public function build($name, $value = null, $attribs = null, $disable = false) { //$info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs); //extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, listsep, disable // build the element if ($disable) { // disabled $xhtml = $this->_hidden($name, $value) . htmlspecialchars($value); } else { // enabled $id = "dingdan_selector_" . $name; $attribs["id"] = $id; $sitePath = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot(); $xhtml = $this->_getCommonHtml(); $xhtml .= Pft_View_Helper::buildElmentByVartype("C", $name, $value, $attribs); //echo "<script>alert('aa');</script>"; /* $xhtml = '<input type="text"' . ' name="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '"' . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . ' />';*/ $xhtml .= '<a href="#" class="btn" type="button" id="btnSelectCr" onclick=" \'' . $attribs["id"] . '\', this,\'\',\'s0=\'+document.all.' . $name . '.value+\'\' );return false;">' . i18ntrans('#选') . '</a>'; } return $xhtml; }
public function build($name, $value = null, $attribs = null, $disable = false) { //$info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs); //extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, listsep, disable // build the element if ($disable) { // disabled $xhtml = $this->_hidden($name, $value) . htmlspecialchars($value); } else { // enabled if (!isset($attribs["id"])) { $id = "person_selector_" . $name; $attribs["id"] = $id; } if (!isset($attribs["onclick"])) { $attribs["onclick"] = ' null, \'' . $attribs["id"] . '\', this, \'' . @$attribs["param"] . '\' );return false;'; if (!isset($attribs["style"])) { $attribs["style"] = 'cursor:pointer;'; } } $sitePath = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot(); $xhtml = $this->_getCommonHtml(); $xhtml .= Pft_View_Helper::buildElmentByVartype("C", $name, $value, $attribs); /* $xhtml = '<input type="text"' . ' name="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '"' . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . ' />';*/ $xhtml .= '<a href="#" class="btn" type="button" id="btnSelectCr" onclick=" null, \'' . $attribs["id"] . '\', this, \'' . @$attribs["param"] . '\' );return false;">' . i18ntrans('#选') . '</a>'; } return $xhtml; }
/** * 使用yui-ext建立TableGrid * * <code> * $grid->showMe( array('gridId'=>'sql_grid') ); * Pft_View_Helper_Ext::buildTableGrid( 'sql_grid' ); * </code> * * @param string $gridId grid的ID */ public static function buildTableGrid($gridId) { if (!self::$_loadedTableGridLib) { ?> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getSiteRoot(); ?> js/ext-1.0/tpm/TableGrid.js"></script> <?php self::$_loadedTableGridLib = true; } ?> <script> /* * Ext JS Library 1.0 * Copyright(c) 2006-2007, Ext JS, LLC. * * * */ Ext.onReady(function() { // create the grid var grid = new Ext.grid.TableGrid('<?php echo $gridId; ?> '); grid.render(); }); </script> <?php }
public function build($name, $value = null, $attribs = null, $disable = false) { //$info = $this->_getInfo($name, $value, $attribs); //extract($info); // name, value, attribs, options, listsep, disable // build the element if ($disable) { // disabled $xhtml = $this->_hidden($name, $value) . htmlspecialchars($value); } else { // enabled if (!isset($attribs['id'])) { $id = "date" . mt_rand(1000, 9999); $attribs["id"] = $id; } else { $id = $attribs["id"]; } $sitePath = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot(); $xhtml = Pft_View_Helper::buildElmentByVartype("C", $name, $value, $attribs); $xhtml .= $this->_getCommonHtml(); /* $xhtml = '<input type="text"' . ' name="' . htmlspecialchars($name) . '"' . ' value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '"' . $this->_htmlAttribs($attribs) . ' />';*/ $xhtml .= <<<EOT <img id="dateButton_{$id}" src="{$sitePath}js/john/jscalendar/calendar.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" style="cursor:pointer" /> <!