public static function updateFromZip($fileRaw, $updateInfo) { N2Loader::import(''); $tmpHandle = tmpfile(); fwrite($tmpHandle, $fileRaw); $metaData = stream_get_meta_data($tmpHandle); $tmpFilename = $metaData['uri']; $_GET['plugins'] = $updateInfo['plugin']; include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader(new Plugin_Upgrader_Skin(compact('title', 'nonce', 'url', 'plugin'))); $upgrader->init(); $upgrader->upgrade_strings(); add_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array($upgrader, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade'), 10, 2); add_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array($upgrader, 'delete_old_plugin'), 10, 4); $upgrader->run(array('package' => $tmpFilename, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => true, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array('plugin' => $updateInfo['plugin'], 'type' => 'plugin', 'action' => 'update'))); // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does a upgrade on this connection. remove_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array($upgrader, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade')); remove_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array($upgrader, 'delete_old_plugin')); // Force refresh of plugin update information wp_clean_plugins_cache(true); fclose($tmpHandle); include ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/admin-footer.php'; return true; }
function upgrade_bsf_product($request_product_id, $bundled_id) { global $bsf_product_validate_url, $bsf_support_url; if (!current_user_can('update_plugins')) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to update plugins for this site.', 'bsf')); } $brainstrom_users = get_option('brainstrom_users') ? get_option('brainstrom_users') : array(); $brainstrom_products = get_option('brainstrom_products') ? get_option('brainstrom_products') : array(); $brainstrom_bundled_products = get_option('brainstrom_bundled_products') ? get_option('brainstrom_bundled_products') : array(); $plugins = $themes = $mix = array(); if (!empty($brainstrom_products)) { $plugins = isset($brainstrom_products['plugins']) ? $brainstrom_products['plugins'] : array(); $themes = isset($brainstrom_products['themes']) ? $brainstrom_products['themes'] : array(); } $mix = array_merge($plugins, $themes); $bsf_username = $purchase_key = $type = $template = $name = ''; if (!empty($brainstrom_users)) { foreach ($brainstrom_users as $bsf_user) { $bsf_username = $bsf_user['email']; } } $found_in_bsf_products = false; if ($bundled_id !== false) { $product_details_id = $bundled_id; } else { $product_details_id = $request_product_id; } foreach ($mix as $key => $product) { $pid = $product['id']; if ($pid === $product_details_id) { $purchase_key = $product['purchase_key']; $type = $product['type']; $template = $product['template']; $name = $product['product_name']; $found_in_bsf_products = true; break; } } if ($bundled_id !== false) { if (!empty($brainstrom_bundled_products)) { foreach ($brainstrom_bundled_products as $bp) { if ($bp->id === $request_product_id) { $type = $bp->type; $template = $bp->init; $name = $bp->name; } } } } if ($bsf_username === '' || $purchase_key === '' || $request_product_id === '') { wp_die('Not valid to update product'); } $path = base64_decode($bsf_product_validate_url); $data = array('action' => 'bsf_product_update_request', 'id' => $request_product_id, 'username' => $bsf_username, 'purchase_key' => $purchase_key, 'site_url' => get_site_url(), 'bundled' => $bundled_id); $request = @wp_remote_post($path, array('body' => $data, 'timeout' => '60', 'sslverify' => false)); if (!is_wp_error($request) || wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($request) === 200) { $result = json_decode($request['body']); if (isset($result->error) && !$result->error) { $download_path = $result->update_data->download_url; $timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); $call = 'file=' . $download_path . '&hashtime=' . strtotime(date('d-m-Y h:i:s a')) . '&timezone=' . $timezone; $hash = base64_encode($call); $parse = parse_url($path); $download = $parse['scheme'] . '://' . $parse['host']; $get_path = ''; $download_path = rtrim($get_path, '/') . '/download.php?hash=' . $hash; //echo $download_path; //die(); require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; $WP_Upgrader = new WP_Upgrader(); $res = $WP_Upgrader->fs_connect(array(WP_CONTENT_DIR)); if (!