function getTabNameForItem(CommonGLPI $item, $withtemplate = 0) { if ($item->getType() == 'Profile') { return PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(); } return ''; }
function plugin_init_racks() { global $PLUGIN_HOOKS, $CFG_GLPI; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['csrf_compliant']['racks'] = true; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['change_profile']['racks'] = array('PluginRacksProfile', 'changeProfile'); if (class_exists('PluginRacksRack')) { // only if plugin activated $PLUGIN_HOOKS['pre_item_purge']['racks'] = array('Profile' => array('PluginRacksProfile', 'purgeProfiles')); } Plugin::registerClass('PluginRacksRack', array('document_types' => true, 'unicity_types' => true, 'linkgroup_tech_types' => true, 'linkuser_tech_types' => true, 'infocom_types' => true)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginRacksProfile', array('addtabon' => 'Profile')); if (class_exists('PluginAppliancesAppliance')) { PluginAppliancesAppliance::registerType('PluginRacksRack'); } if (class_exists('PluginManufacturersimportsConfig')) { PluginManufacturersimportsConfig::registerType('PluginRacksRack'); } if (class_exists('PluginTreeviewConfig')) { PluginTreeviewConfig::registerType('PluginRacksRack'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['treeview']['PluginRacksRack'] = '../racks/pics/racks.png'; } if (class_exists('PluginPositionsPosition')) { PluginPositionsPosition::registerType('PluginRacksRack'); } if (Session::getLoginUserID()) { // Display a menu entry ? if (plugin_racks_haveRight("racks", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['menu_entry']['racks'] = 'front/rack.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['racks']['search'] = 'front/rack.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['racks']['add'] = 'front/setup.templates.php?add=1'; } if (plugin_racks_haveRight("model", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['racks']['template'] = 'front/setup.templates.php?add=0'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['racks']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_showall.png' title=\"" . __('Equipments models specifications', 'racks') . "\" alt=\"" . __('Equipments models specifications', 'racks') . "\">"] = 'front/itemspecification.php'; } if (plugin_racks_haveRight("racks", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['racks']['config'] = 'front/config.form.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['use_massive_action']['racks'] = 1; } // Config page if (plugin_racks_haveRight("racks", "w") || Session::haveRight("config", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['config_page']['racks'] = 'front/config.form.php'; } // Add specific files to add to the header : javascript or css //$PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_javascript']['example']="example.js"; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_css']['racks'] = "racks.css"; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['post_init']['racks'] = 'plugin_racks_postinit'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['reports']['racks'] = array('front/report.php' => __("Report - Bays management", "racks")); } }
static function getMenuContent() { global $CFG_GLPI; $menu = array(); $menu['title'] = self::getMenuName(); $menu['page'] = "/plugins/positions/front/map.form.php"; $menu['links']['search'] = PluginPositionsPosition::getSearchURL(false); $menu['options']['positions']['links']['search'] = PluginPositionsPosition::getSearchURL(false); $menu['options']['positions']['links']['config'] = '/plugins/positions/front/config.form.php'; $menu['options']['positions']['links']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_showall.png' title='" . __('Map view', 'positions') . "' alt='" . __('Map view', 'positions') . "'>"] = '/plugins/positions/front/map.form.php'; //$menu['options']['config']['links']['search'] = PluginPositionsPosition::getSearchURL(false); $menu['options']['config']['links']['config'] = '/plugins/positions/front/config.form.php'; $menu['options']['info']['links']['search'] = '/plugins/positions/front/info.php'; $menu['options']['info']['links']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_showall.png' title='" . __('Map view', 'positions') . "' alt='" . __('Map view', 'positions') . "'>"] = '/plugins/positions/front/map.form.php'; $menu['options']['info']['links']['config'] = '/plugins/positions/front/config.form.php'; if (PluginPositionsPosition::canCreate()) { $menu['links']['add'] = PluginPositionsPosition::getFormURL(false); $menu['options']['positions']['links']['add'] = PluginPositionsPosition::getFormURL(false); $menu['options']['info']['links']['add'] = '/plugins/positions/front/info.form.php'; } return $menu; }