--<input name="start_date[{\$i}]" type="text" class="Input1" id="start_date[{\$i}]" value="{\$start_mren}" size="14" readonly/>--> <script type="text/javascript"> Calendar.setup({ inputField : "{$id}", EOT; if ($this->_showTimes) { $xhtml .= ' ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", showsTime : true,'; } else { if ($this->_showTimeSecs) { $xhtml .= ' ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", showsTime : true,'; } else { $xhtml .= ' ifFormat : "%Y-%m-%d",'; } } $xhtml .= <<<EOT button : "dateButton_{$id}", singleClick : true, step : 1 }); </script> EOT; /* $xhtml .= <<<EOT <img id="dateButton_{$id}" src="{$sitePath}js/john/jscalendar/calendar.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle" style="cursor:pointer" onClick="Calendar.setDayHM(document.getElementById({$id}),0,'');"/> EOT;*/ } return $xhtml; }
/** * 获得 经过 组ID 偏移后的 RealEpollId * * @param int $idOffset * @return int */ public static function getRealEpollId($idOffset = 0) { if (defined('TQ_33')) { if (Pft_Config::getEpollGroupId()) { $epo = Pft_Config::getEpollGroupId() * 65536 * 256 + $idOffset; } else { $epo = 65536 * 256 + $idOffset; } } else { $epo = $idOffset; } return $epo; }
/** * 邮件模板函数 * * @param unknown_type $model 模板名称 * @param unknown_type $varname 替换数据 */ public static function formatMailBody($model, $searchname, $replcename) { $_searchname = array(); $path = Pft_Config::getConfigPath() . "public/emailtemplates/" . $model; $str = file_get_contents($path); if (count($searchname) > 0) { foreach ($searchname as $val) { $_searchname[] = "<?\$" . $val . "?>"; } } //return $str; $search = str_replace($_searchname, $replcename, $str); return $search; }
function uploadfileAction() { $result = array(); if (isset($_FILES['Filedata'])) { $file = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $temp_file = iconv('utf-8', 'gbk', $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); $toFileFloder = Pft_Config::getCfg('PATH_ROOT') . "images/caixi/"; if (!is_dir($toFileFloder)) { @mkdir($toFileFloder); @chmod($toFileFloder, 0777); } $toFile = $toFileFloder . $temp_file; if (move_uploaded_file($file, $toFile)) { //$_SESSION["uploadFile"]="./images/caixi/".$temp_file; } else { //$_SESSION["uploadFile"]='error'; } } exit; }
public static function getAdodb($con_name = "propel") { /** * 数据库连结类:ADODB */ $configuration = (include Pft_Config::getConfigPath() . "propel.conf.php"); if (!isset($configuration['datasources'][$con_name])) { $con_name = $configuration['datasources']["default"]; } $cfg = $configuration['datasources'][$con_name]['connection']; include_once Pft_Config::getLibPath(1) . "adodb/"; $db_a = ADONewConnection("mysql"); $ADODB_CACHE_DIR = Pft_Config::getRootPath() . "cache/adodb"; $db_a->Connect($cfg["hostspec"] . ($cfg["port"] ? ":" . $cfg["port"] : ""), $cfg["username"], $cfg["password"], $cfg["database"]); $db_a->Execute("set names 'utf8'"); //数据库字符编码设置 $db_a->SetFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); // 设置缓存有效时间为5分钟 $db_a->cacheSecs = 300; return $db_a; }
function __construct($logFileName = "", $logPath = "") { if ($logFileName != "") { $this->_logFileName = $logFileName . date("Ymd") . ".log"; } else { $this->_logFileName = date("Ymd") . ".log"; } $this->_logPath = $logPath == "" ? Pft_Config::getLogPath() : $logPath; if (!file_exists($this->_logPath)) { mkdir($this->_logPath, 0777, true); @chmod($this->_logPath, 0777); } $this->_hLogFile = fopen($this->_logPath . $this->_logFileName, "a"); @chmod($this->_logPath . $this->_logFileName, 0766); //$this->_startTime = $this->_microtime_float(); if (defined('APP_START_TIME')) { $this->_startTime = (int) (APP_START_TIME * 1000); } else { $this->_startTime = $this->_microtime_float(); } $this->_lastLogTime = $this->_startTime; }
