$view->assign('returnStr', _('Groups Page')); // Initialize page state with default values overriden by those held in $_REQUEST $state =& Pommo_Api::stateInit('groups_edit', array('group' => 0), $_REQUEST); $groups = Pommo_Groups::get(); $fields = Pommo_Fields::get(); $group =& $groups[$state['group']]; if (empty($group)) { Pommo::redirect('subscribers_groups.php'); } $rules = Pommo_Sql::sortRules($group['rules']); $rules['and'] = Pommo_Sql::sortLogic($rules['and']); $rules['or'] = Pommo_Sql::sortLogic($rules['or']); foreach ($rules as $key => $a) { if ($key == 'include' || $key == 'exclude') { foreach ($a as $k => $gid) { $rules[$key][$k] = $groups[$gid]['name']; } } } $view->assign('fields', $fields); $view->assign('legalFieldIDs', Pommo_Rules::getLegal($group, $fields)); $view->assign('legalGroups', Pommo_Rules::getLegalGroups($group, $groups)); $view->assign('group', $group); $view->assign('logicNames', Pommo_Rules::getEnglish()); $view->assign('rules', $rules); $view->assign('tally', Pommo_Groups::tally($group)); $view->assign('ruleCount', count($rules['and']) + count($rules['or']) + count($rules['include']) + count($rules['exclude'])); $view->assign('getURL', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?group_id=' . $group['id']); $view->assign('t_include', Pommo::_T('INCLUDE')); $view->display('admin/subscribers/groups_edit');
INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); if (Pommo_Mailing::isCurrent()) { Pommo::kill(sprintf(Pommo::_T('A Mailing is currently processing. Visit the' . ' %sStatus%s page to check its progress.'), '<a href="mailing_status.php">', '</a>')); } if (Pommo::$_config['demo_mode'] == 'on') { $logger->addMsg(sprintf(Pommo::_T('%sDemonstration Mode%s is on -- no Emails' . ' will actually be sent. This is good for testing settings.'), '<a href="' . Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'setup_configure.php#mailings">', '</a>')); } require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'themes/wysiwyg/editors.php'; $editors = new PommoWYSIWYG(); $editor = $editors->loadEditor(); if (!$editor) { die('Could not find requested WYSIWYG editor (' . $editor . ') in editors.php'); } $view->assign('wysiwygJS', $editor); // translation assignments for dialg titles... $view->assign('t_personalization', Pommo::_T('Personalization')); $view->assign('t_testMailing', Pommo::_T('Test Mailing')); $view->assign('t_saveTemplate', Pommo::_T('Save Template')); $view->display('admin/mailings/mailings_start');
/********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Pending.php'; Pommo::init(array('authLevel' => 0, 'noSession' => true)); $logger =& Pommo::$_logger; $dbo =& Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); if (empty($_GET['code'])) { $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('No code given.')); $view->display('user/confirm'); Pommo::kill(); } // lookup code $pending = Pommo_Pending::get($_GET['code']); if (!$pending) { $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Invalid code! Make sure you copied it correctly from the email.')); $view->display('user/confirm'); Pommo::kill(); } // Load success messages and redirection URL from config $config = Pommo_Api::configGet(array('site_success', 'messages', 'notices')); $messages = unserialize($config['messages']); $notices = unserialize($config['notices']); if (Pommo_Pending::perform($pending)) { require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Helper_Messages.php';
if ($state['order'] != 'asc' && $state['order'] != 'desc') { $state['order'] = 'asc'; } if (!is_numeric($state['sort']) && $state['sort'] != 'email' && $state['sort'] != 'ip' && $state['sort'] != 'time_registered' && $state['sort'] != 'time_touched') { $state['sort'] = 'email'; } if (!is_numeric($state['status'])) { $state['status'] = 1; } if (!is_numeric($state['group']) && $state['group'] != 'all') { $state['group'] = 'all'; } if (isset($_REQUEST['searchClear'])) { $state['search'] = false; } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['searchField']) && (is_numeric($_REQUEST['searchField']) || $_REQUEST['searchField'] == 'email' || $_REQUEST['searchField'] == 'ip' || $_REQUEST['searchField'] == 'time_registered' || $_REQUEST['searchField'] == 'time_touched')) { $_REQUEST['searchString'] = trim($_REQUEST['searchString']); $state['search'] = empty($_REQUEST['searchString']) ? false : array('field' => $_REQUEST['searchField'], 'string' => trim($_REQUEST['searchString'])); } /********************************** DISPLAY METHODS *********************************/ // Get the *empty* group [no member IDs. 3rd arg is set TRUE] $group = new Pommo_Groups($state['group'], $state['status'], $state['search']); // Calculate and Remember number of pages for this group/status combo $state['pages'] = is_numeric($group->_tally) && $group->_tally > 0 ? ceil($group->_tally / $state['limit']) : 0; $view->assign('state', $state); $view->assign('tally', $group->_tally); $view->assign('groups', Pommo_Groups::get()); $view->assign('fields', Pommo_Fields::get()); $view->display('admin/subscribers/subscribers_manage');
* * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ // Progress bar modified from the works of Juha Suni <*****@*****.**> /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $mailing = current(Pommo_Mailing::get(array('active' => TRUE))); $view->assign('mailing', $mailing); $view->display('admin/mailings/mailing_status');
* of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file docs/LICENSE. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require '../bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger =& Pommo::$_logger; $dbo =& Pommo::$_dbo; if (isset($_REQUEST['mailings'])) { if (is_array($_REQUEST['mailings'])) { $_REQUEST['mailings'] = $_REQUEST['mailings'][0]; } $mailing = current(Pommo_Mailing::get(array('id' => $_REQUEST['mailings']))); } else { $mailing = Pommo::$_session['state']['mailing']; } /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); $smarty->assign($mailing); $smarty->display('inc/mailing.tpl'); Pommo::kill();
* This file is part of poMMo (http://www.pommo.org) * * poMMo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file docs/LICENSE. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require '../bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Fields.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger =& Pommo::$_logger; $dbo =& Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); $smarty->assign('fields', Pommo_Fields::get()); $smarty->display('admin/subscribers/ajax/subscriber_edit.tpl'); Pommo::kill();
/********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Pending.php'; Pommo::init(array('authLevel' => 0, 'noSession' => true)); $logger =& Pommo::$_logger; $dbo =& Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); if (empty($_GET['code'])) { $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('No code given.')); $smarty->display('user/confirm.tpl'); Pommo::kill(); } // lookup code $pending = Pommo_Pending::get($_GET['code']); if (!$pending) { $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Invalid code! Make sure you copied it correctly from the email.')); $smarty->display('user/confirm.tpl'); Pommo::kill(); } // Load success messages and redirection URL from config $config = Pommo_Api::configGet(array('site_success', 'messages', 'notices')); $messages = unserialize($config['messages']); $notices = unserialize($config['notices']); if (Pommo_Pending::perform($pending)) { require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Helper_Messages.php';
require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); if (Pommo_Mailing::isCurrent()) { Pommo::kill(sprintf(Pommo::_T('A Mailing is currently processing. Visit the %sStatus%s page to check its progress.'), '<a href="mailing_status.php">', '</a>')); } if (Pommo::$_config['demo_mode'] == 'on') { $logger->addMsg(sprintf(Pommo::_T('%sDemonstration Mode%s is on -- no Emails will actually be sent. This is good for testing settings.'), '<a href="' . Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'setup_configure.php#mailings">', '</a>')); } require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'themes/wysiwyg/editors.php'; $editors = new PommoWYSIWYG(); $editor = $editors->loadEditor(); if (!$editor) { die('Could not find requested WYSIWYG editor (' . $editor . ') in editors.php'); } $smarty->assign('wysiwygJS', $editor); // translation assignments for dialg titles... $smarty->assign('t_personalization', Pommo::_T('Personalization')); $smarty->assign('t_testMailing', Pommo::_T('Test Mailing')); $smarty->assign('t_saveTemplate', Pommo::_T('Save Template')); $smarty->display('admin/mailings/mailings_start.tpl');
