Esempio n. 1
     * Show a multi-area chart
     * @param $raw_datas : an array with :
     *    - key 'datas', ex : array( 'test1' => 15, 'test2' => 25)
     *    - key 'unit', ex : '%', 'Kg' (optionnal)
     *    - key 'spline', curves line (boolean - optionnal)
     * @param $title : title of the chart
     * @param $desc : description of the chart (optionnal)
     * @param $show_label : behavior of the graph labels,
     *                      values : 'hover', 'never', 'always' (optionnal)
     * @param $export : keep only svg to export (optionnal)
     * @return nothing
    function showGarea($params)
        global $LANG;
        $criterias = PluginMreportingCommon::initGraphParams($params);
        foreach ($criterias as $key => $val) {
            ${$key} = $val;
        $configs = PluginMreportingConfig::initConfigParams($opt['f_name'], $opt['class']);
        foreach ($configs as $k => $v) {
            ${$k} = $v;
        //if (self::DEBUG_GRAPH && isset($raw_datas)) Toolbox::logdebug($raw_datas);
        $options = array("title" => $title, "desc" => $desc, "randname" => $randname, "export" => $export, "delay" => $delay, "short_classname" => $opt["short_classname"]);
        if (!isset($raw_datas['datas'])) {
            echo "}</script>";
            echo $LANG['plugin_mreporting']["error"][1];
            $end['opt']["export"] = false;
            $end['opt']["randname"] = false;
            $end['opt']["f_name"] = $opt['f_name'];
            $end['opt']["class"] = $opt['class'];
            return false;
        $datas = $raw_datas['datas'];
        $labels2 = $raw_datas['labels2'];
        $datas = $this->initDatasMultiple($datas, $labels2, $unit);
        $always = '';
        $hover = '';
        PluginMreportingConfig::checkVisibility($show_label, $always, $hover);
        $nb_bar = count($datas);
        $height = 20 * $nb_bar + 250;
        if ($height < 450) {
            $height = 450;
        $JS = <<<JAVASCRIPT
   var width_area = {$this->width};
   var height_area = {$height};
   var offset = 0;
   var step = Math.round(m / 20);

   var x = pv.Scale.linear(0, m-1).range(5, width_area);
   var y = pv.Scale.linear(0, max).range(0, height_area-(n*14));
   var i = -1;


   /* The root panel. */
   vis{$randname} = new pv.Panel()

   /* Y-ticks. */
      .bottom(function(d) Math.round(y(d)) - .5)
      .strokeStyle(function(d) d ? "#eee" : "black")
       .text(function(d) d.toFixed(1));

   /* X-ticks. */
      .left(function(d) Math.round(x(d)) - .5)
      .strokeStyle(function() {
         if (this.index == 0) return "black";
         return (i == this.index) ? "black" : "#eee";
      .height(height_area - (n*14))
         .text(function(d) labels2[this.index])
         .visible(function() {
            if ((this.index / step) == Math.round(this.index / step)) return true;
            else return false;

   /* add mini black lines in front of labels tick */
      .left(function() x(this.index)-1)
      .visible(function() {
         if ((this.index / step) == Math.round(this.index / step)) return true;
         else return false;

   /* A panel for each data series. */
   var panel{$randname} = vis{$randname}.add(pv.Panel)

   /* The line. */
   var lines{$randname} = panel{$randname}.add(pv.Line)
      .tension(function () {
         return ('{$unit}' == '%') ? 0.9 : 0.7;
      .data(function(d) d)
      .interpolate(function () { //curve line
         if ({$spline}>0) return "cardinal";
         else return "linear";
      .strokeStyle(function() { return colors(this.parent.index); })
      .left(function() x(this.index))
      .bottom(function(d) y(d))
      .visible(function() {return (this.index < ((offset / 2) * ( m / 12))); })

   if ('{$area}'>0) {
         .visible(function() {
            return m < ((offset / 2) * ( m / 12));
         .fillStyle(function() { return colors(this.parent.index).alpha(.15); })
         .height(function(d) y(d));