/** * 载入语言串 * * @todo I18n优化 速度 设置语言的位置 */ private static function _loadStrings() { if (self::$isStringsLoaded) { return; } self::setLang(Pft_Session::getSession()->getLanguage()); //include后 1.8 1.9 ms左右 //include前 1.5 1.6 ms左右 include 还挺费时间... //考虑放到各个模块里..用到那个载入哪个? //这个更像php风格 //还是放到一起一并载入? //先每个人用到的分开,最后合并 $langPath = Pft_Config::getLangPath() . self::$lang . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::_loadLangFilesInDir($langPath); //载入备用目录的语言文件 // $langPath = Pft_Config::getLangPath(1) . self::$lang . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; self::_loadLangFilesInDir($langPath); /* 合并语言文件以后用下面这段代码,合并以前用上面那段 $str2s = include_once( Pft_Config::getLangPath() .self::$lang .DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."lang.php" ); self::$strings = array_merge( self::$strings, $str2s); */ self::$isStringsLoaded = true; }
//Pft_Config 中用到 $_SESSION[MULTI_SITE_SESSION_NAME] if (isset($_SESSION[MULTI_SITE_SESSION_NAME])) { $site = $_SESSION[MULTI_SITE_SESSION_NAME]; } else { $site = @$_REQUEST['site']; if (!$site) { $site = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; } if (!is_dir($config_path . $site)) { $site = 'default'; } $_SESSION[MULTI_SITE_SESSION_NAME] = $site; } require_once $config_path . "/loader.php"; Pft_Config::setCfg('PATH_APP', Pft_Config::getCfg('PATH_APP'), 1); Pft_Config::setCfg('PATH_APP', dirname(__FILE__) . '/app/'); //======================================== /** * 环境准备完毕 程序开始 */ Pft_Debug::addInfoToDefault('Pre dispatch.'); try { /** * 分发 */ $dispatch = new Pft_Dispatcher(); $dispatch->dispatch(); } catch (Exception $e) { $code = $e->getCode(); $errorInfo = $e->getMessage() . " at (" . $e->getFile() . " | Line:" . $e->getLine() . ") Code [" . $code . "]"; Pft_Log::addLog('Cache exception : ' . $errorInfo);
/** * 根据controllerName 和 actionName 生产一个 controller * * @param String $controllerName * @param String $actionName * @return Pft_Controller_Action */ public static final function factory($controllerName, $actionName) { //$toFile = Pft_Config::getAppPath() . $controllerName . ".php"; $toFile = Pft_Config::getAbsPathFilename("PATH_APP", $controllerName . ".php"); //$arrTmp = array_map("ucfirst", explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $controllerName) ); $arrTmp = array_map("ucfirstForControl", explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $controllerName)); $className = ucfirst(implode("", $arrTmp)) . "Controller"; /** * 去掉了 Ctrl * @author y31 * Mon Dec 10 23:19:08 CST 2007 */ /* 这里要适应变化 通过上面的代码改成一个controller多个action的形式 //这种形式要求 conntroller $toFile = PATH_APP . $controllerName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $actionName . ".php"; $arrTmp = array_map("ucfirst", explode( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $controllerName) ); $className = ucfirst(implode("",$arrTmp)).ucfirst($actionName)."Controller"; */ if (DEBUG) { include_once $toFile; } else { @(include_once $toFile); } //Pft::loadFile( $toFile ); if (class_exists($className)) { $class = new $className(); $class->setScriptFile($toFile); $class->setControllerName(str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "_", str_replace("/ctrl/", "/", $controllerName))); $class->setControllerPrivilegeMaps(); return $class; } else { throw new Exception(Pft_I18n::trans("ERR_APP_LOST_CONTROLLER") . "[ " . $className . " ]"); return null; } }
private function _checkAndMakeViewFolder($arrPackage, $ctrlName) { //创建 //$toCheckViewPath = Pft_Config::getViewPath(); $toCheckViewPath = Pft_Config::getAppPath(); foreach ($arrPackage as $subFolder) { if ($subFolder == 'ctrl') { $subFolder = "view"; } $toCheckViewPath .= $subFolder . "/"; $this->_mkdir($toCheckViewPath); } $toCheckViewPath .= strtolower($ctrlName) . "/"; $this->_mkdir($toCheckViewPath); return $toCheckViewPath; }
/** * 设置次要config * * @param array $config */ public static function setSecondaryConfig($config) { self::$_secCfg = $config; }
function __construct() { $this->_selector_lib_path = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot() . 'js/tpm/'; }