$res) { wp_die(new WP_Error('Server error', __("Error! Can't connect to filesystem", 'bsf'))); } else { $upgrade_folder = $wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade_tmp/bsf_package'; $package_filename = basename($download_path); $plugin_folder = dirname($template); if ($type === 'theme' && $bundled_id === false) { $defaults = array('clear_update_cache' => true); $args = array(); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $Theme_Upgrader = new Theme_Upgrader(); $Theme_Upgrader->init(); $Theme_Upgrader->upgrade_strings(); $Theme_Upgrader->strings['downloading_package'] = __('Downloading package from Server', 'bsf'); add_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array(&$Theme_Upgrader, 'current_before'), 10, 2); add_filter('upgrader_post_install', array(&$Theme_Upgrader, 'current_after'), 10, 2); add_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array(&$Theme_Upgrader, 'delete_old_theme'), 10, 4); $Theme_Upgrader->run(array('package' => $download_path, 'destination' => get_theme_root($template), 'clear_destination' => false, 'abort_if_destination_exists' => false, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array('theme' => $template, 'type' => 'theme', 'action' => 'update'))); remove_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array(&$Theme_Upgrader, 'current_before')); remove_filter('upgrader_post_install', array(&$Theme_Upgrader, 'current_after')); remove_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array(&$Theme_Upgrader, 'delete_old_theme')); if (!$Theme_Upgrader->result || is_wp_error($Theme_Upgrader->result)) { return $Theme_Upgrader->result; } wp_clean_themes_cache($parsed_args['clear_update_cache']); $response = array('status' => true, 'type' => 'theme', 'name' => $name); return $response; } elseif ($type === 'plugin') { $Plugin_Upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader(); $Plugin_Upgrader->init(); $Plugin_Upgrader->upgrade_strings(); $Plugin_Upgrader->strings['downloading_package'] = __('Downloading package from Server', 'bsf'); add_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array(&$Plugin_Upgrader, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade'), 10, 2); add_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array(&$Plugin_Upgrader, 'delete_old_plugin'), 10, 4); $Plugin_Upgrader->run(array('package' => $download_path, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'abort_if_destination_exists' => false, 'clear_destination' => false, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array('plugin' => $plugin_folder))); // Cleanup our hooks, in case something else does a upgrade on this connection. remove_filter('upgrader_pre_install', array(&$Plugin_Upgrader, 'deactivate_plugin_before_upgrade')); remove_filter('upgrader_clear_destination', array(&$Plugin_Upgrader, 'delete_old_plugin')); if (!$Plugin_Upgrader->result || is_wp_error($Plugin_Upgrader->result)) { return $Plugin_Upgrader->result; } if (is_dir($wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade_tmp/bsf_package')) { $wp_filesystem->delete($wp_filesystem->wp_content_dir() . 'upgrade_tmp/bsf_package', true); } // Force refresh of plugin update information delete_site_transient('update_plugins'); wp_cache_delete('plugins', 'plugins'); $response = array('status' => true, 'type' => 'plugin', 'name' => $name); return $response; } } } else { echo $result->message; } } }
protected function update() { wp_clean_plugins_cache(); ob_start(); wp_update_plugins(); // Check for Plugin updates ob_end_clean(); $update_plugins = get_site_transient('update_plugins'); if (isset($update_plugins->response)) { $plugin_updates_needed = array_keys($update_plugins->response); } else { $plugin_updates_needed = array(); } $update_attempted = false; include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; // unhook this functions that output things before we send our response header. remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', array('Language_Pack_Upgrader', 'async_upgrade'), 20); remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_version_check'); remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_update_themes'); $result = false; foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) { if (!in_array($plugin, $plugin_updates_needed)) { $this->log[$plugin][] = __('No update needed', 'jetpack'); continue; } /** * Pre-upgrade action * * @since 3.9.3 * * @param array $plugin Plugin data * @param array $plugin Array of plugin objects * @param bool $updated_attempted false for the first update, true subsequently */ do_action('jetpack_pre_plugin_upgrade', $plugin, $this->plugins, $update_attempted); $update_attempted = true; // Object created inside the for loop to clean the messages for each plugin $skin = new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin(); // The Automatic_Upgrader_Skin skin shouldn't output anything. $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin); $upgrader->init(); // This avoids the plugin to be deactivated. defined('DOING_CRON') or define('DOING_CRON', true); $result = $upgrader->upgrade($plugin); $this->log[$plugin][] = $upgrader->skin->get_upgrade_messages(); } if (!$this->bulk && !$result && $update_attempted) { return new WP_Error('update_fail', __('There was an error updating your plugin', 'jetpack'), 400); } return $this->default_action(); }