session_start(); // required by smartyValidate. TODO -> move to prepareForForm() ?? $logger =& Pommo::$_logger; $dbo =& Pommo::$_dbo; $dbo->dieOnQuery(FALSE); /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); $smarty->prepareForForm(); // Check to make sure poMMo is not already installed. if (Pommo_Install::verify()) { $logger->addErr(Pommo::_T('poMMo is already installed.')); $smarty->assign('installed', TRUE); $smarty->display('install.tpl'); Pommo::kill(); } if (isset($_REQUEST['disableDebug'])) { unset($_REQUEST['debugInstall']); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['debugInstall'])) { $smarty->assign('debug', TRUE); } if (!SmartyValidate::is_registered_form() || empty($_POST)) { // ___ USER HAS NOT SENT FORM ___ SmartyValidate::connect($smarty, true); SmartyValidate::register_validator('list_name', 'list_name', 'notEmpty', false, false, 'trim'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('site_name', 'site_name', 'notEmpty', false, false, 'trim'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('site_url', 'site_url', 'isURL'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('admin_password', 'admin_password', 'notEmpty', false, false, 'trim'); SmartyValidate::register_validator('admin_password2', 'admin_password:admin_password2', 'isEqual');
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Brice Burgess <*****@*****.**> * * This file is part of poMMo (http://www.pommo.org) * * poMMo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file docs/LICENSE. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); $smarty->display('admin/subscribers/admin_subscribers.tpl'); Pommo::kill();
if (!$configErrors) { // I am sure there must be better ways to do this, but this works // for now. // TODO: If there is a better method change this, if not. Delete // this line. $handle = @fopen('config.php', 'w'); if (!$handle) { $configErrors[] = 'Script was not able to create config.php file. You should assign write permission for this script to pommo root folder or create config.php yourself.'; } else { $string = '<?php die(); /* DO NOT REMOVE THIS LINE! */ ?>' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '[db_hostname] = ' . $_POST['dbhost'] . PHP_EOL . '[db_username] = ' . $_POST['dbuser'] . PHP_EOL . '[db_password] = ' . $_POST['dbpass'] . PHP_EOL . '[db_database] = ' . $_POST['dbname'] . PHP_EOL . '[db_prefix] = pommo_' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL . '[lang] = en' . PHP_EOL . '[debug] = off' . PHP_EOL . '[verbosity] = 3' . PHP_EOL . '[date_format] = 1' . PHP_EOL; fwrite($handle, $string); fclose($handle); $redir = Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'install.php'; header('Location: ' . $redir); exit; } } } if (Pommo::$_hasConfigFile) { // referer (used to return user to requested page upon login success) $smarty->assign('referer', isset($_REQUEST['referer']) ? $_REQUEST['referer'] : Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'admin.php'); $smarty->display('index.tpl'); } else { $smarty->assign('messages', $configErrors); $smarty->assign('dbhost', $_POST['dbhost']); $smarty->assign('dbname', $_POST['dbname']); $smarty->assign('dbuser', $_POST['dbuser']); $smarty->display('configure.tpl'); }
public static function kill($msg = NULL, $backtrace = FALSE) { // output passed message if ($msg) { if (empty(self::$_workDir)) { echo '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">'; echo '<title>poMMo Error</title>'; // Added for valid output echo '<div><img src="' . Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'themes/shared/images/icons/alert.png" alt="alert icon" style="vertical-align: middle; margin-right: 20px;"/>' . $msg . '</div>'; } else { $logger = self::$_logger; $logger->addErr($msg); require_once self::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $view->assign('fatalMsg', TRUE); $view->display('message'); } } // output debugging info if enabled (in config.php) if (self::$_debug) { require_once self::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Helper_Debug.php'; $debug = new Pommo_Helper_Debug(); $debug->bmDebug(); } if ($backtrace) { $backtrace = debug_backtrace(); echo @'<h2>BACKTRACE</h2>' . '<p>' . @str_ireplace(Pommo::$_baseDir, '', $backtrace[1]['file']) . ':' . $backtrace[1]['line'] . ' ' . $backtrace[1]['function'] . '()</p>' . '<p>' . @str_ireplace(Pommo::$_baseDir, '', $backtrace[2]['file']) . ' ' . $backtrace[2]['function'] . '()</p>' . '<p>' . @str_ireplace(Pommo::$_baseDir, '', $backtrace[3]['file']) . ' ' . $backtrace[3]['function'] . '()</p>'; } // print and clear output buffer ob_end_flush(); // kill script die; }
* poMMo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $view->display('admin/subscribers/admin_subscribers');