/** * 记录操作数据库日志 * * @param string $sql */ public static function logDbOprate($sql) { $sql = trim($sql); if (!$sql) { return false; } //生成消息序列 by jute $enableSync = Pft_Config::getCfgInFile('EnableSync', 'sync/sync.conf.php'); if ($enableSync == '1') { Pft_Sync_MessageListManage::createDbMsgList($sql); } $tableName = ''; $logName = ''; $msg = ''; //忽略列表优先于允许列表 $ignoreTalbenameList = array('tpm_rizhi' => 'rz_id', 'tpm_xiangmu_rizhi' => 'rz_id', 'tpm_ziyuan_rizhi' => 'rz_id', 'tpm_rizhi_fangwen' => 'rz_id'); $toLogTablenameList = array('tpm_dingdan' => 'dd_id', 'tpm_shengchandingdan' => 'sd_id', 'tpm_xiangmu' => 'xm_id', 'tpm_renwu' => 'rw_id', 'tpm_gaojian' => 'gj_id', 'tpm_yonghukuozhan' => 'yh_id', 'tpm_yonghu' => 'yh_id', 'tpm_kehu_yonghu' => 'yh_id'); //因为之前已经trim了,所以 === 0 if (stripos($sql, 'SELECT') === 0) { //不记录Select return false; //$sql = str_replace( array("\n","\r") , array(" ", "" ) , $sql ); } elseif (stripos($sql, 'UPDATE') === 0) { /* /update[\s]+(\w+)[\s]+set(.*)where[\s]+(.*)/ ^^table name ^^col ^^cond */ if (preg_match("/update[\\s]+(\\w+)[\\s]+set(.*)where[\\s]+(.*)/i", $sql, $matchs)) { $tableName = $matchs[1]; $cols = $matchs[2]; $cond = $matchs[3]; $logName = self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_PREFIX . '-' . $tableName . '-' . self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_UPDATE; $msg = $cols . self::DB_OPRATE_MSG_SPLITER . $cond; } } elseif (stripos($sql, 'INSERT') === 0) { /* /insert into[\s]+(\w+)[\s]+\((.*)\)[\s]+values[\s]+\((.*)\)/ */ if (preg_match('/insert into[\\s]+(\\w+)[\\s]+\\((.*)\\)[\\s]+values[\\s]+\\((.*)\\)/i', $sql, $matchs)) { $tableName = $matchs[1]; $cols = $matchs[2]; $values = $matchs[3]; $logName = self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_PREFIX . '-' . $tableName . '-' . self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_INSERT; $msg = $cols . self::DB_OPRATE_MSG_SPLITER . $values; } } elseif (stripos($sql, 'DELETE') === 0) { /* /insert into[\s]+(\w+)[\s]+\((.*)\)[\s]+values[\s]+\((.*)\)/ */ if (preg_match('/DELETE FROM[\\s]+(\\w+)[\\s]+WHERE(.*)/i', $sql, $matchs)) { $tableName = $matchs[1]; $cond = $matchs[2]; $logName = self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_PREFIX . '-' . $tableName . '-' . self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_DELETE; $msg = $cond; } } else { /** * 对未解析的SQL 也记录在案 * @author terry * @version 0.1.0 * Wed Sep 26 13:38:08 CST 2007 */ $logName = self::DB_OPRATE_TYPE_UNKNOWN; $msg = $sql; } //strtolower( $tableName ) != 'tpm_rizhi' if ($msg && $logName && !key_exists(strtolower($tableName), $ignoreTalbenameList) && key_exists(strtolower($tableName), $toLogTablenameList) && !(stripos($sql, 'UPDATE tpm_yonghu SET YH_ZAIXIAN_ZHUANGTAI') === 0)) { /** * 更新用户状态的不记录在数据库 * @author terry * @version 0.1.0 * Sat Sep 29 19:41:27 CST 2007 */ // print"<pre>Terry :";var_dump( $logName );print"</pre>"; // print"<pre>Terry :";print ( $msg );print"</pre>"; // exit(); self::addLog("Execute [ {$sql} ]" . self::DB_OPRATE_MSG_SPLITER . $msg, self::LEVEL_SYSTEM, $logName); return true; } else { /** * 忽略列表中的数据表操作亦将不被写入文件Log * @author terry * @version 0.1.0 * Wed Sep 05 09:46:56 CST 2007 */ if (!key_exists(strtolower($tableName), $ignoreTalbenameList)) { self::addLog("Execute [ {$sql} ]", Pft_Log::LEVEL_DEBUG, $logName); } return false; } }
function __construct() { $this->_menu_lib_path = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot(1) . 'js/jsmenu/'; }
/** * john 添加 * 生成文件再下载的方法(改变路径) * 2007-4-10 * * @param unknown_type $array * @param unknown_type $csv_name */ public static function ExportToCsvPath($array, $csv_name = false, $path = false) { if ($path) { $rootpath = $path; } else { $rootpath = Pft_Config::getUploadPath(); } $str = ""; if (!$csv_name) { $csv_name = 'dingdanbaobiao' . date('-ymd-Hi', time()); } else { $csv_name = $csv_name . date('-ymd-Hi', time()); } if (is_array($array)) { $jc = current($array); if (is_array($jc)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $str .= self::_outcsv($value) . "\r\n"; } } else { $str = self::_outcsv($array) . "\r\n"; } } $file = $rootpath . $csv_name . ".csv"; $handle = fopen($file, 'w+'); fputs($handle, $str); fclose($handle); //$path=$rootpath.$csv_name.".csv"; $path = Pft_Config::getSiteRoot() . "upload/res/error/" . $csv_name . ".csv"; return $path; /*if($str!="") { $file1 = fopen($file,"rb"); // 打开文件 // 输入文件标签 //ob_clean(); header("Content-Type:application/octet-stream"); //header('Content-type: application/csv'); header("Accept-Ranges:bytes"); header("Accept-Length:".filesize($file)); header('Content-Disposition:attachment;filename='.$csv_name.'.csv'); //header('Content-Description: PHP3 Generated Data'); // 输出文件内容 echo fread($file1,filesize($file)); fclose($file1); exit; }*/ }