   /* The dots*/
   var dots{$randname} = lines{$randname}.add(pv.Dot)
      .left(function() x(this.index))
      .bottom(function(d) y(d))
      .fillStyle(function () {
         return (i == this.index) ? colors(this.parent.index) : "white";
      .size(function () { return (i == this.index) ? 15 : 10;});

   /* The legend */
   var legend_dots{$randname} = lines{$randname}.add(pv.Dot)
         .data(function(d) [d[i]])
         .top(function() this.parent.index * 13 + 10);

   var legend_labels{$randname} = legend_dots{$randname}.anchor("right").add(pv.Label)
         .text(function(d) {
            var text = labels[this.parent.index];
            if (i > -1 && {$hover}) text += " : "+d+" {$unit}"; // mouse over labels
            return text;

   /* An invisible bar to capture events (without flickering). */
      .event("mouseout", function() {
         i = -1;
         return vis{$randname};
      .event("mousemove", function() {
         i = Math.round(x.invert(vis{$randname}.mouse().x));
         return vis{$randname}  ;

   //render in loop to animate
   var interval = setInterval(function() {
      if (offset > 100) clearInterval(interval);
   }, 20);

        if ($show_graph) {
            echo $JS;
        $opt['randname'] = $randname;
        $options = array("opt" => $opt, "export" => $export, "datas" => $datas, "labels2" => $labels2, "flip_data" => $flip_data, "unit" => $unit);
Esempio n. 2
 function showSunburst($params)
     $criterias = PluginMreportingCommon::initGraphParams($params);
     foreach ($criterias as $key => $val) {
         ${$key} = $val;
     if (self::DEBUG_CSV && isset($raw_datas)) {
     if (isset($raw_datas['datas'])) {
         $datas = $raw_datas['datas'];
     } else {
         $datas = array();
     if (count($datas) <= 0) {
         return false;
     $configs = PluginMreportingConfig::initConfigParams($opt['f_name'], $opt['class']);
     foreach ($configs as $k => $v) {
         ${$k} = $v;
     if ($unit == '%') {
         $datas = PluginMreportingCommon::compileDatasForUnit($datas, $unit);
     $options = array("title" => $title, "desc" => $desc, "randname" => $randname, "export" => $export);
     $out = $title . " - " . $desc . "\r\n";
     $out .= $this->sunburstLevel($datas);
     echo $out;
Esempio n. 3
 static function generateOdt($params)
     global $LANG;
     $config = array('PATH_TO_TMP' => GLPI_DOC_DIR . '/_tmp');
     if (PluginMreportingPreference::atLeastOneTemplateExists()) {
         $template = PluginMreportingPreference::checkPreferenceTemplateValue(Session::getLoginUserID());
         $withdatas = $params[0]["withdata"];
         if ($withdatas == 0) {
             $odf = new odf("../templates/withoutdata.odt", $config);
         } else {
             $odf = new odf("../templates/{$template}", $config);
         $titre = '';
         $short_classname = str_replace('PluginMreporting', '', $params[0]['class']);
         if (isset($LANG['plugin_mreporting'][$short_classname]['title'])) {
             $titre = $LANG['plugin_mreporting'][$short_classname]['title'];
         $odf->setVars('titre', $titre, true, 'UTF-8');
         $newpage = $odf->setSegment('newpage');
         foreach ($params as $result => $page) {
             // Default values of parameters
             $title = "";
             $f_name = "";
             $raw_datas = array();
             foreach ($page as $key => $val) {
                 ${$key} = $val;
             $datas = $raw_datas['datas'];
             $labels2 = array();
             if (isset($raw_datas['labels2'])) {
                 $labels2 = $raw_datas['labels2'];
             $configs = PluginMreportingConfig::initConfigParams($f_name, $class);
             foreach ($configs as $k => $v) {
                 ${$k} = $v;
             if ($unit == '%') {
                 $datas = PluginMreportingCommon::compileDatasForUnit($datas, $unit);
             $newpage->setVars('message', $title, true, 'UTF-8');
             $path = GLPI_PLUGIN_DOC_DIR . "/mreporting/" . $f_name . ".png";
             if ($show_graph) {
                 $newpage->setImage('image', $path);
             } else {
                 $newpage->setVars('image', "", true, 'UTF-8');
             if ($withdatas > 0) {
                 $simpledatas = false;
                 //simple array