LICENSE This file is part of Positions. Positions is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Positions is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; $plugin = new Plugin(); if ($plugin->isActivated("positions")) { Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "plugins", "positions"); PluginPositionsPosition::showConfigForm(); Html::footer(); } else { Html::header(__('Setup'), '', "config", "plugins"); echo "<div align='center'><br><br>"; echo "<img src=\"" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/warning.png\" alt='warning'><br><br>"; echo "<b>" . __('Please activate the plugin', 'positions') . "</b></div>"; Html::footer(); }
$_POST["locations_id"] = $_GET["locations_id"]; } if (!isset($_POST["download"])) { $_POST["download"] = $_GET["download"]; } $types = PluginPositionsPosition::getTypes(); if (!isset($_POST["itemtype"])) { $_POST["itemtype"] = $types; } $locations_id = $_POST["locations_id"]; $id = $_GET["positions_id"]; $itemtype = $_POST['itemtype']; $menuoff = 1; $download = $_POST['download']; } $plugin = new Plugin(); if (isset($_GET['from_treeview']) && $plugin->isActivated("treeview")) { Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "plugins", "positions"); } else { Html::popHeader(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); } if (isset($locations_id) && !empty($locations_id)) { $target = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?id=" . $id; $options = array('id' => $id, 'locations_id' => $locations_id, 'itemtype' => $itemtype, 'target' => $target, 'menuoff' => $menuoff, 'download' => $download); PluginPositionsPosition::showMap($options); } else { echo "<div class='center'><br><br>"; echo "<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/warning.png' alt='warning'><br><br>"; echo "<span class='b'>" . __('The selected object is not located on a map', 'positions') . "</span></div>"; } Html::popFooter();
function plugin_positions_MassiveActionsProcess($data) { $pos = new PluginPositionsPosition(); $res = array('ok' => 0, 'ko' => 0, 'noright' => 0); switch ($data['action']) { case "plugin_positions_add_item": $i = 0; foreach ($data["item"] as $key => $val) { if ($val == 1) { $entity = $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"]; $item = new $data['itemtype'](); $values = array('items_id' => $key, 'itemtype' => $data['itemtype'], 'entities_id' => $entity, 'x_coordinates' => $i, 'massiveaction' => 1); $restrict = "`items_id` = '" . $values["items_id"] . "'\n AND `itemtype` = '" . $values["itemtype"] . "'"; if (countElementsInTable("glpi_plugin_positions_positions", $restrict) == 0) { $pos->check(-1, 'w', $values); if ($pos->add($values)) { $res['ok']++; $i = $i + 35; } else { $res['ko']++; } } else { $res['ko']++; } } } break; case "plugin_positions_del_item": foreach ($data["item"] as $key => $val) { if ($val == 1) { $restrict = "`items_id` = '" . $key . "'\n AND `itemtype` = '" . $data["itemtype"] . "'"; $items = getAllDatasFromTable("glpi_plugin_positions_positions", $restrict); if (!empty($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { $values = array('id' => $item["id"], 'delete' => 'delete'); } $pos->check($values['id'], 'w'); if ($pos->delete($values, 1)) { $res['ok']++; } else { $res['ko']++; } } else { $res['ko']++; } } } break; } return $res; }
function plugin_init_resources() { global $PLUGIN_HOOKS, $CFG_GLPI; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['csrf_compliant']['resources'] = true; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['change_profile']['resources'] = array('PluginResourcesProfile', 'changeProfile'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['assign_to_ticket']['resources'] = true; if (Session::getLoginUserID()) { $noupdate = false; if (isset($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface']) && $_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface'] != 'central') { $noupdate = true; } Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesResource', array('linkuser_types' => true, 'document_types' => true, 'ticket_types' => true, 'helpdesk_visible_types' => true, 'notificationtemplates_types' => true, 'unicity_types' => true, 'massiveaction_nodelete_types' => $noupdate, 'massiveaction_noupdate_types' => $noupdate)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesDirectory', array('massiveaction_nodelete_types' => true, 'massiveaction_noupdate_types' => true)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesRecap', array('massiveaction_nodelete_types' => true, 'massiveaction_noupdate_types' => true)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesTaskPlanning', array('planning_types' => true)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesRuleChecklistCollection', array('rulecollections_types' => true)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesRuleContracttypeCollection', array('rulecollections_types' => true)); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesProfile', array('addtabon' => 'Profile')); Plugin::registerClass('PluginResourcesEmployment', array('massiveaction_nodelete_types' => true)); if (class_exists('PluginPositionsPosition')) { PluginPositionsPosition::registerType('PluginResourcesResource'); //$PLUGIN_HOOKS['plugin_positions']['PluginResourcesResource']='plugin_resources_positions_pics'; } if (class_exists('PluginBehaviorsCommon')) { PluginBehaviorsCommon::addCloneType('PluginResourcesRuleChecklist', 'PluginBehaviorsRule'); PluginBehaviorsCommon::addCloneType('PluginResourcesRuleContracttype', 'PluginBehaviorsRule'); } if (class_exists('PluginTreeviewConfig')) { PluginTreeviewConfig::registerType('PluginResourcesResource'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['treeview']['PluginResourcesResource'] = '../resources/pics/miniresources.png'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['treeview_params']['resources'] = array('PluginResourcesResource', 'showResourceTreeview'); } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("resources", "r") || plugin_resources_haveRight("employer", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['menu_entry']['resources'] = 'front/menu.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['helpdesk_menu_entry']['resources'] = '/front/menu.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['search'] = 'front/resource.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['redirect_page']['resources'] = "front/resource.form.php"; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/pics/directory18.png' title='" . __('Directory', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('Directory', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/directory.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("resting", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/pics/restinglist18.png' title='" . __('List of non contract periods', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('List of non contract periods', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/resourceresting.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("holiday", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/pics/holidaylist18.png' title='" . __('List of forced holidays', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('List of forced holidays', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/resourceholiday.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("employment", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/pics/employmentlist18.png' title='" . __('Employment management', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('Employment management', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/employment.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/pics/recap18.png' title='" . __('List Employments / Resources', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('List Employments / Resources', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/recap.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("budget", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/resources/pics/budgetlist18.png' title='" . __('Budget management', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('Budget management', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/budget.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("resources", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['add'] = 'front/wizard.form.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['template'] = 'front/setup.templates.php?add=0'; if (plugin_resources_haveRight("task", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/menu_showall.png' title='" . __('Tasks list', 'resources') . "' alt='" . __('Tasks list', 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/task.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("checklist", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']["<img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/pics/reservation-3.png' title='" . _n('Checklist', 'Checklists', 2, 'resources') . "' alt='" . _n('Checklist', 'Checklists', 2, 'resources') . "'>"] = 'front/checklistconfig.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("checklist", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['checklist']['title'] = __('Checklists', 'resources'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['checklist']['page'] = '/plugins/resources/front/checklistconfig.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['checklist']['links']['search'] = '/plugins/resources/front/checklistconfig.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("checklist", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['checklist']['links']['add'] = '/plugins/resources/front/checklistconfig.form.php?new=1'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("employment", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['employment']['title'] = __('Employments', 'resources'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['employment']['page'] = '/plugins/resources/front/employment.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['employment']['links']['search'] = '/plugins/resources/front/employment.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("employment", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['employment']['links']['add'] = '/plugins/resources/front/employment.form.