* 显示 products 列表的界面 * * 输入: * $productss * * @author */ ?> <div class="toolbar"> <a href="?do=adm_ec_product_add" class="btn add"><?php echo Pft_I18n::trans("PRODUCTS_ADD"); ?> </a> </div> <?php //$productss_grid = new Pft_Util_Grid( $productss ); $productss_grid->addCol(" ", "p_id", true, '"<input type=checkbox value=\\"".$row["p_id"]."\\">"'); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("p_id"), "p_id"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("k_id"), "k_id"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("p_name"), "p_name"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("p_price"), "p_price"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("p_info"), "p_info"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("p_img_link"), "p_img_link"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("p_unit"), "p_unit"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("created_at"), "created_at"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("updated_at"), "updated_at"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("is_del"), "is_del"); $productss_grid->addCol(Pft_I18n::trans("Opration"), "", true, '"<a href=\\"?do=adm_ec_product_edit&p_id=".$row["p_id"]."\\" class=\\"btn\\">".Pft_I18n::trans("EDIT")."</a> <a href=\\"?do=adm_ec_product_delete&p_id=".$row["p_id"]."\\" class=\\"btn\\" onclick=\\"return confirm(\'".Pft_I18n::trans("CONFIRM_OPRATION")."\')\\">".Pft_I18n::trans("DELETE")."</a>"'); $productss_grid->showMe(); include Pft_Config::getRootPath() . "inc/view/";
/** * 职责变了,这个方法没有用了 * * @param boolean $show * @return string */ public function render($show = true) { /** * 是否输出主体 */ $outputBody = true; ob_start(); //echo "Html Header"; //echo "Body Header"; if ($this->_header && is_array($this->_header)) { //这里展开了 sys_title 和 tpm_css extract($this->_header); } include $this->_getAbsViewPathFilename("inc/header.dailog.html.php"); /** * 基础js函数 */ ?> <!--日历选择时间时调用服务器时间 jute 20071122--> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/calendar/tpmsystemdate.php"></script> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/common.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/john/ajax.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/prototype_1_5_0.js"></script> <!--ext--> <!--link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/ext-1.0/resources/css/ext-all.css" /--> <!-- GC --> <?php if (@$_REQUEST['ext-all']) { ?> <!-- LIBS --> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/ext-1.0/adapter/yui/yui-utilities.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/ext-1.0/adapter/yui/ext-yui-adapter.js"></script> <!-- ENDLIBS --> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/ext-1.0/ext-all.js"></script> <?php } else { ?> <!--Used in Tpm--> <!--script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/ext.js"></script--> <?php } ?> <!--END Ext--> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/john/jsdialog/dialog.js"></script> <link rel='stylesheet' href='./js/john/jsdialog/dialog.css'> <script src="<?php echo Pft_Config::getHttpHost(); ?> js/john/sendMsg.js"></script> <div id="popup_div_msg" style="position:absolute;display:none"> </div> <?php /** * 在top显示loading */ // echo "<script>if(top.controlProgressBar)top.controlProgressBar();</script>"; /** * 这里显示 Tq消息 * Tq消息要在 tip 之前 */ echo Tpm_Message_Sender_Tq::getMsgHtml(); /** * 处理在 ctrl 里设置的tip提示信息 */ if (key_exists(Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP, $this->_header)) { $tip = $this->_header[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP]; echo "<script>"; if ($nextUrl = $tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_URL]) { $matchs = null; if (preg_match("/^javascript:(.