                 if (!$labels2) {
                     $labels2 = array();
                     $simpledatas = true;
                 if ($flip_data == true) {
                     $labels2 = array_flip($labels2);
                 $types = array();
                 foreach ($datas as $k => $v) {
                     if (is_array($v)) {
                         foreach ($v as $key => $val) {
                             if (isset($labels2[$key])) {
                                 $types[$key][$k] = $val;
                     } else {
                         $types[$k] = $v;
                 if ($flip_data != true) {
                     $tmp = $datas;
                     $datas = $types;
                     $types = $tmp;
                 //simple array
                 if ($simpledatas) {
                     $label = $LANG['plugin_mreporting']["export"][1];
                     if ($template == "word.odt") {
                     } else {
                         $newpage->csvdata->setVars('TitreCategorie', $label, true, 'UTF-8');
                     if ($template == "word.odt") {
                         foreach ($types as $label2 => $cols) {
                             if (!empty($unit)) {
                                 $cols = $cols . " " . $unit;
                     } else {
                         foreach ($types as $label2 => $cols) {
                             if (!empty($unit)) {
                                 $cols = $cols . " " . $unit;
                 } else {
                     if ($template == "word.odt") {
                         foreach ($datas as $label => $val) {
                         foreach ($types as $label2 => $cols) {
                             foreach ($cols as $date => $nb) {
                                 if (!empty($unit)) {
                                     $nb = $nb . " " . $unit;
                                 if (!is_array($nb)) {
                     } else {
                         foreach ($types as $label2 => $cols) {
                             foreach ($cols as $label1 => $nb) {
                                 if (!empty($unit)) {
                                     $nb = $nb . " " . $unit;
                                 $newpage->csvdata->setVars('TitreCategorie', $label2, true, 'UTF-8');
                                 $newpage->csvdata->csvdata2->setVars('label_1', utf8_decode($label1), true, 'UTF-8');
                                 if (!is_array($nb)) {
                                     $newpage->csvdata->csvdata2->setVars('data_1', utf8_decode($nb), true, 'UTF-8');
         // We export the file
Esempio n. 4
  * Show a multi-area chart
  * @param $raw_datas : an array with :
  *    - key 'datas', ex : array( 'test1' => 15, 'test2' => 25)
  *    - key 'unit', ex : '%', 'Kg' (optionnal)
  *    - key 'spline', curves line (boolean - optionnal)
  * @param $title : title of the chart
  * @param $desc : description of the chart (optionnal)
  * @param $show_label : behavior of the graph labels,
  *                      values : 'hover', 'never', 'always' (optionnal)
  * @param $export : keep only svg to export (optionnal)
  * @return nothing
 function showGArea($params)
     global $LANG;
     $criterias = PluginMreportingCommon::initGraphParams($params);
     foreach ($criterias as $key => $val) {
         ${$key} = $val;
     //$rand = $opt['rand'];
     $configs = PluginMreportingConfig::initConfigParams($opt['f_name'], $opt['class']);
     foreach ($configs as $k => $v) {
         ${$k} = $v;
     if (self::DEBUG_GRAPH && isset($raw_datas)) {
     if (isset($raw_datas['datas'])) {
         $datas = $raw_datas['datas'];
     } else {
         $datas = array();
     $options = array("title" => $title, "desc" => $desc, "randname" => $randname, "export" => $export, "delay" => $delay, "short_classname" => $opt["short_classname"]);
     if (count($datas) <= 0) {
         if ($export != "odtall") {
             echo $LANG['plugin_mreporting']["error"][1];
             $end['opt']["export"] = false;
             $end['opt']["randname"] = false;
             $end['opt']["f_name"] = $opt['f_name'];
             $end['opt']["class"] = $opt['class'];
         return false;
     $labels2 = $raw_datas['labels2'];
     $datas = PluginMreportingCommon::compileDatasForUnit($datas, $unit);
     $raw_datas['datas'] = $datas;