Pommo::redirect('login.php'); } $subscriber = array('email' => $_POST['Email'], 'registered' => time(), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'status' => 1, 'data' => @$_POST['d']); // ** check for correct email syntax if (!Pommo_Helper::isEmail($subscriber['email'])) { $logger->addErr(Pommo::_T('Invalid Email Address')); } // ** check if email already exists in DB ("duplicates are bad..") if (Pommo_Helper::isDupe($subscriber['email'])) { $logger->addErr(Pommo::_T('Email address already exists. Duplicates are not allowed.')); $smarty->assign('dupe', TRUE); } // check if errors exist with data, if so print results and die. if ($logger->isErr() || !Pommo_Validate::subscriberData($subscriber['data'], array('active' => FALSE))) { $smarty->assign('back', TRUE); $smarty->display('user/process.tpl'); Pommo::kill(); } $comments = isset($_POST['comments']) ? substr($_POST['comments'], 0, 255) : false; /********************************** ADD SUBSCRIBER *********************************/ $config = Pommo_Api::configGet(array('site_success', 'site_confirm', 'list_confirm', 'notices')); $notices = unserialize($config['notices']); require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Helper_Messages.php'; if ($config['list_confirm'] == 'on') { // email confirmation required. // add user as "pending" $subscriber['pending_code'] = Pommo_Helper::makeCode(); $subscriber['pending_type'] = 'add'; $subscriber['status'] = 2;
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file docs/LICENSE. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ define('_poMMo_embed', TRUE); require dirname(__FILE__) . '/bootstrap.php'; Pommo::init(array('authLevel' => 0, 'noSession' => TRUE)); $logger =& Pommo::$_logger; $dbo =& Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); // subscription forms will be activated from this template $smarty->prepareForSubscribeForm(); // assign referer since this is an embedded form $smarty->assign('referer', htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])); $smarty->display('subscribe/form.mini.tpl');
* * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); if (Pommo_Mailing::isCurrent()) { Pommo::kill(sprintf(Pommo::_T('A Mailing is currently processing. Visit the' . ' %sStatus%s page to check its progress.'), '<a href="mailing_status.php">', '</a>')); } $view->display('admin/mailings/admin_mailings');
$fatal_error = null; // Check we have the mysql module installed if (!extension_loaded('mysql')) { $fatal_error[] = "Php mysql module is not installed."; } // Check if module is installed if (!extension_loaded('gettext')) { $fatal_error[] = "Php gettext module is not installed."; } //Check write permission to the cache directory if (!is_writable(dirname(__FILE__) . '/cache')) { $fatal_error[] = "The cache directory needs to be writable"; } if ($fatal_error) { $view->assign('errors', $fatal_error); $view->display('message'); exit; } // log the user out if requested if (isset($_GET['logout'])) { Pommo::$_auth->logout(); header('Location: ' . Pommo::$_http . Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'index.php'); } // check if user is already logged in if (Pommo::$_hasConfigFile && Pommo::$_auth->isAuthenticated()) { // If user is authenticated (has logged in), redirect to admin.php Pommo::redirect(Pommo::$_http . Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'admin.php'); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit']) && !empty($_POST['username']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) { require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_User.php'; $user = new Pommo_user(); if ($user->login($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) {
$msg = Pommo::_T('subscription request'); $pending['type'] = 'confirm'; // normalize for Pommo_Helper_Messages::sendMessage break; case "change": $msg = Pommo::_T('record update request'); $pending['type'] = 'update'; // normalize for Pommo_Helper_Messages::sendMessage break; case "password": $msg = Pommo::_T('password change request'); break; default: Pommo::redirect('login.php?badPendingType=TRUE'); } // check if user wants to reconfirm or cancel their request if (!empty($_POST)) { if (isset($_POST['reconfirm'])) { require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Helper_Messages.php'; Pommo_Helper_Messages::sendMessage(array('to' => $input['Email'], 'code' => $pending['code'], 'type' => $pending['type'])); } elseif (isset($_POST['cancel'])) { if (Pommo_Pending::cancel($pending)) { $logger->addMsg(sprintf(Pommo::_T('Your %s has been cancelled.'), $msg)); } } $smarty->assign('nodisplay', TRUE); } else { $logger->addMsg(sprintf(Pommo::_T('Your %s is still pending. To complete this request, please review the confirmation email sent to %s.'), $msg, $input['Email'])); } $smarty->display('user/pending.tpl'); Pommo::kill();
* poMMo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $view->display('admin/setup/setup_form');