*)/", $nextUrl, $matchs)) { // echo "function onloadTip(){Ext.Msg.alert('TPM', '".addslashes($tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG])."', function(){{$matchs[1]};return false;});}"; echo "function onloadTip() {top.alert('" . addslashes($tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG]) . "');{$matchs[1]}}"; } else { // echo "function onloadTip(){Ext.Msg.alert('TPM', '".addslashes($tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG])."', function(){location.href='".$nextUrl."';return false;});}"; echo "function onloadTip() {top.alert('" . addslashes($tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG]) . "');location.href='" . $nextUrl . "'}"; } //如果有转向,则不输出主体 $outputBody = false; } else { // echo "function onloadTip(){top.Ext.Msg.alert('TPM', '".addslashes($tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG])."');}"; echo "function onloadTip(){top.alert('" . addslashes($tip[Pft_Controller_Action::HEADER_TIP_MSG]) . "');}"; } echo "window.onload = onloadTip;"; //echo "Ext.onready( onloadTip );"; echo "</script>"; } if ($outputBody) { //没有设置不显示主体 //这里显示菜单 有true 是因为 菜单数据目前是在Pft_View_Helper_Menu里的 // if( isset( $this->_header["menu"] ) ) // { // //var_dump( $this->_header ); // $menu = new Pft_View_Helper_Menu(); // $menu->buildMenu( $this->_header["menu"] ); // //$menu->buildMenu( null ); // } /** * 这里显示主体部分 */ parent::render(true); } /** * 结束loading */ // echo "<script>if(top.Element)top.Element.hide('floatProgress_backgroup')//top.controlProgressBar('1');</script>"; // echo "<script>if(top.Element)top.Element.hide('floatProgress')//top.controlProgressBar('1');</script>"; /** * 这里显示底部 */ //echo "Body Footer"; //include( $this->_getAbsViewPathFilename( "inc/footer.dailog.html.php" ) ); $out = ob_get_clean(); if ($show) { echo $out; } return $out; }
/** * * @param $tbname * @return string * @author yan * @date 2010-10-3下午06:25:08 */ public static function getTbName($tbname) { return Pft_Config::getCfg('DB_TB_PREFIX') . $tbname; }
/** * 获取当前Session的组ID * */ public function getGroupId() { $rev = $this->_groupId; if (!$rev) { $rev = r('zu_id'); //如果当前会话没有组ID,使用 URL 指定的组ID if (!$rev) { $rev = Pft_Config::getDefaultZuId(); //如果 URL 也没有组ID,使用默认组ID } $this->_groupId = $rev; //将当前会话用户归入之前选定的组 } return $rev; }
/** * 处理 do * 有可能会返回 goToDo * * 只有一个单词的do,对应的action是 index * * * @param string $do * @return string $goToDo */ protected function processDo($do, $defaultView = "Html") { if ($do == "") { $e = new Pft_Exception(Pft_I18n::trans("ERR_DISPATCH_NODO")); throw $e; } $goToDo = ""; $arrCtrlAndAction = $this->_analyzeDoToControllerAndAction($do); $controller = $arrCtrlAndAction[0]; $action = $arrCtrlAndAction[1]; $doFile = $arrCtrlAndAction[2]; $doAction = $arrCtrlAndAction[3]; //使用 ob_start 是为了Controller里的 redirect 可以正常使用 //ob_start(); $theCtrl = Pft_Controller_Action::factory($controller, $action); /** * 检查 会话的权限。 * 如果没有权限,抛出一个异常 * 此处别扭 */ $rbac = new Pft_Rbac(); //$rbac->checkSession(Pft_Session::getSession(), $do); $privilege = $rbac->checkActionPrivilege(Pft_Session::getSession(), $theCtrl, $action); if ($privilege instanceof TpmYonghuzhaoquanxian) { if (!