     $values = array_values($datas);
     $labels = array_keys($datas);
     $max = 1;
     foreach ($values as $line) {
         foreach ($line as $label2 => $value) {
             if ($value > $max) {
                 $max = $value;
     if ($max == 1 && $unit == '%') {
         $max = 100;
     $nb = count($labels2);
     $width = $this->width;
     $nb_bar = count($datas);
     if ($nb_bar > 1) {
         $percent = 2 * (450 + 18 * $nb_bar) / (18 * $nb_bar * 100);
     } else {
         $percent = 0.2;
     $height = $percent * 450 + 18 * $nb_bar;
     $delta = 450 - $height;
     $height_tot = 450 + $height;
     $width_line = ($width - 45) / $nb;
     $index1 = 0;
     $index3 = 1;
     $step = ceil($nb / 20);
     //create image
     $image = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height_tot);
     if ($show_graph) {
         $palette = self::getPalette($nb_bar);
         $alphapalette = self::getPalette($nb_bar, "50");
         $darkerpalette = self::getDarkerPalette($nb_bar);
         $bg_color = $this->white;
         imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height_tot - 1, $bg_color);
         //draw x-axis grey step line and value ticks
         $xstep = round(($height + $delta + 40) / 13);
         for ($i = 0; $i < 13; $i++) {
             $yaxis = $height_tot - 30 - $xstep * $i;
             //horizontal grey lines
             imageLine($image, 30, $yaxis, 30 + $width_line * ($nb - 1), $yaxis, $this->grey);
             //value ticks
             if ($i * $max / 12 < 10) {
                 $val = round($i * $max / 12, 1);
             } else {
                 $val = round($i * $max / 12);
             $box = @imageTTFBbox($this->fontsize - 1, $this->fontangle, $this->font, $val);
             $textwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]);
             imagettftext($image, $this->fontsize - 1, $this->fontangle, 25 - $textwidth, $yaxis + 5, $this->darkgrey, $this->font, $val);
         //draw y-axis vertical grey step line
         for ($i = 0; $i < $nb; $i++) {
             $xaxis = 30 + $width_line * $i;
             imageLine($image, $xaxis, $height - 40, $xaxis, $height_tot, $this->grey);
         //draw y-axis
         imageLine($image, 30, $height - 40, 30, $height_tot - 25, $this->black);
         //draw y-axis
         imageLine($image, 30, $height_tot - 30, $width - 50, $height_tot - 30, $this->black);
         //create border on export
         if ($export) {
             imagerectangle($image, 0, 0, $width - 1, $height_tot - 1, $this->black);
         //on png graph, no way to draw curved polygons, force area reports to be linear
         if ($area) {
             $spline = false;
         //add title on export
         if ($export) {
             imagettftext($image, $this->fontsize + 1, $this->fontangle, 10, 20, $this->black, $this->font, $title);
         //parse datas
         foreach ($datas as $label => $data) {
             $aCoords = array();
             $index2 = 0;
             $old_data = 0;
             //parse line
             foreach ($data as $subdata) {
                 //if first index, continue
                 if ($index2 == 0) {
                     $old_data = $subdata;
                 // determine coords
                 $x1 = $index2 * $width_line - $width_line + 30;
                 $y1 = $height_tot - 30 - $old_data * ($height_tot - $height) / $max;
                 $x2 = $x1 + $width_line;
                 $y2 = $height_tot - 30 - $subdata * ($height_tot - $height) / $max;
                 //in case of area chart fill under point space
                 if ($area > 0) {
                     $points = array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x2, $height_tot - 30, $x1, $height_tot - 30);
                     imagefilledpolygon($image, $points, 4, $alphapalette[$index1]);
                 //trace lines between points (if linear)
                 if (!$spline) {
                     $this->imageSmoothAlphaLineLarge($image, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $palette[$index1]);
                 $aCoords[$x1] = $y1;
                 $old_data = $subdata;
             //if curved spline activated, draw cubic spline for the current line
             if ($spline) {
                 $aCoords[$x2] = $y2;
