$AboutInfo = array('artist' => base64_encode($item->artist), 'album' => null, 'genre' => $genresting); /* * - Check for additional artist infos * - and whether the button is active */ if ($this->params->get('show_additional_info_artist_alphabetical', 0) == 1) { $ArtistChecker = PlayJoomHelper::getInfoButton('artist', $AboutInfo, $modal_artist_config, $this->params); } else { $ArtistChecker = null; } /* * - Check for additional genre infos * - and whether the button is active */ if ($this->params->get('show_additional_info_genre_alphabetical', 0) == 1) { $GenreChecker = PlayJoomHelper::getInfoButton('genre', $AboutInfo, $modal_genre_config, $this->params); } else { $GenreChecker = null; } $counter = $counter + 1; echo '<fieldset class="batch">'; echo '<legend><a href="' . $artistlink . '" title="Continue to the artist view" class="ArtistLink">' . $item->artist . '</a>' . $ArtistChecker . ' | <a href="' . $genrelink . '" class="GenreLink" title="Continue to the genre view">' . $item->category_title . '</a>' . $GenreChecker . '</legend>'; echo '<ul class="ListOfAlbums">'; foreach ($album_list as $j => $albenitem) { $cover_counter = $cover_counter + 1; $albumsting = base64_encode($albenitem->album); $artiststing = base64_encode($albenitem->artist); $albumlink = 'index.php?option=com_playjoom&view=album&album=' . $albumsting . '&artist=' . $artiststing . '&Itemid=' . JRequest::getVar('Itemid'); //create album string $AlbumLenght = strlen($albenitem->album); if ($AlbumLenght > 14) {