function prefillForm() { global $wgRequest; $data = array(); $id = $wgRequest->getInt('id'); if ($id) { $data = Phalanx::getFromId($id); $data['type'] = Phalanx::getTypeNames($data['type']); $data['checkBlocker'] = ''; $data['typeFilter'] = array(); } else { $data['type'] = array_fill_keys($wgRequest->getArray('type', array()), true); $data['checkBlocker'] = $wgRequest->getText('wpPhalanxCheckBlocker', ''); $data['typeFilter'] = array_fill_keys($wgRequest->getArray('wpPhalanxTypeFilter', array()), true); } $data['checkId'] = $id; $data['text'] = $wgRequest->getText('ip'); $data['text'] = $wgRequest->getText('target', $data['text']); $data['text'] = $wgRequest->getText('text', $data['text']); $data['text'] = self::decodeValue($data['text']); $data['case'] = $wgRequest->getCheck('case'); $data['regex'] = $wgRequest->getCheck('regex'); $data['exact'] = $wgRequest->getCheck('exact'); $data['expire'] = $wgRequest->getText('expire', $this->mDefaultExpire); $data['lang'] = $wgRequest->getText('lang', 'all'); $data['reason'] = self::decodeValue($wgRequest->getText('reason')); // test form input $data['test'] = self::decodeValue($wgRequest->getText('test')); return $data; }
private function block_stats($par) { global $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgUser, $wgRequest; #we have a valid id, change title to use it $wgOut->setPageTitle(wfMsg('phalanx-stats-title') . ' #' . $par); $block = array(); $block = Phalanx::getFromId(intval($par)); if (empty($block)) { $wgOut->addWikiMsg('phalanx-stats-block-notfound', $par); return true; } // process block data for display $data = array(); $data['id'] = $block['id']; $data['author_id'] = User::newFromId($block['author_id'])->getName(); $data['type'] = implode(', ', Phalanx::getTypeNames($block['type'])); $data['timestamp'] = $wgLang->timeanddate($block['timestamp']); if ($block['expire'] == null) { $data['expire'] = 'infinite'; } else { $data['expire'] = $wgLang->timeanddate($block['expire']); } $data['regex'] = $block['regex'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $data['case'] = $block['case'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $data['exact'] = $block['exact'] ? 'Yes' : 'No'; $data['lang'] = empty($block['lang']) ? '*' : $block['lang']; #pull these out of the array, so they dont get used in the top rows if ($block['type'] & Phalanx::TYPE_EMAIL && !$wgUser->isAllowed('phalanxemailblock')) { // hide email from non-privildged users $data2['text'] = wfMsg('phalanx-email-filter-hidden'); } else { $data2['text'] = $block['text']; } $data2['reason'] = $block['reason']; $headers = array(wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-id'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-user'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-type'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-create'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-expire'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-regex'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-case'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-exact'), wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-language')); $html = ''; $tableAttribs = array('border' => 1, 'class' => 'wikitable', 'style' => "font-family:monospace;"); #use magic to build it $table = Xml::buildTable(array($data), $tableAttribs, $headers); #rip off bottom $table = str_replace("</table>", "", $table); #add some stuff $table .= "<tr><th>" . wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-text') . "</th><td colspan='8'>" . htmlspecialchars($data2['text']) . "</td></tr>"; $table .= "<tr><th>" . wfMsg('phalanx-stats-table-reason') . "</th><td colspan='8'>{$data2['reason']}</td></tr>"; #seal it back up $table .= "</table>"; $html .= $table . "\n"; $phalanxUrl = Title::newFromText('Phalanx', NS_SPECIAL)->getFullUrl(array('id' => $block['id'])); $html .= " • <a class='modify' href='{$phalanxUrl}'>" . wfMsg('phalanx-link-modify') . "</a><br/>\n"; $html .= "<br/>\n"; $wgOut->addHTML($html); $pager = new PhalanxStatsPager($par); $html = ''; $html .= $pager->getNavigationBar(); $html .= $pager->getBody(); $html .= $pager->getNavigationBar(); $wgOut->addHTML($html); }
