public function notify_user($user)
     $changes = new stdClass();
     $userdata = $this->to_stdclass();
     // some stuff gets overridden by user specific stuff
     if (!empty($user->url)) {
         $userdata->url = $user->url;
     if (empty($user->lang) || $user->lang == 'default') {
         $user->lang = get_config('lang');
     if (empty($user->method)) {
         // If method is not set then either the user has selected 'none' or their setting has not been set (so use default).
         if ($record = get_record('usr_activity_preference', 'usr', $user->id, 'activity', $this->get_id())) {
             $user->method = $record->method;
             if (empty($user->method)) {
                 // The user specified 'none' as their notification type.
         } else {
             $user->method = $this->get_default_method();
             if (empty($user->method)) {
                 // The default notification type is 'none' for this activity type.
     // always do internal
     foreach (PluginNotificationInternal::$userdata as &$p) {
         $function = 'get_' . $p;
         $userdata->{$p} = $this->{$function}($user);
     $userdata->internalid = PluginNotificationInternal::notify_user($user, $userdata);
     if ($this->update_url($userdata->internalid)) {
         $changes->url = $userdata->url = $this->url;
     if ($user->method != 'internal' || isset($changes->url)) {
         // OVERWRITE 1: replacement, changed from:
         //$changes->read = (int) ($user->method != 'internal');
         $changes->read = 0;
         // END OVERWRITE 1
         $changes->id = $userdata->internalid;
         update_record('notification_internal_activity', $changes);
     if ($user->method != 'internal') {
         $method = $user->method;
         safe_require('notification', $method);
         $notificationclass = generate_class_name('notification', $method);
         $classvars = get_class_vars($notificationclass);
         if (!empty($classvars['userdata'])) {
             foreach ($classvars['userdata'] as &$p) {
                 $function = 'get_' . $p;
                 if (!isset($userdata->{$p}) && method_exists($this, $function)) {
                     $userdata->{$p} = $this->{$function}($user);
         try {
             call_static_method($notificationclass, 'notify_user', $user, $userdata);
         } catch (MaharaException $e) {
             static $badnotification = false;
             static $adminnotified = array();
             // We don't mind other notification methods failing, as it'll
             // go into the activity log as 'unread'
             $changes->read = 0;
             update_record('notification_internal_activity', $changes);
             if (!$badnotification && !($e instanceof EmailDisabledException || $e instanceof InvalidEmailException)) {
                 // Admins should probably know about the error, but to avoid sending too many similar notifications,
                 // save an initial prefix of the message being sent and throw away subsequent exceptions with the
                 // same prefix.  To cut down on spam, it's worth missing out on a few similar messages.
                 $k = substr($e, 0, 60);
                 if (!isset($adminnotified[$k])) {
                     $message = (object) array('users' => get_column('usr', 'id', 'admin', 1), 'subject' => get_string('adminnotificationerror', 'activity'), 'message' => $e);
                     $adminnotified[$k] = 1;
                     $badnotification = true;
                     activity_occurred('maharamessage', $message);
                     $badnotification = false;
     // The user's unread message count does not need to be updated from $changes->read
     // because of the db trigger on notification_internal_activity.
Esempio n. 2
function questionnaire_submit(Pieform $form, $values)
    safe_require('notification', 'internal');
    global $SESSION, $USER, $survey;
    $id = $values['id'];
    $show_results = $values['show_results'];
    // Keep user responses only!
    // Strip out: section_type, show_results, sesskey, submit and fs (if exists)
    $responses = array();
    foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
        if (!in_array($key, array('section_type', 'show_results', 'fs', 'sesskey', 'submit'))) {
            $responses = array_merge($responses, array($key => $value));
    try {
        $survey->set('description', serialize($responses));
        $survey->set('mtime', time());
        $ownername = $USER->get('firstname') . ' ' . $USER->get('lastname') . ' (' . $USER->get('username') . ')';
        // Get users who are recipients - can get the results of user's survey
        $recipients = get_column('artefact_access_usr', 'usr', 'artefact', $id);
        // Get correct activity type
        $type = get_field('activity_type', 'id', 'name', 'feedback', 'plugintype', 'artefact', 'pluginname', 'survey');
        if (!empty($recipients)) {
            foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
                $user = new StdClass();
                $user->id = $recipient;
                $data = new StdClass();
                $data->type = $type;
                $data->parent = null;
                $data->message = get_string('surveyaccessmessage', 'artefact.survey', $ownername);
                $data->subject = get_string('surveyaccesssubject', 'artefact.survey', $ownername);
                $data->url = get_config('wwwroot') . 'artefact/survey/results.php?id=' . $id;
                $data->urltext = get_string('surveyaccessurltext', 'artefact.survey');
                $data->fromuser = $USER->get('id');
                PluginNotificationInternal::notify_user($user, $data);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $SESSION->add_error_msg(get_string('surveysavefailed', 'artefact.survey'), false);
    $SESSION->add_ok_msg(get_string('surveysaved', 'artefact.survey'));
    if ($show_results) {
        redirect('/artefact/survey/results.php?id=' . $survey->get('id'));
    } else {