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("budget", "r")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['budget']['title'] = _n('Budget', 'Budgets', 2); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['budget']['page'] = '/plugins/resources/front/budget.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['budget']['links']['search'] = '/plugins/resources/front/budget.php'; } if (plugin_resources_haveRight("budget", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['budget']['links']['add'] = '/plugins/resources/front/budget.form.php'; } if (Session::haveRight("config", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['options']['checklist']['links']['config'] = '/plugins/resources/front/config.form.php'; } $PLUGIN_HOOKS['use_massive_action']['resources'] = 1; } // Add specific files to add to the header : javascript or css $PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_javascript']['resources'] = "resources.js"; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['add_css']['resources'] = "resources.css"; //TODO : Check $PLUGIN_HOOKS['plugin_pdf']['PluginResourcesResource'] = 'PluginResourcesResourcePDF'; //Clean Plugin on Profile delete if (class_exists('PluginResourcesResource_Item')) { // only if plugin activated $PLUGIN_HOOKS['pre_item_purge']['resources'] = array('Profile' => array('PluginResourcesProfile', 'purgeProfiles')); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['plugin_datainjection_populate']['resources'] = 'plugin_datainjection_populate_resources'; } //planning action $PLUGIN_HOOKS['planning_populate']['resources'] = array('PluginResourcesTaskPlanning', 'populatePlanning'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['display_planning']['resources'] = array('PluginResourcesTaskPlanning', 'displayPlanningItem'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['migratetypes']['resources'] = 'plugin_datainjection_migratetypes_resources'; // Config page if (Session::haveRight("config", "w")) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['submenu_entry']['resources']['config'] = 'front/config.form.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['config_page']['resources'] = 'front/config.form.php'; } } // End init, when all types are registered $PLUGIN_HOOKS['post_init']['resources'] = 'plugin_resources_postinit'; }
GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; if (!isset($_GET["file"])) { $_GET["file"] = ""; $image = $_GET['img']; } else { $image = $_GET['file']; } $items_id = $_GET['items_id']; $name = $_GET['name']; $itemtype = $_GET['itemtype']; $idpos = $_GET['id']; $pos = new PluginPositionsPosition(); if ($itemtype == 'Location') { PluginPositionsPosition::showGeolocLocation($itemtype, $items_id); } else { $detail = new PluginPositionsInfo(); $restrict = "`is_active` = 1 "; $pos->getFromDB($idpos); $restrict = "`is_active` = '1' AND `is_deleted` = '0'"; $restrict .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND ", "glpi_plugin_positions_infos", '', '', $pos->maybeRecursive()); $infos = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_positions_infos', $restrict); $item = new $itemtype(); $item->getFromDB($items_id); PluginPositionsPosition::showOverlay($items_id, $image, $item, $infos); }
function showConfigForm() { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; echo "<form method='post' action='./imageitem.form.php' name='imageitemform'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe' cellpadding='5'>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th colspan='5'>"; echo __('Setup') . " : </th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='5'>"; _e('Add pictures to use with plugin', 'positions'); echo "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td colspan='2'>"; echo "<span class='upload' id='container'>"; echo "<img src='../pics/select.png' id='pickfiles' \n title=\"" . __('Select pictures to upload (gif, jpg, png)', 'positions') . "\"> "; _e('Select pictures to upload (gif, jpg, png)', 'positions'); echo "</td><td>"; echo "<span class='upload' id='filelist'></span>"; echo "<img src='../pics/upload.png' id='uploadfiles' \n title=\"" . __('upload pictures to the server', 'positions') . "\"> "; echo __('Then', 'positions') . " "; _e('upload pictures to the server', 'positions'); echo "</td><td colspan='2'>"; echo "<a href='" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "'><img src='../pics/refresh.png' \n title=\"" . __s('refresh this form', 'positions') . "\"></a> "; echo __('Then', 'positions') . " "; _e('refresh this form', 'positions'); echo "</span>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='5'>"; _e('Associate images with types of equipment', 'positions'); echo "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'><td>"; $types = PluginPositionsPosition::getTypes(); self::showAllItems("type", 0, 0, $_SESSION["glpiactive_entity"], $types, -1, 'showType'); echo "</td><td>"; Html::showToolTip(nl2br(__('Types of materials