public static function createConfig(PostmanTransport $transport)
     // create Logger
     $logger = new PostmanLogger('PostmanOAuth2ConfigurationFactory');
     // retrieve the hostname and port form the transport
     $hostname = $transport->getHostname();
     $port = $transport->getPort();
     // the sender email is needed for the OAuth2 Bearer token
     $senderEmail = PostmanOptions::getInstance()->getEnvelopeSender();
     // the vendor is required for Yahoo's OAuth2 implementation
     $vendor = self::createVendorString($hostname);
     // create the OAuth2 SMTP Authentication string
     $initClientRequestEncoded = self::createAuthenticationString($senderEmail, PostmanOAuthToken::getInstance()->getAccessToken(), $vendor);
     // create the Configuration structure for Zend_Mail
     $config = self::createConfiguration($logger, $hostname, $port, $transport->getSecurityType(), $transport->getAuthenticationType(), $initClientRequestEncoded);
     // return the Configuration structure
     return $config;