$theCtrl->getTitle()) { $theCtrl->setTitle(Pft_I18n::trans($privilege->getQxMingcheng())); } } Pft_Debug::addInfoToDefault('', 'Pre do action.'); if (method_exists($theCtrl, $doAction)) { //执行controller中的action $theCtrl->{$doAction}(); } else { throw new Exception(Pft_I18n::trans("ERR_APP_LOST_ACTION")); } Pft_Debug::addInfoToDefault('', 'After do action..'); $goToDo = $theCtrl->getGoToDo(); $data = $theCtrl->getData(); if (defined("DEBUG") && DEBUG) { //调试阶段才显示Controller里输出的信息 //echo ob_get_clean(); } else { //用户使用阶段不允许 action 里输出显示数据 //ob_clean(); } if ($theCtrl->isNeedView()) { Pft_Debug::addInfoToDefault('', 'Pre load view..'); if ($theCtrl->getViewType()) { $defaultView = $theCtrl->getViewType(); } $view = Pft_View::factory($defaultView, Pft_Config::getViewPath()); $view->setHeader($theCtrl->getHeader()); Pft_Debug::addInfoToDefault('', 'After view factory..'); /** * 如果用户已登录,读取菜单信息 * @todo 未登录可能也可以有菜单 */ if ($user_id = Pft_Session::getSession()->getUserId()) { $tpmCaidans = TpmCaidanPeer::getJueseCaidan(Pft_Session::getSession()->getRoleId()); if (count($tpmCaidans)) { $view->setHeader($tpmCaidans, "menu"); // $menus = array(); // foreach ( $tpmCaidans as $tpmCaidan ) // { // $menus[] = array( $tpmCaidan->getCdMingcheng() // , $tpmCaidan->getCdChuliye() // ); // } // $view->setHeader( $menus, "menu" ); } } //读取菜单完 //$view->renderModel($theCtrl); $view->renderView($data, $this->_getDefaultViewFileOfAction($controller, $action), true); } return $goToDo; }
<a href="?do=kw_content_mark&ct_id=<?php echo $content['ct_id']; ?> &mk=3">精品</a> <a href="?do=kw_content_mark&ct_id=<?php echo $content['ct_id']; ?> &mk=1">有用</a> <a href="?do=kw_content_mark&ct_id=<?php echo $content['ct_id']; ?> &mk=-1">没用</a> <a href="?do=kw_content_mark&ct_id=<?php echo $content['ct_id']; ?> &mk=-3">垃圾</a> </div> </div> <?php } } else { ?> <div class="content">暂时没有内容。</div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../content/'; include Pft_Config::getCfg('PATH_INC') . 'view/';
/** * 预载入propel 及 相关的类 */ public static function preLoadPropelClasses() { //单系统路径模式 //self::loadFile( "PropelException.php", Pft_Config::getLibPath()."propel", true ); //多系统路径模式 $pathfilename = Pft_Config::getAbsPathFilename("PATH_LIB", "propel/PropelException.php"); self::loadFile($pathfilename, null, true); //单系统路径模式 //self::loadFile( "Propel.php", Pft_Config::getLibPath()."propel", true ); //多系统路径模式 $pathfilename = Pft_Config::getAbsPathFilename("PATH_LIB", "propel/Propel.php"); self::loadFile($pathfilename, null, true); Propel::init(Pft_Config::getPropelConfFilename()); //单系统路径模式 //self::loadFile( "Criteria.php", Pft_Config::getLibPath()."propel/util", true ); //多系统路径模式 $pathfilename = Pft_Config::getAbsPathFilename("PATH_LIB", "propel/util/Criteria.php"); self::loadFile($pathfilename, null, true); /** * 在 XxxxPeer 中自动 load Propel时, * 在此处 throw 的 exception 不能在 index 中捕获, * 怀疑在 Propel 的 某些Class 中 catch 了异常,然后没有再抛出 */ //throw new Exception("in preLoadPropelClasses"); }
/** * 获得 view 的文件名 * 输入的参数是相对于 view 根目录的 PathFilename * 自动获得绝对ViewPathFilename * * 单独写一个方法是为了对付外部设置view路径的时的情况。 * 那时就在这里修改就好了。 * * @param string $relFilename * @return string */ protected function _getAbsViewPathFilename($relPathFilename) { //return Pft_Config::getAbsPathFilename( "PATH_VIEW", $relPathFilename ); /** * 改为在子系统下放置view的模式 * @author y31 * Mon Dec 10 23:32:01 CST 2007 */ return Pft_Config::getAbsPathFilename("PATH_APP", str_replace("/ctrl", "/view", str_replace("\\", "/", $relPathFilename))); }
<div id="productRight"> <div> <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="buyTable"> <tr> <td width="30%"><b>菜品</td> <td width="15%"><b>单价</td> <td width="20%"><b>数量</td> <td width="20%"><b>小计</td> <td width="15%"><b>操作</td> </tr> <tr> </tr> </table> </div> <div id="pZongji"> 合计:<span id="zTotal"></span> <input type="hidden" id="Total" name="Total"> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </center> </body> <?php include Pft_Config::getCfg('PATH_ROOT') . 'inc/view/';
/** * 初始化 */ private static function _init() { if (!self::$_site_code) { self::$_site_code = sprintf("%02d", Pft_Config::getEpollGroupId()); } }