should be created so that the association can exist', 'positions'))); echo "<input type='hidden' name='_glpi_csrf_token' value=''>"; echo "</td><td>"; self::showUploadedFilesDropdown("img"); echo "</td><td>"; echo "<div id=\"imageitemPreview\"></div>"; echo "</td><td>"; echo "<div align='center'><input type='submit' name='add' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Add') . "\" class='submit' ></div></td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; Html::closeForm(); $query = "SELECT * \n FROM `" . $this->getTable() . "` \n ORDER BY `itemtype`,`type` ASC;"; $i = 0; if ($result = $DB->query($query)) { $number = $DB->numrows($result); if ($number != 0) { echo "<form method='post' name='massiveaction_form' id='massiveaction_form' action='" . "./imageitem.form.php'>"; echo "<div id='liste'>"; echo "<table class='tab_cadre_fixe' cellpadding='5'>"; $colspan = 4; if ($number > 1) { $colspan = 8; } echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'><th colspan='{$colspan}'>"; _e('List of associations', 'positions'); echo "</th></tr>"; echo "<tr>"; echo "<th class='left'>" . __('Equipment', 'positions') . "</th>"; echo "<th class='left'>" . __('Equipment type', 'positions') . "</th>"; echo "<th class='left'>" . __('Picture', 'positions') . "</th><th></th>"; if ($number > 1) { echo "<th class='left'>" . __('Equipment', 'positions') . "</th>"; echo "<th class='left'>" . __('Equipment type', 'positions') . "</th>"; echo "<th class='left'>" . __('Picture', 'positions') . "</th><th></th>"; } echo "</tr>"; while ($ligne = $DB->fetch_assoc($result)) { $ID = $ligne["id"]; if ($i % 2 == 0 && $number > 1) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; } if ($number == 1) { echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; } if (!($item = getItemForItemtype($ligne["itemtype"]))) { continue; } //$item = new $ligne["itemtype"](); echo "<td>" . $item->getTypeName() . "</td>"; $class = $ligne["itemtype"] . "Type"; $typeclass = new $class(); $typeclass->getFromDB($ligne["type"]); $name = $ligne["type"]; if (isset($typeclass->fields["name"])) { $name = $typeclass->fields["name"]; } echo "<td>" . $name . "</td>"; echo "<td>"; if (!empty($ligne["img"])) { $ext = pathinfo($ligne["img"], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); echo "<object data='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/positions/front/map.send.php?file=" . $ligne["img"] . "&type=pics' type='image/{$ext}'>\n <param name='src' value='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/positions/front/map.send.php?file=" . $ligne["img"] . "&type=pics'>\n </object> "; } else { _e('No associated picture', 'positions'); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$ID}'>"; echo "<input type='checkbox' name='item[{$ID}]' value='1'>"; echo "</td>"; $i++; if ($i == $number && $number % 2 != 0 && $number > 1) { echo "<td> </td>"; echo "<td> </td>"; echo "<td> </td>"; echo "<td> </td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } echo "<tr class='tab_bg_1'>"; if ($number > 1) { echo "<td colspan='8' class='center'>"; } else { echo "<td colspan='4' class='center'>"; } echo "<a onclick= \"if (markCheckboxes ('massiveaction_form')) return false;\" \n href='#'>" . __('Check all') . "</a>"; echo " - <a onclick= \"if ( unMarkCheckboxes ('massiveaction_form') ) return false;\" \n href='#'>" . __('Uncheck all') . "</a> "; echo "<input type='submit' name='delete' value=\"" . _sx('button', 'Delete permanently') . "\" class='submit'>"; echo "</td></tr>"; echo "</table>"; echo "</div>"; Html::closeForm(); } } }
Positions is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Positions is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; if ($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface'] == 'central') { //from central Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "plugins", "positions"); } else { //from helpdesk Html::helpHeader(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName()); } if (!isset($_POST["locations_id"])) { $_POST["locations_id"] = 0; } PluginPositionsPosition::showLocationForm($_POST["locations_id"]); if ($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface'] == 'central') { Html::footer(); } else { Html::helpFooter(); }
This file is part of Positions. Positions is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Positions is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8"); Html::header_nocache(); switch ($_POST['action']) { case 'setConfig': if (isset($_POST['config']) && !empty($_POST['config'])) { $positions = new PluginPositionsPosition(); $input = json_decode(stripslashes($_POST['config']), true); $input['name'] = $input['label']; $input['x_coordinates'] = $input['x']; $input['y_coordinates'] = $input['y']; $positions->update($input); } break; } ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE This file is part of Positions. Positions is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Positions is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "plugins", "positions"); $pos = new PluginPositionsPosition(); if ($pos->canView() || Session::haveRight("config", "w")) { Search::show("PluginPositionsPosition"); } else { Html::displayRightError(); } Html::footer();