} } $f_text = sprintf(Pommo::_T('%s - Any value will be accepted for text fields. They are useful for collecting names, addresses, etc.'), '<strong>' . $field['name'] . ' (' . Pommo::_T('Text') . ')</strong>'); $f_check = sprintf(Pommo::_T('%s - Checkboxes can be toggled ON or OFF. They are useful for opt-ins and agreements.'), '<strong>' . $field['name'] . ' (' . Pommo::_T('Checkbox') . ')</strong>'); $f_num = sprintf(Pommo::_T('%s - Only Numeric values will be accepted for number fields.'), '<strong>' . $field['name'] . ' (' . Pommo::_T('Number') . ')</strong>'); $f_date = sprintf(Pommo::_T('%s - Only calendar values will be accepted for this field. A date selector (calendar popup) will appear next to the field to aid the subscriber in selecting a date.'), '<strong>' . $field['name'] . ' (' . Pommo::_T('Date') . ')</strong>'); $f_mult = sprintf(Pommo::_T('%s - Subscribers will be able to select a value from the options you provide below. Multiple choice fields have reliable values for organizing, and are useful for collecting Country, Interests, etc.'), '<strong>' . $field['name'] . ' (' . Pommo::_T('Multiple Choice') . ')</strong>'); $f_comm = sprintf(Pommo::_T('%s -. If a subscriber enters a value for a comment field, it will be mailed to the admin notification email.'), '<strong>' . $field['name'] . ' (' . Pommo::_T('Comment') . ')</strong>'); switch ($field['type']) { case 'text': $view->assign('intro', $f_text); break; case 'checkbox': $view->assign('intro', $f_check); break; case 'number': $view->assign('intro', $f_num); break; case 'date': $view->assign('intro', $f_date); break; case 'multiple': $view->assign('intro', $f_mult); break; case 'comment': $view->assign('intro', $f_comm); break; } $view->assign('field', $field); $view->display('admin/setup/ajax/field_edit'); Pommo::kill();
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require '../bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Fields.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $view->assign('fields', Pommo_Fields::get()); $view->display('admin/subscribers/ajax/subscriber_edit');
Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); /********************************** JSON OUTPUT INITIALIZATION *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Json.php'; $json = new Pommo_Json(); $success = false; if (isset($_POST['skip']) || isset($_POST['template']) && !is_numeric($_POST['template'])) { $success = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['load'])) { $template = current(Pommo_Mailing_Template::get(array('id' => $_POST['template']))); Pommo::$_session['state']['mailing']['body'] = $template['body']; Pommo::$_session['state']['mailing']['altbody'] = $template['altbody']; $success = true; } elseif (isset($_POST['delete'])) { $msg = Pommo_Mailing_Template::delete($_POST['template']) ? Pommo::_T('Template Deleted') : Pommo::_T('Error with deletion.'); $json->add('callbackFunction', 'deleteTemplate'); $json->add('callbackParams', array('id' => $_POST['template'], 'msg' => $msg)); } else { $view->assign('templates', Pommo_Mailing_Template::getNames()); $view->display('admin/mailings/mailing/templates'); Pommo::kill(); } $json->serve($success);
SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $emails = Pommo::get('emails'); $dupes = Pommo::get('dupes'); $fields = Pommo_Fields::get(); $flag = FALSE; foreach ($fields as $field) { if ($field['required'] == 'on') { $flag = TRUE; } } if (isset($_GET['continue'])) { foreach ($emails as $email) { $subscriber = array('email' => $email, 'registered' => time(), 'ip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'status' => 1, 'data' => array()); if ($flag) { $subscriber['flag'] = 9; } if (!Pommo_Subscribers::add($subscriber)) { die('Error importing subscriber'); } } sleep(1); die(Pommo::_T('Complete!') . ' <a href="subscribers_import.php">' . Pommo::_T('Return to') . ' ' . Pommo::_T('Import') . '</a>'); } $view->assign('flag', $flag); $view->assign('tally', count($emails)); $view->assign('dupes', $dupes); $view->display('admin/subscribers/import_txt');
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require '../bootstrap.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); @($status = is_numeric($_REQUEST['status']) ? $_REQUEST['status'] : 1); $view->assign('status', $status); $view->display('admin/subscribers/ajax/subscriber_del');
* (at your option) any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Pommo. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * This fork is from https://github.com/soonick/poMMo * Please see docs/contribs for Contributors * */ /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require '../bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing_Template.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Fields.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $view = new Pommo_Template(); $view->assign('fields', Pommo_Fields::get(array('byName' => true))); $view->display('admin/mailings/mailing/ajax.personalize');