/** * test if provided text is blocked * @param string $text string to be tested against filter * @param array $blocksData blocks data (text, params, id), either in full or short format * @param boolean $writeStats should stats be recorded? * @param array $matchingBlockData (out) block data that matched * * @return Array with 'blocked' key containing boolean status * * @author Maciej Błaszkowski <marooned at> * @author Władysław Bodzek */ static function findBlocked($text, $blocksData, $writeStats = true, &$matchingBlockData = null) { wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $result = array('blocked' => false, 'msg' => ''); foreach ($blocksData as $blockData) { if (isset($blockData['id'])) { // full format $blockId = $blockData['id']; $blockText = $blockData['text']; $isRegex = $blockData['regex']; $isExact = $blockData['exact']; $isCase = $blockData['case']; } else { // short format list($blockId, $blockText, $blockFlags) = $blockData; $isRegex = ($blockFlags & self::FLAG_REGEX) > 0; $isExact = ($blockFlags & self::FLAG_EXACT) > 0; $isCase = ($blockFlags & self::FLAG_CASE) > 0; } $origText = $blockText; if ($isRegex) { //escape slashes uses as regex delimiter $blockText = str_replace('/', '\\/', preg_replace('|\\\\*/|', '/', $blockText)); if ($isExact) { //add begining and end anchor only once (user might added it already) if (strpos($blockText, '^') !== 0) { $blockText = '^' . $blockText; } if (substr($blockText, -1) != '$') { $blockText .= '$'; } } $blockText = "/{$blockText}/"; if (!$isCase) { $blockText .= 'i'; } //QuickFix™ for bad regexes //TODO: validate regexes on save/edit wfSuppressWarnings(); $matched = preg_match($blockText, $text, $matches); if ($matched === false) { Wikia::log(__METHOD__, __LINE__, "Bad regex found: {$blockText}"); } wfRestoreWarnings(); if ($matched) { $blockData = Phalanx::getFromId($blockId); if ($blockData) { if ($writeStats) { self::addStats($blockData['id'], $blockData['type']); } $result['blocked'] = true; $result['msg'] = $matches[0]; } } } else { //plain text if (!$isCase) { $text = strtolower($text); $blockText = strtolower($blockText); } if ($isExact) { if ($text == $blockText) { $blockData = Phalanx::getFromId($blockId); if ($blockData) { if ($writeStats) { self::addStats($blockData['id'], $blockData['type']); } $result['blocked'] = true; $result['msg'] = $origText; //original case } } } else { if (!empty($blockText) && strpos($text, $blockText) !== false) { $blockData = Phalanx::getFromId($blockId); if ($blockData) { if ($writeStats) { self::addStats($blockData['id'], $blockData['type']); } $result['blocked'] = true; $result['msg'] = $origText; //original case } } } } if ($result['blocked']) { $matchingBlockData = $blockData; break; } } $expected_id = isset($matchingBlockData) && $matchingBlockData['id'] ? $matchingBlockData['id'] : 0; PhalanxShadowing::check($text, $expected_id); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $result; }
public static function removeFilter($blockId, $updateCache = true) { global $wgExternalSharedDB, $wgUser, $wgMemc; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); // todo this will need to be changed //get data before deletion - we need it for cache update $data = Phalanx::getFromId($blockId); $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER, array(), $wgExternalSharedDB); $dbw->delete('phalanx', array('p_id' => intval($blockId)), __METHOD__); if (!$dbw->affectedRows()) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return array('error' => true); } $dbw->commit(); if ($updateCache) { self::updateCache($data, null); } self::logDelete($data); $result = array('error' => false, 'text' => wfMsg('phalanx-unblock-message', $data['id'])); wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return $result; }