static function showGeolocLink($itemtype, $id, $positions_id = 0) { global $CFG_GLPI; if ($itemtype != 'User' && $itemtype != 'PluginResourcesResource') { $position = new PluginPositionsPosition(); $position->getFromDBByQuery("WHERE itemtype ='" . $itemtype . "' AND items_id = " . $id); $documents_id = self::getDocument($position->fields['locations_id']); $locations_id = $position->fields['locations_id']; } else { //si plugin ressource active $plugin = new Plugin(); if ($plugin->isActivated("resources")) { //recherche de la ressource lie a ce user if ($itemtype != 'PluginResourcesResource') { $condition = "`items_id`= '" . $id . "' AND `itemtype` = 'User'"; $infos = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_resources_resources_items', $condition); if (!empty($infos)) { foreach ($infos as $info) { $ressource = new PluginResourcesResource(); $ressource->getFromDB($info['plugin_resources_resources_id']); $restrict = "`items_id` = '" . $ressource->getID() . "'\n AND `is_deleted` = '0' \n AND `entities_id` = '" . $ressource->fields['entities_id'] . "'\n AND `itemtype` = 'PluginResourcesResource'"; $datas = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_positions_positions', $restrict); if (!empty($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $data) { if (isset($data['id'])) { if (isset($ressource->fields['locations_id']) && $ressource->fields['locations_id'] > 0) { $documents_id = self::getDocument($data['locations_id']); $positions_id = $data['id']; $locations_id = $data['locations_id']; } } } } } } } else { $ressource = new PluginResourcesResource(); if ($ressource->getFromDB($id)) { $restrict = "`items_id` = '" . $ressource->fields['id'] . "'\n AND `is_deleted` = '0' \n AND `entities_id` = '" . $ressource->fields['entities_id'] . "'\n AND `itemtype` = '" . $ressource->getType() . "'"; $datas = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_positions_positions', $restrict); if (!empty($datas)) { foreach ($datas as $data) { if (isset($data['id'])) { if (isset($data['locations_id']) && $data['locations_id'] > 0) { $documents_id = self::getDocument($data['locations_id']); $positions_id = $data['id']; $locations_id = $data['locations_id']; } } } } } } } } $out = ""; $Doc = new Document(); if (isset($documents_id) && $Doc->getFromDB($documents_id)) { $out .= " <a href='#' onClick=\"var w ='" . $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/positions/front/geoloc.php?positions_id=" . $positions_id . "&download=1&locations_id=" . $locations_id . "' ,'glpipopup', \n 'height=650, width=1400, top=100, left=100, scrollbars=yes' );\n w.focus();\" ><img src='" . $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/positions/pics/sm_globe.png'></a> "; } return $out; }
function plugin_positions_postinit() { global $CFG_GLPI, $PLUGIN_HOOKS; $plugin = 'positions'; foreach (array('add_css', 'add_javascript') as $type) { if (isset($PLUGIN_HOOKS[$type][$plugin])) { foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS[$type][$plugin] as $data) { if (!empty($PLUGIN_HOOKS[$type])) { foreach ($PLUGIN_HOOKS[$type] as $key => $plugins_data) { if (is_array($plugins_data) && $key != $plugin) { foreach ($plugins_data as $key2 => $values) { if ($values == $data) { unset($PLUGIN_HOOKS[$type][$key][$key2]); } } } } } } } } $PLUGIN_HOOKS['item_purge']['positions'] = array(); foreach (PluginPositionsPosition::getTypes(true) as $type) { $PLUGIN_HOOKS['item_purge']['positions'][$type] = array('PluginPositionsPosition', 'purgePositions'); CommonGLPI::registerStandardTab($type, 'PluginPositionsPosition'); } }
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; if (!isset($_GET["id"])) { $_GET["id"] = ""; } if (!isset($_GET["withtemplate"])) { $_GET["withtemplate"] = ""; } $pos = new PluginPositionsPosition(); if (isset($_POST["add"])) { $test = explode(";", $_POST['items_id']); if (isset($test[0]) && isset($test[1]) && !empty($test[1])) { $_POST['items_id'] = $test[1]; $_POST['itemtype'] = $test[0]; $pos->check(-1, CREATE, $_POST); $pos->add($_POST); } else { $pos->check(-1, CREATE, $_POST); $pos->add($_POST); } } else { if (isset($_POST["additem"])) { $pos->check(-1, UPDATE, $_POST); $pos->add($_POST);
function showForm($ID, $options = array()) { if (!Session::haveRight("profile", "r")) { return false; } $prof = new Profile(); if ($ID) { $this->getFromDBByProfile($ID); $prof->getFromDB($ID); } $this->showFormHeader($options); echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; echo "<th colspan='4'>" . sprintf(__('%1$s - %2$s'), __('Rights management', 'positions'), $prof->fields["name"]) . "</th>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<tr class='tab_bg_2'>"; echo "<td>" . PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName() . ":</td><td>"; if ($prof->fields['interface'] != 'helpdesk') { Profile::dropdownNoneReadWrite("positions", $this->fields["positions"], 1, 1, 1); } else { Profile::dropdownNoneReadWrite("positions", $this->fields["positions"], 1, 1, 0); } echo "</td>"; echo "<td></td>"; echo "</tr>"; echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value=" . $this->fields["id"] . ">"; $options['candel'] = false; $this->showFormButtons($options); }