// change group name to ID $groups = Pommo_Groups::getNames(); $gid = 'all'; foreach ($groups as $group) { if ($group['name'] == $mailing['group']) { $gid = $group['id']; } } Pommo_Api::stateReset(array('mailing')); // if this is a plain text mailing, switch body + altbody. if ($mailing['ishtml'] == 'off') { $mailing['altbody'] = $mailing['body']; $mailing['body'] = null; } // Initialize page state with default values overriden by those held in $_REQUEST $state =& Pommo_Api::stateInit('mailing', array('fromname' => $mailing['fromname'], 'fromemail' => $mailing['fromemail'], 'frombounce' => $mailing['frombounce'], 'list_charset' => $mailing['charset'], 'mailgroup' => $gid, 'subject' => $mailing['subject'], 'body' => $mailing['body'], 'altbody' => $mailing['altbody'])); Pommo::redirect(Pommo::$_baseUrl . 'mailings_start.php'); break; case 'delete': $deleted = Pommo_Mailing::delete($mailingIDS); $logger->addMsg(Pommo::_T('Please Wait') . '...'); $params = $json->encode(array('ids' => $mailingIDS)); $view->assign('callbackFunction', 'deleteMailing'); $view->assign('callbackParams', $params); break; default: $logger->AddErr('invalid call'); break; } $view->display('admin/rpc');
* poMMo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or any later version. * * poMMo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See * the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with program; see the file docs/LICENSE. If not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ // Progress bar modified from the works of Juha Suni <*****@*****.**> /********************************** INITIALIZATION METHODS *********************************/ require 'bootstrap.php'; require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Mailing.php'; Pommo::init(); $logger = Pommo::$_logger; $dbo = Pommo::$_dbo; /********************************** SETUP TEMPLATE, PAGE *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Template.php'; $smarty = new Pommo_Template(); $mailing = current(Pommo_Mailing::get(array('active' => TRUE))); $smarty->assign('mailing', $mailing); $smarty->display('admin/mailings/mailing_status.tpl');
$validator->addData('list_name', 'Other', false); $validator->addData('site_name', 'Other', false); $validator->addData('site_url', 'Url', false); $validator->addData('site_success', 'Url', true); $validator->addData('site_confirm', 'Url', true); $validator->addData('list_confirm', 'matchRegex', false, '!^(on|off)$!'); $validator->addData('list_exchanger', 'matchRegex', false, '!^(sendmail|mail|smtp)$!'); /********************************** JSON OUTPUT INITIALIZATION *********************************/ require_once Pommo::$_baseDir . 'classes/Pommo_Json.php'; $json = new Pommo_Json(); if ($result = $validator->checkData()) { // __ FORM IS VALID Pommo_Api::configUpdate($_POST); Pommo::reloadConfig(); $json->success(Pommo::_T('Configuration Updated.')); } else { // __ FORM NOT VALID $fieldErrors = array(); $errors = $validator->getErrors(); foreach ($errors as $key => $val) { $fieldErrors[] = array('field' => $key, 'message' => $val); } $json->add('fieldErrors', $fieldErrors); $json->fail(Pommo::_T('Please review and correct errors with your submission.')); } } $view->assign($_POST); $view->display('admin/setup/config/general');
$view->assign('returnStr', Pommo::_T('Mailings Page')); /** SET PAGE STATE * limit - # of mailings per page * sort - Sorting of Mailings [subject, mailgroup, subscriberCount, started, etc.] * order - Order Type (ascending - ASC /descending - DESC) */ // Initialize page state with default values overriden by those held in $_REQUEST $state =& Pommo_Api::stateInit('mailings_history', array('limit' => 10, 'sort' => 'end', 'order' => 'desc', 'page' => 1), $_REQUEST); /********************************** VALIDATION ROUTINES *********************************/ if (!is_numeric($state['limit']) || $state['limit'] < 1 || $state['limit'] > 1000) { $state['limit'] = 10; } if ($state['order'] != 'asc' && $state['order'] != 'desc') { $state['order'] = 'asc'; } if ($state['sort'] != 'start' && $state['sort'] != 'end' && $state['sort'] != 'subject' && $state['sort'] != 'sent' && $state['sort'] != 'status' && $state['sort'] != 'group') { $state['sort'] = 'end'; } /********************************** DISPLAY METHODS *********************************/ // Calculate and Remember number of pages $tally = Pommo_Mailing::tally(); $state['pages'] = is_numeric($tally) && $tally > 0 ? ceil($tally / $state['limit']) : 0; $view->assign('state', $state); $view->assign('tally', $tally); $view->assign('mailings', $mailings); $view->display('admin/mailings/mailings_history');