public function testIntents() { $code = Phorms\Csrf::generate('/okay', 60); $this->assertFalse(Phorms\Csrf::check($code, '/fail')); $this->assertTrue(Phorms\Csrf::check($code, '/okay')); }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; session_start(); Phorms\Csrf::setSecret('mysecret'); $form = new Phorms\Form(array('@fieldset:Your details', 'firstname' => 'Firstname', 'surname' => 'Surname', 'email' => ['Email', 'type' => 'email', 'required' => True], 'color' => ['Color', ['green' => 'Green (good)', 'red' => 'Red (bad)']], 'movie' => ['Movies', [116 => 'Braveheart', 327 => 'The Rock', 955 => 'Alien II'], 'multiple' => True], 'happy' => ['Happy', 'type' => 'checkbox'], '@fieldset:Action(s)', '@submit:Create account')); print '<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"></head><body>'; if ($data = $form->data()) { if ($errors = $form->check($data)) { print '<p>We encountered the following errors:<ul>'; foreach ($errors as $message) { if (is_string($message)) { print '<li>' . htmlentities($message) . '</li>'; } } print '</ul>'; } else { print "Thank you " . htmlentities($data['firstname']) . "!"; print '<pre>' . htmlentities(var_export($data, True)) . '</pre>'; // You could exit at this point, or just re-render the form with the data print '<hr/>'; } } $form->render($data); print '</body></html>';