/** * Display a dropdown which contains all the available itemtypes * * @param ID the field widget item id * @param value the selected value * * @return nothing **/ function showItemtype($ID, $value = 0) { global $CFG_GLPI; //Criteria already added : only display the selected itemtype if ($ID > 0) { $item = new $this->fields['itemtype'](); echo $item->getTypeName(); echo "<input type='hidden' name='itemtype' value='" . $this->fields['itemtype'] . "'"; } else { $possible_types = PluginPositionsPosition::getTypes(); $restrict = "`is_active` = '1' AND `is_deleted` = '0'"; $restrict .= getEntitiesRestrictRequest(" AND ", "glpi_plugin_positions_infos", '', '', $this->maybeRecursive()); $types = getAllDatasFromTable('glpi_plugin_positions_infos', $restrict); if (!empty($types)) { foreach ($types as $type) { foreach ($possible_types as $key => $val) { if ($type["itemtype"] == $val) { unset($possible_types[$key]); } } } } //Add criteria : display dropdown $options[0] = Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE; foreach ($possible_types as $itemtype) { if (class_exists($itemtype)) { $item = new $itemtype(); if ($item->can(-1, READ)) { $options[$itemtype] = $item->getTypeName($itemtype); } } } asort($options); $rand = Dropdown::showFromArray('itemtype', $options); $params = array('itemtype' => '__VALUE__', 'id' => $ID); Ajax::updateItemOnSelectEvent("dropdown_itemtype{$rand}", "span_fields", $CFG_GLPI["root_doc"] . "/plugins/positions/ajax/dropdownInfoFields.php", $params); } }
/** * Permet l'affichage dynamique des ressources avec info bulle * * @static * @param array ($myname,$value,$entity_restrict) */ static function dropdown($options = array()) { global $DB, $CFG_GLPI; // Default values $p['name'] = 'plugin_resources_resources_id'; $p['value'] = ''; $p['all'] = 0; $p['on_change'] = ''; $p['comments'] = 1; $p['entity'] = -1; $p['entity_sons'] = false; $p['used'] = array(); $p['toupdate'] = ''; $p['rand'] = mt_rand(); $p['plugin_resources_contracttypes_id'] = 0; if (is_array($options) && count($options)) { foreach ($options as $key => $val) { $p[$key] = $val; } } if (!($p['entity'] < 0) && $p['entity_sons']) { if (is_array($p['entity'])) { echo "entity_sons options is not available with array of entity"; } else { $p['entity'] = getSonsOf('glpi_entities', $p['entity']); } } // Make a select box with all glpi users $use_ajax = false; if ($CFG_GLPI["use_ajax"]) { $res = self::getSqlSearchResult(true, $p['entity'], $p['value'], $p['used'], '', $p['plugin_resources_contracttypes_id']); $nb = $res ? $DB->result($res, 0, "cpt") : 0; if ($nb > $CFG_GLPI["ajax_limit_count"]) { $use_ajax = true; } } $user = self::getResourceName($p['value'], 2); $default_display = "<select id='dropdown_" . $p['name'] . $p['rand'] . "' name='" . $p['name'] . "'>"; $default_display .= "<option value='" . $p['value'] . "'>"; $default_display .= Toolbox::substr($user["name"], 0, $_SESSION["glpidropdown_chars_limit"]); $default_display .= "</option></select>"; //$view_users = (Session::haveRight("user", "r")); $params = array('searchText' => '__VALUE__', 'value' => $p['value'], 'myname' => $p['name'], 'all' => $p['all'], 'comment' => $p['comments'], 'rand' => $p['rand'], 'on_change' => $p['on_change'], 'entity_restrict' => $p['entity'], 'used' => $p['used'], 'update_item' => $p['toupdate'], 'plugin_resources_contracttypes_id' => $p['plugin_resources_contracttypes_id']); $default = ""; if (!empty($p['value']) && $p['value'] > 0) { $default = $default_display; } else { $default = "<select name='" . $p['name'] . "' id='dropdown_" . $p['name'] . $p['rand'] . "'>"; if ($p['all']) { $default .= "<option value='0'>[ " . __('All') . " ]</option></select>"; } else { $default .= "<option value='0'>" . Dropdown::EMPTY_VALUE . "</option></select>\n"; } } Ajax::dropdown($use_ajax, "/plugins/resources/ajax/dropdownResources.php", $params, $default, $p['rand']); if (class_exists('PluginPositionsPosition')) { PluginPositionsPosition::showGeolocLink('PluginResourcesResource', $params["value"]); } // Display comment if ($p['comments']) { if (empty($user["link"])) { $user["link"] = $CFG_GLPI['root_doc'] . "/plugins/resources/front/resource.php"; } Html::showToolTip($user["comment"], array('contentid' => "comment_" . $p['name'] . $p['rand'], 'link' => $user["link"], 'linkid' => "comment_link_" . $p["name"] . $p['rand'])); } return $p['rand']; }