//var_export( $cfg_sec ); $arr_path_model[] = $cfg_sec["PATH_MODEL"]; $arr_path_model = array_unique($arr_path_model); $arr_path_lib[] = $cfg_sec["PATH_LIB"]; $arr_path_lib = array_unique($arr_path_lib); } //set_include_path(implode(INC_SPLIT,$arr_path_model).INC_SPLIT.implode(INC_SPLIT,$arr_path_lib).INC_SPLIT.get_include_path()); //set_include_path( $cfg["PATH_LIB"].INC_SPLIT.PATH_LIB."model/" ); } else { set_include_path($cfg_pri["PATH_LIB"] . INC_SPLIT . get_include_path()); //set_include_path($cfg_pri["PATH_LIB"].INC_SPLIT.$cfg_pri["PATH_MODEL"].INC_SPLIT.get_include_path()); //to reduce system load } //echo get_include_path(); /** * 基本的环境管理和类管理 需PHP5 */ require_once $cfg_pri["PATH_LIB"] . 'Pft.php'; //======================================== /** * 实现在创建对象时,自动加载类定义,即不用include Class文件 Only PHP5 */ function __autoload($class) { Pft::loadClass($class); /*Pft::loadclass2($class);*/ } Pft_Config::setPrimaryConfig($cfg_pri); if (defined("MULTI_SYSPATH_MODE") && isset($cfg_sec)) { Pft_Config::setSecondaryConfig($cfg_sec); }
/** * 说明 * * 返回数据列表 */ private function html_data() { /*/$html_data = '<table border=1 width=100%>';*/ // +--------------------------锁定表格--------------------------+ if ($this->lock_table != 'OFF') { $html_data = '<SCRIPT language=JavaScript > var DataFields=new Array() '; if (is_array($this->pure_data)) { $js_key = 0; foreach ($this->pure_data as $key => $var) { $html_data .= "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tDataFields[" . $js_key . "] =new Array("; foreach ($var as $key => $value) { //$value = htmlspecialchars($value); $value = addslashes($value); $value = str_replace("\n", "\\", $value); $html_data .= "\"" . $value . "\","; } $html_data = rtrim($html_data, ","); $html_data .= ")\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "; $js_key++; } } $html_data .= '</SCRIPT>'; $html_data .= $this->lock_js(); $html_data .= '<TR> <TD colspan=50><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0> <TBODY> <TR> <TD ><DIV id=TonyDataTable></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR>'; return $html_data; } // +--------------------------end锁定表格--------------------------+ // +-------------------------------js-鼠标单击的颜色------------------------------------+ $html_data .= '<script> function R_changeBG(RocID) { if(document.all) { var Roc = document.getElementById(RocID) var BackGround =; if (BackGround.match("#FFFADF")) { = "#EEF0F6"; } else { = "#FFFADF"; } } } </script>'; // +-------------------+ if (is_array($this->pure_data)) { foreach ($this->pure_data as $keyz => $var) { $html_data .= "<tr id=\"Roc" . $i . "\" " . $this->html_style[data] . " onclick=\"R_changeBG('Roc" . $i . "');\" onMouseOver=\"this.className ='bg';\" onMouseOut=\"this.className='source'\">"; //修改成样式了 Victor 20070613 foreach ($var as $key => $value) { $html_data .= "<td>" . $value . "</td>"; } $html_data .= "</tr>"; $i++; } //小计 if ($this->xs_xiaoji) { $html_data .= "<tr id=\"Roc" . $i . "\" " . $this->html_style[data] . " onclick=\"R_changeBG('Roc" . $i . "');\" onMouseOver=\" ='#FFFFFF';\" onMouseOut=\" ='#EEF0F6';\">"; $j = 0; foreach ($this->m_tot_arr as $key => $value) { if ($j) { if ($this->format) { if (is_float($value)) { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . ($value ? Pft_Config::sechof($value) : '') . "</b></td>"; } else { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . ($value ? $value : '') . "</b></td>"; } } else { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . ($value ? $value : '') . "</b></td>"; } } else { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . $this->z_language['小计'] . "</b></td>"; } $j++; } $html_data .= "</tr>"; } //合计 if ($this->xs_heji) { $html_data .= "<tr id=\"Roc" . $i . "\" " . $this->html_style[data] . " onclick=\"R_changeBG('Roc" . $i . "');\" onMouseOver=\" ='#FFFFFF';\" onMouseOut=\" ='#EEF0F6';\">"; $j = 0; foreach ($this->tot_arr as $key => $value) { if ($j) { if ($this->format) { if (is_float($value)) { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . ($value ? Pft_Config::sechof($value) : '') . "</b></td>"; } else { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . ($value ? $value : '') . "</b></td>"; } } else { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . ($value ? $value : '') . "</b></td>"; } } else { $html_data .= "<td><b>" . $this->z_language['合计'] . "</b></td>"; } $j++; } $html_data .= "</tr>"; } } //$html_data .= '</table>'; return $html_data; }