require_once "../../framework/User.php"; require_once "../../framework/Vehicle.php"; require_once "../../framework/Job.php"; require_once "../../framework/Driver.php"; require_once "../../framework/Company.php"; require_once "../../framework/PaymentHelper.php"; $status = $_POST["status"]; $firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; $amount = $_POST["amount"]; $txnid = $_POST["txnid"]; $posted_hash = $_POST["hash"]; $key = $_POST["key"]; $productinfo = $_POST["productinfo"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $salt = "GQs7yium"; if (isset($_POST["additionalCharges"])) { $additionalCharges = $_POST["additionalCharges"]; $retHashSeq = $additionalCharges . '|' . $salt . '|' . $status . '|||||||||||' . $email . '|' . $firstname . '|' . $productinfo . '|' . $amount . '|' . $txnid . '|' . $key; } else { $retHashSeq = $salt . '|' . $status . '|||||||||||' . $email . '|' . $firstname . '|' . $productinfo . '|' . $amount . '|' . $txnid . '|' . $key; } $hash = hash("sha512", $retHashSeq); $payHelper = new PaymentHelper(); $payHelper->ProcessPaymnetFailure($amount, $productinfo, 'payu', $txnid); header("refresh:1;url="); if ($hash != $posted_hash) { echo "Invalid Transaction. Please try again"; } else { echo "<h3>Your order status is " . $status . ".</h3>"; //echo "<h4>Your transaction id for this transaction is ".$txnid.". You may try making the payment by clicking the link below.</h4>"; }
<?php require_once "../../../utility/helper/Pay/PayHelper.php"; $mEmployeeList = $mCompany->getEmployeeList(); $payHelper = new PaymentHelper(); $amount = 1200; $productinfo = 'activation'; $txnid = '121212'; echo $payHelper->ProcessPayment($amount, $productinfo, 'payu', $txnid, 1);
<?php require_once "PayHelper.php"; $status = $_POST["status"]; $firstname = $_POST["firstname"]; $amount = $_POST["amount"]; $txnid = $_POST["txnid"]; $posted_hash = $_POST["hash"]; $key = $_POST["key"]; $productinfo = $_POST["productinfo"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $salt = "GQs7yium"; if (isset($_POST["additionalCharges"])) { $additionalCharges = $_POST["additionalCharges"]; $retHashSeq = $additionalCharges . '|' . $salt . '|' . $status . '|||||||||||' . $email . '|' . $firstname . '|' . $productinfo . '|' . $amount . '|' . $txnid . '|' . $key; } else { $retHashSeq = $salt . '|' . $status . '|||||||||||' . $email . '|' . $firstname . '|' . $productinfo . '|' . $amount . '|' . $txnid . '|' . $key; } $hash = hash("sha512", $retHashSeq); if ($hash != $posted_hash) { echo "Invalid Transaction. Please try again"; } else { $payHelper = new PaymentHelper(); $payHelper->ProcessPaymnetSucess($amount, $productinfo, 'payu', $txnid); header("refresh:1;url="); echo "<h3>Thank You. Your order is " . $productinfo . ".</h3>"; echo "<h4>We have received a payment of Rs. " . $amount . ". Your order will soon be shipped.</h4>"; } ?>
<?php require_once "../../framework/User.php"; require_once "../../framework/Vehicle.php"; require_once "../../framework/Job.php"; require_once "../../framework/Driver.php"; require_once "../../framework/Company.php"; require_once "../../framework/PaymentHelper.php"; $mUser = new User(); $isCompanyAdmin = $mUser->isCompanyAdmin(); $mCompany = new Company($mUser->getCompany()); $mEmployeeList = $mCompany->getEmployeeList(); $payHelper = new PaymentHelper(); $duePayment = $payHelper->getDuepaymentForActivation() + $payHelper->getDuepayment(); $vehPayInfo = $payHelper->GetPaymentCode(); $vehicleList = $payHelper->GetVehicleList(); ?> <html xmlns=""><head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> <title>FindGaddi</title> <!-- CSS --> <!-- Reset Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../res/reset.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- Main Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../res/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen">
<?php require_once "../../framework/User.php"; require_once "../../framework/Vehicle.php"; require_once "../../framework/Job.php"; require_once "../../framework/Driver.php"; require_once "../../framework/Company.php"; require_once "../../framework/PaymentHelper.php"; require_once "sensitivepayinfo.php"; $mUser = new User(); $payHelper = new PaymentHelper(); if (!empty($_GET)) { $vehPayInfo = $_GET['id']; } else { $vehPayInfo = 3; } $amount = $payHelper->GetPaymentByPayCode($vehPayInfo); $vehicleIDs = $payHelper->GetVehicleListByPayCode($vehPayInfo); ?> <html> <head> <!-- Reset Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../res/reset.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- Main Stylesheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../res/style.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- Invalid Stylesheet. This makes stuff look pretty. Remove it if you want the CSS completely valid --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../res/invalid.css" type="text/css" media="screen"> <!-- jQuery -->