$newID = $info->add($_POST); Html::back(); } else { if (isset($_POST["update"])) { $info->check($_POST['id'], 'w'); $info->update($_POST); Html::back(); } else { if (isset($_POST["delete"])) { $info->check($_POST['id'], 'w'); $info->delete($_POST); $info->redirectToList(); } else { if (isset($_POST["restore"])) { $info->check($_POST['id'], 'w'); $info->restore($_POST); $info->redirectToList(); } else { if (isset($_POST["purge"])) { $info->check($_POST['id'], 'w'); $info->delete($_POST, 1); $info->redirectToList(); } else { Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "plugins", "positions", "info"); $info->showForm($_GET["id"]); Html::footer(); } } } } }
if (!$doc->getFromDB($_GET['docid'])) { Html::displayErrorAndDie(__('Unknown file'), true); } if (!file_exists(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $doc->fields['filepath'])) { Html::displayErrorAndDie(__('File not found'), true); // Not found } if ($doc->fields['sha1sum'] && $doc->fields['sha1sum'] != sha1_file(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $doc->fields['filepath'])) { Html::displayErrorAndDie(__('File is altered (bad checksum)'), true); // Doc alterated } else { $doc->send(); } } else { if (isset($_GET["file"]) && isset($_GET["type"])) { PluginPositionsPosition::sendFile(GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/positions/" . $_GET["type"] . "/" . $_GET["file"], $_GET["file"], $_GET["type"]); } else { if (isset($_GET["file"])) { // for other file $splitter = explode("/", $_GET["file"]); if (count($splitter) == 2) { $send = false; if ($splitter[0] == "_dumps" && Session::haveRight("backup", "w")) { $send = true; } if ($send && file_exists(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $_GET["file"])) { Toolbox::sendFile(GLPI_DOC_DIR . "/" . $_GET["file"], $splitter[1]); } else { Html::displayErrorAndDie(__('Unauthorized access to this file'), true); } } else {
Positions plugin for GLPI Copyright (C) 2003-2011 by the Positions Development Team. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LICENSE This file is part of Positions. Positions is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Positions is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; if (isset($_POST['valid']) && (isset($_POST['locations_id']) || isset($_POST['locations_idParent']))) { $options = PluginPositionsPosition::cropPicture($_POST); Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "tools", "pluginpositionsmenu", "positions"); PluginPositionsPosition::showFormResCreateLocation($options); Html::footer(); }
$_POST["locations_id"] = $_GET["locations_id"]; } if (isset($_POST["affich"]) && !isset($_POST["itemtype"])) { $_POST["itemtype"] = "0"; } $types = PluginPositionsPosition::getTypes(); if (!isset($_POST["itemtype"])) { $_POST["itemtype"] = $types; } if ($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface'] == 'central') { //from central Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "tools", "pluginpositionsmenu", "positions"); } else { //from helpdesk Html::helpHeader(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName()); } $pos = new PluginPositionsPosition(); if ($pos->canView() || Session::haveRight("config", UPDATE)) { if (!$_POST["locations_id"]) { PluginPositionsPosition::showLocationForm($_POST["locations_id"]); Html::displayErrorAndDie(__('No location selected', 'positions'), false, ERROR); } else { $options = array('id' => 0, 'locations_id' => $_POST["locations_id"], 'itemtype' => $_POST['itemtype'], 'target' => $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?locations_id=" . $_POST["locations_id"]); PluginPositionsPosition::showMap($options); } } if ($_SESSION['glpiactiveprofile']['interface'] == 'central') { Html::footer(); } else { Html::helpFooter(); }
include '../../../inc/includes.php'; $img = new PluginPositionsImageItem(); if (isset($_POST["add"]) && isset($_POST['type'])) { $test = explode(";", $_POST['type']); if (isset($test[0]) && isset($test[1]) && !empty($test[1])) { $_POST['type'] = $test[1]; $_POST['itemtype'] = $test[0]; if ($img->canCreate()) { if (!empty($_POST["img"])) { $img->addItemImage($_POST); } else { Session::addMessageAfterRedirect(__('No picture uploaded', 'positions'), false, ERROR); } } } Html::back(); } else { if (isset($_POST["delete"])) { $img->getFromDB($_POST["id"], -1); foreach ($_POST["item"] as $key => $val) { if ($val == 1) { $img->delete(array('id' => $key)); } } Html::back(); } else { Html::header(PluginPositionsPosition::getTypeName(), '', "tools", "pluginpositionsmenu", "config"); $img->showConfigForm(); Html::footer(); } }
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Positions. If not, see <>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ include '../../../inc/includes.php'; if (!isset($_GET["id"])) { $_GET["id"] = ""; } if (!isset($_GET["withtemplate"])) { $_GET["withtemplate"] = ""; } $pos = new PluginPositionsPosition(); if (isset($_POST["add"])) { $test = explode(";", $_POST['items_id']); if (isset($test[0]) && isset($test[1]) && !empty($test[1])) { $_POST['items_id'] = $test[1]; $_POST['itemtype'] = $test[0]; $pos->check(-1, 'w', $_POST); $pos->add($_POST); } else { $pos->check(-1, 'w', $_POST); $pos->add($_POST); } } else { if (isset($_POST["additem"])) { $pos->check(-1, 'w', $_POST); $pos->add($_POST);