                 $this->imageCubicSmoothLine($image, $palette[$index1], $aCoords);
                 $index2 = 0;
                 $old_data = 0;
                 $old_label = "";
             //draw labels and dots
             $index2 = 0;
             $old_data = 0;
             foreach ($data as $subdata) {
                 //if first index, continue
                 if ($index2 == 0) {
                     $old_data = $subdata;
                     $old_label = $label;
                 // determine coords
                 $x1 = $index2 * $width_line - $width_line + 30;
                 $y1 = $height_tot - 30 - $old_data * ($height_tot - $height) / $max;
                 $x2 = $x1 + $width_line;
                 $y2 = $height_tot - 30 - $subdata * ($height_tot - $height) / $max;
                 //trace dots
                 $color_rbg = self::colorHexToRGB($darkerpalette[$index1]);
                 imageSmoothArc($image, $x1 - 1, $y1 - 1, 7, 7, $color_rbg, 0, 2 * M_PI);
                 imageSmoothArc($image, $x1 - 1, $y1 - 1, 4, 4, array(255, 255, 255, 0), 0, 2 * M_PI);
                 //display values label
                 if ($show_label == "always" || $show_label == "hover") {
                     imagettftext($image, $this->fontsize - 2, $this->fontangle, $index2 == 1 ? $x1 : $x1 - 6, $y1 - 5, $darkerpalette[$index1], $this->font, $old_data);
                 //show x-axis ticks
                 if ($step != 0 && $index3 / $step == round($index3 / $step)) {
                     imageline($image, $x1, $height_tot - 30, $x1, $height_tot - 27, $darkerpalette[$index1]);
                 $old_data = $subdata;
                 $old_label = $label;
             /*** display last value ***/
             if (isset($x2)) {
                 //trace dots
                 $color_rbg = self::colorHexToRGB($darkerpalette[$index1]);
                 imageSmoothArc($image, $x2 - 1, $y2 - 1, 7, 7, $color_rbg, 0, 2 * M_PI);
                 imageSmoothArc($image, $x2 - 1, $y2 - 1, 4, 4, array(255, 255, 255, 0), 0, 2 * M_PI);
                 //display value label
                 if ($show_label == "always" || $show_label == "hover") {
                     imagettftext($image, $this->fontsize - 2, $this->fontangle, $index2 == 1 ? $x2 : $x2 - 6, $y2 - 5, $darkerpalette[$index1], $this->font, $old_data);
             /*** end display last value ***/
         //display labels2
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($labels2 as $label) {
             $x = $index * $width_line + 20;
             if ($step != 0 && $index / $step == round($index / $step)) {
                 imagettftext($image, $this->fontsize - 1, $this->fontangle, $x, $height_tot - 10, $this->black, $this->font, $label);
         //legend (align left)
         $index = 0;
         foreach ($labels as $label) {
             //legend label
             $box = @imageTTFBbox($this->fontsize, $this->fontangle, $this->font, $label);
             $textwidth = abs($box[4] - $box[0]);
             $textheight = abs($box[5] - $box[1]);
             imagettftext($image, $this->fontsize - 1, $this->fontangle, 20, 35 + $index * 14, $this->black, $this->font, $label);
             //legend circle
             $color_rbg = self::colorHexToRGB($palette[$index]);
             imageSmoothArc($image, 10, 30 + $index * 14, 7, 7, $color_rbg, 0, 2 * M_PI);
     //generate image
     $params = array("image" => $image, "export" => $export, "f_name" => $opt['f_name'], "class" => $opt['class'], "title" => $title, "randname" => $randname, "raw_datas" => $raw_datas, "withdata" => $opt['withdata']);
     $contents = $this->generateImage($params);
     if ($show_graph) {
         $this->showImage($contents, $export);
     $opt['randname'] = $randname;
     $options = array("opt" => $opt, "export" => $export, "datas" => $datas, "labels2" => $labels2, "flip_data" => $flip_data, "unit" => $unit);
Esempio n. 5
  * Custom dates for allodt export
  * You can configure your dates for the Allodt export
  * @param array $opt : contains the dates
  * @param type $functionname
  * @return $opt
 function customExportDates($opt = array(), $functionname)
     $configs = PluginMreportingConfig::initConfigParams($functionname, __CLASS__);
     $opt['date1'] = date('Y-m-j', strtotime($opt['date2'] . ' -' . $configs['delay'] . ' days'));
     return $opt;