$plugin = $plugin_slug . "/" . 'yop_poll' . ".php"; $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader(new Plugin_Upgrader_Skin(array('title' => 'Yop Poll 2.0 Plugin', 'plugin' => $plugin_slug . '/yop_poll.php'))); $options = get_option('yop_poll_options'); $options['vote_permisions_facebook'] = "no"; $options['vote_permisions_google'] = "no"; $options['vote_permisions_facebook_label'] = __yop_poll('Vote as Facebook User'); $options['vote_permisions_google_label'] = __yop_poll('Vote as G+ User'); $options['facebook_share_description'] = __yop_poll('Just casted an YOP Poll vote on ') . get_bloginfo('name'); $options['show_google_share_button'] = "no"; $options['facebook_share_after_vote'] = "no"; $options['google_integration'] = "no"; $options['facebook_integration'] = "no"; $options['user_interface_type'] = "beginner"; $options['is_default_other_answer'] = "no"; $options['facebook_show_comments_widget'] = "no"; update_option('yop_poll_options', $options); $upgrader->init(); if (is_plugin_active($plugin)) { deactivate_plugins($plugin); } $result = @$upgrader->run(array('package' => $download_link, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/" . $plugin_slug . "/", 'clear_destination' => false, 'abort_if_destination_exists' => false, 'clear_working' => true, 'is_multi' => true, 'hook_extra' => array())); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { if (!is_plugin_active($plugin)) { $pro_options = get_option("yop_poll_pro"); unset($pro_options['rand_number']); update_option("yop_poll_pro", $pro_options); activate_plugins($plugin); } } Yop_Poll_DbSchema::add_defaults_to_database(); wp_die();
function my_admin_notice() { ?> <div class="error"> <p><?php _e('YOP POLL!', 'my-text-domain'); ?> </p> <p> <?php _e("Your server is running php lower than 5.3. Please update your Php version and try again!"); ?> </p> </div> <?php include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; $plugin_slug = basename(dirname(__FILE__)); $plugin = $plugin_slug . "/" . 'yop_poll' . ".php"; $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader(new Plugin_Upgrader_Skin(array('title' => 'Yop Poll Downgrade', 'plugin' => $plugin_slug . '/yop_poll.php'))); $upgrader->init(); if (is_plugin_active($plugin)) { deactivate_plugins($plugin); } $result = @$upgrader->run(array('package' => "", 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR . "/" . $plugin_slug . "/", 'clear_destination' => false, 'abort_if_destination_exists' => false, 'clear_working' => true, 'is_multi' => true, 'hook_extra' => array())); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { if (!is_plugin_active($plugin)) { activate_plugins($plugin); } } wp_die(); }
protected function update() { include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; // unhook this functions that output things before we send our response header. remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', array('Language_Pack_Upgrader', 'async_upgrade'), 20); remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_version_check'); remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_update_themes'); foreach ($this->plugins as $plugin) { wp_clean_plugins_cache(); ob_start(); wp_update_plugins(); // Check for Plugin updates ob_end_clean(); // Object created inside the for loop to clean the messages for each plugin $skin = new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin(); // The Automatic_Upgrader_Skin skin shouldn't output anything. $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin); $upgrader->init(); $result = $upgrader->upgrade($plugin); $this->log[$plugin][] = $upgrader->skin->get_upgrade_messages(); } if (!$this->bulk && !$result) { return new WP_Error('update_fail', __('There was an error updating your plugin', 'jetpack'), 400); } return $this->default_action(); }
