Esempio n. 1
  * Generate and store a Plancake Email address
 public function generateAndStorePlancakeEmailAddress()
     do {
         $truncatedUserEmail = preg_replace('/@.*$/', '', $this->getEmail());
         $randomPart = mt_rand(10, 99) . chr(mt_rand(97, 122)) . mt_rand(100, 999);
         $plancakeEmailAddressWithoutDomain = 'inbox_' . $truncatedUserEmail . '_' . $randomPart;
         // I double check the email address doesn't exist already
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(PcPlancakeEmailAddressPeer::EMAIL, $plancakeEmailAddressWithoutDomain, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $entry = PcPlancakeEmailAddressPeer::doSelectOne($c);
     } while (is_object($entry));
     $plancakeEmailDbEntry = new PcPlancakeEmailAddress();
  * @see sfTask
 protected function executeTask($env, $arguments = array(), $options = array())
      * Getting the directory where the emails are stored
     $inboxUser = sfConfig::get('app_emailToInbox_inboxUser');
     $emailDomain = sfConfig::get('app_emailToInbox_mailServerDomain');
     $newEmailPath = $arguments['emailFileAbsolutePath'];
     // there are some regular Plancake inbox email address that are
     // use just for spam
     $spamAccounts = array();
     $spamAccounts[] = 'niki_5436';
     // this will be interpreted as
     $spamAccounts[] = 'niki.jones_15c522';
     $this->log("parsing the email at " . $newEmailPath);
     $mailParser = new PlancakeEmailParser(file_get_contents($newEmailPath));
     $plancakeSubjectOK = false;
     $plancakeRecipientOK = false;
     $emailTo = array();
     $emailSubject = '';
     $emailCc = $mailParser->getCc();
     try {
         $emailTo = $mailParser->getTo();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->handleFault("couldn't retrieve the 'to' header of the email", $newEmailPath);
     try {
         $emailSubject = $mailParser->getSubject();
         $plancakeSubjectOK = true;
         $this->log("got the subject of the email: " . $emailSubject);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->handleFault("couldn't retrieve the subject of the email", $newEmailPath);
     $emailRecipients = array_merge($emailTo, $emailCc);
     $emailRecipients = implode(', ', $emailRecipients);
     $deliveredToHeader = $mailParser->getHeader('Delivered-To');
     $emailRecipients = $deliveredToHeader . ', ' . $emailRecipients;
     $this->log("all recipients of the email: " . $emailRecipients);
     $internalEmail = false;
     // to flag an email sent to the catchall address
     $spamEmail = false;
     if (preg_match('/' . $inboxUser . "@{$emailDomain}/", $emailRecipients, $matches)) {
         $internalEmail = true;
         $this->log("discarding the email as it is an internal one");
         if (is_file($newEmailPath)) {
     if (preg_match("/inbox_([^@]+)@{$emailDomain}/i", $emailRecipients, $matches)) {
         // found Plancake Inbox address!
         $plancakeInbox = $matches[1];
         if (in_array($plancakeInbox, $spamAccounts)) {
             $spamEmail = true;
             $this->handleFault("discarding the email because it is from a spammer", $newEmailPath);
         } else {
             $emailRecipient = 'inbox_' . $plancakeInbox . "@{$emailDomain}";
             $plancakeRecipientOK = true;
             $this->log("got the Plancake recipient of the email: " . $emailRecipient);
     } else {
         $this->handleFault("couldn't find a Plancake recipient for the email", $newEmailPath);
      * Sorting the email into the database
     if ($plancakeRecipientOK && $plancakeSubjectOK) {
         $this->log('well done. For this email we got both the recipient and the subject. I can now create the task for the user.');
         $emailRecipientWithoutDomain = str_replace("@{$emailDomain}", '', $emailRecipient);
         $c = new Criteria();
         $c->add(PcPlancakeEmailAddressPeer::EMAIL, $emailRecipientWithoutDomain, Criteria::EQUAL);
         $plancakeEmail = PcPlancakeEmailAddressPeer::doSelectOne($c);
         if (is_object($plancakeEmail)) {
             // everything's OK
             $userId = $plancakeEmail->getUserId();
             $user = PcUserPeer::retrieveByPk($userId);
             // check whether there is a note for the task
             $note = $this->extractNote($mailParser->getPlainBody());
             if (strlen($note)) {
                 $this->log("note: {$note}");
             if (!strlen($emailSubject)) {
                 $emailSubject = 'Something went wrong with a task you sent via email. Please contact us.';
             PcTaskPeer::createOrEdit($emailSubject, $user->getInbox()->getId(), 0, '', false, $note);
             $this->log('the email has successfully become a task for the user.');
         } else {
             // something wrong
             $this->handleFault('no email user', $newEmailPath);
             $this->log('couldn\'t create a task from the email - the Plancake address is not in the system :-(.');
     } else {
         if ((!$plancakeRecipientOK || !$plancakeSubjectOK) && !$internalEmail && !$spamEmail) {
             // something wrong
             $this->handleFault('email parsing', $newEmailPath);
             $this->log("counldn't find both the recipient and the subject of the email. Nothing to do.");
     $this->log("deleting the email from the hard disk.");
     if (is_file($newEmailPath)) {