datas = $this->data; if (is_null($datas)) { $error = PowaTagErrorType::$BAD_REQUEST; return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } if ($this->verb == 'costs') { if (isset($datas->order)) { $customer = $datas->order->customer; } else { $customer = current($datas->orders)->customer; } if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process calculate Costs', PowaTagLogs::IN_PROGRESS, 'Customer : ' . $customer->firstName . ' ' . $customer->lastName); } if (PowaTagAPI::requestLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initRequestLog('Process calculate Costs', PowaTagLogs::IN_PROGRESS, $datas); } $powatagcosts = new PowaTagCosts($datas); if ($error = $powatagcosts->getError()) { $message = $error['message']; if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process order', PowaTagLogs::ERROR, $message); } return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } if ($value = $powatagcosts->getSummary()) { if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process calculate Costs', PowaTagLogs::SUCCESS, 'Customer : ' . $customer->firstName . ' ' . $customer->lastName); } if (PowaTagAPI::requestLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initRequestLog('Process calculate Costs', PowaTagLogs::SUCCESS, $value); } return $value; } else { $error = $powatagcosts->getError(); if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process calculate Costs', PowaTagLogs::ERROR, $error['message']); } return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } } else { if (count($args) == 2 && Validate::isInt($args[0]) && ($args[1] = 'confirm-payment')) { //Three step payment confirmation if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process payment', PowaTagLogs::IN_PROGRESS, 'Order ID : ' . $args[0]); } if (PowaTagAPI::requestLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initRequestLog('Create payment', PowaTagLogs::IN_PROGRESS, $datas); } $payment = new PowaTagPayment($datas, (int) $args[0]); if ($id_order = $payment->confirmPayment()) { if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process payment', PowaTagLogs::SUCCESS, 'ID Order : ' . $id_order); } if (PowaTagAPI::requestLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initRequestLog('Process payment', PowaTagLogs::SUCCESS, $id_order); } $data = array('providerTxCode' => isset($datas->paymentResult->providerTxCode) ? $datas->paymentResult->providerTxCode : 'providerTxCode Empty', 'message' => 'Authorization success order ' . $id_order . ' created'); if ($payment->checkOrderState($id_order, $data) == 'error') { $this->setResponse($data['response']); } return $data; } else { $error = $payment->getError(); if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process payment', PowaTagLogs::ERROR, $error['message']); } return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } } else { if (!count($args)) { //Two step payment or three step payment if (isset($datas->order)) { $customer = $datas->order->customer; } else { $customer = current($datas->orders)->customer; } if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process order 123', PowaTagLogs::IN_PROGRESS, 'Customer : ' . $customer->firstName . ' ' . $customer->lastName); } if (PowaTagAPI::requestLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initRequestLog('Create order', PowaTagLogs::IN_PROGRESS, $datas); } $order = new PowaTagOrders($datas); if ($error = $order->getError()) { $message = $error['message']; if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process order', PowaTagLogs::ERROR, $message); } return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } list($id_cart, $id_order, $message) = $order->validateOrder(); if ($id_order || $id_cart) { if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process order', PowaTagLogs::SUCCESS, 'Order has been created : ' . $id_order); } $link = new Link(); $cart = new Cart($id_cart); $data = array('orderResults' => array(array('orderId' => $id_order ? $id_order : $id_cart, 'message' => $message, 'redirectUrl' => $link->getModuleLink('powatag', 'confirmation', array('id_cart' => (int) $id_cart, 'id_customer' => (int) $cart->id_customer))))); if ($error = $order->getError()) { return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } if ($order->checkOrderState($id_order, $data)) { $this->setResponse($data['response']); } return $data; } else { $message = ''; $errorCode = ''; if ($error = $order->getError()) { $message = $error['message']; } if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Process order', PowaTagLogs::ERROR, $message); } return PowaTagAPI::powaError($error); } } } } }
public function validateOrder() { $id_cart = $this->createCart(); $id_order = false; if (isset($this->datas->paymentResult) && $id_cart) { $order_state = (int) Configuration::get('PS_OS_PAYMENT'); $this->datas->customer = $this->datas->customer; $payment = new PowaTagPayment($this->datas, $id_cart); $id_order = $payment->confirmPayment(true); if ($id_order) { $message = Configuration::get('POWATAG_SUCCESS_MSG', $this->context->language->id) != '' ? Configuration::get('POWATAG_SUCCESS_MSG', $this->context->language->id) : 'Success'; } else { $message = 'Error on order creation'; } } if ($id_cart) { $transaction = new PowaTagTransaction(); $transaction->id_cart = (int) $this->cart->id; $transaction->id_order = (int) $id_order; $transaction->id_customer = (int) $this->customer->id; if (isset($this->datas->device)) { $transaction->id_device = isset($this->datas->device->deviceID) ? $this->datas->device->deviceID : ''; $transaction->ip_address = isset($this->datas->device->ipAddress) ? $this->datas->device->ipAddress : ''; } $transaction->order_state = isset($order_state) ? (int) $order_state : 0; $transaction->save(); $message = Configuration::get('POWATAG_SUCCESS_MSG', $this->context->language->id) != '' ? Configuration::get('POWATAG_SUCCESS_MSG', $this->context->language->id) : 'Success'; } else { $message = 'Cart has not been created'; } return array($id_cart, $id_order, $message); }
private function checkTotalToPaid($amountPaid, $currency) { if (!$currency instanceof Currency) { if (Validate::isInt($currency)) { $currency = new Currency((int) $currency); } else { $currencyCode = $currency; if (!($currency = PowaTagPayment::getCurrencyByIsoCode($currency))) { $currency = $currencyCode; } } } if (!PowaTagValidate::currencyEnable($currency)) { $this->addError(sprintf($this->module->l('Currency is not enable : %s'), isset($currency->iso_code) ? $currency->iso_code : $currency), PowaTagErrorType::$CURRENCY_NOT_SUPPORTED); return false; } //We change context currency to be sure that calculs are made with correct currency $context = Context::getContext(); $context->currency = $currency; $context->country = $this->getCountry($this->datas->customer->shippingAddress->country->alpha2Code); $price_cart = $this->cart->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::BOTH, null, Configuration::get('POWATAG_SHIPPING')); if (abs($price_cart - $amountPaid) >= 0.01) { $msg = "Cart: " . $price_cart . " != Payment: " . $amountPaid; $this->addError($this->module->l('Amount paid is not same as the cart: ' . $msg), PowaTagErrorType::$INTERNAL_ERROR); if (PowaTagAPI::apiLog()) { PowaTagLogs::initAPILog('Amount paid is not same as the cart', PowaTagLogs::ERROR, $msg); } return false; } return true; }