function install_bsf_product($install_id) { global $bsf_product_validate_url, $bsf_support_url; if (!current_user_can('install_plugins')) { wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to install plugins for this site.', 'bsf')); } $brainstrom_bundled_products = get_option('brainstrom_bundled_products') ? get_option('brainstrom_bundled_products') : array(); $install_product_data = array(); if (!empty($brainstrom_bundled_products)) { foreach ($brainstrom_bundled_products as $keys => $products) { if (strlen($keys) > 1) { foreach ($products as $key => $product) { if ($product->id === $install_id) { $install_product_data = $product; break; } } } else { if ($products->id === $install_id) { $install_product_data = $products; break; } } } } if (empty($install_product_data)) { return false; } if ($install_product_data->type !== 'plugin') { return false; } /* temp */ /*$install_product_data->in_house = 'wp'; $install_product_data->download_url = '';*/ $is_wp = isset($install_product_data->in_house) && $install_product_data->in_house === 'wp' ? true : false; if ($is_wp) { $download_path = $install_product_data->download_url; } else { $path = $bsf_product_validate_url; $timezone = date_default_timezone_get(); $call = 'file=' . $install_product_data->download_url . '&hashtime=' . strtotime(date('d-m-Y h:i:s a')) . '&timezone=' . $timezone; $hash = $call; //$parse = parse_url($path); //$download = $parse['scheme'].'://'.$parse['host']; $get_path = ''; $download_path = rtrim($get_path, '/') . '/download.php?' . $hash . '&base=ignore'; } require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; WP_Filesystem(); global $wp_filesystem; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; $WP_Upgrader = new WP_Upgrader(); $res = $WP_Upgrader->fs_connect(array(WP_CONTENT_DIR)); if (!$res) { wp_die(new WP_Error('Server error', __("Error! Can't connect to filesystem", 'bsf'))); } $Plugin_Upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader(); $defaults = array('clear_update_cache' => true); $args = array(); $parsed_args = wp_parse_args($args, $defaults); $Plugin_Upgrader->init(); $Plugin_Upgrader->install_strings(); $Plugin_Upgrader->strings['downloading_package'] = __('Downloading package from Server', 'bsf'); $Plugin_Upgrader->strings['remove_old'] = __('Removing old plugin, if exists', 'bsf'); add_filter('upgrader_source_selection', array($Plugin_Upgrader, 'check_package')); $Plugin_Upgrader->run(array('package' => $download_path, 'destination' => WP_PLUGIN_DIR, 'clear_destination' => true, 'clear_working' => true, 'hook_extra' => array('type' => 'plugin', 'action' => 'install'))); remove_filter('upgrader_source_selection', array($Plugin_Upgrader, 'check_package')); if (!$Plugin_Upgrader->result || is_wp_error($Plugin_Upgrader->result)) { return $Plugin_Upgrader->result; } // Force refresh of plugin update information wp_clean_plugins_cache($parsed_args['clear_update_cache']); //return true; $response = array('status' => true, 'type' => 'plugin', 'name' => $install_product_data->name, 'init' => $install_product_data->init); $plugin_abs_path = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $install_product_data->init; if (is_file($plugin_abs_path)) { if (!isset($_GET['action']) && !isset($_GET['id'])) { echo '|bsf-plugin-installed|'; } $is_plugin_installed = true; if (!is_plugin_active($install_product_data->init)) { activate_plugin($install_product_data->init); if (is_plugin_active($install_product_data->init)) { if (!isset($_GET['action']) && !isset($_GET['id'])) { echo '|bsf-plugin-activated|'; } } } else { if (!isset($_GET['action']) && !isset($_GET['id'])) { echo '|bsf-plugin-activated|'; } } } return $response; }
protected function upgrade_plugin() { include_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; // clear cache wp_clean_plugins_cache(); ob_start(); wp_update_plugins(); // Check for Plugin updates ob_end_clean(); $skin = new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin(); // The Automatic_Upgrader_Skin skin shouldn't output anything. $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader($skin); $upgrader->init(); // unhook this functions that output things before we send our response header. remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', array('Language_Pack_Upgrader', 'async_upgrade'), 20); remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_version_check'); remove_action('upgrader_process_complete', 'wp_update_themes'); ob_start(); $result = $upgrader->upgrade($this->plugin); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (false === $result) { return new WP_Error('plugin_up_to_date', __('The Plugin is already up to date.', 'jetpack'), 400); } if (empty($result) && !empty($output)) { return new WP_Error('unknown_error', __('There was an error while trying to upgrade.', 'jetpack'), 500); } if (is_wp_error($result)) { return $result; } return true; }